HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-25, Page 3•
.1 FeveRss Bow *610.0
PIE THE -Re. Nev-R (tie
• '1,14.•!`e, $c#ARoirroPwoRK,
dward: .ahilicat,
crossed She' Channel, he took.,
Nyith him the ttlif*.W ;ai o gina.tlian
mantifaattire which has been
using for Some time and this he is
new employing during , his Stay. in
.Austria, Canadian ears are, indeed.
• Popular with tudividUal4 �f high•
irank in the, .United Kingdom; . Not
so long ago, the king's brother, the
:Duke Of 'Kent, ,• took, cieliVerv. of a
• sedan, of. the samemake as that
which the Duke of Windsor is using,.
• and mere •recently a straight eight
•• built in Ontario has sbeen ordered by
• ueen Elizabeth.. , Moreover, 'Lord
Ressbornugh, a ..former :Governer,
• General of Canada, who IS new de-
--voting hiniSielf to -his- Englrah
ness interests, has lieeame 'owner of
. a- similar machine. • -.When it: is
'remeniberecl, that these, And many
other' 'ears of -Cadadiari ,nianufae-
titre , are,. being •sold ,in England .% in
ternpelltion'. with the. best that 'the
Lnitcd kingdom and the, Continent
:,•-.-oan-"---produpe-,:-,- it is: indeed a-'
to • their , reliability and
li.dauty_tliat7they„:Shettlit-beloiveii the-
1)rcference • 'Recorder
• arid'Times
Fare Servostip more, evidence o
her. .fickleneSs, Just a fe.W'• days
ago 'one-tiine; Olin:star:Marie :PreVeSt
died .in lobscurity after•trying-futile-
ly „to 'make a corneback. '
• .'And, just, theOther';day a eriPPle4
.wormin- „MO:anted n'..•'court
a:nut:lir,. New York• ,and, :mid; '1 am
,Gertrude Ederle.'" It'a'a name
emblazoned inneWspaper, headlines
the .WPrld oVer;jiist eleven, y•earS ago;
'fellow -Mg her Amazonian ,faat7Of
Two "y,:esirs
cin te'711,,esert, Miss •She
twee/lie' in ohsPure. svvinnning .in-•,
•• •stritetor. Then fate .struck its cruel-
. eat, 1pW3 : In'cotrt, during lier snit
far d:irnagei,. she told hew Shelled
spent ;the., laSt several years in :tor-
., ITTQl1t,"berartiet:of n fttll in an. tipa7e-
• ment: house:: ' .7 • • • •
•• Fron,. sueli., stories aS. tliese;• people,
have never achieved 'fame may
draw: . a ' grain of ' c
paraphrase , a • Bporting
'The higher: you; " P.:0, :the.
"-harder...von' •" :Slierbr.00lce,
• Vitise-Pretantion'''' '
questior, of An admittancec_.fee
see the Dionne• quint/inlet's has •
4.15.01 seriptisl.y •••censidered, , There.
,endersation, of
'• View taken • by :Dr. 7Dafed,-."If we
-tun .a 'theatre' and charge adinissiOn:
the ,,publies,,has right's. , :We 'would
have to keep .a.new day 'bT'day.' ,if,
thef Children' are not well and' ilaye:
....,:ta...4ief-guttidedi--,,..we': will not .:keep
Open-forthe . The report
. .
cornea todaY",that..tbeLQ„uitita,....littye.
, . „
and AM: i8 bar,
. • , • •
rcd.—t. Catharines
.Standard: • •
It is net eeartin,.that.1-lon: Ph:tries,
Cox, Igant.flf Port Arthur, Arthq; dOAngtherihtthjzig .
iti/faillag., to lay: a:
charge sgsiost Ai* ;wopisky,iho is.,
alleged to...1*vd. thrown, .apid.
face •''..therebY.,enilarigered: his
eye,sight. .No: sense of ,..gallantry
should obtain in a case-••of-thia,kink
a -very seriaps`7criminal ofrence.. It
Is -alleged that because the- Mayor
Of 'Pert Arthqr was taking a 'certain
stand 'against high.schael salaries,'
the method:. of • thrOwing'acid in his
face Was taken.. :The seriousneesof
the offencegivs inchicemen,t . t�.
