HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-22, Page 3THE WORLD
Welt% frOrn• Niagala
Some of, the fruit growers h,ave• the
'; habit of •elinfling, a branch "froin
'peach treee, puttiag 11. in. water- to
watchfor the.. extent of the blosoerns,:
In one' -ease,' the' result' was Magni;
0014 which indicates that. the peach '
crop is Ate, ter .1937, except for the '
-- Usual- hazard 'Otto:Iwo -rteatK S.
ChtharineS.. Standard, '
One Way Out of It
"It might he dangerous to •Iiise
tine's wife in Public On qunday'in. To-
Ponto, the' Good," chortles Hamilton
Spectator; Obviously, theii, the thing
to .d6 is kiss • soineone's; else'S.'
,-. • .
• The Quick Stop
• .
- First Inventor: o in -
'I'm going t
, . .
vent an auto brake that will bring
a Car going 40 mules an hoar. to • it
dead stop within 20 feet."'-' •
. Second dnyentor:. •':Pine; Then,PIV
. ,
• "-invent. "a gadget 'tokeepthe driver
&gni through: the windshield
When it,dpes.." Ottayiva Joarnal.
• ,Quints' Popularity
,One. of :the .'requests , of .Priireese _
• Phichihn.
aY or-hWelf and her; huShan& in
• Canada was for a•-' photograph of the
Dionne quintuPleta.: These. little
•- Ia-
d.s lievi:CertaliA.ad.witiaNT.-lrlie•Pe.
than any 'Other 4agency.
r-Drantford ExpoSitor.
. • •
...On the Wall
".• At'o, wal;paper. show in% Boston One
- Pattern,laclude& 4 kiteheii towel and
gleye. draped 'aeross .CUrved, piano
keyboard...171 ,the background 'a' plant.
••'„with • branches of hathroOM
cullerS,..a• reading ,lanip;.an Ice creanie
..Cone/'a huge '.flOwer .with aii eland,'
eleek centre, a clogeil tulipand strings'
, of :tealCups. dust why the' canyopener-aol the can .•
sheuld-have been; ,loft,
(nit: of it is a , bit ,of,
..foriLLExpositor .‘ •
, . , • '
• Stay•Under•fifty • ..
. • There ;may ha.Yebeeri• sorne • excuse
,• for . peoble .thiohing: the, 35•-nai1e.lintit
a joke 'and behaving accordingly, But. --
'With the Rinit*. raised to 50 miles, such
aa • excupe Rare, 'indeed,! 'lthc e
indivIdnal Svho finds. it reallYne-
cessarY :to traYel . in excess of, Mich
.,,eneed ,aven inthe., cOur'se of inisiness,
althougli.. we are •yveli, ..aware 'Of , the'
feet that higher"sneeda .are
' • P.4 by 'the .pe614. whe•do not Care for
others on theroad,any.inore than they
do forjheir.oWn.-hidea. A speed of 50-
w ' inries-011-hour-le2high--enongli.- for all ,
.orclioary: legitiniate.:travel. In 'View of'
nis,: the provincial antherities wili bo
remiss in their duty • if they.. de • not
; 'proceed to keep • elese • wetell'• untie
,', tragic. • Brockville • Recorder and-
• HOPe .,He't 'Right
' Dean. 'Inge . has produced. another
book which he discuses many,
thinge: One of lila prophecies, is
that there will; not : be ' deVastating.
• Edropean, 'War hecauSe, :of the, lack..
of funds..' He depicte'tierniany such
.• bid.; financial' ,shape that. he 'doubts
'Whether the Hitler' ,regurie' can last
viy muth:leinger', 'lin& Italy he avers
la not hi" niuCh better case The ReV.
• • < ,
gehtlenian hao freqiiently proved hini=
r.)1f a geed ftirecaster. It Is to. be hop that , he is also oneInthis Instafloe
•,.-L-Draatfoi'd Espositer. ,
., • .
Rai:limn Costs
• , DiscoVery'of•radinin in Canada (in"
'the Great l3ear 'area)..is Said to have
loreken vie' Congo trlist, Which:.pre,
viously kent, the Vrealons.- etlbstance
at $75, a .graan, If' this be true,' it Is
liot'the least of,I,CanadtVe
to 'tlie good of Mankind. Ottawa
Journal. .• ' • .
„ .•
• . .':EndOrses. e Luxe ••
endoesedthe pro -
duets Of 'Induatty.fer'4• dolielderationl
—riotably.COOmetita • and. •cigarettes,.'
• Blit.theYti..andi:611:,Other"entiOrsera,• are
ainateura cotiapared With the pi:lee:MOS
quintuplets.... Annette,
•Yvonne • Marie 'are, tiP,•
propriately flgtire .ender-
,.. Sera swear'ce•'ttelir..brand.
