HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-15, Page 7AWN
• ".
THE 'W6Rt.
tItIeaee• pf8Oilojoii, la the ' trotted
States:7% Toronto , Globe and Mail,
()0 Are Bachelors Problont. of ClieeSe
Beverley Ba‘xter'n reports his dis, , 4911 hutter . Shipped' to Brit-
, atm i
covery- that out of .615 -'rixeniteee t las it.e. cOmPete with' •Pradneere
Iii Ayetralia.; New. Zealaod; and 'also -
the British I -louse 'Of ,.Corionehe':ap, Denm•,,:
proximately.;200. are bachelorst' --Odd °111:4rkeq-11
pry. diflicolt. On ,the,otner nand, ap-
parently, Canadian cheese is not sub-
jected to this keen competition.
Hence it would. -arinear to be; the '
part of wisdom, with increasingiptM
production in Canada, to build uprthel
exPint trade In cheese, The' United'.
States, i'under the reciprocity pact, is
Prepared. to purchaselarge quantities.
at Canadian cheese, 'arid' the British
'market is' ready to 'ilhaorb ,a greater
that voices ,frpoi among the latter'
should express most concern about
Britaites falling • birth rate.
Baxter isaPt a bachelor,but he, tee,
• looks, Into the future with SUMO OS- •
,givinge as to what may happen to a
depopulated Empire whose; vast ter-,
ritories are, the envy:cif 'races which
threaten to overflow, their present
bouodaries, .Canada': *Ali but, eleven'
•scattered over its gigantic
irea,' mi t be well advised to take„
rather a •liv interest, lo_the
T�ok.Mistieriger's• Word • •
.A tgtograin was being .deliVered by
,a local telegraph. °Ince messenger boy
_and, as . the, door'" was opened.to him
•• hh handed the 'teregrieM to the One:
had answered his kneels, aod
shoying his bonk out Said 1,40. ,ne4e1.'• t
asitlY, "Just put Your Joh Henry.
tire please." :Arriving ..back at the..
' telegraph,ofilce, he Icielted at his heok.
. . spit found, Written in a. scrawling!
/genii "John', Beery," The recipient of
, •
_ . Vdre • -11a4.-taken,the rmeseseneei iiy al haorti•,If-' 1111.Y individuals a.fid
10.4t,..„,..,,,,a040,101.ts.tlio.,77,,,;...• ..,:conainunitleseewilkelnitt- e • '
.../tecerder and Tinies.' • •
•-•-• , Dtlift*I"Tay. . •
'The Monne of. the .DiOnne
• lets to date ia '844 to over half 'a
million dollars. Pr; Dabie, lio. pilot-
ed thein ,Into. theworld aid
cared for .thein eyer since,hae
received • about, $4,000 ,for his ' serviCes,
•11:e ad•VertiShig agents most have got
a . bigger . commission than, that.
Stratford. Be.adhen-Heralcl„ ' •
Favor •
Gramfma's COM • Reine,dies Up-
held; :Rums "Cure \ ' .
' 'Harmful
." •
•SIAT.T4E. Mae-
farcl. plP.sters, hot. foot batini 444 PIS;
goose grease rubs go:rnaeching on. but
grandpa's cold fr lint. of,
,„.„„ weer
at a regional meeting of, the 'American
.„ • •
They insisted that the best pre-
sottpt1,0,•la to go ...to hed •aod
ther�. ,„... , ; •
ieM,edies . for •cOlds bavelVt
been greatly-, linprove,d," pt.., Ferry G.
,Goldsmith ;Of :Termite/ Ontario' told. the °
. . q, . •
, • Ife,setd• grandoia's, bet beef. tee may
have . been evil ttesting, but.. ft. .i.VOS
Other phyeiciend-beelteci-hirti too
with reConimentleth,?ns for mustard,
Plasters andgoone, grease. riths,
:Wilson Jelineton. of Portia,nd,
6176g0,11,. said Dr, G01081'4411'8 ''''granti•
7.inether's. •curei.e..wOre• exeellent.. but
that grandpa's • whiskey tare wad
The pfoblem tor -the cheese -maker
to the, farther, SO, that -he- will get a
fair ober° the price '.paid by the
cOnSumer. 7-- • Brantford. Expositor.'
