HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-25, Page 5• • ,FIT.TR,RD2%,.T;161.A41C11- 25T11, .1937. " , ;7. THE LumNovir SENTINnL. • 71, . _ . A. •are u•sur • Nothin gives so'.much for the litde it costs, at the tele hone, tuul it keeps on giving ill the time.- It keeps you in touch with markets and, ; buyers; • it inds isolation; it is an ever-present sentinel in tirdes of illnesi or danger. Mapy a valuable animal has been saved by a timely call • • to the vet. Many 'a .pleasant social evening is ,arranged the same way. 'the value of telephone service gro*s a you continually find new Uses • _et h For .what_it_costs_os-the 'DUNGANNON A meetir,Ig Qf the :rate paYers' of $.." NO:. 8,,,' is tailed: for -..cm 'Satur, 'day,, March 27th, „at, 1 PM., in the s,cliook to, consider :instilling' electrig 1 lightfL„.All liOUSehOldere are invited. ' On Friday evedinrlhe. ' ):43dget t 44401 SI.SPOrt.14F• 4 new passed the lia0e of Qommons,With, lOr , Chevrolet' - . : figt # recorded :vote after. the short- , ', r.1..4.C"ht., Plirnin has, •egnin1011,9e4 - est- Budget • debate in years'. , This having, 9Oine eltere.tieris dime 94 his 1,1; S4..,k,t'i76;. 7 ..,14i,..... -24.,i4......: • -,1.......,,A,;."....,..,-4,-... ,V.41.1..S.:,, . , ''4.......-.:....:‘,77.1.1, al, P14:4*.r.$4,4. I 44..34- .147.4,...-aiii 7. 04.4tA' details, ofothe •tariff ,changes and riled,s,egonct'storey built onto the West, side. • the termsor . the Qin4darIjklited: ' ''', Mr', I3,0derick .go:cpoiTald.,Was • ver..Y.' . LOgan,,i4r.1414es, v 4:C4/11p,• , kr Cliff -. Kingdom Trade'Agreements during unfOrtiniate•laSt',..weelc,. While sawing ..the pe,xt,.. tow ,week.,, . , . • ; ,•• /0:0d, , at;. his ,: ,40-4•44lew's; • Wilfred McCrae,'..'• duets ': by Atiesars'•:;•; Johnston, ,It , is believed •thele Will he eoiieid-• .'Penti.nud, to:•11aVe. a7finger, eiztoir ahrt 4:0„'.3.0441'.Nr.;mi$§...iramazoR ,Pd 0,4.01.6 ..discussion ,s40••• ,Jpaperiel •f',Wo,Othersba4;ly.. cal, t.,.11...04 'tern,: , .,- , 7 '• iy4,,J, (fr` (Ian, iii;l:gessi's,,:',Tph-n"a'tpri..04 0,0n,feiepe ' agenda; Defence :ivilU be. ,,t4t.ririv.14.',.or...,Plot,rdmir,.'Llvpliaoni'•,i, sie:minioloyyirt.'....w. "ith, Loean , arid Znusigai rihrobers by 'Mr • his Ross t latf°417:1NiVf:fl' and Shipping Will, Alpe reOrhe •n*•• More 13,31.4isi,perofvoire...dthebydatiihcee the main, issue. Questions of trade iri,Lsood .cfrects to, the vtuage , alio. Lb:0V .thaa., neoitt, will be .allowed foi will occupy: •r9piils, ••,adjoining .migred. ,,Belgrave• OrCheStta, Witlr;Mise Jordan• the studY of the ,matter Pentland's shop.. • • • , . as pianiSt.': '•"'" . , ' , - f' . . •,', .. :,..• I ';. ' 1 ElectiPris: 'Will be held on Mondair. ,' miss Doris'*Swan. of Ripley wu • Mrs, Hugh *Rutherford is a ,visitor ' iGe'd Priiii;tMerisillinistre:'PoOrftPteCild8a17-1,V:iaettr, ' The farmer iethis.. diStriet are charge of Mrs Andrew Gaunt Host - urging that Canada's export trade; hat ., where Mrs Adams . and'. Mrs,' • ',teed of Mrs. Burnin .Phillii)S*on..Tlinrsdair. -inodase--d&-1-g00000;600-r•-.