The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-04, Page 371 wl"-!` , 71 W 177 T` p V, 7 7f7"� fn k 7 71 d ike L N 0 N E F I N E R MADE! This A& W VE "_0 Of 7� In Bodk 'Varie Y. OYD .0, ga Ya�ns -VALEN61A'-�Ijr. NorM -�jlq DOUBLE" alla E acua iqp,� -C Tit in �Glv* b the en, %nig t'of �150;000 men of ' Montreal, recently, d.p 4 wplaell, .'ailftl tAl Co.,(Cens0a). children pur-.Malaka , as want- eVacuat oil of a city jq`m6d, 0 re`04' AbOgt- them, andi theigo, are.'a X 'QU U nvvn1'e '-tq� V BLE Die X -,:, -.h I - - t P174 JIq ..Wlde " Jety of',`Su� ok n� the Motorist o frip it A v4p sep, stands: -- 494,, .564,th6rn- Oapish Zf ell surp t vjI dica t n,%the, Spanish, C1, W. arl. t 'CA M., tic, gIveQ,tbR- tttle rol'o to a Cair 0 B641 11' PlIppyi, N KPOW Vhet q jt TPP4M� Jilllu ad'o' - th' 'ho, I ­ . -petof 111,01�zlglisli children., Tllq'- E)r�. Bethune :h Oil e, )f e. Spftli is (.40101 414'stit, "dpqfig� wj,th. Ille family" nloving fjom A' fu I.o 4alf-einp.q. bo X, utd, T 1iid6n t6"tho. c6LIntl; 1 sa I d bt� witil, psycllof6by, .1 1 J. o rs e a, wall qI - e co III e cs and: sports 4-b' i p cnt for,' 'ag stl�ate, 'IN trUck-440 ON can, 8 iols, lq� :'.vVh-i6Ii- tbe 'twing" til4t Ob G'" :DEN AR vf;..iefir�erated' J�' " I , blood mqq,n­ag to' Swill I lie a c �rang� 11, r I ,, , �� (:.:, I b - robber :t fu4ions., W . , 1 . , , , I * , �; '' QMagipe;-15,0,6oQ, Xn �jpplan, an td -on d ellop Jil YOR. 71� 13v G e1g)t to qo,fl s ry 1.1 as Oatmeal Ill t , fie rvoy ii DONA SMITli: �.ch.ildrerl' aktin Prlsohfir: a! red] Well, your wons )1p, v to a 'Ifet' l!'veAbno, (Iol' n, -to tile f;%;6- toikil, - s . Iffifit6d. Vtn;" lli6i they ar 'Oil ye'ar-dld i, 100 0 the oiil�-,ogep, can, 'ad 6,iake :on a -le Away only. onb r t eall� take Pollite`s' from, VINTY 'us - v 'L`-Dui�ovl five. Jou�n�'y' requiring, fire, (lays, AF, Str6s , sing., gent1d. 44 FITICUE. NO -t�lng. t0gethe�'Jt 'will 906 fb& holing' at least,'� lie sald., i ma -V -: . . 0itp oe t Q, apliearancip, fit. being,. part of. . the ff ' T�hero was nQ Toott to 'be found. In, nqss. and" sympaths" its his rs't ru'leB 1nf.0rIna,I,- -experts,- -'I fi the �l th s 'and tlier , Ni heAollg jus tilig, �y the I*nd p.0 rather,iiiain. 8 4 occas o-ri to., repr .4. nin nit rigld-af�­ e was no, alno" t, low lie taug, -Icks t�, niand ber coloro foi th or ---t mot r e verage fiiir-,Btick.fni.'bu'tof-the--.edr -:-- -transport. -them. -- --I- - b ir. . q hwav ht ti a r4b,g I- i4is I L 77. eY Ertl 1, e0p4ants Y, )ie,'-vIct!M,.Ip- k -ed 7�`—' P-7 it larg a sqrIesLof,:II,%.,eI floWei girden. True, it. is popslble'� 'ITI da Y -an(] amusing an.,, eS, f in .(7oast jo furth6r lntcre�tefi edd' tei., Bfhgger�d: stumbled, 9961 u verti, ,P.Geta4,0, FtOWO; Straight aid nothffig Wntll..she reAc-lied �i�. grounds and skille 1J, Tegetdbles With cut �And bruised. ffget,,�-albnj the, q hdl#, 'tol dd somethipg -,Witb On- the 6 e . ,'aA or 'voiic� cou ' 1,4 Coa r 'as, Itchen,- wI1&re In 114.Se' ketitls oulk, bie, pl. white Ilint road while' the Fascist . I ­.. st4 AK, h be kno-WA Ithe .,of, " anted in.