HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-11, Page 6Louise Jei•rold- • love) With, ,Oe.noia,,Maxweil,i jewellery ,Salestrian; bat: is ,bothered . by his; inys, teriouti...,actions,..),1-10. speaks.once Of • being' .on the. locikaut for 4; Man with, .. a • drooping. eyelid, ' Albertine'S -righ ,',..great-aant Tevaris invitee her 'for•a visit Fief ore, she., leaves, Dennis, ghtes her a star ruby to•keep'fOr -At her. .aurit'S.,' estate, are 'tivO Other guesiii4po4,4*; .Yelena,...t...1;aupakeft: arrives to shins ;some rublei. to •AunLea. He,, makes Albertirie' Pretend. :they..are stranger* t�. each • other and and ',pays atrient, „attention to. the Countess; The houseman, Bates, 'whO..alway8 'wears • dark glasses., gent drunk One ,"eVerling; and Albertlne ',natchei hinr Without his "wasos on. ,middleof.that:night, she hearst.a. scut. ife-1n,'DenaY'OTream.: • . ": • '.-" * • • ; "..4, , ' In a few minutes BateB came Inr ...ephone.thevvillage,•;for '•.Aunt and: left tooM., ,iiieliael...temembeted% 'that ."'Ke,. bad, . aflashlight...in' his luggage and went, to get it. And Yeleaa,: Pleading a head,: %titillates • 'passod; ; 'tNeither ;Michael: nor ,',Yelena" • ha returaed. And Bates had:net •yet • )*ought the the car around FinaUy. ,Dennj,..: grew,' im• patient 'I', sorry," ::' he ' apologizedi., "but • 1. must be 'starting, for the. tralm• 111:,got pee ..WhaVa. haPp,mied,,,to Bates." •, A -Search: hirweitevlaied; Op. Sign: of 'the',housenian. •• • '..'• • ..t",' • "And Where, are Michael., And Albettinenaid . • , : • Auat.,Celia':Ioloked at. her.:*.blanitlY. •• _ •ajniiiintely.neeessaty that 1' eatah. that ,train," he, Said iieryeusly.{ "Isn't•,thera *anyone ,,else who, co.uld titiVeme tO •: ,the depot.?•The Cook pr the gardener?".: .W111.17Alhertibe wee, all ,eager..-. . „ • • giets;‘,.„ • : ••• , "But. 1.: catt't 'back • alone at this time t 'of night," Dennis.. : almost 'ourtlY.• •• "She needn't . -come' bath., alone,. • aalil,:Aunt*Celia; "Bob Fletcher .hides-, • ::. ciutler aPeeders: t.jait -before' yet( ..crose. the itailtoad . . , ttacks. :You 'two. :could pick ,hini • up , ,-,-..thereLen-yourLway,. And-Aie-•cou14,e0L;- cOrt Albernzie 'hack heite' with his. mo7 torcycle." • ' • K YOUR DOCTOR THIS . . • \ Ask Him Before, Giving Your 'Child- On, UnknoWn. Remedy , Practically any: doctor you ask will " warn: "Don't gtoe your child unknikah.° • remedies 'ivithout asking flour doctor ".• first'," . When. it-comee •to the. uSed • children's teniedY - "milk 'of ',root-• . the Standard Of •the -World Is.„, • establiSIed. •For ovel'' halt A eel -duty many doctor§ have said4THILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia?' Sale for Children, Plaother,is ' .Xecp this in mind, hnd shy "pt -TIL. • LIPS' MAGIslEgIA?" When you huy 4S.1)Whisci in tablet form.‘.°. 6et thaform yoniorefer: But See that' *hat yoti; get' is labeled ,•''petitliiie • Phillips Milk of 111agneski,", „ ALSO 04 l'ARLET FORM: • tlnY tablet in the ectnitX., silent ' of tt• teanpoonfut ef • genuine Plitt " 5tiflt of hdatinesia4 •• ' .NrAtit CANAIM H1LLipit' OF MAGNESIA 0 4, A • -•:"Derials'-grahbed-his,•-ba,g,":4"flienNve. had better get °under •.