HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-25, Page 1• 4,4=4,, r,g.e. • i• 1, 4 ,••••• 32.00 'A YEAR -$1.50 IN ADVANCE -50e 'EXTRA TO V2. „ .DENTAL DENTIST , , TELEPHONES,. , Ofllce , •••• Residence 53J. • John W. Pattison •4 Radio:-• &ilia' • , 'PHONE '171, WINGHAM, "ONT. All Tubes Checked, Free Batteries, 'Tubes, Accessories • .. Dr. . Wm. Fowler.. sipiwk.pN (me!, Hours:: 1.00-330 P.M. .' 7.09-43.00- P.M. Or By 'Appointment 2 'Phone 86., •, FEED CORN -will' deliver in totl Iota, at $1.65..„per hundred. -Wesley Boyle 'Phone Ripley 1,8-r-4. •FORSAIX-.OhrYaler 52. four-,clotir sedan. .Good Condition -N /W. Win- • FARM FOR SALE OR RENT On tonceision 6, Kinloss. Apply to 11. Lovett, clo, P. Dahmer, R. R. 4; ' -Kincardine. FOR. SALE -Wagon, _cream Sep- arator, , of 3 -section Harrows, nning--Mill,- Set ;‘.$Scalerez---Appts Sentinel 'Office, or 'Phone Dungannon • IING SERVICE -Now Pre-: do general trucking, prompt service, rates -:,,reasonable..- . Armstrong 1, 'Phone '70. Lueknow. S,AXAPIIONE FOR SALE -74n' ex- .441ndition; burnished Silver OnialP4i#JesSons.lree -46-4urchaserij Very readonable price. - :Garnet', Parrier,'. , HOTEL l3USINESS in foicknow , for sale, steami heated and . furnished `747.0410011t;'t :..bathrdoniet-Goodl' cam.; menial • business. • 'Will.. sell 'cheap. - RoVel, ' ' ' . ' . • 0 - AUCTION 'SALE -of Farm Stock implements, produce; etc, at Lot 35, Concession 12, Culross,. on • 'Friday, , • February. 26th at one O'clock; • • Perry Hodgins, Administrator. - • Well. Henderson, Auc. , AUCTION .SALE -Of farin stock --aMt iiiiplements.at Let: 6,-, Con. 7, Ashfield, miles *est of Glenn's. Hill -on-Thursday, March 4th. See ills for list and terms. '•-;-Johit Kil- patrick, 'Prep.; 'Well. Henderson; NOTICE • TWe".are open to buy logs delivered • in our sawmill, yard: We can handle. beech,, elm, soft maple, .basswood and Poplar logs. • ' " 'Kindly get in 'touch, with our office :for deScriptions:-7Good- measurenient and good grades. T'HE LUCKNOW TABLE' CO.,14Tli TENDERS WANTED Tenders :will • he received by C. •E.. • McDonagh; clerk, Township ' of Ash- field, until noon March, 8th, for crush- ing- and haUling: approximately ,6000 ydsgravel; work to &nninence,' not *liter' than -lune 1st: ' , An accepted cheque for ten pei cent to accompany' tender: ' c.' MeD„eaagh, Clerk, Liicknow, 3. • Herb... Curran, Road .„• ,,Ltieknovv • TpwNsmp OF •KINLOSS' Sealed 'tenders will be 'received by the Undersigned up till •hoOn,,, March 15th; 1937, for the crushing and true- ; Ling of gravel required for the Town- ship Roadir during -1 1937. • Three: 'or four 'Setts With not loss • thel,. locio Yards per Sett. A marked cheque for for 10% ?; ' accOMPanY , 'all *tenderiV!rThe lowest Or. any tender not necessarily accepted. • ,3. R. Lane; Clerk,''R. 2, Holyroed. itotitivs111P I'sF kINiOSS . • ;S"ulLdertselgdne, •rd, 11. 1 be XocoeneivMeilartieti thei , .15th; :1937, rex'. atruction of the Little,Itfcenm ; ti e Approximately 7110 feet'ulet.5 t 12. inch,, and 1300 feet open .drain,. Coun- cil to supply tile on tlie.grolUnd. tph- dere to be "in limpsum, aceontt,. • panted by tharked, cheque for. i0% of tender, Plans And 'ipioirliaiietig • inar he Seen at Cler,k'S Oflide, The iiwast or any tender not nedessarilY neePptett. irOyteod.. , lliam .Lane Ashfidd. 4.4.*01044 itVii'INFP7. '"VAL imw4am. ..410",. 4644 EIV.41k, Member ; Of Pioneer Aehfieu:klano -4Waa FerMer':Oterie Of .The Mu eiPaYtY And. Lifter Clerk And Tre surer -Of .Huron Con'i4Y Per •Almoar . Forty Years. " • , I ' . ,OMEN'S INSTITUTE TO : . • , • -'STAGE. AMAT_EHRL. NIGHT ,i,y1,,,NTE,IP,t.M.171°, Viiir, ' ,.,4V447,4174, .. '''''',"'''1,,,,ZiTajX,,,,,‘4,=•,,' • ;Anyone With Entertaining Ability' ily' Milted To Enter Good Prizes AWtirded•-,L-,thince' Will 'Polkevi.' As a; Plana' for .Night.