*. st I ro prbilucers, Pthivough. itr, Cate ,Cob16ntt I nr -tuperatiot U:69AU41,11a n .13ay Allnihg- ;Lfi lii�k�ifW. rowp and O)rde Is heard ilf. shrill- I'l . _ sbarehol4ing, )as, gone, 1 Insurgents,) bombed tb6m fr So Oud b rs.: But'i 4ut ba se x4etal6.�oi 8 metal liudso behind. th;. 9006ek of hisfor�'tor e Q, , aw I ttle p in ecamp -the *dla th Smelting b" e peg' at hei' ihigtre �qplkl n 1pi#' T -bb -'qiLnrk, 7�. 4,tW' Zrogulgr _h 11, air and from t exper4e ce�':qf- anfmnl. p Ing. .tile. .Past week bv 'wIth otl4b, jil, .1fl-itigh, on. . . .1 . . .1 d.orporatipb;.. -P�Vp the - tory We . , '#;Why,�'Liza­ 'she I)egdll,' &gillc to hew high 0�1 S will'. 1r, e, knost.. fet aviflabl. . ;, I u 0,.. c I r 01. uce -T9i''i'", ` �®rWt p �Iea"alng; e.0:,ect , I , "vhr e. in - Chnada and ii itti'd -,at, 1e4b . t,v. WAil .1 in iii: . ice: a of tha� bull' 0 1�-by th r-�, earth al., ' I * h de to, A t7h _�e�yqlf. talkillg�, fe to 4b -�'iirit h9s' 46 -a id - 0 ' some of I these years' 'of dge a A&A, 1,600 of them: 9 for'niany APO oul cop. di, load: an 5 OQO under'� Mlsili. ',-Who p umbla. *Ill add I ude, f 0 � � 1. 7 , aX, air Of 0;191911�lii .newer 11. - '. the Ing, - even.'i1hy backyar'd eqs,.Stv, and, by r . - I t 0 1 the. Villi -'the;' dopti.ag 'tiI6,r I . . . r I I a 10 f gardefig the, . .1 . I I ..! I I - . ;, - , 1, Y,�qrsi of.',gold e 'rule to 'Pake"at. least three soWings 19, e "A quifies ard als.o sitlistantial P, Orses har6to, .,ot and many clad �rifi 0 0 7 the tales.iii. (,Anf.' ­Yln.s�h I - thi fi ' f airs 11'aln't 'talkii, to pob. Y,P� MIA Coi u nig�-*wPco�po�ation is 'MAIL. Pion ipp6i-Aike of �'Wueh JlArger aft garmlignts. Ing 'pdratioitits !OjClrta4i's'� o; n c e ded, , 11b i i. -v ety a week or 'ten da s. reply, "t eerii" aro%all.-true gleaningq of eath' varl .7.4s.. ah d6n.1 k 'R diary, Norme.talb,� f6l-m6 y ha�,6 most ab Ze'C(inle Dens.e.Strearn., 91 Aliana, le, all, 'Offiel r I , , " I" t,L ", ' ' - mana t In at' Off .19,yr A-1.6in 1�ap4rtt` production �can be the announce 4hould, jIncreaged of., dis house he . a1l d,.! financiiig rl ment. d roin old, The,Ancesghn s ream' I N k :,big'� adv'a' t( hare 0 wil and fer �rlbadlng' diet 'W came, go 'de o' i The, At age of the be - ii, bit of a' lawn"Ji! ti nsq. we �e foregrou4d vegetAble ­ gar en -'.right,' Y - could. at tbe ad6r T ers at 1,5 cents'a- hharo.. �,W� th -ler ok- f r.:',ChINren d a -I g a, fll,6 t t Wofqsscirs vjerb,h n' e force Our cars, through -.tfi im wo p 1'611i 1 *Ith an-,lFreg4 '-,d qt Is fr6a n6s but t i�kher .,that -the -bl. _,'.Ip B�api�d, .-'b . announcement 0, kfit-itill. vil qW a' 611. Dhan Gorfal:Mukei owl5tslitrottud t eleag Ue,..in. tAldiRtAli an in n, Pp- Th�. imp,( apt lie oil . writes f Omet so. Velopin `p6werfUl..stofy rJf -a.tJ 0� ago, tfiis respect it. I w Oin �I'One ca t�­wov, gci� c`ub osd& to 111144y: (IibirebseW pn r he placed bil-pitgoiicti6n. 