•• and'.".14bertJne Mulled' out tathe garage arid,,Clilribed late the'llrnous, too k , the .Wheel, eompe. tentlY 'baeked the. par into' the dr , 7.-WieY4Taiid:' Was* aeon • headed: ler the : highway, • ' .•• ' "Denny," said. "IVS p.:wfunr. 110,0er....atont."IlateS alid•th'd : 'Net '.,t40 qUeet.:. They've' all'amoos.: • She tinned' a secend' to 'stare at hint,e•'• .•'.• • . • "Bet why 7 And how could they, have !left "Without, taking :the ,parr,'-• • • my • gue,se 'that Bates, sneaked, all theinitiggage to the depot boots • dinner, 'You'll-Tecall that he was late. . He ;•ptobably,. Made' .atiangernents Ille7v11leget0'001#011-616014F7Mr7 theiii4. icicle , • hen! '‘..qi_natal,cle;„, l -the 'gates•ao-, the , wouldn't hear the cit.', And as to: Why ,they•all 1•, o abruptly, ' I'd .Aay•-,that -1 was „Mixed, 1 tip; a. 'bit.41n' that.! • '':,..749)e ei$.117 a gilt. those daik glasses list evening :4••••,he •wati•drinik in the kitchen, :And his - his .droOped. I meant to teli you this befeit 'bnt'it seemed • so silly" •• •• • - .f.sf toci,",.Detimialnterrupt- . , ed:', " '• , • - 'TbenYhe'i the, matt yon'ie *been, :looking -for? But .you said that man was. sandy -haired That's, . • • .„ • "Eatee,. has . oyect explained:. ' • • •• • - " ,•• .Aibertine was 'struck :• by another ,thought. •i•Yeiena told'me Bates Used • to Work for • themi":, ' I• • - ."He Dennis• said hin0 ,•'"bUt not exactly In the capaeitY,: • : of' . •hensenian and chauffeur. -Step; on the gas; Bine Eyesi. '1 'can't let; ' Gleerge: ZOIrend•get-awaY--Witir-10-thliviimer:"- " • GeOrge ZOland .;**-".:is that. Bates' • teal: naine.1"- • ' : • _ Zoland, 'alias Bate, ,utied• ' -to be ..einpleiyed by •Tareinein-Bnair leasetitene•.: department. He designed settings :toeand: made, teprOductitins 'for:0o •Kitni: Any' niniiber of "out ..ens-. A-tomets • Staked. Us to .faketheIr-origin :als' .for .theni.7-4. then pt*wnea•the'.ori.., tingle, Wolk that wiispart. of George's workand he was Wee, whiz • never liked Ohne Ton ply, Then he and-.' ..--donlyAettLaboutsixf.:monthe:-.-agor7Andt.. abeptit", that' time he left, It: was ,dis-"' • Coveted that,. a, 'Very, valuable diamond choher-lisd- been stolen from the'ehols- :. and**the • circumstanees -peinted to me. . f. was convinced. thit'''.(49.orge • Made away : 'with theatdianioadatind, •.hacr, franied. me:', Mit ThlowLitaeLL.40;:,„*„ ,iW1ITanthan wasgoo n• ouh to believeniY sto,rY,. but: .e fel- lows 1 Work have never .. been.. entirely,' •Cenvinced. I a_tne„.W. _Leonid_ .•neveriiopeio bfu1Iy ecoifeiated till 1 ... caught Zoland." . • • .. • • . . • 'I felt sure he couldn't disguise • hiniself :comp1ete:1Y; Thatdroepingeye lid of his. WOuldl"tive hin away. Well • lait week. the:insurance eoMparty that • had. • toed the feaa on. the:,••:clianionda gave ,us the tin 'that .one Of their spot,' • ters.in New,''Y.etk had .located ,atid • a 'man partly anSwering.'io• Zo1ande.,t1 7 seription..And .there.. you • -have. My tens* for ..ilYing to New York, .eariy thia %week, But I got there ' tea late.:14,ndased George and ,'•HS • gang." • ' ; • • ; • ' "Gang?" Albestine said. int?'u nieali Yelena and lifiebdrell"-- ' Th.18-'18: the sterY ,as '1 tot •it :Nelw:: York.; e roOf .the Ittissians we'll call then]. that :even. theugh, , they Aren't' tha part 1s as phont,ad -their 'Llt-len „in' a 'down-sk-the.