HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-25, Page 7vvVv.' Storid4. e,..:•Yergas neWaf:R!cord RecallS Some.of the Queer • ' ,Irieulepts NOW' that•--thi3, flood. ,of' February 21 • 'Is ading •IntO' the,. ',Pt nes1 we hn,Ye had a Week to think 'over What' we saW Anieard, a gew pictUres lq re-. main. Perhaps- they: ,Are typical :of the flood, 'time any, where; We: didn't.: See them all, hut ,we„..did2Pee many • of-ktbem, and, the- Others, were- picheft.,. t 48tth WU u. ti1"0 • 'the have seen the riser break', up, many times, but there, ip - always .An air ot anrklity When these diaiisters happen.. t Oink •ef the .7 felloWine:. . • 'A man living, ,wU1u aintly, in. a hense, .to or ihre efeet;aboye. the water,,," with the r ri'yer • and • steadrY. H.0 was Warned fo be ' ready t�move, but he .wouldn't go. 'Only after some perShanion would be promise., that he would Watch', care. fully and go If. he had to. It,waS easy to believe that people along the Ohio bad to be forced Apt of thetihous- filtnnding.:: in -the; shelter • of :a, giOup. • 0 .fnedars: on. that .1Runcley afternoon. for .prOtection, frdin • the ;rain, ' and, Watohing: the upPer,.,edge..",of. the: iee: , ati-I-r-nr-tite-teirtr-nOncession.--or-Wear- • Gerafraxa.. 'There Is a vfilley, that: miglit he: used.fOrn. storage.,dant..juSt., . 'three ' *ilea. -groin ,Pergus,-...11, ..• . A man Sitting en,' his heclCntep : , trYing,io re,Vtye,, cOld,, 'wet lien, the., -. only, surviving hir.dof .4-.flocir ,of 'fif- een Ali ..1.t. .400lionse now tinder 'the ce.. r. •- ;, : . ., • . ;,.. '.' • ' ,... 'A '.nian clionPing his. way' ythrfingh:.• four ..feet. of • ice'.... in, ; an attenilit, to "'. react his. Stable. • .• .. , • '.! ' The queer . Hallowe'en tricks' -play- .. • 484, by..the river in those Places where - •...house lacked ha:thine:Ts- 'end. indoor .. . ''Con.Veilieneeeq"'.. • '(as : the. -ids sAy):.''' •-cliw11ttre7outliMise'tWasttartied4"si.k.W- . het' o.r. 'More. and ''dePosited,"'npsicie ;•dolirn 'otitildgr•ft latchen 'door, .•• '.7!. '• " 's4 ng, 'the ,. Water liouritig,'aretinA"' .., t e en. ' of ' a-, gara ei mirrn-rvtn4.4 . . . . „ , , ,.. ,.,Stin:Fergtis, and,"tipparently,. far ,away .. ...:from ankflabd. danger. , . . . . „:!. Ni!atehing...:the eroSitini ,of:,,fields.' on. • the hilleide,s' a Miie...or two aWay.',.,, The ehocolExt#, .. ftnict .... 'as ..peuritig. : :-doWn,.d9wit the hills . and ' piling ,'up 'against, the fetiCes.a,t the",.bott.onl,',.10.-:. turniag....liOnie . and. bnding ;Ciiir:....OWn ' :garden ..'•washed . 'into", deepurro'ws* ; 'with hyaeirith: alid: other.; baba 'Wash, ed out of lifeir heds.., '', ' ..„.. • ' ' ' , ',..Seeting. the ,.., 1 Grandyltiv9.1,74;ushingl.. . ..OVer fa tiliar fields '.::a.n.‘ ..loads,' ti:. .• '....Ilie $ ...,.',. ' .' . ..., .:.t..strekin bbndr ' ards. ..ar '....mOre .frein "the •.biuka ' :Seeing, .a... eon*. :'scrubbing: %:ihe.....- 1111)1k Mild eut:ottheir.,hinise 'ilia day, '•,,agOr...-A....:quarter•,..ok an 110 ., of cho-' . . ...Opiate' gob :hail to 'be, scraped 'off ' first . ",-;.tintlttren: two " scru Obi:jig's: : a i er.glitil". .!.:.,!Phis' *n.a.. 