HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-03-04, Page 1• 1 $2.00 A YEAR --=J 50 IN' ADVA• NCE --59c EXTRA O 11 • LUCKNOW, ,ONT , THU'RSDAY, M4RCt'1.. 4th` �R"y'A �• V Trl l eavere DENTIST'', TELEPHONES 'r 1)eice53 .'N Rte• . ids n ce'• 63 J.. John: VI .Pattison Radio,r Sle vie e • 'PHO ' . NH171,,ING • .` ,`, ..� V1' HAM, ON Alb Tubes Checked:`Free' 'Batts, ' , Tubes . ,. Accessori Dr. Wni: 'Fowler PHYSICIAN,. &- SURGEON dilice... Aours 30 Sundays -1.30-2.00 • P,M. ,y Or Hy Appointment • 'Phone 86. • FAR11I . FOR SALE, 'Good • acre .. f arm•• --Apply 'at''• Sentinel Office.' TO 'a RENT- 'Comfortable' 6 -room how e s , town' Water. -Temple a e WANTED-1--Poi.,light house • - r k holdkduties APPl3-at�^Sentinel--Offi vxrur :ocaI •:b6 Unexlord: Nor p Fbrmerl • '• Y .�Tane Corrigan�Was'• Sl ter' The` Late. Y. ..,. •,.•:... `- .. , . .; .,.; .. ...;, • .. Mr•,s:'T. . off,••. !Bh.uCain. o.e -McIn es Leav4ng Erom,•Chin-,;ehiI10n OverlandR teTo;. ond �TherePa sedav�aY New'''.York " ,•Inlet,.In 'Baffin: Land Near. The,CtyronFebruaryMHueb >North'Pole=Pensioned Member Of Yohrwkerlaenn,dfaormssetrlry ,MNersa • 10 al Police T; F: Cain.She was. ,• born: and raised Starts 'What Will "Be His Last, Ad- Kinlo ugh,. her maiden •'name;.being venture.° - Jane;. Corrigan: . •Q4 ,t She leaves t • , :; _: r - ... � ; • She _. _._a,mourn,: one .daught er Veronica 'of New Mirk ` .rk City, two. sons Frank and Dr.. Arthur Iluebschwerlen both" of Buffalo NY V. also one nes ce, Mrs. 'W A. Kearney ,(Annie Cain) LOUGH NATIVE PASSES AWAY IN 'NW YORK "WITH 'GOOD LUCK, WE • • . SHOULD MAKE', IT"• HE ,SAYS- , "With good luck :we :'should make , e �l�, lay McInnes Lt,'�_ the ei e-statement--of_-I�-r ,.._ �dieen•�k•'o�an -- .. _.._ ._.._._ _ .. n -� ; :.. d�r�-•-Slartabariv.'m, ., , . .. ; son' of Mr: and Mrs: L'ond'on; ram.Estimat es Provide For Neil 'McInnes of Lucknow, as lie Pre* pares to.• set, out for -point', :poi t', at the ''' " :. . � $15 � 000Post Office' Here r,� MYSS DA$IitA- AINLAY .AN •• A(,COMPLISHFrD • MCSIC1;AN; Miss, Dahlia,' Ainlay ,pf Niagara Fans; who 'has: had exte r ensi v 'stud u d of. iano--ha s ., P . added . s a d an•L.T:CltZ. her :laurels in`;. the,: recen + :e t. ,ea'tniaat ions of'' the' Peru/Ito.' Conservatory of Music and:. is no' • vv' entitled to, the de-' gree of Licentiate of'''the .:.Toronto Conservatory of 'Music. miss ,Ainlay,• whose, mother' was. ' formerlyDalhia Graham -of Lucknow, r' is also a grad- uate , S,�' ad uate of- the Harnilton-,-: Conservatory O. Fort Grand Y . a Prizes` =I9a? For � - - A .. ,mat net. Valu r V alit ' t f. O i .P ze x s,D on t • aed y. itis ckno, �VRilui'" W ne ss P e le.-, PP Contest• O . pen To ,A11' Amateur Entertain-, ere -Away ds Decided By Po ular . 'Vote. p. The •forty attractive:' and 'valu- able, prizes donated by Luckrio . w buss- nest.; people,_.no..doubt .wil -result--_in. of music and is. conti :. .. .a floe .... ,. ming her studies,. d of .entries •in the. Villa e' •. at University of . Toronto . ; • lfirst.; .amateur contest. The bigevent is sponsored byth : The•t- • Athe Women.'s' Instit- ute, ute' and. will. • be staged., on. Enda.