HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-25, Page 47.;on
• • • • does he
Sure, you "get alone, Mr. Brown', and you
could get along without a lot of other things,
too Your car, for instance and that shiny
tractor over there. And lots of .others. .But
our idea isn't just to "get along", now is it,
r. Brown?
You invested money in those other „things •
.because they give you good return, either in '-•
money, ,comfort ijr enjoyment.., 4
And s�, Mr. Brown, since you Haven't a tele -
you're missing a bet! It will give you • .
maxirnum return', in. 'imineY;comfort and .
enjoyment: DInt) into. our nearest office..
They'II tell r011kitlore.about .
•• .
()thirst yields so.rncich
of what it_citit's as the
Pirat Genie Of CTaals To. Count Serl‘
Played On Water Covered Ice--;
•" Return 'tinre • In, Cardinilville
Scheduled For Monday
*.*Raisley'and Lucknew got the first
..nnnmannann.w.Fmnr.ornirm anwonnoconnKnnntrnnl•xnn.nrmnnntnnen
.40too•yotrw..t ,
u,ndeiWay,..on ,FridaY: in tha,,lOcafrink
when; the cardinairle4, ',a. 4. to 1
:i7i•etory••:, that gave . thern a big edge
• On the goals -to -count . eerie. The -re::
, :Monday ib
' • '
FIELD NOT.. • Mike G •
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. -Hunter - and
Lloitt'and :Mr. 'Albert elin spent a
day with' frieids• in Tiverton Iast
week.: • •
, . •
Mis Eininn McDonagh of London
. spent the week -end with !liar ,parents.
,Albert 11 aiseist'ngi4K.r
' lake Hunter cutting • wood...., .
`. Mrs. John MacDonald .has.een
quite 111 during the past week with
an attack- of influenza. ' •
Mr..and : iirs.,-„Togn,MCDonagh and
children spent Sunday with ‘mr., Me!.
boaagh's.,Parents. . .
MissSarah McAulcy is visiting
her, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. gee'.
:Swan at Present. • •
Mr. Les. Ritchie had a bee, buzzing
wood :on ,Tuesday. •
- •
• , Misses tare- and.. Verna V!alt,spent
,...Siinday• at their home. • •
Mr. and Mrs. "Jas. ,W,raith• and.
'Gertife•spent Sunday at , Mr. 'John
Mr.: and Mrs, :Earle. Hogging and
'Shirley spent an evening: with, 'Mr:
and Mrs, ttTa Scott recently', • •
MIg .rion, 'dgins has •'returned
,-back to Toronto fter spending -two
weeks at limn rsing, a 'broken ,ariii;
Mrs. Mike amble spent,. a. • few.
kwith' Mrs.',Hannah.
MTS. •HOw rd HiddenbY and tafr011
:spent 'the . week -end With her ,parentS,
• Mr.",' and 'Mrs.:. John WaIL '
Mrs. Walter Ilcidgins,called on Mr-.
Sell .and Mrs. Alex .Whytock lest
Week. ••• ,
:Mrs. 'Heckles, and 'Pearl' spent an
afternoon With:Mrs. Scott I recently.'
mr, Robt...',$gott spent, : an .evening
Nat.:week ,With Mr. Barry Pinnell.; .
Mr. Ernest •Hall of. Brantford was
a week -end visitor with Mr. and
. .
• Mrs. GeodfreY Hall.:
• *Jae- Rernice Blake of Stratford
Normal Spent , the Week -end' with her
parents, Mr., and Mrs.' Jiro:Blake. '
•The W. S.' • held • their .regUlar,
monthly t'ng it the home of Mrs.
Henry -Horton, On Thursday afternoon
of lasWeek..
, .
Prayer • meeting was .held at the
home , of; Mr. and Mrs. Sa.1111.10 Co0c,
•, • '
last Tuesday evening, and will be
held this week at the berne of Mra.
