HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-04-01, Page 1r."71.17-•
0,Oe, PX1.2419
fro •
.4c141,10Wi ONT.; THURSDAY, APRIL lst, 1937
r RL Erekaven.
, • TELEIniONEs ,
:Alike, 5$ W.' Heindence • it
John .•
• •• Radio Service .
171:; WINGHAM;s. ONT.
All 'rubee Checked Free '•
Batteries, •Tubea,• Accessories
• Dr:Wm. Fowler
Office Hours:
Sundaytt1.30-2.00 P.M.
Or \By Appointment
'Phone 864. •
FOR SALE -Ka in piano, . wahnit
case„ •good • tone,guaranteed. :Will
se» for ;60. Apply at 'Sentinel Office.
FOR SALE --Seed Oats. Improved
Banner,: grown from registered seed:
• Illee stem, Spring wheat; dry • .hatd
• body.!‘„svood.;-.T.--Wi-30Pit-
attstd,ay •
.rreis s
s; Donelda Douglas Guest Of
ot At '$howers On 'TueedaY After-
noon And • Evelung,-, Has, Been
:Ortgaidat 1, AHgiIeafl Church For
'1Upwarda To. Si* Yeare
• 1st; Donalda D oug as daughter
•Of 141.: and Mrs. E. T. Douglas, 4,
bride elect:, of S.-a-trrday, was the
guest of limo', at, showers in the
!E's.t.0-01--TI2C,Os aY--afternaan--andLev'enT
Donalda has alvwfiis been .
to. giVe Of 1 her musical talent and
manlier hd a Wide ,circle of friendst
here who, regret .that -she is Jeaving
the' village :tOrtiake her new home 'in
WinghaK• " • '
, A' miacellaneoas shower on, 'rues-
daY.ater000n was held at the Manse
•by a number of young ladies. Of the.
Sewing, „circle • of • the Presbyterian
Cliatch.": The. Hiring roein was suitithlY
decorated and 'froth tia Ornamented
watering can "Poured" -streamers that
led to.. the Various gifts.• "Monopoly"
V 1 a
. .., • '
Beioner. itesident• Still EPOS%
.The Best Dealth, At,Her Koine
_ , ,
Many- friendO this Pentinanitty
again '''.e4end :best' Wishes to Mrs.
Helen -Hiniabn of .Elera and f ormer,
resident 'of .Kinloss, -upon the event
•of ' her ,92n0 birthday: Mrs. litidson
. ,
Continnes to • eniaY good, .health, and
• keen-MemnrY: She attends to house -
held duties and is fend •of needle-
work. •pa site urber advenced years,
bat her greatestinterest is in, he
flower garden, which she- each. season
attends t� and ne doubt will be ea -
••M. Hudson has long been a mem-
ber • ' of the ,•Preohyterian Church and
is n "-charter ,rnember of the Leeitnew.
W.' 14. , •
There a family 'cif three, Marv,
aret,• at home; -Dr:•,,HarrYhIluilson,
Whitby; and George lindson Toronto,
the c.onehision of a , P eas
t'OR S.XLFe*--A-few geed GradeT ,afternifen,.. : • ' • ."
Shortherr., Cepa. and Jiiferscoiingju_tti orange,,,wa.
AprilAioPlrfirT7A-.'_,Hth-tr-nex" menihers of, the Congregation Of St.
•-•• 'R 7,'LiicknoW. Church gathered to heifer
Donalda, .who has, been their faithful
organist for upwards to• six 'years..
Ane address was read Miss Doug-
-las by : the -rector, Rev.,' ,Ge9g.'
.FOE :SALE QuantitY of Ited
Clover Seed; tonne grown. $16.00 per
bushel, cash, Apply to ' D. Ander-
son, R. 1, Lucknow, •
FOR • SALE OR RENT -.9-rooni
house, acre of ground,, hard and.
