HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-15, Page 4arrners On. April 1st rural telephone rates were reduced by •25.. cents per month 4.— 0.00 • , per year. ' 4This will mean a saving to the farmers of s Ontaiio. and Quebec ' of over $100,000. a year. ther reductions ar and (cradle) Affilephonei:— ; reducecilrom 30 cents, to .15 Cents' Per month r Over, Desk type (effective with May , Inside inovie;charges. redUCed'frOm $2.0. to $1 00 effective April Short, haul Lang Distance Calls- . • , gite W. N. S. .Easter 'IiiankOfferin ,2,IfI1 be held in ErakinC• Church,. Dal .gatmon„ nn Friday .evening, .6.011'14, - at a ia.tri, A play. entitle'', `The Calor Line" Will he presented by the Yew*. People of "E akine Chtireli. You are ,,,j eQr.., invi cd, to ' attend.- :ig!;S. ey.• Hughes", of Toronto' ia...yisiti, g er. parents, Mr. and. Mrs. David S. •Etringt.cin on the 6th. Can"! cessifini, of W, Wawartosh, Mrs. 'El: - 1'4 • ; „....„, ,,,,,........• .-......'.. .4.-,4 - • 041"1.6,^',14V Cr" '4h."'"`‘•''''..*, health. Friends; to C411, 'am SnaclaY Were Mr! and . Mrs. • Robert, Moore, NIrs. ' Mary Rivett; Mrs, 'Roy Black, •Lacknewo:Mr. and Mrs: I.W.allace,Black.' of Goderich; .Mrs. Everett -Errington, d •l‘'r. .and Mrs. Jack Errington of the aCihe.Oncesforr -of W. WaY.iaaosfi.' .• Mr: W..A. Culbert has purchased the, farm, on ,4th CCM. of AShfi.,14,. ..)weect by lIar"vey. Treleaven, Lucknew Mr; 'David camphen Will soonstart to. reandael the house on the farm, he purchaSeci. lately.: His intention is to. make a two-storey dwelling ....1,with , stucco °and • •other mcalere , improve- rn°1Vflitissas. s ..Don.alda ancl Bertha Jones e-f:--th-e7pOde-rieh".. COlTegiate—lii-atitu te were Mine for the. week -end With their parents, Mr: and Mrs." Frank 20:cent-Persolli 40 -person calls reduced to 1 cents The extra cosi for reversing charg on calla to nearby Point is -cancelled (e, ec- thie The Special type of equipment available for the hard -of -hearing is reduced from $2:50 to $.1;56 per month. • NqW.`is the time to oder your telephone. Our representative will be glad to explain the benefits of a telepflone on the. farm. It will save you far more than its cost, especially at the reduced rate. •.; 7.1I,A"' —4- , • ••• Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott anent Monday- evening at Mr.'Thos. ROWS, •ArnberleY, . • , ,We wish .10 'extend; oar. Sympathy to 'Mrs. Charles ,bongrein and Mi-. ,Eineat Ackert. in .the less . Of 'their. •• imother, ': Mrs.. RaYilard Of Ethel. .• Mr.. and Mrs, John ,Jamieson and. .mr...Stuait Jamieson ;Of', Paramethat. • were 'Sunday eveaing2. visitors at Mr, Thos. Harris'. , „ ' • `' " • • , „, . action . of "officers on ThUradaY- ,: let:. president, Mts. Almet -Ackert; •. -lst vide .prest.;:Mrs. .Fred Thompson; god vice „pres., Mri. Wrn. MacLean;' Mrs.' 'Howard ,Hatris; . . Vck'' • enswiller; district dittet r, Mrs: ..Bert • MacLean, Press- reporter, 'Miss Mee B.61716; ,Auditors, Miss S. Pnrvis, Mr •, Abner' Ackert; pianist, Mieoi-Witini- . ,fred Atkert.;. Nominating. coihniitte(.,„ : .Mts. Albert Thompson,'; Mrs. 1,John, ::•••...COIWell; 'qrs. dunes Hedging and the President and. secretary; • district ,tep-' resentatiVes, Mt-. Ernest 'Ackert ..Mra, Howard Harris. Mrs. Albett Ciang, 'Meg; Win. ',MacLean, Miss. Mae toyles:-Progr.ani-..