- Are 'Laid. Lucknow'sS ftrst,eniatenr Contest .Many former Ashfieldriend among them being' John Cowan,, ag 8,4; gathered .in Goderich. on Mend to attend the funeral of Le and in this way pay their lest resPe to a prominent native. of the. townsh and a faithful., and , longtime Pnhl . servant of the Count?. of Huron. . Mr,„ Lane ,WaS his 86th year. H of his eon, Dr. Charles Lane of: D trek,. with whom he has been makin his home for the past few years. Mi. Lane Was a son of . the ' la Williainl,ane and Mary Andrew Lan ;Pioneer ,aettiers, of the Lanesvill community in Ashfield. When Willis grew to young manhood, he taugh school, for: a few years at KititE0 later. conducting a conveyancing bus ineas in Dungannon, and served fo •tinie as .township clerk. In 1890 he moved' tO doderich npen his..appOintinerit. as County Clerk, in -Which-capaciti-• Ire -Terve -tiler -26. years when he bee-iiine7County ',treasurer, .continuing in this office for years, .until. Poor 'health 'caused him to re- ti1eir1920-i-Sinertheir h-e-littereetr a. cheerful • sufferer . •in . spite. of..a ihemnatie affliction. Mrs; Lane, formerly 14naah,. Stew- art of Kintail, Passed away several .years ago. The youngest son, Mait- land Lane', Was killed • in the Great Surviving are two ton,',Dr. Charles, Lane of 'Detroit, and Stewart Lane, Who 'hit'S a law praCtise'in Vancouver. Of a 'family • of...:sit,this aister;,--MrS. iteet4 is the Only surviving member. ' The funeral service on.konday•was in Knox Presbyterian Church, con- ducted by a nephew of the deceased, IreTtr.-771.,inne,, who . was assisted by his: brother,. Rev. W. P. LIne, tY officials bothpast and present, at- tended. the ;service in :large ninabere,. several Saint' as flower, bearers. terment was in :Maitland Cemetery. . • , 'wilI be held in the Town li,an the second' week in March, under auspices a; of the Women's 'Institute. ed Anyone who can .thing, dance, Play ay the piano, violin; mouthorgan per any ne other instrument,-' Or do, impersona- ct., tions or in anyway entertain, are. IP come, and in fact,' urged to enter the je contest. Good prizes Will be awarded . and further details- and the prize lift c death occurred nn F1,1day.,;.nt_the,.horn s will` appear in next week's Paper.: „ O - • -All-entrieare-te-he--addressed-tv e- Mrs. Morgan Henderson, Lucknow• g A dance will follow the contest, with the, general admission. of 25e, te• plus tax,. covering' the entire night's a entertainment. All contestants arii e admitted free. in : • • • I '. • • , HELD ."STAG"! PARTY • Jewel Rebekah Lodge held a "stag" party. in the I. • Hail, ilnst Thursday ,evening; when eleven tables of , men, enjoyed an evening of pro- gressive euchre, after which u' taSty. luneli' was served. ,Prize :winners Were'. Messrs. M. C. Orr, and Cameron Mae; Donald. - ' • GOOD WILL DANCE,' . The. •Liicknow' Fite' Co.'" is holding a good -will dunce ° this Friday February 26th,''inthe• Town lacCartrieyist4rehestriti-r•Genekal,--44-- mission 25e, no' tax. Proceeds ,are for a popular ' and. deerving y9oung lady of the village, and' it is hoped they will be 'liberal, to encourage her on whit. So far has been aiOng and PP - hill road to ,recovery. . • , PLAYS' AND DANCE . St. Helens', Young People 'eke pre- senting their two popUlar:plaYs "Hen- ry's Mail -Order Wife;"" and "That Rascal 'Pat". in, tire, Orange Hill; Luc - know, next Tuesday, March 2, at 8.15 o'clock, under L. 0,-L. nuspices.