HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-01, Page 2•••
_ -...... .. _ ......_ __ ,
: Claudia(' Townsend meets" Dick
' 'Whalen, at a hockey game in Seattle
: orue,night,'' Her interest in D1Pilia,
furiates Wallace Berrien, 'rich Young
, lumbernr.an, whe wanis her to "rnarrY
„ hirn. • Walleee and Dick were col-
kge•'' riNals,r. and inowwhen.' Dick •
%seems to be ' Making peogress. with
'Claudia where. 'Wallace has failed.
itinnlY dateriniieof to,get
hina out; of the way H. order % Mr.
•takukager -cif- one of'Mftf
lumber ,eaams in Britith Cohimbia,,
• to offer' Dick. -job 'at the camp
' near Burns 'Lake- •'
,CHPkrg4' '1•1•
/rhoSnbjec. tof ',Bor.nell'S ind" Brad,.
dock's efitiversetien, 'meanwhile, 'Wee .
Ooddinalonga intr.* trail, in the
Vireds ,'.twenty
•'.'"You will Cone 'up to our. Ski elftb,
Won't ',Siett?'-'. she. was saying:• ' "Net
way: with. dad. in. Victoria -.--but - • ,
•telling.•yon „bow
• haven%t :cent. •• Seattle hasn'tfered joliS 'ai.e
•,',C:Oneer4ed.r alte3,'s •
.• blese.the :dey because1 met
Spinefliing veiee •[..CaUsed
to-A:Oen' ' her.".; eyes ..straiEli.t
iihead,...on.'•the.. trail.
'...• den't''. lino* • : said
•."-presentlY, should" continire, to :
object • patne-,ciairdia 7...
Can't. ,riny, Well, Call, Y"en,
'',.piake! [things, ,diffietilt• for
don't want to; [.•
...[WhaIen"s [.ey.ee, Were['• thmightful."Ie tudze4 ;
' 'thitirig• •
• could tide' things. over the stiin-
rner when the, Mines': open:"
".T knowt-P, • slu4..exclahned. :"HaVe
• you been to. the Assay Office ere
"Seattle? "Sure They • •,- •,.
,told me .they cl-keep.
Me „An.. ' • ,••
"'But yen' knew" .Psd . =rang; ie„•:
cOrder.,for the •'•district. I liapPentO
. . , .
,there'll'be. a Vacaney in the
offiCeirne,Xt, Week!! .That's why We
.•• . . ,
are going Dad) wants
•to See :a man . fertile .job,-..-Soirre, Man:,
, „•
Who,:ae.depted; it; ,[ then took ", another! •
D.ad. 1%;�n Friday after•lt—whyI':
ribOti..:,:a4-14-b&Cthet. men d-oe 't take':
Dick," • Whalen r laughed... ,
• a little ' Wizard if . • you
• - , • .
• -arraiir: .that! It's • net so ',easy .16 .
a" „man -to, • 'take, On .a
She sppedand-t thtip of
• •• .
lac 'finger,. On fl use
all'the • persilasten mit on Dad',
to ,.giveyeir.this,''job,",":•'she said "hel•':
•.eenSewell,"" I,;Want, you to stay in
' ".• •""
r He stOod "lopkiag' down at her .for:.
a,,"rOonient, then turned' resolutely•:
• ,:arkay. •". Ile .weitld • bave. given • /finch T
,....."..cto•.take her in his ['arms and. hies that,
,':••"glowirig: ;kttle. face:._ • •
•:,:.iftWV.•-•.,:ifitiit..tiiriiTbF,a;:nawl," she
4.'1.,"fre'..get let: of ,"perstiadine,
• ' a, latte packing:. ..shall :
re 30UsOme time -on ,Friday
' •'• •
On the • lookout • ult. 'day
' • '.Priday for your t.elegram,"! . [...