•• %oft .water, situation private.. .A-pply
14 Sentinel Office,
SALE -750, acre .farfn, With
iend brick bowie, bank barn and
gontiTiater . on S." -gt. Let • 31,': den.. 1'
Huron Tvvn. 'Apply at Sentinel Office
- ,
•BARLKY, F.Cp, .sAlx 4 Quantity
of lib -barb Seed Ernest
• Ackert, 41o1yroadi: 'Phone .1017r-13,
' • '
AUCTION • S•Atat of farm steck
and imPlentents • Lot,: 1.6, Cop...2;
hegan, •after W.hich ;Mrs, Hassid and
. •
Miss Lillian Mitchell made the pre-
, , .
sentation.' of -a ehimes. clock and ,six
crystal goblets. Donalda Made afit-
ing reply t'liarilting the congregation.
for, their kindness and - thoughtful -
Card, playing; a short,program and
• . •
the •serving of refreshrneati, :added
to, making the evening a very 'enjoy-'
able one, except fer the fact that :it
meant the Severing of Very pleasant
' •
• The address, to Which many names
were--Affixed;--wits7a-Siffollowat •
Miss,Diialda Douglas.
Dear 'Donalda: •
Vire, the membera o.f $t. "Peter's
Huron' Towaship,: on Friday, April .Chtirelf;' having heard ,of.Yout resig-
• •
ptli-.01,iVer-,-Wilsonn--PrOp:;-.--.--W-ell-...2 -nation-AS-,oranist-of-7ourchurch-andi-
Henderien Aue ' ' ' ' also. that :yeti. intend to •leave the
State:- of, Single:. blessedness and. pater
..,Ail,CTION -gAtt of 26 work hors- inte.':"doilble •bliss" have. gathered.:
, est' all-Olitario:•,-bred,-;at4cOnv*West Aliik7evenitio-to-sh,iawn-tangible
• , , , . . .,
, .
way •onr. .appr.eciatieni•. f , your serv.r
: Iiill on Tuesday, - Akil 6th..See hills ices and our affection for You..
Albert 'E. Johnstori, Prop.; 'Matt Oak, ri
' * Is now almost : 'six year ainee
tori: Aug- .. ' :... yon' dune, to . uS as. Or organist and
, . . ,
. , in that time have proved yourself • to
, CLEARING' A,I.lcTION, ., 'SALE •'be a sincere 'friend ,of our church as
.of -tiousehold-",effgctir-:in4Hirtnilitnent,61' "Welt ii....6::."eapahle musician; We:-h"aVe-
the Estate Of the late •Eliaitheth'Ter-. made ManYealla Utien year ,tiine.an4
:--ranee; one . Mile 'teat" of ; LualtneW on lents in Many. 'WAYS. and .you have
.4.i . ig, .G,0,0t, AdMiniStrater; • Well ,now . We .have ::Neuliielin.tgi:e.02%ultiscreir...tyikoliu.t
..- Fiid,aY,,, April 2nd..., Terrni,i_:Caah.,: a aya. l',eow,,_:so
;Headirfien, AO: , ,": 'ours and , airs .only'itad 's had :fondly
• hoped thatthe'pleitainit-reiationship-
• Wawanosh, 2 Inas east 'ckf Glen's
'FARM' FOR 84LE ng between ,recter,,,eheir, con -
100 acre Farm of Gond clay Loam,: 'e•-regation and yourself wouldeon-
24 mile from school, 8% 'Mile*, froin-tinutAndefinitelk-,lont wes find that
. fa*t ill drained, quantity.
• of, Bask. ,Geod junk Hera; .Fiame
...Monde in fairly good coalition. Bar-
gain for. tinick A.ppli• Mrs.
Anglia MeIntbs.h, Ripley. ••
another has ktild- claim not only • to
your: tune andtalent but also to
your heart), with a resultant, sever-
ing of.., our, ways. While regretting
yourleaving us, Yet ive•rejoke
yon ,in. your , happiness 'and wish you..
TENDERS WANTED• the very :liapPiest and most prosper -
Sealed tenders, Will he received- bY c't's :life' in the years te.'eoale• In do"
. „ ,
the Undersigned until' 2 o'clock . '. sa We ask• you to, aecetit. theso.
Tuesday, April liotti,, . for , troctini gifts not for their value, lout as a
slight'tokeis Of the. esteem, in whicb.
gravel. per yard mile as registered ,
by approved speedometers A marked Yen are held bY usi and with the hope
chow for, 3,50 must, accompany each that as the days'dawn and close they
.tender. ' • will rernind you of Your, friends d
the 'Congregation �f St Peter's
' Lowest, 'ork• any . ten et., not..neces
sarily AcceptedChurch whose :hope and , prayer ia,
- . . • .
