HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-08, Page 3. • , •, • •• • GORDON L SWIM The, old idea Of planting all tho -Vegetable .seed in one attar/won )8 ..rorn. pionner ilav% when- atlevia ohs ioro...,•turie;.• were; Ardritnct taw • Vegetables • .ri*Ke 'grewn , in .the early. days. Seedsmen .did.• • not have the variety to offer, and'. • thaZaverage,Man 'regarcled • the,-gar- den'pat1c7Of farrn Where-. one. , ;;etep„7-wes:':ehont -That-Ould• 4(3:P3c.:, PectOci; • 'NO 4,k0oo• For 64! , Opt idi is changedt:. gxpeits, poine•out ,that there 4.04 excuse • for running out. ot,flettuce early in ' • the Summer,-, for, example,, when after :the'Seasorr for the leaf 4itariety, head, lettace could, be grown, and thea during,the het weather. the • Tlie conzalr. 'allayed- type • which' 4490eel.,"tbe... heat, -•• Like the head variety;- itrillould be arted.fafrly earlyTrarrib-ably =a-ree , or .(*8 after the• first, leaf •leitage.)s sown. •. " Arid: this •range ,o ',variety .runs • . • •thr0414. almostall 'vegetable classes. There are •early, Medium and -late - enrol , i5thelr7vegetiibles., Thetearel.cliger-,. ent'id;en 'and shapes to *tit, Various uses,. such ,aa salad material, P.ipiekl- ff CP•nniPg14 • • • '''"EaiIy P.-re'w.F-#10,-;frs-4**•4; ;brilliant, garden. 'Of fkiwers; even , • the hind: thn't -the -neighhArs .,rgard. with envy, ;" is net a 'difficult creation.4 True, there are some of• the .tarer 'varieties of 1rflies, Midi, • gladioli and similar things that, re- quire skilland. not a little amount), ,ef luck. • :Mit for klie. 'average man or wbirran., with only It, limited ' . amourit of time,. space and nioney; there is. really a wide 'range at yariptir,_color...and-height:4-Many-of--- -these 'things are nlinost as easily grown as Weeds. Once planted, and PeSeihl despite neglect •and insects.' Ili this category .Will Come • cosmos, mari- gals, alyssum,.. ealliopsis, ,batchelor huttons. ,ealendulas tand • Po1rtulaen. • 'A woman': asing :rouge ,reminda one Of .a.,'-fellaW using- intertioatinse 1.'1404 " 0ey- Lou. .1 ;i1u.re' ,they take - The 'PriSonei',4waS beipg, tried for -stealing a pig!, ' arid a 'conscientioas •4witneas; to whomthe 'accused Wai" 40riiil to, have "confided,,..was.-beiag ,tit,Oned;, The Witness 'Was asked' to the: exhct words of theac- siid;': sir, -he took„ the pig. Autigo-D)rd: thewitnes saY, `kle took tire. pig" or ‘; took the .pig'1, Witness ---Oh, your honor; he Said he took it. Your bonor'snanic. was not even mentioned., , During .fwo.'sacCaSSIvri.' Years, 1934, and 1935, the :Ste. Anne ,ExPerilben1 • telt' Station, haS,•.C011eeted ' ran- dom tjairtples OL...13aUner..etatti 'front.' farmers of tbe •,rihrrou,ading district . „ „. • and:,, carried on .4 yield •teate. '4ifqct • .coiripariSoa .With•.saMples. of first, gen, . eration 'registered ,Iviailher.tala a• total; Of 111 .farmers ' samples • have. : bean rgroWil, in • coinaarlititli,-...164i., iota7,151 registered ',seedi • •These .tests' Were, ethidne(ed Lund luniforiti, 'condi.; tions„'qf soil, -methods of handling, , etc.,. hi • both ..years.,.. , • • ••• '. '4, ; • : . . , • • The analysis of the' •:noivselected. • • , • . , . samples inade „by the Deniinien Seed".: • •13ranch. ShOlVect.ihat.45".per cent: were discarded as being' rinfit •for•.'"seeding,.. , Thissecie analysts .revealed that the quantity of .'of. grain' •required.. for ROW. 4••':. •iag,an.