HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-08, Page 1• • .4 r -4; $2'6' A IrgA*41•50 ARVANCE-'5,0e EXTRA Tc• , , • ;Treleaven DENTIST • TELEPHONES • ' Office OM Itesideflee : 3 L attisOn Beivice,- • 'FPOPE 1171, WINO1AY4 • ONT. • All 'Tubes 'Checked Free , Ilitter.ies, Tubes, • AccesiMrieri ?.• Dr. Wm. Fowler - PHYSICIAN -St -SURGEON- _ °thee • Henri: 1.7.0(.0-A- • Siinday0-4,30;•=2.00' , • ' Or By Alilmilltment • 4.-*Phene 86. • ' 1 .icouND,-A pair of trousers. - Apply at Sentinel, Office. - • - , , WANTED4--A trevett hoard. Apply. at Sentinel ,Office. FOR SALEH-Leafy.;i White sweet clover seed -Hugh Sutherland, R '3' ' • Holyrood. •• WOOD FOR SALE --40 cords first - • 'Sentinel ' . • 'FOR SALE -Seed Oats. Improved Banner, grown , from 'registered seed; Blue stem, "aining Wheat;., dry .hard body wood. --J. W. Joynt. , • . • • FOR SALE -A few good Grade Shorthorn Cows and Heifers , coming in ' April -Apply :to T. A. Cameron, uc now. MAN WAN:rErj-4.3 operate firm age*.„ to 40 years, Married.• ;Refer: • ens required. : Address 'replies : to, ,7 Sentinel. •:` FOR ;SALE OR RENT - 9 -room • house, 1/4' acre of ground, hard and soft water; situation private. Apply . at Sentinel Office. FOR.,ISALE-,--Liberty.HUueSS •gee'd Oats, 1935 Crop.' 3c per, lb. -Charles Leaver, Con. 11, :East Wawanosh; • 'Phone 614-r-15 •:Wingham; • FOR SLE -N�.1 yellow blOssom sweet clovet; with; 2Q% red-ehiver, $7.00 per bus.; No. 2, same mixture, • $6.00.--.1ames Forster, R.' 1 Lucknow' AUCTION SALE of farm ,stock and implements ;at .Lot 16, Con. 2, , Huron Township, on Friday, April •fith.--Oliver Wilson, Prop.; . Well. Henderson, Aim , • ,F,OR: ,,SALE -Timothy Seed, • Alfal, fa teed with ':-trinall proportion Red .,.`Clover, ,alSo : Amber Duruin. .Spring Wheat, just the,thing for mixing .With ,oats fOr `13ig crop".... -4. G. AnderSon & Son. MEN WANTED , for avv h Routes (if. 300 families. Reliable has- tier- shou1d_start-earning--$25-weekl and increase rapidly. .. Write. :teday , Rawleigh'i, •Dept. :ML-271.S.D, Mon- treal; Canada. ' AUCTION SALE -of 20 heed of „ Ontario TCalves and Yearlings, , con. Mating Durhains,, . Poll Angus Herefords and dome purebred HOT. steins at the Agrionitural Shed,' Luc. • know, • ,Saturday, April 4.0th,. at 1.30 o'clock. , George IX HIS - Ion Prop: Matt; Gaynor, Aue AUCTION'. SALE of 'residential property in Dungannon on Saturday; , hard and :aott. water, three "quarters , of .ait acre of land; barn with garage • room. '•Goldie .Carter, Well. Henderson, Aue. • AUCTION SALE of regiateied and grade .cattle, iMpleMeitti, and grain, at Let Cent 8, 'Hurpri; mite ...east Of RiPleY , on Friday April 0th at 1.39 O'clock. These are a thole° ' lot o tatt e. No reserve 8 menths ti • • ).,‘T t,011,Fir Middle Of Aprif llifls Passed •Tueiday .Total $86.58 •13th',,PoWer, Bill Gives:. Credit Of Nearly , •Consider ," Better .Lighting 'Of Main , Street. --Mould Peer Cosl„Of'•Stringing Lights On Streit - . , • Relief As to be discontinued on April 15th, the. Village Councilde- creed at their' April meeting on Tuesday with 'Councillor Bushell absent, due to illness. Relief bills 'submitted totalled $86.58, including $5.60 fer , transient ineals: Five fainilies, totall- ing .26 persons, received the above inount&-whichrepret-entaFfth-o.W:2; Or the village population. • The: 1.3th power bill was tabled.' This ' represents an • adjustment Of cast ofhydro between the estimated cost and thkeetual.Cest,at the end of thefiscal year, The Bill this year re- presented a credit of $484.89, phis cc'rueli