HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-15, Page 5'04“ •` .•571r .74 . . • A110.1.: ' 19. .7' • Letter To The Editor Budget Speech Of • 40 •".W lt; TOM14160111 'VC P. . • , • WiartOi.1, Nfarch. g5,..193T, Dear Sirs... -:z • " • In ,the issue of ,The Port Elgin Times of March !1•1•th 1961 appears. ' a report saki to be taken from the „Otta •?, 'Journal with respect to.' the :tOliW14604r to 'the hudget'.4eba,ter.:. 'As' that, report may have appeared in , other .newspa. „Pers throughout the • • bountr` Which . have; not•beeii ',drawn to. '',1"nY attention -. • and as the thing has -Verylikely. re- ceived publicity in the county genie& ally this letter is writtenfer theteirt pose of. replying to that 'portion ;the speech. ,which . deals •• with The Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Aet and, particularly with its administra- tion in this .county Of Prude by John :Rowland of Walkerton and my- self as. Official, Receivers • Now i have no':4harrei with:. the : Liberal Goyernthent or with MI., Tom- linson • because As he expresses • it I •-,--w-os, • . re Was qui e pected arid it was the .goVerninent's, ' privelege to dieoliarge ' the „Officio), .Receivers -arid fill up the. Offides- with • 'their; own; friends who had to be tak- . ••• en 'care of; .bnt 'what q...do strongly ,object to is the. fact that In order to • obtain for himself a little publicity, •. the Member wfor Bruce found it nee:. • eSsarY toinclude in :his Uncalled for • attack upon me and ,'the 'oder Official , Receiver ' Various Statements which • to -say the ;least are' 'absolutely ..con- trary to; fact. Very likely 'his. state- • Mehts were made! Partly' throngli noraziCe , of. the facts • in.: Connection with the administration, of :the Act and partly through over an'xietY. ' to _. ' . • never been in ssymPathir • ' . , 'Mr. Tomlinson has 'been from lhe Inception of the Act, vigorously op- l)Osed to, it.. While I was •Official Re- ceiver he; frequently appeared . at ,Creditors'' Meetings and so far as my , • nwmorY serves inc he rarely if ever ' appeared ; for 'a farther. He, usually :acted:for. creditor• and I distinctly l'emeniber, on one Oecasion at lea -t - ..that quite:stirred cup,' con7 dendheTthe act and remarked • that ip • his experience. it :Was only farmers who: :were (no• good. who took' advan- tage :Of /the. Act. After his electron; he 'or' • his firm •continued to .•aet. for clients in- matters ' pertaining to the act.; a procedure which to say the ]east was indiscrect in view of the fact that the ' •Oficial- .Receiver :was, his appointee: • Itis therefore.'very ,langhahle .„ when he • remarks that •"that is. the . sort of thing the fartn., ers ' had dished. •out to them, •thaing the Conservative regime". If•he•:earod • .anything about the .poor -fanner -,'(and, use this terni in no slighting way) • who sfruei5 •by: the denies-. Ji..:eion.-and to whom h� Farmers! ,Cre- -ditora • Arrangetheht: Act Was a god- send in protecting hire, fibril the 19sS; • Of his feral or ether .calaniitY witli Which; he. Was threatened by Virtue ,of coriditideis, over 'Which he had not ..con- . tr91, Mr. TOnalineon :Would ,114 ;have been 'so .inuch 'against the act; ,I had the honour, 1' believe, uf ho2. ing the first•..0fficial'Iteceiver..