'in gr Ill -o. ie -the cor- a Important havb a was t fe: ..Ust Ing, of t ie ab rbs of be$, h -g trill' 'r b 404 1 1 Ile t. lit 944chil-dien we,dqeid6d to'ilixii back - OW ng "along freque­tly, neil by Its' moflie 0 liv' t jungle lifc�; '. A re d-bI super proge.. if, n ood-' gardenek Waiter; din e.w supply;.6 I il . . �u)y. on -h,� 250 -ton- d'ai1r,lbAs*Js'­ th'6* U.' SkII 'th, - . I . encyclopedia straight e f and.."st4r ni.ed Oils O�, tile . T.Oefihw, ­6f�- x Sb re iolrej -tpe- modern. t.transpbrd g-the,w6rst-.cas,s Stock r price.'o '*V'er -fo' -Iveii with, fit4hil, of, I .. I I I . . �Jin' ell sub,,,ct, (Zone in nes -about ­tlie hb' in tq�,84tol (retu a sliareg att, ed a market: 11LX0ange,'. In ad usfi;,jind lit Y", �14ntlng',`all h hol( &S M b 011ie bries that: 11 1 flowers'and :Pbru.W anCan t-gqt'one n OTPO*1033, Tul�zier,, nt�liid ar gpleiidid mvst c6i 'of al -.6 III �'k P t­wilai S.- it You� 1 .1; vtS,,O0b'e Sam p quit �o chooq lich I I ". ..I lai ucei. or CaTr "But-It'Was difli MOX'SOITY siri�"I�d hai,�il' $3 pe r haro..'. 'Afinifig 'd J ng, fs�51a bil, t6l u "ONVA., C 0 0 in Nw, "immema 0 1 A o,,. a -e. 9 ho r 4ctj 12.z. the':Founda puts, t tib.h u Rew books. 'lit ur car wag�beseig&d'b'� "a orb: f, es* n t, le, completion of Lei 0411k�9r,g4r4pd 0 a,sha�; 6' '1 a tie -later .0 Ie 4 ­ . li Jay,- s ra tio.mqt 'who, vith, t ng f 611?'the-� C6mp irs"ang fathers f, 11 g. Mkii :as ox by Gr &Ungs ill Ofb�r, - lbbrta� oll":fIetils. ti utsr 0 rv..�Of Jutla `6f "ju I i. ei DI F&� t k Id.up't. us T 0 . . . . . . . . . . i's b eJ%t4e-niy�tqi fa `7; tine �mim�ula6­ -S.Aizita - 1 7, r a Oonge' f e pertg� Pre- ell an( gtled- t b- d4 y our I!, 111-S A,�fi He 0 Lin ah*d dilst ond Y. Oft vrliy 6,11 `v! -S in t let; . ul ;Ao': 1� Val f, 0. 0160 - 'tells t, at, tile,. "UOw u befi�,eoll`, a, U0, Jil C :A 0 tiS t*, ritietIl. ysentery ,kl of thfi'Q st..once,. pioduc�f c ild dylir "I'd j� �4 InctIleg: 3' is th.e MY 611a ill -oose tate m co ld� 'we till '30 Ge t the. h ioy� - as to a' 0' sta Ob. .d I . - I - I I IT, o up --I t ry 'q I as �.;. O� A' on .a ii an's t sbo�ldor.: � I ., I. . - . t antf-crhio an s.' 'tich: Ilk' *14'J"Jiirl a pr6due6d .110ti., I's :tur ebtine., 4 the yiiig agains lier NI lit o "I fl 0 -us 11-itli gredt �%�ui It- ery NV stolidly.,ivatching salldrii' light af gA PP$' f ine ell eye t s as Open, ter r. - . moun ll 0 . turPent ..froin. their: t if Oiatma:ii� , . 1� lit I t e Oqk are'-�cvu�ljj' bei 9 01" e ellsinn and.' flan 6' 9 to;'a� hI,-h­cIiMax Ile ell! rn o . n the ad, Anieii6a's -pine &Qg. In ah igno ran r Id -bo &Itly'- designated 'one .',.o io , I'l Y i:J1vUng to, -1�0, I , or"', t -t le found a, proven fifft. .016'. T day .0? sif, I'vilo ll��n; :r�l U his, bdfo, Sent aloft, allo'll4d J 0- S.RY,thero.