HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-22, Page 4:7,r.70:.:4",7•77;7nm'"
(ENT A Ile Round .Trip
3,41)1illiallial Pare!: AcImit#7c Olildrei. 404
AND AD.I.i.4,r,,NT4 R; :STATIONS. •
• •
ripril kj,;.• TivOshawa,liowntanville. Port Hepe;'Cobenre. .
• Trenton 'Jct,,. • Napanee,
: .G4Oaneque,'BreekVille Prescott Morrisberg • Cornwall *Claridge
tiatia4Y, Feterberoi.leatliPbellford. Newrearicef,•-•Penetarkg,'
MellfOrd, .Barrie,Orilliai Midland .GreYenhurst •BraCebridge;
EIuitsviI1e•Callandet; North Bay,, Party SoUnd, Otiahury;
in ls..1;ew Ontario paIrne ,pf .Tersislcaming and Northern: Ontario .Rly,
Nipissing...Centrel Kapeskasing„ Lenglaci: Nakina, TaShOtaSionx ,
Ldokeut,...Getalaten, jelliCee; Bearamelee, Port 4ither,..,
"•• AP' t HR"..-iitford ChathamL,
Sat MAY ,TOR 9-.'•-• ' - •
, ,7,_.,.,-"IP1:".**147,""''''
pxecet Fergus, Aiocierica, rcanuicon riaeover, rAarriscon,..
Ingersoll- 'Kincardine': Kitchener Landon Lintowel •Mitehell Nia'
: gam Fallof Pliven Sound; .Fainley„ • Palmerston, ,Paris,, •Port Elgin, ..
• .st,„:,,catherines,St. .MilrY's,7Sarma,..Seuthompten.,! .StratfOrd; Staath
rpy, Walkerton,'WlartonWiegham,'Wollatock, ' •
For Pares,•Aeturn Liinits,". Train Inf011nlation,Tickete consult neat'.
est ,,Ment;: ,Se ef handbills' for cOmPlete"liSt destinatiene
• ;.614.;A:L
ThE „.
1.4.4cANOW.. SAN:T.41E4'
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or Beauty an
TECTIO oose •t
You paint for beauty and protettinnand Martin-Senour
00%,,Pure Paint guarantees you bOth-guarantees,in,
writing on every can that no cheap and 'useless adultei= •
wits are used in its .ntanufactnie. Thae,s, why you 'get:.
...inger lasting Protection, firmer,colors'and a better and
- more economical job• .
PIEU-G-1.0$ Medium Gloss Enamel
• The new sanitary; Washable:finish foiiMerior
, •
;walla and Wciodwork.. Atreasrproduct to use
. pries with medinra jinn. Obtainable in wide
.range Of beautifid, iipastel 'shades.
Phone -00W-
• •
• •
• Mrs. 'Inward ..it'obinsim" frum •Th e• April meeting.of the IJ.
• forth- has been spendingthe:. paA, -t% heldIlmrsclay `4t: the home
•ew weeks ;with ;her, mOthdr,-.-M
,Peicter; who has; 40t iaeenS' 9njoY1,11g.
- 6f Mri. A.' Huoes:;, With a 14ege
The ''roe'ethig ' op,ened Avith
, the' best•'Of heal*.
. . •
• Afigue. MacAtileY. •.'went ; 11144,
week to issigt- Ur, Dick..11/14cWhinney
„ . .
,of Ashfield. ' •
' iind • Mrs, Vrod,, Crutopad
fainilY; •leftl on ',11,10nday, 'pt., their new
.hathe:: near', BelgriVe., ' •
, . . .
• r The: farnaera,..ja this ; eqininunity
have ,,eomitendif:their sprifig.• seed-
ing operations• . • • •, tt'
• ' Mr.'icalvinlVineKay, 'Itipley, is a§-
A hpinber ofthegirltih
.mlinity have joined tlie Garden and
• •Canning 'Club nder the dlieetion.df
the Department 6f. Agripulttire. The
first meeting will be lord' in Ripley
on ..SaiurdAY,... April, 24th,, •
. " the:in:Au • lied itYlPell'thilt engage,'
. Anent to corisequently wa
• -'-grilittly •annoyedhy the; slow' move"
'moll. of Ahe.barlier who wasKcep Sluiying
the brush:, still, ,be, said at
Iasi In exasPeration. I'll wigtemy
And then.. there -Wei, the. little' girt,
Who. kept .petutine hot juethe'r
-,-botie-Which"dresSi-to i...*e.11-r: A-0 'O• n"
PartY, still: hours aWaY.',11.-'seenici..
