HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-01, Page 8OZ. Sweet Mix. Pickles 25c. 19 or*, •Bottlp Olives „,5c.' Soda Biscuits; 2 ‘iha- •-•:,".t5c • Fancy Mix. Cakes, ib. ..19c 32•oz4 jar' .Cr ppiIeUy;, • 32- oz., Orange Marmalade, 26c LihhY'e Teineto .,110•Ce•1: " 14'4 Oz.; .,15a 'LibhY'a Pork & Deans; 16 014 2 cans 14474's F -4111i•&, Beans,,•, • 2,3C, az, . Pink Salmon, large.; ...10c 'Golden Sentient Corn .....10e vie, size 4,..2 cans: Large Prunes,t 2 lbs, Valencia Raisins; 2 lbs. ...25e Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. Dates,' 3 lbs. , 25; Fancy Rile, 4 lbs. ompson. Phone 82, ' • I STRATE fr .ON nowricuurpitAt FARM TOPICS I N THE TONVir HALL uesday „8 o'clack, 'Under Aaspices Lucknow j, ;Horticultural Society. wo Sets 01 Rides ,."The 'Perennial, Border" . and °. .44Fi,elit Crop Experiments At The Central Experimental Farm." OTHER ENTERTAINMENT • FREE ADMISSION . • Reports' „ ,..teom :Sr, lass7.--Honors-DonaltinIich- olson,' arr.' Louise Porteous .: Passr.-- ,ReY.Aitehieen,, Mary .Lorraine John- stone', Zaino Iryvin,Below Pass-, Wilda Irwin, Helen McCreight*-, Carrie Mihie Grant Gollail!, GeOrge ,Chins',, •Gordon Ireckptt, Murray lienderSon*, Richard' Turner*.. Jr; ass,Honora-'-lilargaret-, • , • Ruth Dahmer, ` petty Jean MacDonald pase-I3etty,Marie. Billie ,, M Ilk' Jackie :Stuart,' Robbie • '0,eOglie, 7.ge4*, Lore' IVIcCartney,..,lielma Stan; IcY". Below Pass-'-4ean,n(IcCreight*,, George Stanley; Donalda 114c9uaig, Jean Baid*;,JOY • Johnsons, 'Beiyle Solomon*, Jackie Forster*; Wilbert ,I3elli •* itheent .several - ' • I.„ Murdie., Room . ; Sr: III-Honors--MelVin Orr; Alan McKim, Helen Salkeld, Lorne ,Reid. Pass Norma -Ritchie-,:--Jirn-A-tamil ton; Doris *yids, 'Rossi Henderson: 'Kr irel •17•11,03rdS',L'ewarttrailref ?rest- •D rothi Paterson.• -Belo' Pass L-Mariorie : Solomon*, ' Armstrorig, Carmen MeQuillin*, Rua - sell WlOthy* Donald Mackenzie. •• Jr. BI-, Honors -Verna Dahmer. Pass -.Jean Webster -Dereen ',Ronald Johnston, Norman MacCart- ney,k 'Jean Allin, ,Kathryn Agnew, Jack Wilson. '7 Salmi PassEetlier Patton*, Georgina tGenthegan,', Don- ald Mabel :Madiponald, Ronald McInnes; „Kenneth Webster*, Bill 'Button,. , ;Lorraine Ferguson*, Reggie FeigUsOn*,., Rill Chin*'War- ren Vylds*. ° ' .14 Macoaliuni. Room. IV Jr.: I'V-Honors7=BillTreletiVen 76, Pass -Katherine. Prest 73- Helen Ori Ross Paterson 67; Betty Taylor 64. Catherine Johnston 63- Eileen Geoghegan 62*, Keith' Collyer, 62. 60% -Earnest 13utten 50; joh- nie Dahmer ' 50;• , Celia • Wilson 58*; Havens 54; 'Fred Webster 50; Kathleen . Reid 47*, 'To* Patten' 43*, Sam 42*, Salt Chin .39**: Sr. ,IV -Honors -Margaret son 75; Fern 4rwand9r, 75.. Passr- • ,Mthy ,Salkeld 70, Reid Nic:Kim-, 68; Luella • Preen '67, Norah Jewitt 65; Willard Thompsann 64*; . Allan Tre- leaven 64.4 Gordon Steward 61, .Lloyd Wykla 60.;•BelOw 66%-Catolirn 52*; J c: Johnston 42; DonglaS Aft- thison 241*; Donald Johnston. 30***; S. Jamieson 4***.: ,indicates exam= ion missed. ' X • MacDonald • SPECIAL PRICES ON a (hicks FOR, MARCIii Leghorns Barred ;tacks•c "White Reeks' •..9c 'White Leghorn. Cockerels .. 