W. J. Hall. - • 4 f.
• Mr.' and Mrs. Geodfrey Kali and
'Mr. Ernest Hall, 'visited on Saturday
with Mr. and ,Mrs. Thomas 'Ball of
Kincardine, • • '' • , • •
Miss..".Grace: :Cook of WaWnitOsli;
:spent ; Sunday,'at the :Winne' of Mr.•
And Mrs Isaac 'Cranston,
. •
Mae Flora Andrew of London,
ited dii Saturday -with Mr
Will AndieW. , •
Mr. and * Mrs, Milton' Kilpatrick,
Visited on Wednesday with Mrs We'
ley TiVanaley Of Lacknow;
January 129, '1931.,
The newly elected Conimie-siorier:t'-
, Met after the annual meeting viz; Neil
• McKay, .361in W. Colwell and Dan D.
McDonald.' • ' .
I' •
Moved : by. Dan D. McDonald,:
onded by '.John W. Colwell, that john
• W. Colwell be •chairman of ;the Board.
(Carried); • '
Moiled: by Neil McKay, se`conded: hY
—that. Dan ' D. MeDonald be , Chair-
/natl. (Lost): ••• - • '
Moved .by Neil McKay, seconded
by ' Dan D. McDonald, that Ross H.
Martyn be'Secretary-Trenaerer: (Car-
"ilays last' W
• • ' Moved by Dan D. MacDonald,•• sec -
MAKING'. IfYDRO ACCESSIBLE- ,onded. by 'Neil McKay,' that the min-
- •" •., •utes �f,.iasti meeting be tgopted,, as
Bruce ,'UoinitY" ;060heil:"":4MS..'"teceni, "recel.".„. `.(Carried ••• '
rnended that the • Ontario •• govern me nt.t. ,IIVIOSted by Dan D. McDonald, .sec -
be petitioned to Make hYdre 'Mere ,'..oedod ay • :Nen
accessible ,to small nrinin•mitn- lowing •accounte he paid: A. G. 'Pon.
lcipalitipa" AS 1:these ',cannot ,bear:: 'the ':teousi. rebate 89.85;A.' W. Patter=:
• cost ' installation under . present sOa, auditor;:'10,00;'.•Molville Osborne,
dition . , , ,• ' 't' or f10.00 Matt.aerm•
ell• -•$1 a.;
HYdied..is one thing which (salary $i00.00, operation $3,00);
ingin popularity . in the- mall itritan.,*•January salary $1,36:80. ;
andf country districts. Farmers ,and •• • Movedl>y NeiI MeXak,. seconded
'villages itre. beginning to 'See the' ad;,.1 bY Dati.'.0.'Mcrionaidi that the Pt.637"
VitliageS of 'adequate ident and Seeretary-Tepnitiirer • be
4, lighting' and no "longer; is it elinsid.ri,boreby,ratitherized:te Sign alb ehemies:
areain. the , luxury claaa, There Pre- ,in thc flnnk Account in the ',Royal'
battly Will, never ...be a hetter time to,. 'Rank of 'Cithadiek,IttPiesi, and other'
'• •
begin the installation of hydro;,:. necessary . Oink .POrtris)tor 0m:ration
rural districts tliiiirthi" Present and Of • the ,anig .:accoaoe, That the sSecre:,
the running -of lines IS a. teatute, tary Treasurer be :authorized to en -
which Might take up Much .4 the on.; dors e cheques for deposit, efilY and
,.•eniftleytterit in the yarleini '"inuniei*, sigh all neeeSsiti,y „mink Furnm of
;Panties' Whieli .are considering in.stal. verification and •reeeiPt .(Carried). ;
• ••tatiOit ' . ,..Meeting .then, adjourned to ineac
It Ia littereptirig talk to eciffen -attahl-Mtikeli'''6th,• at the uiibl hour
who has had hydro on hi ,fitriri. And ..and phiee. ; • • • • " •
find fita :4piofoh the .aaitaritages tto$. gAterieN,,,
of.having tarn): eteetrie 1ncilities. We • . • .'.• ,
have yet to, mart . The oillee. hOy wont to the theattr!.
ravatt to eotil•voll:ligliting-ita iloany''.thd ether.' aigItt'i' afid from •his 'lofty
scat .obscrved the bald-heatis. whieli
mutt do: no#:, *deo' lighting itios't
. eeme and 'the:, teener it is Made PredettrinMedin the first rows
'eetialble for a. farm and srnall Urban' of brehoOrs; 'seats. • .