•"fired7" ; after theelectionbut I.,. •.also ...have •good reason ,• to believe 2, that 'I! was "fired" not on Mr. TenalineOifi• ;AnitiatiVe, hat at, the, instigation of thci lartie'S Malcolm. All Mr 'Tomlinson did was to. writea.,•leitter at.. Mr,'• Malcolth'Srequest and , Mr: 'Maleelm. Pit On the :'pressure...1 Was relieved ..of.lffice. eo • seen ,after the .election that the Government, hardly . • had timnc...to:know that Mr. Toridiasen was: the member: In 'this, den•nection it might he Well to ask Why Mr. Row- land ,and thyself :were not fired itt • the. saine• time, :The answer is that first Mr.;1VIttlecdm 'demanded my head , and then only later yri:. TOrtilinsoh • decided to go after Mr. Rowland when - he found ,thariVirROwland would • not -be -dictated -to. , The ' report , Mr. Toralinsdn's ,arideth' so' far : ." it • "relates' to. .lirnee 'County; tiF;Sue";.'"gh'ill.":"We ;say; :of 'tnistakei: is S.C! 'thixed up that it is diffieult to 'Say whet relates • toll me and 'what to • •Mr.• R'ewlahd!bdt undoubtedly ,the intention :is t; dist the same'reflectiori on rboth. Of 114. T.ho. Mistakes I., have referred, to aro , 64g, fellOWs; " Says that from Seltern eir•to Deee.znbet re; ceiVed $2186.00 ; and • $6.g/.07 eipences that is Say in tietiad 'of four .2pOntlis. This absolutely' Phtrue...: litthat, I' received • for :salary, 'was $159100 per II:tenth the Saine as ,.every otyee. (Mem Receiver Can; -have ,:not.:elieeked hp. but. very •-likely the fignite gnated. by Mr, 'TOM., linson apply to my whole tem -m - of , „ ..• . - Mistake. lie ,Merktion$ *Init ' ,niurimatien the neW IteCeiyer 4 lthietOlite redelvedahd then saYS"e' "and, den'" forget; .'!doee• .011 • the .wofir tlfe .60er-two reeelvers bvee. ,tho Whole eouhty.', • This is ,a15461,00, fiii`frue, iflr,v.thiri6uti the :kW., wirk. the two `Reeeivezi•fo4ex,IST• anything like it, .17w.wiuter the • itegylatletis 4• that. the Literal, GOVe. nent brought in l‘tr..„1-4,1116i4--seld -hes , to leave his olflce. All. credit Meetings are held in • Rh -ward :whereas we formerlY.• had 'to " tra 4._r44rid. to the Meetings and at ti E 'was •absent ,from '417 offiPe., faX eral cla373, at, .InciclehtO on .thie. ponit' .1 May say that wb amount yearly , expenses ,ancl • sal- aries to Offieral „Receivers ; in 'this, . • Comity, the' adininistratien. of the act AS 'being: seriously ;effected' and .a,CtuallY .C,9Sting•:1)1100,` b4aUPC •the former anj,thh p:iechters., hu I;o travel in sorne as: Ali 10) miles to op4vsait th0 °al ewer and,: attend • Creditors' inc ings..'•In• other WOrds instead' of • t expense',ef ali Oficial Receiver ti yelling' a feW mites to hold meetjh in differentports of the CoUnty ',we Kaye the spectacle .of farmers and hundredsof creditors travelling. up to 100 rniles each to attend ,nreethigs, etc..,:This i the .sort of thing 'the•far- tners_andLereilitors.,hath-4ha.ve. di up 'te, them" under • the Liberal GoV.i. • ,ernment•'-ond.r • hardly • think it is .intichAo..be--proud of. . • . • Mistake,' A. • He' says ,:"hoth these , • gentlemen,. were, active, throughout the .connty".' Nothing could be :far- ther froth the trith. When?.Jr. Row- land was. appointed the,. county was divided into two parts.. I': took : the north end, Rowland I the south and , we . did not endrosch on each ?thers territory. - • Mistake '4 He. 'says thal, (either kr, ROWlan(j, or Myself)" ,Was around 'the .COnlitY • %he S011ing scheme like- life ipsuranCe.: Noth- • • ..ng • eatild- be 'farther Ifiem.: the truth.' .did new tn..: orn ors ine• vet Mes: ev•'. 113( ile • •• flhI LU,CkN,PlY SPXTIN$1! • WU' !.:TtelEfORcwti. , Mr. Drvson ".Craighad the nlis- foriuhe to. • have his Anger '' crushed • on ;Saturday, while patting wood at his liethe; He 'Was rushed to the Fleeter and had stitches .put In. Mr. George McClenaghan who, has beep' sick at his &line for a week or 6v9,'N.va; taken to WingbaM bospital last Friday." ' • • ,•-urr.'