interest.of $40.77. Kincardine, • was pointed out, has a deficit of. some' Lest year's bill, brought :a credit . of shine $2500,• but this year,',... the loCal systelitas • naid:$6 50 -per--H P•„ -,less ',.WPRTIPV'MI.A1(41,4-uSTRATE0s. OOD../10Y-' "DEDj'Ik‘ •-•••'•16PeTOPPio,• ON- -1;OESDAY 1• • ifortichltural f.SocietY. Sponsors " Edu- , cational And, Entertaining Evening .11‘ li al Attracted. •DiaaPPPiating •:Crowd. The attendance • on Tuesday •eiren- int at the -illustrated lecture. and 'en- tertainitent sponsored by the Luck - now Horticultural Society, was some - What of a disappointment Two interesting , and educational Sets of slides 'depicted subjects of interest to horticulturists and farm!. ers with the ',accompanying lecture's ?Tad-WYE:7'g.: S.-IVIchriTYre,. and IP% Ceridn Campbell , of 'Parazhount., • on about 239 H. P., which is Iihe big- gest factor reducing the artimint--4efthe-:-.4-adjustrhentrif-.. other: factorwas -extensive replace - merit work on the :Eugenia System, of which Lucknow pays its share, Ac- cording to the number of H.P. used., Arrears of taxes totalling 'roughly 31260: were rePor•ted as having been. returned to the • County Treasurer. • Council decided to commence -pump, ing. 'to waste, the fsecondary well, which became the intinieipalities' pro- perty saine•,time, ago. Plans to irriproVe , the lighting of Main street •were discussed. TO in;. crease .the strength of the present bulbs or to add new • lights Were 'two, solutions and . Council :decided that ,additional 'lights • Were. preferable. A light .on .• each Pole from the Post 'Office' 'Westward Would - Mean abotit •11.cen new lights of 4.00 watt strength which would ,Add $232:, or Over . half to street lighting costs,: and wohld be , the cheaper arrangeinent: ;information regarding' cost Of 'brae-. .iets. and. where they can be secured is to.:-be-reecived; ()until also expressed their- will- ingness':to string ,eolored.lights along, the 'business Section, , merehants would 'assume the cost of the current. .. • ,Mrs,; David • Fairish' observed • her• 84th, birthday on Sunday, •APril...4th.. For several MOriths; Mrs. Farrith has not enjoyed good -health and for some time has been cared for at the limns • of. her daughter, Mrs. M. Horne': ; FORMS. NEW COMPANY - Mr. John J. 'Miller, orinerly •vice - 'president and Manatee Of YL-McLeari-Investments,','Liniittd, :; ‘.• noUnces the formiiii-Cif 71.101.i patiy, under the firm name Of J. J. Miller and Company: The firm, Will conduct 'a general inveStinent and brokerage business, in mining issues, with offices in the Na- tional Building; 4I'Oronto. Mr: Miller •Ig a native Of 'St. Helens.., bills. D. U. •MatiteSon, .Prop. itynor, Aie.• •• FERTILIZER: FOR SALE. • A 'report has been Persistently cir- culated that we have ,discontithied ,supplying Pertilizer. tbis-ia;abaolnte-'. , ly, falte,', Any PerSoti, requiring 'fer- tilizer be Served as atrial, with • Shur 'Gain ',Fertilizer. ' Just enil- qplione 60.w; , • • STEWART , ,,ROBERTSON. IN ;ME•MtsgtAM: , 04MER0$,--In.:tneintitY ,nnyk., be- lovedsisteri .t.a414 .dotheron, Who was defied home to be With ..,the April fith.