HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-22, Page 7•
tart +"•-^�'?�.t,�
National, 116, Dominion; • 119; ani.
Toronto, 123.-
Delving into the :historical records.
•it is found that of the, 150 banks,
• 44, or 80" per, cent*, are 400 or more
years of age,, AS, would pe expected,;
',oldest of the lot is an English bank,
Coutts & Co., wliii,'h; dates. away back
to 1692,
With iii si 5 egetables the season
can be.-greotly extended. by, using, vor;,y
r ,
. .YT
den an for
.e 1?e ... example;'ine, time ot,iria,•.
'turit „wilt var 'ir
. ,-y l y otn; about 50. days'
.•�tq•:,.75„ Instead; of o.plantin I
g ane'
P>El Y
var e
1 t . i : •!e.' adv ' _
Y is b!
.. ,.. � at .. a to include:. et
1 'ast..thr e, Early Sowing is ;essential
tin, ce�taiii "
,,. _ , .. . PartsAof the count,',
Fall .crop with a qu ek' growin'
#. s
et is also ° ,
,.m . Y •,,, , .. P, ossible' fan corn th � e} ;•
arly'.. a
e y Bantam types maturii, .the
ahead ,of ,the regular season' and some.
of the late, both white and, yellow
•kinds, are on until'' frost or" even`:
•aft•er.. • .
�.- �, r
The , gardener ie advised for'• the
quickest Possible. results, to purchase:
a eertain 'quantity:' of ." Star
.,, ted plants•
of both flowers and vegetables,'These:
are';usually' urehased :from the
P green,
• ,house`, -'florist or seed house, It im
of ai •:: ° ':t1ie varieties
and: on • this•.account `it is a • splendid
'idea to consult, a• good' Canadian° seed,
catalogue before placing an order.'The•
'garden'e:r 'can look Over' the varidus•
• varieties olYered in thet I
ca a oglle and
i hnnlr! njnt• tt , M* t
s Wante, are in the boxes of:
the- plants bought.
,Am.Ongthe fowere'can:,
•u ch
JP r seed;, as started
,. Planta a e:the.
corm s,'�
... o ,. zinnia
_ • .petunias,
saiplglossis nicotine • and a; host o1,
'oth , ,
,e>rs: Gabb�ge"'C�eler ''to ,
,.r y, ihato -he
. tpC ,,:. egg." a.,:
e. g a e .
. _ .6 n • l? P"P: plants, ;iii . tile, •'
veetab1e line are all. � sold 'as.: started'
The- householders with only a little
land to spare•should concentrate ate on
vegetables which give the big-
' gest returns TM; :.the. s iallest: s •nace
occupied. Among such kinds are. }leans.
carrots, •onions,: lettuce swiss•
spinach, Cucumber's and 'beets. • in
the lesser.known vegetables,' g table's,' a're' tile.,
-leaks,. egg pepper and e er
plants, broad
bean , !' 4.
town iii al
B most iii`:� art:
Y p of ;Can-'
tda;• Expertsm,advise the,;incluSion of
something new in the • vegetablei
each year so .that variety cau ire gra-.
dually widened:
Expect . `$2 , Wheat .1•
So anuuh. way said) aiid. written
about, the 'tremendous' world wheat
surplus and. •how it :was depressing
wWeat,, pt ices ,. that " it comes; almost.
like , :i bolt from a the blue ,,to ^read
that a -,dually. no sur plus existed since
the cry, first went forth
• A news die ateh ran .Lon1p}�
states"" that ".It xs : agreed `'that the
• prevailnig belief of ,recent,years that
a hi
()file. over -production .existed
- Was fallacious:.' An- analysis of .pro
duction.,'and•••that what appeared to
be over -production act:ually,'was the .
r fug ; •of producers to liquidate suer
plus •tac;ks' accumulated in two must
•eXG•eptio'nal crdps.",
•If that be' :so, asks `the, Kitchener.,
ltecur;i; why did some statesmen who
should ; have been in • the -'know ad:
vocat.. fi` Sharp- reduction'of acreage
sewn to ;�"`heat?;.. ,The. whole thing is
cuntlh tin' o;nd, leaves, the average
Pian nonplussed:.;
At Cate it i5 evident that the
.price of. ;wheat is• going up steadily:
We .are well • past dollar wheat. at.,
Which figure the •prairie farmer Was
calculated t*. earn a:.margin 'of' pro,:
'tit,.,nruvidee he had a'.c•op.