, ;she Vanted.-toikileWLWItether-te -wash
• 'a round peck dr ge.i.ual.e. nee,.
. , „.
Dear:Editor:Would yeu,. P I ep„setefl
•Me,.'hnlY beo.01.4i)ose 'of their.,:botiey
AtIoter, It woul(tpee apleosure, •
•',They ecu itt •
the Oeening' Song, .:followed
•q..repeeting the Lord's prayer and
, ,
...!..",reed in unison; 'Igisaf. Ruth MeKin
,- • • • • ....
,aon . teed the Minutes,..of last, Meet-
,. , ,
.:PAr; After the business Was trans,ael.•
led, • a splendid.t...prograin.
rhe reit call:Wes answered by? "Ane
.flower .or ':ve.getahrel woold like • fo
4rdw,". 'After ceinnitinity,• singing Mrs.
iiarker gave ari. inStrumerital,•tCurrent
)thY • Fe131,;..iiiid, Dou 1W1fl ave' a
•:ideridid re.xbitien of 'Step' dancing
.41,(1: n'tbe A, Silt&
VIand. gic i P4per on. .`.4Different
ht 1$tevillg POiAtoos• IV!
ta Nli.14: MI:r,tin aflg a duet
lrcolupanied, by Mr•S':, Robb r. Mr's.
:larriS gave a .lreading; . Mary
Vhite1 a solo '1 recitetion by Shirley
'lobingon and an ,.instruinentat•
)1re...Mcichinen' and Mrs,. Av.' Miild1,*
A it of' thanks •was tendered
he hosfegs for her hospitality, Re-
'"rehinents: ‘..vere. Served and 'a social
ime spent. The May :,:ineeting will
elield at the hone oft.slvira, It, Me-
),oneall.,'•• • •
gir.s : Mij-
s name . •
Pet, • .
'13ridge.t.;.'WhCri, •he'sfull he
. pinisit Jac
, .
• A ,,woniail. to the holY, fether:wento•
CentesSiea Of :her :sin-Was...her intent;••
And so. -het' misdeerneeners,* great :and small,
She fulthfUllY relleerned.ltbeht elle and ,
,.. 1-
And ch in her 'catalogue of Sin, .
• She .ownocii that Shea." talebearer had been,
40...6ore 4 bit Of scandal UP and -down,
To the .1011g-tongued*goasiPa in the town-
-The• 11(4 14her? for her ether sin, °•
."Granted the absolution asked Of him,
But while for all the rest he ,Pariled gave, •
He told hei. this..offejjae was Very, grave :
ficy14:4::; e•e., :f.r4
Out by -tbel,' vveyside. where the ',thistles 'grow
. 'And gathering the'largekt, ripest one,
Scatter its' seeds, and that when thin. was , dens,.
She'ment come leek- again. anatliet•tday ' • •
.Te, telt hun, his Ceminenda ihe aid Obey. ,
The wOrean'''' thinking this was penance' light' •
• ;Hastened to . do hie WO that• very, night; :•••: ' •
;Peeling tight glad she heti, escaped se well . •
Next. day but one She Went the ,PrieSt.:to
%The : priest . sat still and ••heard. her 'story.
• Then stid "There's something Still for you to do.
Those, little' thistle -seeds Which, You have sow;
hid•:Year go re -gather every one;".
, The woman said, "But, father, 'twould be vain
To ttry to gather up these seeds' again;
The Winda :have scattered thein both far and wide
'Over' the meaclowed vale' And mOuntain side."
. .
pe ro
The ,lessan.i.haen, taught you will not -Miss,
-.17ou - cannot l• gather ',lack the scattered- seeds,
Which far; and' 'wide will grow to texicres•weeda,
,Nor can the .mischief :once by seer:dal sown,
By any'Penance be again undone."
•••-••';'-^t"'" •
:Monday' „Night Meetnjithiii
. eally. Supports . • PrOposal '1.6 Get
Back Into The Bruce League—Elect
' OffierefS1•411447TO St-ag-a'•Daffeil";-r',.