-eontroitt-ee-,-".4re.7-Ab•-• mer : -Ackert,- Mta, Hower!" " • Hartle, Mrs. James.'Mra.. 'Levi. Aek- ...eris'emfer, Mrs' , • Win.flaldenbY• tors, Mrs. `,Charles Congranat Mrs. ACk`eft,‘ Mrs, Bert MacLean. • Mrs. 'Archie • MaeFetlane, Mis. Thos. .•II6dgina;. Mies ' Anne Colwell;. fruit' and flowerYcehitnittee, iMr,a, Richard. • Elliott, Mrs, Eldbrt tekehswillet„ Miss' Hazel Percy. ' ' • - , -TOWNSIIII).',8111).PLIES • . • FREE • WA POWDER „ kl13 DING OESCH—McDONALD q let, but very Itretty .wedding was solemnized at high -noon, err March 31t, at the home of Mts. .:Christeria -McDonald, Huron Town- ship, When her . daughter, Jessie dbristena, as united:inMartictge to Mr, ,-Meano'. Qesch; son •of 1W.. ..JOhn • Oeseh of Zurich. , ..Immedietely at. 12 o'clock to the itrainsi nf Lehengrial'e Wedding, marcii played.. by her twin Sister; : Mrs. Don- ald +Card's, the bride tookher. place . indey • ,an arch tastefully decorated' in. pink and white. She, was given :in, Marriage by her brother;, -Mir. `Mur - lock McDonald. The ii,'..erenieriy. was performed' by. Aiy. J. C. =Nicholson, if , pine River. • . ''. • • , . . , The bride looked love y, in a Jong ;3gured taffeta .:gewn„. trimmed ."' With. livilliants,' Bey...veil :which 'brined a ,c.ap effect,. .waa caught with "prartge lijossoni ..and; she carried a. ibouquet if -pink I and,white.. rosebuds. 'Miss f entieta Mink of CheSley., .hande it Pretty brideanniid, in YellOW georg;." (Ate,' tri•mtriefi with rosee„-andt-liar, ")ouquet . was similar ' "to the .bride' • 1,,ittle .,Barbfara, Goschri; niece of 'they ' !Teem; „ was I* ...dainty flower , girl, Itessed in• Yellow crepe, earrying'.i: 5.esket "filled' with sweet .peas. The 1•00iii Was :Supported by his brother, Milton beaCh. . ' • , After: the' ceremenY, a suhipttiow , Wedding dinner ''Wea" served, inthe dining- rooin, wbieb wee decorated:lc ,pin,k AO -white; The britterid grOoin le ft by .inotm, 'for a " short hotteyinoon,. the 'bride travelling" in, e •grey ',tailored suit. , witli" shoes, ..purse, gloves and, other Unroll ..Te'wlishi4Y Council ' is Pre. ..uTe'sgerles to match.: A•host•ot goodt . viding Ire°. warble ,, fls, :nowder de, 'wiallesqollow. the happy' ooliple " to , . . mroyer, v), ...evoynno, in •the •,Tioniti,:„. ,-heie neW home in -Zuritli, ' ,,- .{ ,;;piility„desiring,At., _Our infin•hutht ad. , ._----------------- ' • villes. that there ' 14. a goou Teceipti'CVillsWr-it Givawr10.''' Y- ._:wfohil..ciith_ovviii:cuakittillii.:14,t;i"pT.thuet•:ifoottiatiltliiii•y6itna.7;,31 .1' When , Sir George. 1;:iir,tiltstldaigiO1,1' L'.oh.,. neigliberine maniciPalities,.. where the -'1.1111r;'61:11-1"°. r6(61 -t4' ''6"'n:eilli'.. peWder , may -InOt be aupplied; and' rie'v Ptvi•ln.* .fgt6t6tY 'hi' Bi'4461% be ttid''', ,, ,t each Mart. grOwei ehbuf 'd. they ` desire to ini ' ' " '21)1d "11.:1!rit)W' tlai 4 ' . y it.. , ; , , itches Pt 14tit Oil his rIce ' ta' rieh And 'eaCh • da' end that'. 