'the, good ,', r.t.Op ',' ,Soil frenj 1 ' . ttllOae.,,delds' opstreant.' -,'-`•- •., . ...... '.....' •-• • .', Noting. how ties held''tint,..the 'ice' : .. . . , .. ., ...----..intirticultudy...cedar,. trees Kill! Kin!'. ori.,*ith,jas are 'inter ,:Hello;' :there 'ate' a eetiPle• earsof .that-liaN'94ruirliito'-eatirdtileV7 hedd on' Huriy past' There are' dead ,wontitted ,p09nie theta'. on ,the • grass, Wo. raight,have TO gO,;f.g.'C.O.Urt as witne,Sees, 01 eat'rY :•them to a ' hospital! „Sheet:tile. as ..td.:.her;' can as that truek, before,. , WO",. .'"to the: ton; Of tho.,,hin. •G'oeh• . '• -you almost hit that, lady! Why 4 do peOPIti• Vow women as"-Old,agthatr: tn.get• ent IM•the'ldgheray,?' They are : all lien-Minibed.. inight haire There le., a ,,hole you earl ,brOdle,.. .]. thr.ongll'in thatlino of traffic:: Gri• Nre. ,•,ter_lthe; -cloSof • fello . Swear ? We 11dn't hit hini What' he got to. cOtti,.. _Lan about,,,? „that nornand make.„ ,that guy get oVer where he .belongS! Why; .the feel give ::tis the .right: of • Way!. • He can t he gOing. •nun•e • titan ''.'forty•fi7--.9... HOW fetitt he expect ..:.te.. Stay on tho:. ,paAinent that • ,',4•Padel Hit her 'up: Armin:U:41e right.. 'Side there! ,Boy, that',., seated '..11,gaYbe Lirit *lit teaoli...him to keep END PAIN -Soothe" MAN'DS I OTHERHOOD • w 1.1 doad in � t he Ole od, who.sijffet i,tront baC1<tiche and fiiitis•ea, an he helped ,by the f Piefce's Faver- i1 Preseription, Read What Roberti of . 2W:5'06116f St, ,Prantfor,d,, Ont., ' edid:• 311Offirrnitpqttruct-and-after-,tny-entlrifeif--- 1.*ere toen, I elwaye found th gte,21t04t Iip 11f. 'Piefee's Favorite Pres'ertntion., iteforc this tondielne,, Mani I birldit't teat at night aha felt too he•••ori-ory-' „ feet I hardly iind ati•ength 01000 tri, get ' . 'around but the 'Favorito l'rciterfption' noon, calmed ray nettea yid gave int tht tiny itrengt.td, IltrY notitt h . • qv.er., wh'ere he belOngs1„,tl thought for' a. Minhte We \Were. going, to turn ' turtle. .Look, there' sanother' itocr.' dent! That car is. 'on its' trap with its wheela 1z the' airl Looks likear bug • on its; .backi, doesn't tt?. There was • 61Q00- 9,h,' the,' F1'4LEL Some one Must. 114Ye been .hadly, ...crazy. fools, -they don't klulw. hew to delve, yet they -get rigl‘t tete traf,fle, 'Watch 'that woninn! $he is driving. al! .oyer .the .roaql -,ean, up alongside •her and give, her -a Mast on 'the horn! Wh pidi,t her fender nick ours when; she swerved?. I believe 'it did, •• 'Ilhant • heaven he didn't lock fenders. With us! It .inighi have ennsedan acci- dent. r hate • women drivers. , Cpt around that Never tni„Mr. (..4°` curse. There lint't, anything. coming. •,• 7 Wier e 1?.as fia.PPetle,d , ta 'me, „dp'etorY My has 'been telt. • . en of My .God! • Kicking isaiodia the eifereise' some folks 'take.. • ,While it in, true a. lot or Meney, is . spent each years for fan, there are. ticime folks who. never seem ,to hive' I •• • MARRIED •• • , • When I. Puort to sea on matri- • '". main I 'thought lit' all would he; sonshiria, Whenj' world ' I saw,, • ' ' , ,N,ow She -rulia oser .r.n; I. hOid. My, Tom.