- Howegr, dollar
Wheat_ . -Will look.
like small potatoes if , predictions:
7• come trite for`' in.'sonie' guartei's it 'is
anti. iI.ated. that the price' of:Wheat
,will go •,to .nt 'least ..$2,10 in, July.
That would 1,e 'early: enough for the •
farmer 'who cant afford to -hold
grain to:cash ,in.:on the.'sharp advance
in this all •important ;product•, of the
Prang Provinces Imagine what
such mc'reased.. pure,hasing. - power..
:Would mean to••the indtutrial' East! •.
_poi.t. on aliple toe Planting is i•ria,de
Should. ris"e' again ,te peak,'
..RaltiWins, are the most•podpular',V.arie-•
eVapora fed and.' canned ;it.Pples': has •
this ,•crend will,. alto prtiVe an, aid it)
the '',roWer ApproximAtel 6'700
tied;:evanoi•itteil or Made, into Cider. •,
31r. •Johnsori pointed' to the.; 1986
sinall • harVest•'of 22,706 in' 1985 in,
SuPpo'rtin'g 'his views. th,at
the enc. .incire 'than: inedi-
Plain '; •
Label �:
.Last Easily 'Made -
,Pla:lt labels of several years'•: Per,'
maneoc•e can be fashioned snnply, „by,;,,
any" ga't"deriei "The ordinary, wooden'.
labs!•• -iris: -lie r tten-o i?wiEh .black
ink,, than : dipped in varnish er shell=:
'ac; and drained and:;dried -before
� set i_ri� frlaee ifl tlrc gal din:
Po«.ibly less conspicuous and .even'.
more durable :are • labels made' of'
zine. A Sheet of, •zine, _purchased'
from the' plumber, may be cut. into;:
strips of the desired 'label' size:-S;atis--
factors' measurements' 'for, . general
u'se 'are'six : inches long': by an inch'
• and�a quarter wide:..A mixture,,of:atie
liquid ounce of hydrochloric. 'acid and
one• ouri'¢'e, ' of . powdered • antimony .
makes the writing solution. A''sharp-
pointer,•wooden :skew ei or sharpened
hand; twig; is- used for 'writing, tlte:.
antimony. being stirred Into 'the acid!
when.•using. The' 'legend • will turn
black on .both the;zine and both
ring and label Iasi indefinitely through.
sup:; and storm.
/ America's greatest problem ,„is the
sad plight of ',Men and,. wemen• oVer
:40 whO rriust eat hilt whe cannot find
'is not onlY tinInst, to the uriempleyed
- It. is still more unjilst the ern-'•
ployers'as it autoniatiCally bars from
American industry the,• best, fastest
and moat dependable workers,' people
whose cresitiye and 'executive. 'powers
are just beginning .to function at •
:„.York, (letter, -in NeW York Times).
Largest Banks 1..
The World .Over
The ,largett bank, in the Eng,i.lisli•!.
*Odd. •le the ederal. Reserve
iSeicr line
England's Alidland Hank;,•then the
, Chaie .National ,..of New York, arid
Berelay's;• LloyiPS ;end', Westminster.
,y.car, the ;California Bank-
. Of •Los'. Arigelei' Compiles ranking.
'Of ,the 150 largeet• banks' in:!Engliab-
APeaking 'countries based on deposit'
'rank stands well in the lead in this!
bankt 'hate 'totals. of More than '. 2,-
$800 Millions Of the big NeW' Ydrk,
Cariadiari bankS,' stand very 'well.