Cranks at any•tinie Io•go' and do like-,
Public mien .have a. •piglit to
he 'protected; and invoking..,,the law
wou serve at pUrpOse. no Matter
what the, penalty ,might,.be ,On judi-
cial review of the ease.
,A. case -of acid,throwing-fgainiot be
lightly -set aside,. not ;even by the
Cathariaes' ,Standard.„
No Privacy
Edward wason the verge of tears
when he greeted his sister, theTrin-
gess Mary. .No doubt the phetog-
.-raphers on the snot Will: preservehis
expression for posterity. but it does
seeni, that, in the circunista.nces,.44
little of the privacywhich is the
right^ of Common pee* might have
been 'spared '.for this touching re -
Tree To Life
Do you think you can make a
geed portrait of My wife?"
"My friend, I can make it so life-
Id ke ,that you'll jump every Utile you
,see it."—The Fort William- Times
Journal. .
s. Road's To Newlshir,ie Fields. -
'One Of the '.features of the Dom -
•inion (l)velliniOnt'S • .• policy which
has, come in for a good -•deal 'of &IV-
orable comment in this, part of the
i2RI-1:16kt,I. ONT. PI 4,0T5' SUSPENDD
'FOR. ii'DVRLOAPIti.,',1*IAP.:1..s. • '
!RI:3,-/1•11 LOHOON,041: CHI LD'
PROVt-,..9 6E, TAI...K114 DOLL.
WelOMay Ontario Be Linked
Later On Oh. ' To Troks;PaizOda Route
• .04:4477;
„ . .
. .
• ••
• timc, -r0:'OOV,5
-03 SOCK A '
•LAW. YE:Ft.•
NAY' .SkiN
oro \Vrr-s .galh a I
• , LAWIN'elz.•; "
•\ 0:AU
It4p, $V,It..Le„St-,OT.MACHINmS
" -TO GO (WrstsTAMW, 13 LD
igris diven
o Aid Wheat
43r -Conunission—Opinions Are
• Varied at Itallmay_14aKIE'
.W.INNIPEO,7,-Scheanes to • .assist
.Canada,!s 'wheat industry, lend assist,
ance. to •proclucers, and develop foreign
'markets. have been ,Placed . before. the
Xtirgeon , -royal grain., coniniiiSion
which Vtands, adienrned tintil its 't.re-
gumption in •Vanc.ouver about the end
Of. . ' • •• "
10 the 1.4190,000 ivords eVidence
already written intor. tile, reodrdd• dor-
. 4ig.:Winnipeg:.,a04 saskat000. siti(Age.:
i:the commiSsion has heard argamenta•
'for, end agaitieLv,aricus:: farina of, "innik.
tailien • Cif, declines
• STR.ATFORD.. As a Part; of
_Weste_m,..Ontario-,--:Stratford--may lyet
henellelli.9ni ,the Trans -Canada air
-mail srvhich_ibejng_in.augur..
ated by'the',Donfinion this auMmer,'
althotigh linMediate.plans .d� not in-
clude .Ontario, according :to
g9Yerriment. official by 'City.. Engineer .