- dance Will follow and an all round entertaining„: evening ean be enjoyed Lor the small:fee of 25e: 101$T ctuE • DANCE • , Dance in the Town Hall; ,LuCknOw, o Eridesi-,1' karat 5th, UnderJointl Club A.tisnictat. Hogan orchestra. 3C PIUS tax. " IMPORTANT BUSINESS • , . • Members Of . Ltieknow. Lodge,. NO. .are, pepeeiailylttkedto attend the regular lodge ,ineetine nextTuesday evening, March "•2nd. Important btisineao Will dOiltfte ,befpit 'the Meeting .aild;• n fujI attendance pf menribert i necessary.' APIUNG .C.j.,EAAANdriA1.4.E.of Used Pianga. Such well,knOWn riinkeS as Heintznonno Nordheinier, 1Vittsori ei Rich Webert, and thers at reason: able pridea• end ternis,' Writelleintz Man &. 06,, 242' Litunlits "St,, tendon for .futhr �. bbliga: • ions. . BRILLIANT' STUDENT At a violi nd -piano recital • in ;Warner Hal,. Lond�n, on Thursday;. - Francis Buck was awarded his cer- tificate.haVing received. highest stand - ink. in. his Class. Francis is a • son ofMr. -and--Mrs-Andrew Buck (nee -Ethel-7-Arinitrong) of 'tendon.: He is M a .,frequent : visitor in 'Lnekrkew.:, A spends the summers here: with , his r 'Pr - .4171.4.;04. • 'e• , v 17411:skstiAz.FEBIUJARy 25th, " . • . .. • , 1937 e SCRIPTURE mmoulzATIoN Kilouth DiStrict To CONTEST _COMMENCES- SHORTLY " " Varo is ear A, ,Scripture 'ineinbrizatien conteat • •Work Expected To Commence Ab '' • rine-over , Six Miles• Of, Line for . boys and ,PPb4e 'schools, within. a radius of 10: miles from LP.clinoW; will"' Open, March :14 and, close ',rune WI:. Will .all the tea chirp desiring to .haN're their ,sehoOlS inter .the,:emitlietitrait•.icindiy write at -once for particulars and for lists of scripture.. verses to be Memorized, to Pearl Henderson, IJueknow'; PleaSe :be aura state the number of copies,. needed for your school.. The best stu- dents will, be chosen to eon -mete •at a public deraenstration. and. prizes will , be. awarded to every 'boy or . girl learning 25 verses and ,over. We hope that every Seli061 'within, 'this 4 area out Be Tf.i, • Strung. From ,HOYiTuttN9r91 twerity..one hydro contra eot; • „ have been .signed reeidentsi lough and neighboring farmers,. and have been:appro.Isrealbythellydi •ChnimiSaion. Thus it is .considered that hydr0 this lySetrairc.t-;vi%rckergtatitnu. tilod-irnegeetive" he lines 1%epeeted.,to commence' in -Julie and.104 labor will be used as far as is' possible. This area: is' included in the' itipl , ey dixtrict .ho-Wever-i-Tandili-,--therefoic not be in • charge of the • Lucknow ComMission., - • • ,. . The. newer will be carried 'bee ORGANIZE' TEEEWA'rER. -1,0•DGi Mr.' L. H. Sander's, Grand Lodge, organizer of Ontario' ' West, was 'in' Teeswater on Monday' night, re -or- f ganizing: the Orange Lodge in. ' that twternetinii,t'ilinat'eeind bientts;th .village, Mr.' Jeffrey, ,a past . master, which has a membership of about . was • elected 'master of the new lodge, a eSioxrdercaonndidmaotnes:, Mon- day evening, with 'district officers in charge: . from -the redueing station at •Oolyfood' and will run as farnorth as the Lane ai:la farina:. The line wifl otal erose ..seven miles. in length.: On the Tenth Concession it Will ex - end on each side of the Gravel Road s' far as Wm: :ox's and. John' Col - well's end' ,on the lgth inn 'Herbert Graham's. ' " Consumers Must bear the. cest' taking the lie •from the 'frant-e -their property. The three consumption rates, we understand, are 6c, 2c, and hour. the service 'charge was recently cut in. -germdent/Mvi---ba-ia by all who sign whether''or not they