[:•klesh- :We had „on.. snowshoes ,
could •eiviSh .4.1ortg, fo4.Miles and
.... • .•
*Right [ away JP heaven" Diek
.4 [(Wed ihghirtg. "We'd have to. be
•,:north for that, far north 'Where the..
air like ellaniongne erid Where -the
and rives are, frozen and . the
enew three ••fee. .
lef.el •„ , •
• "It's really tremendously good of
yen, :Wallace, but I 'well, -I' wall',
I, 'can't quite gay for Certain that
. ca. ,
n go-" . ••
• •
DickWhalen was '-speaking,„ • and
• it was in , WallaCe Bornellta office
,vhere - the two of -them,
• nell's manager freni the north, were
•seated. Dick had just been pfferld
a'ieb:in the lumber camp at BUITS
, Like in centrat•British.,..COlumbie
up :there, • Mr. •
'Whalen,'Braddock „put in„ "Every,.
thing's .in full swing.. We get the
: legs .ouz On sledges over the. now,
and take them out, tigress the lakes
that are all. froze .solich"
sound,fine," Dick agreed.
• "Well; then; :that's sett1ed,7. said
• Wallaee, , "We ,[want you to [. travel
tornoriow With M. Brad-
dock." • --
, .
"Qh:,., . Sorry; .•Wieilace, 'but .1
can't give you a definite answer
a otthis-.-nowr•Ll?‘ e. got. the tente-
hexi , -tive, (fifer ['of_ a_jah heyec" •
• "'A job ..her.e.? Does it Pay • as
well? We'd be gl;ad to inalce it Worth
1.;• Wallace,. if you Care '
Stria] baek.to myr: with ine, now, •
there May be 'a W• 'e waiting fOr me-
' Then r can give .yoti an ansWer at
Oataldn'i.nyek etig
•*To riiake.ceftaln or et.'
•,ault4 'buy 'Cede with
tdOttion RHeri' 1
-Therti you, titet.dOubIe.
• tested 'teecfa.a reasOn,
atta, peitea,•froin
rioutailot• h
_Nita °miter ion
• "Vert.r ED Bitx)Nt
" tor a Po.,EE a 0,
.. etgr.ftr'sf late,t incrgreactst,
t i)da'k. I 22 :otel. Ur*b .nc;v4ltfei.
, 0:d favourittL Praceesi itrvice.•r.•
ro,!, t'41...”,
;' r t, t.1,•,b• i.t• • • •
.1••• •40i 2:
•Walknig along the street.: Bor4.
.nell'a: d.irk.face; 'grew eleudi • he
•:listened . to •Whalen'a account • Of •Migs'
. T,oWnsend'e.iirterfereric.e , on...his. be,-
wailage,Commented With 'a
J • • •
earcaetic • smile; "she's loped you on
her:string,. too,: has :siltie''S2,hatif
me .on'iter a:Couple of yeire,.Talte,-.
my, athiSe, Dick, 'Old' chap.! ,...Don't .
falt too. hard...for' Cialidie ToWne'entli.:
'•Sbers probably forgotten': you •"-and
:your jell" s•'
,• ,
Dick .Whalen.f.elt" hotand disgust-..
lie 'said .
• "That ,sb.?: •.Well, well libtdj3r
chei ,Alise. Townsend. Ah, here • We
are: "Will you Wait, a niethent. while "
I:see if •fliere's a wire . '
. , .
Dick, didn't,..kno.w whaflp•trieke, of •[ :
•.Wallace's cominent„ • Was it'Jealousy•
,thet.,had :.pi.iimptecl it? He had .hear42.
of, notaing• between. •:Wallace' .and.
•Well, COUldn't, afford. '
. gnarl CI, Man . Who . was [ of-
fering hint tri:[,dartied good 'job.
• Ile ...fro,-t-h-e-deslertigked'',about.
the' Wire, • and turned U‘Vay
•.•poirited. , . . . •
,, • , , . .
r.neenf'i hile, was thinking..