Mehl.: •
IS • reasonable. to' S*..fpn_...oSe • that
in tiMe Western. "Ontaria:- will be
linked:With the:Tbront9 iine;" writes
J. R. K.. Main, Ottawa, -assistant
inspector for the Superintendent of,
airways, whe replied to.:a ;recent in-
quirY ;by Mr. Riehl, as to
mail plans for this area: , • '
• Mr.. Main,' late in .January, had
inquired' about I, the ..airport; license
. here., ,. • . '•• .• • '
•iti.tne" aviation -inclustrV will • bring
merited rewards to those mitnicipali-
tie§ • 'which 'Yours' own, have
struggled to keep 'air.P.orts...An.
tion duringthe period :Of depres-
•sistan t•
ce mi n g loads, roads •
which :will, assist to .open tip new
riunine fields, increase the country's
proiluctidri, and so proVide.
and flour exports and numerous ews
pn various phases of the Industry have
been submitted.• , •
:more werk,, „QUitea`,bit.hasaireadY0 traction _oot,„ world trade • were • blame
heen, donel'in' that :connection in A.I., for,. -red uction' of 'Wheat .exPol ts. Amon
goina, ., and there' Can..' be ' no doubt. contrilliti4g, .1,act,virs,Ifore-oto ,can
but tho' thisi'.1,w,ork-has:."Pla,vect-,lt--Fs-le-4-.-•-•.'s-.7=texp-±ie:tailfLeir -which Were7Ut. a.
nart, in. theldeVeloptneht 'which, -.1.a.s.ed-1,6. ria,i,.0 1,e.oes.d.pui.dijassiiik i),6„,,,,s
takerr',place, in :00,!,IO#' Y -?1:r , or ,..sso- -,:in,ffEltirepean-..countriegr Will P4 ' betight-
in..the 'clot/Oman' • and •Michinicaten Canadian' whe,cit.,'., , l• ' ' •
l' '''' • . :
fiel&i., And the same ' is true l in „ , • , ... ,., •.• :•
.. ., .. •
'other parts Of. Northern Ontario and -
., . . ef. •., • • . • , .. • .
Reciarecal. trade treaties,. stabilita7
lion .. exchange and vigorons .adver,
, • • • • •
Other proViiiPes: as welt,'• Eut- there. • il.pi.Rg „0.nci , 0,16., „.0c5,110.:04 .1.,,,6•1,..0 .40..0:.
is,,seope :•-for . more , work. ,along, the
same 'lines„-Sauit, Ste, Marie Star. '.'N“,i'lt.:4rii: st .'p:s-,,e, '0170' i'j7C0.‘Pr'17?Oilt:i.(169. 1`1111:11..1.76.i.'
. . ' .-'.,Ciiincl'.And Fact' , ' ' , ' ,he Met, and at/ditty standards.--had,•.ta
be , maintained, , witnesses. ...,,d.e...elare.'d...
,....,...Winds,orenorts-the-lOwest-.:Tekleffiliiiiiortariceffof lo-roignnye rkets to the
list...in five".years and. • that -sounds • wheat and -flour industry was. general-.
• . . - , • . .
Mosf encouraging. until ..it'„is:. reali-, - ly redognized.', ..• . ,• - ,. : . . • '
ed that -t6 ,I3ordat, City islsti'lljook-. 'Marketing ..nleth:96.. hrought, out
418.-...afte•r' 1013 :P6.59118"-w41°-ttt.rt .Urtde discus-sTa •.. Representatlens
111010 .1M
A ...Y- SOUrce..of .iii-co.nieH; Were' Made en bohali of various . kill'ci.P
t"oterbOro Examiner. ... ; . '• •
. , . .• 0 *heat.,boapts, ocios :.and, the Open
market ':and. futures Method. although
_, .
:stihttihiSions of the, Wheat. peols,theitt:.
• ,• seiVee' have 'still, to; be inade,. Onaratk.
. .. „ • . . .
• .
' Tariffs' 'embaz,•goes end quotas. by
European Countries and, general con,
ci i()11C." * •
g- Thxi spr-,els such . a sympathetic.
a-, MAO •that. Mr. ..1:41,,ehl was terripted 'tp•
ri--.L. find out on. what •,:the,
present plans,,af the rans:Cnhada
:nir aservice• /nay be, as for a this
'district is,concerneci. •
„ • •
. IntellectOal, Ties . .
The number of'', Canadian :students
in the universities of Paris has been
growing considerably for some time..
despatch from the Haves Agency'
'reports On .this: .1•43.n increase of 20.