- �,du�,' su'aI,(,%Vqod- �­i ners !14;'Aand 'S4a,.' -Ve lip, f stick with is J. le -gettisig 6 Urned'over. t �o. s`Inipiy.'-',ga 'em - f "Foot-. "a �42,r YQA,C, 4 t 119-AII0 ll�a` .,thb.struggle wir 4.esids thL, 't" d -roying 00 m6d up -prll�ts Ili the. Dust.", a - evy q bv� Alft�Ls, C�o on,! Voln hill); AT I. 'elf opet, B, ILI ie� lOsOLP113', "Yofi'Ve 'go t, arftablb-l' d6jig y0ad foolvait VaSL hip li�a 'is c otAlOs., p1li es only. Niri.,Subgfit For.: - Lit Inys, t .-b 48 - r the Jou 0, Ath to; . et I'y1J 'o 6aj�l�.lottl I 4A.56"Vily"ll'ot . elJJO3'L'Jt1 J "W6 111-st' decided -eb' -. . r 'IN". V llz:7 to take 61115, 11 .1. . . I ., , Ee -of IM -41661prin pa' t e dust, 0 Wflo!- ''S -.1 ' 0 - 'lloixeti, �,,q .. . .' Singe'v 'a nd 11 f"P21.1 I)�- hi'%the bto�se Age, r ,,,,.v p � �o� I I :,�9 * GOO shi ejl�t liL a ands imnelck 3 j01,18 0 1WRII, the w: Upl&p�odudi� Ivith. I'! da gi.,-IiLls 11g; divil. hila: ,p f 9 U- th :hia, 1V !,mpgr appe. 'arOW'substit6tes '�!�-d ic 's Port 'Ardi6,r, G�jves%: 0 Crtle to'beai`iV1p' 'of rehnirig' es, - n ..e d' 'I -ell --the .stro 'T -e -Alill3vitilible, short 1, di and"otbers. ..'Plicn, tile -sopla (igthnr�� �aliti;ci: b is the slash-pifie 1 1, PYL' 9171 h g in. cy. Judje6l be6,ql1I(3 'to Wit to tile`- gbi'ii Mill .Of- is t be-Rutffu, �,�ted� the Various a coho His.Experiencts - his ie( by t),,Illsp V.IW7, to Almel-fil! ohation�g. elilgina", ak:d the hndin 0 L Se ain. tile If, Iiiiinber el', - singer and iress reatured' 'In. -the"' C,'- u 1, E e I INd t6 diad "t, (t re-, 10 pi fflunflips %vith. te Va. utharitic-6 atlet.ldt th6 ;ts now-, fl genera 'I. ' . , , use., gar 1.1hr, the 11i � 1. 1 0 F Orr 'in 'ehildr I.1 t' i�e I?To;v d a:.hi ell passagovk 4'16bfldl`ell�.� .,d thi? u t Z' oxi�'ettineg,: buys "fron! 1-1 ell 't 'quit to' lia lb ct P. Ke j9 a 49 �of efinii BrI "Oil the eve 'o 'i'll" �l;t'!Of a firm '&t fi-11, S'.tvvi' pzk fig �Corrl lam � r,. - , N. ern. :, ` I . I In ing- I:hduitiiy hd a in FOhT A117 M.od VUR ay'-ef T.Ilinking !ie saniq.-bbit bf' cloth be* developments e iiie..words. of W. Jmdtbod§' will ladgton-4�,- the, Ll't -pi�e' :1 1 F., - I I I gee, Ilg Tbe lagid Ce beeii in , thd: h ISIVS1:111tes all, 1; Inade its dei re andye tov i pa'iIles.'c.r�ay, be.' 1)btaltfed 5,re 01 -held, (11). :1 i, a It- for teh best... Pul P" has. �IAU4 tOr pa�j,- In 6o', kld% 11.11vie [1i when - P 's. d e gl el�.w list of t; lssues� LI and Withbif.t.. tli,9 Jitkle'-seap pi. I' V, 0 Ill There' Is re�u no .:gJ,eht., obligatibfti fr6r.J %0,ur -qta, ki, n Or, thin the' Ills fol -'supt, "T.be. is one.. -"Vlbtely.� witil, and, 0 lh t P, 'tli- r I, v 't, Qs nt. 17- 7 �Governime li-at here O� iaven b ng Pp p ,fr og lie 01 "saretv , Golquttlio" qf p. -a! Ew. ok� flit, ­0 IC le (iro`sses' to ploilSa ber' ej #kpA'$p all( Itzili-aii i I a Ibe sa"LoVial sufXeS8 lipps an Urne 0 d! �Ivll av lero-: e of Is 1.11eq -of do, V I V. The,eAs',i -ine,ohk S. 111-t le vel. ontre Eds ti� n: 't"t are -I a-p-,p-4ieabIb�-.