. . .
that this brisine.s,s nait .be stotined:-:4
Dick • .arid":Clatidia.' thrOWn'Aogetikier
'here Seattle!. _SO -whew or' ether;
ninst'.. be. inter-'•
•• For, the •rest that Afi6.noiflm
Wallace. stucicelOse, to Dick. Then:
heiriSiStedf on taking him to his glob
for; dinner." ' ••• •
Pick accepted. 'Wallace's ,in.vita.;1
tion tO•dirieer,• but 'first . they: Went:
• back to "the .Metropole, Dick's hotel, •
• hi': :Wallace's car.-'•• :
.• Wire h'eq-doree yet for -Whaled....
Wei 'tOld at the -desk. Ha'aekett
. Wallace' to Wait while •:he.',wenup to
• reoM.tochane M.S.:. clothes. • .
Wallace . eat:, ,dewn, :ebrner-.
eh.air -in the big,' 1.epiige.:' . • .
.1., MI. .16oke'd Op' at 'the.,
seund of a .1,-Cride",..cafling.
cint--"Vilhalen:i • , , Wha1en:1:: . ..• •
Telegrainfol MrWhaeP
• Wallare'S. heart leaped.: Dick hed',,
net: yet had time 'to 'get•Iiipto is'h
room, t.:03• they Were Paging, NM
do Ven here! ". •
*Be staredtip:end. held Out his
. . .
han_he_hd', by:• •""..
,• 'and: bpi
handed him the envelope, the .
It had . been eaty I., Wallac.e
• fin;gerert • fire errc•elcipe, re, -reading
the address, "Nr; hichard Whalen".
. Then. „he opened 13t. ;
it was fi.o+nt Claudia. • •
"The •
the 111anhas backedJttckj1
•"D'ii,sdy: you; r.ith have, thpb.e
.1"-let.PreatlY al `Office on.
Aloziciar 'ntoroing. Cheeski.4;
— •
tan• ,
Corre'ct:, Acktl, WeAk
hdh-,.11d1:6vd. riA61 frisM • [8.141..., •
deref di tiol •
' f • '
• 7fie oc..$,t pa id -
tin% :Itifcrienor,, tint,
tue. rqb, i 4 487
gilly, Who Is a Sacceaaful
nes Wciinea
rro Seek Diyeritified
, .
•• ••NUTLEY?,'N..,7. Foia haPPY
lifer 79,Year-R1d Mrs.,. Wilhelinina
Weed adYised Waraen, tOday. to"rn
babies, bealtiess, 'love arid rsports.
•, • ,"Don't7put •AO your vgg4, in one
basket,,' she, seid„, •"ead reznenlb,er-
..the only fermala for feiriinine
a Onstarit seergh fci, `trariety ,
land diversified •
- Tiny,: gray-haired but sPry;, [ Scot-
tirsb-berin WAecl follOWeA
slier. Own formula ,isa ancCessfkir
•bfiSiaese eiecutive.' after year's ,cle-• .
Afotpd, to *aisioi,..g, lotObr .'or•iive
•htiyS,:tinfi one
She was al" ,:^grendrootb'erArirben
she .got ,her first 'joh! Now, a .dYed-
•'in-the-wee]. ' "career -wornan'Y
looks, beck,' on 15 years of daily nine -
1O -five • routine.. Sheris head of the •
. assembly and -inspection dePartment
Holiday In Bed
$ays The . • •
Are..:117.tq.r...mani41., • „Of.
'Whp„ Ddn't Get Ther.
Dr Alfred Cox, general, ...secretary
$er LoeclO4 . ktoOl.0
elation, tees 'not ogeee .witk 14pr 04,
4:4 wstobuttop„ ef" hplidays. .•
• [Speaking at , itiatitute o,
gi.e4e; '54• nielidayS hi Winter,' • lie. •
said. that 'the ,rnan hobatf to &lo ne-
."iVoTiVylig,4r1OkrgAIV:.", to hzitJ .fhp-
longeO't•• oPoil of helidaye. • 'TIM idle•
who nat., ()eve: notliingeto earn
lielitier, ought. either to »e OmPelled-
. to., go,".on *Wing time"' or, perliepe,
' better.- s.tip,., gi-VegC4 Jou.. et really'
bard" work. • •,
epi,t advedated aAglidey,
'`Wroro:' '`o.':too4,•„inany'•theriSairde.