• •top, of the World --Pond's Inlet, at ACCEPTS NIAGAR'A•. the • northern extremity. ' of Baffin' CHURCH: • ,and. That there' e e is noboastfulness r • of bravado O 1n this ' s casual' ,statement.' contained n ed:in a letter to his.; People, here; his Lucknow friends !welt knew. ow Finla:h ' Yr`w o lay in a Germs r' German prison camp •for., the, greater reater Part of t heWorl r, and returned to Canada b Ytetis n Ch r. ch, . Toronto; aftercar•: to Jin._the o l .Ca adia '--Mo - -i' m e• , Yom., n n unted Y .-the-- Slice,„. . ha:v3!-duties..�of that. ,. ,„ .. ng' out on what will'char e': foi• . t, g i . thePast.' atw nt - sev er � t be my la.,t d, enture" Y ' • years • - - Rev. D; T. L. McKerroll' has ac tad. •, P cal .. ' a 1. to .become the minister of one: of Ontario's' 'oldest' churches, St Andrew's` Church at,'Niagara-on- the-Lake. Ile V, °I4IcKerroh,_.'receritly' resigned as pastor of Victoria •Pres-' • OATS :. FOR O R SALE s- Quantity IE „' . of . 1935 oat's, suitable'for seed:' Jac Switzer, R. 3' Lvekn'ow: .ti s a v ,.'The'n . 'north • is:not new. , , h• to him for h' e • baste•-spenLman,•� stud e s o i o f t ut .oats •. � 1 _P n' , the No tit FOR; . SALE-Nufnber of ;well : bred.'" r West Terrmto te , a ndea lh tithe e h shei orsdue to freshen soon; ialso went into cooking • ':a . this land of: fife Eskimos .' PPle's for sale. -J, W. Joynt. , it • Was' for'' three year -'periods.• Finla Y . is. ensP io' ned,frorrr the • F'or:cep and. for about tw ea o -y rs has beers ata ': stationed at Ottawa,' When the Gov - men t wanted a man ernn toy` go •� into the. SEF ' D OATS,, S ,. F OR:'SALE :-•,1001,. bushels; 'test'40ounds.to: P the'; bushel, Iia'rvey Ackert, '4024,6* :Kincardine. • h on ngFARMFORSALFy u c aiteredporth i ex • On Concession , 6 Kinloss: A ploration e icked . , pply" to , Y P.. on Finlay. to H. Lovett" c'o P. • go, alone,' ,' � Dahmer ' R; A. 4 r but when : ` Dieted.' '` ,KinccAlia ,, h i ' he P put ,e.'' a didnt know enough aboI� G mmn'` n i neer froan they selected'a mining engineer F L E- w agon, Cream Sep- Edmonton'• " ' n to accompany him: arator; .Set of. "'3 -section Harro �t • They , + hey left Ottawa �qri , Februa 22nd Fannin ' F:004 Mill,. Set: or Scales.•-Ap l for:.Win . Sentinel Office, , P Y nrPeg; and � in; 'a .letter''- froiri or c.. Phone "70-r-4, The Pas.. onth e 25th, Finlay -statedDun antron• they were leavng the net day Y, ;by, htrain ..ator wC h ` yu:reca. hrhs. il. l., It was, 'front .a o,,• he ,,he ;had •the distinction of; clearing the first 'boatload of grain' to leave. -that , ort. .,1 p Front Churchill they'us ,. push' off -with dog;ateams, folio in ' the Hud • �` g som Bay shores' to Chesterfield Inlet •;and:. on .and•,o ,• n ,.toa B ffiii Land•, crossing 'it; to its northern peak, with Pond's' In let '• as ; their, objective. If' 'they e reach: : Y • 't hemi; destination,'th •' ey., ,will there 4t the`Iudsoii: 'B , ay�nmpany s ship; .due 'next' September,' to brin n g theni tri bac k..Otte to Ottawa: . When' th e Y mush. Out sh of Church there 'will . be no chanceof • • corn,' ?fornicating-with them until next Fall.. The trip, never• before ore made' by -•man willx bea 'hard one, Finlay- realizes, + and will take'• steady travelling' anti :the end,' of ay ,:,.. We ;Would' judge • from m.:observing a .map: that from -Churchill. to ,Pond's Inlet as the '. '- cxow ,flies;:" would be about' A200 miles' t>.