016, daily :growth , ,.the Odaio Wia4,114 4 ' e en.the' late of. British Manhood is Jones. " • - • , The . village residence .owned by Goldie Carter, of Laicicnc:iwi. -was eyed by auction on "Saturday by Well- ington fleadetaon, auctioneer of Lac:. know. It was -subject:to.' kreaerve bid an(i' .i.vaa not '• , • W.ell",. it, has. been, . the common talk for years- tif-thWeTi.t!hiCi might be in- clined . to, he pesianiatic;,. to. coni - plain Of hiatfl tiinea'and.:etc.,, but right 'here in our quiet little burg, regia - ler .huilding boom. is on, hamMera . ,:and • aeWs ',keening" beat to the ::inareb :of time,.. and, in qtaick, order ',sci thet, ltiings7.‘-tfetttoyetl-httlire Stew' built 'and.;bUkinesS °started again. igenskite, glad .that these business men again. havethe.faith and 'courage to start , , - • . 'Mr. Jae"( Curran, ',carpenter. and Lei/ , Stingel , painter, are "this week; patting the central (Age into •order' agairi;, which Was so nearly „demol- ished . by fire.. . Mr.. and Mrs„ Thos. .Sandy of Goa-. erich, en M. and Rohl „ . .mnbre,' Sunday.: . • Miss Ida WhYard;"R.N. New York,. .is expected the 'end .of theweek.' to 1• visit her brother, Mr.. N. r vvAiard.. • Mr. Melville Culbert. has. purchased the 'lot, on Which '.,. the 'llirontgOinery: store andresidenee .stood.,..and lathad4. te..build,' in "which Mr. Montgomery will again assume business, fiendling• a hardware' .line. ' • 'A -change of henda.in•basineas...teo Place "-recently in ,qUielc order. . kr„ .Itivett, after. "being: burnt out. )(night' the N. E. WhYard ?hardware nid residence: 'ince. that, Mr. Rivett as nd butftlie. hardware stock to MOntgornery and. Mr. Rivett will hend e a tob,acce: shop as before. Carpenters are 'doing. fest-WorieVir L. M. McKenzie's "garagegandwith the ..fire. just .three •weeks age; e ' mar- vellons' change ' has taken place and "it.-'won'f:',be very long till, the building fall complete and ready. for service •... 'The W. A Of the trhit90 meetsin the b,eaernent..of this Icorning Friday...afternbono for the --iteg•elat . monthly :Meeting; and '10d"tea.- Mr.., and, 1VIre.. 'Thep.: Henry, - Yleah- atteri, Mrf, and Mts. ken,'Kennedy if Dundalk; 'visited for• the .Week,:.end. With 'Mr, '.and Mrs.'" Geo, Irwin and Other • friends: .7 • . ?Ire. B. J. Crawford, :who 1..Spent the. ,winter months with lthr deughtet, Vit8,: Willis Ai Detroit arriyedhome to the village: pn Tuesday. •..Guests . On ..Stindey With Mr. and Mrs, Eedy Were . her stater and • family Mr. ani • Mrs. W. .S.• Nickel, .Fernp. BrUce-,,'" her 'mother, Mrs: Henry Yhndt and a friend,' Mre...Festet, all • Stratford. '•.` • „ Congretulatiena. to, .Mt,„ and... lvita• LaVerhi;., adven.t of. a .baby 'daughter,' ' '(Inte For Lest Weeli) ,. • VoAtgottok .ftthifly:aneYed, into the IVICMila-, 'tef residenee • on Tueadity,. We' 'hope they will he able• ter...tittle' with us. 1.