-4*'----,the :- past two months. The Honorable ':C!' .rePo,Fts, are that their are in,trii'OV1hg .6Orls rPr' next•Yearks progrkin":7-$1145i,' :detailed tecemp.ondatiims were made Agricaltaral Itall',, Friday ; April ••2nd, . lile Beef Ring will start on Tii'llit, ii...aii.iefwpio Fioe:clnlefartillifAesidtoindgs4;i'atliod--011.4rceh: shoMseyvabithlr-osbter,w•-PeaerkeittsviVir.;-enci.--Mr.s.r.r.- dweirtr:01.1e..13-e-taIlragyi!ey--. Mr7..-"-O,l..l.ver.-..-Air. ;sots., .0f the by,,electioil4,, • ,IP: the miss Winnie"McChire, it,N ••ie:nitr, . The April meeting: of the Women's kis'. 'etatistigal data .17: ia not yet Inn. With .41`-•'' Ian' • MacLe0d, .A.0:. Rep, . of. day.,. April 150.1,. this year Veterans li7iink. • on focal: relief. ' N> dress at a;,ineeting' to he held in the keld, Mre.! McKenzie Webb. .. urging anPPrenientarir assistance for ' looking forward:to an intereating,nd- , essea; Mit. J. Lyons,' 'Mrs. T; `J. §al••• 04444 of ' 'ConimOns, We/ were .illfer7 :sing at:ihe'hon1e;.,of „Mr: Geo Adams Institnte. Will be 'held ,at the, home ---lity0-botrVlieen-HSeriPailir•-iWae.- zril'ISOit,--t-alrI011.Teall -"SugggaT, iloWly. -- ' ' '. je ' a ir' 'arm ° n . ' '' et "Be Utifiriri Fa 11 "lie? i .. , . „ 00;,;,,iikii. To , apeoniaga employers to. .1-T11On' • c.o.,,,VPresent...;and ',Pr. ‘. Lionel • ' ' • - hire ' perildeners -. it is 'recommended that..the deartinent. pay claims - of -industrially .mjiiredireterans 'Who !are •peritioners, to the,Weikmen's Cont. Pensation .,....13fifird iiitd-Ttlie---eniployer: '-it-•;:..i.si.-alici GoVernirient• -Departments : to einPloY all 'Veterane • that is'at.,,a,11 :,POsihle. ST. HELENS From the rising of the, Curtain Init.'', the hoine waltx,", there' Were no :duli Pigments- at the Wonl'04 A . stittite7„At Home held on Thursday , , AVerillig;, with Mr.• G; .Jordan, �f Bel- greve,, in charge .of lie program,, Mr. Peter Watson was..chairmaii -for the following., splendideprpgram,-ProVided Seigra4a:lrzOlins". 'gozings"ili4-1'44•C isby Clerlc Johnston; Solos by Miss: - KIDS!! ' KORNER (BY C. iy: T.) • .:Winghaza-Lucknoir I. -iyore a 'small' turn Out of .fans last Thursday night h ere; Lncicnow Juveniles .chgestted , Wingham 'by a 'score .of The game Wee, plaYek on goea, ice'ancithe game' itself .:Was • ---iairend-Plean !with only 'heee-vel-r:j- elties being :handed out, two to • Wing., , ham, and one to. the locals. • At .the • end of, the, first period, the locals Were !••• Inj,he lead by A. goal, the scere ha.; Ing 2-1 button and Cook being the goal getters :The 'second period end4 ed, in a three , to three' tie,4thie1i .was • broken -M the • thirc1-7-byTecinic'whp- . " drew the last. two local markers. This _is„.Luelcnow's .2nd Win. over Vingham Line UP---Luckno*-:Geal . Defence, MacDonald,. , Finlayson, Cook; „‘ Mackenzie; Centre,' .2Dahnier; Subs, 'Button, Treleaven, :1Viagkenzie, AitchesOn. ' ..* * • ,.*:. The present epidemic , of 'flu 'which' •prevalent hi town__has Many •-.61,. the kids (laid. UP bed, ingadirig the • writer of this column.. ' ' BIRTEIDAYS---Beid_Meltim. The Juveniles are noW on t -i3 -57.--a' he league, WithT puriianpor.. 