>;.,�-,,-, • . -' A UGT. IO NSALE- Clearing.. far n ; stook ,implehents,ouisehol' affects,:' etc„ at Lot. 27,` Con. 1 KinlossThurs- day', Thurs - daY,March •..'2 5th:•Wm-•J bisher, Prop, � Well. Henderson; Auc," . • :�.,.,,,,.�.,,„.. . •. ' ,.> ,' ..A' UC TI ON SALE -Of ,•horses, cat y :tle and. hogs, atLot 5, Con:9, Kin=, Y loss,' atone o'clock, on Friday, March 12th::.See bills for'. list :and . ,•>:.t terirYs.- George Oilwell' ... � � g ,Pro ' P •' Matt.„., Ga nor • y , ' HOTEL: BUU5IINESS : in Lucknow for " sale t sea m • heated and fu ' rn furnished throughout .2',bathrooms:' .Good : mercial business., Wil : l sell P . thea : Apply ., •• to Mrs. Creen, 'New. . Royal` :Hotel; Lucknow;., • 'AUCTIO N .SAL E-=Clear'n f I ,a g arni sto ck__a -:izrl .. nd plementa�:and househiil - 'effect'sd , 2�fa''•miles; south. of mlier !� ... ley ',on Thursda , . A ril 1s ' •- Y, P . , , t. Mrs: Dun-. • can. J . MaeL °nese Prop:; � ' Well, ,Herr- derson; , Auc. 'SPRING `CLEARANCE •I SALE -of '•. Used Pianos. Such :well-kngwn makes. as Heintzman;'.Nordheimer; Masorzr &' •i R, sch, Weber, and'. others, 'at' reason- able : prices and terms, Write , leintz, man' & Cio.,.:242' Dundas St.; 'London for further particular's: ,,NO obliga- tions. . • NOTICE : • . We are "o en. . "bu to - • - p� to y ogs delivered' in our,' sawmill • andhandle , 'Yard, We can beech elm ,. . , soft maple, basswood,and • Poplar logs h_. Kindly get' in touch with our office measurementicesand descriptions. Good ^for prices a and.: good gra es. Signed, , THE LUCKNOW TABLE 'co.,,LTD TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS • Sealed tenders ,will 'be received 'by the undersigned up• till noon, March 15th, ,1937, 'for the crushing and. true king of gravel required'for' the Town- sh'.p ,Roads during•1931 Three .or four Setts with not' less than ' 1000' yards p/ ;t:.A marked cheque for 10% ” of tender to accompany all tenders. The ' lowest. or any tender not necessarily, accepted , ' J. R. Lane,, Clerk R. 2, •Holyrood.- r. TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Seale �enders 'will be .received l,y the under`aigned up''till noon M'ar'ch °••15th, 1937,' for the 'Construction' f of . the, Little McKenzie. Municipal Drain.,, ,Approz iiniately 7000' feet tile • 5 to 12' i neh',.and 130.0'' feet' open•dramri. Cohn- , esl to supply , tile ort the 'ground. Ten- ders to be in lump •sum, acconi panned by 'marked cheque for 10% of tender. Plans and specmfieatmons may be seen at clerk's oflice, The lowest or, any',' tender';not necessarily " tee , ted. R. 2, Holyrood.; J. lit Lade, Cleric, • •r >W.ANTED-_AMBITIOUS• ;HUSTLER Sell Rawleigh Products:, Needed every home. ' Easily sold. ;:Pleasant .-work. r Should start'' earning g $25 Weekly: and increase rapidly.,We teach you.how. ltawleigh's Dept.