.of brciticlW/4etid and are paid $15.,06-0-
to eat. the lo'
daci, g• nOt ; every Mornink
'They:endo6e.a Malone Make nt
. end, 1)6114, .their„Ahnti„ ,a•qotint 13
givena • $27,500. boost. :Eagy, iii01104
git Is, butjioqetly' ; As .8UP,
,prislng.• 48, the .brices paid for their ,
„eintorsenientsis thevaridtyt01' tlilnga
they approye,«doilliver
• togoALiollYnoRsteigittptist:OHOweirti''-
'foorn YiitP, childediNr.t)l1IS0S and
bags, shoos, trona andaro• . grist foe; tiro Chancier: Mill *kink; it
Is refealetik has •' now -ground ,
':$16q,6o0, Ottawa-
• • ".
•Safcr .OW3-
• Shatter -proof. glitee',. fatollfar''',te
ezYone who looks, thiough, a :modern,
Windshield, la !nada:like a, sandWicliT
couPle.'Of layers
'.., t gek.•..tegothOr• • by "a, tbiff, ;fi1W Of.
;'01'..befyinerie.ed...ilint.' The glass Will ,
'.break but'.the pieces stick.' to, the''
hilider„ • New a .Gerrilen. firth' isrnaJthig
Seinelhing 7. different,' Its •pi•0•3 •
duet hasan ePganie. base (polyiner-,
iZefl: inetliyi', ester). instead :of silicate,
•fs lighter than regular shatteit.,-proof
glaeS, and ateordiag to , ;teats Will
, -
stand .8: to 10 times the blew. •VVIien.
it . creeks, the edges. 'aren't
'Drandon. gun.
. Many a mait„wi/e. longs for' thilig,S
like )us nlother used to make forgets
:that -his.. Wife...,111aY *Iongi.for 'cliequee
.tretk:61:fty her f the. r used to .O.'to•ttla
•Bonding' and .‘:§oniq :cifeans ;cot; oh000ragiOg ',the'
entry.: of capital intO ,
• Vioualy„ 'hecessarY • if an inpreaSe tp•
,bnilding,activity Is cOneid.ered'deeir-
. able --. and it IS' geiierally agreed that'
a irecOyery ild ,would 'de More
than 'anything else to h,fIng.iireeperi-.
ty. haelr.. • increased •takatien
,•,It the
Real Eat- hlitchanie: .Sug,gests,
'.'jtiot the reverse..hepa.nee it will make."
'.'buildhig • •wil. learn • 4. reasonahlere,
VanCotive•r preViiite:
. • .
_ • Cost Of Monarchy- ,
The met to 'reineMber is that, *hat
the, King and 'the Royal. Faintlye
, r,
ceiye :from tin Dritiah,,, nation • Very :
;considerably le,ss-than the revenue
the';Kiog. hands', Over to.,the
„tinal lon.
nder' the 'circuinatinices, .Great Drit-,..
Ain net. tb.' renti est contribu'-..,
tions from'. the..A3o,iffinions.''''Saint '
4lohn .Telegritnh-,Totirpai'..•
co Hard
Hit. • By. Strikes
• 11014 cip20By :
VV; 0.,1.hout
• .ProROSIT0, the General ,
ters strike: at .Oall'aWa.;:eOterS, its
ond week, .reporta'froin. opiarlo tOWn
aod citle indleate the effect Ike walk.
out ig beginning to exept, ori theAndus,
try of the Provjnce, , •
taiId production in t..tie: ',general, Mo-
tors planttherein* affect .1,000. Wee',
Icers„ Fiveliundred.'Wera forted to also
lt,ave.;•:W•ben the mata i1ant at ',gall;
aWa'elOsetdtiwOite there" Was
fOr,,f4;TOP,t41'S.." E13411)4 ra Pt II the
*Indio.", 'trench, Witili'the eurther.mir-
tailed prodUctiti*of„,parte -400 Jim
Men 'May eloee their:jobe. Sonie 3
Ilia also he...44(.11'0ff et the; Walk
Metal Prod u cts• plent,,where110 fl
iitgs are...made for -Oeneral ;1goto
'OAPs; and ('ightei llaVu'already be
•Ia44 off at the Itelaey Wheel facto"
• Woodstock Plant • .•
, 'Wink on• General ,Moters••parte Stop -
pod 'Wednesday...,at the Woodstock •
plant On the putelia Planter:Conine:4Y..
,SUfficient • ordere., frOm •other.
s.aff usy. '
,At 8f.. 'eatha.rioes, .1'01.cinn44'
,tries, subsidiary of • 'General
seported-adVice-froni-the Parent einnlin
any at Oshawa "to 1101(11 Up' work. on
Material Supplies for 'their ,nse..excent
on ;sPecial, seririee parts:".