-heef- hoarding:holise--Where ha Wbtit to bide.. 'after: ha:left •Detrolt;. The. : tWo were • adVenturers; And George...toOk theiti on lecauSe. itigave,hirn cliande. for WAKE UP YOUR , LIVER BILE- • Qui.,nt,ge'd le, the • Mcirtilrig Ratite to G.0 Her tibOultt tint' two bOnntin of ••Illetild bile in yatir bOiVela INSbtl� is se iv in ir true) y, vou'r,food doe,se• t diktat.' • • Ltjtiattlectiy6 in the boWela. Can- bleats ' your stoinitelt. Yon 'get Dantif tit poinott,gO, into tbobetly(and,tron• teollonr, , Mink, and the 'World lookapnrik: MOVO hernil MOVZniebt doetn'tt I fit t Catt66..Tou had sontethintilthat WOVka bit th, 'liver an *a ,IVt.tikbathese-gettd,'"eld - CarteC's• 1.3661, Pilla;to iiet *Ilene, two 'feel "is' And ilp";i11arriffens and gctitleo,Ibey• ,p,otindspt: bildfloWinkfteelY and itaTto.yoti . Intike• thehile flotv.iteely,,VheitIty the wdrk esternTel bath:We:id talottO1 ov mereurin 'them. Ank tot• Cititer'S Little Livev:Pilitt„ht:,„,,...2.. " 15111Tieffi'filh561.-nIFFetuse anyadinfers6.-2.pc 6 , • ,ULTIMATE ECONOMY • AlraoSt:anyone, can bake a cake. Ria, cipea :are practically .fool" proef.' and' all yen' have to dols 'follow the direc- WhY is .it them that sainianY.• ..cakes are, not light; fluffyand,fine-tex- tuted they Should be, but just •Mediocre? , They'are notso bad that' they,. can't be !,eaten perhaps, but no- bod-y,:waitits44-6-eatL--thelm,--7and-they---gO- stale And* liavn to he throw:if:mit. :• theother hand; a.,eake which is a mas- ter1Yiece4,.1s.'eaten up entirely and .you knew that' is a -saving instead: of a Waste. t7117611; the difference:between. a good and just. passable 'eke' 'often:lies,' in. the tour pa manyweinen ,Oier- look the facethat .tb, bake a.cake • you roust have cake point which is ,lighter, finer, and. his .a.,Miora, :delicate gluten: • than. jai :ordinary ;11ear.7' The, best cake flour May -cost a little More,. bht 'what a saving it is inthe long •tunI. Actual ',1abotatbryteats have p,roved :sweet 'getap,,F,Iti. spent Teel. money 'feathers., for both. Ye- Jena:and .;1111chael.,-.7who.hY. the *ay aren't brother and. sisteri.:7, and • :bite of rooms :at, an exclusive hot:1 ' where :'they :posed at Russian artato, ciao, Vya. got the StralOit dOpe on' • Odin ,UP.:to. that 'the test is ' • ' • ' ---444-4inuat---lhOe,-;:been-Let;- the -hotel that they nietTyour; aunt. Of, enurse,• . George" Would ;Temember'1the nettle Celia Tevane. She' has been -a-caste-. mer for 'Yeare.. 'lie Probably also found out 'abcitif. her ,:defective eyesight `.liefote:' he, Weat :into ' ' :this thing. At: any Tate he .',new he ..had' • fallea _Ant° a good thing' ' • ._ • ,:•:"Aunt, Celia'S collection!," Alberthio ...''Eicaetly.,".