After a • Year's ;absence •ftorn • the
Bruce League, Ltieknow baseball en
ihusiasts at, a Meeting Monday'nigli
were :finer:hie:lusty 'agreed •that 'Luck
now shoUld be represented again thi
year. There' is ni lack of Yeutilfu
,niaterial.Coinifig along, and with ney
dal of the '"veterans" of other 4 sea
sons available, -prospects are that a
interesting season can be looked :for
• But it' more or, less hinges .on th
•interest the players: show in ' th
'Georgian -Bay Hydro
Supply Doing Taxed
• -
Almost 30,000 .4. F.; .. Used, During
Steady Grow-th,' Presents :Problem
Far As Power Supply Is•Con-
:.' Of Other Power •
, : •.' '
•:The Outstanding; features ;of'the h
t; financial year. in• ',the . Georgian . Bay' a
System :of the Hydro EleCtric power
s Conimisaiori of Ontario• d t' t
l• 'Of rates amounting ill,kresS to .$45.4 s
- ':29.0,..acecenimnied'by a refund to coin- t
- sinners of $35;146.- 'This'. comfortable
news;, so far as the..connuiner.is,Con- c
erne, accompanied by the
e "taining of:a favOtable balance: The. a
surplus of 1.0,34-,•-was;,.$86;333',.,That, of b
1.9.35 Wits $95,423, and the 'surplus of :
• this 'yea*, ,036; is 8229& :sa that
;Reviews EarlyDais •
- •
Of Railway 'Building 1 Helen .thitteen-yre;;-1010 daughter
' • ' of „Mr.' and' Mre Colin :MeDenaldi is
W 11 ,
,JohnOten. Outlines' 14atorY" Of in Hospital, Making
Enron, And Bruce County Railways favourable ree0erY• from ao appen-
•,--CollNiSe Of. Lake Shore Railway dix oPeratiOn •Perfofmed on Friday
Saddled Munieipalitieg With' Edge, 'Might " • •
'Debts • " " *.,Mr- George MeQui.11iu, whei has' just
• completed his fou'rth year at.the 0, •A.
Mr: W. H. Johnston in Saturday's C. Guelidi spent the week -end at is
Free' Press, 'reviewed the ere of rail- home here before going to Harrow in
way building:fie ,Iluten• and Bruce Essex County, .:where he will Spend,
many years..agn, . • • the simmer at the Dominion Experi
• ,-
Enron line asextended to Seaferth . The April meeting' Of.
Clinton and GOderich The huge traffic Was held at the .heine: Of Mrs: Tom
• Over...this:Ine induceir.financiers to Todd. The Easier Service "The Gior-
buzld a line through Guelph ';nud kills Realization" :wag:. f011ow,ed.. The
-Palmerston to • Se:dieing:don, arid::,a• devotional • leaflet:- Was 'read by, Mrs:
•ljtanch 4 'title :Liickpqw, and.,Xinear- Z W Atek and the chapter froni its
drne.• .-• atndy beolc„Wee,takepby tire: GOichin..
• This road wee, known as the..Well-: MA'S. ptirnin Phillips goicgr§:W A.
.ington,' Grey and Bruce Eailway, and Miller were appointed.. delegates ' to.
it (Aliened up a large territory ;With the annual ,Presbyterial,; to be held'
fine lponnibilities..lta teute was well in Goderieh on Friday, April: 27th,
settled with a :fine, class of ,people ' . There were 35 in attendance, at the
• whose ' flame were: about two-thirds meeting of •the•Y P U held on Sun
cleared, and they Were just in 'shape day evening, When Miss Isobel Miller
to take advantage of the shipping the president, wasin the chair The
facilities provalted by the new railroad scripture leinen was read by 'Mrs.
The toad was opened in the eking Earl Durnia•ThetoPic "The 'How and
Of 1•87.5;. though not: , quite finished What of Missionary lAchievements•L_
nd.---the—Wtiter;" remembers sawmill in thilla,' was taken by Miss .Mary
eitiirity..in the of White 7 Irwin. Mr. E. W. Rice .11ea the discus'all
,chUrek-llenfrYn• and Atwood, •:the sion. " •
Mr.'Wilsbn Weeds has been a vis
itor. in Fergus.