It Can. Be Banished
In spite • of the marked progreas
during regent Years as a result :Of im
naunization Campaigns,' we cannot
Say that diphtlae#1a. has. :been,.;•really
Conquered in Canada as long as the
, , . .
disease claims 169 lives in three '
months, as the latest report of Bur -
e -al: !Of Statistica 'Intlicates..'„BUt 'the.
means of complete conquest lies. read-
ITC/Ulf , ,
• —Floral'•Tributes•
ge-markvcrogirotouiri ot ooar-10
„, the tineatiOn, ...as • te••,,
..Ivitether it is advisable or otherwhie
to Pnhiish: the .names of lndfviduala
'offertriga on ,7the
.,,diaath of'a:friend, Some • Say .Yea,
eih97s Sayansy...:: 'Once .upon atime
, this F,VbVince it was aii alinest!
universa'proJetice. to., Publish: ;both •
the names . Of 'individuals. and Of or;
.s.ganiSations. :Then- Professor Goldwjii
himself a newspaper .man', at
*Wel, 'pointed. out that,', the practice
. but ..tauded.•to. Invite More , and more
:of each:offerings; many of them eCo...-
r tributed olely for t4e sake of
licity, ani not a .feW :of .thenz:the.cOn-
.tributions of friends :none .too = Well.
able to amid:Abe expense. And 4nd. in
thus .referring to, floral ' trIbuteS • he
• Mentioned.' wedding'. presents • cOnkink
: fr'onf.hidiViduala. Publication of these
• ...also Ji ,i•egarded as ihuoiy a bid for
large number. ' A Man whoikr.opiit':
• lone Ca.:riled. weight with :ne.krik ev-.
_ erybody, except in mattors •of
:large number of newspapers .began
to pursue ...a.z•ditferOnt.'poUrse iii re- •
.apetit'.Of obituaries'. arid', repOrts. .of
veddfngs. As to flowers, would they '
7110e:--be.,-Inorea fitting In sick ro�ms
• °in. tut forinthan in evidence as
wreaths after the patients have :clos •
' ed, 144 ' eye ss in death, 4-dif dee ...not,.
••rieithurnippl--Te7diare, an ar,oriut?-Ren-
frew 'Mercury: . • • •
The Blishing. Bride:
• •.
• , .
The demure young bride, her face
a Mask'. of Winsome „Innocence,
ly walked doWn' the allele; clinging to
.the'artif01ter,•father. As. she reached
,the platform' before - the altar, ;her
:thiliztY foot brushed a potted flOwer?.•
upsettitig it. she ionked at the dirt
. gravely; then 'ralied.'T•lier
like ,eyes to thesedate face.of the
'old ininigter and said, .a hell
Of ri place to put a. lity."-idmontOn
. Journal. .] -
." . Letting Them Go
. .
.What has become of ,the .schemes
to getthe,',IinerePloYee tOgether for
'Mutual :lett in .finattpri,.. for
. _ .
organizing ;entertainment for • ,,theliv•
selves atone .themselves,.' 'for en
COuraging theta '9 to develop liobbies
and .80 to take :their 'Minds Off' their'
' condition?: There •are, certain' things.
• #ith.'Which thoso On relief have lo
'put Op; •they.: can hardly be prOv,ided.
.; -with funds, to • 'enable them.. to ive*
"presents; , but tete are other things'
like",netepapet, nd a few titan:Ms that
,priVate charity might take upon itself '
to ..supplf:.-'Beint -Saha Telegraidi
• ..: . . Spic44601"Sit,
The , relatiOn 'pt., speed' to safety. IS
. . ..
.''' entirely • dependent 'noon •.06fidititins.
In' it. narrow street With 'Parked. ears; il
the, motoriat, Who driveii.,at thirty -miles
iin .hour Oughttobe, in :".the ;insane ..
• asylum, And..: the Legielattire Whieh
. . , . .. . . . •
•-, pernzits . it • ought to keep.. 'hint...coal,
• izaily.. Thesadfadt is that, tun .many
•."lootorists,' pride the legal lititit'is.step
Ped iiii to 'thirty infiesLiii*.citiese. Will
• .' think ;that this •date. is . '000iissib1e
tinder aiii..' 'Cliin,StanCes.. They' will
„. drive et Ilfriafy.,,,ot .a. little 'there and,
cotide'r that 'the' are dri'mg at at
• the Legislattire.'hit& declared:. to be 1 a
tafe. rat Of tit:Vend,' .,;•,- Toronto Tele-
• '.'grillit: .• ' ' . ' •
I' 't141 - w. Possible
#4, .ncre... e —ut.