•aOre.. of land • contained. Mr be: •• •aVerage•A7 keeds' Of tioxiOus,' weeds,. , 6,981 apctla '.Of , weeds, and 2:8;.t. 141 •.seeds foreign plants, ' :The sainples .:Of registered Oats:: used, as,.checlis Were; analyzed 'Sitrillary and declared Tree,of noxious • weed seed's ; and of uAeful foreign '.'seeds. . Tha.: sa,rtiole.s of non -selected oats' . 'gave an, 'average yield of '08• bushels.: •, per. • fiere •while. the . contrdl samples .fiom nelected:. and: : registered eats' yielded • on the average:88 bushels .• • • • • • acre. Iii other- Words; : the . yield'. of the nOn-Selected group . Was , 28' per ceet: leak-. than . that, . of , the. se- lected. and •.regidtered group. These These: . plota- were under •observation ' in Or- • . der to determine ...the...._per;centage-ef ormut.:; The •:diseased hernia.. were: .,4 pulled, out :,;1-4, soon, is the, „first spin); . • •,::,tot of smut was..ribticed.: This ob. servation enatilettas to determine the • nuiliber of Sititittedheads' per.• acre; . Which was found to be 17,859 oh' the • • average of the nen,:selected Caniples: ,aild 1,077 for the .seleeted,"atitt •regis;•',1 tered• samples ',which. had .been 'treat,: • ed. '.With forrnalin:• • . , .'• _The yield Of the '.rioneelee,, • :attributed. especially ' to , „the large aentent of 'foreign...seeds, 'in that grotipt.,.The preverh :"w'e 'reap, What 'we •true, ,,although' It is 'verY.,old,.4.fot. when. meed •seeda. , are • grown • in large antintities. • Yield Of grain is reclueed:' according - l. . Weeds also (1,,,bsOrb a 'large quan- tity of Water,...• from .• the .Seed, that ehotild norinallY .be aVallebid' to the crap. The 'The eiheient. Cleaning .of: spe.d grain Is ..triorefore.,'Very; urgent and ,• ,there are still too Many farmers who IV:4 not sem to reiiii•teitd import, ...'AnOthet factor ;.partly,,, responsible . . . , for the,Ioiv :yield. of .the sanlpies col= .lected frOnt the 'fariners, is; the pre?' valenceof ..aintit. ..Statitted, heada riot proditee grain and it ig-tfiereiore. no48.gary' to- treat the seed against • .this disease.: Those ,who..niake. a ••prae • • Hee'. Of treating their: Seed.. against Irina .clo not hesitate to .ady."•that. the ' Ae 'Ili -Yield and4iriProxed,tin . ItY 'of • theoteP-.MOre. than :emripe,n- , sate .fOr the -Coat, of treatment.: „•,• MED L ,rlern:Oil Capsules 'Fine fd? Wet. i' arid IffItItion F sTop: :atl-rtAvo, pp ,NjGHTS:' • • ..44. • . One 4044ent b(4 Of -these faMons. ,Capehles will put-hetilthy.acttVity luto your 414tieys and bladder—flush • , out 7•• hatmliti Waste •pelsous and add .A1,1d. jpreVe• to you that. at lase yott 'llave grand dittretic ithd stinititant: that Will swiftly.catlie these :tlionbleS 10. teaSe; • "libt slite'and 'get 001.41) MI:VAL ' Haarlem Oil Capsules Safe and 4 'harm lesi•-•-the original' and.•geintine-t ]Iaarleni Iti Holland., Mil. Ilona haVe kidneY•and..biraddee.trotthip :and neVor lthariebt. at night 'are backache, palinst puffy , ‘c•Ii , ,,beshles .viSits CO , bathrotitil eye s ;lout scanty' , 'passage that Oft.' times 'Carlene ,and • uintt• VVor.th, $705;181 -Tp. day7 • .T9ROST-TD, cod liver 'oil; ,cold •cleam";4gorp....BStup,;hair.„4 ribbons and and .a. dozen bther •',...prodUcta, have' ili4lie'the • Dionne -"qpiatuplets'... fortune. -i Motian:4. pictures and "neivi.• ...photos, gave. tliem4,nio.st: .of the 8765; . 181.86' .they....haVe...Or.:-.Wilb•ri•ocia4•haVein l bonds.and tlAntr, accOUnts, 'but '4!). .