‘tr,'' ilea, Fowler/ of • ,Windsor., ac,- compame y muse, ,mo ,ore -up on Sonday,, and mother, liarrietIoowlei.,-iet the "Goiletich."11.O4- pital,".'4Urnett With thein- and Will riokeher home With her §01',1,111 410 . • 3..D R•ielrardqori inade tpt trip Ap"'Terente. Ftiday'llight fer t'elepliehe, cable, •IVirs. ,Riehatilsoit'and Aatu ed • vv ith 4,1 i ,. :spent taster week ,writti friends ' in the iltigh,'4-year-elil" inn •VgLiA''.4tifoftilli. ! -1.1:te:-,i0iii0--Johdittlg,--tio--1811-;.0:pq---intt.-..,h7- hA;ity. gash .0i.ey. otte. hod- atitehes.„:. , unstat, ed fait, weak; • Ifert. Uailinint,' with lilldreh June 'end horne nt, rits, 16. an& kotelsoA, • a' he Langsids :Chih'ineets this lorl. s Wait' sive'lit feW day /. 40,741,0010w-sni4iitin 41MI Alm! A-01 ,r1 " TEPRSDAY,,AtpRIL. •15TIL 1931 Showeredt By Friends As She Enters Trainin • g • A • baSeball:;InCe,ting has 114n:called for nex4-.Moddav. night, and it would be an lencouraging Sign ta•aea 1,rIg•a• tninout, ..*.**Ti. * •• ' - An annila• Inee....ing of the Bruce , League:fa called for. Tuesday next in Hanover., HoWard.Agnew, A.' mernbei of the exeentive; `will• be Pr,ent frem, r here. , „ • "ASHFIELD NEWS. Sacker fishing ia the. 'Ode?' et.th The "Canadian Band is on the alr every evening, having , opened.ei 1037 engagement just, recentlY. . • MISS Betty Bissett has entered Goderich'•: Hospital as a nurse -in • r Tthoinin of thi.week" yl.le,lea,.n:eein:.waeS,Pat:nn Saturday at the home of R. ,whenoetylirfie4oslte " wAl opi• 1:f2 P.a; fi-:;h4oe: c;:i4e tnie !".t,: *ne va; 01.4. 1!, plied in a.fpw 'well ,ehOsen words. All her .friends jain in wishing her nue, cess in her chosen profession. On Monday. April 12th Amberley's Grand Old Man, • Mr % Peter Shed's,. celebrated his one hundredth birth- daY. A birthday party as held at the home of his: son, .Mr.. %James Shell's *here the 'old gentleman sPent Lh _odaehYncitowsurro.untid reaed by t_74ar.4.00hia gran, ren., 'neighbor, Mr. Victor., Thor - burn, had a number played for him 'wet .CKNX Whigham,' ant:1*th'). an- nouncer said It was the Orst request theyhad had for a one 4iendredth birthday. .,a,11extend birthday • This .community was sal:Mended by the sudden death Oii.'Wedneridai last 3f Mr.. John MacDonald Of Kintail. Mr: litieDonald" had 'made • e : wonder- ful recoyery! from • an. .aceident.In ?vhih`. he suffered 's' broken .leg and al32.1itrant,13,' • was. ._.in health, ..When . he was taken :SO 'suddenly. He •, ' was, a Son of the. late , Mr, end • Mrs. Donald .MacDoirald who were pion• , aers :in , ER , Mael)ehal,a; Of Kintail; 'Thee ':regarded as the Strangest, -,Man Huron County, died suddenly • on Wednesday, sApriI lth. Half a een- tary Aga, he won the chainPionahip, in caber throwing at the .famous Cal- edonian gimes in .Liicknovi. It is Itated • that " he :"achieved ,considerable fame. by once defeating' Donald Din 'nie, Canadian Champion caber' toeser, We are glid. to, r#P•O`it that . Mrs. S. D. Fattish is improving so well after an ,attack Of pleurisy; and. cold.. Miss So:In/4 Of JAielcnew has been nursing Mrs.' Fattish:. • • Mrs. Joseph, Courtney., is assisting Mrs. Earl MacDonald at., present. , Mr. Lorne Firiieh has Sold his farm on the 1.0th con:, to ' J. ; , , Drennan , of •Kingsbridge. Mr. pren-, Irian ,gets ^ poSsession of the farm in. The frogs • havebeen heard Singing again, which is a sign'thetsPriag* with tis..