' You areinvited to the social! ey-
latter pont then called :,Nel.vrY 'Sta-
tion: A • Listoivel. firm nwp1d. 2,200
acres in the Elma Swam,and -cut
millions of feet of Inniber there.
• Lnelcnowi • Brussels, „ and
l(ineardine Made rapid 'strides..
4c„..01,iroi.f railroad ,for'„Hyroil Coun
ty was Organiepd. by ,s group of fin-
anciers in London, chief among whom
ening being held. in the COmmunitY
Hall On. Friday next, under the aus-
pices of the. Wornen's Institute. The
popular play ..41`.Hia Uncle's Niece",
Will ,be presented • by the Langnide
Dramatic 'Club, •
was the late Sir John Carling. These• Mr.: Herbert Taylor is borne frem
._m_en sawt th VVIJ Aujilturaj Seheal;
a road almost due north from .Lon- }where he has just completed his first
on to Winghem, through ,the rich year.. - • •
The Mita Was'plainted.to' run through. PEnnentaking.Olub, :of Which, Mrs. T.
Exeter Hensall, ,CHnteir• tlyth: and 12 Salkeld - is 'localleaflet and .Miss
•iinterinechate foints4 having : ;Wing- Laurine 'Miller assistanti: was held' atl•
tatter's home on Tuesday evening'
with'. ten girls.: enrolled. The •folloW-
iiig" Officers; Were eleeted:' president,
Mrs. Pharis Mathers; yieepres., Miss
Sadie_MeCharleS;.sec'y., *iis • Annie:
Watson; Trees:, , Miss. Mildred • Mc:.
Mrs. ,Salkeld .explained the,
project, . which "clothes ,closets up
to -date" and Laerine demon-'
strated the making, ef a hat...el,si..Third•
amas ,northern. teiniiinal, The Org..
nization was begun lin 1873; but the
oadwas not opened Until 1876. Even
he Company aid net 'get full possen
ion, of.the road liecAuse the centrac-
Or; Eendrie, Of' Hainilton, had an tin -
aid • claini of :$22,e,000. against' the
bmpany for his:Ivor*. :When the debt
is •paid, everything ran smoothly,'
nd the road wasa: Success fromthe
eginning. •
A 'Railway. Nightmare.
The LakSlloreuRadway • is one
orerailway. that his been the cause
game, mid' the support .receiited, by
the' Pa/die. Another important cog
1 the system is in smind financial' con- m
of more Controversy• and ill-feelirig
• in .this. businesi. of • makeig.ljmnebal
1?Ponli :the. :executive, and. it :looks
at ' if this .•year's slate ,of officers wifl
fill' the satisfactorily
They ere. ' ilim. Pres., :Mr. John
• "Terli; ' Pres.; Mr.. V. N. • Prest;,; Vice-
Pren • ':Itobeit See'y =Trees
• Deng, Clarke; ExeCutikre.cOm.; Ger •Id
Rathvirell, Gordon•Pisher; jack Camp-,
bell and. ClYde Manager,•Well-:
ingten,McCoy; Coach, Art McCartneY
Delegates- appeinted, to attend the
Bruce 'League:anneal at. 'Hanover on
• son-ferid' Art McCartney. 'Present as
well; Was Howard. 'Agnew; who: is. a•
'eMber.of the League .
Considerable eqiiipinent •required•
1•.hY,•the local -club. before they can
I tart the season, , and 'it'inPianned to
held "a7denee-in-:the'Teveri next'
• Thursday evening; .to raise fundsfor
• • -
this perpoine. ,
dition.'.. •..• ' * ' • ' '•7 '
system's ,than all the otheia putAogetheri:.and
that is the one projected and • built,
,:e.al.,4; horey,et.i., presents a !prehiein• but which 4a5. never teallY in run -
concerned. The 20 -minute -niaidrrinin iiiii•e„- it was built 'Wig the • Side. . of
Ping order. from: dederiCh AG Itiricat7
far in future .sapplies_of-pewer is.
peak, nOeh, oeeneiaxl-in Lialy: or the Blue Water- EighViai,oktit grant
',ears has been as f011ewe: _ of land two rods wide on:the-east:side,
August peek year; ..over the last few
of the: highway, given by:,. the town.