• , ML -271-50, Ment - real 'y: , Canada NOW .SHOWING '1937, Wallpapers: •Desi ns and�, .;. all. }W . R' s prices to;Please all. Worlc. Ilene reasonab `.. ;P n ly.. Phone, l., Fr, Stirigel�. Dungannon 96: ' 'JOINT CLUB•MEETING 'The March meeting 4f the Lucknow Joint Club will be held in' •the Orange, Hall this. Saturday,.March'' 6th,, at' twoithirty ,o'clock: Good'attendance requested.; JOINT CLUB DANCE ..� Dance in the ,Town•'Hall 'Luckhow, ono 'riday,; March 5th, •under` Joint Club Auspices...Hogan orchestra: Ad mission ' 23c pigs • tax. .0,. IN • MEMORIAM' ANDERSON - In ' loving memory of:," George' Anderson, :who 'passed away, Marcli • 8th; 1934. ' One, by Dile our,'loved on'es• leave ,us, aches that of bitter' loss, And the Te at the heart's best shelter,, Is 'the sliadow of the Cross. Ever remembered by, t •Wife 'and "Sons.' .PERMANENT WAVING • Ali work dead .with. our newly'install-' ed Naturelle . Machine and Paidor Dr er Sp rel Waves •-•- Croquignole Waves: Lozizbiriation''1,Vr ves-$3.50 8i • •$5,00: 'Phone 13-W, Lucl now • 'PRESENT. .' ,:PLAYS : The Orange. Hall' was ,well filled on Tuesday'eveni ng when the St.. Helen's Young People ' prsented .their '• two en- t' „' e t a ' , r zeins plays Henr Y s 14Iai1 Qr� der •Wife" .and ':That, Rascal Pat": Th ose taking part, Mi:; :& Mrs; E W. Rice 1Wrs, VlT A: Miller, Dick• Weath-` er e h ad, ' Wilson.:d • :wo o s, •Hagry;. Swan; Laurine Miller, Jea n Thom' ' .0 har]es Durnin;;Gordon Man ToddMr: andi.M.rs:J. • W.;,Rice also: gave a humorous skit DorothW . . Y Webb, a' Scottish dance •an . " :- MaeDoi- ..' •ald playedyba .xhor d ne- bagpipe : rriusic. ; Rev; $: M. Wright•. spoke •briefl P y- before the Efforts .to . secure 'a -new Post Offs ' ce building •'in'kn'" L�ow ,which havee be n quietly carried :on .for some time, have 'borne'fruit,, and in the supplementary estimates' brought down 4 i,' the House:. of.• Common° at Ottawa On n Wednes March°.12th ,r ,..Any,one who can'' entertain in any way is. welcome to enter and .entries, should'; be sent. to Mrs. Morgan Head erson or can be' 'phoned. or s ent e to the Sentinel Office Prize ' s will be' Wiil • .the• . tea° hers Ch�'IBrea'd ' i•ea l :t. �' hr • Thea'-a.r 7)f He'a `, „ .. R M O TT o --Q UAL IT Y A o.�. N DER ' . s i�I CE . C `9• V 4 al s. For `.T . his:': W• e ek. En ]d 6ftoiC•E LAYER CAKES 15c, .. DOI,IGH'NUTS, •, PER.' D SEVERAL KID .. ,...... �!? SOF TARTS, PEA, •DOZ; ..:.. • � :.: ..20G And;. A Large ,Assortynent:Of ' '. •� •: •' , ', •::' :.:. ' • ES, BUNS AND`- SCONES; PER. DOZ' ' .15e. <M' N S RA. I • TY PHONE 36 LUCKNOW-r H 0 L..[. BIBLE" MEMORY- • TEST, : - who have, no awarded by popular vote of ; • as, the. et Y sent.i n f 0 1 r h Bata st f� .� ,s o er cse audio , audience:: Come me out' 'an d boost. yogi for the Bible Memory Contest;kindly favorite' . contestant and be' sure: to do so at "once** as.com bringa lead pencil, . 'petition: ,opens p.. Entries must. next: •M be. in by, • . . Monday* $th:• As announ= next. Thursday at neon,: •' lage.-_.. � :: ::. .,,ced Iasi w eek the ' Con tests• aP.