2c: '..KockS & Red ' COckerels Week Old Add Two Cents .. Two W,eeks. Old A cid Five Cents -• 'To Above Prices Every Chick , Is F'rom. ' Blood - Hatches Monday.. 1.• Write, Phone or 'Call UNCAN KENNEDY • 'Phone38,Winghans,' Ont;. A '"I'ontrigives vigor to $1121101.311. 'rundown ii"eciple. • -'-rior backitehe, rick head- achex and general Week.' ' 'neei.• DR. HAMMOND' • rein and Nerve Pills .. Recointeended,by ienn McK I DRUG', STOltE NEWS WH'ILE ITS, NEWS • , • : Subcribet-s frequenEly s'end• ueirs items ot.,,pu'blication a week. grid • inure after the event occurred; While this pallor, is, alwaYsglad- t� make use of ne,ks. 4?rovi,ded. by anyone .is 'sometimes neceSsery: to turn .4co:Vn an intereatipg Atern because it is -too • ",itale'r to be Published, It.iS import- -alit `that a neWspaperrepOrt , neVir.4 , the 'firstjeStig following the eltert: COntritititors are .aiked t� ' With uS, in running.•an up -to - the minute newspaper, by, Uding in relierts Of all Weddiiiga, toCials„ etc.,' 'aeon, as the event lakes pie. Wo,t necessary„ unless yOu Wish it; tna14•' We- ill be"glad'to take the, 'details from ' ills hio mailed .6t handed in OVet eetalterf Please be sute that thei : aro signed, ae,utisighecl litters 'and news' items ah l not / - 1. fr , • t Donald: ql_ , always do illy hardest work before breakfast.'; . -Harry: .",What's that?"' . Donald: "Getting pp". • • 1 Cti URC TES the loaSernent 'of: the Church, on, Friday Kinloss 'Young Peopiee; wee, held ih • • of the Work already studied in Job ,:i;ySa‘o-..Tushthgeivirieeinigluloblsay:-., meeting .of--the--South mittee -under the leadership af. Miss ofJob was continued: A' brief revietA *as. , in, charge Of the 'Bible-Stndy dein- evening, match pfith. The Meeting Y. Dean MacLeod ,The Study Of the 13ciok, theieSs'ident ' J. ,p..itoss. Other questions on*Job Wer 'Llien,:'diaquased in *Which .n11 the young .• • • • • • . :people_ to'part:: The ;queStion , of Satan ,brought about, -a •great.:,deal • of discuSson, in which , the fact; that 6 -has ,cdote.ol of, Many things suchas the hinnan,Jnind,,animnls and the el- ements -was emPhas,ized, also:that t,Ve' •votild de well to take him: .S..eriously, Some. of ,tie iiiinortant 1essoil learn - td from these discusSiohi were hs overcoine the werld, arid :all hilt we Can.ibecorne conquerors. (2). The Lord 'knows:. Wham: Becan , . • • , s great trust in •Gool'il! a •wOnderfa example -Tor -tis.' (4) Thc .niportafice of o firm fOuridation (5)' A lesion': in subiniSsin 'to God: The Young People all felt tbat . the study of . job. bad been- .profitable „to each. The .Ouild Monday' night; Was iii harge of , Miss Katheiineo MaCKen- de's class, With .Miss pordthy Niion the chair: After, singing,.plaliii;lq: 411,d prayer Was "tepeated ' The scripture' was. read , by, J;arniettni; ;followed by a selec.. , by. tlieepf41jtstra. "Easter 'Mis, hy Miss MITyY and 'Joan 1,14e1 . Mary. Louie Porteous ' and Lherine Agnew; quartette., bY'..'