93, ...:......
rshiPs. The projector '''Seenred •Itoth a:
1, ' ' ..26,606 'h4i. ,•
1634 ......... ' ' 27 859' I 'p number of municipalities guarantees
' * * *
dozen or Mere teams in the twO:group
PrOS1). are that will be a
league this. season; The • final 'oentry
late 'set fot May 14th.:
1935- •• 29,229 h.p.' •
---- ------
i.s a' growth, during the past
feur yearszef .3,200 horsepower. •
. •
To "meet this growing 'demand .the
, .
Commission this, year purchased from
toWn of Orillia approximately
horsepower, Marie available • to
that lown's supply by its 'recent 'der
velonment .at Minden. The purchase
's oii kilowatt -hear basis, that is
to say, the ''Conamission.bays energy
as it, is required, and paye for it as
it is received. This is a iety*Adian-
tageous form •:Of• purchase .as it' has -
carried the systetn osier itsp. ealc
a total. chitige• of $11;688.1.1.. This'
A tennis club ineeting,is Called compares Very: 'favorably ,with
• Friday evening, •priceci paid to the eastern pow'etcoin-
t. • • nanlea by the Niagara. System WhiehTennis ,
has made wcoinelack..tliss t per horsepower, :.270.uld be
ieet few seasons,' and 4 "plan is in 00,1)0o per year,: ' , •
mind to irnprOvathe'Sonttethia_year.: Bay System also pur,!
* • * * •*, ' e a ses. on the SAM& favOtahle basis•
,•• Welt all the majbr: eup winners • l)etWeen., 6,000' and 7,000 h,ordePOWet
cidect-• baseball now soCeeeds 'hoCkey from the Niagara *stem, 'taking; de-
n the realm of sporidoin,. • livery :through a' frequency., 'Changer
: • * '0. *t. * • :located:at:Hanover. ." • • • '
! The ,,Stanley Cup is „resting again1 The Geergian. Bay System has for -
in ',Detroit; by 'virtue of the Wing's tunately escaped the complications Of
Vie'toryl over the New YOrk. Rangers ; _power .purellaseCiiiinLPate-cone-7-
,,, ***",, , * * PT,ii.*Ithas:. eleven
• "
The gruelling, Settee was -scareely. genetating•pleati,' with: a normal op-
coMpleted, When the .aarlonuceuleut :•erating capacity Of 26;100 horsepower
xas made that a quartette of, ,vete' - to be,noted.that the season's
ails had been released outright. tritiAciniuni ',demand 'oecura:•.in tJuly
, . • - apci 'Augtist 'which.is. the
• They are 71V111TrdY: .1W0TdOeh,
,., ,, , .. . i ,
ii.eeling,. Ching, joenston atid.,
Routher. . •• • •
t . :... ;*:,*.* .,*; * 4
It .May. bejloWever,...that this .quar;t
Butch law. water. The . resnit is Pthat the
'Flank plante, are, operated to the full blip-
• ' aeity ,Of the water available; Altid;the
;tette-Whit. the Pe§sible• 4dcliOnti*
Day, ma be seen with the
.Slew York. Arderieens next .neanon.'
Work: of efilging,aiirreinedelling
the Pabiey, rink has eeniineticed.
qie•., 60,0 'people,-' . ••.
ai0Y; rni titettit' exsIairitedl' the la17„:
qe told' inc ' to hiee our Old • cat ,so.i
'wile him ten luileS off into the cottil- •
tty, •
.1t6Ily.. lost thiM,, huh? ' •
ity yd -1 I hadn't' folhlWedr. hinli'
inlvettgottee honie • myself,
. .
putchanen! ltoM Orillii •and the Nis(
are System' are required tom:410y
the, deficieneythe thinehas thete,
• fore strived lot the 'conSideratiOn Of
deVeloPment• of /Meet the .clistriees
',Mailable' power 'sites. These • are ter:
...„tunatelYto be found ,C6riVeniefitlY•'1G:
.'On theknnkoah..Eivet, Upon
Width!, there .fS a finable Jafl of 158!
feet, pertnitting
--.tforl'el-W00'hOreepewer-an gintount
.!stithcierttlo more 'than • doUble, . the
systeiis pnt resesupply. f. d o
- ,.- -..--. tt..;
isfy• its 'requireme,nts .for..a consider-
blefluniber Of Yeats. .