- .t. r • uQost' odance will• fol10w this -neve" :all • Sc oels within s ra iusday, $15 000 was allottedd foatertoinment andtwenty-five ceAtS 10milesomucknowr�eew plus tax , covers the:entire:.evening that. everY• t acher a nd :parent 'will f Seea_weeago,Mr•J with;uconteatants admitted ..free'- `of so +.co-operate' -that '�e.very bo' .: and G. Anderson; ad' d : Mr ,3 Y Wm Mac 'charge• , went e t t j Ott ' a. r,-- Vie, , the. osttttasrer GIenera `'tri'•' w, a, . to inter entertainment A da • c ne fo llow ed,• The evening was_ ap ons redbyLucknow L. tide '` nectlOn:;': Firs t word: d o the • Of. good 'n news ews was received from Ottawa : in a wire fr om w It Tomlinson; • M. P., late Wedpesday; afternoon, stating that an amount: had been :'provided for in the estimates for :a new' ,PoiOfee buildingin Lucknow:` •' I ISS U E IS ' LATE ', Th illn' The e s 'of e hnotype op- er ator '• , the first o .� the e week, , prevented this: issue of The Sen' 'tine' from : being, published•• on Scheel ' schedule.: S' l report's: o , P,?R p its. are held over .till:.next -week .• • AUTHORIZE OR IZE.. GRANT A h '� YME NT • 'Pa 'Payment ent of T the. . '' Township s p grant: of<• $4}g 0 to' the Grey Ox` school'. sectio& h'es been authorized' `by InsP.ector Dobso n. This grant Pa ab le•the end nd ofe the year, was'•::witl}reldat .• "thAt. tine, when the school was in theP. ro- cess of being closed and since then a • th s e has ` rebeen: ee n Sortiedi differences over the payment y ment•o f .t rans o rtation of two paiiile to,•other schoels; The only contract the ,Board has to is the one paying Mr:. Wm Mc-'' Int r e . 25� er': Y $1 P ear° t .•t.,. Y o ak e his :bei to the --.. Second.Sckoo ' .1. v nl Two ' s' ub T er Y o :Nights In Februar : February O Cold- est On Re 2• 1, Da•. ys eather • Marc ` h mad •it e s debut` on 'Monday with , rather ' "Iamb -like" weather a nd . f 19.34 � hi , vv ±eh � was Cota- cord , In Coin arise : p n, Had Of Extrem •s el e S ow .Zero' FURNITURE uR HIT , s'tRl KE . AFF- E C,.••TS., , L OCAL PLANT NT Orderly' 1 Walkout out Tobk •Plage .' Here e On 1VIondaY Morning -' • e otma ions M. Being Carried' Out At Daily Con- Tre ferences L.. n EffortW'. t Toe t S t . I L _., Settle:Lick: '-flow. s First' T 'Wake. t ike The list of •prizes az• a , e s Poli' ow Luc no k Tbl'', w Table Co -m a.. a zi n r'` g e ac k Russell-: Johnston .• bridge am '••wee, bridge lamp: p • 1..:..10 Papnds'':of ,butter ',K.!. Button ,box 'of• assorted meats J. ` L. McMillan..:.,•...:..:,.....,,,;_,•,;,; ilei . . P c a' h m N. H. •Hedley . _; ...picnic • ham gm. W L, 1VIcKenzie. - .,. i toilet 'article - J.. s .A 'Geddes 4 u s and P seer'. ., u e s, opalescent 'Sentinel,' Office.,,,,:.. ears ' Y s subscription P Vin.. Hornell ' .man's sweater a _coat. ter oat` .�•-,.•--_:::box of chocolat es McKim's' Drug. Store-` stationery Y. M. •Paterson;_:_::..,pen &, pencil set Wm lllurdie .:.. alt &' pepper shakers Rae & 'Porteous ' "' i' s �...:6 silver tea spoons C.. Decker::.. �--:w:_... .-....mans slii•t B , ..Pear a m n .-:.. a l ..ld ' s ail ' Y k PYJamae, Eva; Greer's Gift' o .:....wo o1. ` Slh P o cu ' ...cushion Templeton's.....lady's leather handbag" Noble Johnston:..-- boil.of •°l eco a ' I fes F. T. Armstrong'' .vanityMr 'Domer -of. Port (Elgin 'ooze ;' re . 