.Ar• e jeWitt, Marion, MacDonald; ;cflicnderst;n ancfMation,.'Soinistene dialogue "Be.. ttA., .by #elen And •,Pcirothy ; 1 reading jy Isdbet Douglas; ' topic by ,• Miss Dean MacLeod; a: chottieby the class, lien6 , duet, Kethleeirlfteliitd•Sli- and e1(1)a' Steward 'ABA g,:pantotiiindL by Iki Class accompanied by . the orch- tra. ,After •singing hymn 223, Rev; Madbdhald' closed with prayer, • TRAGEDY AT ALMON_ . TOWNSHIP FARM:HOME Mr. -Alex G, MacKay,' Former Huron • .TownohiP 'Coancillor Pound Ai' The • Point Of Death OW' S*urd.1.1Y , .Trakedy entered a Huron „ToWn- ,shiP honle on Saturday,' in the death. of Alex •G, MacKay, 57 -year-old fanner of the Sixth Concession; and a former Member of Huron ToWn- ship 'Council, the IsenerY of Mr, MacKay at the point of death, in an. outbuilding :On his,farm..Ie revived' somewhat,. Nit Passed 'away Withiri, a, feW hours.: „MaCKay. ,is 'aiirvived `,by' , wiclow'.and -six' sons te.yQuflges-'Qf whom i4 lust` entering the ten age. The 'funeral service. was held: on Monday. CREWE' PUPILS PRESENT . INTERESTING EASTER CONCERT • very interesting program was given at Crewe school on VOIrsoMY _evening,. with Mrs. D. , Munn, . Miss Marion Winn and ,Mia: Eimer Mor-' eontributing.....solns-riniL readings. Miss Junn:e Rutledge oy, Dungannon, also ;contributed a solo.. The ,reinainder .of . the ,prograni; which Was presided over by Chair- man Raymond Finnigan; was, pro-, ‘iided by the sch691„ pnpils and' their teacher, John, Martin, and- censisted of the foil -Owing:: solo,,.Shirley Sher, wood; . ,'mouthorgan duet, Rivett and ,Graham. Durnin; Violin instrumental, •Annie •Culbert; Lorenal Crozier, Elliott -Rivett r Lind Graham Durnink;.chcirus . the -sehooI;t-Physical cultnine-tumbling- and pyramids, by boyd.of the school, -was-a-,--popular• entUre rtlifer''Wher You '''and 'I" •Were.' young Lorraine -Thirnin• and Lorraine Dien - 'with: the -girls in ap'propriate costumes; Porocal ;solo, . JOhn Martin. . Community. Singing.: in charge of .Mrs. Muim, was, enjoyed. Lunch- was served. " 11. , FATAL: AUTO. ACCIDENT , Mrs.- H. H.,Stiveng, Of 'Port Elgin, wife' Of • Mr. 11. H., 'Stevens, President. and Genetar Manager of. :the . Stevens - Honer CO., met initarit 'death Iat Wednesday afternoon !when:a motet, ear driven by her 'husband; came into collision ,with another. motor 'car : , , •ven by Albert' Benninger, • Of Carl. sliiihei.'• abaft three Miles South , of reViOtdale.. Mr., Stevens escaped with , the fracture f .several ribs, 'a broken nose and generI-shaking" up, and Mr. Benninger was removed to 'th.: hospital • at Palmersten, -Mid Is' in it Serie-Us condition, sufferingfrom :ractiired skull. ' Mrs.,' Stevens, a vnative of--Peter-7,• betro; was, 67 :years Old, and she wa " married oVer 40 years -ago to Nfr. Stevens,• and they 'have • resided in Port'Elgin ever :addition to her aged-, inother.:71Vrs,; Mary Burnettt whoimide her home With • her daugh- nerivin .Part Elgin, Mrs.' Stevens is survived by her husband and ',four' .:laughters,-:narnelY:. Ralplifr.Pe- citiegnat, 'Port Elgin; :Mrs. John In-- •glis;. Kineardine,;!, Mrs.' (Dr.) • J. Z. iampbell,.Windsor, and Miss Frances at home: .BLA.pc IfoRSE DRIVER FINED .1161ding thata, motorist will: venture on the ihwayin a inuehine vith faulty brakes, such as Dominic; chloSser's ancient ;Ford 'was plizlion. 