adailer± -beneficiati, .‘t,t,ia'Sta-,"-getton,their7,-tickett'.. •
raulti'Will he achieved. •.. 00ascapers, Common ec... •
•4 more finished
perienced team, the visitors didn't,
have a three -goal ,advantage on the
night's play, that. was a' sap, ',bang
eiChibitionof; hockey, played:en water
'Beaked ice, : and ina temperature that
'Made the fair, turnout of fan; believe'
they were -basking in the Maple Leaf
Gardens. ' • •
Paisley' opened the scoring early in
'the first period . when Worthington.
leplf Dudgeen'_a_pass:„.'ent and drilled
one fro*the winglitreir-:ana, made
In two before the • period 'ended.
Murray Grant and. Dudgeon got
One a piece in the second AO the Car-
dinals still managed to • keep the Se..
poys off- the 'core sheet,' who airing
the night 7 --missed a dozen' .perfect
scoring chances. *Alibis aside, the
locale Were More outluaced than put-.
-.;Luelciidiv's. lone •-inaticer 'eaine mid-
way. through . the third ',Period ••!,iis
4tincli"--MiteDarial1d-400k Jack Rut -
:tail's rink wide peas and drilled -into
the. corner: of the ..mesh, oft the wing.
fpr the final ten•..,ririentes 'Staged ,.a
ganging- attack.:.,_that bottled- up the
Cards who were heaving the disc
dawn ;the ,ice at 'every.' opportunity
But the 'power plaY netted • nothing'
for while :the loeals were pressilig
the 'play they could get,' the Pnek
everywhere. in, the attacking zone but
on. the net. ,
• With ice conditions .as they were,
the game was :only a.. three -penalty
'affair, With Ken Somers ., officiating.
TWo • went. to Paisley,' With the .SePois
getting -the -odd one,. • ',*:
Goal; 'Harold ' Ritchie;
Defense, Gordon. Miller, Stewart.
Cameron Cain. Thompson; • Centre
Jack :Fisher; Wings,' Harold Greer,
1E1Webd,. Solomon ; "Second'. lini3+..Cen-
tre Bill Jewitt.' Wings;: Leonard .Mogo
,Recognize Thirty. Yea
Of -Service In •
• • s•
1,gr- and Mre- Albert Patterson,
spent an evening last Week with 70:
arkeP-Mrs.'"john AfeCTee-
•141'.. John Oartell.• and ,Miee' Olive
Garton of 'Lean*** spent , the
week -end, with their father, "Mr,
: e *••Clar„
shown weekly ddring lea in St. Paul'M
Anglican ..Church en, the -fellowing
dates, ThilrB00,: F",ehrPary.
25th, "Let-
ting down the net in japaW'; Tharar
Ts -
day, Mare1t,.4tht "Evangelism. in N0-
nen, China."' Mareli llth, "Our Qin-
adiana in Kangra,Central India";
, March. 18th, "The, M. -$: C. C. pit
NeMe and *Abroad. Th m etings.
A series of lantern: OLIO are, being
Ann, nnno-44
Gordifn Elliott and twO
ghters reternecillonle from Wingham
last week after speafilut =several days
with .her %other, Mrs. Robert , Mit4
-Ohell. • ' . • '
'Mr. and .Mrad •Votne •DT'Ain
'ann'•30110 David, viited on Sudy
with her parents, Mr and Mre. David
Icennedy.. '
hire. Kew- of.Wingham, Spent -A few
days in the village with old friends,
• •-
Tteh Thursday. •• ••-•
- Airs: shadrack Rivett is seriOuslY:
denominational.' Everybody ;welcome,
'Engagement Anneamred....
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick' MacDonald.