Manag'er W. A. wecker; said, a cur,
, , ,
. •
tallinellt of !mire: affecting:. 60() :ern,
'plOyieee would 'have to me 'made. The
';hoors Weald' Pct. be eet firaAtio41
ohoweter, 'hecause a numberof unfil
lcd orders' ler other plants.would heln.
in Maintaining.employment,
John gonreY, Of thp COnroY
-'"facttiring.".CP.111.1)4OY..e,t St. Catharines,
aid ;between, 35..and 45, meo would
off at Iiie ,plant liecanee• ,pretlite
ten ett .been lowered ,70 ;per .Cent'.4
04, rep, t ot the •General Motore, strike
, At ,Harntitan-
• - .4.40,!•,‘
0.lrots were being "'made . to rearrange
pretlitation. to keep;:.lnen.-at,
' kiratelltoo. 0o0C4.0n1.:,
reeciTed:-mtke:;. than, 4.1,00.0.4)00,.w,ert1t
'.,of linsiness,frein general- 11.7.1.etor' feat
'year, have: Sugnendee wprg, on large"
orders: ffeni ':OcOeral Motor: bebtiiise
re • , of present labor •trOuble.
� but local workiadn'•are,rio" expected' to
e'r, • , loll. leea as. a res(44.•• • Orders.
st,-• other • :Seure.es 'W.111;•ekaile •the
rsfOrmS to Continue. 'pe4it. PrOtiu (Pon, , it
en:• was reported todaY.:' Steel Company,
'Y. • Chien Drawn Steel; lurliiigton Steel,
Canadian brawo. Steel, Firestone Tire.,
.W,estioglfouse, ,IlOited:Cair Fastener'
and other.• compaWes .have' been, given
Orders from Oshawa,
• Cardealer's; re,por.ft.eilfeywill he wmithz77-
10Tiige:4, ano..t4fs.golit, resalf• in reduc:,
tier'''. in •Saleastaff-:
eheCit at .:.Chathal4; r,eveated-Allifk
he • factory there. Was off4Cied by the.
°shawl, strike. The '„Ontario Steel
Products and Oath* Malleable and Wel:•ke are Carrying. Onprodua-,
tion Ona nor,Mal
. .
• $0,000 Cattle
Shipped to • •
. •
1*rnfitS,;119, t*; *3Q Per' Hea4'
'fcr Canadian Staclunen •;-•
• •Wititer (4)E1*, Shgh
. •
; ,inveSted in „the, heer'-rateing •indust
• lv
•• More Jobs, Lets Relief
WIITNIPE,. -7 More lobe and lee*,
•'yreellTf if,e3a7tuirnedwttli:41, f1.11.3reszt...ci,ptlia:utreereoftrtohme
en, ON single relief, office, showed
a decroas. nearly 4.11100 •in 'those
ry, obtaining use's alide, At; the end of
µ '
"4,, vytorc4.140 ',.yeOF than th
abcohl:elpaloepoi! '14ninexnecattilain t
a!eo wh
(he, seVerity,of the.'wint,er, And t
•• SeriouS ••shartare Of Ceed.
N° 'ceS•alve144..s
. the -.V.1,eatern. Stoeltmen'e. Aaseelatiog
• • .g.x.ri
id en t of
and regarded •as an ,Mithority in the
cattle nitiustry,. has now,-heen, advised.
that the losseS sustained by"Western
Panthers, due to Pasturee:hafing been
'+uried for Weeks' under eeveral 'feet
'of snow: have •not'been. excessive, -AJ
seine' time -ago it was fel.red ands of ho4deffeatile out pa the rang
es would peri'sli because the custom-
ary chinooks hednot been as frequent
as • "
^ey, unemployed meri*.comnared 'With 6,680
ea hi. the' first • quarter Of 1020. ,
he ,; • ' • , •
he. ' • ;;;.;
on: • " Uf4t11-
11,04k,pri one of •• Bra, inpteibn
es, ast-know
• • • •
, iesi,ents-,,.and one time' nieniber.• of
• . the 4.fanitas-- iirarenteli 'Exaelsier •
• Crosse team,died this ,We_ek. in hie ,
a9th year. 1.10 .was the son.,6fViljjani
• Pealt0rilOa_enligiated-frola agland:
For many ° years the la7t.e. ar..":Peals:1-r.
. wag • attached ' to the:"Ilrainpton
. Bilgacie.,1-te'was also' a priguinent eu
ler He is servived by four brothers
• • •
. 'Dr. , E. A. -peaker, Toron'to; Dr. 'Ken
neth Peaker, T91.61493 Dr; Q.*4.:,Pea
lier, Brampton; and George peaker o
....Toro,nto;:' and two sisters, .11Irs. D. E
B L_Torent0 ' "Prs.‘,7-E-ramit-744.1
-..1.,;OND6NTENitf••'.7."Live*. of .114ii..:
.. • . .. ,
.d.reda, of children +suffering from,
. . . . ,. .
late ,priniary, Pneumonia...aye reported.