'led to have had on the afternoon of ,SUnday; March 7th, when' it knocked iown '.4 -year-old 'Bobby Miller, on. the palled roadway in front of the' . old firestern- Hotel, Durham street and eituiecl ,seriOUS- head '• injuries., to the child; was guilty' of reckless driv- ing nrider the Highway 4,tet, Magis-, -„rate Walker proceeded to: impose- fine. of $10 and' costs, ,or a tetal.levY of $20'.25, , with the 'alternative of. twenty- daYs','InipiiiOninent for the • ftlinse.-Walkarton flerald1Tiines." • TOOK 12 PALLBEARERS While rtintaging through an 'old. truek 'recently,. -Mr, Prank Cole di covered . an interesting .nOviiiapet .11ipping iti a yeat stored -in the trunk rt hadreference the :fUneral' of the late, Jonathan :Miller Of Beinniller and .goderieli, who at one ,time "was supposed to, bethe largeSt nian in the world?',_1' • '. • -The artiCie.:gtivehis weight as 486 PoundS). his, Chest Metieureinent• 84 inches, frOfft.' shoulder to shou11er 3feet,. • 6 inches, 'and .eigh6-• feet 2 ' ' • tieolagy..huilt casket, •weighed 465 diriteneitins be.. ing••6 vi Met Idng„. 8% feet:Wide and k' feat, 4 inehes deep, The doorway, Of the house had , to:, be "eniargedand. tPeCiettlY' fitted wagon replaced the liearee,l'he Casket was equipped with tv-elvd if' wai net. 'en easy task for that 'many Pallbeareriii t� bear the treirialha, Mr..Miller died hi 1011 -ittthe hge et 62, •Itis wife. died :in 19441. • • SENTINE1,0 ••. • CLocA,LandGENERAL) Miss Xatherine. HOnter riVIts h9MO. fr4tt London:for the week.,end. Ton*,•• Alton of TOronte.-Was: an Easter- Visitor athis honyOutre. ' Reinerober the euchre. Party to, night•" (Thursday) in the LA:4.0.,f. Grahain Sherritf of ,porcheater• - honiea here. . Murray; has returned to after after sPending the winter Mrs.' J. the' villag in Tpionto.• ••• 'r" • . PaCrarnent ;will, be obserVed in. the United :Phurelsat: the morning per.," vice this Sunday.' Miss Mary. Clare is spending the Easter holidays -with relatiyes • and friends in tonna?). „ Mr. and, •Mrs? Harold :DOWsOn of Toronto, spent the Easter week -end with relatives here. Mr. Rexford Ostrander succeeds -Miss D�jiIda Douglas as brganial in St. 'Peter's AngliCan_Church. • • Mr Wm MacKenzie of -the College • . of "Osteopathy,.- Chicago, .was a holi- day vieitor with his parenti. 4o • • Mr. Xenneth Cameron of nag is spending the: week with his Parentst Mr. and Mrs. R.. J. Cameron. Mrs. Thomas Reid returped ,hame • recently' after sending the ..wintet- in the West and Southern -State's. Mrs. John and Mrs. Jessie "Button plan to return 'to tucknow this week after spending the winter -in -Toronto Mrs. Wm, Thomas . Of Niagers .,Fallsi-was-lin*Easter.visitorwithLhei- parents, Mr. and Y41' • • Miss Freda MacDougall .spent the ,week -end in Seliforth with her sisters bitisusgean. Misses and Evelyn Mac- •PvsaiPli.vacationininspenTdionrg- onto, where. she is attendinethe 0.-E. A.' convention,' .-,. _ We are _SorrY, to report that M.S. Wm. j.',:McNill -is :very' pdarlY,. miff- :esfrisusg, pfLio*ri aIrvin is,.eattainek;. flicirerilnere,.1cP Miss jetinie,PearlMan • Of Shaw'k, Business -'C011eget.,...Terentoc Spent :thl week -end .w,ith her Paients, returninf t000•thips.ecity to . comirience he ar Mi deprge Douglas' Jr.