Olerki, ;So thi handbagis a sur-
prise or you .
• oustoine?: yen bet; it's h
tilean ehe expeete an automobile, ,
6f hag nments of bonds - for, th
,tees Were speured -after; Much .opp
sition inthe.townships and Was ove
cOrne byea popular vete.
The imarantees granted, the bOnd
found alreadY marketand the ,roa
was built The king -since rotten tin
of the !Adverts and tieanh th
track; as well as a bridge over th
River at Port Albert; eaus
74-- bitter 0` dbinment. •
The •road''' was almont%, completed
"Mt • its :sponsor 'disappeared; •The
Municipalities' found .theinselvea-• add-
alea'.wit,h,lasge debts that they had
to, Pay.' There was no teller in sight
but the. Great 'War helped them when
the Allies found they .needed,I rail-
roads .in France .to, bring up; supplieS.
Many Miles of light railway's; were
built te fill'the need of moving feed
and aniniunitioncitiieklY cAtit,itii 'sup-
Plied..,aauch • Of,: the steelneeded, and
amangthe lot 'ere the rails • from
thia Lake Shore ItailWAY, The amount
Paid for .. them, was received grate,
fully by the toivnahips whohad guat-C
anteed the Inint. • .* *
In 1938 this debt Will be paid,' and
,on' the ronnicipalitie5. concerned for
the last SO years will he removed:
. Notwithstanding -the failure Of 'this
last railway to inaterializei; we find
• . ,
Huron County well served by the five.
reitc6 in active: Operation,
,A HEALTH• seavice or,
• •'' 64,,
Otep hose repeated nese bleeds be -
fere you, lese ,yaer jo.b.*Besiiiess
day demands a great deal if: youare
e. to keeplreur head abeve-theticle•aiiii
0-' is • being undermined •bi, frequent
'haemorrhages ,:from ' the ,,neSe. „.Ofte
,the are so sirnpl
toe', A. Small blood ,vessel tOWards th
d trentof thcpene lbursts list Wall .an
bleedsfor awhile:iSoonLit
before it is completely *paled • j
hteaka;. throtigk.at the. same plas,
- again, and this may occer.
• of 'trines. YOtir docter ;can oere".thed
• nose • bleeds' lAY .sealing Off the Offend
ing blood vessel, ,With some . form O.
cauterizationi takes but e • si!tfi
time and is asu'ally, painless:
:are the : al-
arming picture of 'bioua. Petzting from
the 'nate whet, are.you:: to do9 Well
first' Otall ,de net' pleg, the 'nose ,With
anythieg,,aS'Abis ,inerelY taoses, fur-:
vierinjury' to the broken Wail of the
,hleeding :vessel. • Tight '„presnere .With
the :finger on ,thk:outside 'Of,the os-
tril *Ilith is bleeding will lineally
Control . the haemorrhage in • abinit
five minutes.; •• • •
Ali .nose, bleeds ' of.:.seurse are not
dee to bleeding ':Vessels at the front
• ofthe noee..Ouninnon_eanso
ten ;are adeneids.•and fereign bodies,
such as tre.a,ds and buttons. These
usually cannot ' be diseovere0eioept
by your doctor, who also can, 'rernOye
the tense andso stop ' :the .bleeding;
. .Sbnie • achilte:, Suffer :Troin high'
blend pressure which inaitectly MaSi,
be the.. source of the . repeated." nose.
bleeds:. Here the bleed:16in. the 'nese'
•a th4t. Other' trouble • is•
present ,and t sign •shoeld not •L„be
neglected,' d e p le .
grOwths'. in •-the itose,*.Cailan
iScoVerect, and ' tteatinent ljeitint the.
Iteeeidti:::!tha.6ndolth4teilsoo:oonfetriitihee; •tu•,!M.o,r
So it 'is , luiporteut'that all
Perselia nidlerieg frOirt tepeitted: 'OW
bleed soutd be ..eXainiiled by their .
atid., r'onunetiCC.treatraeltit
:ted' 'iiiiieli'dttitiage is done, •
...• .