•sorhot aetton,...alniniaum ,their, Share,' Pet.ails .`Of. ,the famous • hk:.. bleik.rfortime. has- been, bti1t iip ,were disclosed „yeaterclay in return%table(1. governmeat in the ..:Oatario le. -gislature at thorequest of :the, Oen ervanye oPposition. ' It Was a. baby . balance sheet': sho,„Ving .24 •CentraelS, . . „ 'POttrlhg $861,14S,.'9 1thto theietley handS,While expendithres f s9,9,96.53• , were. made . on . their behalf, • • , ‘• • • . • . , • .ACTUAL.FORTUNg $573.7654..' „.Their actual • foitime At present Is 8.5.78,7655•and"there' is. 8237,4383..34. ow - Ing frein.vati011.albillufactUrers Whose Products have: been endorsed.... addithin there' IS An' unaseertainable:. amountcoining4to„thent..fronr.percent, ages of, sales of .products. > . • • • •.: !Pk Period , eevered.nin' the balance .• sheet Is (NM they.time.ihe.,first, guard - ;labs took . contrdl .July -20, 1884, two months after' they were born, tb..Jan..'„ 31,14.1037/ .1•The .'present. guard.ialishin Under' Which the. babies are :Wards. of, -the King wet ., gune;,441985•. " . - • pontraCts 4Made!•-talifee . then under the-Lsupervisien, of the .guardiatle, Welfare David :04011, Dr.. Al- • • lin Roy. Defoe; Judge J. A. ' • North Bay ..pak:and 011va Dionne, : their. • 'Eathei#haVe,:bronght them'.inost of • their •fortune. 'The. first guardianship ;collected' only $30;59,0.,72.: " " LkrtGli.lST CONTRACT . . . .7Largest. single, colltract that has:•• been Made On behalf .ef AnnetteA,pra- . ilie,'.cecite,••Yvenne ;midi lgArte:. is the' .43,90,-000,- one. Made. with Twentieth 'Century:, Po*. Mita' for; 'three feature: Pictures. Twentieth •, paid 830,00:•fer 'another feature-length dim , Two. -picturea have ,Yet to he 'made: .Under • ctlie..; • $00,000 .con. tract. , p„Obtrinit witb•-irewsPaper.:. entei'.- yrise ,association ..for pictures brought. 'brotight, the • babies, 4who win be, three , years. :old.'4'May -28,• 8.12;.383.19 froth , AprlI 1, 1,936lo ,-;bec,,, 31; .1•63i.7„, Of- the the r.expendittireof 05;990,53, the guardians spent 4851,654:97on the .ienr bitilaings that :•are- dotted 'around the Dafoe nursery . propertY• near caftan-. der' drid on Interavetilentplo:the. Pt00- : The other $.88,341,56:. Was Spent' On enenSek,.... 'salaries er,aur- sesi:gunrUs, 0rderlieS„`.1icitttekeepers;• Dr..•Dafee,s , secretary,. , a, 4.4eretal- ettisuret. for the beard .6guardians. There,wereaudit fees and ; expenses fen.j.the,„seeretary-treastiter;;H W. IA, 'Flannery: of 'North ,Bay, -And. for,: goverintient ()Metals, who ' itegetiated, contracts ,for . the. quints: • • . • Dr: 'Dates recelyed .profesiloaal, fees of 820),.. a ,ririnitli troni May, 1935, 1035, tO. Ian. .31 last; the accounts show; In, 'addition'. he:. Was, 'paid $537,17 ftl ex- penses.: Islursettand guards Were Paid roughly $100 a 31lOI1t1I., $206: TO P4t11181-I Pft,It$,T,. • lie,,...quintS, 'Otithelles; pada: ontribution • of $,260 to,. their pat. .priest over a ; Period. 4thOle 'parelitg 4receiVed $top itli'froin..Aheiri..as well a present reit. second' • liday. ' • • cold' • Nertliern Ontario: its spent • $dig 'en coal ;Mat Whiter ' ,4614' thf oiic. The hotelier pre:4, ea 4, bill fel' 8101 fpr ,rneatt'over 18,mouth 'perfect and Witalia:Id• off, ° electrie Iron cost :thents$10 and,. • gif,painter'got $4.16k,for putting.tip. COS arthittA the •Iiiritiery. • . • Tliti..atrint•teleplicnie• and telegraP11.4--, • 'oddest Op 4t� ;231 and several.' thinent, dePartnielite- ,Who .did 'fdr theta Jot ea' .of • Rolnan ' fah and 'Mot 000' bIt , anti and 'kent ati ,•a•si ' noti . bIS gOve ex Pens • r • - — —0— Tread it or N'ot:— San of trees does not rise in the Spring .of the . ••• JeitY-7--SaY, :Bill If Yon. had $5 in your pocket, • what . would you Bill•••• I'd "think I had on some- body else's pants. ••• The fisherman .who is too; lazy la' *Ill up his line 0.?..c.aSie.en..4.....tesee, 1iiiT4EliFOk- .14". properly baitek eat salt -pork for his supper. _..