.'pey cent , in, the number of 'Cana'.
dians Studying in 'Paris this Year
•has,,keen estimated. 'Twenty of
'them are • stiidging ' medicine and
about thirty.",taking.,literary: courses.;
'Canadians and Frenchnien fratern-
ize at the University and accustom
themselves to the : manners and • the
1, • thought " of the two Countries.7, At
the Congress of the French 'press
• held in Quebec Arp ,loa on 'the, ',tic-
Casion pf• the fourth ....centenary ,Of
'Canada personages like, MM.: Plan
' Marchandeau. !•Franc'.
and others insist, etl upon' the advan-
• tages, of p-romating the hest and
Mciit solid intellectual relations be-
tween Canada end: France, • Our
attidentS, who are werking:'fb,: the
• City of , Light can,';' if. they whip,work
stiecessfuIly to create -these neces-
sary 'tieS of intellectual Syrnpathy.
Canadians will certainly gain „Some:
thing ond Abe French will certainly
e nothing,-'-' The Sfierbreolie
. t •
, ,Short And IVIerry
tSetneone•haS Wisely said that the
Man- Who driVes'ills, car at 60 miles
an hour with- One, hand while he
lights a cigarette with the other is
nOt in line tfor old ,age pension.
Citehener, n6corA
four. minutes" says a
medical item, "An Airieridan dies .6f
d'iseaso causedby the eStutuou
cold." It mustbe very nuntotonOtia
for the.average 'person in the United.
States.—Kingston Whifi.Standard.
• ,
tntdlliger.t Immigration
' .sro such danger threatens. in the
..case• of; those Who cross the ocean
•young-t,young enough 'to lie• able. to
grow up up into -god ,citizens of :,the
,Daininion"in which they are settled::
So , far from '','appreciating the neces--
sity Of Migration in 'youth,' however,
opposition speakerS, attacked it with
some passion. : Their Zeal . to pre -
Vent Child drudgery • did -them credit,
but they were'fighting an' imaginary
hogey. The,. necessity:, Of ' giving
'youth -a 'ironer: training An' its new
•cirCumstOnces before it .enters 4 Do-
ininion,laber 'market is now tecok-•-
niZed, and, as our'.Melbournecorreii,
, pendent' has just, pointed out,tbe
stecesS Of the first Fairbridge Farm
Scheerhas shown how the Problem
be ,SolVed, •‘lt Is bythe ,encou,r-:
:agempnt of this' and similar 'schemes,
. through financial assistance as the,
;nevi Bill provides, that, the .etiVant-
tages.'of youth -migration can be se-
cured and. its ' drawbacks . a6ided,
8ot the wider implications' of these,
prejett'S. tiiiiet not be oterlooked. If
the Derninions: wish their, new ".set -
tiers to beyoung and . teadily
sin-tilahie, then they :too '.niu.st take
thought far their future.
tion and 'deveIetinierit: must •go hand
'.hand.—London Times.
.NEW itORK•-,-theinployed.work-
ers 111 the United 'States' in Decem-
ber, 1036, totalled 0,399,000.
decreage �f 217/,000; or 6,4 per. cont
from. NoVeMber and .41, drop,;;_of
fromi December,: 1935,, the
National InctuStrial. .Cotifetence
tioard'•estinutted,reeently. The board
is a statistlear.orgaulzation support-
ed by large industrial concerns,
Noah's Ark was OPPrOXitiatitely
one-half the, size of the model*,
Leviathan it Is ealti
teed •,prilies were ili000sed ea_aii_aid,.,
tii'fdririerikand'OpPOSed en.ihe:',grburid•
they,:offer d 'nothing -to: farmers who'.
had no Orop ,..
. .
on't ie.Too "Brave".
• .
y•Tlie:•doors say that while the in-7-
'.'flueriza.that,is re.s.ra 1 e t
typelt.:,it--,.Cipnlare7. of being ▪ far' freM.