:PPOPle Who OeVeir. get snificient
sleep„ he . Said, .'
pnokide'1::30aPPlanesit fSlight n
lofin;ailin,y founded
;;i! aeea,tihnsUofne,eturShe
,. •
.' started. with the corieei.n. Whert_it.,:er, • .
Washington:=The7deaths Which re '
talteine vacation. , ' . . •
ganiil." in . 32523. and has ii". yet • „salt. from.':earbon rnenoXide. poisoning .'
. .
.in automobiles and hoines, aeronau-
'"I have .my .after,office-hourS ..ae- ties' eiperts, eaid, this Week;,-...ob•-•-_ -.1
7Th -a --It - eserii4. my • 49),374,1t • "°'''' ' Sensitive inStrenients have :b0Plf de- '
, she sai„d_tada ....20,d -,I,[: ., . ±-,,,,,,--.,,
• --a-foY,-neyer,711-.1.. occur ln airplanes':
VelOped • to,witch. the •amount of the .
- •
- • . poisotione gli.3 resulting from ceinbrie-,
Lithium is 'the -: lightest ofall: Hen , in the .erigine • .which "finds its
known metals.' .‘ , ' •waY into Cabin or cockpit,
.-!`All; the:Spices of'Ar44:
.In Amine; ;.'f'•hen'' 4-liran ha' ''eaten
•• another ''nfaas. he. is.," Morally:.
bound, to do ne?!hartn.
• lets .,betiyeeti hest` ..ancigueet.. and it .
1-ri0 bepeCille the Ogees which go ,
into this, -.Arabian Ribbon Cake come
from the Fastandstill' retain.' Spine.
of the Mystic Polyers dt that [land, orjiit
,bece.toiqe. it, a .swell cake wor-.
.thy•Lof approvaren Vat'
We Predict that ermine Who Partakes
'of •your : Arabian Ribbon ,Cake will be
• bound to Pea..bg..Ivii4:'.3'.* •
.Whep., you. take the fragrapt. snices.
pi aby, take' the most .perfeet and.
finely thi1led.ake [flour you cin • !My,
take 'fruits and 'Sugar ririolaSeeS • and
eggs and lilend them togeflier.. You
• ean'tr•help' Mit: turn, 'Mit the. Most de •
and flaverainne spice galio4o.n.
have ,ever -Mede-,,,' Your reputation -will.
.' be too„. and When ',the 'fragrant
aroma of the Orient, :Conies fleeting
Out of youroven, ydai will kno'iv. that
Yon have ',aoinething fit for .a Sheik,
no t :to . Menden year' o*n fainily,per.:'
haps you iney even intrinfur,:"Allah,":
Ee .praisedl"' • • '
."..41:1ABIAN ,Riagor,t CAKE.•
# 'cups siftediCalie Soar, N. teaspoon
.saft;. 1V2 cups sugar, 1;cup nalk,
„teaspoons ...cinriarnon,', „ tpospoot
maee,...14;teasoOon cloves, ,3, teaSpeans
• baking powder, 2-3 Clip hater. or•other
no1ases, teaspoon
nutineg• • • . J ,
Sift flour' once, tneaStire. add bak:••
ilia Powder end -salt; alid Sift'logether •
3 times. , Cream .butter 'tlforenghly;
add. sugar: gradually ,and cream • to-
gether 'limit .1104 and flufty . Add egg
yolki%and beat well. • Add Reny; Alter.