2 close second' with 6 points. LA1k1S1111E Mi. and.:,Mie. flarold--JOhnson• Luclaiaw; spent',SundaY, with,'Me. and, Conn. • The ladies' of the. 2ed. and„ 4th 'eon. held' a tea at. the:borne • Of Mrs. Mae Ross . on •Wednesday, , this week. . Miss Grace' Rieliatclson is spending 0:10W days with Mrs. JAI', • 'Wilson of •;Whiteehurch; ' ' Mrs., John :•Crowiten spent a few din'Luckno'W with -her rnoth Mie. McGillivray, who has •not been • The Laogside Rutar Club Will Meet. • April .2tid, When a program Will he given: • • • The 'United: :W. IC S. on Good :Friday afternoon at 2,•30, are holding' in 'Whiteelinich at the Chni•Ch; their Easter Thankoiferingr Meeting; . when Re M Wright irer be the fiPee., is,XIMaker. Hai's' also going to show Everyone Welcerne; MONUMENTS at first cost Having our., faetory ecitlipped with the suafit modern Machinery. for,. the of-high-:.91"a:*°i44 i;:ve .a8k 4' You to See. the largest. displizY umente. Or any retail facorY mn -All finished., saiid. blast ma,, ' Chinee,,,We irapert all 'our -"griiiiite:S. fram „the' Qld ebtnittir • eet;' ;the .rouh. Volt Can. save. total dealers'; iigetite :and iniddleitian profits' hir Seeing' .• Skoiton -------------- • Ai *test End ilridge4WALRBOT011 'PARAMOljNT• The sYmpithir, of the community is extended to Mr, Peter,' NIacNay and family 'in the loss of Mrs'. Peter Whese death 'occurred �n Friday. • • • On Wednesday -afternoon, • March 17th, Mr: Gordon Campbell, and the pupils of 'S. S. • No. 14, entertained the 'ladies Of, the eonimunity; -to ' a St., Pattie:lee social And exhibit" Of school work. -1.;:ait ;week,. Mr. ,Goldie L. Mititin Was..4resented- With a "-beautiful sil- ver 'cup, awarded. by the Canadian Bank of Cominerce at ,Lorichni for the Chainpion Beef Calf, Jr.' Dept.; at the Wester n Fair," -London., . . . . ' There, was- a good . crowd at the St •RetrieleS masquerade lest, week: The judges were ' Mrs. Marvin "San- derson' Toronto-; • Mrs: it'Obt. Hamil- , :!0'',-- '-• - ten:21d 7.• ••M=.. John Ball from Fine 7 -River. •The-4Priie-Witiziers-were_.*„. Wm. : Cottrill from - Port Elgin; Miss' Elsie MaCIntosh, iTiV.Sitilii1; Miss Aril nie Bridge, •Kincardire and Mies Carruthers from Holyrood., The nov- elty Prize 'Was won- by MiSs Norine• Culbert, .Ripley and, •Mr. Luis Hogan , _ Ashfield. • ','i• ' .. '. • ' '' 't- 7 CREWE • Misa-Agnes.‘_-_-1VIallodk-'2--ia----viiiting- . „. • „ friends'At, tion. . • • . -•• ' . • • Miss. 'Beatrice' Treleaven. .spend- ing '''a '• - :•ImelineW friends; • MiSs - Fiancee 'Who spent' the past three ivielcs, With 'friends ..n;t Donn-Y.brook„ returned..:heine- Sunday. Mr:. and. Mrs : Storms of Harrison have engaged tO.Work With ,the Blake Bros. for, a year. ; • Mr. rind' , Mrs. - JOhn ',Curran and Children, spent ,Sunday .With. Viri and Mrs, Herb.. Curren, Mafeking. • ' Mrs.: Wm: Crozier is' • spending:' few' days with ter. Patents, ' Mr.. and crimPW1, DOnnYbrealt. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert,' Petterson of, Whitechurch Ylaited Bert and. Mise ,Mabel Reid on Tuesdayi: • , • Mr. And 'Mrs. Roy :thcSween, Arid fain*, Mr. .1tPd Mrs. Wright- son and family'. and Mr,. John ',Mag.:, KenZie, *Of Glamis, attended the Party *given • by Mr, end,Mrs. John' Watt on Friday eyening.. • Nisi' Dorothy Curren spetit Sunday at her home' at Mafeking. This .COrrirhunity was slioelted arid Saddened on Sunday, ; when It Was • learned .t t: Sarah' Jane Hasty, be, - loved Wi of Dave