HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-15, Page 8AT `Many, Flowers Soap, 5, .:...21.c Palmolive ;S fp,. 1 free 3 17c L' r ,' ,e... Large 'Lea, �' if buog'. 'Large Chii o . 21c 'Wheat Puffs. Cor Flakes 2pkgs..15c ,i4 , - *pk1 � t'Y'ootl`".flat :. lar ` ,Iut e, Il n ,;.,,dOc Soda Biscuits; 2 lbs. . 5c>::. Libby's Pr & . Reaps, 2 15.c Libb Y s •Tom, Juice, 2 •.�, . 15c Seeded Riliin ti Pk s ,:25 c n abs^ s s LaiPru ,ge nes, 2; :lbs.., , , , : ,25e Dates 3' .lbs ., .25c• Cooking Figs 3 lbs: . 25c , Fanc • Ri b y ce►,. 4 lbs. , �:Ifnomps� "Phone 82 SPECIAL PRICES :ON ,�-.-sem T,�-w.,. 14 1 U1E1 OW{I" OwN ` :? L CHURCH NO 'E "WHJLE IS WAS 'MVSI G,..-.,, ...: T E ',FIRE BTRN D" Presbyterian W M :� >8.._ s., The Presbyte>'l' The.April sunshine worm and `bright, an W M S. met in Is iloodcng h}ll, alio dale, • the lecture. 'room• of the church' on The sap '11 stirring in the' trees _ And . tinkhn iri' the pail, Wednesday afternoon, Apr}l ?th,•. Mrs. James Smith, 3rd,' vice-15reside1iilt,; pre •1, sided; .The :']meting open .with a 'The little streams in races, run• , , i hymn and; scripture,; readi by Mrs,;; AdoWn the : hillside':bare,. . , Snaith Mrs, Chesnut;' led: in ipreYer. ,:The warbling bluebird •• : .,, . ` •_._.: ' pours.. Ida. no.• te , s.,-Af an�_at h einbnu scn sswMaisss,.d•Misp.a.r dM.,of- .T IenS.caapdeins,abocicnbgnd in ,trhae,of ,•.., Leod gave the Bible 'stud, Mrs. Hors; Pale amber a . ra t r ed t. o brawn, ,. ace AatchiSon • san solo • nd t „_o. lake .You. boilin .• an awtopic was :taken b3-r'Afrs.Hward. A- ;, On `fshion ,If.own,. , , �Q4„ A-readdnts NRc=f?>.?twn ,h*- .r.,. 7.;,- ,«..,.. l ..,1.avison •The riieeting ,oldsediha li t1e,: Winds gle whispering' by,; with. a 'hymn .:}nd. ,the 'Lords °praypr Thex.voices'seem to speak ' .` ' Brown, leaves likerltte. living g ain unison:• United Church. W A Th ..e APril meeting,' {': of Mrs; ..Aria- . r = • ,strongsgroup,held. at Mrs:. Bish 1 elg' t s hon f • e gn'1`uesday a ternoon Thee . meeting' .o ened by. singing,a • } m.n after whichall repeated ted 't Lord's .praYer. Theminutes -of-last- meeting ,g were read''. and adopted. and. the ,report• was heard from .the :•sick; r• A sPRl'N( MUSTTBE-HERE' Spring appears' to b. -it :here: In fact, it mist bg here!, at least in: the: neigh- borhood ood, $f` the, 'C.: R depot; for ebeaides •henriag geese; ;honking, "the gang" up,: there report that Mr Jack Nicholson .ha$ made hie •appearance,, sporting. a straw hat ' So, :that's; Proof conclusive, :for sin`>;old'Miner • c Jac k Sought to nPwwhen,its s rinS and when it 'taint..•That a boy Jack,;ou. Y . lead' the parade: up up there synd'T:dhow those other , Oft mygs >ovho ll: likely still ha their' flaps_ 'down and, :thei ,•:re : Iia n e , s on. • f , C rum 'Family Leave, e playing hide and seek f d P ,,, rein s, resent Could ut at , .._. fl on yon, 'white cloud , . , . • . r• ".,Arid d wea_ ve earth'. ,car •. b el o, ...:' •�. a h. d ' b • C r if m _ Leave v ePropelled'by .gentle iePhyr,sbreath Pari,mount Distric For $elgrave*And, Qh! ;good gracious, 0-0-0! And :Friendcath -''•' 'While ,1 ethereal flights attained ,' gered' To Make