..Dung.annan.,- announce the engage-
ment' of their only daughter; Marjorie
Jean. to.Wilfred Elmore, Pentland,
youngest eon ,of. -Pentland and
the late A. B. Pentland, "Dungannon.,
The Marriage to take. place early in
'Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole spent Sun-
uthe home of Mr. 'and Mrs,
J. lc Ell' seri. •
the :clnit'cb with it good - attendance
present. Mrs. A. E. Purden read the
,scripture reading; paiiers were given
by Mrs., nett. kobray;" Mrs. (Rev.),
J. Pelloeittand:Nirs'rl-k. merSorL-74-t
the close, Of the meeting, an 'address
was read to Mrs.. Alex: Emerson ' by
Mrs.. Eli JACtines for her faithfulness
in •• being secretary of ,:the; W.M.S.
for -the past thirty years, And Mrs.
David Xennedy, presented Mrs. Em-
erson with ,a.'fancy silver :plated .py-
rex caierole, on behalf of the W. M.
S. Mrs. Eniersonwas very
'en by surprise and thanked them in
a few very fitting, words, after which'
lunch, Was served and a Social hall
hour was spent by
• Mr. Thos. Inglis and' son; Mac Made
. . ..o ;
Miss. Lorna' Me Cleneghan; who is
assisting at the Heine of Mr.', Alex
Anderson, anent a day at the • home
of her • Parente Mr.; and Mrs. Ben
MCCIeneghan:' ' •
• B0,1{:11—.To Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert
Hutchison, - la • daughter, on February
22nd. Congratulation's; • " •
The .SePaYis::',Made it hot for • Pas -
ley in the first period and although
they • were bottled up behind their
Own blue line for inuch of :the period
While', the •over-anxious SePoYs'.batted
rubber..:OerYivliere but ,•into the net:
Cameron and Thompson got the.Lue-
kno*.goalei. '
Donald, Jack. Button.
Paisleyt-•Goal, ,Alex Blue; .Defense,
-George :Grant, Hugh ,M,cArthur„;
Centre, 'Sutherland; Wings, Worth-
ington and Dudgeon. Alternate's M
.• , ,
Grant, Craig, Alvin Blue,. Pickard.. -
•Secicriow ' being inthe first round
of the W.G.H.A: playdownsi really
'sounds •like .seinething; • but. Friday
the third len-
gue game they have played this
.•, . .
Two, pith 'Ripley and the • hathing,
beauty • Contest on, Friday night
..*' *. •rtr 't • .11
that the .SepOys,..ae
team,:. have had 'about . three practise'
and you canscarcely expect. to pro-
weather -conditions - and lack
of; ice, have, been responsible to a.
large: extent, bit atthe' eaine' time
,the , 'Sport seems tobolosing COnsicil:
erable of .its, glamour and atraction.
for players and 'fiineialike. ".
. • ' * # , * ' *
Outside of vitas truly, the .SePoY1
this season probably ; 'average
'about 20 Years' of age r and represent
11 good deal of ' hockey ability indiv-;
' ,
* • • •'*
.ntit to :got .anywhere in the .sport
today, .1(011?Vi got to trot out a.antooth
working,' Well 'balanced ' team, :' -and
such is an impassibility On a • diet of
gainee :and 3 practises.-
Tts.ari. arena this town nee a, and
we'd wager it 4611!daq, !")a .thani sea-
sons , before.. tucknow'. would again:
he heard of In; hoeltey. Circles.... •
Speed,.Condition • And Experience
(*int, As Garda Tithe 13-5 Vlctory
TO' 'Capture [town! With Little.:Diffk.
, lenity • • • - • •
The ttleittlit'w :SePOYS", 48;317 • beekey
is over before it scarcely . got
•stfirted: Illa'loca Is, in making their
Ptak- lieWed te. the better e0nditinned,,,
more •e)cperionced' and speedier Pai4-.
lejt Catdinals, in: the. Oattonna, of
the '
'PaChig a three4knet &kit. from
'the 4aind hare, ;the SePoys. • threw
4hUtiOn' to 01.mik' oh ,MtiVIAY.tiight
11) l'rLft4Je i,fld were smothered liy•;.