'to..have .been,stived,bY .4. neVel Cold,
air:•tre'atinent 'introduced, by .Dr. if. r.,..',
Wallace of. the • Royal Edinlnirgh.Acis- ••
littell'ItOr. Sielt; Children; . . ' ' .' '. - ;• ' '
' .Writing .in , the current issue. •ot the
British Medieir journal bi..., Wallace
says: ..; . .! , ' .. 4,-:r.,
. During recelit yeare, it I1 l'
... . ., , . . •,.. ,......„.
'the:practise 111 one of 'the.Warda 'of the ;
•hespital to submit every c'ase tif
..ffionh. on.adinisSien.: to; an.. intenalVe
open:air' regime': e - :
'Illis is Carried:Out irreenectiVe.of •
Mankind and lettical, Science • theseason'Of:the year Or Of the w.ea.,,'.
, , ., •
.;•iviany .c.eniuries ago, •Leopold, Mike, :tiler eenditions; With ono. eXeentiOn• of .
'Of •AuStria. and ,stern captor 01' :Rich. •fOg,..,each 'child: being •;placed On: the
9.4 <the, LionTliearted,.,lay : greening ' windward?•• 'side -'..of the.,w,ard ,beSide• -ii,
4.0:a helpless on the "battlefield, His, Widefi,oped *thaw:a° that the estild
. • . . .
..hor.:.:e• „••••liaci . 'fallen en ; biro; 'smashing.: • air-. witheii playa 'directly. on, the face'
• .
' iile -leg:„..to,_,biti...s.,.-,A11-the:-Atteaclillg-77'Vff-t4te-alilld,"4" - , .. . • - • .. . ••
'phYsIciang 'agreed., that 7the ..royal : pa- , An .essential ,.precatition. it to point, .
tient hattle have his Aintly ainpatet-',. ed out. Is that the patient shOuld. he
. .. .
. .. . . -
eti: 'But in that.dark and iiiiters.te age . warmly tlad.to. preVeat, Chilling, '.the ..
,. .. . .. , . , .
, notrf-one of thp, 1;leltell ,dootorS, the face.; 110'4: tlie only part of the .body'.
. , • „ „ . , .
'.best ...in, 'Europe, know how tonerforni••' exposed to the .air„ , All • case s '. Of linen- '
anCh., a!-hasarcletia .opera'tion.•iiiii deg-... nioxiia-are thtie..trea:ted., both ,day and '
peratiOn .f..:eonolil. 'seized -a mallet and : night, Until. the tepaperathre„falla and
sword und:„elaglied.'off ;iiis legle', or- • remalo‘ at a. nerinal',1eyel: • ' ... : ,•• ' '
der, to :mhAte • the pain: He diedfroin •.' , Dr," Wallace .says this •rigorous ffieth.:_„
,.the • loss ofIlilont.'„that-gushetfT-front:- --od5f 'ireatinett has been' , thoroughly '
the wound. TO -day the Meanest ,resi:.' tested in moie than 300'.ease.S.', Theitn7.
. dent . Of , :the .: Worst • alain:.'•on • thie. • ton-, .,preselott Of; . nhketelansandnurges at•
: .tinent can; Secure medical treatment '-t ebbed; to: the ward, he writes, IS that
denied.'a LW '•hundrect,.yearg a'go.. to. exposure to a moving current Of 'cold •
.bardos and..kingS. The contrast. pi -Ante' ,:air. is the means of 'saying lives of the'
the, riniral .and .e'nebles the. meaning . children 'ilif all ages'afflieted with. an:.
of the greati,stOry . of 'medicin.e.-.4he • :acute, priinary fqrtdi of the'diseage,..' :.
'tale .of •a man's glOrionalinmanity .toIfbripga.conifort. to the '0 triAli t;',aide '
„ . .
man. , -,'. -tdroonton bulletiw• '-'''..'' ' aPPetite .and lielps ;to :' render. Unnee.,
.,:....... . .., .
• ••.. . ,
•-• South 'Mika Drying
• Par .00 year men *Ili? he*e takn
an intelligent .interest in' the 'so,ir.Of
-the,Un10 have • knovin.that • it has
• g»own SteeditY. worse. Eiren111 '•the
most" "frr.itful parts, , , quality now
';Often:lalls .heloW., the; standard usu.-
any accepted far • agrictiltard..Purpos...
e,9 -1n such progressive ,colin lies ;as .
the ,United States of America:. ••:' And •
: this iset is'"inore jolt Mately colizieciett
with the. .questien (ban
With any other flidtbr,,'SOutli, Africa;
:PeoPle say, is drying., Up.
,is the .paine.;-btit. .,the Water is .not
tij1jted and. Stored Ili the way Which
Nature' originally Arranged for • itself.
There Inied. to :be •a balance betWeeiC.
the .rainealhand the ;0.,mOunt and eh
atter of the vegetatien.. Tinit balance"
,brotight,gik floekr . and ,iierds and
geed': And with the :••••:.dostinictioff. Of
tre0ii and bushes,,with the, great-barn-ing •
and ovelf,gen.king ;And wii4 • the .
trampling of, animaiii the :hay'oe: 14p
gradually. wOrked and 'the icountry noW •
8tatid4111 th preaenae Of a grave na-
tionalariger: Cane iArgns. • '
• tante andEffec?..1.••.