- there. any .1 difference in• , Meaning. between .sight. And ..yision ?" . • ilarry-I Shetild, say se: 'My' •glil .is a visiOn,. and yeufs. is s.a 'Sight. • .rich in- experience , are • Often poOk,,In spet -.• ' - -0-- A' Siiiall;imy handed in the.fol 'lowing, in,. •-e. history.. examination • paper::,-'•-•••"denerul Draddoek, • Was ',thp . Aevelutionary.:.War. , ,..`h(id :three ,horses;:ehot- andet hint and a ,fouzth •erft. through' his cIethes.'• • ., Little' Rinks'. presented 'himself at 'the offiC't notieenble • his" nnyerdefiturest... „ , ;Had an ac0"," . dent?. ',.• • Little No. Only a rcivv' With niy wife. •• • Bookkeeper- What! Non surely, •;ilne tee; blows? • . Little ilinks-•Oh,°' no: ' But nekt'. • time 1 gnash m.y'teeth 1,11 reineMber• to take:Illy ,,pipe, tint. of My mOuth,..' aintruy fat„ •Itteelifeet ' table)-. • Tf..We'11;'"pittrI'redni167.4ii-Mert•titicr foi the ,day. '• . '.Da -What?. You've , .been': quck about it- What did you do was..easy. - I it* . Mr.' proWn koirie for the •sevei;,.. thirtY"train..1 and. lie' was 'afiraidt,'he would miss it, SO I."..let our,dog loOse,...Stid .111r. Ils,oWn goe.to; the',$ta- tio-n in "- - On Taking A Pig For A. alit -.rho Departnient . ..,4eien,t1he And IndilDtrial Research' in. 'f3ritatri, ways flindl.",g. (Mt 'aellielh'ing or ether. The latest bulletin say it been •demonstrated that if a pigehrtaken. for a brisk .Walh of lialf a mile :or so before, bein,4 li11e.t the -bacon 14ct• ter Ilayoree . The Walk is 'said, to' ma.rCethe tissues_more the curing Precess observes, tbp, Pet, ..erhoro, Examiner. :• Tile trouble weAd' bf in„ takini., Yoting pig for-r""Wa'k. One co#.: do that 'with. a ,horse -Or -a, eow,pig differentrlt doe' 4not seem preelate :hiunan :company „tiniess et' Meal' times -orOfl SOM.'S occasion .when when one might Ire inelieed 'scratch' the pig's imck. • On the, daYsl when 'they' used te • shiP ,ptgs froni the Village there Was opportunity to come 'into centaet ' with a little, gash, recempense for ex- •ercising :the degree 'of physieal ef- -Yert-nedersary--hr-driyinethe-piga-from the ;Village :weigh. scales ta. the cattle . . ;Yard at the station. There -ivas a tilt, ference between the tanourit paid to Itita±etaf4,14e41Ppli- 010 • Who.. wasjust, leai:ning- the b:usir nese.' The ' or With experience .came • With WS' ',Pim gad and he- knew seine. thing 'of .hii.;1w:, !.yell at the pigs' and engineer 'their turning' at the right .Cerner.', Ile Could 'earn 15 centper end it; Was: paid' lo cosh. The' drive,r who; was yet: an amateur ' in ;the: estimation. "of.. the ShiPPers had . to he, content with 10 bents.. :Reap', , tion is...thet • the, pigs never, did,go at, s' wa14. it was..alWays •'something 1ik ,a deg.' Walk. APpar-• ,ently thei did,' not .imn.wwhere they, ;• Were 'going • I it ':as the. first, time 'of a iillage.',:first time they had ever 'p'es.Seil I. the hand.: stand , at ...the :edge -4, t.^,..-2••••••vo • . • ev7!..r.-47.0.1errn Along Canada's._.