•nately with milk, ti:srnall 'emount at
. a, flt'o, be.rting after eaelf 'addition
s140Otli. Fold in egg' white. Pill
,0110 e,l'etisPd 0 -inch layer Pan ith141
„of TO remaining 'mikture,
• smiled giimly 'as he ford-
: OdQlltelegrain and it hi his
re krico.v Claudia \vOtild,
• bt back, uniii
Vick Whalen" • inmt • be
'‘vell n 1hwi notth, nAt kno:win4*,
iclograrr.' had' one, uni.or
tho int!, that Cla1.1,ria.
kr.Y.tin all triV)tft FAin,, No on'e ever,
»14 kw thaf. ihe telegram had'
n "r".:0 t:".e wrhnd" hands..
add spite's, and-niOlassei gild- blend. •
, . . .
Turri,. lato two greaeeti."9-nich laYer,
.:i140::pake,Jay.e.r.' in, Moderate.,,Oireml,
oltr 7g). -pitutens. Arrange
.White 1ayer between'. spice. AayerS.
$Pread Frnit-Hedley • between
• layers ..and Tart, Leintin• Frosting on
top and sides "of ,cake,
to_ FAQ, Pr' -MEDLEY ,FiLt.,!;491.
, • ,.COMbine , in Sencepen 1 cirpiteaCh
: finely cut raisins end figs,•% cup iine-
kly•cut_dates, 1 Cup water,' .2 table-.
Spoons butter, and' dash- of salt...,floiJ
slowly 6. to 8; Minutes; 'or until thick
• enough to •spread, .stirring constantly..
, •Cep!. ta,blesp,Oon lemon juice:
and.% teaaboon grated lemon rind",
: 1 -Ant LEmpN FRoOriNG
• -H--6reamr7tcgether-1—tekarbon gra
lenion rindand4 tablespoons biker, •
Add 'graduallY,1 Cups: sifted confec-
tieners, sugar, alternately , With
tablespoons lemon julep, beating .thond
oughly. after pact addition. ' Add .dash
' Of, salt.
'One use het Or cold
water Whenpelting a ,Mtistarti
A. Neither bot water nor cold" water
ShOtild .be,nsed... It should -be tePidd
• Q. RoW- gat I Clean. ,bratis. fixtures
that ' are expesed :to: the ,011it1d0 tar
-artil7elementii,, s0 that thy will held
their luster longer? •n" • •
' After Cleaning the brass,.." rub
It with Paraffin, the polish.. • ' ,
How can 1 keep!*, cheese moist
• And free froin Mold for •geveral'.days?
,• A. By wrapping .the cheese, In a•
"doth thoroughly Satnea.ted 'with vine-,
HARNESS ' Allb' ' CdLLAIi$
.learmers Attention—Spring is "nearly
her. COltifilt , your. nearest Harneas '
Sheri about •State• littrtli:,3 SUPPliO8.
Wa sell' Our geedS only throne' your
local StacO:' Leather Coeda. dealer:
• ,The, goods: are right, and'so are our*
prima'. We rnate4icttire in our fae-,
• earieS...4.= tlarrio8p, tior-se •Collars•,
8weat‘ PadS, torsc 1ilanket2, 'and
• Leather Tra>.•;e1:416. Oolids, Insist on .
iitaco• brand 'vie ',:\ rarkof.
andget, "Ot,i;• 'etetiOlfo'Mad3/ .
lbkr • 1 . ' '
Samuel Tico• Crn
O 1-' ri Li ' '
„ ,ti y mute&
• •663 ithitr'St, Weit,• Toronto
'''Wrirr,S ritolt C'ATALOUE
ant• Wheeler Iffy -Kt -
Hig”yle.* w Cost
13c P'••,` fashiOn :queen on a budget!' This jiffy -knit boodle blon.se
with plain :matching Skirt does the trick Boucle diessy and •
expensiVe and the Work:goes fast. Pattern 1428 ormtains detailed' '
directions for' making the blouse shown as well ,as a skirt in: sizes
16-18 and 38-40; illustrations of the blonse and of 611 stitches ,use,,
material, reegirements, : „ • ' •• •
Send 20 cents in coin fcir ,this • pattern te Needlecraft Dept.,
Wilson Publishing. Co' Ltd 73 'West Adelaide St Toronto
• .