use the current. T t. 4 of :11(rsolloin!e 'tEuirnhliontiggh 0 nn e hit g.prospects Juice, .St. Helen's chances • of getting It, soon at least, don't seem. so bright: We have been unofficially informed that enough unite . arernot•asspred to run the proposed line from. Lucknew to Whitechurch, via *St. zielerp3, and. Als9L,..that_Whitechurch-haS-now4een- able to 'secure enough' prospective users to. bring the service .from Wing - In connection with the line IfrOra' LuCknow to St. Helens, one farmer ihing--the-prOposed router,andt-Who: would definitely take . the . Service, XX.andParentaia,Mrend---Mrsv-.4Win?' Armstrong,' ,He- is fourteen .year old and is brilliantviolin student o ss, Nor- ma Kenney is 'direc- tor of the Croyn Memorial Orchestra, which assisted at the recital. , :LYCEUM SPECIAL, THIS WEEK Grace Moore in "The King Steps Chit". is the' special'. attraction at.'the -Thrceum Theatre this week -end. In this' Musical -Comedy, the grandest of all her pictures, Grace .Moore ,singe six popular song hits, all by Fritz Nreisler. Supporting subjects are a. speeial: .colored -reel and -news:- • of Kineardirip,. will have 'charge of Gospel SerVicet • Sunday, ; PebnuarY 48th, in the Orange, Hall." • ' ' "To the Unknown God. Whom there7 fore ye ignorantly:: :worship.Acts 13181 E. STODY-:-.--Every Wedtiee::. day; at the home of MrPhillip_s 730. . , , '" • -:-YOUNd•:-PEOPLEEvery- Friday :evening; Orange.Hall-,730 pit.,• Lucknow Had Fishing Club 'Thirty' Years Ago Sandy Macpherson Was The Presi- dent According -To"--A Foldef 'A -a: - flouncing 'rhe Annual Supper • • :,,..fEVkil:410.6!” If. you happento have ever belonged -,to the Lticknot-and Pine Fol.1,4S.,.FishingClub you'lLknow villagers, were agreed,. that it was - •what that meant.. It was the, pass, about . the, most •enjoyable :danee' ev- word. in this pio which was a thriv-' ening of . the: Season.. ing organization early in the'" Century • A fOlder, which we recently rec, eiv- ed announces ' the annual .SUPPet of• ,A this Fishing 'Club to beheld in Angus Mr. Thos. Cook, j of 'Huron, ToWn-' • ,MacDonald's• Hotel, on. Monday even- ship; had ••e-YerY narrow' escape froni irg, December 30th, 1907. being killed in the •graverPit . The, fnentbets '•were., listed as JameS, ", McTavish's. ' reeently. lows: ,Hon. PrOs., Nelson Smith; 'Pres. John Ennnerton Was driving a -stake Sandy .MacPherson; Sec'y.-Treas., P. at the -top of the Pit', when a 16 13. MacLeod. Chaplain, Joseph- Ag- pound sledge hammer ,' slipped, and new; •Ass't. Chaplain, .Aaron Bennett; fell to .the , pit . below, hitting Mr. - Captain, :Alhert.'803iiii.Baidi Angus ,Cook on the head. He. was badly. cut McKay;. ----MacDonald; " rinirbitifeed-and was placed in • the Chief Anitiulance Corp.,, D. McCrae; truck and rushed '• for medical. atten: . , Chief Net Carrier, Wm, C. Johnston: tion. • Aas't. Net Carrier, J. W. Henderson; .Chief Fish Carrier; E. McKay; Ass't. Fish •• Carrier; Jas.' ' Fisher; . Chief .SplaSher, J. W. ;Murray Aset.' Spla- sher, Alek, Nicholson. • .. • : :YL:.:the.fifteen raernbeis,• eight . them have now passed on. • As their appointments as. net car- rier's, splashers, 'ete..