•again.'.*; :-(41.0* a haribet. Of theyoung folk *ended :the dance 'held . at Para. • e. BERVIE' - Miss. Flora 'McLean', of Tiverton, whohas been spending part Of the winter at the home of her neice, Mrs. Gordon Alexander; :has been ill in bed for some weeks, but•is. now able. to leave her. room., ' • , We are sorry to report-. that Mrs., Noble Harrigan has been, ill during the past' week from • the effects of • a heatt-<, attack. Miss.' Marjorie McCon- nell is, with her; also Mrs. Flo. El - !)hick of Pinkerton.. Miss Emma Hewitt, Ninth ' Line; was able toreturn from ,Kincardine Hospital on Thursday. ' Jas: Hunter add Jos. Ferrier, ag- ents for 'Gunn's Fertilizer, unloaded two eirs. of Fertilizer on Friday at Kincardine station. ' - Douglas Jahnaon Made a trila to Toronto on Friday last; Mr. Robert Riddell; Sr., North line, suffering from a fractured ankle. —ComximnionAerizice_was_conducted Stmclik, in Knox. Church, by:the Pam - tor Rev. , McConnell. .. 1111/4,1COU H (Intended Far. Laet, Week) • Mr„. and. Mrs. Bert, McLean; Milo Evelyn IliteLeanatid•Mrs. Karl Boyle motored to London on Saturday. • , ' Miss Mary Cox returned to.:OuelPh on Monday, atter spending, the past week at her heme, .10th con. • Mrs. A. Breckles`. retiirned ho,nie train 'Toronto; Where she spent •,the bait two Months. .L Hodgkinson spent a few day,a lest ,ateeii at London. ,,Mrs., • F. McMullen •returned to ?Toronto; after spending the holidays -with-Mta. We' are sorry to report the illness . Miss Madeline ' • Mr. 'Prank Currie. '44464 over the' Week -end at hie horae here, • .Mastet bonald, Gillespieofmitohew stiott ,tho holidays tvIth, grand. lctot?pirliciaic.ayttitri::, :terhqserithc:'i_fri jolizhnth9,vvis . . . Will, lie; wick, in ' the league this .see,:' 3 'I ' ' ' , , " • ' 7:::•'4's't- season4etiyies..:4were con fined fined to the 'Maitland. League, -and Proved', pretty much ofa!bust locally. ,The advance. presPects are that there'll beclose', to a dozen teams in ;he Billie League .with (.„‘Av teams doing a fade out,.., since Goldsmith incl Noble departed from •Soutliamp-. * • * * * * ` • . .7-74-,-;Therse:L7ehenichint-ealile; rounding out a team here this year, and While they WOUldnit PrehahlY C9Pe the championship, they 'might cause locne 'upsets, at that. ' • , • • 0* '9The 'Maitland League team showed upa few prospects haat season, which : d;:iiiiedr,t!ni toath.e., remnants of the old Bruce • League 'team, should' produce' , Gordon Irwin should stili have a few, goodgames in that 'tight arm, and, Elliott "Carruthers, Hugh Cunning anir Gordon Miller,: are others , Who nheoVue,shoWed their ability .o' the ind. in Lucknow this. Snmaner, be on hand - If you're .intereSted in ; ball thain Monday Copper. Cliff juniors -who pre funn- ing for the ;Dominion championship; have Mel.• Albright Of .:Walkerten.. in :the nets. 