*: of Knelt College, Toronto, will occupy ,the Pulpit in the.; Presbyterian .Chnich next Sunday, April 4th, -Morning and evening.- • , ' —Owing " toTthe -extend-4UB .ilwer-fiTTeir 11,0. It G., Sherriff; there Will 2 be ,tio March: report .for Second 1ie0M. The. month's marks will be' included in the, April :rePort. • Miss 'Edith, Smith Of :Toronto spent the ,Easter .*eek -end with :her •par- ents -Mr. and Mit": James Smith. Edwin 'Smith of 'Listowel is spending the Week :with hie'liarezits, Miss A. Yofirex', Messrs. G. S. MacIntyre and. N. 5: Calvert of 'the High School staff are spending the holidays itt" their' respective hoMes, at Dundalk,'Paisley ' and Reaboro., A little Scotch terrier, owned by Mr, 'WM. Hornell, aiidwhich, einitine,quite a, favorite With local animal lovers, was killed the Main streeti-on-TdeadaY .arben fitriiek• by a'. truck. . SPRING is here., Look Over our EW 'SPRING. :SAMPLES; of ; Suits and 'inpCoate. TailOred,strictly, -date... Priced ,,-$/.6.50, $16.00;:. $20.00, .$22.06. and Up.-4EMPLE CLARKE,. Merchant. 'Tailor,- . Mrs. Donald :MacKay . 'Detroit .• , „vas a ViiitOr'. With -.her 'sister, • 'kis: Dan Macintyre Of; Langside. . Mrs. .VIacKey attended :the' funeral , fonday orh-eir brother-inlavv; Mr.. lAleic. MacKay,' of .fildren Township.., •.The architects' drawing of the new Globe and Mail buildingto he buil( this year appeared 'in Saturday's is .MatherS and Bahlenby are the Mathars• being a, peph" of, Mr, Henry Mathere LucknoW, Mrs 'Everett 'Everett Harris.. :returned" „to het lmOd at Dunganon• the firat the week, after' .,spending' the week. ,vith her'inother; Mrs. Margaret Mac- Donald, who has been iII with lung Congestion; as develetnnent of the. • •.• It you •Are Ambitions you can make- good !kidney with a ;Rawleigli Route. We teach you, to geeetarted. No capital or exPepience needed.' Steady work • for right man. 'Write RaWleigh'i,'. Bole. Montreal,' Can. • . Mt, 'and . 'Thoinis C. England and ,two boys of Celt ,were 'fleapit :taster guests 'of Me, and,Slis.; Ieseph, England. . They also ..called 06 Mr, Anil Mrs, Jelin SWart" and fairillY of. Itelens and Mr. 0iitt. Mrs, 3 4, 2ng1iind and' ' 105igaiffr • 11.11,104*' ,A.1144 llits _AM Saturday 'Bride ,Showered: „ • By Friends Last Week. N,gw,o): • , '• Mr, 8. tirling of Bayfteld spent'. 15' few daYs .Onieng -.hie friends. here last weak. •„;The of 'Woolen's' ToStittite: Met .00 Tuesday' March, 23, at, the .honie of the' seeretarY,. Mee:. Mary 1VlacKenzie The attendance'wai small ;on accourt,.. cif • ,,p•t.,61,1throolt„t • Af• the u,, n a soma eeningwhuh :had 'beep', planned ,for.. hart to li,e'postPoned for the Saine.Xenson.: Miscellaneous „Shower', s ,. • • The ladies of thiommu*y. 'pet •okTimrsday evening at 'the:home of Miss' 'Jean. Long fop 'a miebellaneoua. shower for Miss Isabel, Grant. A very pleasant evening • was spent And 00 guest of :'honor' ,received mime 'very 'Useful ancl beautiful gifts: , • .. • 'W.A RDELL-GRANT - • A marriage of interest. to .A.shfield folk- was solemnised on Saturday, March: 27th; in the . ChUrch parlors of . Centennial 'Church, I.:ondon„ when 'Rev. Walter -Craw officiated at -T. -the Marriage. ceremony. . ' Leslie Miss:.