--RhYs'.:Polltick 'has --,bolight, the 'Store:. whieh lie had 'rented from. 'Mr. Joe IIoJines •;for 'the last, two yeas. ' Mr, and Mrs..Jaynes 1.,aidla,w. visited. % z;vu ,her 'sister, Mr. arkci Mr$:Xcl3rien of Mb.arn.., last .Thur , sday. ':••••° S • APeft..reQuoid of Lucknow; %visited, With Mr...and iMrs- Albert P dt cmon last week... • • , he . .Mr, Thos., Henderson 'attended the :a- .funeral . of his ..eon_sin, MISS Sarah Ilehderson• of TeeSwater 'on' Monday. Messrs',„John Gaunt, and. Alex Pur-' vis are busy, eating:wood with their ,iazk . saw out Mrs. Duncan McDonald ,of Helens is spending a ,few .dayd •this ' ,Da4001.-Adla' , , There was no service at Calvin preebyterian .Charch,:: Sunday • :ON;41i: as there "Were sever,a1 Sick. " • TOrli Lindsay, of i3ervie, iS• busk ,mezing weed around the Gr6Ye.: ;Tties6'cial tiven.•by ° the Ladies', Aid.: of Purple drove,' 'on' Friday evening was well •attended, thclucicy tickets for the quilts being held by Mrs, John •Cellins• and-, Mrs; Ralph Hill. .Mr;And Mis. il-larry..,,brOliam of Pine River spent -Saturday at •Mr. Russell Collins: . ,• The rain .„Lwer.i.:et.,any4inin....A.,nproadjied;r.anyr caased,A ntinaber w4photits' on the meto get ,them., to:take advantage of roads. ' • • .. • , , • . •• act. ;If anko,ne enquired; .fail f Mrs:- Jack'.Zinereozi; AriSited. with ormation was given . a'pd..that.;was all. 'her 1RoWlarid tells: Me that his atti- • Mrs. Whitley of Crewe, re- . . • ..... bide WAS the sanie. ceritly. .• •' • •,'-..oaked a farmer,' to take. Advantage 1.11/RtiN ANO KIN't4gs • the act, he got', a 'fee 'etO':". This TEL"EPIEIPNE..- SYSTEM .. • •itbsolntely Anitroe:'.; E6.017 April iOth,..1037; were' on .a Straight . SalarY.: and' ,g•ot: , •• • • hothing.,extra. fer, taking, An APPlica..' The Corninissimiere met in the see. t ion. 1t• really .. ...heeh.' tetarY's Once. on •, the' above date ' at: iiito,et if v,.ve had tuiwiie.d..,prai.,. 2.3.0 -p.m:. Colwell An • the 'chair: • .a.ticnis down • " ' MeinberS were all preient:' xicived by Neil McKAY,'Seconded by • • 1Mistake 6. : Hesays-"at the seine IMF? :he was doing a little eicetion Dan D.•1‘.1:eP°.ni.tiC•11' that : the 'MbP:It4 qt Aneetihkbe adopted : read..'• thfs iS 'absurd:: There. wasn't even an; election in, view :When (Cal'':rieCt). was appointed 2-7 MoVed-by-,0_/ D McDonald°. eec- onded. by Neil. 1111-eXay, that ,the 141.7,r, w.aS•anneinted and it 'was abut 11 Year after iny .aplipinthient,befere. loYkriag.ccounts be paid:--%tatt.Geni_ an pleCtion ditine,alt,„ng.'•I ma' e a -mell, 'salary 1-00.0.0; loperation a'vOid:'ariytbing Of' a. Political.. ',317.•J.• 1•41.1et. • 'salary .- ..1V406h..• $1.35•9°'; nature,' when, on the .b.Lislti9sllilartyn;,•salary,.$454),(4 this •act and aSeuine , that ' TelePimile : to1191s‘°'?14a .relle.:11i6.61;;Al,!;"'ivi.di;..1-"Cf*qiia.,_lillnPrflarne'rl:1- ', ,to. ▪ .have ._rarely :seen_ • license fell' :•traller;:.$a:06..,.....(Cortied)„:„ three:Short paragraphs 'so'. full et ' Meeting then; adjourned'. to.. meet :eta:temente.. of facts. • '• „, again en May :8tli . the ,nsual'ho • Just One • more ,thirim• ..the‘ ' • "luscious• Mr. .••• Tomlinson • • • • R. 4- Li ' . •MartYn, Secretory • ipealts of::: So far. as I' was ;concerned it Was no '-'8Uchthing t ' d to leave my.:9•Wit law practice for 'eaYs' at..a time aim -lost pearlii as much money- hy so doing as 1 got-.1f146i-VtliC I had.. to keen O• . Stenographer an ;Otherthelp.:..Which•:. I.:, Weald ....net .otherwiiee. have,',required: lipuf 4 new :car thm-ough a very bad :Wiriter and ver.Very.. bad -ko'atla to save:.the erninent.the, expense of Railway...fares and hotel .nnderstand the ses'," . , • , . ;Sion of . t,ite D,Otniniql Parliament i, dra.