•• Highway • Qaehn,c supPted • niaet • impoffant news, ',„Iltiritig the,. qst,.week, The Qtlebee • Manitou PronertY; 'hotter kpalYn;Tas the Golden Manitou, Oman. terod' „WO-I.:grinds, gold -gine, ore 111 diamond 'drilling- It has been icno'wn, that •the donta'eCtliat appears to, he. ,responsible for the large orebodies Oti through . the. 'Golden -11Iariliktou And rierning properties,. , The, finding, of the conttliu.ing„ tile alio ye- mentio0d,..high-grade •.' sulphide ore points - ',way to i in'aier• rninin develoPment,... „.' , ,'"',„ . • '•• Ontario's PrP'Perlr. .10eate,fl a few trilles to tbe West of the ,Ouebee, ,;;hounderY; supp)ied. 'other important rews Thor finding of _high- . • . . grade ore -On the first levefwest added, linimriantly to an .alrer,tcly Impressive., •Jargo, tonnage mine developmene.' „ . • , • „ „ • • v 11:1; V ,‘ i+6,'T,tiv.p"'" Uick.'`tr. „ . the RjaiIs Petroleum .loinnany 1;131ihe.' in of a: pi oar:icing, well on , the- Coinpany's' 6,000 aer.e' tia.et located., thirtyr-ini1s1 east of . Lotiihridge and 'eighty tidies soutli,east., ., of Turner. ,Valley .1,S a development of probable,,,, in-rPortance.', • y GORDON L, 5MITH • ARTICLE NO; 5:: • • The seed catalogue is a thorough; s' ly reliatle guide for any gardener. It is illustrated with; a'etial photo- • graphs. Those 'cataloguesput' out :by the, 'Owe- fitntS" contain ;:much inore than' a mete -mention et the • Many flowers and . vegetahles' avajl- able in Canada: • They -specify im- ;portal-it, . points, Such., as,time; of. planting, :reaistince or jack of',re. • to frost, Mint, lor, Sear h of blodinincs .Whether •scented ,,ilse.the.....suit4bility4-theLliower- ftir‘; cutting.. plirpO'ges:' All ,of 'these Pbints' stould be 'taken into etinsich Maj!stic . Sentinel , • the -• nifri4ion-s'r-4" let;your: sys'tem' reek with . • • ' greed, • .. For ,01711Y- • ,Wife' (telepitomug)-T wisil • you. • whuld:utristrirotr07:,'"ttenr-;-1-1.itilik1119-: baby has ' 1 ' be right •pvr,., dear., ,. In the tit'eanittne, Whet are you. my fountain 'peh: , When.'Lliklitj ffres Pie • pef\pre . `Our ' marriage; he :talc' 411Tip • We'd- tieVer live:M. gloom. ' He sail; the stnighine of my smile •. wOuld alNays 'light the robm. To 'ten the truth.' I pill le no M6re. I've lived with him twe years, *rid .dissrpeab)e. thy Smiles _ _LL..44urne4L:to .tfer, He: said ;Olaf, 'We *mild not nee.d heat on, ,.any zere. night, Because the warnith, of' :his deep • love would. ken Oily fires bright, 1:11ad. I depended on hisword--7 my.," what, sittiation , , I'd be in nOlVt-...-in derlieSt. night• -, and. 'in i'drigeration! , . , • HARNESS "AND' COLLARS, Far11erS."'Attentien.4.Spring. 'Is nearly . here': CtitisUlt yeltr nearest harness. Shop abeut Staeo ilarOas Supplies, We Sell our g'ods only yod' local ...Stneo .Leatlier lloods dealer. The gobtls ar,o .tight, and SOaro our, We rbartlik,ttire in our fac- tories ;- Harness,- Horst . Sweat Pads,: horse Blanket,s,and • Leather Ttaveiling Goods. '•Inisst on Staco 13rarid Trade Marlio.d, Gands,, iold you get satisfaction. 