MoWhinneY, hie] -passed, peaceffill§ iiwitY dederieh Ilaspitel, 'where she had been taken 'the (10 ,previona. Although:, .She had been ailing, for Otter a *at, she, eel- dont% raised' her 'plabe in • Ciewe. where,:the had been ;Mem,' flier, All her life; also, Bible' Class tett- presideot the W. M..8 and „the fAr•fMrd., MCWItifilloY-Wag:•al;:•• WiM readir and Willing to give of, her lielP -Wherever *needed, the it311 ,grPatly, Plisted in the doinintitiity And lioniei Where she ;Was loving - bthi. 'd n•Thoe ptroehlern• iiiiitof,withgeTtireag,;(144"got,eata>, lengthy discussion: in the • pupa on Tuesday- Old age Pensions game in- to effect at ,70 and it is now pro, posed to add the blind but to start, at 40 .yeare of age instead Of 70 in their case., The ;Ministelpf;"•.Finaric.e... :pointed' out that there were 'many abuses- of the -I). A.1'. act .. and, .0 View. of.:_ this he ,feels.that "the Fed- eral Government; which bears 76% of the cottshould have complete Con- tra Of thoutlaYSFItis hoped that ,this' cen be arranged., A .number of members spoke about the difficulty of old and deserving people obtain-, ;iiig relief in.' this 'way and the *air. the authorities Went about their' inT vestigations; apparently taking' the _gronnd; that a*.applicante were cpra:, miffing ,perjury. The new Bill it is hoped will .tighten up on the abuses without losing its huniiterian char- acter reflecting loan companies usually encPunter • much opposition and the One introduced laSt Tuesday was no exception,_•_Lonta, COMpanieS , came • in for some hard criticistn; -"sharks" tieing .one of. the., .rinilder'-- terms y ed. Th titik6d out., • r . / . 4 • - .- • One7CifIliet'amusingLI-thingapfAlle„ Week occurred lien • Mr. ' iSam - -Jac- -obs, Hebrew_ Liberal M.E. for Mon- treal ;objected. , bon -recorded as :voting on Friday ydght 11,s,t on a loan compan'y bill, • "I Wish to say;" ,he Ob- served, "that • the -voice was not the voice of .Jacob although the hands. were the hands Of: Esau'. Mr. Jacobs has for years' been considered one of the „wittiest niernhers of the House, On lw.ednesdaY, that hardy annual;. the whwit4Marketing- cioestion took - up ,all the tinie.,of, the sitting: At the hour of adjournment, the •disclission. was still 'going itrong 'without bring, ing , out anything new. The 'Minister of 'Agriculture Made r it; plain:that in his estimation •a new , and definite , Stevenson Speaking on • contagious -r: .111e.., ,SPildaY.:selicibl is •holding 'en diseases effecting :cattle. All: the far- .arster. concert , on Thursday- evening., • April 1St, Plat to attend, • . . . , , . niers 'in the '.cOrrimunity •Pre invited . , _ • . . •'. Mrs ..j.: D.- Anderson 'Anderson -has been a , , . _visitdr-44ith-her--daughter,--Mie,--Win-.L ..croginole.,...pertieiik•LWas."' held•-•--iri-4he:;BIL'e.::'a.:1th r*Z-'---P--eitl.°3-t; , '' .1 ••• Orange 'Hall 'last .Friday:•••higlit,•krs.•., ' , 'gr..' ahd;Mrs; 'D. Philips, Mess.rs. .. . . . 'Fred., Pletzer, Illtutrn ' and Mr..,: Gee. E'wart: and ' Gordo McPherson, •Gor'-, Pentland; Were e WitmerS;:: ConSir- . don Rintoul:' .iimi, ti.iart., Layis,"..mot- 71-ation" prited ,o ra or. an 76Tre'rtit""drOptb-ciYeflaTtirday"--fdetKt • 'fleas •-HedY. During the •'evening -eon,. 