' J. c. PllitliOl•I, that Gods, blessing will rest upon you
RoadrSurt. ler West Wawarrosh, and Yours
,. . Latkaaw p. Q. ' On behalf of the Congregation . f
•St, Pe,teChurelt.'•
.I. H,. Geoghegan,', Eactor.
, So general has been the 'flu • epl-
demic;, at --at times in the, coininutr-
ity' its ha i been niftiestimpossible to
get either a• practical or a trained'
VelOping, And ,invariably the 'patient'
is slaw in recovering from the Weak-
eneds condition that theillness leales.
Few beinee: *re escaping, and Prior
to the holidays, ethool . attendances
were hard . hit • by the. nialady. NUm-
erous airmail* • .(thaugh not so' at
time): incidents are c related of make
shift efforts to carry on in 'Various
homes and. businesses,- its one after,
•another Would finally, have to g bre in
and beforced tO bed by thes'ilty War-
mer ;weather it is ' hoped; will check
036 trouble.
• Dittice 'in the Parainount ;kali 'on
04,0$4./..april.9th, Music by }Ingest's
6-piesircheatra.AdmiSsiori:' tents
•25efoMiei '16c r(i1•4 inCluded).
. ,
• there Will be e dariCe
1.1411, Lbeknow; on Friday,' 'April Odle.
' nndei,,laucknov,r elah'auspices.
General adrnission 25b incInding taX.
loving memory of oar
dear Father, italPh.NiXott Who lioss-
v'ed :away. Aril kith, 1936.- - -
• . ,
• ' sad *ferneries',
Of .4 lOve,4 0114 gene to rest,
Will always be reniembered,
• By the ones who loVed him best.
• • '8adly Miased.by Dantliters anOci
• 40.10i.4-... teachers And, students'
Spending •a part or all ser the Easter
vacation at their honi liere, we
learn felloWing:, Myrtle 'Web:
Ottawa.; Flora ,AridreW and
Alnia Alton, Londori.- Isabel :15•Oliglas
and- 'Jean MeMitlati, Stratford An- '
die* klionipeon; 'BOWnitinVille;. Vera
Sherri ; liOrehester; 'Mary Deitigias,
Kitchener; ,..Enaiee Newton, TeteritiPt
MYra MaeDonald,, Wiiighain; tath
rine Ma tie Te.eSwater; 10rden
.3Ohristeri,: 'SeVerii Midge; • • .1feleh
HatinVer; -Matta Mitehell,"
lisieWel; Motet Mactioukall;"rees,
watert Edwni pith, Lt�weij'Harry
Whiteeliiirth;;BeSsie, Cainectirin,' C:bit•
'it 'Ada 'Webater. '
. ,
- • .
• The chap :Who prefers t� hand over
what he has,to the bootlegger for:a
Wet night,..rather than gave it • Up
community to .provide the umbrella
when the rain conies.: - Shelburne
Free Press. '• " .
• David Willianki;:eillabr of the dolt:
irigwood EnterpriseTBullethr,' in an
address before the ...Ontario' Agricul-
-Societies, recenunrided that
an exhibit of pioneer implements and
furniture be feettited ttt local fairs. •
Ages Of Family, Of
EightTotal 580 Years
Mrs. • David , -Ferrier Of _ Luclino* Is
•,?Illemb,er` Of Unbroken), Family.
Circle Of Eight Brothers And
Mile. Radius And • Whose Ages
. Average 'Almost 73 Years .
f,An unbroke# farnify 'circle of eight
brothers and 'Sisters, who'. reside
within a twenty-five Mile radius. and
Whose. conibined ages total 590years
may create sbmething, of a reeord,
in-theSe parts and in an event. the
facts are noteWorthy, interesting and
' .
Tinkely, Subjects TO Be Sho And
Dfoiussecl, : At:: Free 3I4ting In,
7e'wn Tuesday-Pura,F'
Otibi! Co Operating With •,.• Local
Otter As Trek .flegini
•,, • ,.. ,
Is Ty,,,o sWeekson',. His Way' lite
'•Thei,NPfthlead .WEderrietis, By 'Dog
• ,Team-4-fraielling C,.oriditiona ' May
• -..,Furte 'fhenC•Te• ,TUrn Beek-
: ' ' ': , ' •,-4-i•-.7- .. ; ' 'e'4°.