• ftWo ForPwposemje Onei-
• or Babis Stild at. YOrk
New Yor4.,-.7-ReSeue of a 70 -yea ...Oldle ILbel :
Wor her 'froiii' "death by g4g:-
,:f,upies.. disclosed laSt 'week the • the;
, mantifeeturer.. Of • ,:catS-o':nine-tat s
the ,WhiPS vitose hiatari..dateS leek'
[tO. the earliest '..nays• of piracy on' tho:'
• high seas-7centinues ,aea small , in-
• dristrY on •New York's '' crowded • low-
er, east ' aide,"! • ..; '•
:Benjamin ,Schwartz, whO, 'except for,.
It [visit . of .a !neighbor woman, would
• have been a Victina: of as from.his
• own *unlighted ,stove, makes the 'WhiPS •
and sells 'Ahem to hawkers, • whO ped-
• die. thent-to Mothers 'and: linsliande of• ,
the. eroWded' tenement seetion. •
• Qriginally a Itunaatiian cobbler;
Sehwartz..'has been making. the. rani.
• tithonged; whips in: "his dingy. shop
• . far 15 :years.; Seemingly 'there' has
beenno, change in methods of child -
wife-.-..diselPline in that period, ••
• beCa!zse :btiabiess is still, as good as
:•• ' .•
• Recommended for babies and little.
children, Schiverts tiaid,. is. the light .
model„, with'. eight • strop, elf' lea.,
ther: bound to woode band1i A•
• Mere: ziopuler •size
-.the'second,'. With
• eatner.,:
' Thethird size"."-- his -daughters. ex.:
• .plainetrit was geneiralliused by hue'
• bands to keenjheir . Wives "in Rae"-
-Was heavier' and stronger-than--jCOsts
The "whipman'. is a familiar. fig-.
In east, side •streets strolling al-
• • •
ong With, a, gross of the cats.o';eine,
taljs 6Ver his • shoulder?`. .c ailing out
to JeWis rliOuseiVivea: . "'Nutt cents,
a con • cltell,” . or cents ,
• ••
lieryiror ,
40,000,000 Speak Chinese; half that
• puinber 'speak FIngtish„'.,140,000.;060
Speak •Ituesiari, 80;000,000 ' Speak
Gierman, and only 50,000;000or so •
speak Italian..
•. , .
:,There'snOthing--- solly nothing- •
, - .. .
to take the place of1
erfect.health as the -
‘foundation cif a .'happy life. ' And no '
• better Way for every one to get it than •
. it� turn to that famous, tonic wine;
•, ' Wincarnis. : , • ,. , '.
Wincarnie is not a drug,,,, 4 is simplY.
: • the purest of fine wind with 'ail the '
, ,Falu,able properties -iit the 2%2' lbs.. of '
varies which go to every'bottle,..com-
:bined wiih. the siVengthenifig elements
. rof beef .and guaranteed vitamin nialt-
• extracts. • . . ,•' • " • ,•• •• ...,
From ,ybuifirst,rylaS0if- Wincatifit Ypir
' will feel new vigour .stealing through '
your Veins. You will Sleep mere ,
•.Soundly,, wake =more ,refreshed.. . In a •
":few days you Will have 'forgotten the •
•. .irritableness. of .year former half-Weli,
• • state...iYou will go through sthe most•, '''-•
• streauene'day at the tOp.of yettr. form.,
Twenty thousand doctor e have recom-
• mended VVincarnisfor nervous dinerder,
.:Pale cornrileKion, debility, and all run.:
. downj conditions. ' Stert, taking—and_
:.orijotjing•Witicaritig-loday, add get
on: the • high -road' :of -health. Your;
druggist '. *idle Wincarriie. --• Sales
• Agents:" Harold. F. Ritchie "8,i-, Co, Ltd.,
Toronto:: -• '. •
. 37
' have -to much trouble With sluggish drains" •
.1,/1.11se LYEAt ciders the clirtfight-our
.4004 nee' t i'itPUre Flake 4e.
regularly k k.k and pitoI1:. keep tOitets
and tank .ittainit Clean and
;rtitutIng freety.:. It '11/4+111 not hartit-:..