•ivonld .indicate; it Was sticker fishing in the. stream. along the lake that , the meinbers ,Of Present ' from Vackaow *ere John ,Cecil Jack Ciii2;terT and lex MacKenzie of • Langside, 'with epresentatives• also .attendin actircallyeVer3rnot'W:17i7kinlOSs istrict as Well as neighboring lodges BRUCE. COUNTY' WARDEN; . .,HONORED IN HOME TOWN Tare's citizenry and a goodly„ por- tion .,Of the stirrcnInding district turn. ed • out en -masse in Tara on Friday night, to honor, Bruce ::County's ,War- den ,for 1937; Reeve. C. Roy VanDus- en of-Tara:---They crowded into banquet hall, .nearly 00' Strong:: 'to payihomage to the first Warden .Tara has 'provided since 1890 When the late .4*Oh/i Douglas ••occupied the highest position in theQounty • 7 . Withspeeches an song and e?tcel-• ent fo9d.:111_4....,gathering....sat4hrough four and. a -.half :hours q of the :business2 of .doing honor to a native aoand t mtiet !la:Se been q40.3*it thrjfl. to he 4uiet. reeve of Tara, publisher of. he Tara Leader and:one's:of the,: age's leading 'Citizens to. hear the raises ' showered :upon° hiniself and. •is home town by :the.: assembled *i guests.: ,ENJOYE0 DANCE' In our last issue We overlooked making refetea_Ce• one. Of' the, plea- sure tid-bits of the 'season,. an invited donee, under; auspices of • the, Badmin: ton Club. The. coinniittee in charge spared. noeffort.Lin;-. decorating the hall, which offered:a Very attractive setting for the event, With balloons and spirals adding novelty, McCart- npY's Band, 'supplie.d •,inusie and,.‘ all in all the. large attendance; of 'chiefly lita,tON MAN UtIRT INDIAN 109 YEARS , • KNOWN To SOME HERE „ Ehiewhere in "this 'issue appears a icture of Simon .ComMands, Nippis- sing reserve Indian, who, On February 4th, celebrated his 109th birthday, • Ile is not 'a total stranger, here. Mr.. Mark Gardner of Wingham 'and for- . merly • of • this .-village, has had the the Club engaged', in, and in 'those 'honor of being 'entertained in !thhi days there were no autos in -this :vie-. 611 chap's tent, and of 'shaking :hands inity; temfipin. down to the lake and with hint- • , back in. The trips then were Made 'Mr, '• W. R. Gardner ..of Cochrane, behind 'horses,' and there are niany and a former -resident of this. vicinity amusing- talea. that, Can he told -of upon moving north hadzO home on these expeditions. PERMANENT WAVING work done with *Our neWlY inatall- ed Nalurelle MaChine and Paidor 'beyer, if Spiral Waves CrOnnignole Wavea 'eatabitiation, WaVeS4.--$3.50 & $5.00 ,HAZEi.., Ciij 'Phone ' 13,4% Ltiekatiiv .6.ttgaltba.„2..4.ti.*Inzatat the edge of Tke Commando, which was imnietrafter th'6 „feter.ari .states he has not yet been approached• _ _ or canvassed 41 regard' to the matter., Magistrate Commended, • Magistrate Walker deterving. of the thanks of all tairpaYers ,and care- ful drivers .of ,autoe for. his deterinin-. ation. to compel lazy,transiente to earn, their :living by the sweat of their,-brows,•and -- drunken -sdrivers of :cars to keep of the highways . W.', I. -Meinliershiii Sti!I . .. . , 1 Continues. To: GrOW, . Antateur Night At Arrange Pot.-•.F.eiirtiri Meeting When Four NeW- 1 meobers. wore. Added: k• ' ' ': P . , '.. , , ' ,---•--,-- , ;With, over sixty members and ,visi; a tors" present, the February Meeting' fi of the Women's :Institute : Wad:held ,i. at-the,-honiejof-L,-Mie.1":• Charles -Steward • on Friday afternoon. 'Four new naem- bers were added, which brings the ineinbership near, the ' hundred. mark. The roll call ,was ,resp,ondedqo by 'each meinber declaring their ` hobby. . The motto for the Meeting ' was '"Whatever you :de, do ,: with., your -, ,,,..‘ ' . might; • things done: by halves are • m .never. done :right," with Mrs. R."11.: Thompson reading a short paper on 'this : Subject . An eiiceptionally fine tope "Little Thi Worthwhile," Worthwhile," WfiS, 'Oeiiiird :and re ' bk Mis,Hor. ase Aitchison. ArleneiJewitt & Verna the :liOateis and '• ;the direCtors; kre: 7n Wm: Douglas and Mrs. Harold ,le34,.. the ineting. test, Rena and c6free were Served by Norman Wilson. was actoinpailist for •-`A homemade rolls contest , was of .. (4 • Mrs. A. E. Dperiin was, chosen ti winner in a graceful walking 'con-, 7 won by. Mrs. Wm. Mackenzie and' f Ste -Ward --s-tineit, solo and Bud Orr., :es favored with ,a trumpet solo, itt.'' ' ' .