‘v±ing to a .dlose; ,sciMe Say by the .end of April, 'or , the: itiOdle of MAY at latest. For his services 10 attnd: • ing that parlianient ati,d maldni.onQ .VerY •short Maecnrate and Misleading speech,, Mr, ,'Tomlinson will .d.,l'avy: understand... around $400•0.00... Whieh. .weald be front A800Ack to ,.81000:06, per •Month. What :a" luscious morsel - that is. :Pnts; Ply POP,r j150.00 in the ;shade, • ' ..; 7. • ;. ." .,:§O taking"eVeritniii•into Conei•d- . . .. • eratioa it loOks: as if Mr, :,ToMlineen Woe 'either, ver yi careless -or very rebk, legs in making his speech. 1 din in,. th4i the Opportunit, of taking .4 haetc.a't the PArrndrs' PreditOra Act which .he '' -dislikes :and At the eatru•Ltinie to give the hoine Malbetra" in; even CON,SIDER NEW .LIGHTING hkdro: p-oto.d -o-bout. ready 'fOr replacement, the • town of Seaforth. is Considering removing the 'Poles and gUbstitnting underground wirmg ' and ' „ Street: light Standards. ' T.This, is an Undertaking; Councillor •BUshell has :at different tinte •recorn- „ _ inended AneknoW. At a recent Council ineeting,, 'Mr.; Bushell, in nieri:!' tioning the matter,said he wider - stood Work ,; of this ' natn're had. heen clone In Tara at no cost to the, tak-, pa§er.. ReeVe, Andersen, in totich,'With Warden, Van Dusen of Tara, recently inqUired., into the•matter and 1.6..r.rwed that , the ,entire.• work cost. abdid. $pOdo, Of which the:,yillage paid aboiii aiJA the: balance ' Caine out,. of the _Hydro surplus. ,This- 'provided Some •twelve standards. for •4` street lighting, purposes. ' • ,„; •.• • '' , • for ..,some 'atteation: Apparently our, friend hife" never heard' Of the old in•-! junction, .."De r,rnertuit• nil nisi bon. pm" ..(speak • no ill. Of the dead) and r feet it not necessary, for , me: to defend -the • late Honourable Jaines folk's; Scmuthi:ag to read''Surely, .hoW:, nnywhere in Canada w nre is de, • , ever, i could have 'Stuck Lo facts and yotion to dety and uprightness ixj preVenteit unjust inlyrY.tn two „foriner; everY respect, IS well known that 'Official Receivers: He 'may be pelented It would not be shadowed hY%the as - its the ,Cottawft Journal, says but it persibps of one: Who WOUI'd net. `'.be would .S0e111, • in view ..of how :far he:breve enough to , make 'these state., Was from thc mark, that he is Pas- thents during: Mr. ,MalcOlm's Segsed MOrd„ iirragination,„t1)4);, 7 • . ' ' • • AS to, the dfsniissal bf MiliShider, Yours , heelit,full 'resnOnsibility.. for the. LEIGH 11, N1DEI. same, and Its 'regards fhe halance of the letter I 'w10.1 Dear ‘1Vir; Editeret--7 , at his. followers 'Challenged My' fig. soMr-of the *.el,:ly--p`aptruundet: Thc neptand vc cornpiled during the-." sign:1411'4, Of L. gnitle.r; has ihite- d'onservative 'term Of office; Mg, TONriANSoN's, REPLY the ''T.,pAer•of the `Opposi ioh noran th my ,attehtioh ▪ while t • feel ':opportunity will no 'doubt 1)1'O - that .personally 1 'eau iguore •t'f§ serif itself -at 'Seine future dat674Vheri, jOlous l'OtOrellOOS to 1116; feel tlitg inay Clint suCh attack 'blade 'Oh' 000 tf .cithdi`' eveli :frjoie LU- th besOoved tit:kens Bruce, t,erestihg tack etiii he :given, ',515 w hihu has beeri in Rig grave ' Yernit 4, A417fri '4.qfiVic F P.F Polo401-41.4 fxgoic4L. • ASp.9q-1,AT1,2N; :AND 1.1•FE,,'`. 