•. • Cut. -off.: from tommunicatice - with
' An ••illas.trated lecture :uf lixiipoi• .ci,„wititiazi, rinliy Noe/Imes , and a
iatereat to rural and Vfilage folk will•
mining engineer ' from Edrnontion,.
' ' Ili T
be given free.of c -large ins . e . own 'daily widen the, gap, as' theypenetrate
• Hall, next Tuesdair evening at eight
,u,clock. . ,., . . „ ...letbpetr-.hei initod,etithiena,tukUn_erPprlart'onyertt•
' Two 'sets, of •slidea-- haVe---heere-pe•
North. Pele. • ,
'cured, dealing with "The T,'erennial.
: A. farewell letter received last week
Border" •aid r"Field -Crep ExperiL
. : 'ierimenfrorP: ChliTehill• by PirdnY'S ,family
Inents at the Central Exptal, •in 'Lucknow wa_s date Mach 'four-
Fap__!,!..ii,_,4:anse-1-•-..aterresting--s; 1.idesvill-
teerith:7It "Stated- that thikv-Iiiitild push
be accompaniedby educational ec-
-tures' that will ,be both prostabje arid elit'lfrela Churchill the. heict....nay; ef.,
ter a .two Weeks' stay there awaiting.
enjoyable Other. entertainment
..vtilI ' 1the
. arrival of an Eskimo and dog
!lso3eirovietealn with which they attempt the
,• Ts.,eening,i,arrageay.the"ineiLuec"*.tortieultaal:$°*tY'wark-TeCourse
is northward ' alchi
ing in conjunction with 'rural clubs ..,
Hudson, Bay, :nait,'-Chesterfiehtt . and
mu.nitY,. Tha..,advantages and benefits
, „ : . , , „ .
Repulse Bay into MelviiVeninsula
and W'omen'a .Institutes in ,the Coni-.
0 the peak of 'which t 'will cross,
of the Society•te farmers, fruit grow- Fury and Hecla Straits into, Baffin
ere and flawer leVers, will - be einplilt-
filand.. Pursuing .their course die
sized; as well as the activities planned • nortlf--across-the-island tbeir--destina--'.
TF'the coming.season, among 'which
bon is Arctic .11ai on , Pond's Inlet
tree, planting '.will, he ' featured, to:
libserVe and commemorate Ceronation,--I • • •
. . • .
Pays ,''• UornPaPY's • abiP : „"Nmenie". .,,,,,, s.,..,, „ ,,,,_
abontlire-iinare71)i'r M'ii September .' ."1-4.Feit'1941110.P.4e'seci inte"Ine
zto end a Winter' that ' has • been re-
markably' .raild, with • almost a corn-.
,plete, absence' of snow �f ani conse
quence since the beginning of •the ,neW
:srear:7=The -freacheraus • month
Match was lealced upon dubiously as
likely, to bring': almost any kind of
. .
Menibers of,,th fainily 'of the late
'Mr, and ..Illr_S:..Therratia Lott,. foinierly
of „St: Helens and Brussels, are..3frs.
Win: • Miller' (Leuisa);..Ors..'CharleS
N.' MeKeY (Ida)ciand tlisS' Mary Lett
all �f Brussels; ,' • Mis.• ,R. PatMer.