04rGit 7.T6rCiiii(i kaine;: • . '•:,,•• . .tures of . the entertainment ,Iyiere 'a Mr. and :Mit: Neil Campbell,: Were f011owed:• a reading bY'liatitine : Mar,: inPnitY, '4idgl.Pg', !I • sPiendid •,prograia tests were held and a few other fee- , Mr. And • Mrs. Peter UtiMpbell. and Solo "hr.' Mr Albert •Orser, and. a i,,e,,Licl recent visitors with aur,.:. iiid .mrs, itni;,. solo. by Mrs. Carruthers, ' ac'7,;, MAMKINP Mr. Sidney Brown Of.. was a week-encl. viaitor with, Mr. AO Mr 4 J., Kilpatrick. We ..cire sorry to report -that' .Mis Norman: . Shackleton, is very Ooorly At' Oreserit. ifer daughter, ,Mrs, Wak ter• Scott of •Belgrave: is caring 5„. for The' annUalKa4ter,,Jbaniroffering , • . t' , • e •Ii4.4.4•• 41,i4t,*6•6t, Church on Monday: eVening, •March 29th.. There Will be. a Varied .program and :ROT: ' Mr: Wylie of Benihiller, :Tvi1l,1?e the guest •speaker: • Andravt *ride a start laSt, Week; .on :taking' down the • bhril..•, „which he •purChased...from Mt. Thos. PAGA.,,f.11111.. A HOA!,•tii sgalocE....0F •i-HE:cANAPJAN, 04goit44 AssootA1ior4 Pti.40 nozuzzAtsce pot.40"Xtile5 . sz.! CANknA ' r. mAsTothrus,w.HAT Is. - The mastoid bone=the bone behind • the, e, -is fined with .4,, eopplex' 'system of 'cells. nese. Cells ,Conahan...„ icate through a short, wide passage with the middle ear •tPace,„-ie.).,: space .inside '1114 ear drum:The Mid41ir Gtrvey, some time „ago, aild is. btiay., ear space turn communicateWith, ' hauling it • home' at present. the upper 'part of the.tbr9at bka long • • Mr. , Cecil Johnston- held, a 'very narrow! tube: All these'parts are lined :sucessful sa1 of stock witth. mucous membrane • merits. ,at bis farm on the 19thcon g • • • s cessioneT8,17riisedtedy .tehfetierrnO Sot .n t Pat.i.„41,1 a.mema nb a tioaa ri reaand creepily r. up tus tub ri9k' social ih the. ball Friday Olen- to the • middle ear. And Mastd ing.. After the. usual League program' Inflamed tissue swells, and if the tis- m,s.sa very mfter_._1rY:otisi.n:_.t 4141.eivas spoeta„._Pplao3riyiph,i1 cue is, mucous,:inerrihrAneL„fluids are miv„ gi-4 ' :-'i -• of ,Ikenrs,yolloWing ..thia, • luncli venoffand181forms. The tube is served, and which' bronght an Oni0Y- closed by zts swollen n•ITIMIS raPm. able evening "0 a cloSe. It was: the brane lining and the fluid and pus ' desire of some of the young people formed in the•:iniddle• ear and mastoid to hold a„.. similar affair again in the Cells cannot', e,•aPe intothe: throat.; Easter :holidaYs. How about .it The pressue hecoines, very great in • '. ' ' ' these parte, .causirig extreme eareche. C 4th Something must give way', and the. , . 114 LO'S 'irurn being th▪ e Weakest wall of these • The MarCh nieetirig• of the. . cavities, bursts if not lanced,. This , was held on Thay at the Uncn'vS... RccumUlat°4 Pus honn'of kis. catapbet .to dram • away, the pi n is relieved, . tWentir---Six-in-7atteridence77TW44-st -the4emperaturA___subsi es...and4hOptit ing--0Pefie-424--singting-;-the-:-!10 ' g te:r4C,Q-14"Y• Sbng," followed by rePeating:, the But thbmigh LoFd'gthe hole. in the 'drum is not Sufficient. .preYer .in Unison,. The minutes, Of last meeting were readifild ailop-Th erePt5ing. of 'he mastoid