Iff to ty 'Retire' inz gaine, thatwas,
bcttr th, 'utAtel:2, Anti; no doubt. nuke*
. The locals maver.L.up in the second
frame and in the .third stanza played
practieally, every Man up,. missing
chance after -chance to score. But
Condition' began ..to tell, and ' the
speedYi.C.arde.'tbrili advantage - of the
break aviaysto skate in and pump thO
disc behind the .unprotected Herold
Ritchie' in the Neal net. The second
period ended witk.. MacDonald
'tting Lucknow'n lone tally.Lraisle
eitseerecUthewisitors .h -i In the final
`stanza. Doug 7 Clarice, who pulled On
a uniform, for 'this period scored on
of the, goals With Jewitt getting the
, •
. Dudgeonled the .Paisley •, parade
With: 4' goals, Worthington
cralit 2 and Sutherland, G. Grant,
Pickard and McArthur one each. ,
- The garne• Was clean with George
Grantdrawing the only penalty 'han-
'ded oat by Referee Padden' of Port
Elgin, in the second period for
ing Bill Jewitt
Lueknow.Goal;:itit.Chi ...D tense,
McCartney, and Thompson; • Centre, ,
"Fisher; Wings, MacDonald .' and Olin:.
etornOnliAillieter1111; u, - Clarke and Solomon.,
. ,
This will about ring doWn. the :cur,
ilin On hockey '-activities here' 'this
Season, eXcept.; for the .Juveniles or:
students ' who may arrange .,"Soine,
,gernes;, weather permitting. •
andleas..,or 301,..*nroy4-.
'kr' elty night such' theat
might be 'Worth ctinuiderJnql .
And ,what about salting the 'Pre- ,
ceedii away under the 'heading ;"'Areit's
Fund".-" ••
' * ;1i * *
Let?s, get behind this ,arene, project
Lucknow has get to have a. rink,
Whether mita Year or five years hence
.L:hut 'until we 1'61 it, ice"sPert,18
,. •
*wined in this-Jewn.
, o
It attention..vvaii.centred on .buildietr
ing up an ,4arena fund by staging'-var.
iouS toririii Of, entortainnient it Might
'be surprising he* Boon a nest COff Of.
live hundred or even ,ii• thousand
tars • Would aCCUMtliate.
ill with heart trouble at time of writ-
ing,: We, hope for an improvement to
1):e' r lI
Tat the .school on
day, February .12th, was 'carried oetit.
in the, form of a' Valentine party'.
The ,nrieeting was .opened..witii.singing
"The :Maple. Leaf -YOi-ei?"-..-the:fni-
lOwink Piogram was. presented: 'read-
ings by Fired Young and, Harold Er-
rington; a reading by Morris Currie;
song, Animal crackers In My Soup,
Jr.. Room; Piano nolo by Iris Rivett;
song by. Primer' Class; "The U. S. S.
No. 8, Express"; piano Bolo by :Etta -
Belle Webster; ' reading by ,Gerald'
enriie• an.L-aPple-eating-reolitest---by'
the senior, pupils caused mrchrmerri-
• ment and was wthi.hY;Beb Montrzin!7
tiiinnOnti the 'Velentinea; Were: distri-
buted andthe meeting .closed by-eing-
ing God Save The., King".
ssocjation of
pl.m;:iey1; tah:tine;ps:r ;4; j:h• erffe...
United Church the. February
Whinney, the. .president, , aliened the
meeting. in the usual , Way; with a
hymn and 'Mrs. 'David Sproule led • in
prayer. Mrs. R.' A. MacKenzie read
the scripture. lesson. The •minutes ; of
the last Meeting were read andadop-..
t-ed7T,lie-Killatia. Was I responded Ite"
hy.'a verse in the: Bible, containing the'
word *prayer". Plans Were , made for'
the "Mother and Daughter". banquet
to' be held in March.' The program
began with an lnstrumental by Mr.
.G. C. Treleaven. Astudy book named
-',`-Stevvardsliin for-'all-etlife", was *I:.
en by MiSs.. Celia Pentland, , by read-
ing .th6 ehaptrir; a reeding by
Treleitven on "Prayer": The.
benediction was then given'. to close ,
the ineeting,TA--ten-:cent--tea:Was-then
it5Pi.°7:e:tiret:i41.13;tr,d ill be gei naivon r dhof tiib PWi• ban-
quet held . in • March.