- ' ' • ' , ,. , .. During .the'huainess Period, initial •-• Plans were made' for . holding an Am- iln . . , 4, •. lio titeur ,night. ' . • - •' eaJth- .•• nfHeaJ UR ;11101'10-:-QUALITy ,AND 'SERVICE. " ' .Speriiall-1011',.Thi* Week:, Etid '9.(q.og : LAIrlt,: ' c41cP§. :.• :. ,.';.,!. .i .,.• ; ; :,..;; : ."-, , .. • , , .140., . boucrOisflYTE‘l PER..DOZ, • ....... :', .;'... ; • .. • • -, ! , • ,.,.,. • • ••• ..,. i'glic, . . t, :SEVERAL' KrzOs op TARTS, PER: nOz.....,;.‘.,.,......:..2 . And ,, A Large Assortment of ' ' - • .C.O0kIES.,...• SUNS . AND SCONES.,,-. PERI 'Pin; .,,.. ...':. :15c, . . • ' 0.. I. L.,..Y .1wk AM:1 • Q U. A: L. I T Y. ' BAKERY . . 'PHONE 36 . , :LuciNow. , . • kit 4r, TICE -ucknow WATERWORKS .System All Consumers In Arrears arc Is 3 ut thout Further. Notice Factories ust.140.7c!..e Back ] IN 30 YEARS, POPULATION HuRoN . • . "13;413.--11YDRO RATES SHOULti, RE' ESTARLIsiii6tw INDUS T,O.NilltOMPETI1SG. ‘, WITH.. CITIES' , OS COUNTY' HAS DECLINED EquAtIzED TO, PERMIT TRIES,' STATES NORTH HURON MEMBEIP - • ilEACHMAN) • We are, Puttering. With the ,Probleni of •unemPlb4TYMent74.*0 are, ,not facing. fundamentals...L.,:Present:--eenditione- .will:noChe: able to continue. Relief costs * are.'extremelY, high. There. is tip great chance of. iniMediata improve - Ment.• The relief • situation has ,Chan- ged. only A/4h* during the: 'Pig year. The tete] cost for .direct relief (the. anionni ,spent by federal, proVini, cial and municipal authorities) in pe- eeMher. 1935was.*7;333,678 • in .1936- the-tota-was-;7;550,56-&-Expendittire increase with, general betterment of business. January' 1937 shows some -improvement but progress is ' slow. These figures by no means eover all the ,cost.. There are pbblic works ex-. Pe.nditiires' motivated' by the desire' o give .•employMent'. 'rather than to meet,. particular nesg!. The total out - ay constitutes a- gigantic bill for the eople ofCanada. - The :coats' of relief constitute only fraction the loss. The following ante's' for the Month of. December 936- give isoMe, idea. of the total' num- bercHaetaedodsf laoodfiu.fanailies ' ' ' ' by farni dried • Out areas 94307:: , placement schen-ie '• Heads of You. have: in these items, alone ost 275,000. But ,;.if We cut this to 175,000, We have 'an. army 'capable, if efficiently employed, . of a trernen- dOus' volume of. Production. , In 1926,•'e, normal :year,' production in Canadian, . initimfaCtiiring ; Per worker amounted to $6,000. o -,:iiould-prebably highex today' if pripeS were at the seine leiel. If we allow for a :production of only 'half that amount for eaeli laborer, .would have • productive capacity, • . economic lois due, to uneinployment...' rhe loss every year, is,nrre than the Tclireet•-fexperditWal _gov,ernment. . Yet we 'sit still, talk &indict; .little' • We. write • and I speak in tennis ,'Of re- lief and of making work and: of „ Spending money as if that constituted . the. remedy.:We have to probe deeper. What are the causes? Where is the way of escape? . The real:. trouble lies In the , - . 'fact that the cost of production . of -manufactured-,products Is too - high. Prices . must. 