•aaid:.,Delinie•T"She rims(' haye 'had it , with her in w .t.ork • for -GenrgerevideritlY4-managed--to7-inake:- his 'clOplicat„es ...befere they all 'came, ' here With :Tevane,. Searched, ---bis-rOotn. afternoon, While "he-liul- iou and.. your aunt.outi:1Mt .dotildnie. 'cind . a .4thing,". 1..: " •• "And that'd. why.,yda wanted • the: .:107 -sae".• •. ' ••.• •,." "I didn't need, the combination after* all;';. he .clit n: • • aunt :showed.nle Ittiew the .wer8 t. • The • fakes. bad• been: substituted • Beahlea; the. "pearls" she'd given yeu. ' And .7You"11 remember ,Yeleria.',' -w4a cagey, of that aa.PPliite necklaae.. of She 'Wou1dr14 Weat. it While, I t:Wasil. there.. Bogua stiff, of touree.", .1; ••'' '* 'Tut did .y0ii. 'ku)itv:that* you'd :find :Zoland.. here' With *Aunt Celia?" t• • .'No," H. and the,. naeudo-Bussiane had dipped tirein Sight before 'I:got to ;Nei/ and 's,didel: .titiat :when I first goi. hefe: I theught 'he aCted Cy:wetly; Mid • the' black glas. Ses.• Were. Uninival, toe, but the must- ache and black..hait pvt. , OZ. . • "Then,' just 'before yon 'came .doWn. .Staira that night; I tanght, eight of MiCh,aei and Yelena.. --:and things be, gap, to": Or' '•-• I'd got 4 .riietz ,ty *gbod. aeaetiption-Of them .4n. Net -:t•,, Yak. -That's 7 why 'known ;that I'd 'eVet,•.inet sioti4; contd. not risk Yew:: involved in this 'tititig, little,. sweetheart Went 2Oland to thftik *Vete.: In the kaaw,, tOO." • • .....The '!heedlighte of.. the liannitilfie pieked ahato curve In the high- Way.- How 'dark. Mid Alio toad looked; thought. .8he :Wee 'tied i4k Bob Pletcher ivOttld. 6e, *itli. her on the drive , • ' ' She: felt' a • 'Sudden draft fretri teat .ef, the ear, and hhif,turped : her the 'gloms Paltitieb Wa.O. ()Pen- itigt :-torne,tIting: told., and -thetalliC was otairiSt • heck; , She, lor;) ; • arm:. • e, and; eeapen taetS With Witt Pitt Dell- ' Per. Neve , gently over the Ore, thoroughly hot; AO aerYe.'0e.7.1k." :flat• , .4isn -With OS $01110 ,Of tho.eggs,, press. : ed. threugh ale, ,over tlie top: • ' Palmer:, Paatie. • Chc,p finel POUnd can salteelt :eau". • 1 bard •ceOliedgg ir 1 teeelieVn- .meisteeeVfleur in %. cvp nik 0Ner ploW fire.. WINO thicicevea... bevt salmon, egg, tableseelon batter,,,:aalt ' die. 'crust ;ftfld cut the ternoVere.,with' a. • saucer un'aid.ede,i,vn., Wet edges,..with , Vlil!'7."6`nritrure on lirdrof, crust; fold.' per other . 1a1f, Loa •press well to- gether. *OA: 1?rnp.n. • with :Milk. bike' iltliett., . , • , . . Oir.ie ‘1;14.e.d‘..N‘Ir."'.1th.: ,cup ;,eracker mamba, one .egg' ...•• • ; • 'Baked. Noedles: Yukon ...Combine twe..tabletipoens Melted butter, one .tablespoontilons, One tea- spoon ealt sank -one clip ''Cook stirring constantly :until thick, Add, two cup flaked salmon. Fill '‘,..r,,ea ed casserole ,With alternate layers eiteamed sant:Loa-awl cooked', noodles (3. capa);.. Sprinkle each layer with. buttered% bread*.crurnba, (1 carol'• Bake . . . a:moderate over '(275, degrees. ,F,),* 20-20 A foie cahe flour 'YOu can mit... in half the amount: and ,but'..7 • ter used, and • Enid get a„perfect' Cake; 'wheteaS:. with; ordinary' tient , and ,double.,the.anoonat of. :ego and hut - ler.' you , have a, noel.. cake. . ‘' . Try 'it, YOunielf . with DAB ; o'neegg ,oake .anci: A Omit brand. a finely-Mil,- notiee he 'd1 - enc 'in:JastAextur. , ;and ,cost. ; .