14.41`ORAP9MPAi`11.EP P-0464.. • • • „ • COMMON ERIORS • ' . •,.i.,......44:4,-;--.-..t....-,%•4-,....,;.-4-:.,,,,-..-A.,104.- .' Every • mother '.. want a 'a' healthy happy child.... There is no' way: ' in whibli %health can bebetter influenced .than by • giving , the child 4. ,pyloper diet Di'. to 7the desire 'of -P5:`-renic .6•,..prepar:NattractIve ..lookpig ,.,,,ft?0, .,. ., • .. . , .. , Arid to give' the child- foO44--,thet. it likes; very often, some ofthe food. eleinehts necessary' for , 'goodhealth are not present or have . heeri„ re- moved in the.PreParatiori..9f the fo9d, . Milk, ..meat, ,w.eggs, vegetablee , (in- cluding salad greens) and fruits are our ..thost •valuable ' foods,' ^,' AltheuFb it seems. at 'first glance a Very SIM - pie task to have •:,'your ' children' Meals,. or for that .rnatte,r your oWn 'Tir.egag'als,*'•'Vebki:ierablePS-44alr fy.71-nuiti,ricit-is ex. tremely: easy. ;to .give.- too •-. much:- of „ other. foods, which result.. in an • un- balanced ' and unhealthy diet. •• One of .the: greatest dangers , is •giving an excess of sugars,, Such as candy, jam . or. ,marmalade, .Sugars • "are of. Value, to, supply calories • or energy; yet , dae, to their pleasant taste children in- variably ' are inclined • to take .. too; 'Much of these sweet .foods. , Frequen- tly children take too ' much -.e.tareliy' Foods ; such as pastry, • cakes, deekieS; and 'even.; bread „Altheugh, sug'ais and Starches '. are of value as :a '.' 'Source of :energy,: If too :Much are taken they .9.re . harm:Md....as.: pne.•:;.does 'net-. then talttenon.gh7of the ether foods which are. . necessary fora balanced • diet. ' . It •IS, . a einiple,matter fertake ,pain to ; see:: that .your child . :gets, each day' arPint anci..a •half 4 miik,iiieluding." the, Iniik Used in Cooking; . One; egg' Seme :theat., two. Vegetables besides Petat-dei:,ahd ' ',some.: raW, friiit:., If your .6hildreceives ton. miich. 0 oie: Starchy Or ,Sweet food-, '" although. he May,: appear to be - quite • well, . on. Close 'eXainination if ,.wiII ' he', peen that he tires easily, is somewhat. pale, is • net . as firm or solid as ;he.: should stipatioh.: •'• his . state.. be :is hind) e....t .he, '0.nd fre ently js.'subject to cep-, inere -Antt0:,ket . cold s or other fil-• nessei 'Which' may •permanently •un- derinizie. . his -health, • It is • eseeritlel for. a • healthy happy child ie ,Li_e.. _,. well'balanced: diet. -:- - • . . , , • OWEN, ,SOUND . PLANT TO ,OPEN: • - , • , . • After Standing idle' for fiv6 year the plant, of the, OWen 8ouncl. Chair, Co .has been-sold_and-twa-be-irk-oo;- , , • „ elation .:next :mealy.. The buildings' and triathinery `-.-and equipment hafe-15 •Furnitnre ;and Chair Co., Ltd.; of Medford, who will :Move , their . busi- ness4to that city, HORSE :DIES' FRO • 'STRUddijritd To T Pimp' Gordon' Stewart of •,Aehfield, when cciming• ' cloWn.::-.-Carpenters • .;iderhad, half 'Way •hetWeen Binigahhen and Port •Albert With horSe. and bAggi, had all unusualexperience horsa •13eCanie". Mire -if -IV, the', hind which' Was like thick 0.ehui.. ,I.inable,'to get the .aiiiinal,!,dnt; he; went • iStiatice, but On ;hie .retyrn'tivid..,the. had (lied ,,its struggle:. to..: release itself. .;',. ' .