In the -Hat, Witb the 'Royal ranking
it is orliiterest that, the, Cana-
dian institutiOns are •' tubstantiallY
larger than those. in any 'Of
other' er possess....
irons. In all Canada „bat 40 "chart.:
eked" .0f• 'those .ncti less than
eight ake the' langest.
"Further, for good meaStike, the
of Canada' appears; in this year's 114,
liatitiitirig, of. the 'other gkuidian.•
banks. ie 'f011evis: 'Coinnierce, 241,.
Yr'4 ��ir
Sec - s•
en i
t star
. �.. se M t�>t d .to..,av
e Q e
or�ia� '
of'� Dol , . •. . •
AME'S, Iowa.--Iowa-St• t
e ' 1"
r a •ole'
. , C-, ge.,
scienti s,° a ',a,'
_ s non
, ., t. n n e dis'cove : , •;;
ap•.pracCtcah method; of coiitroli=”
,ing mold—the leech -!lice growth that
teals the life -blood of l
w "h ants and
taints food. •
br.'I.•E. Melo
us('and` r. � Ge r
C. • Kent, botanists,: said -'three years'
.ex ems
_ �� � ion yielded • a `substance •
P, entat
=atoxin.'•—that will: retard . the
fungus - and ':mold. rowth on •eern,
barley,, fruits •and,'vegetables.
They estimated fai'me s
, r, , may be,
able,:ti• save: millions,of
dollars ytar•
r1:+! •. r ti ,tw4•1,1 , IN•.11.1 1IT �r tir".001 ter+
-100.,g eanada's Mininj High*ray t
. r w.-� ■,�-.Crr�r— —r— e ,
• Bi•ltish Columbia .reports indlcat
financing, of the Iii ge B,C. Nickel,
posit by a. Canadian-U,S. Syndicat
hrilding ,enntracts for. disposal•` of con
'.centrates to Japanese: interests,
and: 2• lyelis'deopenng r
' pidl , • alsn
Y. driIltn ' .
_ under. way c
Mina t'etroleni's No. " , ell:•=
oil '.field'Ais n'
i. t]io�ited,• tyis . t 's• ni
Pa Y's No 1 :ive 1
,3r 1 Acid}zing•;;of the
Foundation w'
11 1
ii '•
e Trne
•:. ,.,, u .i
taking Place p}oduct,on._
in•'hianito'.7a,•"Slee'i•itt•Go}•don ie.. Pre
paring fol•. resumption",of roiluct
• P .ion.
Ontario's fields are most active.
Madsen t'
u It ed. Lake- ie ,movliig ahead
with its shaft sinkin ..and d
,.. � e�.el,oli-
mens plans„ .iIardrock, in; the Long•
Lac Cain is
p dev,eloping • new rola'
rade in. the 'wee
t shaft SGUti01i., The
M Leoi1 situation, underground g nd, 'i }
ported o b 'better
will, be drif ,.
,tang on - two- -: •
sho.i fly.''. •
In • 1'oretipiii •.' iinpoi�tirn , ore i
* ,, t is re=
orted, on Preston East'llomeiss• 200
oot .level;•weet•:diive; The 'uirita Poi••"
cupirie lias announced ''1iain' nd ,drill -
ng, arrangements -= •Pinion, :rdporta
inproving operating` •results` Iiirk-
and ' Lake .Gold •reports . a most
e •
portant ore deve.lopinent ;
e- south of the: Marissa line.: The :La`rder'.,,
e Lakz field; trom, ;fifteen to ,twenty-
nye miles "east' of Kirkland Lake,, i's:
the scene o: intense ac
tivity. ^ ISerr-
Adjlison„ by• diamond
- �r��•-'•ii� wt,�a iii o,i,t.a-_ . ,,.,.•.
! n
lx Cor . ; :.,.
,. , _ e li
a ,.• ;nitsa,
Martin laud coati "u
nes to' develop
PrP o• .
n !v
. ,.. t.._ ee.;' levels' i •`
,,.under round
()Mega :.
stead,!' 'prepares:, .. pares• for''..