„ ' , '• Inserted .by her . Sister,. Murdoch, Detroit, , ONE PAPER AT KINCARDI E Within the, Pest few days another.; newspaper enudgamation has heed/Ise, effective, that results. in „Kincardine being-seryed--novr -by-One-paperr-The News, edited, by Arthur Rodgers, has ought • out the Review -Reporter of which Fred 'R. Davies has been, pub- lisher' since 1932. Robert Thompson of town Was an employee of the Review -Reporter for, the past 'few.'" months. Read. The MarketStore Adpni page • „ • • / ' PARAMOUNT . Dance in the Paramount. , On Friday, ,April ,0th. Music by llogati's 6 -piece orchestra. Gents 25c; Ladled 15h, (tax, included). • JOINT CLUB DANCE' There will be a dance in the Town Hall; LucknoWi On Friday, 'April fith; under Lacknew Joint Club airspitet. General' admission 25e inc,luding tax. Mckenzie'S. orchestra. • St: iftfINs.•;OC,r4t1 'EVENING. : A social evening, under ;the wig. 3iites" of the '§fitiriters' oltih will he .held",in the Community Hall on Tues- day 'Outing; ' April 18tii; cOnaligentirm a . 0.. Acintis ion 20c. Nea" the Society,- outlined.. their aimsand activities for thiS, .season; explaining how' the organliation. operated and, some of the adVentageS it offered. Mrs. (pi.), .Fi:rwler, played a' piano instil/hie/dal Dr Fowler a Violin solo, accompanied by Mrs:. Fowler, and Mrs. Phillip Stewart sang shlo. Clyde Reid was in charge Of the Sligleg. • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. B. Chesnut announces: e engagement . of her daughter, jean to-P-arker.4;yinan4o4Oeheater,A The Wedding will , take . Place' :quietly'. the latter Part Of April.•.'. • ROADS STATE Licking the protection Of 'a blanket of tno7 during the winter months, district •oroads are now ;suffering • se- verely. Main: and . back roads alik,p are impassible in sOnie sections . and motorists have ,eyen been getting stuck on village streets. • . The read ,south, of. Glenn's Hill Was reported blocked' the first of the week hnd at Pentland's a'tractor• Was mitts who attempted to navigate that in operation, hauling out most .m. • partictilar point. , The,: eigth _Conees sion.'west of .1IolyroOd, :was also re - Ported 'closed, as :Well as the „ 15th .Sideroad„ Torrential rain -had- flooded creeks and law lying fields.; causing highway, wail/outs in ' toMe places, which adds to :the. difficulty 'Of:travell- ing. BORN .Goderich •Hospital, • On. Tuesday, ,IVIareh 30th, •to Mr:. and Are-RussellvReid;-.4t7-Rneknow, '11IcQUILLIN-In West Wiwenesh on. Saturday, April 3rd, to Su. : and o Mrs Fred •,R.It 1, tuck - now; a son, Ivan . F.,,dward.• • • Dr. Morley .Selnien,Died• In ,Victeria, • •••,:..Lived, At idelYrook. •And".Worked. In Lacknow Before Studying Med-, feinee': -•••• ':••• • Word has been received "..; of the, death . of Dr. :.Morley Salmon; ich occurred. at Victoria, TI,MS- day, March 39th. Dr, Salinon formerly lived at. Holy- rood,,,coming „there, With his Parents some fOrty4Wo years .ato,who re: sided on a farm 'half a mile east. of, :Holyrood„ Morley, as his friends all knew him, was a favorite with ev- erybody. Be attended Continuation ScheoVw4tiPieki:---afid41*4kwa.--*2.it-- ,ber of years, drove, the exnres's-wqgon for - Mr, Connell in Lucknow, before coinniencihg. the study Of Medicine in .Toronto. • ' ' He - married 'a Toronto girl and following his graduation, went to .Calgary, *here he carried on very suCceisful, ,practise;: health forced him to move to the Coast' some three Years .ago, where he re- sided until his death; • , Hid. /nether and a brother who sur - are reSidents:. of the:Pert :rtlein. coinmunity. • • ED DI ISiG-24.at: ' DAVIDSON-•--DOTIGLAS„ A pretty wedding was qUietlY sol- emnized - at The 'Bectoryt Of St. Peter's, Anglican Church, Luckno*, on. Saturday morning). April 3rd; at eleyen o'clock, when .Donaldit.' Geor- gene, youngest daughter of Mi.' and Mrs. ,R. T. Douglas Of Lucknow,' be- came thebride of Mr. Gordon L. Dav- idson, son :Of 7.Mr. .4rid Mrs. L. Davidson of Wingliam.' Rev.' 