• Take • sick WI Prnin :Pinning Reni,e An .iinprOyieed stretcher of bed clothing was used tO•'..1j'eniove!..kiiss Margaret Mitchell, ,R.N., from the sicle...rOoin • of .her . bathing home in Colborne' :.T6wrishin . recently, • Bey parents, kifrid• her ,niirse, Miss ; Ruth' Foster,.. "berried their patient.' to an auto and • removed her to. the:near:7 bY77.1ionae• of Mr. •Robertson, the meantime the ',homer' became a raging hifern9';thetreduce%f it to: ashek Altheugh neighbors suc- cceded in removing. the furniture. „. '1'sto. 8, .Ttinloss . ' V 'Class ,= .Rebi riir5; . . George . Meffat, ylcititinon , , , . • . ., . • , . Sr. IV--,-Angue- MaelCir:neri • , and 'Lillian Doyle • 68.41. , Jessie drr, .65.1.;' ': jr. ./Y-,deorge Ma'elchippn,*. 67.5; . • , Isabelle Orr* 62.5; Teresa Ctialcen- 'ette.,61,:q.,y,... 'Dorothy Oaskehette,,, 0(i.; tielid Orr* 40: ' . - '' • , ', ,y 0 Jr, ntLiXeilil.th tioilaldg0)1*'66,1! the subjoined iiistrUetions" the 'IadV: Stewart .., , . • , Vehno. 65.11 Agnes. cohley doff*. the figuring, Tell her • o put G; "Bruee Oti•*:'68.24:. •. , . ' • ...,:.. dorwri. the number of the tuouth..iii ;pi: It-,t..i3ctt4t -ben'odson,.0- ! 746;. ,)vhioi .she: iwA'. born; then to` innitt,,, Mary '1,y4tlel. 88-(; ' ktriTaYIVLO, . „Pin- (114Se it .1i' two; • 'then t6'.- ',..g.dit .4 fiv:0;,, .: 45 ;• ., . kolle:._,Plakmidsor!..„._01.05then...t6..'ydhillOP.1st-143t7-04:-zti.leh• to .,.Charles.*Viader_g„,L-;.'--_,.......„'_:.....,..•,'-.--,•;.-,:rfliiti-iet 7age-r'lltelr`tO-it..114ttt1Of-165r .: Jr. II--'Winh id 'Ponta:dee:a 774, Billy .thett to add ,f1Sf. then You 'do .. not Mackihhaii4e; 61.1; Itennetli. •Orr ('ab,,,•1'grab-the, Paper aWay;, from her hut s'Sht foy ,•ekimilitittions), " ... ' 2t•rislt- her foiv the. ':iinitibet which she Jr. 1,--.1'44ileen . Stewart, ...tohn. ktie: films, iott, 11:he two ..'" tarot to. the tight' times, Clgreiice Wildel,, „4" I, ,, ' w .'•donote:- her. Yig tiiiii the. ,retnaimler ,. . . y So ,whem. one iSetie'S done:, ' you'll ..„...3r, :pe,,,-,,Tiktwetpd, .,•vv.ad.61 .tioiti.rit t...the luouth of her hirth, Por exiMple • . Ann % .taU0,..4afidVi14.1,,11.! SS,,,:l.ang,11,d'i'°6tti.i', iinOntar .1.ileri'.• gio(5.12g..v't,b.tti,'Otrz. ,11''"ii:t;11.1I;ii'6,:1;1„:,:'.%. Wan, polald 'Poilaidaori: , . the amount' le ".01i she As. 'ill years'-vith „V‘ mi. I+, , •, ,k • detiotee 'alisettett'frtt,Jui,,;,attit And,:wasy boll in the.et •• 171, .Jeati.,,Q00.1110.. 4:tag:1St), ; . .. 4 As a •..C.Q1104.4..ieu of the recent. CO tet held ,in the , Y. 1.4;14 tine was enjoyed at the ehurch' ta lunent WAR in charge of the loSth side the Hustlers. Dick Weatherhea their' cuptain, presided over the in tereStiktegrahrM gameS and con on the paxaphehe. At the eoncluere •-'',701ii,L;%0:ii4i- and 'Ilwar91d: Taylor on a delicious lunch including •Ice -cream - was' ser,ved. by the losing side. ••••• ' Mrs., 140ne' .;°Q IS :spending f,a•W:•.0.a•V:...vqth• her sister, Mrs. -Jack •.:`; , :0's4 ',4' : MiSis• Lanrine •-Miller. was a' Week-, • • ind -visitor ,,wip Toronto friends. Keep 'Friday. evening, April 23rd 'open for a social evening, nder the auspices of the, Weinenls Institute when rthe Lapgside Dramatic Society will • present their 'Pctimlar .play Uncle's • Niece": - . Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Hyde,,and fam- ily of Kincardine, were week -end. vie- . Mr. Gordon McPherson. attended thdaesp of Mrs. jt.-0T.he:Sivivakoicerr'0';an.f••or'sitrur.; Miss- Jennie.7.McKay; a' resident • of this, corrithunity.. • . The Main. feature Of the Y. P. L. meetmgheld, on Sunday evening was the' illustrated lecture on ."The. kis-. Sion Fields of Our Chirit-e Church." Arthur Ramage: ,read ithe scrinture lessen; • weic WpithOliedoi gave • a reading' and jean Theia favored With a.piano solo. 1" • ' ° To Attend :Coronation • Mr. Donald Mackintosh; second.son. 1'. Rev. Wm. and Mrs, Mackintosh. .Dundalk; IS', One '• of • the •'• •students of „On- l„ferio :to . attend the ••Coronation. Rev. Win...'Mackintosh is a. former te.:.