' -.TIM , idea' ' f .tt nation Wiles() Yams
1,.t. 4 . .
: prodttee heti - 3,d60A00,006 btidlielS"
• •°:04...„ grain a 'year and 'support '1.18;00(/';'• '
006 head °Credible., Bye!. stock, ..iiot:td....
•-•.-t Mention Poultry; triiii and dairy pro,
4006, Ping ' IiimiOY'' 'hi thirty-flve
" I '" lot -'
.'tearie, time calls for .'a, o - of !mtg-
. litatitni. But; fanciful as It ina'Y seem
to "the man . in the street:It is .nothlpg
' loSireef than the' -:possible &Mee,*
•• Puke of -Windsor's Arns
Arms for the Duke bt Windsor have
been recorded at the Boraltls College
in; virtue of 'it Royal Warraet:'
The Duke's, Arms. aro :these which
he i•bore as Bing, differenced with a
label Of three' pants argent, on the
:central point::pf whichis an 'Imperial .
Crown•proper. The.. Crest and.: Support-
ers have similar- IdhelS, and ,the Cor-
onet as that Of a .Sovereign's .son,
which is different; I In , that it has .no
arch,. from 'the: Coronet' whick.:.09
,Duke -had' as PrinC'e .of Walei.. • '•
-the-. first' 'time that *ATMS
.have Wen ,granted 'for a former'So-
". „
vereign, and In ,virtue:of that the•
perjal CreOn 13 used for the ,first time
'ence.--London Tithes. " '
Fill The!. Bread Bin•
. . .
•..what,s . he gQ0C1,.. of, a 'watch -dog on
the doorstep If' tbere's. no • foOd.in the.
- larder? Mr. Lloyd tteelige iiictiet's tho
G.0•Vernmenffor what he netts their
neglect • of the weakestfront of .4t11,'
tho'foOd front,: We have fewer men on
tee :'•Eitall, fewer ,• Ceres. tinder
plough;Lthenr--in.-191:4 At he same
tirno'We.'ire far mere :yillners.hie to
attaek.iipbri 'Poke. and harbours.,
, . .
Lloyd George had charge OfBrit-ain .
when -this 'natiOn harries& than
. .
three WeekS,, siMply i11. its lbread.'bizia.
'He'deserVes a7liearing when be
es '‘Ortivt..zinire food' 'fa:. hinue..4,-..--lion-
dbn" Express, • • , • • • f
— ,
• Ride, 'Brit:a/mkt.%
One in the eye for the.DismatJim
.,.thiee whiz' are always' telling -US just
how haft beaten. we „are' going to he
In the next livar. Sir Samuel:, Hoare,
Fifrsi, Lord of . the Admiralty,' reas-
sures thd.. nation about tho.supteinacy
of the . Fleet 4e 'Puts :paid to the old
story that ai'r •atta.ek .Will smashthe •
'Dirtily. The plain man will be pleased
at this plain speaking. It .isleri etre°,
. able exPerieoce to hear, a Cabinet
. Minister inspiring, hope by the mein&
Monrserise. unday Chronicle..
There are:threat types Of agricid-, •
turallahourers in Chile. The "Motif:"
'or resident farm hands,. rg..
' ceive.riciighly from 6. to go Cents a
day with food. Chietid „lir@ ,beana
fijient for two meals-, shelter, .the
use of One or two ‘aciesa.for his own'
food ..andfeed reOuirethents,i an
horse, or,inule, and sometimes A cow.
The secendtype of farm labdurer is
'thte f"peon-Voluntatio" or "afureino"
.itinerant harvesters who .are paid 31
to 41 'centsper„ day during harvest
timo. The‘third type isjhe :!ganan"
who is employed only on temporary
.jobs at from two to 25 cents per
, day, With two meals' and a crude
_The' aggregate Vallnet‘!qf all -.field
croPi in, Canada. in 1936 is now esti?.
mated . at $500,4.a1,460 a compared
With 8511,872000 10 1936.; '
Lfquor.tetitis pto piothce an aid
Condition In he blood', strewn which
already has too high an eci'd, content'
he 'said • •' • '
Horse Shortage
Higher, Prices Will 'Prevail
Result Says University of
Saskatchewan "H
ASICAT.Q0N.-:-.4he Seriousshort--
em.au for. several .years was,
net reflectedin the low bidding it
the Alegiria''Wiriter.Fair, wheii some,..
horses 'went unpld' and 'a number of .
animals went.' At, .tioih:•$ZO: to: $25 •.
per head. These 1,0* PtiCes are 'croly.
a'Aionp,orery' feature' of • the „ farrii°'
power situation,: tlee9PditlIg' to Dr.