cells d-.'TherYlifralt by. "-An Irish Linierieft"' After' eoilifin the bone rises Pain then returns, -the, bhne 'becomes tender :and a avy6114 Jiro may appear over it InCreasing" pressure rin the 'mastoid.. bone:- des•:. troys its thin Miter shell. :,Nature is trybig*hard to provide drainage,,fOr.' the abscess 'within the borie. If the mastoid bone is now drained; ie.., if a mastoid Operation . performed; healing shouldbe rapidand comPlete. ' ,P.rOvideci the operation proP44Y, axecuted and done. When' the disease , _•.. •• .ts sufficiently, localized, complidations ..:Soinetjaree, if the miter ',shell of he bone is thick And hard, the ' inner- shOuld preeticallY never occur. r . . • shell will be destroyed; and if the , disease not efficiently drainedripen.: ingitis or •brainabseess may' result ' ,,•,,'Often the drainage' , through ./ the . drain; while not sliffioient fpr: a :.rapid' • cure of the disease, enough -to pre- ent rapid outward or inward spread ' irifiama.tion. The disease the bone may linger. on with •grave -risk 1, • of spreading to vital structures: The. ; 4---lgit-and-:-Mrs:-1.,:ei7.-Ritglii-e-and--,-kl,-Patient,'Inciy-seezzi--Perferlrwelll with. int: by Mies . Melba .;Fcrwler.::: Lu ch Snell: et Londesberough. • - , , . ••• : , eoinpanied, -by Lillian •Carruthers; a ,0Dungannon was , , •• lb 1 paper An Irish • Hero", by Mars; was served at the close of the games Mrs' Cook f ' '-' .; r and Mrs Earl • e-, . t , e Whit .. reading. by Mrs. lx. meKin- and program .: , , ,.... , .. ,..ereent'• guest of M . ,. . . The W tne ' Association• of the wan • ' • ' ‘. .. n oh • Instrumental reeding . by Cath.' United ,Churelk, was held'. IAA Friday . Mr:. •and, Mrs. •.Dey9llof Wirigham: Mrs. Hughes: A vote of thanks wa4 L_,_ erine Campbell, current events . afternoen. in the ' basement Of . the were visitors With Igi',.• and Mrt. ,.(..,o7, . . -e lin McDonald, recently., , • : .: • .: tendered.' the hOstess. •• An Irish conr church;;. Mrs. ,'Jas:,. 1VIcWhinneir;'. th . test Nqi's' enjoyed, Lillian Carruthers presidentii. ',Conducted ,•:the • Meeting • - , With. the.. ' 'opening 1 hymn and the: The Hustlers,. with Dick Weather- . . being the „ winner. The National ' An-• head, their Captain, had charge of them was Ong, bringing the..nieeting Lord's prayer . in Unison.' ' The scrip the IeSion Was read by Mrs. Burton ti -ie 1r' P.".1J,...meeting on Sunday: ev- ,to a - clese. "Luhch-'waa served . and a.. • • • r ., ening , Th scripture lesson was read' • ' • • ' • ' . t • • lk.social rtime spent . The April meet. by, Dick Cgreatherhead and the k.Bible .ing ci.s.„toLite at the -home of Mrs. A. character :': on • "Tiinothy". Was givenHughii:. . cited ;With..A,:t Piano - solo and -Harold , ' • - NOTES bY. Wilson Woods Jean' •Thorn. •fav: .. ' ASHFIELD .-: '.Taylor sOitli 'a saziaphim ziu ber marketing polici.,wea.,neeessery era: flz.igeri-w9ilid.Asie. evolved next ses eiok.aa' an op:tome-Jet Turgepa Commission's report. The :chief ' event „in the',Honse wasaccompanied on tile, piano by yen the, voting devin, Of,`"'the .CoPserv.atiVe Taylor. :The mein. feature of the etr- UtPeTi4men•t a 'censure 6f govern ening was the ,impressive ilhistrated inent -regarding its policy of rriaricet-• lecture on"From .Olivet •to Calyary!'