Presentation LastEarth,s .mundan things tourSturdaWhile-l •was e mbinheightssublime . " _ I'vie-, let diet syrup" -Urn.. : , '.': Friends and' neighbors' in the Par•= committee, Members of the sick coin The kettl d glowing red, amount 'community° gathered last I mrttee appointed ,for the, next :three : Like earlyheast eastern :dawn, , . , week to •do honour to Mr. and. Mrs. Months are Miss Mallough: and Mrs; • My airy castlekhave' collapsed, ' Fr'ed. Crump and family who, leave. ' Armstrong,` Community, singing: ,was ; In ashes, all is gone, ;this,' ' week for their new home near enjoyed, after `which Mrs. Robertson ' " ': • E R....B ;: St. Helens. Bel grave• The, highlight ,th exenz aa�•e:a=--readdng.7±After-'-t1rB-dOluise'x, -� - �, *-.4--•was- a resentat on' of: a., couch, Mrs. • Fowler then • '.favored., with: a : •on behalf of this Community . Plena solo and Mrs. Johnston read a No REASON. FOR', DANCES :The` following address expresso. very interesting journal: Jean Bushell ' ' • :STARTING SO LATE •the regret with Which their'del$arture favored • with` a piano. solo. Lunch �__ : is received in 'thee • 'neighborh'ood, was 'nerved•and. the:':Miahah, benedic- 'Commenting where ,they -'':rove :'t g on the discussion_ 'by e d size p. , , Erwin- tion' °was ronounced. -,ti `-dl e: • Y and agreeable citizens. i y p.,y;•„ • .; .: ,' • which erg7incil a n th ; late.hour at � . „ ._ ; . .. _ - ,� , (latices. st rt,, the•• Orangeville.Lucknow, ,A r• :.,, :. , ,, •P ; 110; 1937. Ba neer ,says, This is a matterDear r� n M � . St Airs: Crump; •& Family, 'which d• ich there is. undoubtedly room for . We, your friends and nec hb rs, reform. There: isg P. no•;good reason wh 'bairn '' • n . Y , . �e , c me " Here ,,tonight, .. ,dances` shoal' . ght, to express d not begin at 8` or 8 30, our regi it your leaving c Coin - • FOR MARCH kite : Leghorn ,t....„.. arred!' Rocks- White ocks White ; Rocks ; q Ne ga si Ne* hir • iqp eReds. ";. White Leghori enekerels Rocks'' & Red Cockerels ac .eekr Old ,:Add,: T,wtrneent 77 Two Weeks ,Old Ad 1 Five ,Vents ,To Above Prices ti, r i Ever Chic Y:Prone h -1�i OOd- •Tei "` to ;'• �s Stock ':1 d, • . , Hatches Every Monday. ' •Write 'Phone r , .. e o Call DU CA: KENNEDY DY 'Phone , am; Ont:. '. United' Church W.:M 5:.. 'Mrs, Rothwell presided..at: 'th'e meet- ing g of the United.Chu M:Sa'' .. on Wedneeda J, t1;rs. Tucker's'•:grou had c- ha.* o. of • the PLogr m.TA espotisixn leaflet was, read bearing. on "the "Ea= iter• .Story". A chorus" "'Tomas 'just 1k Jesus love" was given b a.nuxn her •of:ladies,. accompanied ' by Mcs - �oberts R, on. _The: stud'Y. book;;!akas Or- en in r' three parts by Mrs, ..0 " • 1tich ards; 'Mrs -Robertson and -";Mrs. G Andrew. An: interesting ,story., "In guest•.of a' Beautiful : Life", was' read, ::., ad bIVIrs: Gra a Y t McDi .mid # d' . . An ri, c Cation ,was extended'' to our pastor, Rev 1V Ir. •Tucker. to..'take° charge 'of our Thankoffering service to ` ,'held be_ 'on April 18th, nt 11',"o'clock.' . r; South .Kinloss'. P. S. MAKE PLANTS ; FOR BRUCE :' ' e • •Thi re filar Meeting COUNTY' ., `% , mei.., g • of the Squth MUSICAL FES,T%VAL : Kirilos ' s Young People's Society was I� held 'Friday; ni ght with a lar u Plans are bein Com i gen m g pleted . for the . .ber •present.:. Misses •Mar ,• holdn ' of ` � Y and Eunice 8 , „ the'• 12th ' annual •' Bruce Coun Carter'sang a ,duet'�and Mr.. Leoriarc! ty Musical ;Festival, ,It is ex ... McInnis •gave• a readin c ,The topic.. petted-tli a t .. g p at• -p rt of the ltogra� aril ' ' ” - -r '• t`v* s• a stud . •of�t)z a ... Y e Pewee ,R'iver. acs- be ' :eld in. Mildnia � ' ' b, ••Yon 1VIay,27th, i<nd,aiict' and' oma .under, :the . s . n . the ,leadership. , , •a -. a• in Walkerton on • May of kiss. Annie', 'McKa . •wh • ` Y, o .gave; a '28th: All , music lovers and',•all• inter= 'brief; introduction' • -' •'•to the `subject Mi: . cited i n thr •,r r s o t .r 1 h hi .30 1 1 w a e. m.-." W wo b rk, emt, J:• D , Ross • then • gave. -an :,interestin'' •- The Family, Adviser undertaken �' by',,;the •Bruce Count � ,. • �'� 11:45 a:ma,--Th ; ' .. my and__instr. c ` ' - r Farmers .Hour .._ .. u tcv . _: .... a talk o . h` n t Pa e e ce ,12.35 m: -Ki ural, Young Peoples Association are ' R' p ncardine' on . Iver, district• and •the ;•Missaonar :., . y Review asked : to reserve'. these dates 1.00' •.m, -P P rain' : ... , , Work.- carried .there . , ,;,.: E..:: .1lagabonds. • out .. `The ionic. ce ., . �. J: ' Camp'l ell aV,Iernnes " P ' ' s, distin .uish- J45 p•m.--Brussel' ' . g : ,, missionary.• to this district wee. r, , , s, Review,; . ._ s the ed baritone and lecturer . on' '1✓n li' e g sh Rev, Alex --For es w W dnesday., .Ap-rs1 21st- --Diction. and�'S ee ,, b .,. o, .for sonce,time. •.,.-1:',.0.(3,t .. ., . . p . <. ch, with; the Uniyex= 'Was ' Paster''''.at : 11:00 a:n •-",- -, • , , -pastor Teeswater, -Other: • . ,� . , Betty Moore -the ..• sity of • Toronto •:has been secured workers' there v • • • ' •a•• , w orlcers there are .Rev. C. E: Fisher^ omemaker:' adjudicator: Mr `Mclnnes.`h ' as .'`served' Rev.. W. �'; Atkinson' � Rev: '• 11$9 a.m.,•-=The' Fami1 Adviser" - in this capaeit t° sons' a J. • M, �� Y ., y a e Of' .lar';. - ,. .,; ,. e_ ler,* I?raser,, •.Rev.:. Gordon Peddle • ,Miss':,.12.45 p.m. .,Karma. • .est '' fes'tivels hi Canada:. ;Peddie,', Mar 'ar 12.35 p:,iii•-=Goderi Margaret.. 'Grigor, . 'Miss M. Todd ch Review. .Entrie • . •: � • , s are now being received`. b", : t `-. 6, 45 Y . 'm.- Mi Te ss P esw' Bele at 'r .. , e, Review: ' ': ,. th :. .., , n Medill and :>Jr: ''Margaret'• e. _.. _Department__._".of.- - Agri°culture, ,Strong .Savage. The work -'-is' 'carried- � ? 30 P m: -The. sF,,amily_Doctor.,_..__ Walkerton;: and accordin ;,to •tli •. a. g e sYl- . 'on, • from: •six centres::., Thursda 'April labuThe., Xoung, .. Y, .22nd.,' �• ,• s 49 cls sses : have been •arranged. • P_ Peo 1' - of .11.3 -; a the': O a . 1 he • p . a .Presbyterian, church' 1 : ' a44: -'-The: Family •Adviser: se include class " f es er choirs!` cher.-•W ha :.� . ! . _ : _ .. .� . , , .. � . , . ve-voted-to •raise: •5.00 � _ , .. 12:15 • p.m - Ra, , . r ,... $ 4, to help in , .. . 'mar . .. use,. vocal and . Inst .time nt , al solo, • ..this •work; A paper ' repared by Miss 1:,00 pan.,;-.T'.rarie .Vagabonds; and duets; 'folk dances and.. elocution, P p P , Dears.