We aro as sinterla our desire
ftzr World. 04.de :as the '.most ,ai•dent
pacifist; but we 4be1leve that pal:dist
agitetjon has inel'eesed and Is still-,
increasing the dabge.r. • of Var..Ee7
fore•;Beltain embitiked. on her fe-arni,
emetic :programme; practically every
major WOrld power • was barking ,
.$',Wart" 'today they Are' even _Moiler-
artiolitte for-,4'eace. Is it Merely Ait's
jteiiitidenco that their_Att.ittide-inis_..,
,Clranged-slifed-iiritain •iiitiuninted hgr.
"iigeretla 'tlefenai liotio5/ ilong
l(ong, Press:. . r 4,- • ,••
oW 14Ett fit& 1uI9ea 'ottp, t9
illiOnSH•of-,Peliple'oydr the 'ratite' thoy.
(1.9fi't itootilhingg, it Se trot .11,11y"tnioste,''
, ceisary • other , forms of treatment's
which „might ,,prove *eihatiating to, ta
, . .
yOung • ••
iSe"es New High
14.Tourjst Trade
Transport ' Minister Until. Asks
Courtesy' and Fait- pealing For
:Visitors. ' • ' '
. ,
(reffie,fof ,eanada111-19311Wasnforeaasi•
this -*eek 't•Sr ...Tra,nspo,rt • Minister Mr..
f.jewe. -baSed his .exPectation ofl
the', onmber of ityinh'iee• Teceived by'
the Canadian 'Tra:Vel tUreati A4pd the ,
generally finpreved bngineas • condi,
thine in•Ualt.ed: States.' • '• '
' donpled with the •Miniater'S -
east .was a reiteration of his :advice
giVen,a•yeal• ago ,to alt •hgett t'es• aoSo•
elated' with Or catering to 'tourist
Vel to eX'rcj.' courtesx and fair deal. -
-41rig in:that treatment of the 'visitors..
. • Canadian; Travel Dineen has
„received J,Si inquirie'S slrice the.
first OE the years,"Said
increa-se. of 93 per.cent OVer the riuni •
her receiVedin the ,corresponding
Ird et a year ago. These inqUirMagiye•
„every luilieat'ion :that "'our •touristy.iii.
dustry in • i 937 he 1;tioh.,
"The Goyeranlent's nr;lat...• adver. •
jug and nabligity Carnpaign•ln the U.S15 '
, bringing most faVOirrable results
:and. the daily average ef lniqUirlee at
.the -present, time is rnere:,-„thitii 600:
•W ljave now developed • 'a, Splendid,
ceoperatiVe tourist effOrt wttli the
'1.prOv1110e8 andthe :large .transporta,.
tion companies :While the'Cuatenia and.
Iinringratien regtlations
adapted to Meet .tfie• modero. demands
of the trayeller',.44cl• rocipre.cai shop.
. , .
Ping privileges, have been estended„ „
Blind Pic4ets" Aid. Sightless Sitdowners
Coini• ng to the:aid of blind then and. wometi:' Who began
, agaraSt ,philatthfople 'erganliation's weaving "shop ill- NOW ;:York
these two blIndfilen plorigtellIA"-i'petit of the beildhig NOW the help
of kfti gvniohlititeiv
rarnartictilarlY,•PleageS. cattle.
•men In.,Ontario J and AVe:Stern; Canada •
la the steady demand for Canatileu
-cattle In the markets Of. the Vaited
States.; 'Arready..thia year more than
‘.50,000 bead .have been marketed All
across ,the him' at profitable- prices..:
Thanks to the Canadiantolled States'
trade agreedient, effleient. Canadian.
stock feeders have Made. as Much as
;$25 and $30 a head. profit on' choice
beef cattle; 'sold. for '.eenshinntitin In
the United. Ste:tea;
. The trade ag,reeinent which , went
intO, effect.„e year :ago. last ; jartuRrY,
provided foiion; in. the-Artisri.
„can -CuSteine -tariff on danatlian'eatile,
frothree to two Cents per pound and
. •
for a., quota 0f.„45“(1,0,,,,..4e4.ifiatter or
n'aCerliewev,qr,,•Canada ;tactually' sold.
191.;600, head • Of Cattle- " and 504,1
calves in the. United:States last year,
or about 36,000 cattle inexcess-,of the
„ .,Bigger profits Made. • , ,
.Soine•of these anirnalswere:„.:_pure
tired' stock and beef -cattle of ..weights •
• • • •
110f: covorea .by The quota. is estim-
Ated that for every; good steer the Ca-
nedien-farmer 'got ,$1:0' More-",. in the,
linitecl4tatee' than he Would ,have L,0-
teii but .for the recifirocitY pact: '
. interesting to net° that..in...the
Year .1934,. before the trade agreemept
Was 'in .eneratien Canada' eel& Only •
6,3.41 head of cattle 1n -the . United
States,:andOnly 226 calree,. Thoee. in .