'come down in order to increase ..purchasing • , • ' .' Prieet of manufactured , goods.; are too.' high in., relation . to the , price . Of : farin.' prodtictS, The result i: is that ' men. are driven off the farms into the , . , cities. Cost.pthibrig.,_ in theacitieSt is4:- excestiivethe cost. is, passed back, ., :in the price Of. goods, 'tOthe.inen .Whe . work on the firms, or 'eniag'e,;in the.. • basic indirs,tries of.. the -country. . . • . . -..-toTt4hee ..ftoarCn°1...Yin.7jolirsde-rni,°;:e:''ill'iralittgk.•.. services... ,. ' . ' • '''' , 'shwa tower cests., of •goods and ' , . . . , , . The burden' Of ' relief today is ' 36;936 great that the cities are striving yvitb. might and main :to . Shift . the !burden •fr9ni ;themselves. back ..to the .federal:... gO'verninent.' If it is placed upon ..the :,.. federal 'keVerninent,-,it ...will . find . its, . way into the -tits bill thus adding fur-. tilier..t6; the: almost impossible bur- dens' of agriculture.: . -... : . , Huron `County is one of the... fin"est. /iOuntieS in, the, . province :of 'Ontarib,,,!- iI6n ileocitihl,inig.n i'c:path,ceitpy;tit‘Tei,riperedd.oti;e,o; rtthae:i•oe,--- which :surpiiSses.. it. ' The decline .. in .' the Population of Elnren gounty, tYli: ical Of the..9tlier. connties dr' Ontario, reveals . the. paralysis of agrieniture, , ' over flVe hundred 'Million dolliii!s In 1901'the rural •population of Huron , oniii, onr linemPleYed. This is ' a was 44,877;',.. thirty ,yeare later, in ug estimate, but It give , some 1931, it stood, at 1.,i1.64‘; --,a decline pf f: ja asurg; Of tlie -ecoromii: .1 s`: • froin 13,413. Huron County in these 'years emploYMent. • . , . . ;: . from its, agricultural Population alone But 'it does not cover th ' entii.e lost what would eonStitute the:, pOPit• . • this list whOse productive. capacity- the -urban Papatittiiir 'declined. 11'070 . s . , There' are 'Others tint, Me lobed, il a6 t, 91 o4n3 ' otof a laf:,a71:6_:,.:0:ddecitlyii:oefan:2h.2171e,.:, The story ,of..thiroh County relite- sehts ihe tragedy whiell ,lia happen. , ed in every rural eennty' 6f the Pro. . sttOuLD myrrig HER • ntRE SOME SATURDAY NIGHT . • •• • • Mi sS' .Agliet• Meephail, Lab., (Grey -Bruce), ':deleiae*e§tithato in the' 4tetlie: of COrtiniOna;suggested bagpipes be Card 'Of Thanks , ••Plflycd to drive OWAY any tnetAY fitin meg.‘o•esevi Cohrthey, and teiirius, Canadian, tell, ' • ' . A wish to OkOreki their sincere'thankS A iattaSt: VVitA vOieed" und. oppreolotion f‘cii•': the 'many kind. nets riiid. expressiohi,1 'ityinpothk,‘ thontli during the '.,ederit sad bereave. 6 ' ' inent.in the death. of their daughter • bY "kteid (Lib. 'NOW WeSt. , Minister); the 'oilier of Parhairielitt did net sa vh� slionld beplay* Of 4 - " tier present conditions, is ektretne-, liMited.. There- ttro , nearly a Mil:, dependents of '•those .6n • 'relief. Many of these Would be at ,.:awn"°115;alti!tvince of, Ontario:. Are we ''tO. Sit, still con .ployinent easily Obtaintible.,lieSideS, arid see this g4 on foreVeri or i11 many ease§ we have reduced. the *0 to face'the prohlent. and AeOk a , 'palm of. vvoi.k., and retired many Pet; solution? ,of i.etirenient Merely to provide work eons:long' before 'north:AI . period ti-lott.,h1:easielit..0;:ghs...eldeftt.:bheo. :?sorit.tfoi ohecnusti hthera. The hotietiet iridorrie of .fittrir CeaseCt6"te. .proht.able,.beett'ute *.• the noolitlioh of ClitiadOGA •1086 *4§:, ,000. If. this nation were othraedarattaitd„ oafs :it'01•664)yit(gIe.i ti, duced 'h-;.ag the national iflCOine to it"10tIVIel" haft he torinerty get! ';,.113e.t,tkiidard the savings CaSt plusplustho ,4a had titi.bliy 6for thing $5,009;060*(1....111: ali6t*ilee be- of living in • - two eine Measures ' .1,