'J:11. Geoghegan, Officiated. • , The bride was. chaiming: in a gown of beige crepe with brown accessories and carried pink roses and maiden hail' fern. She was attended ,by• her sister; Miss Winnifred Douglas 21: of Kirkland. 'Lake', itMined: in. „black chiffon with a Corsage of violets and, roses. The groomsman was I Me. Wil- Iiarn Davidson,. brother of the groom. ; F011i/Wing the ceremony, a. Inn-. 'cheon was servec,1 at the home of the bride's • parents to immediate 'bers of the fainilies and 'Rev.', and Mrs. J. Geoghegan. • Mrs.' A. 'W. McCartney, Mrd. `Horace • Aitchiton and winnie Douglas served. It was unique that the silver,teapot used, it the .luncheon had. belonged to the bride's treat -treat grandmother. ' Mr. and .Mrs. Davidson later left •h wedding 'trip to Toronto ,. and thee points, the , bride's travelling. cotturne Ileing a nigger brown drett„ thistle' tailored ,coat, brown accessor- ies and coronation bag. On their re- turn; Mr., and Mrs. Davidson will re- side in Wingham. f Y913 -need a_shit, shirt,- hat, tie; or • anything else •in . men's, wear, don't miss' seeing the variety at PEARL- . • . MAN'S• • Makes-PropertyDonation - , Agricultural Society Mr. K. R. Maglienzie Donates Build- ' . • . _ling, Formerly The Old' West Rotel And An Acre Of property Adjoin: int Show Grounds, To •Local cultural Society The LucknoW Agricultural Society has cense into possession Of a „Village building, and An acre of ground thr,A the generosity • of Mr.' Kenneth I MacKenzie Of Xinlost- Township, • who has. donated. the property • Is • gift to the 'Society. ." ' • The :building was: forinerlY. the.: old West Hotel, Pr inO7ir• ta''' saint,' at Iteid'a. Hotel; It situated a.' block •sonthl?f. Mein street' On ProPerti, that extends ;westward to the • Caledonian Park. •• ••• • • • The building has in recent 'years :been a duplex'. dwelling house: The threolots, inchnling the one on which the building is situated, comprise at acre of land,. The two 'lots adjoining the Agricultural grounds are situated one on the tenth tide' Of'the road al- lowance PatterSpies'•blac4sinith shop' and the other, north of the road alioivance,'". extends to the ."viligge PUMP' house at the 'second well. , ,Iresent the'Seciety 'ennsider.• nig the building of rate track and the Cominittee ‘has been Authorized to investigate cost. Of Buell' and it • is, possible that a k 6Pi'VeSior. May be called In in deterneine the ,POrt•,,, Ability of htrilding traek. The two' lots Will he Valable iu'heiping to stActei&area for the •i.o•• poed track; and the Stelety IS indeed grateful to, Maditentio for This gerierOirt*gift:x,' ',Plenty, New :Seasonable Dry., Goods. Etc. at Old Prices' at tfiE ,m-ARRFT STORRS:. ' TREE DAMAGED • LINE Hydro power -was ,off in a section of the village for a time on Monday, which made blue Monday all the'bluer for those with electric washers. The damage was ` done a :maple tree Which was being felled' near Mr. MCMorran's residence and. which in falling; .caught , the hydro line across the roadway. It was sometime before .the broken wire •cOuld• be spliced- stretched to restore the the service. Whiteiburch.Couple 56 Years Married Tuesday Mr.. and Milt. John Gillespie Observe Rare, Event -Mrs. Was Formerly- Agnes Bailie Of Luck; 'now Where They Were. Married ,ro' Rev. Duncan :Cameron • , yin. and . rs: John . of yVhitechhith , celebrateff their '.'6'dth„' d wedding anniversary •ori April 6./ They, , have resided •CoMinuiiitY during this . titre and heite: taken An active ,pArt-in."'toiiiotoiftsr lite; also ' ehntek.' Work. 