:close touch with . market conditiene'
net be surprise(r if ,'Weil .Onto'200,;•
,000• head are :expelled to the Enite.d• %
States .thia,year. sae .50,000. head were
„shipped ,atroes .the border,duiLrig the
were Chiefly
amis. WhilJ1 had been • stall -fed 10 Ont-
ario or: 'fattened on te60. iet4
Neet. Ontario. supplied ,'Sonie, 15,000••
head `. of i he $h1pni0ts to t1e United
'States 'thin, far ''• "'
coding Comment •
141 folks! • He
*e are back !W
yeti. again With
•few •facts and
• ;p:uoTts, a fre°341,1:
:•• • The Other -night,
was iut with an
old boy froxo TJp-
.• per ,Capada, • Col-
lege, kN'ally , %Sy:.
able menlion and
a •-inan,`Of",etatis-
,',iics like hit; 'fa-
ther;, thetOpie of. speed.aroSer-. A topic
• on which Mr. Syrett• 'gait° Nein,'
. -Ohr, ineerniet was :Saying, !!we
knew. that .Bir liialcolin • Campbell has
driven Ins ,belOved Bluebird hundred:a .
'Of iiiiiesS..en hour' and that 'dm, -s:•06ii
,.hrt*e. the' world' S .s,peed, rikerd on. thevater,.
but does .the Ordinafy sport fa
know that: the ., golf ball lias *bee Marl.
kiiowii to travel': at the rate. 01'',1.0'0.•
'4.1nd; lake baseball for installed:The
inakiluuni spied : of a' baseball- is ' 95
' . . •
the -Jaw kriow, ;too, ' fha_
. Tilden ,cnce 000lted lenhia.
iya. rope ted t O. have, tt•••tiet,
led it'd, an, benr1"- •
,"'ne'll.•ealutie cridliot „.eaS
at .'e niaxiativni 00.od. ,•ot • g(1‘'
••1;t1.D.14. Their ' "foetbMI •at: 'tellOWed.
jiiitt at 22 Tni,i),li„4,
° And ;tot. these' facts, Wally, phi kid',
r our follaWare., •say 'many• '
thanita;',' ` •" • •
. ,
F Did you kzio*,•that.
nine f :the 'eleven piteltem. en the
Phillies'' teeter:. are 6 or luara' than. 6:
teeCtallt • '
•'.'yeel' the gals aro at it n,OW.•, 'tvAy,
dthiirit"in Va., a teW.,,vaelfs:'
,Age. 'A • eitAinotobehio •'wiestmig ,boot
wee.4tegeil: betweelt .rifisS
Plata Mortensen,. (alffernlai an1-
eleficei)avia,.er 10s a, gents
that take theta, t*e.gals '...<itn'eVet and
bars j'ee pemo,
411.6-iltritharn, --611:47'gevettitel6sw-tethts,
herittn6je the iiiisitee-iSaeke(1,..111 •
'4;ti(ld ,
Wcll,:gitets better 61)14
hbtint 80,etelt,
Mot' ithit tpelt.lits•.b0. °Ili ct.Settotil.
he4tiSe gelind to pay titte_nt,totti "
• Plank alteliSe 'It gang. '
$o long net week,
oc 1, Brampton. '
.Regina fiirst..initanada to GO On
Daylight Saving .
. ingRa'GboiNut4itl—leil7.el)goialla iecsist i -Oen). Dattrytell ggh6i-
i."Saying tithe. Th only Western city to
adopt "fair' -thne, the 'clocks were
: Alniol
moved ahead o
heal -1.: one, the hour last are
• Mountain. gtandard. 011ie.;
baridet$r •: and veteran Of,
the Riel Itebel110'died here this week
t Vali;
• Collier:: resident, .:he'd"been omployed
bytli yenCotiver .'1World, the ..1‘.1eWs;
A-dvOtiser 'and the ''Vaiiediver': Sen.
,..rettring from: active :Warl a fe;eyears.
ago.''Ed*ard and J. J, Asiloro, Of Tor-
onto, are •bpothers,'
• .Prohper.ty ReturnniE•
• BlIAMP.KON. PrOspero.;,.... s re-
' turning to the BraMpton. dietrici Slow,
.ly tint burely, it,. was indicated. 'by the
tistoins' returnstoi 1936 7,as
edhy the 'chief of the BraMpten
.tenis port,cok,i,L V. Conolker; '4ast
-Year, i•eckipts, of the •port anionnted to
$5 248 02111 d4t.3. $154,992,29. in sales
i'ax;atla..Vig.04 in' sundries. Deity paid
In , the precedin•g• 'fiscan'year-Of... the
pert was $77,304.47.,• but,grefinx was
Only $122:,526;. gi-Vfirg a: net hicfc&se
,COilections01 812 416 56'.•
• -Advertise F01.-.
wATEitioonto..---.1t pays to ether.