• McLeod' ,:on •what :' Scripture •. 5.45 p m •-Lucke Entries .. The; ' ::_ � :. _ I?.. .e'_ _�...:.__. _._-,.., _.___ow, Review.•_w?. es should be made :by April 15..., say's about •misssiona ':: was a• • 8,00 :m.-�- •• ry work oma,. • P. Gladys Pickell, :• piano,. read •;H.s' k:: `'_ �-. e a nd'a• pper , w a• s:'giv en by M r: ,;Frida� y,'A pr-=i• 23 rd,, ' ',Gerald Wagner on ' Miss • Margaet. • 11:30 101.1.-111e4Fa miltA dvis er,' . • An.s eaing of s.dewn strikers'. Grcgor s work. i 'the Peace.River ,. 6 4;' .m: -Guy: Lombardo ..Ore h ;there,s a' boy whoh,claims his ;father1, A discussionperiod was hen: held '• ••estra. ,� .,habeen.a st_down stik r;for.year::, in which Rev.GYoungtoldsome .in,; , 7:30p.m,:-- he_Famy Doctor..' .-at` least, that's about where- heal tel est ing,'.experiences of his: 'n. his a ways ys strikes: him. , .. a :.:.; ,.' turd , p 24t1i-- : , . missionary w ,.,; Ywork •• m British Columbia,,, 11:4ii m; :"• P The Farmers' Hour LOC,AIL•andGENERAL) Miss: Margaret, 'R,itelye of London sPent Sunday at bei .home' here. . Mrs; James; T. Lyons Alfred:, S erwo ` '.: ° oft, were week -end visitors; 'i C! Hamilton,' ' ' New � seaso r n M en, s aiid..Boys eralla` ,and •Work.. Cloth n i g at, Old -, Price. -THE; .M. ARK.ET STURE. • Mr. i4ah{nd''M....r,,.sMcLean ' Johnston Miss Helen: of•London ,..Fre Sun ,�:,14F9 IMiss /* nine. e. �...rinMiller ; �, • ML. rs. C Thompson and, Dokiald, 'spent the ,qr eek - e ' •l ..nd F!vith `.chat ve ,,. r, , i s, in Tor�ontb:. • � R ev ',MacDonald ' la at.� , ianeek , • attended- `ed ' . t he.. ;mCl the .Senate.. eetin ' th , . and Board' of Knox College 'Toro /ltd.. The ': ,mainstreet received its :first; :thorough `• spring clew in "-t'_ n u g P l t as Thursday, and looked. much: the bet -:'I ter• ol.it: his past week,' Kenny PUrvi • s hes, � s, torn down` and, removed the icei'ouse: aria ehed at the rear . of thee" doynt' Block. • Mr, and Mrs; Prank' Cole:. spent. a fey �aY,s-last- eeit visiting dth -friends in Goder,`ch and 'from:: Saskat- , . :Miss Marion Mace ersoe. went to Teeswater'the latter p t, of the 'week Rto attenhn Y,e d theMcRas S ••funeral:go ests of her ;cousin, , Jo, _Mrs W. J Laney and. . d•_Miss Etta o i Ir'sP f,• le ,.. vvre a" , na. . d y and Mrs. ',James, R'','Hackett;;,. , and :'Mass e „ L na; Hackett:. • ' • • � Ing bur Mr.. and Mrs., Wm,' Hawkshaw of instead_ ' f 9, 9:30 or even 1 ' ' „ :' clock:: :Muni ` • hare -..found you--yovial- the�kOth� on • ; _ f they' si;'a`i ted 'earlier `` hcompanions.. . , .: ,. � , ; nu'd` rg, . C. Stu ... ort. . . , t ey could o always willing' to do o f.' Walkerton,• spent .Sunda • � • break up earlier -nd young; •peo p te: ou n: h Grit - would �. , P Y .i' Port a , d„play' the game fairl ,- ;noori With ' , . , , , , y . h 'Mr. and ,• � Archie •.I. get .Mrs. Koine and to bed at a' mare Mrs;.Crump... has :.aived. amongst us Kiel � •. ',. . reasonable_hourt`.Thib -hrrlds`-good'=fbr ?alhirer lif6 afro the- lsia '�leave. Most: t Lc u k- no :dances. �.. which- , do not Par s►n►aunt of. a family , of' nine • in - really - Y g,,et•started? untili9l0.30:or even 'ikwtrious. 