'Made. bey by: &timer Trees- cohipany 63' Xing'. St. Wilt, Toronto "WRITE.F011-CATALOGV *luue Ni?. 13, ,- '37 ::.......neti...,...., ., . ....LOoltinesiown 'on the, litillson Riyer .arni.,, the 1;airroancling ..celintry ... ,. ...,. _ . . - - . at Bear Tuthintaiii; :N.y., i§. this huge brortze-nleted elles head,.. -Pre-. • --- ..... , ' Sented-te •Inteittete Pak by COmmiSsilafier"Victor 11, Rennin. ' The- headcia 14 •feet high. .- • ....• of ,the inarke.t.'sopi:e • wfielre Of4110 1.04.tpd• plyOot urday 'evening • first' Wile' they 'hail. • ever gond lup the:Street that. led to: the WhitetVished ,where they entrained., The first anc the litee titne: • for. all these;eXperiencea.. ' •• * The belief established then that ibyRthkinn t is net ..poeSible f� take • hog4or---a.L.:41-140-el-k-H-hatratellef we- iiold ,,tOdey. The ho, does :not titidel‘'- • etand what ,ineetit..hy a 'Walk ; °and: we do not know how .the •thing' could b explained. That 1111108s10pknokv, a....gre.at deal more todaY then I•iviten. 'they were. .driven,.. from the ttlilage ,weigilii,SealeS to. the Shinning:Yards ,of Al4 • Grand, Trunk I RallWay,, there in, be pieli'ett u1 end' attached. to 'the '.orrilited''' train...Which hetiiiited at 7,1:5; 'in the tit:het OY: 0.10 etation planning : rehl garden', atiiheilities state; Lts' only with stith knowledge .can a 'comprehensive, atal practical schenie be workid • Out: - 'FLOWER ;FEANNING For initince, little 1-AllintS must ;hot he hidden • by telt' things, and ' there :should he as.mtich Aloom in • the.. Orden ;O. JiesSible ..frOin early_ Jute. The most • satiSfacicry ',will, give plenty of paterial • 40,t bouquets +00'd there slit:int& SOMe; plants: noted .for their scent, A good .flower.garden fetleet the- indi-,•;:dual: preference' of the 0.W1IC:1' and thei'e. will be thing to fit 'every VccaSion, • • ' ,NEW VEGETABLES • With literally thoti,SaildS. of 'vege- table' varieties, 'and . types, iv:enable ; for fieads., affy • .- . • • • Canadn,. it is • a. good peliey,,to ,add.' 'at 'least something new and un-' " each' season. This" May nut be :new advice the--;guedener,', whos,e. hage, lugoions tomatoes takeis prizes in 'the Fen" • ,-sholvs,,. and whose'. corn is, known about :the' neighborhood . • for' '-'-feel" Sweetness, hht.: to. those, •otditiarY'. Jiimiteurs who grbif: a pea, •hean,'; :corn and totOte garden; with .nO ' 2 variety from yea t to •year, it •shonilil awaken ;a -little ..eutioSity.' ' • , Hrere are .fe Oa. '1'1'01_ edilakes' Which tan be • easily 'gre.wni, 'and ,vetiety adds interest to vege- table leek" --a fine • I stews; . •marrow ,-,is :delieinuc When, 1 fried;..elicOry, ',or 'French endive • fog .winter 'saladsalsify. or Oyster , plants root with :a ..distinctive flavor 'which.,car he left- in ..the "ground, over .Winter; theic are many :others. Lank for them In the new cate.16gues:. . 