'Mit. Gillespie „Owe, 'Agnea was :he'll in '.Lanark County' in 1856 and moved to LtiektrAv aboUt". islit Gillespie, ten of John. dill-, • espie :and' Jean ..Hainilton,•was 'born Kifilti§' township ‘and.--in---Mareir Celebrated ps• .81st, birthday. They , were ofortiod in. LtidknOW :by , Drinean Cameron. ,The fairdik , nit John, Gibson diitespie; Whitechurch; (Kate) Mrs, .Chas., Martin,. Wawan,., and Chas. ,Gillespie 4 tha lagei They have seven.grandchildren „ , e 4" VOidt CrtmL44411 Jet' a • 'stake By .Fire Co. Will Undertake To Raise. Up TO One .Hundred Dollars InAny'One. Year f Necessary TettIJelp }" • •'" Arena • • Llicknow"Eire '‘Conipany has Apihr- e'd assistance if , necessary to help finance the cost of an arena in .Luck - new should the undertaking go ahead; At their Mon day evening meeting the tompany7passed-a-motion:to--the effect that they would undertake to raise 419 $100.00 in any one if ealled upon by theArena. tee • to assist • in meeting debenture . payments. The riptI,Oh'by Austin Sol- omon and Harry Nixon was suPPOrt- ed unanimously, the Company being agreed that IT Arena in the village was a necessity,,and an undertaking that should be financed without diffi- culty, Should a•Governinent grant be forthcoming. • • rn regards to an effort being made 'to, receive. provincial • assistance, it will be necessary for the Arena COM- mitter"tiy-lipPoint •a depiith-tiotra.: inte vi. th f r ew eMinisterp •Agriculture. This deputation first • consult With 'but' under present,•road .•conditron; action in this, connection will ,necessarily he delayed,, • . It Might, further - how this Fire Company assistance Would work. If for instance, ity issued debentures the $4000 to cover the :balance of the cost of the proposed rink, , this would mean equal annual payments , Of $2U4.): covering principal and interest over'. 20 Years.' 'Under the. 'Community Halls Act, there would he a Committee of seven men, who would be responsible . 'for raising this' Sum. annually,' to 'relieve, the tax -payer ,•of • Should.• the ye- yenne porn' operating the rink, •lks: well as „other : SOarces.....of.::revenue,,not he equal..to,.,,this•'•coinparatively. small . . annual izeniththpeinfece‘cotricileininni)yttede: raise any amoimt .up to $100.00.• `:THE GREAT • ZIEGFELD'' / • AT LYc.p.arm THEATRE , - Next Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday, "The Great .Ziegfeld;" is the special attrabtion. at the Lyceum Theatre, .•Winglurni:'. This marvellous' picture features William Powel,. Myrna Loy And Luise ,Rainer, : ty cast of 56 stars 300 gorgeous 'girls and 12 song hits. Its .• three-hour presentation, -and due to: its length. there 7111 be only one • show ieech nightwiththe picture Storting -et -8 o'dock. ' The Lyceum is mow, Operating tightly.. The 'week -end picture, now playing ' is "Secret Valley", a 'Harold Bali Wright 'Western stoW,With Rich- ard Allen. and Virginia Grey.... • urOn'TOwnShip-,1,10y To Attend Coronation Mztrvin Farrell Of Kincardine SchoOr. ' And Lloyd Browii thesleY, Two Of Forty, High Ranking Student ' • ' To :Receive Trip, TO England • • Two • of the forty, pdPils, from See,' ondary schools in Ontario, that witness the Coronation ceremonies on May 12th,, are from this district.. , One of thesetwo is Marvin Farrell, fifth ..year-stUdent,--et-Kineardiner:and: t, son' of and Mrs. William Far- rell Of Ituron TOViriship Where Mar- vin received his Public, sehOol educa. •„ , tion. at S. S. No.. 10. • „ ' ' The other, is Lloyd Brown of 