-t �d. A0. b6filb" i' -the, stri a t,ris". to , , , - L � th� gf� ar� forlestad " "' ' #, I 1 0 d4 busb. -they w6re, wbell lie. uttered, :th'6m.J. Oi-, ion kjI., robiled. A, 0 4.hleastrre' hm UDC o r, ly wor-:- . �'- ' ; ladiers'. '1V18 TI. -C n d, - 1, 1 l. titni huddle 'so,. closfciy� fill() i-lolv '(1101,1'ce.1101V got.. Anthr P. 0 T '410(k E x C HAJ-4 CE U r's :,ship In the.ho'nie", tlloAe dres'sos' lbilt J­o��. It nium's I,( dgejohn �i IC. -Iv, -': �, J s 60 ti ta-il'i s, t �ct thai'all ,I, e could Y. T This from Ju. Aois �Jlli -PaS"h-l; "%v -A Iva e 9 .y- -Jtb�4gre��t-afiMcj -al�cl sp.l. d-., v- tl' is't-fict of Thund ii�,e. mpse ij. Vabe E'Ukresh of Dis' a," I 'life t1SA �!Zcd I, Cate& al t I Ile on t ay; lItterect As -he'sat, Ili. llib ofrjc.,-Iin� "Lip, thr0e..dead'cbJ.ldycn rl,6111,^tl e P. t to"wear thill, L ll'o :1 -dolio,'liV (-h� t* yOLIr hose; eava Y per."' !1004c 'itistea.4 .6f,sil 'had "been. stand Y4 black' wool. To.'. Alk Is le pave, , th 1%; 140, y Re �,011`rtjli it djs�tisgl,471 eO'I-. ment vviiero' OV -i, t e1v d�- - 8 oil on --am o Pre feot,:,.cJlest and torso, in Ili b I] t I I. rim il (Is. s or. e .3,eeo r Is n assified 'A d' 'n" - .9 pt -all -t -to -'lseil r reyleW 0 ic' component q, ad. the 41'es' I a wva)� I p -ed, dda t and' "Cl. Iki are. well past 40 f ti ribel' r "'All, -,�, c. z r�. r)r. A 1�. s. j-'Illdlifj nailk ,.laid a ]I' nd I ba d .1 of, tiry b.lic'. 7. Old .10lovii. 0m�­la-� -.;wU4 va0i- -7- fl, fn t expe,rienco,, 6- 1.9e. , 1 till ly-food-.soilie ---I --v-hic I Lit 4, 'f OR3,11-11 111stitute ahthrb�.� 0 ;'Of 7 �11 ta %V, I . I . �) ". , . .1'eco, It I t 6 TOU- ....................... and �03'lillg� ligh'ted' )10.01.41)ge V- IlIQ -to 0 id ela lan" -Ing cf�ases o ist- took -iz I —Clii' AVas ii.�shanlhl.als of,de- Or stich stripf�� I d to.tfi-e'��sta�bllg!i a (I , , ShY11611111 ullm bt t Ilt AN puccesg OfIfive 131,12 1 t Sollig-of '011'. 114 Witte d :A T a t Schoolg,'Jn P . ort'.Artilkil glare 0 Ill.;Iltig Wiltlings. tbo it,- g,1 t dhinio f, A W'" S, IN a* � I" - t :w. ay f 'b' I a 0 1) c e) Ilig #knLed 'U's oi, n1orq;*­ Iree. T -zrGA­:, .-ffJ;Qu,t 1 yokltl'�"O ILZ otif IM, s6fllf(iar I �­. indalls .0 o v ev ient, la I , . e ket, ilistetid. I WC measuraill, P ., N), 1, , r; At t,mie -q, x num 8!1`.�Set;,� Otthwal Cllt$� On AnW*ican, "I know lilat s.. Me Mls,. urbpealls 'Itimeroft, Sti,c(-ft, thildroll Wid tile sl 0 ineil, Q :-PreSbyteiJ1p,- tlll�66, B jas Shot ont. -t. rvilig, le pil bw. Inot lol lose massc,( cry b lei Mitst g ar d many �Z� slwiv TY -100L legi: and., �gs' ollo 4, ..41 'Lit, 9 Ile I` t 0 a- Vireb., 801 tentacle's; iii - file and'Jil I tr vd . is� In, ul�li, lccb 11 a will!7 81i'llitl �Ifar. Y, t RqBF�RTSO, ESS FN %i A alSQ Afny' tnt fe� 1�6ad vli'd %v eve buf Iflor -Toi,,qlt,�: I)onj� 1Aill i i, 46iig6i a P, t zevtors. (if the r&I'; fell. 17 to ln�! TI .'110"firls pt!id I JE), �wvfvs .,�N itl) I I ic k- _7 74��� d gi sm AoctrIn6s,tx Ile, m o(I Amei -.1i s all. 1. 