„,,Husband" Was Mainie pleaS'ed; when :•you gave her that lovely! tindie': ' for her birthday? ' ' ' 91.144er 44' 4elle •'..borraWedfrtim YO' last year... •an113.O,•,..Y•fr! ficn,ie 'Rcpt. Iditt jar so tong ab: don't RaOw as. it !ani 'wuth ma whjle to Change .1.11a • of yo'..:..jes?..-,f9,' two ,bits. • ' It /::4,11) easier.. to 'IreP up - than to •cath. Uncle 4osh. (to. 41.1is..viiting ooptiow).---iFii..§t- time, you've ever ; Milked. a ceW; is it? -Welk you dh, it 4.400. sight„.4.1.41,tepTi.,1,,,:41 ..,4 • .relrOWS•-tro.'"'" . • (flushing With Pien'sureq sgenle.' to come natl4ral:Jaome-. :hew." bari:.a geml:. deal QT ex- perience with a fountain pen, The ,treuble-With gqttilig .01. the', . groin-Oa:for has trarr'-door' into tfig 'cellar` ' • . . • .- • • " _ • Ftiend-LDici• You . get Any replies to, Your advertisenient that a lonely maiden "'sought light and warmth in her life?. • Spinster—Yes, two frorp an eleti- •163 cOmPanv. and ohe from the gas gas con, Tally. ' . If a man's got', the mo-ncY, 'he Linight. , she wants; first • as --last:. • • • - 17•V)iat lesson do :We learn freirt the 4U-S'P'bee? • Smart •Boy-•--/oPto. get Sting:. ,.. The • difference between success and failure is that 'the. fernier, lives oh fast reenth's income and the lit- -ter lives on Tiext month's. Wt. il. coarse or tiakeyo as youukeu- DIXJE burns slower and lash longer. cellophane -wrapped wifh the .convenien+"easy-opening ribbon! 4. • 'crest ,stiC: Arts :. Toronto Badge Awards Indicate; 44 Courage of Western Girl 'Guides Is, Lauded . • , Toronto.—Of tlie 1,857 badges . awarded, bythe greater Tor:brit°, DI; • r, some. ;000 • (approximatelY one-tilfrO; were for eeolcing ancl'aewing, ehoWing, • ' .:4,4PalthYtaatifac tOwntd• denieStie- ity •arootignthe •Guides, 1$114.. .etbn• revealed in ii,er °report as liadge''. OariVenet . at the :annual'. at . S. °Patti's. parish 'hOttee When •a yeir of , trenreatleaS LCtiVity 011 tlig Tart' of 5,527 PrOWnies, gangers ' and Grildgrs. were reyieWed7 1' ' ii Corribleeeney that. Might -have been felt at thecenclueloa ot auelt splendlir'reports was: swept ah one of the ,:speakers aptly put .it, ' : when lkisS Hooper Of Swan River; Ilanitoba, •told ',of guiding . • in ' her district, 300'n:dies north' of Winnipeg,• ti--,thet' the Guides who come t�•. ' camp;riext"surrriner in 'clothing .rirade: from Bear sacks tna feel • ow -,who come In prot- ty frachs, we. are hoping •s'ouiehow 7 from , setnewhere to get thirty camp . Overalls," 'Miss Hooper stated, telling of :great distances and4,other almoat' unsurmountahle.ptficultiee overcome. "Potatoes sides. of beef, lititter, bread and ,,chieltens are -accepted as ' I Pay= Ment of: ,canip -fees.' .Wo, don't 'eee , , . nlileh Money up 'there,." Misk Hooper . • Stated. • COunsel--Nove "then! I want you to be:, very careful in ansivering ,the . 