William Alien, farM inatifigernent de;.,
:Partment,,,' TiniVe'rsity of Saskatche,
:`‘Vana Dr. Allen Said .that a:reat,Ohort-
.age of horses will continue in Sasicit',
tehewati for 'several years And higher::
Prices Will prevail:-..The•lOw ,prices
Regina were .attributed., to ':factor.S;
' rgit.,side the province, "...
, The horse 'population,of'qunaiia n,
'lune 1636.was a . reduc-,-•
tion of. 12,600 ' Jim the iirevions
year. While trart.. r, sales have oen
increasing •the ..,-tonbers 'sold stilt:
.havenot been enoogh to take eare
of depreciation. Of .Tactors already on
'• "94; •
sued..,b3r...the firmManagement' de -
in the annual "Farm Outlook,"' is-,
silfd-,:hy. the fa- managenient
• f3r., it was:predicted:that the_price_of '
; !to ' increase
faster than prices of mot. ether COM,
intdities,, It wa .J1,prediCted thet the
peak in the eye! o •,purchasing
power would -prebahl•
abOut 1940,
'•the• extent to .which farms in: Sise,
katOewainn,:haie hecarne mechanized
in rccc'nt Years 'is -illustrated by •••ri,
Jike hich is going the; rounds now.
farrnei was found looking -intently
at a, adv.w..tiaing
dica 'show 'hi the. city. Said he: "by
gosh, 1 thinh.P11 go. 1 havoiet sc
a horse for a7' 1 ri • - time-!"-
Reveals Weeds in Seeds
'mg seeds, through' ''whieh enlarged
stereescppie views are 'Mode. by phi),
tegre,phing tlieni.•thrpogh..the lens of
'e microgriMe, has been, perfected. by
Pr, D. H. Harni.Y.'Wdriang, In the Sed
Laboratory Department Bot-
any, University of Toronto, it is .an.
91-0-1•1‘;';,611.•34-3;.--iic14-.)8.-7,iyh'"•0:•ri:a•Te-ci.., • The i'our- menthe' total W,es 1-1 V I cl
the •'d•eyelop7ent,. defined that the - .1Q11°"'' Princ
inistrament should go 'Very far in 'rid-. s'il4;4512d0;IsNl*en.V131rg'en8s8:::ieNirev;i0Sicatia.,.
tifug the couhtry 'of weedieWl'ai .h f'
-..QUelme,‘-$48,(190; • 'Ontario, $729,299.4
Mann:Oho:, $7".?,271; Saskaicheweri,,$4,4,-
'764;, Alberta, ,1.96,54,2; and British CO,
'1.6101.9"; ,Z24,59q.
• '
into, .operation tne•lillectle 9f Navern-
Ii tha tWo ettded - March 15;
loansnumbered697 and totalled $2.54,f.
their, way into tbe,,sellbeceuse. of, iri!.
abilIty, to, detect thozo "in the. s °Whig; •
, seed, :E/5,tenei•Fe 'werk Aa.s 'been car.,
, Med' tolivoye adequacy:of the'.
instillment,. the principle of, whib.
the sterebaeonic view, a I:mettle:Cad-4- sit -Downer§ Leave
itInet of the 'Parlcre of forty years • EDMONTQN, Three hundred sit.
age- • 4
wo of .TliFee How!,
• •Over, ..PrelniOr AnntnliaeeS. On
Return from Florida,.