•Ttie JolleWing ,is n clipping from;
"The Sault 'Daily Star", Feb.f8th, and,
thedeceased is n eouein of Miss. Le-
titia • • •
Dreaney of this-.'
J. B. Way :Dies —In Soo 44
Years—Had Been 111
fig. YearOId' • : •
'Through the death Of i•Mrs.
^ 1 . •
T1ItIt$I, .1M4RU4RY 250 .1937•".
!•nni, ,
,Slitiw Starts' at 8•09•
.TIIE 14111V#;14TEP51111T4
r a:luck-1;1 To
Wei,' who cii.od. at : her , lionie,. '138"
,o(r-qqii-er-cVAVeriiii,-, thier'iiiiirriingi, -. tyc--
oaait lost One '' of its Most . respected 1
. • . . •
and valued '"citizens. . She had been 111
'drily' two Weeki. ' ..:, , '''• , ..".. :: ....'
mr:s.:Wai•Was ,68 Years .old on jali7
.ital:ir '.17til:**TIO',*as,i?Oia at..:Kinionkli.;
Ontario,: in 1.809, '4.daughter • ' of. the
Yae.,':1/1r..., and • : MTS.: Ja,mes "Johnson,
well-knOWn, resident of North •Bay a d
'N"iiipising,. and ' after. " they :left in-.,
leugli; iVirs.. Way 'Spent ' her *girlhood
• On Friday 'afternoon .eif this week'','
in North Hay and Nippieing, - .. .
there • will . be: '•ii: ', demonstration. .0.
;Caine' Here-In:091 . ,
tjuiltingin • the ;hay .cOodtited .by • the
,With her, hp.sband; ,Mrs, . Vv caret: '
'ende.'Mien, Gr•ie R:ck''' ardion:.;totheSault in 1894, whekthe Sault r .,iiwi44.iititleknoyLstationne,the''4st:hidase'eeie;the 4i1gece
Rural CIA ... met . in .the•hainitid .ilane-...
ciiiii heie, i .11003. .'h of the i earliciii..irig...,Nyag: enjoyed. - On March , • 5„tli;
telegraphers to be 'Stationed.here. ft there ',will:bna 'Pro.gratin prepared, *by ,
Was „ IV un 1 , t R-- -,o ow.1 ng .:y gar at
Mrs. George Scott;Misi..0sborne and'.
1'. If: Clorgo . Caine 'In the ' Sault • to
found the' industries that resulted in. Eartir0 l'Ontla" ''''''' , °,'...: :. .; ; ..."""•:'
the : Satth's. •growth ` from a 14nia1l • ,Mr;' 'rati.iiiiy' of Nit,zhitchtlre.h.i biielit. itth izta ,...tiveek, its..‘itirori. , ,,.
town . to the ' city' .of teday,,
. ,',....„... . ' '8ailda.ST'. with ' Mt.. 'aria Mr. -i.1
., Conn.
.4.,...,/ .... Active At 'St..' 1.4iikei " " . , ' : hirrs; 3:,, ,13.. "Merrison returned 'Ono 111.111".•41t'6,*leg tth• ''4nizen in 6ndi.-1
Through:0'U t it .:n11,: the' bite' MrS. Snta ril 4 • eVening• "rfroni'.'. Termite, 1 '
Way . Was 'keenly :interested '; in the Mr: Tett Morrison 'luta: the ,mhifor,
1.):rovi,th..of .the .,SAtilt,:' but far, me:it lune last week to break his min While
ly int iot it i ' her.h • me life
'wen0 t •.'e " 141 0 , cianking..‘a. car :it ;the 'haute' et..Mr!'
. . ' ASHPIELD .