'qtthe4!st°niimellQp7 'tfhael: :aaclICaidenlit'e?le.:Y6u a • • ad' hi la' hioti Agne.: klitgord (right) 'Models her. own.ibeach,costunie•of,, flow- ered hatitleau t.oppecl bolero . jack,et :and frill 'length Skirt,4v:.hidlt she adabted fr6iti. the East Indian costn,rae •voz'zi 'by Muriel 'Fry 'at Spring:, Fashion Slie-W at NoW -York • City ' 4,-- es, tit she Cried, 1-I b. I ci" . • ' Wife• -11. Yes, she said it, was; her. Qrst:slin. • ' . flealth should .'e prized • above everything else because ,it is the es.,. sence of happiness, ' • • Airnian (after landing in a tree) '4=-4 was, trying,...to' 4make a new: recOrd. • - .Varmer---Yotr•did., yoteri the.fira.t Man to /Jinni) down : that tree 'before, -climbing 'rip it: , • • . • :The old4fashioned, inanfWhii used , to g�. around the court house•sqUare and pay his bills every, SaturdaYluia a son. Who buys everything hi 18.; monthly installinerkts.' ' • • WAKE. UP YO • LIVER Bit: .; Qui of ltsed in 1.116 11/10tiung garittO•OO . • The Itrer Shottidtittiobt tied 0titinds -.' , • -mania bile tato your *era dailyi,lf trifirbile Pinot flowing fneJ34,.!ybii t food doean'tdikeet, It jest deetiyis.:in the' betrillil;, Geri •hloitta ap , yeti iittbdibrith, YOU get. trittatitieted, Iletnititt• poIon to_inUi the betlY',.tind Vet} feet &tit.. 'Mink' and thia*Oild „. A Mete bowel nielietnetit get' • At thee -ante, You tieed'atithothinet that Werke on the liver 715 well. It tAk6a:thoe good. Oki ,Ctirter'sr Little, Liter': Pine to tet these ,tv0e poands oL bilo flotOinit. freely and feel "up And up". Ilittnileta and gentle. they • • ;balks the bile fie* 'fteely. Tho de the work - 'of ealoinel but hitifentreakiniel,orindrcuryiti :ahen.L.Mk.fot Carter', Little Liver Pills by: . - • natitel StabbettlY1Oftiao anything 1sc SSc.' issue No. iS — '31 i••.4 • • can4t say eXaCtly; but I should. think 4,,c,,otiple of yards as the cros,v flies rt yariety is the spice. of !life, the weatherMan is. , part to; , sa,vp us from boreddim1 • •—o— An t, 0';tJ is One kind ef a paper 'wait . ' 1,526 Divorces In Can. During_the_year_1936_ Increase of 150 Over 19*5; None 44 On :Prin9e Edward 1aland were .14526..diYorcea granted. in Canada fl 4940,;.• 1#4.86. 4being, ,granted'y theciaUrta seven • p1'bVinees,4 while 40 Were,giAnted hy the, boniinion Pai'llamWt; of the 40 WON' grrinted to„appli- cants residing i the 'RiOviii'Coe Of- : quab-e and Vitt,' ,tel.''Wiee 'residiag ;in, Ontario whose,' husbands' were •reSidentS, 0Qt,,tebec;,:, • ,.‘• •• The inerense„ Over '1035 •SVas. 150 or ,about '1.1 per '04.,enti, ,4The .f6110W-. ing Were th'e • .diverces by„.prOVineeS .in 1686 with the 11985 , figures 111 ' brackets ;'4. Edward' Nand 'none (i),, lvr 8cotja.. 41 4 (52), New trunswi'ck. (3a), ...Ottcbec 86• (20. 'Ontario • 511r. (4 68); Alittift• toba 179 (14150. .8aikittaeWait'',11.0 (GO)) A lheiia 2.9- (0);, .4:;41tuilbitt daa' 084,y, , ' up 'tifl 1624. Canada's' (livered, statistics 'differed 'from ,thoSe, of, most •00,9r 4,0uattiies in that they sliOi'Ved 114 inafollity, ot "diorces gran'tekt.' 011 the - Ptitk1? Of the !instil:it'd., but in . ,that ycar WiVea obtained over tI, per e f cent 9 the ii.e.e'rees granted. In. 1925 10.1ab,arids, were.. again 'slightly in:,the, 'Majority, but from that year on, • ward wives the larger pronot- tion, iising to ,64 pr-centlif 1946, condition.being probably ' due to of , 1925, Which,: rernoyd -certain: anom.' • elide .that formerly „operated, to • the prejudice. of 'wives.' '; As :,ambrig ' the: • nine provinces, British ,•Celainbia .shoWed the Iriga- . est percentage Of :divorced perSoria •in the 'pepuiation while Otiebec. show - 'ed. the lowest, With .Pringe Edward lsland very close 'to Quebec:. In that 'province one divorce , was.. granted '• in .1913, • one,' 1931 and one in The. number of diverted Men in• ,Canrida at the census of ,:•192.. Was, .