it:.`r,4:0":6;Or6Ttig,i7In i‘Yffunr,': pr,eauQr
'Mourn dissipated variouit pest -Legis-
, lature rumours. regarding the:Infinit,i,-
., PiovjncIa1 ' • •
genrat electien
• ,OlvbIt:v.ho1‘,'ntigen4tel'iwnei would d tnaate• raa. 44 et a ii.`11taot the
-CP.11,41taliY,th7tti.1,s,040f4tie6r1;,41h1 oet yepri,44;d4
ance will be 4 regular., session, and • no
special session •that-coeld,. if cir.eum-
stances Warranted, be hvld before the
Ntlin :were in Queen'S; 1).ark welcom
lifiri•back to. bis officio post, that th
next ,big ballot will not develop tint
• 1.?„38, at .the eerliest, ' •
' 50 &etch.•
. . ,
NEV LISliE.ARD -7-, A stretch of
surfaced road approximately. '50 miles
hing,.and extending grow La.tchford to ,
Englehart, :may be available for .traf-
fic before •snoW flies egain next Win, -
ter, if plans fee:highway Work in the
me.T0)444f..linil di -
during the "summer months
down Strikers eyaouateti'' the swift:
Canadian Plant here or Tuesday
,Picket, the\ building; Strikers respond-
ed Icr a personal aprieal .by company
executives aiia. left the plant after'Oc-
cupying it all night. •
.Po1le made ,no effort to' interfere
as the sit•dowoers .joined woinea and
'other union meniberS in picket lines.
° mid the TI
iters-eyactinfad -
!!The" strike 'definitely. will go' on": a
member:of' tlie Strike, coin-
,. •
Mittee said. "TIM' nianagethent has re-
fused to recognize our .upion and -we
will continue to strike until 0144 re-
quests , are granted;"
j Students Protect Their Reputation.
• WINNIPEG -Thespring fancies,
of -male .students .on the Port Carry
aitniphi.of the trIversity of Manitoba
dert't lightly 'turn to 'thoughts.'of love.
When co ds inVaded. the men'A'tter-•.
*tory the Menretalleted" by tun*
fully 'clothed; lItto the. Swimming pool
on Me. hoses and aeaving, the girls,
. Telegraph, Poles Stolen , •
•.7-4- Convicted ofsieaJhg
el ity ine,dedar treed (Obi a swamp: '
n the Brildiey 'farm, in king. Towno ti;
.was ,given,three %malls in' jail: 'viten
arrainged In :York County Police
, Court. The trees,. 'which were.said to
be stilted for-telegraph.or ;hydro pOlds,
had been cut into posts ,• and '•the ac
cusetl'.' claimed, he had received • pe,r; ,
mission' to take, theniThis was de-
nied in Court.
Nor i anY Ca.binot reorganizatien
"in sigbt4 tt the PreSent time the
'Prime° , Minister informed 'the, r,res4.-
4 Bat;" he added, "We -111re in tinne_tal„,
' 'Ask Pay'. Cut Restored
WINNIPEG Full resteration of
13 per cent, pay -reduction willbe ask-
ed frinn, the•Winnipeg Electric COMP -
any when the /937 labor agreenient,
°Canes . up for tatificatiozi;'
e iet 'Railwaymen's Unit of •the
One•Big: Union said .° About 1,600' conj.:
,..4 •
• Relief To Be :piseetOinued
tvg-p.T.i3y :Altep. May' i, all 'niunt-',.
cipel :i•oHer'• will be
Whitby, ,.it was 'decided by 'the Toa
collne.ii...At. present, there are twenty.- •
. trine . to:Mines' on tlie relief rails...and
IL Is' anticipated that einplayment.wili .
be availablefer the :bread•WinnerS by
the•date;set.: row* in Aine with Ter.."'
Onta•ankl. Oshawa, ith6•toWit •Will!'•••gb.
on Daylight Saving Time dn',Sunday, •
April' 25th.: • •• .• ' •
Inseet- pests ,and
e nir
lihers'•af the Werldii.. • ' •
. -.4 Tagse thre,ts. to. fatio,:croPs;•'HenryWallaco, Vii ...
Agrien hit n,11 iii •„?.• farneh.onk bread,
cest, have .been inereaSed :by Citiieilane
:tritvei•hetWeeii. cotintriesj•-•• .
Ile • isAl Federal pant .inSpectOrS...
feand•tWentk..species'#-.iinseets oi the
:plant .:inatetaf.:1•Zopplin,•..;.
11611; One,' Of;lts aft?.PS., 111 the., •.Bnited.'
States, Six pf the insect.,speeles.were
-not..kneWit,io this ''.conntry;'' he 'said .