•Y future:
enlrged rod
1?...tt't... U
.�,. er.
pP, an
.0 oda
a attalnerl' its .,5p0 -foot `leve-!. shaft•'.
r ective : • ,
.n..er,ground :,ore,. ae,'
o en�
P t`
#n. o:�be .;�
.. g.. shortly ,
Chesterville '
• : i sports. iTnportant . 're:'
Sults „in` d aniond driilIn 'with h r
g ., t No an .
da reported as having' entered the,
.company's affairs as a
,substantial. �'
sharQhol:er, Pelangio Larder re o
diamond drilling. to comment ''
• , . .. a tit. once.
Armistice .has, already .started• to
.• drip. •
Arjon, ac:jo'r,ing• Keri•:Add's•
t ,on, is re-
Paring for. active Work 'and :Barber-
Larder, has, s surface ;work` and
er ;way,
e'` !role
has al?kained:.the. services oi'.-a
'ly -by. applying the :toxin` on fruit's,_
Losses, d1ae, to fungus dis ase on
t. disc
age ec,r;nomic :plants, they,
,P , ,,said, has`
been estimated as 'high 'as"$1,500,-
000,0110 annually, c.om. are' i
p d with 'in
sect damage estimated "at' $1;-000,- .
M61,1 the ;botanists explained, •
Lthe common family name for the
,large group', of ''sometimes 'Visible i
parasites. Higher in the biological
scale that,; bacteria and ,numbering,
possihiy:hundreds.`of species.
mer: ire • it•ect. their
diamond "drilling
g and surface �o
Quenpc areas are making record'
ing finances.
Newspapers Earn
willing to pass the hat if.'otlier peciPle
• Friend Are you:going to be beth-':
ered'•inueli with your income •,•tax
'&o,. 1 'have ',Wet figured-. Out that:
4harge me the, government will owe
• ,SIt isn't 'what you, say you are go -
yen aettially •de that turns lite triek..,
carid Butzard is; 'the fastest flying •
Some folke•burn their bridges be:.
hind theni; and sortie burn theirs be,
fora therm'
,f3(0,,U.• Might: better lie 'called atight-:
:Wad -hy "the called.
„Neighbor, -,-What wee Yeur hu$: -
,him. ' •e:got. angry. lie found' I had -
used hie raeket teOettain
picture, of, health • is only' the picture
,of high: bleed pressure..
ay.. surppse you
Jaite;---beri'i' you thing' its •aivftill
linsband: starts out ' at that time.
. Seine' Men du What their wives tell
thein :do and •so le men, are' aot
cancel the $5. ycni.'iniii"oWed '
than •in: hate loved, pkeinisCtfontly,
'nyiliPkleSt-wiskIr-fer''the Courts.
There alWa.,ye be., those who
than you know,:if.
Once it take a wornari
change fat a thOatte. tieicet. oat of,
her iiindbae .isn't, it?'
.Why, hi ,14. miiintee'yoff cam cook
tWo-cent call Serantom .or
with a 'lightning tip-:*,outer'llittidbaL
lioW long &les' it take the. iady to
',get the priee Of •St theatre tfekee to*
Iisue No, 17
:.• too. the annual. convention,of :the
',Weekly NeWeriapere-A'sSoetation :he
torY 16 me. At ••I• tinpw 'newepaper re
:dera,. they like ',to ruminate, over..a.
•Yell Can't 110
olt the etni titer What goes' in . one e
thing one, seetuid and along .string
'• Of. the .divislon,'ex'horted, the Week)
• The pried. .paper, he maintaine.
, part '"fighting 'Com
Whig things' of civilizatton,",
pi...Fox: "It ie essential: in- niaintain
for newe'Which.. Created- the newe
paper, 'he ,Contiiiiied,' reininclingi that
which Were placed in .the IcirUms...„The
iished. about .162(Y,,,_nlyi -fir strange ,COM,
GUide To' Civilization .
lt also'liitcreiting-,to note; he at -
he said, Pdon1t realige.that if there. it
.anything wrong .With th'e paper§ it is .,
reflectien .of ;Wrongs: 'Whih••
hatefirt "'come tieciety.' Today,.
it. They have ,liconte a."Vital-gnide
:br. Poi. held •that;. during the. de-.
ice for good" drone thrOngli the edio
Hal :attitude 'of . the., aVerage neWS•
SOLO Of the .1)Cwilderaleilt
ay have liepn 'created the hots
ins 'of both the WeekiieS'and the dal,"'":
13 have 'talked td the people:10 • a,•
inmost, .and eo61' deliberation '6e the
On -
411110 (116' Cifr01110
ON'AYS intliretted him,. 'declared..