• :enamel or Plut#131/41..
unpleasant OdOrkitit
Lya'inakes, light Wei* of
• dozen.spr,hard.Cleatiitig.taskas#
...sayeayott hOttra. of drudgery. ["Kceir
ti tin elfieiatni handl" •'
!stover ,dlitalVe lye tri,trat.„: .
' Water. the-ortion-et th
•S Vitat6f:,
fritt.BOOKLET:'.#-The':01ilettsti'l.,ye booklet tella.ltoW' to 10'86.411k
,peOerful cleanee,rfOr.doiens �f tik Send for:free:0'0;w Slairchttd, ;„-
•11ratidaLtd.,, ttaser-Avk' niidtibefikte, toiontoi -Ott*. • •
'seas Opened
Isousanda, Of Familiesg4t4blish.
ect :1940 '
• MQNTIMAD, Very Sahetantiat'
PI:OgteSs' WAS. Wade It year -in
estahlialithent of colonists, liaCant„
la?la ,$OrvPd - by,the lines of'. the Ok„
• f.Y., 1:1;1• The prospects far .further 417
in cOgnizatiop activities dor-,
titie-lre,3071-t .2 4,
14.:' 010111,
• xation, and 'egricUlture .the
• tienall sx...itcm,;:deCfarPtl" in: a state-,
:.ment pn4liwork ^of .iiis'"de.pailtilient,'
jssued"here•recently. , • .
;The records. of.; , the 'dePartineet
SbOW that d4r,iP0 06'? 3,587. fnin,"
Blear: 'g;.34 familieer, and,
.1'634 [Single men' Were settled: along,'
;Canadian National; lines On 607;996', -
acres: of , These hittilliess,' wept_
'located direetlY by the depar.tarent...
• J a 'Moat •eases• thy..had •,StiffiCient;"-
'caPitai of their.- own to settl:_s'
-pendently • and, Witbeut dssiatap ce
from. any iourcar. , other , than tha,..
•"settletnenst 'Service provided by the
• depa,rtment4. • •• • • • .• P".
In ':co.•;Operatiiin with provincial'
goVernmentsi. grwit • many. ,City
. dwellers, were assisted by. , the_Ae..
,,,•;.'7:pantinent=t-a,--lechter-L --7arrtir'r g is 7
beines for theniselyea.. A .total
of 4436 PeSbris were carried On.,
:Canadian' National lines .t6 new: Cel- •
• oniiatien areas in the..northern parts •
of '9uebee prOvince. This. and. other
'COleniza.tiOn actiVities have reSulted.
• in the development • of .large new
„farining ar.eaS in the province.
[ During' the.,.pait • six • years, Dr.
Black.Peints;ont in this canitecti?,U,
the Peliulatie4 'of_ the Abitibi area _
: been :in'ore. than &alibied, While ,
' ures. f•pi. the 1936 five-year cemnfs
of the • yraiile •Trovinces. skow, an
Most, n.orthly
alnicSt• 17 .per
[. , -;°-4 °
711-1"Tf*nrctit771 es of, the de pa et.
.rnent- Ytporfecl 'a ;total `of. 60.0 r.
iii:es „ tied , on. 121.,,,401 acreS
lind„ These 'POSsesse.d• 8t1G.,,
ficie:nt, funds"enable. therii fe
t,11141sh •then:1$elVes• iYtt.
own. :Thc. departnient last
•• through it f4in,.errOlr.nent.'Servie•e;
. Was, the.'meanS; of Os ta blisbing' R. 181
'.personS. on urn 11 Variolls parts
. Of Ciinada.. . •. In •
• ti gerieral•-waY, ',the 0lt.1.60%; for
• the 't tanner. ••• i,mproved. dtiringfthe•..,
year. Dr. , Dlack• said, and With the, •
• cenfinned imp.roveMe,nt
„farrn:,producte, the); grew'.