Egg Puce
TOttd, 8;441 • - • ,
'four ;Ileponts•••.frant QUeliee CitY Show..,
nu'tl 1i- of opeiatjojts. 'l41
leans ..rigt :thet;•,.i.sinee • the-. City 'adopted the •
sgregeting.. $2;0d.1;1,0. ;ha ve been- Made princi•ple . that ' o11y gradeA ....eggs
to ..property..owners:ii.tider the'. Home jrnly.'.15e sd On.:•.ihe•
•°rfl1P1•OYPfl1,1l Pia ti, Fina.iide Minister' the., :price has. increesed ,-five _ cents'
DuonirirTannonneed..'14lie:':plair :''Weilt` • _ . . ,
• Flood, .Damage
NOR:TH 44.7ir
'Were :damaged by, flood:waters her
when,the OhilMewa.Creek siirged ovc.'
its banks. ;andflooded-large arees.
central and eastern SectipUS 9
the city Werelot.rdest hit, witlt"ttianY
baseMents • noded and •.'with tke. tWa
joys., reaching .thain",floora in ,sonte e
• the heines.• . • . • .. • •;" •',
4 .gp.iig..9,:."•54' WUrkir.iou Werketlt•frein
ea•rit morning until late .at night, to
.'attemPtf'to•relielle the :•eittatiOn, read
was '.tropked ..liata.•Severel marooned
homes and one taindly,WaS'rescued Out
. of. ithotiee bY lfrenien.••• , . •••
At least two schools, St. ',17tit4 and
sibsperided ciasaes. for
;the ..doe as water tilled the baSernetits'
:•aod cut off 13e.deatileoStragic to and
from the buildings, :School attendance
'.,thinifghinft 7tlie-efff. a niark-
. ed-decreaSe.,.... .3 '
•••.,S.wollen'ivaterS:i'd•o,ught havoe.
wilh, . .
rdad.s tn.all.directiOns, *from Npreh Bay.
The road:ie.:Callender •nil • the Defoe
ritirserY. -waS.•In.p,artictildrlyk.hadisilape
:althougli-.7HF; Allan•-.,Ilby 'Defoe; hi:Snag-3
'ed. to Make: hia•
-quinttiPletS„ ,Several, tont-1st,' Cars•
Wei'e"•stailedlo the ntud,. T1it, was
ne clanger' of tlie,-•bafee• hospital
loyd George And His Faintily
I1uotj•shows tho
lAnt 1ioiirepently,',
'egsa Xi1oyd:'.6enre
of 'Mr. bavid, Lloyd George as they relaXed M the Yard of theirtiloridon
fter arriVitie Itolt wide's: Left to right ire! Dinne Mar-gard Lloyd tieorge, Mis4
.ttrid- Mr, Lloyd' Geerge,. With the' pet "PwtY0," Weigh fOr " ,a bitbf t.
Pen:" .•
The. position %Zit the North 'Welling;
ton byelectipn is.eXactly„ where It 'Was:
1-leplmrli ;Went away. • NO
Co.POderation, has been given :to the
fllhfngor that seat datIng his absence
and inal,vrit wili be issued until after
,fidch: time as. the Provincial Auditor„
has cOmplete'd 'a ,eeriffied statement .
'regarding, the -finances for, the fiscal
Year .;ending last...March 31, • and that
statement has been published...through-
but the press of- the Province.
•"Whenthat statement is . known' we
Wffl have the. exact .financial.pietur
- of ,Ontario, said Mr; Ilephurri,...; and
:,dres were::".1...gave 'in ny 1;Indgee. pret -
.'sentatioin . If, we to :-.IssUe the.
..N:orth Wellington Writ now,'"ithe CPPO.'
sition would deny the correciu6ss .of.
gf.gtire,s; '',andWe wouldbe' unable,.
to defood the'..Bedget, aS,,tlicrooghlY •
and •effectiVOY as We :will be 'ahlo to
do With 'the atiditOr!s statement :made I
won't ' be any '.cciiiera.-
' Versi la that ' over his
.. • .istatement.".• ' • , .! • • • •
,••• •Twoor tttree hY.eleetions, he said.
might he held before the neXtnsession
of tho flionae. :QueStionedas' fat their
. • .
locations, . will
• have ta'do•Soine gbessing,' I;In'tiot'go-
•:iiig to help you out." '". •• • •
. Mr. ','Ileph.firn; Who;bact'Cheeter.', S. •
Walters',, Controller:of .Fitiances,.... • in
Conference with. hini, 'aiinouneed that
',•right hpvees.iftreS' totalling more than
dcwata ih value were circlet,
survey- by the ''SuceesSiOn.. Duties
effaita -w.ere-to;
intenSified, he, saidand the .Gtivern.,
ineorie was..,that':. for thii:fiseal.:
, Year :it Avoolf,f.z he ,ableto
i'leptione made • kroili estates- laet .year,:
'Ford 11:tfitses.