'Albright played with Walkerton last season onthe team that ' elimin- ated. the Lucicnow boys from the W. 0. IL A. "junior race. ** *. . , .Wingham Baseball Club is not dis- eouraged by the feet they went $70. in the red last year, I for they have 'already', organized and:, plan- to be back in the Bruce League again his season. , • . , The Whitechurch Women's :;fInatt.; .,tute held their jneeting.,lest Friday in the: Instittte :Halt with.--the..."preat,. dent, :Mrs. W. .Leggatt in the Chair,. The roll call Was. answered by paying of .fees,:to. which, it number responded. The; financial statement for .the year showed a deficit of $10.41.; The' tonic "Do 'Flowers read by Mrs Victor Eanersen. The election • of . thou held ;with 'MI'S.- Me'-. •quillin,' secretary and Mrs.. V. Emer- ifi, presiding:. .president,. Mrs.. Ezra Sholti; lat Vice,•-•Misa Grace .Richard - 'son; 2nd Vice,- Mrs. - 'Mac Ross'; - ',Agnes Gillespie; branch directors, Mrs. C. Falconer, 'Mrs, Far - tier, Mts. C. Martin, Mrs. ' Moore, Mrs McQuillin, Miss O. Laidlaw; press reporters, Mrs.. • V.- Ernetion„ Mt. 1).;.' Beectott;'pianists, .Mrs: C. Martin,„ Mrs. 'Farriet,', Merle W,iisOn; Plower committee, Mrs. 8holts,Miss C... Mowbray; district director ;- Mrs. W.. Leggett; euditors,, Miss Gr -ace Richardson, Mrs: A.,'Cou Ites i', program Pont; Mrs. "E. lyrellvv,poil,"Mrs. C. Fal- coner, Mrs. Farrier, Miss -Grace Rich- ardsoa, Mrs. Caution. 'The 'Matter of a caretaker Wes. left over to next• Meeting.' '" " 'The Presbyterian W. XS. held their meeting ntthe home of •Mrs.: Wilfred Harkness last, Thurkday af- ternoon. - Mrs: Sarold'johnston of 1,uckii.ew spent a :few 'days list Week lyvith-her Parei4,i Mt, and Mrs. WM.' Conn. Mr.. A. ,Relch and Vise • Mark, - spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, V. EnierSori. •; • • .Miss: Grace 'Hichadaea 4as aa. .f4r• • . • . recovered from the "flu, te.. permit her. being bretighthome on . Sande? last. from. M.g. J.' • Little Misa ‘Jessie Scott, 'daughter of Mr.' and • Mts.. beorge 'See it,' „Ave,' at6, SOrrje to report, is not es'vvell aa ;her many friends ,f.dit:eyha„ . , dvieu11k. heY- ng been Under the doctor'seate for afew xhibiting a ' peculiar • padlock • lcey Vvhieft:he recently 'found and ltlbiCh 116 Will gladly ' laying Mrs. A Foriytho of t)!S. haw. nis' tietnling'a Vtidaliii with her piir,z, "Visited Mr...anila. Mrs.1)evid 8. trifItg.', pare.iiiS,...1Vfr.. and. Mrs,: /As; 1,oh .j•Ctf,',()Ver the ivetk-eed. $taitt Mr, Retold slialdenhi acCompaniiii YeAcatiOalpdiiPstmon Dress u:144 • 0day • (Q14:$*'r •NEYV.S), e . mat at the home • o,f Mrs. 'Clarence CampbefirOnIrhaateday 'aftera0on,..with thOreOdellt?. ja9hhayMCn(4.1.itre *p.ra'Vei:r_W.841:°414. re- peated. in,nnison, The toll, •cell was answered by a verse of ,seripture, -1:1,14t; 7-442 ites of de'-; -44:•*te-iri. WAS ,,aPpninted, , 'as .:ael4gete • to. the Presbyterial to be held in Chealey on NO 401. The "#eVotional.' poPer e,;Ta • given ` by. Mrs gaper' Biaek and .the T'eniPei`aziee talk Mlf(1-7. Mrs. W. took the chapter from .the 'SfPar book.. The meeting closed with;a hymn and prayer ,by NirS, A. ,MacTeviih. The, May Meeting will be 'held, At •••the home of Mrs. Melvin Coling. !! The Yating PeePlePs. Meeting "Wes held in the Church on Tuesday even.