'Will 'CO you hot .t9. try„ to fi.ght... the
.f4z• and *go nhead ,as if ., you ....Were'
finite allright. -.Their. 'will tell, you
to go tobed and •*est- it --off. Even
if„one..;feels he cannot .afford to loSe•
a• -clay or two doingthis hie can take.
.,a • piece :of.:paper Otifhis
:11koblem;' 'Showing that. It would '
better' to take a day or tWo. 'off. in
February,. 1037; than- take off all
.19:3.7-38L.3-9.-arid+the re-st-Pf. theqfith
century.... Where` Your
concerned . don't .: be afraid to be
. BY
In his, career,
ston Earnshaw
Pitched , and ; ikon
.18 'gain's and lost
L',4$ 'in..thein,torna-4
tional, • ',League,
• wen ,14.3 and Jost
• 71 in, the .AMert-
Can, ;and Won II'.
,and lost.,22• in the
National 'seorin
• ;24. shutouts • al
told t°
• Remember •t1a
world .ricips bal
osSer,•,Walter Johnson?,, Re seems
to have, gone the way' Of all good
athletes, ‘, by being bi•Oke and trying
to keep his heed pp by dairy. farm
and his farnilk.seeiri.to be 'sensible
people all through: Although Jesse
.is' today 'One of 'the greateSt 'sprint-
ers :.In , the world, . and despite' 'his
S50;000-- Pins" blot:0.'9n tfie way; the
Q,weriade': not on-the
„Jesse:bought his inother•and fathera_15oonljoijo t4 .
could, hi. in -
up the rest of the childi:en:Klecenfly,
J:CSSe'S -father; .1..felfi:ii•• V;olliked: on
an: Alabama Cotton' 'plantationnoiv he is .,
a car • washer in Oltio„
even, thengll.s9n„.is •famauS„..he
The great ,Eiz. • Dean
fame, 'IS valued...at aPproximately,
out for A ..mere • •$'50,000
vant •,
SPeakinig, of baseball'. greats,:::•Ty.
CehlY „was th4,•grea test •ball.':-PlaY:er
who 'Oyer. the Ameri,'
an League '•battei.s..,for' •21.ea'sans
nd iti'l.,016 Stole 16 .hases,
„,/- •
You: ,liave •'PeSsih heard of the
Aga' Khan sinnetinie or other, ,
f 1
act „eerns to be nialdng...,the.
-front page now iii :InOia. .4'he Aga
Khan is tlic dean' Of • the .4triti3li
turf. He 'should, be, •Ile.• has su.lir
$4;000,poo ip English liyestockit
• W06.0, tARLV.
PAREte5,' DOCR ,At4,0
SEE' IF 1E'/'RE Atnfkkg.•YOU
, , , •
0115 'PC626 114R00611 KEk • OPE144 DOOR. AS 5Orki
AWARZ '11Ef?1' At41/ SOK OF -*dr. Pftts/Egif f1101"1.
sckurvario ,
'kt4t0). rocitiAR4D.r,$b
V.A$PF.Rftieci 419•5114P1 IttM oUtik'fo LbORprj
.1)ADDY):'ARg Yo0 OrtL;.-IpAittrtrsi 13Rtei.iffiCo
aggpot6 Not 110itz tsIticK
KA1421,46 ffit(r 114Elk.
EtTORtt, TO CLiti6 To*
AWAY. opollAER
cuma$ ihiSED 014
WAS Ib BE 61111Ef AND
Must Find Market
• For Pure Seed
Nece0y- Stresied-byT
',Christie to Seed, Growers
-;A:ssociaticri „ • ,
TORONTO, -- Necessity -et finding
stressed , hy Dr, G. 1 Christie, west.
dept. of the .0inario Agricultural ('Al.-
.1e,ge, Guelpic in an•addreas....b.e,f.o.re:.the
Oritaim Field Crop, and Seed Growers
Askpeirition,: , .. • ., ,
. .