Recognize Union
-0-8043...131;iness for IntInstries to
PaoYodHenInhsSit-Downs :Waies.,41.„':573ilis
WAY'S, CA.,, 'Henry' Fordq. ant
Optineed Wednesday, 'that the rord
Metor'..C.riiipany' never Will 'recognize
• the United Automobile •
loo.ot, America,. • •
The veteean metOrs.L.Mantifaeturar"
still ytgOl'ots: at. -7.;.r..inade the :: ane
notineemeni ••, an-•;interv'iewat bia'
. winter Ifoios°•here :semi after rIttriiing
! from! Detroit, w he re'11 conferred •••wi t h
• an.,:his:°kansas'•City.
;Out cn Friday last.Ford• antreinfee.d
at the seine ..titne
.,b0en:11.02eln,n16,il.'' on. TtieSday night in:
ii asseinbly: 14:nt'•,ast•
•, tam eti nly..a.Short time.
nianufaCturer 1.1-t1e.ede:e•
• tile Lnifis •••strikr• 'in. a '.teletlitihe
,.conVereat ion. With .E.Is el Ford,. ,hiSs sari
sha is..,Presithm 'of t he .• lord • INIOtor-.
'Company.. I,..i • :Said,•,a #rolip„of work-••,;
Al•Fl. "Sat '.19.‘vi.Wi dfier. wOrkoii Tads,
,Withent 'Amy ieterroptionof oo-
eral ions, •,
:ati labour un-:
ibos, c!ltleized
:end, Said, ptrKie •oitteitilShotid:-take
;t1INIL.. • • •
d s:rtd ; inen
. . .
.-stsuek he .10out og' the par -
plant wflhi regrat's,:,'oto,(atise,:
10.1.(AVh? 111011 'are '"hetago,
' diiped•aMil 'ebereod by the 'strike read,'
!".V.e won't 1o1d any, grudge itgalizat.
them 'end. will be ivifling to 1tir0 them '
back' bo addCd,, ' •• ,
• • ,. .
to. 'k `-i#1;e1 114
,t, n • - • „, .
lavg0A-8111)Plier Of Wheat, to Julian in
19:16. At -the 'sante time,. 'Canada not
, °MY maintained hut itit,eas'od !her Po••••
Sit 1011 as tho larreqt oporter of lead \
allimi011111, and' neWsprin't :to the: land
'of tile 'risiie,"°' snit; Ammig the. nma;,-
„ •ii,,tirde expo rl s, froth Canape WON, the
hockey stiel;s, skatirS ;Anil
• ..
• Move. To City
7 '
cactruragd -the ,y414.•til po'pu. Of -
`1\totwitlistatcdipg spe6idl legiSlatiOn
'1./enta.irk.to‘..roniata In the ritrar
tiicts, the Movement to '.the Urban
diStiiets has 'continued, the varcent.
:age or :the total population .etigag6.1
in igrliu1ture having dropped grad.
in•' the t10 'years:. (1$SO1930)
troni ;IL!
• ;
istoric Legends*
eigely .Fiction.
FiJm :ResearOti Dibunks Some
. •
OpWar . Belief's' •
, •
't,ory,-as "fiction that's agreed upon." ,
search ; department,' is no cynic, but
she gzees,-Tunnljn through recorls
torical movies she found- that most
:of the popular legends about, historic
..a,teNedoe.efis eeetvineondr:i.,5•,h:h,r000iin:gehsiiadrre`
• she surmised," believed that 'George
Washillgtori realf* cut down a cherry, . •
tree. - And .-as far as his vaunted Ver.4. • •
acity, Mrs. Washinfr,ton might have •
told •histor'ens thfnii or two. • '
• . •
letters .shcivt% that, Mrs; ' Weeb,7:
ington Was „centimially remonStreting
with him. for fictiopizing the -truth," • '
Miss Bucknall • •
Her research also led, her to bee
• lieve,,that Ivan the Terrible,. the Rus-
sian •tsar, was not so terrible.
`qh.ere. is no concise English trans-
lation for the Russian word by which
he is Iinewa," She e lained
• wecluspiring ponies c oser to
But .Ivan the Awe4inspiring.:
WoUlan't lieues dramatic as Ivan the
'Sia historians deliberately
inistranslitted his nicknarize,
"As for his „reign, he didn't- execute . •
as many people as did.nomereus other
kings .and .'emperors who muh
better ' rep. ntat.itins , '
She Citedntp2r examples: • , .