• 4,049. and,divoreed Wenten 3,392; In 1935 thenumbei'of diYorced•jnen who,l'emarried •waS 814 •and, alivere- , womon 696,' ' The nUrnber of di - ,voiced • ,triett:' who mariied diverted ' women • in that year. was,' Off voni•,,i, ,pared 'With 85 in 19341,and:..63 in. the • Year 1933. , :The indication, iS• that • the Umber". Of • divorced, persons re-: alarrying is increasing ...with the • nuinber of :cliVetceS. •'' •• ' rrx- age to ROACIS by .Trucks : • As, ta daniage„..-,to,-,,pavetnerite'by- ... '-trUck.St •the 'opinion recently .oirered in • these !.cohinins was not .tliat of, the Sentinel -Review, but of R.•M. who for, many years' has been .,deputyaninister. of . higlivvays for : Ontario. The statement was made at Tillsonburg .iU •April 19'32': 'It took`•••ri geed part of Sunday after- :2Po; to ,find.:;.it: in the 'files, of: whi(-11' lifaCt :we .4tuat---4.:The'l:iine-k4Oiltn41- will - be,duly appreciative. Her it ' • '•.",•There •• is alsothe connection that we, are. bPildipg; highway a7: for . the truck, and, the trtiek' putting th,e raitroa9S'.'out-of'', . business., : They contend we build a nittclt higher' type of, ' highway' be. •• • &Luse •of .the -truck.. As' a.. Matter Of fact that is.4not,the case at.,a11..'We are building a. high .type of 'road' be- • Cause Of the traffic it must take, to 'start,Vith, and we must anticipate cliniaUc cdndjtjons.„ •Tdronto- .11ainiltOn: highway has a surface4tO- , 'day althokt good .as When 'built, We have ' 4 .pavernent west of here 't that $hiju;s •effect Of Climatic conditioris in the vicinity There are, :ftacttiret , on 'the shrfdce and it, is only going on. its- secoad year.. T�,all intents, antrpar, poses,' it Was :heavy eimagir,arid. certainly ' bua.• and truck , traffic has:- `nert'""-turned it up—but there are:2 breaks in the Surface even 4now4",-- Woodstock Sentirleb,ReyieW.`, tati:a'siage : . , , . • This &iotild be plaCedt,'Sorne;rhere • •• near 4 the top of the ,list of queer 'coincidences: • 4 • Pre:fees:Or, Heary Alekarider,' Of • . . . 'the taglish' dePartn4lit Q06?4" University, E'':ing,stoni • 'playing , , :the „part; -•in, a play at convocition Hall,. of a 0O1iN'iCt WhO .etd.pdtt .from• •bartmoor and, was later" recaptured 'hy the police. .•., , • • •- • 011 tlie Sara& daY • . at Dart triO014•,. •Englalid, ilenry •;Alex.anderf, it 'WIR). had eicaped,;trolii the Prli.;•01i,•‘k741A 'cuPtar,ed. 1)•Y the ,POlfre'e • Net onlyWea ..thel'e an 'identity- nalneA: end lir,' prison, but the. chi). tiri•hi the -Pitty Anil in. •'•ftial fife" Were' the f11110w bti takfng 'place In • • Vo'eer led' hu Ataint 11'.0,606 children 10 1i. t4". are 10" lie4. measured 110 it 1 'o.44114,mot .Aiy,t's§ and, Prof ortinns': ,na,e10 iiiikf,h,g<dothjni, ': Demand -Good- For Canadian Cattle Britain Could _kit9_,,,,,talfe,Jklor ncomes Rise In Old Country • • • - • ' 10014DON,' ,After steadily: declining .for ' seine.: Yeats, . there "rite 40 niore.:millionairek..in4,•Oreal Britain. •••• • e........ando.daelAndpiaSt--.4yearant172;113O th,oto "IpersOne with :annual incomes exceed,. ing, $10,0000 • •Wliile. the •a4gregate in- come of all such pe,rsons..increased. by 885,975;699. ...The 'figpres,. which: are ,based-..