• . ••%• •• ;ONE -EGG CAKE *. 2 4 pupa sifted 'cake, :flotir, ,,,,..2,Aeagipoons4altingtOwdet;64"" ttLiesspitilionn 4 tablespoone, butter or 'other short- •• ening. • • • I. cup 'sugar. , egg, unbeaten: •"1,. ,-Sift flout ence;,..inestalire, add baking: powder, and . Emit,. and . sift' together', three' ,timeiL . Cream hutter thoroughly, 404 ;;Ogir gradually, and :Cream •• gether4 well. ; Add -egg , and beat' very • ,therougliii., Add'. float, • aiternately •XVith Milk,: annual 'aitionnt at a:time.' • heating: ..afte*. • each • addition untll smooth,: Add ranilia. Bake. in two , • greased 8 -inch layer pine moder-, • ate • oven' ..(275 deg; p§' .niinttes. , ...Spread ClioColate Orange ,FrOsting be- tween layere, and on toP:..and .;alties of • • 7 -CHOCOLATE, ORANGE-PROSTING '2,.tableapeOns :grated f•orange rind 2, Cups sifted confectioner's:. anger. .DaSh gait. .,'; 3, tablespoOnii orange .jitiCe.1(abont)., .: .4 tablespoon's butter. ••1%'sietiares::.;.uneweetened'''•checolitte;, • . • melted, .• ,.' • • • • • Carabine orange' rind add, butter; cream *41,', Add, part of :sitgar_gtad- ;badly. blending after ' each addition. •Add ' chodalate and salt and Mix. Well • . , . , - Add-remaiiiing-sugairceiternatelytivIth7- • „ . oransisOnice;! until of sensist-. eney to sPread. Beat thoroughly. alter• each' addition. . ' • .TAPTY FISH.-,131$1:iES; ' . . atirf- Saimofl Patties egg -aiightly beaten,!: '.,:tablespoona, cream, tea§liooa, sait.aad 'a pinch. of flat cAlces; . • L. . • • . • . . • : • • .Dip crumbs, then •then egg 'to. which • 2 tablespoons Of water have been ad- ', tied. and then crumbs again. Saute:111 hot fat' fat Well, browned On: both"' _ aides,: Place each -cake on a sl, ,e, of het:toast And aerve, With.2 cup8, Of **,hite. sauce to. Which.% cup ef•fiziely out'eelety has been added, ' ' • , • K 44'61'60 2. Tuns 'pannetl. salmon, .,• 4 . table- spoons batten. clip Cooked rice, salt :and., pepper; 2, hard coOked• eggs. ' ,.• -Fr* the •flish•"freiti • akin. ana Vine. . Melt • initial' saucepan, add the • fishand,Ptir .gently..: Pat in' the,.ribe: the white' ,bi, the hard 'cooked eggs , • TORTURE STOOPED In A Minute! ..-EttSitiolk relief frotktheitah164-a- . • • eePPI7SaielialthiliellOe'IN..--r;ligialsegatlentpinellett)noo:le.tifirlpq11:8';hdriuseD;htlrti.1°Dtstacto.htedc6r-Dos. apply yr, mnilisfpnt t hen Imo oaten in eruptiou, • • adtkihretinps sonttoa.rlani,rteptinek:041:1citeirst_oifilltnasillthd aotAnn;in13,Y1',ok - sk fof- 80 D.D.D. D P4t4d1"0:146St •, On Sale Friday, April 23rd . • THE OFICIAL: •SOUVENIR ' THE C: 0 11,0.NA T .1 0 N, • ob. grades,' perrilfutota lits Mate/sty this. Proyrciattne ts tasked' by King Zieorge'e ' • tee Trtist. • COPIES &AY NOVV BE, RESERVED: ,FROhl : NDWSMIENTS: AND ,1300ESELLERS. , pR,TCE IN CANADA - 50 CENTS 'REUNION of BRITISH •.FAMILIES nie pi:epee:date, adrance pastaga•trioney: (niitho'nt . • terast or other ,elicirgeh)•tb• • 13ritish. people desitirig.tot• , .brfrid tit). Canada their ivivest fee/lilies, relatives o:r. frienda. , • • ' Apply 'tor Yartteutars to neatest, •gtearthiY agent or id 'BRI:11$11 'DOM NIO -P•EMIGRATIONTSOCI • •• ..