-4Vfarg- aret-Isehel Grant, daughter ,of. Mr: & A.. Grant; of Ashfield. Mr. Hugh .:Mitelienzie' and Mies Margaret• , Parrish were ' the ..attendants. We ex- tend .congratulations. ESCAPE INJUIIX Stewart Durnin, narrowly escafted •being pinned and probably severely. injured -by a, tree, While he and Well- nigttin, Nixon were Cutting • wood 114r.---W.....lteed'r-bn'Sh nein Lanes, last week. As it Was,, Stewart Was' Itpt-on'ttila -vvntra-netp:reem7-147ile,' crosscut -saw,- ,but ;Was able to 'return' to work this Week again. •% The:Area ' • had been felled, but was stili,attiched ' to, the stump, and 'in making thd.first cut ,an unexpected 'indvement Of the' tree.' canied the accident. GOI)ERICH PAPERa'MERGE Goderich's two Weekly papers, The Signal and The Star' have amalgam- ated, effective today, and will be.; . .7xime a in -weekly, publishing:on Wed.- lesday :and .SattirdaY. W. H., Robert. son of the Signal becomes- managing -editor and W. Wilkes, of the the Stift, becomes.' proprietor of the cOnibined • papers..:, , .•;MiisKatherine MacKenzie- is vis- iting' in .Torpiitc.,, accompanying her brother Alex, Who returned' Tuesday .ifter spending • the holi4ay. They Arere'•-tictoiriiitiriied- she by Andrew Thompson .and TOM :MacKenzie who has-tettirned- to-work7iriTtlid-tity, Mr. :Jack Cainpliell Hillsburt . . . took over Eldon., Johnston's. barber hueinees., Tuesday Mr Mr,. and Mrs. Campbell and two daughters arrived hete .1Vlondalr and .1.14ve, taken 'up resi- dence in T. mule: C.larke's , house • re- Cently vacated by Meff. ,Johnston. r There is: vaeation: for .Seetisli...Conceiaion pupilsS•this year, as many. -days have lost this' swizairtleert of; arc.,0 o4Urindt...t. he 6.11. o'wYt trying:tO ?,Catch up". to. be ready' for the ."finals?.' which aren't:de far aWaY. , • „ .• , . :What trutka.,Can 'd�, and !alas) What .they inay 'do to spring roadS:,' wait evidenied..41.4e-w-days4go),„vvhenAWO trucks ,'Irein..,'OrangeVilleil„ pulled ' out -of' this curnminiity 'piled'. high. and widewith baled hay,, their combined *eight.* totalling 4lightlir.,ftioie than twenty '.tens. • ' , Itt these, .-,Of „inOtop tr.tielse -and .carS;: al runaway I§ "soingthitm ..of' a novelty'', • Tuesday', .afternooni:* 'horse broke loose ftom the hitching peat behind Mrs.- • MacKenile's -stare • dashing up the. "back', street"; .ttifited north but; was halted , at, the.. Boat' :Office corner without.inisb* ; ‘• • . • The illness -of Meff Tohnstati, Who ihn4a at eghi 1 vineWit:et,4;1 of:ii rtihneg. thak; gt lllness '�f Mac MacLennan; saw,: Barry • Anderson: . aliarge of th.e seh9Tri5 thdr..firat -of the week. •hits• seen :,long 'service as a butter Maker, ',an 1occupation Which his liealth forced' hitif to give .0.. Mr; i:Eairsi Anderson .of: " Silver- wood's.- down. town -office has bought the Chevrillet car formerly la,'ZVned by W. H. Stevenson, wrio returned -England .in thebitill, and Who form- erly lived ,en the corner farm at the boundarYline; and. 'I.5th Sideroad Anderson has disposed of fetniet ear' to his ofnee easiStatito, WM. Wabatet.