... Speaking ', before, ;trio • assadiatiori Creased ,•coasnttnition, dee to. replace,
oninal•Innehenn; ii.f.6 noilsg?,;,..p,,,nsidept,,inents.a..eXpenditures" for new .etni.'......
a. .ininQilty ,0:a, 1.107:y.me, dileiri rit:.; 1164:i to f...ipid• ,structions:.has, made•a great; ditterence:•:
'said the governme.ne
Markets," forLthe •seed. layli4'hThreriee • of' in .th.6. Pictiwe'.'new. 6ef°re.'.us:'cc.'"'Pi' '.
..inhteo',..ricii6rded,e...adt:,. ed,,..rhWeitliii.....tehs,eiciell.pitettis4ivid.i. tiFId5e31...14-i1...G304.Z.'r...n....• ...:, .
. , .
.3.11116. hgl.s,p lye: fai.inel. nfisFp's•t; me/it.:statitics showed .chrloadinge of ,':. ' •
edin. pr'oducirig,:maxiriiiim . yields. .... - .1.11iniler'.. eiclutOP'g In.4"'")".:Puil' .a44
.., • seci.diabing, ,,.,plants .. in ,ontai.1"6 Paper an a'71.6w.,. .6ther .. fereat.. pr.O....
'Were 'Proving Of great, esSiStance. ti".e. ducts 'showed j.:11.0we(i • :.'9..'. ''very. dee...?..ded. in-'
-assuretl-the.-atenfiters-littli,-the.Co'fltr-2;e7-60-a.8e-ili71.9* ;as Vi'gval. 11:6'r'il:trTfa.ar77-
7caoilriaiintnh,ee:fie:id7:clmone."1,''eix4p1:e'''';!ii/nj:lel'r,ts:'.7n'°`ai4dn'•. I2'13-324.'''‘''a:e's:'O' afr.se:i in '.0-ana*dia.n .fPne's-ts'ill.''...•
nclainied Funds
Total $4705,732,
4ter Tames sukteniot on
Inactive Rink 1,31,11a0cell
QTTAWA.."-lineininied bank bo.1*
,ances, certified ehequeii- and drrs -
left in•12 Canadian hal:1k13 at the end
pg 1936 •totalled ;2,70p,73,2.71, .return§..
Finnce sbFwed.
1:1,epos1te, listed laelade', pnly/those „.
.„witlf no transactions ,teth five -ye upp
ti.em Ogg, e out:0 $4,74.:
The Royal, riatk bf Canada'Was tar
out irt.fr:00t, inel.fiding., •
Ouhanr• end
.m0perest;was sepond.-*Ith
S5$01953.: the...Canadian Bank of
COmmeree a faily,clase.,thirt-Iffita'"
$.412,60.• ‘-• .
Ne.:st iu, ord. . Montreal GUY and '
.DistrictiSaViags Rank; $153:072.
of 'Neve Scotia
13E1114, $136;,941;„ Irrperial
• 289;. Banque Canadienne' :NatiOnale;
$.$3,3797, 3ank of -Toronto, §5,9;004;.,
'Banque' Provinciale .du.' Canada; ,
C2G; La Carsed'Econornie de Noire
•Ddine de, .Quebec, .$12,71g;. Barclay' •.
. Bank,- (Cana d -
ber Trade rt •
Is Improving- •
Lurlubernien Expect Even ,Befiter
Business; In ,FUture, •
dontianed improve-
rnettt in he United' Stat ie -and Unit-
ed Kingdom lumber .market .Was
spoothie for the uptrend, in Canada's' •
-Intriber industry, • N. P. Blair, presit.'
dent of the.. Canadian Lumbermen'.5
Association,' told meitilius ett
nnvana nn.nnnen,-seanart;ennannwencrn,nnsei...ennnenn.nn
ual. convention
Mr. Blair said thedomestic•''Maket
had . improved; and would „continue to
show Improvement and that ' returri;
ing confidence, bringing
• with it in-
.effort t..0., :',prOdneet • contifined, -pare :by the 'invasion, : of. ,the : tureppan •
spruce sawdy'were•Oeseribedby ..1.: M.