(4.tdoitkedmi), • • 2L/, tiay'.8treet . 17-Prorap • ," . •'Mead taik4 Otiiirig It Stec4ght'''.. Writes. the 'New • york , Herald • Tribune: --,Gilbert ad Sullivan . made,. this Classifleatioa I on thehu- rnau racel' ' - • "Nature; always does,' contrive That, every ' little hey end girl that's* •' ' Born kite this, werld, alive . Is'.either "a -little lib-er-al Or else- a little ,con7serV-a,ttive.'" „ •lb,e,ii...neXergot.....his re Autaltien_2.. from ,that. kind of writing, and, . Sullivan.had been asked. to set it • the .0. and , S.' quarrel' would,' have„ niter q-ett'*71re-r11-'7,11 NV:`,V. -.wants': to. quote 'We' again it 'might Now, Nattire, alivays 'Claes Contrive _ That .every bey..and every gal That's "bet*, into this world •Ali,Ve. • IS either a little. Liberal' • •Or else nlittle; Conservative"! Colors for 'Men . dozen. dummies ':at' the, ConVerit- • tion of the National Asseciation of Merchant Tailors' Of America" 'dis- 'played .ottOte.deaigned to place" men in rivalry *ith, wornen•in :brightness • The outlits,, valued at $3,00:0, *elated a red exiting .coat; with Corn!, colored trousers; :scarlet . hunting: -dress--cOstrwith-ineignia- engraved ::on• • Vie gilt bottoms- Gulf streain on - blue champagne coat with stiMmer-t. • • bund, (sash); aimilar coat or orange; blue -opera ' cape with , starlet satin!: lining; • green' deuble-bretifsted ner. suit With ,green .ttixedb. hat; an orange Norfolk coat and' • Vest With', • . , .-terratotta-slackellatrawbetty-Nor4- 'folk -ioitt with. red and black :flan- • nel trauSers; blue-cut-away-eoat and • vest; and • a , canary pastel tuxedo • eclat, With Cummerbund and _plum_ Tdinneirtiouserts. •• '• • ' e.Valfili in the .new year: eternai watchword, •: 'Everything for 'Oen, • many'." -Adolf Hitlet; •' , 401410.1704.4047100 F.0E-00=. iea:;• Ia)?lata‘Flith a (111 " slats 0 watek.. • For sine throat, glergity with 3. "Anpirin", tablets in • giasetv-, of • water:. The modern Way, to treat a cold is • this 'rWo "Aspirin" tablets the• ' ilniePleieant,1* nyonueeTeeses614;c•i°n1.1wcownhoitgra.°n1i. • you have, a sore throat.with the cold, •'dissolve 3 "Aspirin". tablets in' glass of. Water and g_arg_le withthis' • twice. -',Fire'",K-4-5--liiii"7ydn-t-ake--,iii-7 -- tonally will •act. to combat .fever, aches, pains and the cold itselLtThe* gargle win provide . almost instant relief froin Soreness and rawness of • your throat. Your doctor, , we. feel • sure, approve. this modern Why• ' of treating a cold. :46 • "Aspirin'!. tablets are e Canada ,by , the Bayer 'company, •• Linited,Of Wind- sor, Ontario,„ Demand TIADS-SARK !Ian. Don't Worry Or You , Will Lose Yank. Looks • . . . Don't iose yonr: temper and .d.onl.f *arty! •Walk 4 least. a 011ie. every day. WheneVer you catch yourself • worrying and, • fretting, ting a song or two'. If yoir can't, sing, huin,„, Whistle; and keep it .up until the souranoud passes. By the end of:the week yotell Iciek and .feel like, a'new person. . • NeeTh • simile period of • . • . their jives, need a ' strengthening tonic ..like. Dr. LPierc,e's• • tFioanV.eritTehe'Preysacuoripg-,.