41is (.I WA G Ft. C CIL J�-1 0 5 Sulld*,�V'scllo work n an- UfLT­PA'rCHES1,' ... ... f t ill tb kno tiiat; Iw. p'.ap!6 7"QUILT, -PA ;d N I.. ll*�a - . lotb(, ., 1 .. I I I I o obblieves there is .n n' h,zlfo f, (i i -I d -itibsWuW f "V.,P 111C. 0 ill. '1vJbe:VQ or r1i - - or''fami.ly ivovshfip tim' es "it Duihl' -o -.,h" 0,m 8cotl, �'Pob& c by. tijo U"llZI Oil Ills `Ul, I C�,Iizllly Oos.c rs, Ma-�,vs h -azl -recitjilA-,�the', N\7 .,CVRL �0' -abopt; menlor'lZing '�%� I: ad �e� milt lilt liced' 1, d' E A N,S lil N r, 0 11 nowi 4; 'i, If (n Kill$. P wom I V.augl",�Slxl t Flio. I Ith"of Colo 6,1,qt i6eve,rso- 'Pe'rson. 1' 11­ �-golden text�.. <Y 13 Vlflto -In , -4 � 6' 1.1BO, I . b e')Utni0t. wjl�, - Q1111,0111 )fit, i"IfIl'i'lal PeOPle �Everytvher;6 Are Ado�titjj.. st : I ti e tiibles - n ti,, rep ,ce voillen pig.flj ­. .0 isti "' " �­ - . � '.." �­ � . Thjs�Retna'ik�61e',�phjllip 9 a: X0.1ing, Cl all "aiii-7secretarieg dt . . .. .1 �- , - ? Y If llla�, .1 (,c 'iiig 1� lot, 4t �­ I! , gtick, ol� 00 4tis- hisopinton that..,t y6un Osse$ I' k , , " , -N I Z, - lm if, �%' - Chr, hi, . , Pol:zmm� �ult ein, P'.a c vot to el" in. tliq T1 'Y '�4` C �eal�e' Ic f0iJIId,;qm slaii b Ike to*#Nk-chr. itivo, OVe W."Ot .11C Wei' 'Prinits,,' UM. the qf,� C nian ()It altol,4 'tul�.0 u6ni) vr, 11d,Wtity to gain allmogt'"' U igion until" I I -bill' y' Ill -U.'a the totill ("fre the . .. , ., . - . - I, ' I os.t ;got(].- uick: r6fief, froin stonia6 pbt'sonal cy"iii %�I.d q vib ", , , - I [fist JN'oJ­,, IloILlrf' el It ansitig rom oVera "d' *§ to,. alka- '-11sm.- Ile, s6ok j4 "Of colli -so opl.. b 6kil". 1) 1; 1.111 -a t 'ho I a-l't fy tli(� 91,61� 11 pat-,. N -h I - (1, ra g 0, Ill 0— f e. C oce'llpat'jollal-, C� III 1�u�t 'kr s �: 11, IU a .6Nv;. tiiidy:j; rel h Condition: lia's' �'exlpez',,ieuc6d' 6dibly - 1 it I t, I oplideR, m.ssj6til lit:%,d f pp etol Siso. fa�ourabiy 0 a. 'Poris Natfbn. . 11 fl�, 1;, f lize. til� Stbilldch 41liCk y*1 h- Phil' tithin ol t g 14b se,ilnga6ide- ok a;-spirl fol&4he b ti v POI tmes:jc), 4., enec T Is a It 491 Milk of Magnesia.: offering' lie addcli�­ ..Oal regular, t, 111_9s, -.04 at and "dolitt, oil talc, woon� of de'S'Ulbe'd' the practice aq. �lllaial g foi Y a tither'two,'je w4n women, 6gi s"ohl :, I YOU Q IV v t 8 11 r 1. �'IILEIA "I'llu Itil I J 0 1, 1 t v of, t n e (1, lie),- 1 -.01 't e liquid gel VJTf4 GALL $lolls af ter �rbtarles- 0 epattip theii- k3�10 ali(l �Jjveit It Phil i a, co -oar ner6hJp,­.WJtJI call Op iniolri jl'i8 rRV011"t, ts is, ,'Ieven Corrai,it street p I Q�, .0, 11111illif (),od w,hicli'Sild vs. Pcof MLagne6ia ��6b. an, oar . y, �q ketting, arder' Ili ue of'. Torolito, a. I :, .,.. - ­ i 7 . I . I I , ets"oAlingst insiantly'llact nially cities :to '-bol . . I 6eie(,S'vt!VelV MI 't ho I "led 1 V 11 jl�g A U JLL,,�._ to' . .b t bujii tv be�.ostit,141,9. � P i,e�s t ayies 114"V61.1 -b04, is eli I it'led 0 AV JI!, .111,190' till a LANTs pieracid- 0,00SO ho,.