'set Rethwel •funded.' ,.or• l & Reed::.....pr.'inisses •.a•p, troofi• a$15.00` . shoe9 •- license ac• h"' M Donald.s.._,.1'ady g. boudoir sli • • a had taken out`for slot' machin PPe-sa e, 13ro whi , wr-v -an a • ch the placed ' ' d ndr-- ed.. ' - 1 : P n Lem. s restaurant: He agreed .-to remove the machine and have the license •cancel e • - , . l d. The: Cou'c' " nil 'Who . recently ece�tly •1]c used these Machines, e• •is now:of- the .opiriioii- girl ,, living .in this area will .have an oPPortunit : f `:e • ,' �, � �Y,,,�,.,,.>�stei,•ing�the�-Contest'.':: Write for further particular:. to Pea} -I Henderson, L uck n ow'• Ot ,� Machine, em � oved. And Lf con • .. ae Cane e�led Owner Removed. Licensed Slo•t S 1 t Mach ine I ro m•• Lola • 1 Restaurant -::-.Geta Refund . . On License ` Which c h Is, tan- celled ;Gan- ce lled. -School,: . Board Condemns Machin ' es•1 Sloto .g machines :and the, passing of a grist of..:accdunts• • was foremort busriness at-the'•March` Meeting of''' the Villa. ge •Council With. Councillo '• r. Mc; Na absent sent on account of illness,• •, • 'Counciltook-'st' p'" ops that`r"esuIteil�-in~ Al 1 employees i l :; f the 'Lucknow Table e Cam an P co Y, m mmon with several. other., furniture factories.- in :Western Ontario, went •ori' strike b' r ee 011 Monday. morning. at ten: o clock: Tri e .a. i .wlk ' out .nth"• e �' first a • the� n ,Village's v la g'e. 3 history,S t Was, orderly s derl and :free of';any demonstration. : ' .'. ,. T c e .•deli`'._ :1SI I sio.:f ; n . or a� geneaal • strike was Made • on Saturday: : turd.... eay 'afternoon; . J: when ' .co f a. Her en 1 ce o ri` I f Union delegates; and representatives of the?; F..urnitu:re Manufacturers ; of Western" Ontario; Mrs failed to reach. an ' agz�oci�4erit on- the er.m s'proposed. Loch all since:, Y, Moeda ' . e yr there have ee t.' dail r n fly , r;onference s of the 'local. hop 'Co ittee with Mr. " 'Rus'' .• self Robertson 'and • M,r. Ford' : Aitchison. C Orr:... ...boy. of; shoe findings lea'eii's Mill,:_:,ba Haveloc'' g • . ;•: • • k. flour W; Flill,-..:,. -basket '. of groceries nlaYso7z res" b ` ,; B basket ,;of groceries that 'th`,'" Charles ::,:basket •• of -groceries groceries e town wouldbe' well rid •: of , Mc -th l{e i e a nz e m nd a' tr m sSoe. inv ' -b es i as ` Y t at ke �o th t f roc e ori g e o g e � s R Ii s isibrlitp' Th om of. sori on b Y.bringing P askthat e ofg g abo t ocut e e ri gr R ' G... sh Wh'e l'i er..„,;.::bottle dun . n, Mr..Dor'ner waited June: Clover lotion on the' Bezel r Bo i lli ' Cu ,ort sham '' d on .Tuesda tri Poo' & 'fins' . wave • Y • , ght ice explained Ev that- ,'' eI ' i taking .: Yn .Nixon 'aha n km ut• , mpoo &. finger wave, g .o , a license' for a Holl man's.: „ 2:0.0 'of ,iiread• tick machine,, some three' months • ago Y $ eta.: g , hi` ua w c ' r h. t Rob'° r he 'nit' ` e tson:,:.. „.two dozen 'e s' P t dCn. Lem s Restaurant he gg had algal' ':` left aviso o e t .., •� .-.....»~ . ..... _ ' 'second'.: ma mirror , , a chine as a •spare to be. used. 1 ' ' n caste ..the .first 'J D' Dr:.. �. nnis, y .g y's dress •''or man's' suit`cl'' cleaned G. An der so. n &' Son. ..