'argest Exporter Of Whearin World Capada Has. That Distinction; :Year-, " ly Deolineir:Since 1932 • t(')- the International In-: atitute: the gross • world, eXptirte of wheat,. for the 10- "Vertirt9'261,5-,-reitehed ., their:. maximum',in' the Years 1927; 1929, and 1931, yhen '7494r53.,S20 •buebels; :I use a Fine Cui. grand! Frag- rant, mellowagden's•---,thnt con- :Tata:full smoking, enjoyment for .you!tre already an old roll hand or are “fixin, t� ,start' in now" - try "Ogden 'S with- "Chanteclet" . or '4Voguet' paPers. ' That coin, hination yvill teach you all 'there is to--1,now. about' pleasure in ,rollIng,, your", own. . - bigger package of Ogdere.s Your Film 'Knows, Ogders's Cu, Plug Jot of - 'Americans are reminded of'a sel- dorn-noted..blessing by': title experi- .p71c,,. in no, way ,urtusnal,•'pf e tray - ler 'who 'has .,just arrived in London. rein ,Istatibutrile-Tati-enty'conipi1td7 log of, efficiaLinspections endured' .the eight •Sarders. he Crossed, ;by tsosets. of inspectors' - ed his passport 'nspeeted !us money ,cheekecl'ano.comited:.:..:Tiyice in the • he was Searchet for fi,)r.e- ' arms -and .921P1osives. the-;2,0530.- Milejourney';,42 officials looked. him :He travel :iednc,1:13,7)fis,:iiie..eepleenrgitni.galisp O. N''beur.tth'ere were: • no 2 .scruples-- • abotit interrupting traVelers! . traveler -passed all the insrecitions sueeedsfol, ,. Iv; otherwise; he; niigh't, now .be • languishing in a foreign jail.' . All this is coMmonplaco in Ear,. one. • The trSee. America First" earn-. • paigners. could. 1-4nefit • cense 6 and. ShoW upson‘if • ote,doluistie faUltfinders ,b „ attention to- . fatilt-finded by ealling'attentien::,to. '',•otir, Citizens' freedom fibinlLkifficial' .Snoopmg, tg1100.1,511 494 'C asstfied bashels,: TespectiVely -Were :Yearly ,deClines sheW.; in wheat ; .T.eiports or the yeet;e.. 1932 to, 1935. the, reatilt largely of iinport,ing cOun- triee taking Steps.. to become' self -std. -ticlei(t 1li '..-rega Q •wheat. ptodue , c_anahe, „is. the . largest .etporte,rf.;ot;, twire,at ity-tireWCif rd;-4-,p-c-::oftrrite-tyclire- l1vei,year..A.Verage 11926-1930), the ..h.Ve years was bushels,', :eotiinaretl. %w.lth the „filtgentifte, Average.' for the' saine,, •pei-•ipd of 149 'ZSS,O!IG bushels The ..iJnited states .Was, 116,-.' 51.0i230, hustle's:: •During tlie..last five • yearS.,..(1931.,.to 1935,.illeltist ye) wheat ,fi'ont: • Oap d a.,:aierage d 18 • 779 S90 hue.hele •again plac ex-- ' port114,...;conntry,.(', For , the :first:;,11V6-' , Year Period sityer-, 'aKO oxikerta..froin' Argentina, a,mount....,„ •,•':eti,to 144,4 SI,59:Et, ...gdntina„ .agato ,iti,Jseeend, Plac.e". While 'Australia replated tho 'United -States. , ; . „. . . ,ag.tliird--largettreatp-arter-with:- • 'an, iiiinual,..ayerage• ; --IA:4;217;302 other Nrkrlient •. ektiert'era 111 order' Df , annual 'average during:the last fly.O-y011t` 00141' (1911,., .35 ),Wel:e as Snviet'•Rnesta,.. :tatted. States', ,hu.neary., • tran'oe',' and:. Fri -Mph Morocco.; T,h9 world exports WhendLvidd into 11.npire and „ • gauntries fOr:t lie '.11V,e,,Year average • (1031-35) amounted bashels (British. and 352, btialiels ,.'(foyeign.,"ounti'ieS). 71.1u • ,11/31 Bi Itlsk Jtupbr ,ex.,partp V. ..329,282,424 bushels, foreign.- eountrie • were pot t s 6 eb ;British. ceitutrids' ekeeeded thos of foreign.eatintries,the forniVr being • .353;415624 iittahels, •and 'the hitter .Again 'in 1933,. EMDire...exPerts 'were greater, • .3.10,11.3,•523 bushels against .251,27-;.