- ing• April 'Qtli with ' the president: Vm Stewart presiding. The Meeting Was opened "with a hyinn and the wsLoorred:s:r yaittneraltyypapsicirveePde.e.ewd-4iitne.ye,,,iifiliwi: Answered the roll call. A Bible conteet• , Was. given. !be,. scripture' lesson .waa reads by Merien . Vegan. and ,the ... dis- passion by Lillian Osborne. Eimer Avery gave the The ineeting closed with. a.,,hYmn . and the anizjaah b.."tiMeidsise'Ptrothi''. Ivie'9„. a. ire. returned home after spending .a few 'days with • her:n. sin, Mrs. Henry Howe Of Mit- Che. Miss•Emme HaMilton Guelph, 4.; parents, -visiting her Among. those ;' P7eM: el'd. ek7. ts1. bno at the heine•Of Mr: and 'Mrs.' Mal-, &ilia McGuire, were Miss. Frances 771)ALs7Lloyd1,41:-C: McGuire and daughter, 'Patricia Anne of Hamilien:. OeSuh- day . afternoon, Mr:. and .:•Mra.: Me- Guire had ..keir little denghter bap tiZed by N" 'McKenzie. The baPtismal,dtese was 5.1 Years' Old and ,ghraedib een . bought hy the infant's tt, great grandnlothez-, Mrs. Scott and made by its caatc; i.i.a6n6dnuipvith:rnr, Mr. McDonald.. It h by hi5 gr,andn'iOther, . Mrs'. • McGuirei-• and his father at ..theitbaptisanal. ser - .vices. . • :MrS,. R. -Reid has . returned from Goderich to 'spend .the .suaimer With her ,daughter. . Mrs.. W. B. 'Walden... SYMPathY is, extendedto the fai- ily of t'ltflae:lt:fThs Mcnir:eMrs. Thos. S Friday Mies, Jean Of.; :Ripley, Mrs.' Henry Howe . of-Mitelr11:. and Alia; Albert, • Riehl: of :Ooderi her bedside. • 1,1 't.eitiOTheati* .4.1tr440.0(.. • ..7,Sha*St at *i.,..4,...1".11i Tlialiaday, Friday,. •SaturdaY ARM., 501647, PORAlitA STANWYCK , anfo.: On ,A Drama of. the Misaissipni.,, ' *an Music - ' 'Ale 3flCKEY MOUSE . CARTOON AND NEWS • Monday,. Tuesday,' 'Wednesday'. 'APR 19 -fl -21 JOE. E BROWN.. Your Birthday • A --"Laligh - also TWO 'REEL, COMEDY • • • AND CARTOON MONUMENTS first Haying our facto,Y •eclaiPPadi with' the .anest...moderh machinery' for the... execution of high class ;,Vioric,-we ask you to see thelargest---,dieplay mien', urnertta of any retail. factory in On- tailo. -Ali ,finished by send", bleat nria; . icali1P:leaWlcres':i,inag7nt;a:tielour' 'from the Old. Country ,quatries • ect, an the reugh. You can saye, • ell nd iniddleman ptofits' by 'seeing ' • • • • • ' J. Skelton &Son At West End Bridge—WALKERTON A Tonio-7-gioes .irinor ' to nervous, rundown' people -7-for backache, sick 'head. aches' and general weak- ness. DR. klAMMOND'S Brain and.Neive Pills •awe Recornmended eign• , • , ;McklM'S DRUG STOKE ' .• LOWER WINGHAM •• Lois Burchill, five Year old daugh- ter' Of Mr... and Mrs.. Who while playing "..doctot. With • her -little brother, were Operating on a „ doll with a pair Of scissors, accidently ran them into her eye. She Was tush: cd to the Sick. dhildren'a.. Hospital in Toronto, where an operation was per- formed to save .the 'eight of her; eye.; Latest ` reports' were'. quite favorable that her . sight would not be lost. Mr: Burchill is n farther, pia the edge Of; • UoWerr.,-, *higher& , On .the. Lticknow and Winghean Highway. • ' :The Lower • toyvh Prayer ',meeting on Thursday evening, AYH' he held at the home , Of kis% Balt , end, Gainble under Ilie,leatierhip of Mr. Hopper. ,Arnorigat the Saturday.' evening visitors ' :Wing wete r. en. Mts. Atchie:, Patterson. and Muriel; Kr.; Peter; 'Watson and Annie .fif LuChnOw. : . We are gled to r,epcirt that Mr, George . Pocock, .who has been bed . , . fast for Six weeka with..., a , general breakdown, steadily: improvio, we all hope to see Mt._ Pocock restored to goOd CLRo-ssE RS Mr. and: Mrs.. Wm. Alton and Dong - las . and 1VII". Bert, 'rhonipson has oa- turned, bank to their . schools aftet spending. the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs; F. 'Thompson,. - Tasflor and babe; . Mr: -*and gra, iJazit,Th,nigson and family oia Miss Florence Ilsilgina, • spent' the ,holidays with, Mrs-. 'Walter Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs,. Morel) Bell and flan. spent • Easter ' with ' Mr, and Mrs, Jcie Hannah, .„12. Mta, Gordon 1%),IcKee and family, „ , silent couPle of weeks with lier.par- Misses Ruth Msin141;ierlamnah.4841e'etts pent' a day- lest ,Week" with ors,. 1tod. :40611t, dq0' iilAt 'week /with. ,spoTnit.trig' With her inettier, MPH', IVioritisono. LtieknOW. 'hatm Ajke,V00,1 itient,:8niiday Af the home a :fref Ordhis t&P,it d..g.1103 ef Toronto, is.Alsi!. Mcilitchis te Sombra day` eVening.,. when dikneing"tOill lie 144' 'wee 'S*4tt'hor''''Dttl'ehiti,f , ZION Mrs.. Fred Anderson spending e, fet. days:: with her : daughter, Mrs, •Jno. McDonagh Of Relfest, , • Mrs .4 Gordon StObo and daughter Metjerk- of TeeSWetet,- Were guests of her brother, Getdon ,KitIcland and Mrs.., Kirkland. • ' Mies; Violet Saunders Mateking, is 'assiting Mrs:';Will7Gardner ,this week. • , Messrs.: Wm, ,Hunter, Jr. and Har- old , Gardner were in ,. Termite the first of the -Week., , 2 ' John Gardner, intends laving . an Auntion pale, on. Tuesday, April , Messrs. Roden' Fred >Keith and Russell -Ritchie, were . Goderi-ch rs on Sunday. 2ND:•C • KIN1,10$. Misa .Catherine spent •• StindaY. at , her .'honie .here, : ,. • •• Miss Freda,. 'McDougall 'Visited - • Sunday with Miss Jean Reed, • • MrS,,..13,Obinson and Miss Lena. Rob- nison, . visited on Thursday IX A. McDonald's, ',:'" •. .Mrs. - .StenleY :end . Mr. Eldon Stan-. .1.0 of brileaVa, called on. Saturday it Clarence . Mt. end McDonald Yis-: ited' oh. Friday at Donald MeChatles... Mr. and Mrs. Chas, thoiesou', visit- ed Tuesday pveuing, at C. • Irwin's. • Mrs.. god Oiinnbeil "viiited • SiandeY, with Mia.. Ilarry,!•Layis.. ' Jr-irwin and .11Y ' `visited during- the .Weeic 'with frienda in Wiligham, " • .. "All I got at her honSe was a cu -- of s/Uitnrock tea," reniated the, . young- fellow., . . . , "W.hat, pn, eartiVs...sliamrock' 'tee ?" asked. his .eoreptinion, • ,• 'Woo know the kind—made with three leaVeir', was, the rePI , , . • KIDS' KORNER his Ieg 01q0 Prilil'IdrtY"t4"tigiVheld, -Wtihile3n1"Yhl6ts;Vt•t6S Attnelcl.and-4-kneched-,"dOWW4115r"tlir - hurnper tr" car. • , • . , ' ,,• , Ruit;ell of :Toronto, torni,' erlY of .„Ltiekri3Ow, lwas in toyvil , • on Sunday, ' * • , Agnew el)eit• Stifida Joe ts• •