. *gates were appointed to 'attend jbe. held at Dungannon in' April. ing. wheat. One Liberal, voted spr__i:Lanothe..rLsfti4..,he_w.oO4+Lb so had he been in .the iricfr-e.wlrfris 'Wheat • iiiieStiOn , is 'a , very .,,imPOrtant one :but ;there are,. Many differOlit Reach: A,• short business Periad lOwed. The P,foceetle : from, the 'bin- anuninte to 418. after exPense • , were paid. • ss' Wilma Treleaven , „ , favored, with a solo; Mrs. R. Moore gave a -reading. ' on. temperance; 'reading BY Miss Melba Fowler on the ;Ladies' Aid , Meeting,. whiCh •wAS ,quite humorous and Much enjoyed, and Mrs:. Turner : read, out , of the -Spay -book,"„Stewardship -for.-,all Lfe Twenty-three were ' Oresent:and,.lunch was 'served. at the cloee', of , the *01, • : . Services in' ,gt. Pahl's 'Church bas: been' :withdrann for the past two ',weeks, :with, the centinned illness of .1 rector; • Rev.. J. ' Geoghegan; 1 Lucknow. ' I can, , hardly understand.' the 'import- ance': it assames. in the , minds Of Western members. . , ,In the Senate. the. Transport - Bill was. thrown ,out.' two Libe al . , Sena-. tors voting against their party. This iS the . first, instabee.. in Which the Senate'ebie defeated 'e government measure Which',Wasjnitiated in their OWn .without.:;, first.' Seridins( it to. the ,Commons:' it Was .conaidered the'lealpre• of the 'day in arlianient. • The House will 'adjourn On Thurs- , • . day And r,sestime :its ,Sittings on Monday, March .29th; I shs..lt-there-1 fore. be. at hone onlir and Saturday and Wii! have to leave. -again for Ottawa on Stiriday:-'• • Miss Agnes Malliek of Crewe, who has spent the past' week with Nr:' and ,Mrs. Jake, Hunter, returned home, 'on' SundiY• vin, visited :with. Mrs. ,Shenitood , end the exception of cha,rge from Harl on. Sunday... , the ear; Any ear that has been dis mis. Della. M. Gilinoreof Kftchenbr' charging for three or 'tour weeks Spent a few days last week with ,her should be exaMined to ascertain' if parents1 disease remains im he mastoid bon . Mr and mrs. itaiph: Hall of riniple• Neglect Of proper surgical treatment at ,thie. tiine may. read to a chronic discharging ear with deafnessand the ever 'present threat 'of ,fatal tom- pheations. • • , Grove were guests' of mrs.i Long on • Sunday '.• • •• • . , - Jeep J:.,ong spent.An evening ,last week 'with Mrs, Les. Ritchie. , • BORN :HELM -in' Clinton General Hos, 'Altai on Saturday,..:Marclu_20t14 to ' Mr. and Mrs. . .1161m,_:.a son . .:••• W_In• - . • We: All Get Thera , 'One 'of them : eopenstitions Of being facturer telling what ".Wonderful fez:- • tilizer he. makes, a transport corn-pany giving changes in .rates and ' schedules, • -rand a., textile Triennia:P.! turer telling how' wonder -Ail. his new fabrics • are. And , not ..one , of them ' dowt q4.ustitstreforgferite.0,:atlit.i.z.f. g.wrs,:t.fualcicyo,,m;zikaornethd brnyeareb,chatiectk,a,',:isrio re an turning editer, the licity This week ...We received baker anat!eceallsnc*e had to tic -les foni rnanii —d ise-Away--.--7=Chroniele TTT _ : 1 . 44 ; t"-•' rid 51 t0! Poi' 'ite *1 THERE'S NO .p E 4074,, , • Garage OU - OR 12.E.R-. A NEW P_ N I A C._ •:.