Or, reinifine hinnatt being, 'in' relation
t1 bte.reitdere Mid that ft Wati(14i,o.
tul fief"' be Said, "That entititastA'
!With the editort. oCt.be. great city tra
_cuts about...Abe :unit/ ersity-oe
0nttrio „which are not. generally
With its. registration'bf 2,614
eats, ',Western larger othin•arty. other
Western. 'Canada College .with. the ex-
ception !..Of the' University of Manit6-";
!,m;. informed.' its -registration. is'
Dalhouaie UniVergitY; 'and in arts
registration is larger than either
Canadian .'college prObleras With tnote
in the: United,. States. Canada, he stet...
41, 'has only 2cr univergitie'etercising,
degree -conferring, while • the
populat4on of :Canada., • the! Drifted,
....lie toncitided 'with. an admonition
On:the respOnsibility- Of :an editor
knew that seinetirnesr, the longest way
"deciared.:','rpollowing, that .pi•ecept lie
:ein lay' before Tthe peonle 'good' sound
betieye that. they want: it." ,.
ie the Government 'giving
,"To fight Somebody, I'suppote.”.
"Why weren't they fit and streng
before .
te. eat when'. they, were:children."
"Why didn't the Government give
them • a special .diet' then
would, be wanted as •
"'Dace, the •Coverinnent., ontY,
"''411* :they bad been giyen.a' spndial
'''diet when. theY were children, would:.
."Yes, and half its'•bjg again: '111i -ire,
wptild also be •Cneygli" r.ecruits:• to .011.:
"Yeli, if they, fed all •the Children,
now they •woUld hate ..oienty Sot- ,
diets When they'„eitow,,Opi weajdn't
,te teed ;Children whci May not. be
Wanted; as soltifert.'''
There 'are 1,024,000 persOns'hy,the
• NO need for Wpm.
from 'periodic PkinS,
hcretIckd tonic.
toad 'my, told tonstated, 1 • 'Ass'
rlia,Ippe4ted,."*.ls:t4 411.11 5041,
°The sweetest '
ever toile
.:. fir,! ,�!t.,:+.".i..w•a�w. - .
n, how'th
e roh= tsar-' •
.. � . Y , owners do.loye,
theirOgden s,Ogden'tFineCut.-suc
asweefpfragranteigaretteto eco .'.
ba . ,,. It.
telisah fultstor of` mo i
especially when you use"Chantecler''
Vo ue paPefs. And to,:
the story ewes
ter t'I '. '
srl o
,Y u now
� ettl.
larger 'package of Ogden s. for 1.5c.
You,. Pipe
Foreign Service
Claim , Women
•Appointments Are
,. ,.... Made to.BeI-•
' gium; , anil Italy,
-women who con)p led brilliant records •
as A,
carper' en, .
e. o�.
d is
P .. a
,. the h ,
P e
. . _ . - _. _ _ _. .,.w aid , .... _,�
1 •.I
trig•• enkoy
of thein sex undeir'the;
n. in,
is£rati i
s F ;
.. s ,ane "�' •� . • - •,
. _., Elrzabetll. Wr)Iz ,a •
x s, nd
Mi§s,: Cont r
s antes Ida': •H '.
._,y arve , . _. . 1 ,
Yr seal
�,ed; �o Belgium...and' Italy� reS ec_tveI
ill '
only w n
<� Y n
)e ,ow .an :, the.
gn vise.
others married,
d i •
•e .
s e '
, ut Ba
. �' . h. ' .. cyan,
Owen„ appointed Minister to. Den- -
mark in 193.3 v '
.,r .., .Was the United
first woman envoy. • She ` r 'r...'
last suli n er, •a
fter� marrying Captain '
Bores Rohde 1'
1 de of"DT:nmark: � • • ` .. .