\v()I find male eqrot, i. fth thl ift, �-t6o, 0 .. t; i '' " !oil: gpes t light chpd, , t Ile" (;tfl`l6 j.hat IV( pig'flidint hy ,Rge -,Ipll6l1.S .1 opp&z. �qdd6�1. .In I n t .6'nve to it 0 A ade �aJC :' : * of If oi'� r Course, v 'NAIJA'S lAR0 �T glighti t 0 , f, IV) Ill g A U190ce i4 food or.srhok*A- ho ,LIST* d .4vid- hcadachios,,�froifi di'le kiss.. 'Oflb , FZ 1 he nient 9-," �ind ,.JUdgp.,-Mc'1(ay :baid, he'.tivroedL with 1'13ut�-'ydil doll -t. h a' Clrrti�lod ircill(ii;1g, v oivt�ll t 16.: a -d o. Ali R�;Pherrle- eh 'et.1 bill b liti t ig, ove aVO hat,.to do A% Muse, ate' reliev0d-'YOfiA61 xna& 'L ftow, Itid s b e dorsal I n money 'Into_. perr Rbgei� Vabson 4ha to -good' pin Yneir.sbo)ii to'lc , .. I '. . 1 1. 1 . -Y 6tatoeslk lyre th-0t 111-a tro'so -fli'R41 ch"11) min NVe I -S with tlli,; the. w 4-A, or the clifirch rdl­ 166 iifii6`�s Owdon, 11. e g t tii -Fs PhilliPs' wAY�.Ii h I was am ..ell ur- You call epJoy tho- lonely. p it, a vnilt on. forg6t, ydif h i A D ePN allo -thelearilest, rtgroatoes aild. p 11-stolmach., n0A Y�tll :SHE. ­WWAS�., i ave, . . . . . . ill AVI ( I It :Of- The- ilit)tlth.�,�'depth of st- "ft ch'-'U� et.;either t -oil '(1 fo w dr - - � d, V � I t tr t) I b- y I gf 'kw -I lilt, JR11Y adi c a r'd and m at Ing it to t rjdq6 s-j.atjol print, nild g,,Iy on 786 liqiiid-,"PhilliPs' ' or. the etioli of *ri't-lug niL b I a c I rdima&w S y(q eep ot I u g lit I), 10 V and black. s-0 q�, s I v%,11ite; M,6j� . 0 ty fla tioa, '694" doloi6d A ft not" dl.l, III)IC, .' new Thillills Milk OfM-tignW4 .-tl1vouWi6Ut In TO'"SHAX E`� RA. D, 0116' 4Vould thi Ill, -filus ob n k It rather dmi't' lv, of I a lv, of I a lv, of I a Tilblets. Ofily 250- for �,big ljot bf,, 7. the �15'1�10 lo.,od" T1 lv, of I a W11, tarlo. i'sterl'oei -to' be Woiiijng On nriat 111011, 8eeffi ,11'e A, -Is JXI I'll . gs., I t - i s 1) 16 ba 1) 1,.le, �b e 'ad (I e (1, that 'iiioro.� conlPloU., iffide andii g RW - I, blets a t drQ stbidg. LSO IN. TABiif lid, .3 ildtt,. fil' g '1'"g-: RhAtlimilit4XI111111 JQiks eajiged,', ac i tiny tAble't is,t'he eqniv. 0 Y if , ;tt '11 &-loud 4reg-' b will le"Id, Landlady," I"ilt�nse Pa TI 5 h, clit" of 'a feanoo6fiftil r4, I HACKA TE -tire to 4iOre*900.urtite dizi Of kt-iwe ­ I C the �it tros 113 gvnuinw! ftillips' Milk 'of� PQ ITCIRING:14, A A Read rom a AVOJIla esA 'lln"PIC8, Athlete's feet, rashes and other skin eiiiii). ti d 1`620111119 of.ficzonia� blo ffils. letter' R, all- I'd V,101011 b4ife 6rit oI for. Ill Maine lite 2viall thai most s�u% ntift �1 11 bxtlqv-19a.I1t UMSert of', �,iqva,s ,g�jjt. iq this fisli then th�ln'nowllr, ':1, Oil to. cribing the rhAliher in.WIftell. slie was. '011 N100 A Y611,—If K -10"N . -1 . Z a0fiNfliflekly YieldA to.,Dr, Dennis, tobl, EY .AND u tw I UM 'affectod by irliciiniatisl' lie I 3 --yo A 85o,trw lbottle At drfig at, buffeted wfih rlieumiltl8tt�,df tbe,jo;lnts Nj�,- fill, 5 IRESCRIPTION. I�gg'�nfk%L� . ...... RcV�rzy i Jew�drjea' fast, stops a most intense, Qn, I a mpney DER TROL in Act back,,AfikfoziD;b. Di PRESCRIPTION., 26"t' bilief5jallp Ila till's c In'lily. ban 8,,a Yo �t;db GloA a wife, ,it' W1413, N y6ti tcQl t 1161,6 6 nip -4 Ile 1V ell yotvv,d 110 -,Cpolldi, Newl cqlds! 14ea itftef tv little WhI16' iby pil i olle t (I d, wn i; t Alin Ills. d. SIA LOS' 'Out - Of � sort�, a P�4v - V. TF , , Od, me tonsto Pell. - J wtis ev afraid to sli�lce ijands W-1til. anyoll.o, MILK 60 In milding*U0 on 11 "'v a MAGNt 1 1*1 . V��;,VAKE U ribly, 1- b' C,O tor It Mal talolig Xrustlion "Saits 'regularly, , a ud h fill JVit.st", f "o, f well into, Affeelted onrij, Miss) 1c, �,of lidnndli. of Colds, lictirqd. c6nW 6ni 'J, I , �1%1 10t, Chest, AVE !B It E �,Yft L I find in Jf6ul)lc I , (I o n't .N'o tIL e Throat: Heii, thin- 4C Out ot Be A I a �t% the, It'. Alith, gqs� or d�18. Morrii'ng,R& 1 " to G IQ`Ivt-,If101l4 t IM t 'Ali (IL. ]mess 1 4. X v �uickl` in fiNlel- shnicl ro�lr otit t t Or tisul: Are freqi1ontly rouscid' 1�v ,s G 01 d 0 it Ifooid U6 into Yllnr boWels dnilk�.I,f thJ$,bJYd II oa 61- o 0 If 0, 1 0 Its Do it t Ws At old fit, file - lls�los dong yqu#Ot Cohatf 1111 itd. ITarInfIll. Tho vitiftlej46 g "-I- fill thoboWbIS. Clis. blont ilp nt; Salts ln�k lis (Tile io S161MMornhell JLml,11,111. 111" ra lioip6lig %rd ifitolho I . t and I(ldn6Yd t6i'llealtfiy ' `ufitv Ac. a I-- Nyliat 'Ro6dff Worr, 56, 0 -Y boft�j ftad :�64 feel �ou it 7, C'x't or ift -,4111(xivild �til! . (N , 1� n III c6ld.5 If MO. AR. 'log Zvid ft'll(I willfillillit f�tv Ai,�! -t St., G'alf, -olit" 066,1011ri hrdlot 6ill 61tt OhLd' so 11015. thcul. to 9 . o Gold(% d fyij$. et riti f 'Ind C INIMi6dl Disd6viiil�' itgolf. to bo YVU h0 ili4t Nvor" \ lirl �mxo extellent. PAIN e fteld. CoLJJgIJq (1,16 0 ol� tile: livbt I ClAkdi tho iii0ai 11011116 nn& lloj(l NoVo dui to 66rikeAtion Ad i, .% title s�'.qtliffi baildcr And for ood, old 'to eolc it to- hk c6ldso Air and iWiniming. irs, �li� tlio Caftbr'ek Litt 6 Liver Pilld, to R& thoiwtiwd it JA' lfla' t)eSt.. ill It de. o bit, and - hinkfis, a PtriMl f6d fit a,; !a lidiinda of bU Pwfise fedoly and rhalco "a, $001 flaftl6fg avid g0t1d; thoy UL Bily-"116W cif You? beaft drn`� M to1v 111.1, A. 0A,FON00, lnc� putf"�, e.,N��s , (, is's N gistj ,York CitV. (lifid & �l I fili&d th'&bild 11'6�1 fed*ly4 Tile%' do the ft�k I Alt bo. §Jlrfi� If, gnt (4 T rift" A , v , 6 , ,,;New NOW size, tabletsi 'Sod li k * k o of Calonlel bat lih , I I I V I 1 1. () � . ( )t 11f 5, W fid ftlolfidl �v ni6fefi6� irl"6 4 free inif"aical advito Write foe, t) 0 th6ii, Ask f6f chffet,6 Little LiV6 fiJJa.b:v Butfa d6 Y.,: �1111ile'dmlv o� , ;, ....... .. I ... ....... 6f iiail 7 .1 A. - OF 4 41