HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-25, Page 8.4• PEACH JAm, .S2 • Apricot 32 oz. Orange Marmalade, 32 oz:" 25c Large Pkg.. Rinso and Birleh-Rastile, 4 bars .16c. Peas, 'Corn, Tomatoes, 2 ..250 Clark's "Veg.; or. Ta,' - Soul): FRESH BRUITS AND VEGETABLES Far( THE • EASTER ' WEEK -END: ompson t* Towlc-gieWir vigor' to -7for backache, sick hiad. ' aches and menooral weak= Brain arctNeree•Pills 'White 'Leghorits 'Barred- Rocks : 9c • White," Leghorn Cockerels .. 2c. Rocks & Red Cockerels 5c ' Week Old Add Two Cents; Two -Weeks Old -Add Five.Cents • To Abeve Prices Every Chick Is Prom Blood - Tested Stock. Hatches Every rite Phone .or 'Call NCAW KENNEDY 'Phone 38, Windham, Ont. Second: Gr91;P-SOCial :trio. of social eirening; last ,Wedriest dar...eVetling, 'when. an'",iiiteresting St "Mr, .A, W.. Ratailten PreOded Over the meeting.. th4t 'opened ,- with' 'the Natieltal Anthem' Mid the ihvoCation i'llgiceS 111!4 the 9Pening,. number., Pt:. I. and Ituth.,,Win.teratein.• -Jane -Alton-. gave a- reading, . and ^ the Readerson '0 Toole at' the_ 'telephone"' vas an Mg. TO 'See'. -Deris* and, Jean: 'Taylor kiss Belle. Relierteon, Elden. Hender- don Johnston; gr. GranellicDiarmid,' by eight ' tris)r "lassies,. Jean iind Mark' Oae • Residents of the, township of Ash- ' inerning, '144.thr, or the- passing "of Mrs, David ;Af,41VIeWhilliter, Who on. ,Sattirdar, alld although Pat ill good !health for alneast, a, Year, Yet was not forced. te give...UP het h91109. - hold ',duties nntil the laSk. „' kvie Mat- drea Mrs Bern in fr. WaWanO4110; aetat Olyrieehii'lier brother Mr Win 'i*ige thirty-three YOars.140.. She of the late Robt 'Hasty ;Earl.,•13.1ake (Mildred) clinton;., ler fonr sisters, 'Mrs. jno. Blake; 'Mrs. -one' brother, Mr..Win. Hasty and ,iter mOther mourn the loss 'of 'their loved one, Many expressions of • sympathy froin, neighbors and .frierids were ex - ten ed to those bereaved 111; and.:n Willing, worker. in all branches of 'work '*hich' tended to lac - by arid rne an - aryl and Bohllaaecicelye:b:y.,g.men.etsIsyi.s.c.arfoihedn, Ileh;:rs;_realairks..7,g, • on'PtisbtY! ___Alat'Fb,5tb,`At the Ontario Street Vatted. Ittll'Oh Parspnage, _qf .9ggerich and Charles. Alexander 'Phrhin of 'Wawaht0h, were, Milted. The bride la the .daughter of ham. and 'Georgina McClure and the droem 'is the. sell of. John and; Nerd.: bride and Mr. .Kenneth Elliott sin), ported the "gni* Phlzed, temPerance._vmrkers.. in port 41glit. Slade is.ad• to .a .vete, being tak., en; ' to' prevent the' licensing of beer ',parlors, toWn, When their lidense expires' next year..Rev: Cowan,' head. Of -the arganizaticin • in. formed a. recent meeting„. that goy, eminent figures showed port Elgin 'hetels had 'perchased:.