.Ferrier ..(Addie), Luckno 4e�rge
arid' Levi Lett �f Whighati and; VVOr
ter Lott of tear ,Whitiiehnicli.',Theil•
Cornbined ages tetel,58,6,yeais „or -an
average 0/1108t la, years.' :They rc-•
;Side all 'within a rading of -26 Miles
and. death% is yet e 'stranger to. this
,circle • Of .five 'Sietersand three bre-
thers,...., •
• Their ;father; Thernas Lett,"
'bern. In Devonshire, • England•and
came,to Canada With . h1 -.rents at
,the :age of nine;'Their motheiVforrii,:
erlY Fanny. Board, Was'hOrn -in SJ
nierseti,Englan.d, and *:.canie 'to: Canada
at the age of SeVeniin 'each Case Ohl
Atlantic • eressitig ..•reettiire4, • eight'
;weeks,. ildthfaniilie 0t,i1ed at Dart.,
itigton,'Oitt, *filet* Mr...,and.Mte.,,tott,
Were married in.,1S54 and thirty,V.0'
years., later ..tubVed to' •St. •11.014,risk
-where, Mr.,,.,Lott. engag,14.,,in the 'ash
bushiesi tor a number of 'years, elo
1.066: they itoveci. , Offie4eli wbee
theyresided until , their . deaths:: ,
totgevityi whieh is. A trait .of theh
fantillY, WA'S tiljtlYed by the paretts.
M. Lott AIM in MS il4th year and
his Wife -passed alvay ,in her 88th
or. I.:1041th
,of 1ea1tb
• . •
W. P.* .Ftilo SPECIALS
" •
'PHONE. 36•
Another Old Calendar
Recalls March Of 1
Regular 'Train Service Disrupted For
• 21.;Days-Entire, 8 Mils From
' Here TO Ripley Was • 'Series Of
-Tunnels Front' night To Twelve -
Feet Deep -Three Engines,' Snow-
plow, And 200 Shovellers Worked
'Year. •• '• ‘'•-• .• .
• .
svOcEse' BAIL.
Wilt:. 3.- Fisher's sale last
Tharsday; attracted i monster crowd:
.111'Pite of a Chilly day: It -was
afternoon's work' t� • dispose ,•91, the
entire 'list ,of honeehold -effegis;. feria'
Stock, :implements and.grain: Bidding
Was brisk and."prices were generally
• geed . netting the :proprietor a con-
siderable 'itinount mere than he had
previestisly, estimated,•:.,,
Mr ,Fisher bought the korMer
dence of the 'late Mrs. James Boyle;
:and:after considerable reneVating, he
*ill retire Lucknow, where he, and;
his daughter,Arietta,. Will make their
• heme. ,Mr. Fisher his rented /0'hiS
farin to Mr..; jackfMatfirtan: •
Clinton; .hasAnst. ,coinpteted anun••7•
usual tombstone, which Will be paced
• in Clinton . ;cemetery to .rnark the -
grave OrInrIP:mg, ClaiiFs7C1Xu1id,tr.'
man, who died 'there eerlY in .Feb-
-Teary; Tag Hong • was in the laundry'
business Lucknow for the' pastfew:
years, •.
' 'With the .e.ot eptien: of the .Words,
'Hong log, .1937" the 'lettering 'on
the-StOrie'ia in:Chinese, telling the
district, ia 'China: from .which, he • game
and •the. date of his birth: and death.
It ia.,tiiitornary, for -•the rerilainsje"
rest ia the -'place c4 interment . frani
three t� seven Years, to be then re-
-braved: anti--::shiPpad---tO!. China for
'final burial. , The. ;sforie.,•:hoWeveri--WAI
• remain ':on the. grave' 'in '
Mrs Duncan • MacLennan4 today
(Thursday) .: holding an, auction •sale
Of feral Stock and irapIenients at her
farM' on the 1110:Water,' HighWay„
south Of 'Arrib,eiley, Mrs., .1eLeariali
who has spent the winter in Tore'nto
returnedto her hoine, a ,Shert. tiMe
ago,. aecompariied by her slater.. Her
,son,' Malcolm, 'principal ;of Barrie
publie.;gehool-, bas-',Sp.ent , the holidays
• on :the fanm ,PreParing for..,the . sale.
-•Mrsr-Mt-temitit-iPiani tiirs'ettirn. to
Toronto and has; rented the farm te,
her brother7in-law,Aff.-.kenneth Me-
Lennan. ,
The Easter' ,MezidaY tight danee,
tinder Pire Company .auspices, with
,proceeds for •the arena, 'will ,stink the
fluid -off with an amount upWardi'to
$30.06. .01 -AY a few village residents
and EaSter visitors !Were present,. .re-'
;milting in a sandier crowd; than,
blight• be expected 'With .orie outsider
te marking that he was surprised.