•• ivoinan•whoStillets from • m o net h,.1.4 pains, • the expect- , • ant mdtber. who -- .has nausea And, other' disagreeable symp- . • toms, or the middie-aged woman who ex. • periences '"fieat flashes'. 'and,,;nervousness., try this ."Presciiption.", Mrs. • W.• • Baker of Route 6, Cobourg, Ont., said: "1 • used • Dr. Pierce's Favcirite. Prescription • • 'through the change of life and felt so welL 1, still take it occasionally to. keep' me -well-- . and make. me have a . good night'a rat, find it•wonderful for a case of nerves'."'Buy • noWl New Size, tablets 56 cts., liquid 51.00: /9iow• do, you- keep your outhouse cleanT" • "I use GlkLLE TT'S LYE viva -Warily-. It keeps things,' clean and simitary" luitside clOSets::.keclean this easy way ip. 'THERE'S. no ,1,1k of Offen- ;1 • &lye outh.048p otiorS VvAieti • :you Use Gillett's. Pure ,FlOce , • Lye,teipiarty.." Just sprinkle over Cp.nt,ents, of ••.• •Ciiigi-,•=tmce a week, tliere":s., no ilOeittO rOit;OVO Ottititefit47. •Gillete,s dbe$.i.t for yot: Giiietea tye in the honeehiild • • 50'08 ?A, heat?", Wkirli'L-'cleatS • Niver daterve _yce4e, watir „ f)eat; teilet stainel. keep. a 'tin hanity.. • • wale; • -Otte 110011t1IT-414-91itelt-*8:.-tye BOoklet.,telle • PoWedtil cleanser fot deSeins if taShs. 8end for a Tree Cepy,to Standtitd, Brandt -144, kraPer AVM anti ,LibeitY St it totoitn?... OM; • . • It ' a 1 tar royement Plan ac!ced by opien" Nks• MarY sutkesiand. minks It Great Charier to Improve Howe Life , • OTTA.W.A.7:-"Thia ia. oaO. ,Oetaatoa; tViletV A; , geVeritment, 10011.fited Ightint9.4 W.91.13cieti $0001m latereet...4" KfitioffareinprOineifrzintrinemi, discussing; the,' Home Boer° , . • •Satheithind ...wail:, asked , what e .thoa'glit •itt this. project:fer -erni4itigy ' :vv0: . ' .aoiliepue• had haerthe.4hright;,.,. idea -When house.;''., she. •Teplied:, °What • I.. Might hay' e. done' : with Al* .'iousee I have .11,vea in it such, 1 in Prevements conld.• have :been pald fer the.atitactive. terMs, ay,' : ranged -ander the.plaa,"•makea " to areain. • Omit . • • • "Brighter, healthier; happier, moite, : .con,venient. and, eilleient limes, may. , • • be . achieved:, for . wider. the. pla WOmen, who ar'e 'bleed : • ,• responsibility of Caring :fOr , family' • -•ana hOrne, within:a giv, " .. . eir ' the .assiatatice et modern flagneilig;, to., t. :add vaentitit cleaners,. ''.teirigeraters, , • radios,: pianos,' 'at.,. to • their,: hoine'. • : That •methed of'financing ; ip one with,: Which 'they 'are .familiat,. • To liiiVe. :deferred .;ayments; applied ' to home irniirovenient, , is the „Answer te2a.,lichictinaketts • Prayeit, • . - .• tamove a' partitien. bete, to ' .• . • . ;.