. •
George 1 osing, Of l'ort Rowan, got
tired' of living elone and. advertised
for a 'dee ' '
• .9 s
;So far:he has 'received: 160 le.itors
from:onio anxiois ia the
Wedded:blies. 9ne';',Avonlaniit;.Platow'.
stipulates 'that the ,..happY date, ninat
be set at .sciine distant date..
...His thief problem '.neW• is, whiCh.'one!
' td clioose
DrOve At 80 M.P.H. To Sick.'
•' Daughter "
• . , .
iNyINDSOR-, ,Besause wills rush-
ing to tile ,side..15t-lils, danghtor, ritj
cally :ill in Ali2balna°, Charles. D. ,Car -
sen. of Toronto,' who sped -through
Tilbury, -at +80. miles an •hOur, was .let
, off 1,1•ith a,•$5 fino, C,ai•pon did ;net. an -
pear, •in letter '• to.LIVfAgistrate •
Stuitli said lie blade the trip from Tor -
01110 to Diriniughariis,in one"junqi.
Against Recruiting 'Women •Fcr
• • •
.11-,-1171NstrYo efi'ort•
4 '
shou)d be
LaNeii n.t.' this time to.
.reerait.wonieii as..cantlidates for the.
in in istr y • wa..s,; . re (1 0411 1110 Ilda,tion-
•thk .was, t he .e0pro of
Christian. Edatittiori of the United
Church of .Canada the annual tlieet:;'
ing ,
119)id ,coptge.";,
If • be , well , if' w•rinien•lippli...
shotild. net i'ettliv,iid eandi.
diites., • at an, . than. 2;2:
.• „ • ,
45.• Veers, When their elm:actor and
adjbaintents. to ,life what& have
become , rola t Vel tahlt, „ rce!,1, the
ecomin en itation. • ' •
Nurses Avell eanic, , • ,
PENTANG, —,F,ire caused
• feative111 the ;renetituguislt.
„elle .(1„atieritl:and Alarinelfogpital
.ed.a•thinor 'filidok! Of pante' among 'tlic
'dozen' ,pati0nts 111 th iltaytittfon 'When;.•
'..sinoko started ;eddY,ing iiirditglt • tile
their rpm% :wefe."$ot 91 .raSt : by, coin.-
agentisivses. nititerial thttnaipSliflrses''
rOnarl 4g.. on. 'the teli: Mot,
• • $4,70009. 'WOrki
"trIcaltittrA, I'retnier
tallo has OflflotlOej ti Wiirli,"prOgr;a1t1
The .Priimier Said;.;ncgOtfitClons'; he'
cf,n,pe and• tire Vett6rht
4,1efilt ,WerkS,
•,:grani had. 'Demi .,ottrptekt,ct::'•witit •.th0.
deeisiencto sit.enti
tend 'OenitrktIOnylitlitlition, Tie, Said
a '-sk606;60o• 'watt iniarada by th Pee,.
Otte fit` the, 714§c.'wetilti ttioht
•1thp�r ottl Atlierer 'nee:OSSA*,
.. -,
aoitantage."..of‘the service. '... • ,
:•'- .Another methost is .the • b4.:SYstallII-. '
.,with .btokaeent.. 'periodically. tO, , each-.
. settletnent, ' fi•eto:19ciotsr'''situated :at:
' ,......'
strategic4:..ol•.;iin.,te.r.•.....".,,'..'... '...
inte r:ral areas of IeWBruheWiek
• have neIIhrariesatell, noterdingtothe findings of the Deiiiion Bureau
of statlSilis!-Ar. Corbett told net
hekof,the $ew Buiswiek.legisia.
• .
He indi.pated ;there , WAS .4 .•good
Chancel of the • protince . obtaining ..tie; .
nOcial, "asSistsnc.e . froin the Carnegie ••:
Corneration for itraral,Jihrary• service,1
•HPremier7bysart •gave .aesuritifte Aliiit'
, .. .
,‘INT0W;B,ruilakvielt,Would•do Ali pOssible ,
to ,take.'advailtage 'cf any ..siteli."Of)poii7. .
•innity,. . . ,.'.,: .r. , • ,
'ciOch. of itowg's
13rig4t04. :UpFarm..
'Waterproof azd Disiofectant
, • So-
Iutions Availabe.;,•
In the springthe farriner',13 fow'y
may rightly tarn to ihoughta
Wash, for, atter the long winter the
'leer niia'15. kee.4 Of beiner hrighten,
ed up. Eierj thvellerfri in the city or so-
:, burps... will _find that , an.' outbuilding,
Would -be none fe,rthe' worse tier
elirit.i.g,g,0.4„c:44v:And;,01,6re Is nothing
after a•rf .‘better Or,i...se • inexpensive as •'
whitewash.... •. • ;,•••• • ' •
Persons•afe often dOterred‘ froba,the
VSI•ilg...of.whitast , thi'raggli t,he fear' '
that," a shower of rain;,rnight
bOt...the. pOrnialcia Ex•acyriinental Farm
has e-VOlted.,!..a...L.,vetor',e,;,,,of ',whitewash .
fi uutdc,u wp!'k Whioh wiII iwevOl4t..';
it newly whitewashed barn' from
• .
es on
inre g a pictuef'd a el ti after ,a
dow.npoa!_ It ia made hp in the -fello;Y• •
ing .proportions; slake. 62' pounde -of •
quicklime in 12 gallons Of ;het, water, • .