* of the churchhere whi1 Mrs.' Mackintosh • was. formerly Miss Li12 Iran 'Clark of • St. 'Helens. . . . Mrs: Wni. Jansen returned. on Tuesday from -.Gferaldton Where they spent the; winter.. Ile leaves shortly ti) take a pOsition, with a• , . , • • road, construction gang at . Toronto.. . • . • ,There Was a full hOtiee at the so- led evening under th • uSpiee • Of .the Partnere'. ,Club on •Tuesday. . Mr; • Lorne • Woods, president, was chairman. A splendid ntograin Ives given ,..by 413e)grave* friends,. which in - chided :eelections bY the • 'orchestra. , ,soles by Missporis ,Seott, kiss van and Mr: .Clark Johnston; . ors •hornpipe,And.iiighland fling dam- es by Miss Merle; Anderson. :Addres- ses were`kiVen by Mrs. 0.• G. Ander- lady ',director :of the .11T.F.;•Ci. for . John Jarnieson followed --BelkraveTeallertdIr. • ' pn;19.v.M7i.cir6, :TWithMr - : George :Jordan of Bel - grave orchestra and by Mr. Chester Taylor, oflaicknew., Music for. the dame:et/let OUNDARY WEST. , The 4.pril,,,,rdeeting'of. the U. W. t 0; 'of. Pararnoinit: has ,been postponed '.f.or this .month:. • 'kiss Myrtle• Underwood iS 4;:vAitirig' Prese.nt: With friends on, boUndary. •• ••• . ."-Mr.. and.Mrs, Don. cardyee: arid 'soh Lorne" Of Pine visited;.on Su/14. Eldon - Hen: - (Jerson:. ,;• • , • • Mrs. , Clair Irwin ! • as ye grne home ' after :spending some time .with . . j01111.gai•clner . 1Messre. • MelVin, Stanley, Nelson „ 'Stanley: and . Leonard 'Webster .epent• ,•. ,Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mrrn: $tan- „It9y Itnderwood, • IMUS,T,,,SHUT moTop opP The :neid, time: you drive rip to be gaSoline punip and. ask for' "Five pleaSe," and leave your mo`tor :don't. get peeved When the attendant 'operators of. geedlitie tahks 'are now Prohibited by 'law t� delivi"...fael to the tahlts of any motor ,vehicle while the .engine is y6/111114; it whe revealed last' week as ,.the new •regillatiomi governing 'the handling... of. „inflani- mable petroleum ,nrocludts ,wer is- sued by W. j. Scott, provincial. fire „ :marshal. These regulations ..; are pat- tertied Amen.' the lines :.of those in force.. in ' other, countries, , • , , • ,. ' . . Girlsdo not like, to'ACII a•gea Init. You .edn' hhil• out by folloWing • ' NOW 1$ YOUR D.FPORTUNITY• . TO INVESTIGATE THE MER- ITS OF THE ARMSTRONG PATENTED; APPLIANCE -- RUN- DREDS,,OP LETTERS SIMILAR TO FOLLOWING ArMStrolig, Specialist, • - .' Dear 'sir: yrel- some tirne ,P4St; it has .bmeti ltny. intentiOnlo,' write , you in ,anpVeciation.opiihat $ropr appliance 'has daae'fo.r.tine, .gai?tili"ed' 'earik, 'childhood, sans°, unknown, the:. hernia, even-...; :til' dcscnded into. the:ercitp14: and `o.t„.thneh`,0i4edme. eonsid- - 0thvenienCe, Pain and anxiety -in later years greatly inter- foiingwithth iny,'Work. Upon reachiiig• Manhood I Wore strussesfor several years. but.,they failed to 'hold my rupture, Your patent pliance baing highly rec'omrnend4d, t had ;You adjust'one. It held securelY, :fitted. perfectly And was very'. comfortable to • weir, • IT . CAUSED A COMPLETE :CURE : THAT ,I,ONC -,8TANDIN6 'RUPTURE IN LESS 'THAN SEVEN MONTHS: I have• not Worn it. or any Other Supportfor over ,fen years ifew and there, is .not any • .Sign of 4rypturelwhatever. 44 'I Woe ruptured for .over 'twenty-five. -yeare.:one Can .readily appreciate 'what 'a &ire .has meant to nip.' I am now over forty-five years ',or age and actively. 