04.. titp, .1/(4i,i'pk54': of the riffairslof St... , tr, .thiekten., ' ' " • i• . . - •
Inlin''8 tihn"l'i tit id‘inicii.. s116%/i°' '11' 'Mr. ''Whitfield 'Sdatt, had the Inia.:...;;a: Mfeia'adVairta a. Robb, °hb.oh.r.,-:'hg6,14.4:ihrsollign.ot "07 dll, n '
•vers aelti.Vo Member, •, being made' a
. tortUno .,Whila 'Cranking. his 'car auti-
• - .... . . ., .. ,
lAti.);,•ritl'li4'.?rmset:(i;,'I7,.:0,111t;tjrr).4,,,u.kl.e);"‘„:"'Whiten:nh °.81,2'.": ,ndliity, tteliiie.,tiliier,fri.,g to ihaaket7,8,0h i sb.'t..iiii•Isrurn..ibt.,:cruot....., ',r,'4ielVik iaiiiit Btahrtsbautririeetc4i,,neglaa; ie On ,:the '''•
wns justly .n-entiii..•.;'4. ilne.;•Wife and . ,
'Mother, -;i'iiit. i' 11 .14sismo;:killetialti; .Lna
, 7 iii.0 1°. od throe stitchca..‘ ._. " - 'Mrs. Hefty macicanie Is ,y•inating ,
and '•neig,hborit, lind !dway's ,Wiiiing 'W.7:Me'ltr:e' nn(i'?(120,41ith'''8.:tejia'ttivh:ileeh‘holltee'.il. t. th°. ',b1w11:1.,Cloleich.4..6,E11‘11:4d1.77.t.:1)/1,t;katn'e'OHIVfwetn.'6ihilled':,'!S'iBofrit.taiEtettauld6eii!,'Witti.161!.'...,
wilea find trilailailoha ; 9?. her fribuihi
titiit'::11,ar7c7i;IY•th'Itl?.W11; lahd!v6,11.1!Ch,:.:1':.1!ri°1....4'4:' ' She ii survived by her kimintrid', 4
i proved in health; after; a iliree then, ,
She Wria."4fiiiirriel .ort Seritemhef 28, 11., i7a3k, and ' , fnnf qiiiiiiititOrAi igjtO ,t6t.,,t1 1,00,6. . ,.. ,,,
't:h.'s 'stay ; in. taro -nth • under the doe, ' .1-
iii8.1, soil. .weuld have:Celebrated hot!, dintV:lotto ff. Way,. at' limn:bi-' .w§-,,.11.....
otki. Joolyst,,sats,..,16, ,8,ptoihbo,' : Of, G. t,etingy.. 146,,,p101,8tea•04,• Mora.. I 4. 10,I,,,,i8T1,:istiftifil(1110‘tetv:.,0Ofti, tthil,,iffaitettlit' thtie breeittt ti. S41,sWy .,.. . 3.,:yoati:, Many • thries her '<thiMeon l''',..- il,'01014t;" itYett.'01.tr Mtg,' • W,.' P, ILO?'
, .
fifj.ilii,i.lil‘fit7s1.,„'iw.11,:iiiiii;0-yw. tietli..bi:141‘1;))6., t.tit.".0(1,b.roj ) 4(1' hiii. 1.4;.' ,:itt!.01i.A:).r•;:..Wi.::(,0:11'yst),11,1:1((:,. ).(1):.ill'i!iglit'.14kiltil'i,:.!i..n.'ttt:t:l.t,.(:.vitita*1171: 1.,'bWily6itny.iitis;:, . 1:1.1.6)ti.1,, '06i.beti,:tillillg'"diiiii:lai:n:e,tititlie"edbi,iit:kal 'stte.:kaeitld''
the ''hitire. k lien 10 ^i'10411Zati. fa. -the, r. ..a t..a '.htfoytetaii, vaiiree' be knea4.
0eknhternve id thORC To„Trinii, and' iti „11;;' 1/14t(ir, M Pa; W. lit wk I iis'.0. Pain t.t4di!st a voinhir Of. this •*-eek, ohoi tau,.