• make :one. ;•oem. Whe•e: twci• tret•0•: . :fore, to 'revamp , the .obaaement to , make ,an attractIve ..ganies tO the ..longedfor fireplace in -den, to rebuild .the Attic, •to -genie the was.tefid,•,••furnace, re- , ,• . , . , . . -,:pliree-trlirltirmo-inlequate-OrieTtcr-saii . • anti resurface the:lumpy ito• • , nly makenp by way .,of. paint' to,' t Other' ireprOyeuients'. May,:bd anti:need h011se,iteppes, .thein selves.; through . enteral .butigeting +heir, ifideinee oi • all, -,vance•S:' . :cne. thOusand • dollara, for a needed repair or alteta•" • . , .tion,..is • likely to appear an. impoaai- temany: wernern•whaseneesi :is: 'great,but•to find Cate can borrow the • thditaftrid dollars, make :the..yeeuirect „Itnpr,ofeinente and repaY:it.at.,the rate:. • 'of $27.7.R. Monthly (or thirty-siX niontbs., alters the. 008.:hility .altogether -,,,,:t''. • "Of .'course the ,:purposa.of the':. Is, net en.courage the lending of moneY:.: eaahle ple to Make'the lone needed • mate' and repairs .the depresslo as • been. idling.' .up. Against their ,bOnces,..., •and to proiride • eniploynient to; the tradesMen ..whom the ..depression, has been, hitting thtough uneMployment,-. Theritim.ulation„ to the: siniplY induia :Aftieti;"4::the'emplayinetit.: .of : pitavement of Canadian homee•.whicii• . Can,:be• effected by.:the Widest use.af. ' the .Home Improvement:Plan now :de, pend ..on.,the initiative: and co-opera- tion 'of Canadian women." ' Miterate.d• Ink Quickly Restore Notable Advance. : .SFietitift Crime::Detectibn, OOICAoo,'. neiy, (Mick; • and• ,'• , . eiraale process for restoring . '•••• . ed-in16yriting-Warailiffilliieerbir Northwestern .scientifie Crime , detection lahOratOry: , --7.:tt 'vas': -.EdWin. .Neig, instructor.iii petite Selenee, for 4nee in'. disclosing foreArier Wills, contracts and 'othet • dotoMents." • •.•The a:Peat:etas la,so small itt:ctin•he ••••••••• carried in the. paelieta of., law .,etifotoe- meat .agjente. and embleyed •whydrit. • !tittle effect before Auftes :and jarios., • It:conolsts • of,..n. geeo • taliap:• ••: tubo sh pod•glaas siX Inches „ • •,, Th6-•opdning . on 'the:largo • end ,the size of • rivatter, ThO-clilterialieta'Off ste-: and • iiiouthalcele.t..•.. ;Thu ,inise-ation,.,;-if the in.strument 5nOlt; 'auccessively. With •'..viada of ' potassiiiin :palPir•,Oyanate cotion.iroittenall, liydreci4erie O'Neill blows' tlivetl'0, the, „ the portion f)f Ow document suspect:0d Of having been :Altered erasure ' phernicais:•.: '• „ 'If hon "CT 4.1ed:, PertionY.' the, announcement' gaidy-qt. Will react with the V61r:And -etnergo imitedlataly _ , I '.'teltr11',. all the blue -black and the, • blaek irika cominertly used toilaY.eon- • tetin iron.' When, thee hike are re, ,thoted Iroik'residuell the Paller are net saffeeted .thet •ila • wi.ittrigt•hi , many • instantes tan reatored, ' • . , yerdula Atd . . 41,1)14, 4trikt. .8tato8 tra(le s 1:awn "boleti -64'i- • 1; to thewj)oic wo rl (1, Widtof TA'n, the 1;cat.,d of ' Tra4, 'said tcpcntly,' , •' ionvichum, , 'dent Roosevelt:1)s a . !'ourt\ecotts- 1 President :016 18' 'remeklok .gneietso' )4e,.(11(1, -..noir 'refer pk,i5SpeetiV6 liegotiations tor vitt 'AtiglO,Arneridan trildet.ittitV AddreS0-04ofOrd tha 1.1411.tiOnal 1.1heral Club.