.,.ps.t.'1:0.g.T.,.a.i.e'fit't,s11:_:In-1.biisl.nrt.elifdaecIns,,;:ri:e:Illee.irla.1,;(1e:iiii.1.6dto:i.,:t6.1!,1.0e6.ntiad'el:,art d°...Gr4'se''. '°re8t 'in'se't ..1.d4.1.alian ''.ed.:
• eral • Agriculture.,DertMeit.
in .good seed •geewiri.:.., ' .:' ' '. !!...-..,.:.- sicielations punue6ied: With .fores„. . trY .
• ., , . . . . . ,. .
-...., We .,will. soon' .br tina • 604.-als)ait,fo. , eperatlens and -Provintial andederal. .
,.iiiYoly;..ali " ()Marie with its .8.6(1, re- ',G.everPolentS....ave ,`.jOi•nod in a. cOrtz.,
- Chogi'i:ss';lailt'ly7blie6in(gilfa:iillipile,6vfea°'',Inlid6:;17:lio- ' i', fli.(11.1'4.f.....4e .G:°:se. ' ' ' ..
'inac-1:*itrtielll.'irigilto';f:Pttlhie.1.'ec'°,/•!0,a01.1-'3i'S:v.':iilecCIP'e'S.-sairlY;,''', oillt:(5hleir .e.irni'.2:ertct:s1W1fliilltit'dtab..itn,:rov,;.,tfili3refonrd:;,,•: .,
eel and internatiortal ShoWs :northern ,:,
Ontnriti••is. ••klyiaiiiiig. j!ii- . in 1.,- t, ing11„„1,,-.„...,4,,,' 4..„,,••.•
-:nitrii her. ot bigli.! a Wa rd s. ", ••••.•' : ' , , ; ' '., ,f,...j.t,P.A it 4ATZ...trt- .of
,„ E•lhett ,Meses,,, ',member 'e'f 'tile, asso,. e. ,,.... . +,...:.....,..,;. ir%: •
.... ,...
prat-ain froin. the ,.',•-.3.1..x -f•-:\'''=-Oifs tteser L'.,1• .
.4, . el, t•-.. , 7. lej.,07'' 11.1112A.Y.M1r,t/On:'
4,itt-I-64.47,743;11111t;I:Oi'd, •' ti.-0!..tlf•e.,stil-P,176k:ff:a 7:', ' -. ;"''".'.•- ' -:- - -" ' ''. '
-iater,est ofs.'ilito-litellan 'fa.r.rners...ia fine. ,•;..,, ,-,- • :. • ' : •_. „.., the Coin:
i.,' • ''' ',..,.. j. • •
seed' , was ,..eXeril p i file d.: th rb Ugh .0.stali-c .4 o `-c'rri.c`rd'esl'."' ‘'.°1.°11.4"4..' .....
1.isb•m!,,it',..."' th0'7DeS6i'dInt:0 1:650iT4- .'':' In :Ca' nada ':•••''.., 'Ken.' Of Tie•na:,
.1\t,ii-ooaii.ai,,a,,..,ict,...;c•Inel, ;:ifil.,...iat)'el'ee, .es.clizcp.Ifil,ft:, Ir ' ':th '. , -: .4.'n''''eV To 'Iiind!e:: Them
„...... , ,.. .
diens .1'vei.:e hiStalling: n Npl'ia'lit°;nsiiIiiila .
. _ .
_ • .•
'LONCON'y Ai :great ship,'
ment oi'..aCoTns .1\ as been' shipped to •
,Canada; for 'plaptationa, or' °akacorn,:
memorating the coronation. .1'
Fartn frodncts. Seen •
. . Teri thousand "acorns 'are:being sent
AS -Motor-fnel Basey-The Men -or the Trees Society
. . . .. •
. '
. England to the organization Of the.
ws„214 Take tar, ,of SurpiusB.c., same name in Canada. They are, ac-,
. , •• chet;i4tSays • cornpaniecl by royal e:xpreSiOnS of
nobreclatioii, and goOdwill..The jiuge
VANCCII-TVE1,1 11110'117P-
„ . ,
mpany. as a corottation gesture.