A new plan A being -
hain by the Longworth Milling Co:,
'16sefmfri,onroolAidtobultIrerin. thielkni. tioltulufst:tectuinreco'rnof. b
rnerdial feeda. fl isexpected to Sent; d
menge operating early !in,' May "with g
ten or, twelve. men 'employed.
• A".,Oceistnaii leaving hie friend's
heene., ,Where he had been":Paying_ei
NUE-011@d nickIeTiind adinie,
oROw;' Sandy, •Wlifch bite Will
ye has?" ' • ,
beggar, sad: Mr M°Iietir'eltv*i fi6
„ ,
'wan alWaYs, taughtno' tohe greedy,
so I hae- the wee one." • •..• . I
• M-eTtiviSh, not t� be biltd-O'ne' 're",
,pljedt "Wee], • Sandy w or bein'i
good hoy;ttiiii not 'being •greedy')111
gib the bit one ta 'ke."
.RohiliSon Who 'n;ii's thatman you
Just raiai your ,1it to? •
dreen: .that?oh, diet we
ithe in's'
hate,," Ile sold eie yt *bottle- et:het
lesteter a niontli 'ago 'arid- henevor
't Meet hint I let hire, aee Whift.
d.Saturday. APRIL 22.23.24
ARrRUR and
11 op Could
Only COO
• _
. -
• Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday
APRIL/ 20.27.28
In. Person" •
• co,LoR9i.r A TOON
• MONUMENTS at first.,Cost,
Having our faatory' equipped' with
the:, most, modern..machinery 'for. th 6
execution of high' clans work, we ssli
you t�see the largestdisplay of Mon-
umenta of any retail factory On- '
tario. AR finished bylaand .blast rna-
shines, We import all our granites
froi.."the-Told-Country-quarrien •dir,
,eet, iri .the reugh..Xcie can ,save all. ..
local dealers', agents' and middleman ;
E.:.i J. Skelton , Son
At 'West End liridge7-....*Ax.4,p„RToN
A Tonio--giviira Vigor to
•' narvoui, rundown people
-,--for backache,. sick head..
• actors and ginaral %weak.
'nails. DR: HAMMOND'S
•,Brain and Niirre.PiDa • '
, • ads Recommended by ifs
, .
White .,Leghorns bc
• Barred Rocka. ,90.
White iteCks '9c .
:New Hamoshire Reds
•White.,Leghorn Cockerels'
' Reeks &Red :Cockerels 5c ,
-Weet-Olif-'"A.dd: TWO Ceriti4-7
• Two Weeks Old Add Five 'Ceuta
. Every
mTeovs:t‘riady:.TCS6htt Akkb°.• Iv6ellaPFIrtrci9hcnileess Blood
Write, Phone -or Call
• 'Phone 38, Wingham, Ont
--, •
The, campaign being concluded in
the interests Of making Bruce County
a T.R, Restricted Area is progressing
sltyik.rlY but favorably Meetings thaye.
now been held at:twenty-three differ:. ,
ent Points throughent the county 4Pd••
these 11:1 attendance have expressed '
theintelve341MoSt ,without exleptiOn.'"
as fbeingzin favour �f the plan.
Canvassers are bast'. obtaining
signers: to the • petitiOn in . Arinibef,'
Arran and Brant ' townships. It' is
exPecied that the petitions ' will -• be•
,c1rculated• shortly in other
Meetings have 'already been held in 6
everal other i: MuniciPalities and
ihaeld extend to the reinaining:•town,"
•Thips shortly.
• There are many i'tirnours being cir-
in'conneetion with thie matter '
:beat, Would appear to have been :de.
liberately deigned to influence cattle „
• owners' te.'opp.ose. the,plan The greet, :
majority. of these not
the slightest' truth attadhed to,,them.
Cattle' owners Will be Well advised to
attend: a 'Meeting held irr the "Interents!
be no satis-
fattorY eXetise.innd'e to 0pp0s ite
Withhi,a or his '8•Oth birth4
Any, „death ,:eitme ;to TITOMA's,.t.
't.I,1111) fIthileY; on Thuisdy`1REitk,
'iPiy1QtR1 tetiViees *ter6, 1Oililli'dt9d •
under titispidos.: of, Ripley )(4O4i6';', T.
8aturdny with interment
:IipICO Utetoiy. •