"the plate was not jai -tinted- to the
•dbora". Ilogaa's orchestra furnished
Music. .
• Shie,af, the great difficulties of the -
trip is supplying dog • food; ' Finlay,
states, and owing to Uncertain
eon'ditienAr and .the length of the,
trip, he 'Pointed out they might, have
to turn back 'at iytizne.
"I hope to ,13e back ilext :fall, and
%Ali lea , forward's. to Seeing ion, all: :Wether;i but ,for ; the Moat Part the
ther Old calendar in the ' ossesaio -• ' ' •
letter •con. -ele eats behaved in flee .stylec, .,
again," was the i•tvay his'
Not • so in March' 'of 1004; ,-; as ...tine- Speed Limit '50 'Mika
eluded b*C-this veteran:- 'of the
, u
Northlands . fully knows . the' dangers , ...,,, .„. • • , • P 9 The Ontario 1,,egislature has Mum,
and hardships. that lie abead of there ioaf; Mrre'orvv4; ;1:411:kijit4ler'. olst.'w,rehllat.4ms 0.°4fIlt:;:::' iiiinjoeuhsivlyay-nc.lAopctted',en amendineat to the
and in a. previous. titter' he remarked'
tiiirty•three years age, saw 'train ser- increasing. the speed
"witb. geed, luck we should •inake'.it."
_.. for ' three ' weeks hoar. ,In eities,'-towria,: :arid 'villages
limit front') .35 miles to 50 miles' an '
:friAennddsti.iont ..QL4u1Yekn!tioswi•aTviilirwitsti'l.m.hitTliplY" vice clis'TuPted
te, that, pp to: that
lo Miles an hour will be :the »Olt:.
The neW laW 'Will beceine' elier,,t4--
straight, as the final blast of a win -
lack , and .:CTodspeed onIds: trek' of
act, municipalitieshave no
more than a: thousand; miles: over
'...''... •• the ' new ' ,
coldest, longest and with, the. heaviest tiVe the, latter, part of .May, Under
traekless snow and frozen lakes thrii snowfall ever,, rera,erPhereflt.
. , , . eagerness await the
'.r.bi'.3i.:_:04 ,.._..a_ .
riorthlarnt -*odds- and ingged roCk.;:: rof 19 endedL3y4kpower,-tO-i'•iediiee-'-the-,•-31)30-mile --liiiiir
and will with :
electrical storm followed .by a hliz,. within their. boundaries, , it has", been .
Pall ,arid.'%,trst Word . that will telt zard that had the 'railroad,' blocked .
pointed out,
whether ornot these twoundaunted • ' ... •,, ;
; Solid,' the first day of March, and it
. . .• . •
. :
explOrers have succeeded in comPlet-' was not , until the twenty -first -,that
iii owed, 1.y. , man. _ _, , . at. regr,acilrar,p. r-titrettiitaleiyhettiolefiet .iwte_erieoteteau,tiniaye di
ing an erPeditiOn, never before. .
of the..niontb; the . road was blocked
filir!si„td„.r042(;11,,,,siotf.:,.ivth4e8.,-inthoen' tili3.•tst -was-received
by train, Those who remember- the
tie-up,- 'tell of: grOeery, store stiPplie
running low' with a' 'coniplete 'Sell-
. . • out Of some "commodities 'during:, the
isolation • periods...
Poke Ad to. ust By the middle ,of ,the month, stren- g
neaseiforts-L-vvere--.-.13eing.."- made-.... to 7
clear' the .,STIOW : and ice . bound right-
of-way. 'Per • abOut a week,' three en-
gines,. a ...sneWpiove " ant_ a : -karlg„ • , of
2 •abovellers , battled' to ',open the
oad from LuCkneii to Ripley, .aeconi-
plisning the tatit: on ' March 16th...". :
• This.. eight . Mile stitch waS a ser-
ieof .tunnels'' ,froM, eight, •to • twelve
'has installed a new'
•-Permanent Wave Machine
and Will have a
Specializing in Permanent
As an introductarxeiter we are
featuring our "regular '
• $300 oil permanent fer $3.50
37.50 waves for $5.00 .'.