, •;of ."1-.41.nrri rooN1,"
•normal conditions.- '
wi1. (kJ .soo: bag•pipeS
in• pawnsliepa?---llIagazine, Digest.'
seno.::„ "See .•hini
',•YrrIotiWsi'n6eg. ' thhee.
'nfent.-.-Brandon, 8u1.1.
'After all, jririty, er rouge, bp.,
stick arid peWeler for tho• ..rea-.,
,son that ::•men ' shave.'
—- Ritlqpe'r
,Becorc/.. .. • . ••••
• as a drawing' ti.,L.coar but don'tget vour ..
deposiits.-,-;--QUebee Chinn-
• idle [Telefy,raPh. •
The ,clf that mine •iniyeetors Tear.,
. • • •
most is that, little: Anil), who 'pleys
:hob ,se often' With the quotatione-7,
"Heinilten .Speetatere.. •'
'YMention of a • 30-Lio.al .week" • has
ttnior Worried: Jfthe keep, sut.,..;.
"Mitch"..Heptitlin "Says.,he. 'n:ot,
:tolerate' "Sit,...do":1Striltes ..in '; On
tario—nor strikes,; apparently, :in'
paty he -,-thO-Theid:'''-'..••
Brockville lBeebrilor end- Times::•
, Premier; Aherhart that.
pthiie .imentally ;ie.' that ' ef . a: 1.1,•
year 01(1 *.ehiltf; . 'Ha te Lnw 1,
year:Olds, ':Who:: Weald "cheese • 41 id,r7
el :to a riecef .coloreci paper.'
Standard Lencrth
For Silk Stockings
:41' 14:t(:13, QtPi:ern1;i91.8c1;121°*.O''1.46: To
. . . .
•pf•61ilehi... of
Making, 4r Stockings ineet:Ifer '''g,ar::" '
: .ters aPPearetl last' weelt to be bee+
• :eq ttoiva.ili, quick ohiivion: ' ' . ..
••• 'Uniting riii Allis' Vexed issue,r, the "
iitiltet1 'States .06ve1'ninent and file •
hosiery trade' 'hive (Iodide& •oll a. etii, •
ken ,leg..Sta.ridartl .f.or firtrire liosrv.
• This .tioearet' 'Mean (Ito Stork:lig.'
ina,iters :iiittql; turned'theeir .baeks 01, •
, . .
the eXtra.sliert and eKtir: ' '',' le.14.'e 1:: '
Wonieri:. 'rho • inoiltieroil
. models Will' continue,' ,• il
• • .
- It (int;`8 fit6i11).„ :11()Wb Vni!, 1.161' t';':.tt'sn '
.th:',1:: '.1i'l.i,Vfl(t7tAti ilL.gi 'it;i1+':gi 6'41.0 i'.4,6"(1)11.11a`-i't,11';;b1:7111:(t. 1 L'I(`..:;-
*PAY a [ell it.tYtt ,k eliielliing, i:'an,-..ing ,ti4 .'
..81)(())(01:ms. , fo, li.oso - thue•..res!intii.11,'„:: * (;..1','":f.t, "
i'lle id'amta'r&I,Ica cliaii'li, st.irt.
tliti'l ativx l'inil.(90.., :lint:. W'All
• ,111q1/141'ry. .Vi:ht(111.160114.4r to' 1
; . .
'.! Stl'Alli p It* P.1.0 Ph Ingo it if (1 ,po rt!' r. [ .'•:• •
[ : ,Thct. [immiti 161'011'4e 30•''llirlio' fir1 •
, ,[11,111).?.[Illoor,flytp,01..011(1pe.,:.1:11,6 11•„,,i,sol•. to• g-,1q,c.r....+:
. ,.
i*.er. C'elit. .9-
ght„,: : ..
44,1 linere'S. Slircli