01.10::, leY, fburth year student. Both ere outstancling'stUdents; which feet en- tered into them being selected,: 'Under the auspices of the; Over- seas :Education League • of Canada, the. forty pupils 'wilt attendr the Cor- onation, a Rally of Enipire.,,Teuth. at the Royal Albert Hall, and ,an Eth- pire ;Service of .Youth at4westmlnis. ter 'Abbey on May Here .the foundation of • 'an Enipire : Youth Movement will be Following these services:the stud. ents varibusilEnglish'SchoolS and •will. reeeiVe a ,special course in English At •one . l'elc.t hools,,Toeated on the, Southern coast. • The-heys. feta Mentreelir on April Nth, On the S. MontealM And Will return about July lst. .1;tet. 1 itice4, horn! PticeS hi recent weekS kii,ttilted 'lb the price of bread. ad. vancing: to l.pc a loaf 1,octill'Y •-elle-A4g4t44,4544._ rheBrea d.. Of...i.te;a1,0r; • of Healib OUR 'MOTTO -QUALITY AND SERVICE ' WEEIGEND 'SPECIALS CREAM.,POFFS , ,CHOCOLATE LAYER cAKEs- 'PIES • • • . RASPBERRY TARTLETS • • • • --- 11. .Q 'PHONE36 . • SPECIAL . BUNS ' DOUGHNUTS . JELLY ' ROLLS SUN -SOY 'BREAD LUCKNOW. .t• . - CHEAPER FARM TELEPHONES f, • . There is special interest for farm - era in the Bell Telephone Company's announcement last week, of reducf tions in rates. . All told, farmers Of Ontario` and Quebec will gave Over $100;000 a year. The reduction of 26c ' per month • (3100 syearly) on rural service should make • the farmer' s tel- ephone, yield more. for • what it coati, than-nlinoSt-•-•anything---else-he-tatr t buy, and may' result in a substantial growth :in • rural :telephones ; this ;Spring., • We are Making Some alterations to the store and we .find we have too Much merchandise: We , have reduced- the...price on many lines. Get your. share of' the Bargains:HTHE MAR- KET ',STORES. - PERA4A.N .WAVIN MISS E NIXON has lnatalled a new periollent Wave Machine . • and will have. n • Lady DSmonstizitor SP-erCiallaufe'n-T-Permanent Waving the week of April 5tb. . As an latreductarY'oter 'We'arer ' featuring' our regular • $5.00 oil permanent for $3.50, ; 'and, - $7.50 waves for $5.00 . Croq. Waves Spiral Wave!! Combination ,Waves 'Phone 19 for Appointment Hundreds lheve Dungannon Ruins Following Spectacular Blaze Thursday FOUR BUSINESS ,PLACES INCLUDING THREE DWELLINGS RE.. . DuCED TO ASHES-IN.:BLAZE THAT SERIOVSLV, N e ED ENTIRN '• VILLAGE--SHIFTB4 G WIND AND ARRIVAL Oi? KIN- CARDINEl•FiitE BRIGADE SAVED 7' OF. . • STREET pm:pit BEING WIPED OUT. `.• • 'Fire that raged "through half ;a block of :Dungannon's business see.. tun' on :thurtday•• night, left -little' MOre than, a heap of ashes. to be Viewed, by the hundreds motorists • since have poured Pioctu.lreeadri-I,i.'nfto6r. themselves the the deVastatiemi Wrought by 'a blaze than carne within'- a ,ate of wiPing. practically :the. entire , business section, out lieroic,efforts of '4 .'hUeket brigade, Dungannores only means- of fighting •fire, Were: ol-littleavail-;--a-s- the wind- swept :flaniei, kept leaping northward' along the west side t• of the Street Calls '*for aid' were Sent to; nearby tb'wnt; it .viaa not Mitir the ar- rival of the Kincardine . pumper that the :maze was II checked • at. the • allek- , „ weir beside the telephone. office, after., the flaines- had ':,raced 'through, four . , brititest,placet including three dwelt- Damaie. Estimated. At, *40,000: • BhildingS destroyed included Mon- tie/he/7's General Store' and resi- dence; Lorne :MacKenzie's Garage; Robert 1VIacKenzie's ',,Harchiare, :With above, And Thomas: Rivett'S restaut4nt, and • dwelling. • Total