$1:4,000 worth Of. beer.. froin „their., locaLwarehense ed Was; Sold AO'. ceris.uniera at .aPProx- help and oplift mankind. : ed around "her and 'were carried' Richard, McWhinney,' Retold jack, Collinsen and Aldon'aed Lo her: Paster; Rev; Thrner 'of Dung non, dhring which, Sohn -Men end old Rugged: Gros's!' BECOMES 'CA N' OCTOGEN4RIAN 'Eighty. eaadles; on his 'cake,' With , bur bratherS•preSent, 'as well; as - ;an friend. T, McLean; whe propbsed a: toast ! tb him,. Were , fee, known...resident, 'joined the ranks 'Of the petodenariaris. Mr., Currie was' last , Corninissionei. hefere the advent. of, Werdens and County Centel's, ,Ife.reealled election; .dayS .1. that Were `!"wild •affairs'! arid the, babies and. buy, drinks*. ler •'the FRILIT_GROWERS HELD ANNITSA ...MEETING of"'Veluable property in' the Teitnahip A,Tnder and by virtue' of the. poWers , of sale contained, 'O,O.I"tain IIRS: WILLIAM STANLEY March" 1.0th,' with Rev,' Levi IluSse4 of, the; United: .chiirch Cohrity.•Later in life she tee4 P, reeidence on the 12tk, Concession She beeline a Staunch..." member • • Of William' Stanley,. .:'whO ..predieee,eed 04', that the 'finnilk 'took, hp, dence in :Kincardine. ' tuilerni: *MI 'the A. of' Vermilion bait...and Mrs. C.• Stothera cton:-A'Son ,Tames is deceased. re lo 'time of sale ere Will be effered for eal:e .bY piiblie auction at .the ()they Of JosePh- Lack/law; Ori Wed. singtilar 'that certainil.Pareel or tract :Ok land and Preniised Situate; lying, fiftk , acres of land More 'or-lesi, ip the Second. Itande-. north of . the : This., prOperty 41 approximately ong 'Toile north`, ProVincial. High: lige. 'The farin is' watered bk .a erninent diteh running through' the proPerty. About .35 acres ef the land 'is tillable and approximately '30 Acres. has • 'been fall plowed. TERMS. OF. SALE: 'Ten per cent; ef , the' purchase money, on' the day of sale and the balanee within thirty . "days thereafter. The kotietty_zwill4 Cpunty Fruit ,'GroWers': 'Association. was held in the ,Agricultural. Offiee, °Clinton; 'on Friday ,:afterneen,'.' March With: approximately • 50 friiit gr:ower-s in .attendance..:The president, 'head. Of the Chemistrr 'Department. ddressea the meeting on „ihc, shit • Dot Gordon ',Blair, of , the-.Niagare 141-141-1Spray;:COnwany,.addresaect the nieeting „and •Poirited..-Out the danger President, Sterling,...Bay,- hearty; Vote of thanks was, 'tendered te the speaker, professor. Ruhiike,. Co Pi CHRISTINA Wes, Chrietina "MiteDontild -died -at ,her home 'in TiesVvater, on 'March ' 4, "1937, 'in her eighty-Seecind year. , daughter of the, late .fohn aid and, :Mary,' McKinnon...Her par- s were -Married in -Ferdhe;:',Okitartfr- ed Years previouS;', '. After , their rriage, they, Came UP to, 'the en's. ,Rush. and., Settled Let 10. the' Village of KifilosS. Here: iii yeay 1855,'• Christina was 'Voila.; had. the AiStinction beind Abe White! .baby born tliti.t cej-n!- hood ',She .eXperienced many of. the htures that make WY. the' life Of ioneer' daughter, At ; an early :she spent some time, in Tee1- er learning' the tailoring ..triele MeViear's shoji. later she riled to, Greenock TeritnShip, , Lot Durham ,Road, to .1ceee house iinele,, the late. Alexander M99- ald and -his family of 'three small te. ',Where She iave all the :iiare se late Mis.s kacbenald, .Was if, the thr QUe tro the She qrst adVe • Wat DPn Sons and have Th . be offered . subject to *reserved. bid. 'Farther 'particulars and condition:, day. of sale' Or relay be bad On ;Cation to .the, undersigned:. . I DATED .at- Windham, Ontario,' thii ninth of March, • •• ' Ontario; 'Solkiter for 'Vendor. • SERIES' OF MEETINGS • • Dr:. Lionel 'Steitenson of, the Staff , of , 'the Ontario, Veterinark College at Guelph';''ivill. 