.provide, the •aohitiori' to , Canada's : The shipmeiii is kept 'at the:: right' tt,:
problem of surplus ag•ineultUral pre'. temperature ir the.ship, asstiring•Ahe, .
chemist at the "Cniyergity .hf British.
duets; Dr. Allan T-larri. research best possible condition on arrival,
.• ireder:ICki.:it'-oliitin of 'Tot:onto', pre-
Sident of the',Men o the TreeS' Socie.. •
,Mr„f9rionigraty:telegraPheci,tilie societY's.. congratti,,'
.tetOes, apples,. pears,. :cherries •Lairid. latiens to :the kingon ''„hts'” birthiday,
strawberries' he' . placed inthe key •n.8tatitp.i706'0.vgRiltzation*'s.intenitpil .of esitien. Kekt he building planting .English ,baks in Cotainemora,
•materials,,:rayea.:.and, lacquer Made: •tien, of the' cetPnaten... The. .meesage •
froni :hay: and straw. ,Artichekes .tifid said' it 'was felt "there. was 'no, 'betterdahhias ••
wotild prodnoe, Sugar.. •. way ,of Commemorating the .traWiiingL• .
A .blend of Only,,10 per pent 'wbutO a a' lieW; kinkTIVan.•-,TiY ,7groWing7fhe • .'
.aCeetint far '.--50000,000.' dfspttt etinifee
..alcciltol and i•emo,ve..• 2,8,60 , - • • c . • • • ..„.• •
In additionje.06 above nientiatiecl): 'sentinienta expreSsed in*fthe inegSag6;.,
alcohol, can, 'he . from ' anY The ecorri.s.,lia,vb, been colteeted•
surpius.agvienitinal the-,:Alew-pr :TreeFo..§etef.Y. from
.• .With a referfrnce to dindling.,ex, the famous .trees" Of the New' oi•titt;,,.'
peathe ylfilt- scientist': OliSeryed i'„Whieli is royal propertki,
'that • ..“07err !eVerybOdy ' stuffed ,diStributcd, by'. RobSen and ":
theniselyes,the'ealletiVe StoninehS iof .. '
,the world. are not large 'eriengh to • ; Richard. „Ba•leeit, •';preSideni., of the,
. , „
-.1thSePh, th.e.farin nroduetS of to- .'• e,t',the
• • : • `' ; • • . ' •.„ • 'found ed 12 yearil „ago .111/fling:. to
• 'Selentista ,look ..0pbn. the'. foriner inspire the, lo Ve 6f,treeS. and •proinote.,
as a primary. pl`Cidbedr-not;.thily.ittholir ;11,inliti1ia and ,protetf,,ou'
'the fitst comModity 'Of -.foed; opt, tile:World; told the CanadAan .Pre.Sa
to • Produce the 'll:.fitic Or Others le onjoy;"••••
.,baseS 'In'neticallY 1.!..Atmittied •thvy,, ee
iut•• • • , the •special plantine,' day for
;thenitodleg haVe Ningdom.,. ut ninny of the
•fluttrprothtjon M .itche- 4"°'• "Pc • •
,k,r, • .•, ,
int'S • dratight year. Anti; Ilak" qr.11.511th 10 V116 -canacti.611,
eteriSed 22 ,per 'Cent flittireS ft...04,11mq
tbc., "riMA,C ;Virile and '
'fed to the Sa§katehowan Oaiirynien s . ond
s h ennvelittim:aliaWed„ 71,"".11
tatiweit it,i1Old05.6.6t6d';'
'the. OrepS Vero' ,
, • litteltWoOdS Mid Wila One.
temonI ettivea ininted-;the'teviiiiviien
tht 11i studott* of