-.hamper..'of� a 1. p M. A. Treleaven »cake plate and 'tea tea : late5 P.. b 'Up until; Wednesday night' an' agree= ment'had not been. reached i f:. i d.but, t was in erred • that a satisfac although '&' raw •win • b tory. settle-; d low the, mere g m nt of ah" . , , ... .. .., , e d fference ` mi• h • - . ,. wry had climbed. well. s gt sl4ortly up, after: sink-' , • • '' �•� be arranged:'. ing � to six below o ',• the 1 ... ` ;..• , , n last 'and _, ._ i • coldest nm" $t' of •The. strike affects about twenty-five. g .. the • month •of , Feb . 'employees of the Table Co. ' ruar�y. 9n,, only one: other night-dur: ... _;-r... about;; , w _...... .• three-quarters.. of .: whom:- had 4 Announcement'tiat 1i':: Wrn;'Floy�3' ins, - .the month was ' suh zero -weather' �,� Union, � yoitled.i,,,� �i,__., a_> -'� _ . _ _ . Grand ra Prizes raz e s GIVEN AWAY .ATTEE:* • •WOMEN'S t15TITJTE v on ', N THE TO WN HA LL•. U. CK N. FRIDAY :. Y MARCH12 ADDRESS ALL .., :ENTRIES`' to. Mrs Morgan enderson,,• Luc •. . know'or'.phone.The Sentinel Ent rte s, 'Must: Be , In SyNext Thursds Y At Noon. DAN • CE'T °. O FOLLOW ' Admission to 'Both, 25c & to x Contestants Free PLEASANT,. PARTY : , Mr.: and Mrs: W. L..: _ MacK enzi :'•• a.,. MacKenzie nd' Dr and•Mrs:. W. • V. Jo" hest n q. wer • bests s ' , is and'hostesses'at•.acharri: ing• •Party, irr• th e I 0. F..HaA east Thursday',evening, A:' very`'.pleasant, . 'evening of dancing:.. was; 'e 'o • yed some fifty ,Y, lou le : P s who'•.'attended.:.'. Many novel da nc e' Were e e con duct • `- ed.. to -'ail ;. ta'� . d th 'soli e abs lit Y a n .• onto - d r..' t.: ai n meet o th - P e u g , s o sere un-.::= animous ''th• at ` r'. t was an s evening of .. -unsu' r 89s -• ed 1'e TOGET. '.SEEDLING.' OAK I• A a An. application. kation: b the• : Y P ort Elgin g Horticultural ul fur al 'Society, for:• a share • of acorns brought from 't e h .flew 1•ores ' England,• brow • ht a •re 1 brought P Y from 'Johri V. Clark, :.Horti i• , tri rural ;lecturer to the effect that:each - ; ach ..Secs sty will re- ceive oneseedlingseedling Oak and , two a- 'mac _ • •. r .. ..,• ., bine ' plugged : up, .ass ; they, ' fro u _ . corns, and that ; additional q Alantin g entl do . Th - Y e second ;machine he re- material may:be secured':on°'appiicat-:• ` move.- d' r v' P e io usI' Y Be' pointed out there was' not even: business enough :•for one machin eand R R I` :' as illmg� to � re ove • it `: if .,.' . • , ,' .. , ::. , Was, •• �, . the'.• Council saw fit .to refund hini the• , proportionate a mount : of .the•' $75,00' Wm. Flo d y Appointed. . :fee• :This w" 'agreed agr ed ; upon .on, condif-• son that any- expense the' .to ' . ' wn i m h t Bank Ma:. , : .,. Hager At Wales ~g be put to• in connection wmth.,the' court `hearing' in:'• Walkerton Appointment : To Become Effective :;the ruing; be• deducted from the rebate.: Thrsl Next Week • It, Is ; 'Ex petted _ 'Has ;� was•. agreeable" an ': -the ' • •• � . •' . ::...