, LegendTli t Napoleon, • in • deep', '
• thought, *thrust , his ',hand inside .hs
coat placing- ,it on .his ch'es*,•"Ife
never , There's' not:,..4,...ainglebit'
Ofe-evidenee-to7nh-stantitto, that".; ,
'''the -great,„.,
Irish statesman,
he 'waSexpclled
from Cambridge for a, disastrous ra7. '
niance-before he ',ever -rnet:gatie
. O'Shea." • • ' "
•• .l.Ledterick' That Annie .Lattrie,•herge-
inc of• the 'Song, 'neVer Married !after: •
the poet -Swain; Wiliiam ,Dotiglas; died-
-in battle: "Yes, she' did,' and very
.Seon •", afeet-ward. She had .several .
'.'• LegendKiPling, wriate ., in. Captains .
Courageous that GloneeSter:fishertn-li
trafled and hand -lined at the :same
"Yon don't :have to read books
• •to ,know.;.that's Witing • Ask sbrne
: gloudester fishermAn;'!.Miss;S,OcitrefIl.
'...seetitist.phinniiiig to Revive Some
'..gormant 8,000 Year!' ---
FoUnd Undel ava
LOS, ANGELES, -The' man Who
awakened bacterI:,i. from a two -cent-
ury slge.p:is ,goirt7. to, sound the elarni, • •.
clock -.forsame that went to 'sleep
' 7: " •
Ile is Dr.:',Ira B. :1)art16; of • Sari
, lens' Obispo'. ALYear•age he stiecesi•-•
• fully Set sell bacteria:to. work creat-
ing :again 'after they •• had
slant two bentories.'Within'.the adobe
brieks of California,.mission. •
Dr., 'Bartle* nowis at Work fnthe
ancient ruiriS of Mexico,' .
'51 'eelleeteci sru
•-triiiiirdii:,,7froin-u-,:hd-er A -lava flow that •
'is estimated at more' than .6,004 years. -••
.before,•:•Cliiristr'? lic:TeriPrted. 'Inc • •-is.'17
andIava covered a strial The •
skeletons 'are in various positions and..1.
t;O:regtilarity of platiingas inight.'ne".
• expected .e -,'en in earlY- • ibtoral-
.`,`The ' beneath is soft id
•shengy, but cbmpte.l.,s,ed •fremthe lin;
--ritle!rs-f,-waight--of•tt116-.'wp'efiizeged .•
lave. Inimediatey"beloW• the, lava
a••••1eyer of ash crem,,one.'tir°1•:•ix..inclieS •
• thick, then a :layel .of earth that, ha,s.;.,•
:been tliorough1Y,-.1co.rehOl 1)y the
ef l'helava alle1:prectired
frorn te •as, the,. Orelied eertli and..
4he. et:impressed .earth, beneath. ' .
• .'Also 1 procui'ed 'the
ryromid at'Ten0e26'a' This' IUtt9r is
' ronpiderecl (tale (.f. 'the 'VerY oih'
ant rece&ing 'all the eo-otientTh
the'e,,can he ,p;iVOr mo ftoi Aifiiso,
. TOre, seeratnny of''.ecipeetion‘°.bt Cne
and 'igna..0.0
• nti of the, roviiinnentS, pre -::p1111.911.
of n14101.141; Oni se ‘,4'ar' have '
have Mode 4N. ailable:to,"me sant.
_been .tteo...,Ssibk.e. to
4(30, huhels if certlgell 00c P0-
tzl'it.„1;t0(.1.t• ...‘i,61.•6.,•8.)111);vd,fi;iym Now
11:Pati.eickr tinting, the winter •sem.zon,
reported C H.. Godwin, Of tbe•federel
.seed,-peteitO inispectidn servii-e hre
volOniza•tion hee- ri!4en
the position of .the: world!'s
largest exporter' of 'citrus.. finft;
• . . .
•Tlk‘ Irish Pree• ate.liss fin*.;°.,.-::Aied •
holitti' tofar inor.
,..rni''''overY. •••Alier.4
• 1110 1,16Att.Y0qortt. Or ;Agri ettlf .
Irish • Pree Siete, and- exler.'ted,'
front'lqatch.1d4 9;lt
• '