'speak at a Series of meetings. Hurori County on u0on- qtigiOu8 Ahortioni',4 and "Mineral' Defitiency DiSease'i, He" Will be, in 'Wedneiday and ht ,Pnirgarinon: April; gsd, Th0.8.0.--teatiribaLleitol at 'if. the Presbyterian •eburch; fAteknow, as he, spoke' at• the 'last of a tetlee- ohui:h..‘ The Series included live meetings „held, hi the protestant sal:ship, Of :the young 'people's' Sot, cOnsentecl to. address.- the gat& n mg :an very shortsmOticeafter the Church' and in later years 'attended the, Presbyterieh' Clairch at Of a family of On,' one:Sister and arid Alex MacDonald; Kainstiek, •Sas.' The late Miss' .M.acDonald, sPent. 'the last:pen years of her life in respocted by. all" Who 'Of children; and endeared herself to. EASTER VACATION STARTS Easter , comes • early. this year. 1111arch .28) And. acording .to the be. lief 'of oldtintere an ,,,earl Eastei' ren will have one of the, arliest„vac, for 'all schools to cinse...t4day„_,Thers Fridek. They won't open again Anti; the morning IV April 5; a week afteij ODE TO: THE FISH;NO ,pLUB In a reeent issue ...We made refer.; epee to ' Lucknow's Fishing Club. • 6.1. mere than a, quarter ^' of a ceriturj ago. •Since :then, the following poen. • 'has been resureeted' whiCh iS One 'cr., The' MeMbers of the Fishing Chili To. talk of. matters pf .the Past , Down ,to the Royal Hotel We went,-, And leach: -one-gladly took- the -chance - To ineet;." it is'. their pride. . The President lOoked around He teemed. to have some fear The' boy's knew; whati that. 'Meant The president Of the Club' Cporting„lie has seen- a -lot - When ordered .!,by the :Catotain. They' go right in a, body, They :take kt.',"header doWzi• the' hank - -Then Yott'll hear, sky ARE ygy. tSuCh; Words "Would make yOn:wari ;Bring up 'the " Anibulance Corp. And the Pilots down the river Looking up the ground For fear some would be droWned. • • He ' knows there's 'fish nearby. The nets are got in order,-,, s Splaih.pOlea, make the wetet /limp if standing out 'of sight,'-yeu'd 'think It Was a mighty Pump. 1 , . Running full Of, dandy ' fish„ And each. and every member .• Then 'homeward; bound they all do go : Their, Songs , bath ,sweet and loud, Phe people on •the road all say," •• Retiring dehentureS and, the 'Pro- vincial GoVeroment'a One Mill permits' 'Kincardine, , stO reduce their tat, tate to 'sp mills, „this year. 'AtO residence, Brovinlee Street, oil'. ducted' bjfr the Peva ' p, Rev,' 4, W. Lee, interinent wakinhde- L CAL and GENERAL' To -Morrow Good Friday and a SPring caa't be. far, Away. *bine and geese Were ,•seen aad hOArd:. on s and Mrs.. Frank Cole, Max Hildred arid Mr. and Mrs. rt, Winter - stein, Spent' a• 'day lin London last Mrs. DaVid Gillies and 'Mrs, Pun - 1/4,444 tle3, Iris ' :grandparents': 'Mr; and, Mrs. The:,eutstan'ding ',event of its :kind in Many 'seasons' is being' planned for Tharsdar night, APril '15th. And its for the Arena Fund: -who- receives-a-retari-thaelc. extended visit •in Rochester with her - ler." sistelgiss• -Jean Chesnut. ' since 'been acting ,accordingly, with, bright,. sunny ,diiks that is typical Mr; Berwick .Sherriff of LOriden, and Mrs. R. MieLean of Welland. 