• 7 , ;, tiom'e For 'Wedding MisS Winnified Douglas; Register. ed & Dental nuree Orlirklatid Lake is here .Ort a visit -with her parents. this We and to attend the nfarilege bi her aistet,' 1410 bonalifit tiouom and 1r, Gordon L.; Davidiron *Of aWtintghehstilt.. TpheeteAtitir2tgooi,orottoc108,1ipti'atiero, day morning.., ' , , • IT IS. Nal' THE .46VNT OF BIONET. IN A C97011iNrrir THAT MAKES PROSPERITY BUT ME NUMBER OF TIMES. IT .CHANGES •HANDS IN THE 'S4 -31E. C°411LINITY''' 'Spend ,your, innlier..W41013!' fort4,w.*T••••,ly. rnr,Talo••: • your money, _brat have” .. the use .of your; p.urchases, during the 'time ,your money ia circillating back. to 'yOn,. • • ERIGwr CHEERFUL FLOOR CO V, ER as, WILif, 'PUT. YOUR HOME IN. ;TUNE' 'Ora. YEARi:O'irTIWSM. ' 'CROO8E, NEW CONGOLEUM GOLD . SEAL. RUGS " (NEWEST AirTgRNS) ' LINOLEUM OR "FELTOL RUGS stem ,DAY, OLD CHICKS, SEXED AND MIXED C. W.' LEGHORN.S ' " BARRED P: ROOKS 'PULLEYS '0.F.....ALL AGES ,Og.'"-EARLY:14/CLITS' TOIPMUST? THE TIME SAVED 'NO*, IS WORTH ' DOUBLE.N,X11, PALL' . , . „ . , . • • . •:WIUTE OR imoNE••••touR. 'ggcluiRmENTs.. , • • • .TO IPIIONE 77-4, BRUSSELS R. R.. 5 • MILK :11.ORTH. -OF BRussgLs. • RESSE S, PRIN DRESSES IN SMART FLOWERED OR PLAIN SILK MAT- ERIALS: Al', NEW SHIPMENT? HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED` „PRICES .. $1 95' $2 79' $3 95 and Up. THERE 'ARE', ALSO BETTER DRESSES IN MORE , EXCLUSIVE STYLES „ • t• HOSE--ISpecial week -end price for Supersilk Fuli Fashioned .„ , Hose.; New Spring :shades, and ,all 'sizes. ' • Only, Pair • •` •1„,UKNOW, (:11slTARIO'l• 'PHONE 85. , YOUR OLD SEED DRILL WILL SOW FERTILIZER TOO! WITH A PRESTON FERTIOLATOR Modernize your old geed drill and saVa. 'money. Moretv by iittachhigaiirifileient . .Preaton 'Fertilator -you cah mike it a , combination rietid andfertiliz' er drill. e - Fertilator is allsteel,andcanbeattac ed . easily to standard' makes of seed dn a. It Sows any grade of fertilizertis PORitiVaa ' In action, and places,the fertilizer dOwn • the 'spouts withlhe grain, ' ' - - ‘ Wrfor-complete-details. ' OIL -BURNING BROODER THE JAMESWAY . , 1_,41^rI!I ) . . . . • Relfatleieeonomictitwoll•rogide.' . , les Jameaway, all through. Thal ' Jameaway 011 Burning Brodder will save you money and time', vest ' you 'Amager. healthier ' EtiSteth 'Steel 'PrOdliCtS Guelph Street 4f/died, Factories also at ton. Ont. *ontretthworonto • , BORN CA1VI,P13E1;1,-In Kincardine den: eral Ilespital, ori Tuesday,..14arcli 1037f Me, and Cabin. bell; 4). R. 3, 1.,tieleneW, •a dau'ghter, • STAIII;EY4-In ot Monday;: Mareh ISth, Kr, 'and' Alhert StAley, kinioss wn ship, 6. daughter,: lltact)ONALti‘ :(tin •tosVn, -6;1 •PridbYi tAareh Oth., • ••• • and 1Virs., l'hernas Maci5oneld, 1 To wriSh ip, j dituifli ter. a 'a 0. • FACTORY TO RE -OPEN p:ht.d,, Furniture krity' oro than -two '-yeats, ils to re -open ,abOut Ittn6 1St, with iipwards to iveht,y.• five: *en/. The plant hat ' • 'been: en the hands 'of the -it, and: Mat Week couneii approved Of sale 'Of the fully • equippe 4.• plant 'tot $25,000; t� A. II. e , .�f COrnWell 'and II;4fi Steil throY. ekiietlezed futnitui, •, Payidents. are :spread Oltgt of fourteen Yeara,- ,