• ... d e 'Machine -was Been On The Local:Staff For About removed • an s d his license cancehed: Three Years Later on during'the neetmn " this --._t... _ _. g, after 'recorded. That 'wcte ba the 3iale waen Arst orgaiiized ,her shortly after -the GoVernment Wage -Code Went :Out ,Of it dropped to ,•one below. • The Moth 'generally was wile: tor its lack Of •.snoW, frequent tabs and ,1continued Mild Weather. month was .aboVe freezing) 12.1g de- grees, and the, 'ininirpuita 17.2: The 8th, 'with a. temperature Of 53.. Nurri ,0611.s day's the theremometet regist* er4 in the 40'i and. over an hien Of rain fell; wh,ile'the total snowfall ,Was 19;25i: inches and nev,er 'enough at One tittle to make, goOcr sleighing. , MoSt: of this came the first real aneWfall the •':niofit4 last Wednesday* night :effeet; The Unian however; had not, WalkOut,.no.Pleketting" took place. The siuegbrebtta:rochon.att all from the. village,- accaSionS its. congratulations; but *their rernov- The general strike Situation is. .ed tivat tiite; ing discussed 4t -ineeting ,in.tol6day..(Tiu'r'daY);. ' ;tuck Ow' Branch- from London, Mk; 'Floyd Was transtered. to .the SLOT MACHINE CASE , ADjOURNED ONE :WEEK their, three children will ,inclve to tWO, Slot machineS, 'with only. one of their new htane• neXt creek: and permitted some teaming being them licensed,;-. HafrY local ' Wales' 'is 'a 'village hear CorhWall trast. There• Was no, 'rainfall and of operating ,a slot niaahine.', without while. paowtall Was light it Was a. a 'license. When ;defense i'connsei, at" Month on 'Arne!ialled sub . zero, tem, raiSed a point inl'Connection with. the peratures„ 'that spelled rnin:/dr apple date paPers iwere, served,. an adjeurn.. nights, that year, saw beloW, Ore' hp nekt Tuesday, • Weather :and Oh did 8th dro Med td belo.* that 'night icachect tehilieraittre nainirituni 5.11, degrees _below 'zero • With.,hii :Wife and' tWe children will verde here. k'rOM High. gate, The- two" trangfera Will take NieholWil:. 4 dXfught4r., MarY the "Phalrr''''fti,sti:ei*,brdoit'jiiii'TirbillYill citirl71 • received 4the following ;expression from .the: '''Board'' regardin these.. inachines. -"The 'Schoal Boer with• alarm the licensiag• .o ,of 'the injuricus' effect' en the .inorate of Our •,•,ciung people 'arid respeetfolly ity,,, or 'refuse to re -issue when. the action possible. to stop • card playing Relief bille peaSefl- at the meeting .siderabla' increase*, bat which amount' t? le nh h6riia6a c6et,' l';:ott'elgvnegfribtre: ., against accidents: oir.roads or Streets; 644.4ridh. 4nd AA this regard 'Rad Reeve Andersorw cOriidered it, claitias ,daring 'phi,t three years and adVited. that 4 Preiniiirii of. standard protoetion of end' ionto the "Men of the Trees" , :upon of, ‘maiiing. This is :in .conpection., with the tree' • liBIN CLEANED • OUT • ston: Made 'the'fi.tst of,. the Week, when g son the Gravel Road; a short' aistfance ,•interesting 'itory;', telling ..of the located, on, the :floor of the Atlantic '1. off ;the Irish :Coaat. • ,Standing .360.'fo,t $001w the Atian. tic's- surface chi the hulk ot this once • 7, the 22tid anniversary, 'et theAin- with 'psi, of 1,198 The program 'will 'him:I.-the , "the wreck was lode,it.ed in% October- . 01:3:.allvage :1;17 ationd eku,.n. kter :ids Cutting:* is beine carried oh TroleaVeWa that pond, .tho thiti ice, mill scarcely Carq out after bieaking Are:into' the earn. ; the Centre 'Of 'the:fand; '