• $6,1' bbSliels froin f6yeigit ciontitriebs ,opposIte, . Situatioli. dov.eloped. titd• . poSs • lvas Of a leF.;se.r • degree., . .„ 1 recommend t1Ie.purcha$0 of Algoma ummit Mines IcCarthy1 Webb Gotidreau-' Mines ,Golden Sumnlit Mine, Lpiaed , • .send ot-itifariliatiati. on: ca_c4nt,..,:d.delognioni • 1VIIVI GARLAND & CO. LIMIT 219 pay St., nitoto, ADelaiiie 4966 •••• 42-0-0-0 , *44 , AdiJertiiifti E GOAI AI''rE1I,.! WOOL , • `.'QUILT.,PATC,!-IES" • . •"• I OIVE.- POUNDS.41:.00 V?-ann•rayl. t---g-rawrt-7 -13roarielottisi platfkii • e, teulits I. ,... • ' ' Free . Pat t ern..' net und „gu4r,a.nteel. . 1,l •• penai•ttn,gril., :otitrertiont; Montreal, 1OUNbS.QU',1:LT -t PLUS poste ge) Broadcloths, ;In est Wp4hfain , Materfale Free ' FaCtern lngt ructinns.. ' Federated Textiles Mont real.. trs:ViStons-' • OFFER , •TO I -rat • . •." o;• wanted triv'entions and fall intorrnativn neov:.ti`an. TFtE N.A4sAY Ciiinpurry, Patent ..A.ttorrie,ca••. 27a .partk. Street, 'U(ta'yegi'• trarithia..! • .•' • • • • ARTteLES •OTTA litiff41161.1), FROlt send ter rric..iikt (0 SlalLt *aree Co.,- 179 Craig., St., ' Wet 'Mont real, , delP4GiNAL, • gr.S;SA,,TIONAI.„,., .11:37.r praetieal of I5bojui4et, .and" volute, Camas -111.'1i ' .1a.t.e.st , 8e2144 - Pon,• NO ;ea'.0ief. or ...instruct, tiin. en.easOrY: ..Ynn" • eati ;day 'today 1,1111.er.lor Way, Witte tree ISookIlt niw,',Represent at lyes 121141141: With ft VP. t : ,.1•Vt0te11ee, ' Wr4e. • Sin, Liiiilteib, 60 Front, St., 1,veet, Toronto.. , . • v1,1:0'; • S !:EL) ' it AiP QU,41',,A'N;TEED:„ separal e, • seed!i, any grairi 121 •iinfti•reAm TORTURE In A Minute' For yekk relief from the Itching of eezetet, blotonent,' PicaPi„es, atIW:e!tt footLeealeic reattea and otlUr oklo• ptiene wnply1,0j._tlenele'Znure, coolmg, ntisorr. .7 (10, :liquid D. D. D. PAYS-ORIPTIOni. lttr gentle.o sootheiheltritated akin. Clear, greaselea and statin- loaa--,iiriet tint, Stook tbiraiost intense. itching in-„" atantly. A 36a ttial bottle, at drugstores, proreo 11- or nioney.brielt. AM: for p. . D. PRESCRIPTION. 'A, Whd.tt IDNEY alid ',rotate Bladder Flush Them Out For 40 Cents 5e4 ID. y!,114 ,)1•Intgfili 1f4.0,:y And Of • ni:A WI , i 12 enPlutrelTese' 41104e1,1 ttn,1 .5t1(4.10. '81 (1,iilitot:Ailit0" skti i';1t;iriT1: ,..a.lt;•e• • (tither kfttitttted, Walt. ,;tl51 10141 „ , . . 110 way, ••06. '1(14 )4111! 011..1 .1t+ttettl.)11 44i1ie41 14t1(214 '5.11155. erftnty parkatrii• 451)5 ,4I14'4)'1105 ttn41 1.,,prottisg 0 a ,ir .re1•1ntInIrt, 11'.eg,tkioll 415 i10..(11rg fdt ;inri 1.,1741'40f1 or the- e4es.4eramjie 10 log -4,0)000, 4141 fikolet, (iehne. . But be 'eute.' rind oOl.t) mtnVitt.' 114t(&4'1444'1 Oft tiffetnitt '011(1.01m, .Th tight MOO Itatifferft the: In100' *mot tow, "11ifl i`,14 Wm* exneePttl(ine, • • Hope SOH: Will Shine. • On Day of Coronation :.,',,,14,0ndop.7:-.The 'threat Of;' •:ita attendant. ,po,,siihility- loss, *fried Qireat,l3ritain .as it ens( ef.p. collective eye nt 'the.y5;.eg.tber. or ',..f.w%r,.0%tgll141;41)448,7e1Hor, is • , 13lv.eryone strive joi glimpSe of the ',PreCesSien yea' hop - .11.911‘.