Presidenft Rodsev 1
e k has indicated
that .he would
.: . again' appoint. a 'woman '.
minister;" :sendin Mr •
.. ., .. K s, J. Borden..
IIarrinian to Norwa
. Y,
Beth Miss "
Willisx ...and;"'Miss"Harve :. :••
entered •the'''fo .ei -n. y
r g seivice- through'
e foreign service school; and.'serve
.'On the sainebasi ,.as
s,.,_; 700' men..
Miss Willis,: 3Z, now third
tary of _the'.Legation: in. Brussels, ':as-
'signed ,also to: Luxembourg and,. the -
Netherlands, has attained 'the: rank•',
•of consul, an'd servers; as charge,• d'af-
fairee Miss Harvey, 32, is vice -con-
Sul•'in Milan, Italy, She went: there
rn' 1931•after a short assignment to'
Ottawa, given upon; her•, appointm,ent', •.
in April, 1930.,
After -12 -Hour Bank
front the 12 -hour. battle that
his 'last and"- What' he called • hiS
• to Stay in the' yunning," lie said ; with.
had !oat one:game betore that,. white
'any, That, gave him% a half-point lead
• wouldn't have 'been any good.:".., '
Classified Advertising
knoWn 'line Of 'Men's and. Ladies'
• able oparel, • complete, range. as, need.' bjt
Butchers, Beanty ShOps, -• Soda Fountains:,
pate •cash. paid. --- Marigold Stamp 'Co... 77
'potent; • strirt•• this 'pleasant, employitient; .• for
imProved .terms 'and wages Paid. .wrIte now.•
billties .$200.00 -weekly ' or more.. FasclnatIng
year round work! ,Be Bp. -first in ..yOur,
. locality to' ,handle, this . new, money, Makcr.
..cuaranfeed- riecesslties'... Make ,up
• 200 HoustI1OLD ARTICLES 'FROM 5.
,t‘.." One anOlicatiori stops Itching,. stamPing
0:00.. Nethritville,'• Ontario.
girds,. Victoria'. McArthur,'',Itibilee,, Air,
port. Toronto, ,r;ntario, •
te§ted big Barred 'Rock's' far 814C,.'or ,
Per 'dent *Rh order: Balanee,C,O:D: AndY'
,01"941raTier set use.. „
Advice .
e So
:to...Completely revite :writing in the
• a short 'time ago... It detigned
Make . early. training eatier for. -the
the teaching Of reading, inaY be -Made .
the 'contention of some, '
...that •childte. musples..;are net
4.museular movement style of Writ- .„
ate. of the oPirlion• that ,,
thie • type of writing actually •••
ing the, lettere. . has been suggett-‘;'
. id that the medical ' opiniOn Will be .
sought:to determine Which '•argnment
1Y 'these. in...the lower grades, liaVe
been ..`.`printing" the ,,blaekbeard -work,
'So that:the child ndt,-Veeopire Con- .,
fused filen. he 'sbeginsT'te read frorn,
'printed book.
Lis _likely 'to be• revited ,have notheen
Don' ts for Women,
Who,Work On
Plane With Men
i.,,awSon„ .stake, *scene ..deSigner
men-, tinn•It all. women•
.inen to. speak forcefiiliy; "Withent foe ,••
•runitei• Of fact flia tribe iiien are." .•
successful at painting Scenery, littifdo •
:the 4Veart house dress
is flight of •sta!ge Stairs- 'oor
shipping ori $0;11 and at' heine,
'can cook all the. favorite dffilles
sim Alan,
W :Tic, being tested in I,oncielt
Gel many has issued an" official .cfc!,1
Cree -that 110t 0.11 scrap Of .piipr not
'the smallest piece 'Of. rag shou)d be '
Help te.• bring the, "four-yeit4-plati"
"{,O cenipletien,: