HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-08, Page 5• a TT1�7IRSDAY;,' .41.*IL ATN;; Iti837, s • • THE LUCKN,OW ;SENTINEL ••••' • AND A +BRILLIANT FUTURE if .4-.p, s • • SPS clop Witli gams. 4 Delfveretf et /actory; Osi�iai Ont.:G.ovarnmbnt. taaas, 7ioe and freight_.dditionaf,=,{-Pr wbje'ct,tochang�.witho t a' notice.) r. 011'11 1 e glad oa'` :chose OS e C ad aFinest •' a s LOW p!i cC d ar.. INTRODUCED if AGO„ lar; cars onthemarket:t �s he. fu ,, • cute this.. ,�,.. great General,• is bright fors Pontiac Motors- 'is.. , gh uac . , :bright, too, es .v. • :- -for-F ontiu owners.. Sq' we -say -keep e. ,about-to-�et-new- szles-ttic'cofds. Kee -. -'. Y-, P Your eye •on Pontiac, Public con6 your eyes on Pontiac., Call in at any. Ponuac'dealer's`and'let a 1937 model'• : `.enc is built ot. the maker's : ' utas. rip demoasttte=vybj, Pontiac iv srt>hi 'boli � it�id' 'thC ~iodu"�'' y .. `p a.s:� form aaee. ascenditi the `u"'`' . • , ,:... B the' . p•curve'of lie' sales' • .:,.:Ponca has. c won and maintained the .. ,ter ,• ...•: - escort l „Year' afteryear Pont,' '. :.,,... . ac goodwill ''of i buyers :. S its Yers for just those.•'claimed thousands of new owners; but. . reasonsl .Graduall and in itabl .. Y qY y ;t'. ` withthe grext popularity' of ;the. 1937 • - ^_ has gained in the esteem of motorists ` ' model, Pontiac's . 'career in .the auto- until today ' itis one: of the most pop'u• motive world has really only started,; •. • The House of• Commons broke taro. a11 ,precedents' by,' sitting on. Easter Monday and hap also decided to sit' vkrarovTtsa,R' m"efti4 a- wsr.i CY mr-•R• now till the close of the,Session The Honourable ' Newnan , Rogers ' ast h -^^ ro , I rite t int .ores the annual un employment and, farm relief bill. The past year has seen considerable • rove ntp in 'the Yrte •, . a situation but a sub stantial sum is still ,.required,• , Mr Robiciniud,' Liberal':Member'from New Brunswick, spoke ' on his province's. experiment in -abolishing direct re lief and 'stated that .New Brunswick was, showing :the -'way to the rest of Canada: iersonally I wonder if'.; der. ect relief 'were abolished,. if a good many able -bodies would not .1 -find something to'do.•as they did in the. -day's--of-our fathers. -••Then; acceptinir money from the state or the•'individ ualamas=considerfid---fir 1sst=st'ep—in. degradation. Mr. Rogers is being given credit. for averting, *hat would have/. been a' most serious: strike' situation' in re= gars to Canadian railwaylabour. • As the .matter now stands, both sides are. satisfied in;,the main• with the settle menta The- Japanese . , e Japan ese Prince .and. Princess landed. today:in 'Vancouver= -and. re- ceived a welcome from Prime'Minis- ter , R �in g •on behaif;of the Govern- ment` " d .Chichibu is a,brother of the Japanese Emperor and is , on: 'his way to the .Coronation. It,'is un- •rstao' ,4jie_io' l visitor- - 1 'y .ratifie b ' 'their•'rece p tion: The gratified d...Y . P y will' a .entertained. by, the Govern= meat here on their arrival in Ottawa. next week. , .. The Honourable Ernest:.Lapofnte on :Tuesday, took upon: himself the tole of a. Canadian Crusader ,against•, Communism and Fascism•:. alike. He: is ailfora sort 'of league of goodwill in Canada, to:emiibrace all: classes, religions. and all :conditions to :,go - forth mg�inst revolutionary : social accts ' econsmic conditions The . league would not , operate by,'force. :''Indeed no! It °Wouldbe. 'a'.'iovefeast. of edu cation, justice' and charity. This was called forth in reply; to J.' S..Woods- P•3176 THERE'SNIA DELA Y WHEN YOU ORDER A NEW PONTIAC BERVI VON • • Miss',:Evelyn. Slesser" visited Frida Mr, and 'tMrs.. S. R. McLelland home., Miss' Hazel Jean• Campbell of Ar - +mow, ;was a' visitor :',Of 'Miss Janet McDonald's last week;' Mr' and°' Mrs.• W. J. Blackwelld' an daughter, Mrs :. Al Wolfe, of ; Doone;, Ont ,. were Sunday visitors ' at the. Miss Emma: Hewitt,; north.is`a patient in Kincardine:' Hospital, bay- tng, had: an infected finger • amputated, • Allison Collins, ' Con. 5, has"'rented Allan Robertson's farm, 'Con. 9. Restricted Area Approved ._Earners in : 'the vicinity -showed Present indications are not. for' 'a' 's' particularly early spring, as, • the ground is covered- >with a -blanket of snow ;-his morning • (Tuesday), 'fol- lowing .an ol-lowing.an all -day rain yesterday. The, roads" are •.in very soft condition. Many- of the back- roads: are ''almost impassable for (motor. •traffic is considerable interest in -the meeting held in the.Oddfel•low's Hall here last Tuesday 'evenin'g, by' a represents five. of' the T. B. Restricted' Area; Mr . Campbell• of Wallki rton% All those "present•': except";three'fanners ' voted in :favour of the movement: • Mr, Andrew' McDonald', Miss: Janet MacDonald • and Miss` Hazel :Jean Campbell,. were guests :at: . the beach. • McA onald nuptials on Wednesda las t. Mrs., M: Patterson of •Lucknow, vis ,ted . Mr:_:and`'•Mis. ,•Jas.' Hunter forepart •'of the' past week.. • Mr and Mrs ' A•. , McLellan(' D. h motored • to Walpole, Island for j' the 'Week -end. Miss, 'Ja• McLelland ;-ac- ,;companied ,them is far as London.., : Mrs... Govier .of Paris; Ont.; . is •vis= siting her •sister;• Mrs: Geo. Stewart:.. .Services Appreciated The monthly' meeting :of the Wo men s ' ' i sionary , ociety ' ° of :. the Uflited' Church ;was, held Wednesday at, ge, Mrs. 'R. T. •B'rown's . home; With a lar 'atte dtlnce:: The sppecial "speaker n was Miss. Edna' Sperling; acting'Dean Alma olle e' St.. Thonas, •d::• . a � of,,; ma_..0 g � n her address .was listened to:with gen- nine interest,'being -a,' . report' of, a Convention 'which she attended last; year .in Indianapolis. rs.' Sparlin , p .P..., S ,... al . • ri of mcardirie s briefly on K.,. , 'also' eb Y ." p Stewardship''..'. Mrs. Win.: 1,t andMss Reta'Sturgeon • contributed short ,talks. The ".Easter Service' of • Worship" program tvtis". followed:;At the close of the'• meeting,. Mrs. E.' A.' Metelland read a Presen- tation address to Mrs. Jelin, Stu geon, •voleing the appreciation of long years of service in the Choir of the :United' Church, while Mrs. it. T. Brow,n,pre- sented , stun of money. Mrs.. 'Stat geori; although,. taken :completely by' surprise; Made A. fitting reply. The hbstess and assistants' served a de- licioug lunch at the c'onclustbn of the meiting. • 'Y'oriateir Bervk Merichant Dies ' Mr, William - Henderson, who far upwards' of •thi'rty .years' conducted tI • Mr. Cecil .Gardner, Mr.: Fred Rit chic Mrs Ernest :Gardner' and ion, visite 'with'' Mr:"and Mrs. Will Ross of Lochalsh 'on ,Sunday. They were' accompanied home by Russell and"' Keith;: Ritchie;::, who had been. spending' a few' .days with Mr. 'and,' Mrs(•4Ross. Mrs Joh n Gardner and bob Car Loraine) returned home from ham Hospital. on Sunday.,;''where .Mrs. Gardner has`=been a' patient for', the. )ast three weeks., We are :pleased "to :report .both mother 'and •'daughter 'are doing well. •• .' Mrs. David. Andrew of Vermillion, Alta., ';was' a', visitor with Mr..' and- Mrs. ; Isaac' -Andrew' arid ,Mrs. and" Mrs.. Gordon . Kirkland on Sunday a 1 st • Those engaged in'• making nia le repsyrup;ort 'ort a• :ve ' disappointing :.. very ppointing season. ,.The sap evidently ,has been running afore: •or • .less through , the winter, ',lessening the present flow:' Mr. Sid Garda er spent: the week= ted with'friends at• Port 'Albert, Shepp'ardton Nand; rteebnrni ` Miss Do al . n da ' McDonal • d of 'St.: Helens, is assisting Mrs'..'Jack Gard e,r--at-present.. w .Mr: David and Mr Charlie Ander". son spent Saturday :evening with 'Mr and Mrs. Jack McDonagh of Hacketts AL O �� T •°UNANIMOU dK . S S. volt. IN' FLAVOR OF BY=LAW' By an • unprecedented 'vote' of .526 to 6 the ratepayers of Hanover voted on Saturday in . favor , of. "a , by-law )Which ;will 'bring•a new 'industr.y,'a large, :branch of the S' wift'Canadian Company., ... p , Y, to that town. The by-law. provided for the •,granting: of a 'fixed hs"sessment 'of' $5,000 per yea fora period of 10 years, and •an ""itgreement with 'respect to. the contruction of sewers, water 'Mons', etc., to the plant, ;general store in. this • village; passed away on . March 17th athis home in Redcliffe;'Alta,a•at•the •age of 98. Mr. Henderson' Was buried', by the Masonic Lodge, 'arid, had been Financial Sec- retary of the f, O.0/ .F todge, 13et!. worOs inquiry: .: into the ; " padldel COURRIESCORNERS ,legislation.!' now in .force in Quebec:: , 31r.__Woods_acovcth cannot=ogee w-hy} iL BORN -In Goderic- General Hos- ther.'Minister of Justice takes sucha pital on Tuesday, March ,30th,1937, firm§tans on « it-ddwn" strikes,. why to;: Mr and Mrs:` Russell Reid,' a .son, he cannot be equally firer :on this pe - culler legislation:put through •by .the. •Duplessis '"government .. in , Quebec, There,: is, Material .here' for thought, but :theneurable,;' the Minister of 'Justice ode -,it plain:'that:he is: .not going • to interfere with the Quebec legislators Arising ' out of • the return of the Honourable'W 'D.• Euler : from : his mission .to. Australia the usual ref- erence to discrimination,. against Al- berta once more' -was :voiced' by the Leader of the Opposition in his 'role as a' Member . from' that Provirfce, : but Once mote 0 it' was ,pointed out : that Alberta although she had heard • the. call was not. prepared to accept' it and. 'attain to a 'State.: of , grace. Mr. Euler is considered to have made 'a valuable ' .contribution .''towards ' la - creased stride relations with the An tipodes- ' Mr. Michael :Bowies had woodbee last week. Mrs:,Ernest•,'Blake , has 'returned home 'after, assisting -at Mrs: rDaiid Little's..' Mx and_ Mi s. Fi ed; . ,, ohnston and° familyhaye•moved to'the farm known as Taylor's. .Mr 'Johnston is working :the: farm for Mr Zinn: We. 'we1cgme 'hem to ,the neighborhood Teachers .and•'students;,have, return edthe. toholitdaheyir. respective 'schRolsx after s. .The majority of the sick are im proving•, favorably. . Mr, and• Mrs..G. 'Needham ' of •.Kin cardine. visited.. Sunday., with Mr. ,and. Mrs J,orne• Fairish SHFIFL-D NOTES A ,• Miss V' Young of, Dungannon is visiting'With r sist er � Mrs'. 'M , �t Gibson:' Mr. :A Aibert Helm has been '.confin d e to .the house with an attack of tbroil= chitis during the past 'few 'days: }; Miss Doris, Reid 'is the guest' of her. sister, Mrs. Peter Cook: : Mr. 'and,, • Mrs,, Jno 'Campbell .of Belfast, 'visited with Mr. 'and Mrs. Jake Hunter, Sunday, • • Miss Etta McGill • of .. Lucknow' is •Vv`isiti-ng-` an rs. c eith at present.' . :; Miss L Hogan a ' g n returned •to mark. dale to resumeher duties .after .a week's vacation: ' • WHIT 't'I-L. E URCH' , Mr: ae . . ,U. dee Joe Holmes; • is under the ,dee; tors• care. 'W a hope for; an early re. revery. Mrs, •Laidlaw; was, siek i b,. ed with i h 'lie.. :'fl'u, 'last: Week.- , ' Mie Olive O• ve Kennedy spent last +week with' Mrs:.°George McClenaghan. ,. Mr. 'Eddie ;Moore has • bough't Mr:- Joe Holmesfarm' '•„,-• Mrs. Jack 'Mangan isperit the':week eta, :with' her parents; .'Mrs and! :'Mrs"• Tads. Inglis - ” Misses;. Cathet i'ie tiettersoti and P1or`ente,iVtcQu.illin student nurs es of Si~ratford Hospital, visited ' lastl Wednesday .at their homes. hoc.... Messrs, •G'eorge Ross,r hussei itbss and. Mrs. tobert'tbss,,''spent aY day cently at 'London.' , Mt, and 1'vtrs. Wim J. Henderson •Wing ham visited on, T iesdny,:,with since its. institution in 1496, until ie his departure to . ' Western Cenedn some.yeaN ago. Ow wooredeceased p bf and Mrs. David Ke±tiody„ 'him iiin19g2'. 7 M t On Wednesday 'two -neo+ "measures dealing- with,', la'w and were' featured.acre One i axes the 'strength Of the 'fanned Royal Canadian Mount. ed ' police 'by creating' a' reserve •,`of: 300 .men available . for emergenci es 'This reserve mill be between ,:the ages of 18,'and 40 years and `'will not be paid regularly 'h tit only'when called' into: service. Then;: only,, will; .they (wear. the' , uniform but 'they • will reg ceive a bit.of training annually, This will cost only' $80,000: a' year in corn- thes strength, permanently; Even: the Lea,. der of the Opposition ;�ave this mea _ sure his bles inG and he• onlY fouif "Tommy"' Church, th"e• militant .Tor, :onto -Conservative, eeuldsfind was that it wasn't enough:'. He .was, all for'. 'making it •5000 •to give :young men, coming out of High School a chance., By tib* the ,:good'' news ,for "th furniture trade will.have spread over', Bruce and I think the industry will be' booming within' 'the year. - How ever, the automotive ;trade- his :'hot sof' pleased,—another example of. "what'`` one• man's meat . is . litiother mans, Poison" The rest •of 'elle week will be .taken up with: odds' arid ends Of legislation'. and as all` the contentious measures liav�o 'been finished; I think the Ship Of State will be sailing on an"even , keel;, He•'e's hoping. Died 'Of Meningitis ----Cerebral- meningitis• at development of influenza, snuffed trio the life of Edwin Reginald ltyan, ' i0.year=old son of 11fr, and. Mrs. Regi Bald of Colbo'rine Township. Burial took : ' place in: 'Dungannon cemetery on Sat urda • ,LXNS, • M[A•FEKtI Y0 , . The.April meeting Of the, Women s •. rMr. dnd Mrs, •Palmer Kilpair'cis Institute was held at the home of i•etui:nes; to their, heal.:in Toronto on 1'.trs, pundit `Phillips, with. 33 ladies ;Saturday, :' present The.'roll call "suggestions,for - _ Miss, Winntfred Blake of "Crewe, next year's ;program,," brought forth spent Sunday at her one some helpful, responses,0,1Yfrs ,Ea _j, i ' 'Teachers , and ,students resumed Thom; .; Mrs. MacKenzie ' Webb and , their duties again with Jean. Anderson" Miss: Mildred McQuillin were appoin to 'Kinlough Olive Kilpatrick At - ted mkt a .no n&ting:..conirnittee4; The 9x )44 ,�.r. 1ZRf or - $'+;^}� .t •e . :.,t :m ae.tr, ,itl ;Os '4"oucP-- 3rner nn n .pis., �.-• ,•.PAGE: FIVE; MONUMENTS • at first cst Having+ ouy r.. factor; equipped t. with; tl�e most ,modern machinery for th'e, ,execution of high class work! we•ask; •,You to seen the largest display of peon, uments Of any retail 'factory in On tarto: All finished, by sand blast ma-, chines. We, import. all our granite"; from the OId Country quarries' 'adlr.,' sou ee +sem r...a ".' ' de' errs :: agent's', and m'ddlema e.'. " , ,r r ,t#t;ttu�,l�yif►g, b arm; .''homes r � d'oi'i7stora�; ` 1VZlldir►ay, ,Bernice, Blake to, ,� - l , n ..�. was In Charge of Mrs, Andrew Gaunt, j'Stsratfoid o al profits; by seeing us,. ^ �';'• _ Who' read.al splendid i Nim Ma Horton : to er•. "Lights•• Arthur• and "Muriel Slake and: Bert;•'• E ; a P P • E. a 'Skelton Z :Sin.. ; •an •to Lucknow High. schopl At West End 'Bri ` read by' Jeanor � erne, name,: of a poem .ram 4uri deeWALIiEl�2T0 •. h Mrs. Earl Gaunt. - Mr nd•Mis Wm: Irvin enter ' .ylW • � . •,. . ,,.tamed, .., , • � • • , : . , ave "flans •.for •Steep: 'Banks"; ..and a; .numbed .r • : .. � ,.. b f 'the. Yonne,. People . at' aurt ., Miller M read. o � Garden e n� Po ., Mei' _n i<. ho p � of , r me. Tuesday eyenmg•: ' � • a, •. � '' Q L,yl,"�'UA,R, Y: s' `chi ; Mr A>• a A tetilson' read .an article 4 ' Shackl ' ' Mr. and p Mrs, Finlay; sten • ''DUNCAN • MitcLEOp on "Making Farm Hones Attractive".•.and'son returned,to Arthur on Thurs-. bi hl ' • • O , resident„ ' of ; • Enjoyable musical ,numbers ' included day after • having.. a few':-. days: 'Eur n' Te nshispected o. . , P, . •Mr; , Dun can °Mae, 'a song' by : Margaret and Florence , with' the fbrmer's parents, Mr. and' Leod, passed away on Wednesda . McPherson,'a; solo •,by Vera Taylor,'°Mrs 'Norman Shackleton: :..March ,24th,, at. the e ° . 5 Y, g Of •3 years and piano solo by Jean Thom. Lunch I • We are so�•ry' to report that , Mrs He NOS:born in Huron,' a son of the was served ;by. the hostesses; Mrs.'' .1( John Blake isn't well at ,present: We late 'Donald •(Zorra) .••and Mrs., Mac-•` • Lyons, Mrs. T, J" Salkel•d.•1and Mrs.' i.hopp he may 'be up •and around again. Leod,. early settlers of this: art sof.' ,McKenzie Webb, • , •' ' soon: • .• • the country.'For' the: past. three yeria • School re -opened T._on•_.Monday.....fin . he haic .been in poor health. This took' he final term...With •Miss Sadie Mac- The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. a. more , serious. :turn about eight. Charleai-of .Cl ez_Valleyr._:_and-_- • . raa:rheld n. - undo.,.' .v 1 �"'e enlnj,:-.,_�lIek` ,We���b"v alltl�.31i sjlltZi �.oll'��tS�i.,.,-6 Beatrice, . McQuillin • 'int charge ' : and, Weatherhead 'read the scripture, les- .Could be done "n the ;• way,' of medical. ,. with a:'class;of six beginners -4 -Verna. sonand :GordoiMiller• the Bible -.char . attention 'and.:good narsmg; 'he pass- �IeDonal,d, Jackie Aitchison; Billy acte`r, on "Saul".' The.. topic' "Wby ,the ed peacefvlly...away surrounds '. Bolt, Earl.$wan, George, Cranston and furrda „" '� by ° .Billy McPherson.' .• '.,.. was taken b Cuwe.,behind mist ; . eves . • "� ons sorrowing relit ' y yl r Ramage.. - ' The funeral. was held from his•• late r' ". ' ; Mr.: Jaek' McDonald,: • of 'Leamington .,.The special` featurep,p,of ,next Sun- home, " on Ojai Second. Was a' recent 'visitor wit ` his' parents. '' ons concession of h e t da P ns s X. P: U • . • Y meeting will 'he a Ian- :Huron .on Friday :aftcriioon, with. Mr and,Mrl.-s,: DuncanMacDonald. .ISte n , : lecture ecture f " : M ission . Fields ' ields' of our se rv,G.i.e e , s being -held by R,.:,z :I... t ev r: ," ,K f.. c , Members of the _BeefRing,•.please Chinese Church;. , • ,Gillivr,ay, of:;,Ashfield„ Pfe$byterian•mThursda ' morning, April ;:'th In� Miller, .attended; ,the LeadershePnote'thtbeefwill be 'avaiable on,Mrs, T:; J. Salkeld 'and Mss' Laur KChe cie.h,aofssReipdebyY:Inte:rCmeN nt. Mwaasa -,''The Farmers' Club is.,�holdin ,: 'a,Training 'classes being 'held by',themade in Ri lcemeterYThe Pa11= . ',.. •social ;evening on:.,Tuesday:'.evening, Women's Institute in 'Clinton'', tais' bearers w re'.D xald;Fnia son.Dun- �AAril •13, whenthe' ro ram wl be week' �'•'.• , .a : , can MacRenzie;�•:Don ld' �3Iac enzie,. proveded by Belgravetalent, . Ladieq,. Mrs- E. civ:. Rce, MissesIsobel' and.:Donald F. NaoKnzie;Alex JMatlease bring'lnch, •• :Lauriris.Millet,: Jean Thom Vera Tay- Leanon and ,.._Cameron. � • ._BD& N=I„♦ Westeri�YQ�.h,..,-on. for sers.Er.W: KiceStange o ` He tcaves.two.. :°if►ran-ti rae•Safrdayi Apr3rd,to :Mr.: and Dick Weathehead;.:MurraylurraTa for:'sisters'.Roderick°;living:.tn'the:West -tired McQuilln, 'a 'son.: ' •'r and Ramage�are• among those and Norman m'Kainy•River; Mrs: .;Mr.• Neely ,odd and. Mr Helmuth attending the Regional Traning L.Thomas:;hf so'n;• Ripley• Mrs.Roberti' Sch nker of Stratford, were week -'School beingheld by the Y. P U. • ,.' • • at' Durward HinGardne, a ' Miss' th end' visitors' here.. :. •i :. r , • .Dungannon: erine at home. smartest, safest, most famous car body on Chevrolet in the Lowest Price Field! ! ' FAMEDTURRETTOR ..,. Sanooil -flowing fot. ' smaiter streamlining:', A single • sheet of solid• steel it put, unequalled. .procec(Ion'- overhead._, BIGGER.,ROOMIER INTERIRS ..,Take. 4, ape.measure with you and actually' check the - extra' inches of space. EVERY CONVCNN ENCS ins(rument pancd� a convenient•parcel' condi Many •patteneast.E oth'et attractive' ' appointauti►N. 6 • radia. she: beau .. with � tori • "13° � . 8 feed'Body bF Fisher"style,. Smart and''distinguished; from' new'' ''•'. i. �"». � .. the diamond-. radiator'grilleto : capacious Makin trunk: at rear,. , Twice , the safety , with Unisteel,' construction •,throughout•_ -steel Bides' steel floor' t' . +, . , steel cowl,,' steel 'Turret. Top =-and Safety 'Glass 'in • ever' ' Twtct the comfort ; ; with wider seats flat floo im 'roved. visibility. n '' ' ray; ew.s a coo + ne roe m.' �v t� Y all t% ull ---insulatxan`�rgai�t"h�at- a�"d"-cold nd: Fisher •No=Draft Ventilatzon,':of 'courser 'Only Chevrolet. has,. nBodies k, 'Fisher", in. ...�, ., the .: lowest price field. And no,other ear priced-ao :low 104:gti •you all 'these''other''matchleas adv t.' _ an ages..: Valve -in -Hear! - alve in Head teonom en y gine ...Knee -Action ; gliding' ride' (.in Master De Imtixe ;Model's ..:, acrd Perfected, Hydraulic Brakes. ';You t, the moat for :'our` Money -when "ou'c �, . e „ , Y y hoose a.. Chevrolet. Ask tts� •,:. ; about the low monthl ' a encs on ' , Y P Y, !n the, ,General. ,,.. 'Motors In ent ••Plan. ' -0 THERE'S NO DELAY WHEN VOM., ORDER,A'NEW CHEVROLET0. Ml fe'ter-2•parre.rger, Bannon Cos's sidiriired. /actory,_Q1b �ra. Gow►s,mest ►axis Bessie girl.••, freight addisionel. , (Price,; rashers re •tb a rr' withers; swam) • ee.a•nom,tcah ..trall:s,polrtatlon c,1i79, • • ri 1' • as