,ettiwitlim (hut .04.,- hiv'od: tkili 4.))1(1 mei ,hy Piece l'irotlicilli, Mr, R. Jo) a.- tern slides,will be. Ahmittit of the Nsd.O.',..'740..
or!rir`Mit../.0,*., i:/,e •With,tilool, AL :,f,ilAt. •Hqqp. Chle,lt,tplt hia.W111110Y1 anti Tr 'd
hos. Idieistrict:ainthe 't ' ‘Wark being.":
..,_ _ . .- • , • ,
4 :•-.4----ii•iiit-eiii'thiny5:14..nilhatoilaiiati . '
, .., •:...,,,,,..,,,,,,, .,.........,
,• •
. ADMISSION -35c and 20e.,
e Unknown Ranger
:4 The Unitek.W;M: 5., Whitechnreh.
held their regular ineetinglait Wed-
nesday afternoon in the church. Scri-
pture Teaching, John 1,1-18,_wasread•
:responsively. : Misses:.Annama.and
Susie . Carrick .gave a .duet. : kre:- Mae
Rose read the study. hook "A Chineie
Vother; The clip 'sheets in Temper-
ance, were read:: The aireeting-cloeed
by all repeating hymn •363 in unison.
,•The • Whitechurch iInstitute held
their Meeting on Friday in :the hill..
it-Was,--decided-f-to-rhold an At -Home,
on Wednesday eveningand to hold
an Irish concert. Mr. R. McCleriakhan
gave a•Ialk on "Hydro". The topic,
"The Nutritive Value of Eggs'i,'
pared by Miss Merle Wilson, was read
by Mrs: Jas;., McInnes. •Anna Mae Car-
rick and Anes gave aduet.
ing aild. miss Susie Qiirrick'gave an
accordian instruinentaL .Mrs. G. Gil-
lesnie gave a paper on Valentine.
hem stitching contest. wai:lield by
Mrs.. G. •Gillespie. The judges, Mrs.
13. Naylor, Mrs: 4.: Gaunt, , Mrs. ,Cau-
tion 'decided ' in fever of Miii. Grace
Richardson • who received a cup and
MONUMENTS at firs cost
Having our factory aciaipod with
the most 'modern machinery for the ••
execution of high class work we. ask
you to, seethe .14rgast'dipplai.,Uf mon-
uments of anyretail factory • in On-
tario. All finished by sand . bleat .
chines. f We invert"' all our: _granites
from the Old Country quarriea-Airl,
ecti, in the ' rough. `• You Can save. 'tilt%
lapel dealers', agents' and middleman' •
profits • ....
• E. J. .Skelton, & Son.
At West End Ilridge,-KERT9N
. •
Mr. Armstrong Wilson of 1,ucknow'
is busy hauling wood in this neigh.
. .
b thood with his truck
. Mr. and Mt's. R. Gardner visited
Dungannon friends: ori. Sunday.
. ..
.. ,
, Mr. David Anderson . spent the
-week.end 'et' hia horne-here::: --. - -
We are 'glad to, report that Maiii311.
Gardaer is niuch•Iinproved-after
ing an attack of pneumonia: '
TheY. ',P. 'S. held.-- their weekly, • .
Meeting at thehenie of Mi.and' Mrs
Garden Kirkland on Monday pVening.
Mr. Wni. G. Iitinter ;Was In S.trat•••
ford on Sunday. Miss Elleda 'returned
to Normal School there after spend-
Mg the week -end at her home here.
" A feir 'inembers• of the , W. M. S.
iJoincid, a, guilt on ,Fridaylast at; the
hoine of . Mrs. _Chas. Ritchie; ,
• Mr. Henry Gardner Attended the
funeral in ,Goderiehi of his uncle, Mr.,
Wpi:',Lane,.on Monday last The
remaining pioneers. of •Ashfield,
as he cainq td•Ashfield with: WO par-
ents in the early fibis. '• ' •
Messrs. Thos; Hackett and Win.
1161'0i:e1. the
11..uett40w, ;sextet .,..on.,*ft.testley",
,OVening by a-oxtbrp' •4
tutti,.'onio, will he,spia9d ,10
ereon torrighti.,
• *-
citieleatbi et lk4OI�W 14011
eitttidt4 tho.'gt‘tiniJ in Phishiy,',. as. t
Welt tneinherio the. ,11.po flsmd
-1.101,tely .teriteatdd.-.:thatt note: titertained•• ;;tht.. rink. f
Id d'Ica ft • • "
,leftfattbatIZ, Attttrrk*,#atkin