6ntaged , my• ..,. • . , , •• HO STROi•i0T-Atf, ,.ROOlVflyiElcIT) YOUR :PATENTED_ 4p- - Pi.JANCE'.:T01: ANYONE W.H.0 •IUPTI.J.B.ED.' I' know of others Who , have rWorn it with 'entire; satisfaction. YOu, may 1.11.e. this letter if You wish to. Yours faithfully, • (SGD). trasths Jessup.. NO PRESSURE ON CREST: GO HIPS:. OR', .S.13/INEN4'.3••"• BUCK- LING TiGHT1.:AROUND BODY --4 No AtipEstv,p :p.Abs, OR SALvps, )3P. 'LusiimEisrrs:4sio •sifoCKs. .F.461v.1, BATTERIES, ETC. • • , OTTAWA 'ANto LONDON • .heRoyal-Hotel— UESD PRIL 20t T311.1E EARLY -NO CHARGE DEMONSTRATION usto FOR' „cOisrsuLTATIori.. .AND. c 'DAY SEXED AND MIXED • W, LEGHORN& BARRED 'P pcocKs.. . . . ". • ' '• rukLET:s..0:F: 'ALL. AGES.. . FOR EARLY•2..PlItLETS YOU • MUST HAVE EARLY CHICkS. ,Tit.E TIME SAVED NOW,, WOItTla DOI.IBLE NEXT PA14,. - • • . • ., • . • • I:WRITE. OR. PHONE -YOUR. 'REqUIREMENTS, „ . . TO PHONE, • 77- 4,• BRUSSELS R. R. 5 , . OF -BRUSSELS . • YOUR OLD SEED DRILL WILL SOW FERTILIZER TOO! \-0` ' 1 i:1;21y4;Vd t il ir a°13N sl°531, \\ ;St\ t vGa c : ' sleet, rrdn,pr enoW. 'WV ,Vtolaviae vavelYve:xatiVuucte. sittalMst: WITH A PRESTON FERTILATOR Modernize your old seed drill and.save " Money. Merely by attaching an efficient:. Preston Fertilator -you can make it a combination seed and fertilizer drill.The' • Fertiltitor is all steel, and can be attached ' 'easily to standard makes of seed drills., -Et sows any grade of fertilizer, is positive • in action, and places the fertilizer down • the spouts with the grain! ' Writefor complete 'details a ,• „ ; THE PUBESWAY • OIL BURNING BROODER 'Reliable; econoirribal;well-made: WI3JarperWay all through. The Jarneawa,v0i1 Bora:jag Brooder ' will alive you money and' titxte. ,,'Sives. you stronger., healthier "chicks. • ' • - -----E'Onsterit-S*1-Produts. • , :370-ouelph etre&4/7,?'/ori FAO 'ries also, at, 08) ` • . Preaton: Oat,. '. , moon-, iseyoronto ASRFIELD LAY. PASSES .1.41 E OF A NEWSPAPERMA,N ,The: death of,. Jahn Arnistrong,, re- „ Gne iSAnels, thi•OUgh, thon yau sit Henry Red.„ Occurred ,dOwn. (sei y'.617), !and' yon't;e ziolhing eatis; 'ia.k.4,i,T.e,d, ,...• ',.., tleda:y_.•,:.filotnit„,.F.: , .. 'At. ttlea'8dot isni',1t1 talie;azipet.:ct,fobrutthaelaid..4,•,•baiondisal:;,.sk, :.. . 'they- home of Mr. ,and . Mrs. George - in ). g tor tat, . So You take off YOur Mains Lake `•Road, Ashfield, , noilli ... Of Tort 'Albert, The late Mrs, Redd, ; nii.illt. ".e.Lid; • li''teepSdilr'iv‘i'l;ge,r'Ytil'1.11:;Ii.ta. and d:A'11}:i'41" , Who ' was in. her 87th year, was il ysitill •litoe b., ,good , "rag'', if, wyou resident 04 00'dOrich' sitl,ti, leaving . don't • stoPbto brig, if You're not her'. fern, home On, OellOOSsibll., iit'e; t Ett'vhdly ..14y,. ; 4 , A hfl,eld, ' some, yeiirs ago; .bilt. :haft, '' P01` the hiadhitle MoStbe fed, alla •• .spent the toiNi,efit ga?intofe.l.t'' ,h'IW,Itthii nAel:::, andeMr;. let ' all eenttds• ,it,oenth.:1;te, dsaid,di ?lg.i i:passingt S ,, 41hungry,, e :Lid s.' s. t ti ka re.: Adame., The funoi„,t10, Whieh„ %wig' nil- , Adams,...was held, ,'Sroin th'e ..44.0.A.PAK':,-lioth ,subtle' • hoti-SV641..PV;-"Vtrlr'"grP.3\' hut '1"fo' oh it way. Ydflio'..j..b.A11:11,TiVeld;i4i- Awl -,Laiii..;- :401- m.(1 -'6 -fir ereW:is e7I'Cii sterY ,Y.all plat, Duhgolinoli ' cemetery, •The :deceased lor h&l.diiti • ate +a:1,6 tuld; •o1ik.„4.1k,„5,,,, was a eister ,of kr. Rebert Arm.; t.a.ad you'll .learn its yo tt live, thdt file ,t, strw,Igf.. :but:IA.4100h ' Gb(16rith' trir41'' ht'e siove and tiothilig,. but death, • toner, , , is•OndluSite.. , , . • „ . . " • V°11,1" '1:0P61" stS, better and. lvotteri,„