logs .was.estimirted at .from thirty, to fOrty, thousand ,dollars, and eleven people were Made hOrtielett; With the„extep, tio • Of MACEentie's:" garage, other flamei made cleaq sweep, and nothing but e pile Of ash reiriains; except the cement.. walls of MeKenzie'S ',Modern •geragei, :where cleaning up work ' cOmmeneed before the embers were scarcely 'Cooled and We •understand MacKenzie plans 0 ..rehhild: • : ., • The outbreak oettirtell in, Mont, toinerPS residence, believed possibly lue to a leosened atevepiPe cOnnet.,•• ion -it was beyond control when dig- Overed about : eleven' d'elok; as the ainilY%were about to retire. Brad- ord's, butcher •shop to the .iituth' es - aped, due to . the directiOn, of the ind he Montgomery building 'as. they Ot the MOSenira delitY* e41` about to ,criminle. The cernent and by pushing In the of :t f ,w el the Apread, but tinee it took fire. ,the Hardware and iti?ett'Aspen, W4ro, , : , At that 'point, the, south Wind shit. tett to *he weStWard,,Aiding in saving th";,oillee-,of the Ootierich' Rut-alPcI- -sesplfohe.-n-nd-tlt.e'residOrrCe- "1440- Whyard, SepArated by a narrow 'at- leywa.,y; from the Rivett building. At that, the roof of this building,•*AA 4ritiztretIr01.40etalittlicei-in, burned off aeulean r .ti,loef bucket brigade tbhreighaedr; . andarrivalof ;the Kincardine brigade. - saved this building and the re,rnairit- 4er. .which is comprised Of. ' Treleaven't .Insurance Offite,':the 'Post.' Office and the Bank of Commerce. • The shifting wind carriedshowers, • • . Of . Sparks 'across to the east • .;Side business section, , but which .had • fallen protected these 'buildings, in Whieh, glass Was,cracked by the heat when the ,fire was at ;#t height. As late .as the:Rizitarditie • brigade -poured wateronthe bieting.,;: clouds sitroke ehoked, the streets and sthiled workers: The Kin- cardine pumper, after raining sev- eral cisterns; dropped their hose; into a catch .basin of ,rt drain ,flowing thru the Village and were. provided with - •an. Abundant .Supply of, Water. .• "..4 . • ,.. . • ., Mr. Whyard; telephone operator,, , .stayed at his post, Sending out calls: for help, until the cable Melted, eats - int • off ..coirnitinication. Hydro. power , , _ „ was cut off 'earlier. Early the next morning, 'a single • line gave pun." gannet' outside ,connection, for urgent ,. Purposes; but , Some fPnr• /Mildred:. telephones. were out of cOmthitsion., • Farther trouble carte to.. Mr. Montl- • 'goinery, when he Sprained his ankle • ,during the fire, *which was similar, tcil sone.s"r1.11;s_aieh. over • Aid was sent to the distracted ril- lage froin, Blyth and Auburn. vOlunteere! frorn. I:ucknO"wi • this vil- lage having no ,equipment that!, wbgla • be •of use plitside the village. . Furni. , tnre, ' hastily dragged from .• burning' and 'threatened hOUSeSr. '6tre*11 'along the opposite side of the street.• Workers `slopped through mud and Water on then roadway and •as, 'dawn broke it was a dismal sight that the group of all-night workers ,. viewed' more clearly. • , no.. screeching siren to raise. alarm, there were these- Within the little 'Village that knew nothing of the outbreak, one of whOrt. A:was Mitt, Nettie Sproul, employed in •Motitgoinery.'s store, who Canre *irk trattal..the next. day to ',TeArn the digester. EAmo LICENSES: DUE If You're one of Ihe., radio owner, y 6 ht re who • a lie tia e - • U „. CeiVed offlcial betide • frOili, the. redie. divisionof the Aenertnient of Tran - poi -t that license has expired, which • eiti,iiity 7; two •UC 6 113:',