• on siirtax. aScessinente:Made at Seri!: .• teMber 30 „last Oxi,„,1984-85 inconieS,-are 'included -AM the ,report Of thecommis4;' sioperk of. inland ; revenue for tile year, ended March 31 last. The number as sessed was 85;..1.49;...with an income, .of • 1711' 1. filsG5e:.:0i'N'20ti:1,0t011.6 tn4ne' n• ij)hionair0ex-eel ea' es number 824,, conipared With '7.75 the' prevfOus' year. There: were 60 personk, Ja,st year with theoines I:.anging from . ,$875,000 'to '$.500,00a: and., 69 with in. .. conies exceeding. $6‘00000:. : In; the previous. 3 -car the ..nUrnhers, •• were 30 and . 0.4 'respectively. New •Alethoi. TORONTO - .Thts The ti.ornifecdaueCancould aboib all ktin,doM: ,t ' Adawould hike to•, send 'aftd could,do..4, with a 'let Mere Canadian :bacen,:Sn Fiancis Floud British 'CommiS' ,Sioner,. Assured' a .large.• gathering ....of• stocl.cmen, faf4mera ,and :.•exPerters 'at, A luachebn ineetirtg 01' the Royal Ag- ' • . ricutfural. Winter,. Fair Assoc_iation here this S1* Francis. Spoke on some aspects '' of .the Anglo,.O.A.nedien trade, agree- ment as •applied, to •ConodiOn agiicul tLie Ile beileve.d••••the- infereSts. of the faithers. <f. the ...I.Tnited Nit4,Nclom and of Canada opuld. be:-bermonized, These:interest :021 both sides Of the Atlenitc :Were Most vital hnd stabilizthg•: fa:ctors in the econoMy. :of the, fide' Ceuntries. •• ' • '42.• .• ;Painting. out the 1:rs:4.."clauSe Of ,the • now ..agreernent, .to4;dallifin the right of froe entrly to...the Vniteci Kfngdom fof the great Majority Of the..flominion.'s • agrieultural.' produets., the-LHigh•-4.,•gem•rnissiatter-dn,Vcteg ,tentiOri earieciallY to its provjSioiis specting cattle. ”' •: ,y -Canada was pernifttedi.under • the agreement to send to the, '014:.Oeun-4 try market also 'at least .as .Mani fat cattle: as, , in; recent' years and: fait, year there,' was a', considerable. , In- erease. ,It was'h9Wever•• that British' 'llitintirta'. of...:this.' class be,4 kept at :a. fairly • Oen; level, 'ler the regulation. Of the home Markets, ....141ORP 13.ACON-1-10LCO1E.,..; .!...While a •stroirg effort. was ,heing made ,tc) inci4ease, Ilrbdtici ion- of con in ''the United' Kingcletn,-,and'.14m.-:.' ports frein 1 foreign ,cOilintries.liad been redaceit. considerably. More 'Canadian' • „ bacon •up to :the „maxinntm.-Set',4 bY. the., •agreement,: wopict,..h .:We1 doni ed. , . Canada :: benehtted greatly 'with, the':4 .preferen6a1'" :arrithigern'ente of •thie. product.... . • '•.. ." 46 to. dairy ..proriticts; Cagada .alsa received preferential treatment from • :the trilled Iillig,dom And •would I ,advanta4;,e. should' •it'.. • • • ;be blind necessary 'to ralse,:, the -.hay,' • tiers against: 1143,1d1*, 4•en of this. daze., of 'fo011stuffs. .,••• Sir FranciV reminded' HS' hearers "the British •farmerwhad ' been hard •bit ,and '•the Government found neces, • sary to guard theleY4Pierests in; eVery.,', 'Way possible. At the sane time, the • was a. :great iniport-::. • izig:'Country., :Ralf the.. countryli-lood- ',Iiad.`in be ,hrought in. And Canada With . othet.-DartiiplOtia,;was. enabled by .the Preferential- agreement to lake, every • advantage of this trade. •• •,•4• ' Classified Advertising ' . PLAY -NtliiIC , e0L04 OntoiNAL, '014,1SATION'AL . YtT 'VER . . , , :priloticar. itita,Y of, PlAYIng ..olaro, gtiltat • 'roil tiktilele,, . bY pi:Itching ebTors. ..Cabadals ' o w n ; but sthe 'world 's latest musical, koriaa-, ' Oral. , 'NO' teacher • or, inStruetlod . necesadry. , Ytill'7 can '. play toddy., , the listisicOlar WaY: . ' Write .'tor rite , toolciet how. RePresentatii4ee' • ive died, ivItli firk-claSS' rcrercor ea, • ' 'Write . 