'And honorable 1 citizens. later •Statistics prove to us the difficult • P r.oblem for, giddier dfer• tosada' pt -.him... self •,to' civilian; life, _ :• ' ` : an d- only, u n d' er e .Your Rome •Stot�onStood• �bY ,a:reT 1Ir. rmPwCKNX .@INGHA r`• owe`a double-. inem itY.'one.•as a1200 ices. :24g;8. metres neighbor doing best he'eould the as • a ,•soldier, .'.who; : offered his ''•`Weekly Program Highlights • *f la the Great War,•,for the free - Sunday, gpril. 18th- dom we' are.' enjoying, andreturned 11.00 a,m: United Church Service wit h physical tiamlacaps, to ,'wrest a ,700 p, n, Presbyterian ,Chuec living in'a , well, equip ed and, s hP some, •Service times an ungrateful "world:'.; Monda .., .. April ' ., _• .. he ;three anti ~b '' , , • Y, AP. it 1 . •.. .; , e QYs You are rain; 11.30 'a.m.-The F nilly 'Adviser:' Ing' we': hope. will grow up 'to'. be a 11:45 •a,n - -The Farmers', blessing''to yell _ in• your dee nin , s Flour. . _. g •:1;00 p:m:-G, F: Dixori poultry years, as well •as: an- asset tb :: our, count•:•' talk' � Y.,...7,'•.�. •..w, ho Pe ._.Pe a • ,7.30 me' time'' :m.-- 'i' th . P Th" `• Family la e `futu e e m I D'r oct r . '..�, ., Y o . ' conditi' ; .s; '8.00--.Kenneth::Re'toul i ins will be such that'yt,u May is songs. conte back: and "mak • Tuesda .'A 'rile e • your':liome with Y, April' 20th_.. , , _ . •.. 'P1' ease :accept this,, gift. 'with God's • o. .:'THURSDAY; APRIL 15.TH, 1lj, 4 PRIM RUFFLED: MAR DISE • .@,. T _ COT A .. .. T ..T GE SETS -Effects � �• nd e, a damt V Per ac . r 1'. .` FRILLED QUISETTTi This _ar :-; ... e .. a the.:cnrtaan ,. , .. Ge :- $ _you �uilh.. u uuxi' xy s P aro n. SCRs M b Per . , Y .she' yard.: :Special at. Yar " d ,: TUSCAN ` T ;. N C RT A I NS-= H eav with.�1designs' Y .....�scan,,Weare,.,'. ovel . in .. �`, edge e an g • �bo rd e. y d s RAYON. � ..A ON. and COTTON DAMASK, 40, wider i , n. rose, and Terre a cotta: • SEE OUR RANGE of Nets` and Scrims d ri msb theY yard. :Per •Yard ..._...y,. Some with dots,;othert}';apph,. ued,, a• C: „ and •.l5 C Full.• Lin e' •Of� OT Y and�• CLOVE .E SE t ALSO ALFALFA AND REDD. MIXTURE •AN • ' .•� TIMOTHY : A , : LS A:,.. IKEA MIRT[TRE ' -_ ''. rte-. r • ., ,'Man1► '• theatre Luck**, P and vicinity saw.w':The':Great'Zie eld' atl;f. .the Lyceum Theatre the first., of.': the ;week,' which was a •spectacular.• thr"ee. hour Performance' ' • Iq lmproving Mrs. Edward Dexter 'who ha s„been;: under the _doc%r''s.:care for •sonie tiMe e .. is' improving She,:is being waitedon by her 'daughter, ' M;s ii:' Robinson:' Little '' Mary ' Murdoch,:;5-Year-old daughter ;of Mr,. and Mrs: ,John, Mar dock. is' getting along nicely from::'= a fracture. of the :left arm suffered some ten days age;. in:,'s , tumble "while^ visiting at: her' grandm. other's;'.• Mia R.'11 Thompson.,..localdile=• gate .from the W;_M-S: o _ _ _ Y the-- niter .