'visited here the first' of the' 'week When .'they attended the funeral . cif "NEW SPRING SIPLES of. Suits .and -TopcoatS. Talk) ed • strictly,. tip,to end CLARKE,. With frestr. nights and stimay. days .syrup seasen is 'lir fell swing, with the run' reported to bp good, a. 'rather citqa wind which is •prevailL of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church; will' be held on Wednesda:v Speak en ."Chihese „Work In Canada." -Donald-. MacKay r 26:Lyear-old son a private pilot's Aviation •license;' Pew don hi this :teennection., rich :'.,Lions ;Club, told • of .i.eact' til the 'present. ,He spOk,e, of the:road‘ bride. froth,' doderich to. tucknOW • 1,7 Ale Northern gravel Roads' Coinpany 'to pay the read building 'costs.. These 'IretWeeri,",LuCknow • and *Dungannon; wank!' 'Stand • :hp 'for :nearl three YeaFS;.; without • repair, at a' Cest ASHFIELD CHURCH NOTES • The Ashfield •Presbyteriaa Church. special PaSsion Week services' 'lit 2 Of thie..week; the latter meeting fea: taring • Stersopticen Pictures," and hynins .appropriate, to the 'occasion, condinted by"the Minister Rev: ;J. K. Easter -Sunday services ; will be held both 'Morning and evening., with sPecially '.prepared Easter Message'', •Song; under. the leadership of Mr., Lean in the Morning; and Mr. K. MacLennan and Miss -Margaret Siirtp.. This Oa historic rural church haH suffered much hi recent,:yeara frotir remiivala. by death and , otherwise, bat carrYink 'on With loyal deter - ed u;efulness the 'itithre.. The theme' of the Morning serrn'On tiling the World"; and in the even - big the. therne was, "One Gate, or. dak. relikienS editorial in The' Globe and Mail,. -tinder • the caption, "The Oates, of Pearl" ' The _prihted annact-repint- x4- the' congregation just;.ontf anti aPPears' 4134 • 'Rcll 25TH . 1937: • • ress Purse Scarf -Gloves Flower CHILDREN'S PETAL; CREPE DRESSE.S— ,New ' styles. Sizes S yrs to 14 yrs Special. • 109 GLOVES ;FOR ,EASTER.,-Cherams,-Ilengaline, . RAYON PANTIES. & BLOOAIERS -L Tailored: Panties, Lace Arini, Tea' Rote,. White. 20 ASTER. ,Pplal LUCKNOW, 'ONT., TONE • YOUR OLD SEED DRILL WILL SOW FERTILIZER FERTILATOR • Modernize your old ceed drill and save • • • money. Merely by attaching en 'efficient Preaton Fertilatorr-you can make it a: ;17ertilatpilaallsteeVandcanbn attached easily to standard: makes of seed 'drilla It SOWS any grade of fertilizer,18 positive in actiOn, mid pleCes the fertilizer down the spouts with the grain Write for complete details.. • la THE JARIESWAY 4r-,11 OIL; BURNING. BROODER 4t. Jameaway all through. The Jemeaway Oil Burning Brooder aMai you money and time, given -you ettonspr: healthier • OD MILE NORTH, rap', 44tissE±A Remanded .00e Week AWaitind trial on , Charge „, of theft of hide; ' CaswelL,Ilaciett *as arreStedlaSt week and APPeared fore. Magistrate, Walker on ,TuesdaY, charged with the: theft 01. tribeS, tie Was not asked' te Plead ,And 'was, re - Mended a. week. created simile,' excitement hist Weel< when he -Went • dashing about ittravinti yeilpsv„,,,p4,nor. and. shouting -4.- clre • :New ,tiamPshire - AT $10.00 PER HUNDRED, 'Wonderful ..I.AYers Large cold Weather , Does Net 'We, Can' AlsOl SupPly.lroa With WAtTER ROSE