4 8111104)y i not ;Atalanta, r.41rilteilt 'dt1' FrOde "St. West 'Toronto. ,• ' • f • .i.t.,Attoini. , . • .., .... . . rifeC,A,itin4'S Li0 1J 4141114.4:4h •ai it,p$4ltchM, qua:Plug, bithur,; ,1:4011111)1 'Ontario, . , • • . ,•• . • ,,,r,ort,V•tt• , 010c.)•7y•z,s141.4;l:r:,...k, .itok44•041,.4ti,,Alt„iy, zra tv.uittni r`Voli Carl )0X71:11 rrir-TIS,11(i)ri'31-11(10,1 i;itxtioRmit: i'MPRov14-' Vt)Ill ii•roca4.4 Arn.viNo ti',..rthoto Mord (44,40) hpaiv 11) 5141 ti Id rPr.ist strrfi i,„ Oltly stN' to 1. t,t1 0.6,4kft 1.14 ,44/ir'rt"il al rli‘. 14 e44t 11‘11 5T010, A:kr of ball,: 5 ti f ra.41 1:41 411 ..` NY, 4o01. 1'1U•41' 1:41 'err 1 11.0,r ) 4'..v4.4,itunIg1134. Uq• •Proof SySterri-Prov.es Scan' to . :Mathernae.eirn.s Tought iiojJjzdertand ' .Students halit...aLtlie4study-Ot. maties—brit that'll ,be ehauged' nt- Ohfo State • Ll.niVerSity.'s , high Schoel lby a course' Which has neither'. , beeks .. nor 'borne .Work." • '•• flarold. P. ,Fawce • the • in true:tor' wile- established • .t e nio�el .class': --• , Its about • the .'itiQ4 popular ;• sehoOl..,..; declared: that .... .4.0-rdinary classes In niethematioif• merelY. Were .. • ...'agordting. One: 'of the..:131g course, he. Said; 4was .: "to 10fid thipii5 to%1;11Ott tipti. the . nature . oi.,•prodf.” caret- 004that I by heyIng"theM' ,reeinori*". sinnething e•at of a...bopk .withept. atiestioning whetherthe piat-;.;. tera stated 'therein 'cprrect,' • he • • , . . CoMMented,!•:*. • , Fawcett said that weee' led; to understand.„ '1.110 'proper place .cf.. .tlednitiptiS and assuI1ij)tion 111 .0y cliettigaion:: 'and the relation. between • 'the 'conclusions reached in 'iui34 .tA.a. • '01' thought and the (4647 den4itions., and: • assamPtions • in .any Clisengiion, 4., anct,:i litie,' relation betweenthe conclusior0 :reached . any dx'e4 of thetight, , end'. the definitions and 'asa.inatioas :which theiie 'eenclusiona' dePentr.".... ; 'Interest in .the nature Of proof, said.." the instructor, opened 'hp' new teltiS• of thought—In :Other. Cotirsetast. well as niathemhtics: "We expect , - ••• theb.stiskoaspectsligvh at •.oeletiori. , . ,the...riature of ."proof to select ilearit•Word,i'And phrases in any;state., ; oient;Whieh Is important to him; and,. ' ask that they--be•eletirlY clefiried, and to i„eottire evidence in .stiptiOrt. ; of . • any poneltillio,n he 18 Presaed to ac ' Fawcett declared „that .411•1: a•ssoci.. ate 'in" the fleid of edneation •hs said that "People caip be ,ronglily, diVided • , into • tWo ciasses. the, .saonietailid., : ea' ttipl the , ctitically • Milided," ,We are trying to aV,Ofd deselop Ing the former' type Of, Sinderit 'Perotith, as. a sponge, for a brief time theftnands' abserb but do net aS. • Sithilate,” . • want to 'develop, students' sO. , that they will; Search out h1d1ii 41. sttliiptiotify UnWarrattpd inf rencesi and' false anil1egies..'!:7". • • The ievce .of 'gravity the planet Itrpiter it. soeat • Nat 4..a• boy 4who Weighed Mt. paliada 6112 i,000ds 00. a0p110%.- pirot111 (Treat llyit tn <101 1'.11,41n, ago to tile ;0Xtent ot 1110111 4445,04•0?•44,0. Year, anti 10 holido•a atone 'about .414,560,990..., . , ' 41