Croq. Spiral Waves
Combination Waves
"Phone •19 for "Appointment •
Found:Radiator 'Cap •
-The fradiatnreap;, °tie at -two -cape
taken frOm Decker's ear 'at the rink:
recently, wee found hi the open ditch
neath „Monday: •
ritr. 'Christens. MacDonald of Tint-.
on, ,Township, recently announced the
, „
1.-Cetgrtg:ininee:111O ivihr7r1$.1.' deatiungohtoere'se.jhesslet'''
Zurick. The'Marriage took Wed:
;elsadoanY,iiTeiihedbrrs.oidne•. s „a sister gr:s•
Slot- Machines In Bruce
Provincial- .0fficer-MCClevia; On Ito
atructions From His • Department;
Starts, Drive To Rid District Of
Slot Machine, •
ProVincial 'Constable McClevia o
. . .. , . . • , -
, feet deep- To 'clear .out these „frozen
_Walkeitorr,ha&takea steps terid,'-thia-b-rocs,apiii-,,-1: 21 -
ow v11,6, had to be relayed
'd.istrici,,Ot lot 'machines: 4f, er 'being to ,,a, gang . midway, up e.,an ,
from' there ,lioia'tied:t'ot,tlili..ebt'fopk,' 'atl.li.44
in •Ouid:h With his; DePartraerit,. ...the:.
,tioledr;lsd:T.tiiiiivien.sg-etital states ,le.. h11.it.wit 'sh..iovelled . back by the gang" tielti . top",
' ' . l slot machine' , : .4.1.t.' Nicholsen*a ,cilt.the 'tunnel Was
ers .and 9peraters.";,,.tvykrity,-..fon,ri. hEo3,1it,
a At
Of ' a 'Mile:long 'and it• little
to close up Or 'dispose ,-0f al further Wei. aluither one extending
outfits. '• . . . . ,,
adjacent ; parts in Briied,, Will he sale , lighti.....i'4at..:a.rite,thieliii:,:i..11, to):: .iitel:seii.soeif,del::.• thtaig,teh::
ie.:id r,tehitie.weiltih,e,tAntyweiloctlorilseiidchuitpe.,fr:iiandy4. itwil:scir
' Three of .*Walkertot's five . _ , , ,
Were'renloYed'by. the owner last week ment Viat "there never • Nifie such a
operating • hereafter .- hi...Walkerton or ,
rieet to :aeriA:seation andth; OWnerorFor ye know thd 4lrace ef our l,'biti.ds
0,CCUPAn't or the premises 'be liable to ',",,l'esiil'...'f . oug ,- a vi
''.1i stiff iiiie; the,aiticie:pbinted but. ' -.rich, Yet: ter' our Sakes • Ile ' hecanie
poor, that ye through -His' poverty
.•The IneVe to rid. the district. of the
deoeuVre-,rte.S-.c,wtea,S:wpiiree,firati4ted.."ilojioyrivnay,*:', r-ee.ent •In,..,,isg, ht be tietk.*".-'i Piti g• 0'.
- • • i. iik 1 ,. youth tlNbAYi ;A.P.Itili 467-4.:60 t•M•
was oliorged .wip., . ine.nufatttring 'yraoge Hall,: Until. ;ftlith,e,t . notice,
. ,
counterfeit Coins to play the • triechino • Sunday evening irrieetings.'Will beheld
with: MagiStrate: Wsilker•i• intiMited at 1,P•m, : ', • • . • ' • ;
,then, ,that the eoinmunity',woUld be - "i3i,BLE',,"•; P.,:111_ti:V-‘,.,e_vz_etir;._.,..W,...edntatil,La,,,,i"
Well kid.. of theta, Cithei: CoMplainta ''T'ennigi 1*.iiti 'Pan. "Plno '°i ' °Its' ,rnll'.
. ,..
had' been recelyed by 'Walkerton 'pth; .111'0''..'.:. ' ' ', • '..' ' . . ' .
lice ,. tbit.: boys Were Stealing. money . ,YOT„iNd ;PEciPtiO night, ,:eery
tcoastitirlinthsbeii' nItiltsPiliWrieel'etifi.:(1Utailindae.rfieng ;Piga" -1.26 P.'ai. 61111" Hall
.tiheit earribags en the devices' . that
'their faiijilieS.Ceilld ill *are, '
.. ,
School Students
. •
resent taster Concert
Interesting Program &Chided Two
. Short Plays -Presented Thursday .