• 114a( 'alit r"tub.104 ', :wise ones . say.:.. if 3,'91,1' are going to, the carona • - ' Vali, don't ..feitkiet.' _•„vour: raineoar, !'oV'arshoeii -and, unihreII4.'!' ,.,i';4T,e'-et.,7414...!;;ii-ii,..9stesk;riegte,:.:.,13,%ri,sic.:, • theje ha1 been on1 one May 12 ,pott;e, rapnshino; ;t rained on • 13 of :the' 2'0,,••triahing.. .n little ,4et* " ter. than en • even,' .chance. it will rain ; Eont4reordayoR; ,clorog,,w'040edo.r..ge and, qbecti liz':' • 'These ;Havel Had Fret •not ?arid' rnY: - . - • Deep in the ;earth that I,bave :loved. Green fields,,lopt. roads, new friends, have been to :roe. As, a new wine, that; quickens in my , •.' • ••And every passing mood of Natur e' giies • : ' •" New meaning to this thing'that, 'We ; ?ell' Life. ' • I •.Life, which t� sorne,,,hee. becn-rWill • . always be- : Dull drldgery, and' bitter' days .and 'Butich'to me has given -praised , , • .i.be.`Godi- • • _ 7-R,-een-erige-ef-Wing, an t e. singmg At dawning, witli,'.the,-:thOught'..that\' cygyrirde e •( 4sP. I do not , care so much' 'What "lies• " flea.VbeenY?"d'O. bliyieii?.God kho*Weth , which is best!' I Only I noiv: 'whiit I have 'here is • - • Cqol da'iui hot noon ta d: ,1,71 ' • Thq, your hand • •Anite- e EaElti?pes W." Cunriincrb'ard.,-inriitistian Monitcir :: Wht . . . . ;8.SCitecille•bee, '.1)113eSZ' Only -42 P01' (fen t, 9er.ISSiocrif att'iosri'". bY(a).tingtIll;?enfa\--;h1'157,:!..;;;IP; ,.•-•- 'either : silent ''Or" 'Sidered ';1770,1* thev4te • Seel: „'r, • the -Vote .t'.e CS1 2211 follows other ignifleent irieident: -7"th e • i tn rfion '6 f'a ft n'e 4,11.„ ; I.; • ; , • .for playing, in the st.reets, 'of' - nierelY....nytiftlesy 11 p irearlm•, ‘11-eelall12 t.6:Si ..k")nbigi:311.7n.c141.4: r , ;seen '.. hetter' daVi;":.• pnee. Meni'ledl.s.': • : • 'es` °Tllf' • ity of rile *Duke., of .YVih.cig•iir '.for te 'pipes lin's long lit4.1, a matter ;of, ,knev..edge.' optb ,ill be • . • :hound hv no. tredit'ens.1:„Sa..1'lre: • ..datice enstini; . ;... „. iNot •1_,On tf on. rivorg 0. ,11.e.ianii.cf....SlinAit.: coricede.c! .1 , 0.• f,i111'11-', et rn'in is:sUen : • 4Atli.:01.c:1.0.5' (10,1e *.,."•:*.0) Stili t0 in., Pro 51 ('1 4.41,12 Iiil 1141 . 1 i`ntitlict'S0:11 • '411' the 1,74111e2•s1t1. .North ,!'fbriugh ted then) fob 2111 It 014 1,godd • 15.'1Ong,', as 1 ' • • pr. , Iron 'flpt)101' ,Iti`. A Ail zt'111'a 11S.l '; ."Pri50.14•ti:' • (10 (71a re d rec'efl 11 Y • 't (,,*, "boast.fulne.58.. hnd • • . fi.otu pr.1..§0,Q.,,A1,,iy and en lii' . fertorciY „ceit111)."0‘:s."..'' • ' ' The ' iiet.44.9;144,40..:y 7.'1i -fared lie had', 4L14ittt....t1‘,e0;:.iv. ' cilF"11414 1.11ti, lie, 44 tia!,'• fra•nitly : ,1"tipiiiaei1 1 feriOrl: 'coMplek:',. :et-antler:hi' ; 11 lo 01 l -t , , 11 . , '..• that 'Mr, f...10.A:V.' ;,,1 Ftij t'0:;• ;1,:q - a rifyi ".'„t 0.:11,5771 111S.': • .111:111',0 ;., , ' t.f..-tt.i The...Drift'To' the- Ctties Inoulot r, of '1110 t u r ila;: to."\Viitilippg"itoni' 'the ceuntry with Cho pl'irpose 'of .ed'Ilifying ler beeat1's6' the.relieri3.tanilarit 'or nNink Wiimipog -WIrrio1t-theryttr-i'eUe1-r-iirtIttit('-','- , Own C�flTht0fliti.t, th I iS ' era' ex,peria'ne'eel iifl Ceinsdiart • AF.14 irrO4teS:,tt -Very'tlifti-; • •,Preggo, • • •• "•••