-and "add• two poll/We, of Salt :and one,
• Round of sulphate of diesbiveci` in , •
:thotigh. net egsential- ilnprov,es '
,the• Should .be 0,1nitied
• tho,„•.$;thitelVaab - 13,---req11#04. fOr• .WStal•
surfaces-. ,virhich ,caSt: • :•
•baliditiga : a:disinfectant
whitewash may bd desired. Here Is. a ;
recipe •retonimended' by .the beraielon
ESPerimental Station at 'Scott,. S.ask-
eichewaM. First, 50 .poinids*of lime are
•dissplyed.' in , eight' 'gtiins° of hoiling••••
'water.... To. thi iii added aix ,gallone.
'hot water which has ten pounds of
!mit ,and. onepotiact.,Ot akim dissolVed •
• In it, A cap of lye Is added' to every
2 -gallon
.5 s of. mixture,noim&,oe!ce"..;•
, .
• • .
eally added,,and . thoroughly •stirred; •
The ;object'. Of' using the ilia): i8.. to:.
•reie,nt,thelline*ttin7rabbing off.. Ce.
, ,ment inaltes a Inore creamY, Mixture •
- 80':fliet it • Is easier:'tio .apply: and the •
larger . Surface. is '4,ov,e,recl.. Lye is
ded. fOr diginfectieg •PurpOseei: hut a
quart' ef:preesel. disinfectant; to every •
eight gallops' ivet;Il. seeve the 'Sanie •
It:';os-. fv,. 'is „ preferred when, the .,•
• coier... is. to be ..kept
For „Rural.,People„
.• .11.>!6•711)tswick.., considers Steps;
•For ro-therine, Educaticn
,Through Reading -1
. .
, to ' •
inake.\-librarY; ;service eqtitvalent to• ,
that., in ' cities availatile...at „every. far-
niers.,docirstevhdi,e;-,heed” 'eonaidered.-:-
ril'are7by,pri:-Plettlier 'Peacock, .elirector;
of.educational eer,vite,s fer.frew,Bilint•
,and 'i:»•, E. A. Corliett,..director,'
..for Adult 'EduCation. ,
•,• The, hope, . Dr; ',Peacock
was to .provide servi`ce'.
as file .cornerateneefan 'adult edit6a. tional ."
me.voinent including the 'tlie"orY •
ead:practice. of ,veci•oneiation,.:_lo-teaeh-
farniers how to intreeoe 'earning Pow-',.
er.,and iniprOVe Jlving conditions, •
, .One.. library ' ,syatein ;Considered
woujd inVoi've Use Of tinge book 'laden •
-Vans' travelling onregtilar.circuita and
making regular ..iitopS, 'This Was, gaid
.teihave Worked Welliin. British -•
.::bia•.?.'Withitholiseinda of larnierg: ti){11)g..i '
Lmcas First
'sJuisarce" Tell
tory cm - :Herse
M. Rci.Os'evelt. :Readsi
,Inlentatk Letter She OeseiVed. at • •
• .Children's Ettrati ,
• .
11.0oSeN.e1t; .u4io,,likcs..te'tell,a story on
has A' OSW Otle 1ul0lriltg ,ifer.;•••-?
`4Atile.riCa's firSt, iitliSabee.`!. •
, • .811,e Spelteint.t1 dinner (1ontraoli)orat.
ing'the 251h Aaniveriaty.
0\el i (hilth ( 11 130 0111 Mis L91 110
0 Of t05t( 11 1I1 rod 4i'dcl liei as ,the
•"1",1si 'Social a oy10 lierec:.1f 'that ,i he
, • tin t 1es has he oW n. ii,taviny' .
• ; • 7
•••,,Sitpt, 'that. 'intr,edurtiol,,',...
tzeosevelt reSnonded,, '',1, Went to
. yet. Part ..of • a .retter..t..reteiVefli
01:0•1.6„.17:1a. ti$ociit 14,Yro
•you really, are. Aiii6rica.,'s • mils.
, your nose many, thivas, 1.•1_
, ..Shedld iiot 9 th e1it&'i
D1111$9ifl tho tInverif,inent'A •
1•;,),:i0.1•!.:t....120:3 •
,1tt1it1dttt Itt.1.• it Tight to.
. GOVerfitiletif ii il:" .
'ue befOre, they arc 1:0tlit".
• gto