. Nigh( As '.School 'Closed
, School.closed ';tbe Easter • holi;
16; i°t:teYr: na(if'sactivities.1,1eRi*hbhyb- School concluded
an interesting 'Concert In the 'ToMii
'Hall that, eirening.• While • the atten-‘:
dance was fair; It dropped': bele* the
capacity', audience that greeted ' the:
students" •ChtiStmas,s entertainment:, " .
. The program:Opened. .With, 't,iii‘,eg.• •
choruses by. the Cleo Chib.With Frank.
MaKenzie at the :piano;.MarY McKim,
vicelresidentoif the:society presided. .
andgave the '•opening addtess; and
later, elite a brief introduction of
CIO of ,,tWei short.. plays:" The.. Sem-.
tarY'S arift-trelOuter's: .rePerts Were
read " by Harold. Thompson And Bab.,
MacIstenZie 'respectively,- There :was a
chortle by the bokeof the :dlee. Club,
With ,Fred' Wainwright'. taking a' solo
and'. iate'rMettetriedreil:loVregde-
tailedt. of 'h
trip to Ottawa', Other .tunribers Were '
Solo, by Margaret Ie iamo-
StrUmetitril • by "Frank IVIaeltenzie, ind •
Rexford 'Osttelider;' a dance ar0.
jong-by Jean Culbert, Ina Catupbeil;
meeKentie, Maiia Med:••
Lane, Mary' McConnell, "
Ethel MCICenzie and Violet.Rtchue
SPECIAL ,,,EAstka '84Cci1cts i,f1 this •litithbot, :Porn Alton sang a .
: sato; a vOttil diiet by Prank Neaten-
Appli.Op'riate;.,SerV* reda. ''s'Ongiand tie: and •deorge. Joynt wuth Iftithieen
AliOUT TOE ARENA•.`Weatehip "Marked taster,. bay, io acconinimist. and a Plano
;16eat: thurelies 'on, Sunday1 In the iistruthentai by 'Jean Porater. ' ' •
,• There 'tali:tee 'to rellert eenCeriting .Presbyterian Churbw 'Mita 'Mary The east of "Three Thlis ii a
the Arenaat present, its definite Word :Douglas .V4'. gOest ,soloist„ at, both tle" iriClnded
liebtr,oititea TorSnto, 'cori. services; Maerionaht, •John IC
Extend Mali .itoute. , t,etnieg littoyhicial assistance ilt ,the at : the Morhino :,servlee. : MaCkentier'.AUSs 'IVradboiiald,: Harold'
L..,the 'first ed by 11,ilVVbelter, hey t691c thereadThe CaStof the etofid layi
. .' i..„ ' •, 'W.. • ' sP. Pth
't6iPoOttlig (Thursday an ahdcrtaldat* ..Upder ,the • conthonity, The eht.fie', tfuited., ehureh ophoh,lpoti- 4.114 oeue,m4ep„eitie
„ Sa . , . •,lwh . There- 'kVere•SPeciet taater 'mcsSti4. Rexford Ostrander, Het& Ma,
Other affni is added,..te:,ruriii•route No.. Halle. Aet:. Members of :the local Con.: tresented' the COntrita "The Prilie At the two latter 'players taking solO.
ot • Which 'Robert. DoUglas mittee were tetteretteLyitli. Lite .M the toorningiservico,assist..mol ',dance, 'parts
-cat:U.164 ThemSinnextends ddWn•the Charles tobertsolf„ Vi
; • ; •
servine.. .Albeit denude, and of the .Week, 'IS taking the *otter. ;fief ditif of the' PreSentatierte try,sting 1,laeeo, Was lebsie itender
litibaftIltanandthen theroute tpitDePartitleilt and
.iteublea ;baeli,aetOSS 410atilbiOti!S ,le,bOtpected ;Word. :.fit 'this regard et' AC. Peterca, thareh, WIth, Uoiy, boOl0; ,doraok 4.eati. Straits •MgattOt „„
road" to the boundary, as torinerl. 0. 0 kil.,(.44 ittNireleEililPICnried-Tiretee,,
. • •