-e. Church, is this , -week; attending • a three;day: convention) ' n of the Hamil=� ton Conferenceof 'the held:at(St:�:,Andrew's'Church Nia a , ra '. Fall ' g , s blessing a- . g s• riii e em bra c f *our • : , ...,, Y o. u`r , High hSchool hoof stu dent w i tnessed:od.mfrends. interesting motionpicture shew tainn . : Signed, the school lasThursday .afternoon Alex ;McNay, J.'Henderson.' connnenein e • _ G• • • � , B' at three -thirty.,... Filme<- Maebiarmid ,. J.. McIntosh, were both' educate ” . .. . Deal ,and 'amusing, with .the . performance' promoted b the. Shell Oil Company; Y a s se s for ,.-Permanent r m.n : e n e as u r e -• N L uUD MEADOW I N W .F„s c UE• pE' E1VNI AL ..,. ,ORCHARD• . RY:-:B G, R. A S• : ,.CANADMAN' BLU EGRASS► KENTUCKY:. WHOP. DUTCH'GLOVER' ..`. A'TRW .Bar SH ELS OF -H O. �'1'E: , GROWN GRADE NO 3 ALFALFA;. FREE -OF PRIMARY Y . NOxlo , os: ': WEED SEEDS.' 'STRIKE STRKE'AGGAIN AF H ANOVER Twenty employeesof the Knechtel• Milling Com 'an'' . P y At Ha over we`' , nt on:: strike" on, • eaturday. ; ,Employees -of.-the J;1J Speisz:furniture factory' are rY also. Striking again:M• SP is:zleft holdaYon Saturday plan- ning • not• 'to 'return ' ""il•. gun abo'° i ut May 1st: Iii the •meantime; he said his:em ployees 'could have` :.ho i a 1 day also without Return From North '' Mr , and'. Mrs; Win, Jansen .arrived in to wn'ori Tae'sd: .ay froiiiG e ra i idton, J. having I spent; ,the winter in the They -will fake-� up again :at g St. .• Heli ns 'w' • th a Ja • , Jansen en• leaving, F` shortly for Toronto, t. ' ' , ,!where= he secured ' • ao' p sition with;, a • conStructcon Cain- ,. pang on.'highwa : buildin' ,. 'highway building . gout.of Tor- !, Onto. • tC11 �l�n Koun WITH THE • T LL , R S. `, Rear' and See • the remark. able •. Tra' velogue ; of T oma Tortoon ' . University •Studeints': who thuanbed their way Y i oirnd .the.'' . : 'Weil d, • :T he • Most Thrilling Travel Story • Ever Told in America":• in the .T Town /. Halt t •. L cknow. Paler auspices P s o f the W.. A o� nth • f e .United •.• Church',,` gin::Th..!ur a., 6th at' . ,sd Y/ May 8. :` ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN I5c: es mate , •• v . d the corona i ew. Ri le °' tion A .will A crit i r g a, b.. dist'• $2;270,000�,on •... , , m • Bunter . wel = ' ' "talking • ,:, , t . of Public. funds.:• blr, Gordon• , . .,. . • 1 knownBeave onr .� ' ' � ,O . neh :. of Ayton . is ; . , ,. ;::. , . '. ., :.. s Tao Plentiful .owever, ,the. mon'e . ... ... �•, . re orter.►, ,.. .. y Put into • circa-:: whe new C.N.R. a e P of the Evenin Tel � . g, nt„at, Ri le. , sac- , .. g egram Beav . • .. dation: ,li vis: ..:. l y, r • , ,. ors hare, m!u.ltc lied y hors to. Britain , will ` ceediri ' . will. adorep . so:rapidly'' .: , 8' Wm. ,Mair, who, .with his. ss . a',pubhc meeting undoubte` in Wal in $anff Na taonal Park that' .� d1Y.coWnter'balance this •out-: family. . their. ,,..... : .. , ... 'the a =.: left. recently _for ' their new kerion on Satur a .e u, .. .. :_a Y . evening . _ rc -t • ,.:.. , home, in Brampton:' `17th.''',,.. . _ . . e b� s ave n forced ;t'o`"�-talrt, a • �,_„ .. '': :.' ,.. • . - sign 'agains th "camp., .. ern .. _ .: ,.. Iay hili.. ,, , we are altering the interior of the Store» we .�.... ;�, l e 1• a a at. lines t•��we� ire. w •� �, placing on' the Bargain Counters. look them 1� ck tto over, e e.Findirg° imany Came • T' an • :a.��n�.s�ndtiP r