HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-18, Page 8f4tuivtao
• , . - •
aimed. Cherries,, 2. cana, 23c,
croaked, 2 Cann -25e-
Prune 'Or G. age pIums, 2 25c
32 Jar Cherry .Jam -290,
32 us, JaetrithariPle,JeRi!.29c-;
PrimPhillo choice,
." Yello*, String:, Beans,
1-1b. big Coo ir ••••
Coffeei °1b.-;
Aylmer: Corn Tit' Bits'
2 'Cana,
_ •
AR Last. Week's SPecials'
Continued Thia Week
. •
Fresh' Fruits and Vegetable's
Our Speciality.
.'Phone 82' • •
• • • •
CLE44101.0.•„__WIT• THE
TRIcEs:: Ntrilicii .ARE •:. '•
8( and $1.29
Men's. Rubbers, 59c
Men's, Women's ''Sz • Children's
. .
onsider Making Bruce,
, .
County .Restricted Area
, • .
B . Restricted Area Campaign
Abetzt CoMpletell "...Prey.: reeety.
And Many -:Ornee' ,P4rriera• FOTO!,
Such A -Move In, This canef),"
'Reperta.fronk .grOr -0Pui?tY. 790d
'indicate " that the CasaPeign in Pro,:
grasi bi that county to make it a;;P,
splOnilid, success,' °; Bath .before. 'arid
since h • Grey °eampaigiV•commended
lETVe Of fa*ers Ei•Oe
•C01.111tY naYe been Wiondering, Why' the
seine' forWard. steP•haa''Uot been tak-
en In tille Count".; • • •••
At the January ,'-Session thc
Bruce COuntY 'Cornell the .sahject'of
Restricted Areas.' Was discussed
by the Agrieultaral Representative
on :the recommendation Agii;
cultural Cominitteei': The ,CoUT,I,ty.
APPrOved ' the, Plan ..and '43-
carandended that 7 -an,• ,educational
campaign 14.. undertaken with the
View to follOWing up with' a caavasS
of cattle owners. . It is fully 'expected
therefore, that nrie4Ings will be held;
:at. strategic, points throughout thc
county in the near future at. Which
this. matter will he.disciissed fully
and piens Made' to. cOnduct :the nec-
essary ;cattle •OWrierCariiase,•
--It -should' be remembered -that:the
Sacceess or .4ailare. Of such anund?:
'ertaking dependent almost entire:.
13:' anon the cattle OWners theniseives:
•,A full understanding. • •of wht
meant by. the terin • "T, B. Restricted
Aria"- is the firerrequireitient••:: All
cattle owliers;• particnlarli: those who
•havri.uny.-doubte of the. *filae. ••', of
•sriclr-ntste0;-shouitimake-it-.a. paint
to attend; the, Meetings in :,their coin -
*Unities where the: matter. w111'710,
• '• a : B. Restricted, , Area :is , a
good thing ,for :6ther districts • and
counties throughout Canada there is
no. reason tot believe that -it Would not
he beneficial to Brice •Cbinity.. And,
now that steers ;ntuf feeders 'eari be•
tested' and 2'compensation allowed felt
reactors, Brace 'Cattle *owners should
be encouraged to:, fall mn line with
the • geed. *orice In qt0.
. The • farmers in the Bruce
gala. some years ago expressed their,
• desire' for a• T. B. ' Restricted. Area.
Consequently they will . net likely he
canvassed again. They:Reel Watching.
• the reet of Brucewith much inter-
est in. the hoPe•that at last their wish
will be realized_ • • •
• ,
, 4*-ITC1L4T.04:-DODGE—,„
• • , •
.'Phone. 4 on 45 Lucknow.,
• Felloitirig....i:Ithe .._reeent
, • • • , , • ;'•
• ounce -
Ment of'; ReV.. L.::'MeKerroll'a
resignation, the following itern:Which
•.We -ran. across in TheSentinel ' Of
:October, 26th, .1995, 18 At . particular-
iiriterest: • :.' "••'•
".`011, Sunday last, the congregation'
of •the LucknOw Presbyterian Chureh
'..• 'showed their /ugh 'appreciation. ,of.
,their popular pstor, ReV. Mr. Me,:
; Kerte% When they ',plated, 0690.60'
.in Cash on the .plates',. tharikeff-
• erilig;•:td•witirds 'paying 'Oft the debt
, •
the,. church 'Minding, We understand
when afl subseript)ona promised are
'.:1'...CCeived the #ilai?tolt will reach $3000
It 'vine :a" tiberal i:ealiOnSe to the pas-
tor's effertt, 'and .both he and the
congregation are to be.COngratillated
oh the ,hearti..and gerierOile
the: Reop,le;.4...
. ,
•• Never in many years ,has Tara
. been in such a., sound finanetal. eon-
dltion says' "The Leaddr'". The e is
no relief, no debentiiro debt, and the
' •taX 'rate Is one Of the 10West in the
Province. '
iltRo/4. AND -1tIN10§4 .
- •
:February' 12th, .1937.
' The Commissioners met in the: SeC-
retarY's office on the above S.date at
e.30 p m John W. Colwell; president 7
.41the: chair. •Members present, Nem)
McKay and Din . D. McDonald.
L -..!-Moved. McKayi .seconded •
by Dan D. McDonald that the .tnin-
Utes of last nieetingothe 'adopted as.
read:(carried), .1
*Wed by Dan D. McDonald, 'see -
ended by NeilMeKitY that the fol
accounts he . paid; 'William
Arnold, rebate. tolls,: $'5.00; •• Tanner
Brooks, 2 telephone •poles 43.25;
Ilidro....$6,07; ...Canadian Tele-
phones and ‘suppliesRiplei
Express, reports • and notice.
collectek National Revenue; '.'tax,
••$,2143;- BeU° Tel,. -Company,„
-0545 MartTn,pet-taite-ifiCT
$19.47; : • • • •
3/16ve.d by Neil MCKay;. Secerided
• by. Dan D. l*bonald. ,that this -Com-
mission recommends to the'. Council
of the Twp. of :Huron their :approval
of the' sale ,o'c Long' 'Distance Copper
Circuit between 'Ripley. rind LucknoW ••S
to • thec-tell Telephone Company Of
Canada for .$800.00 and that .the Se•c•••
retarY4reasurer. • ' :authorised to
wait •on the :Heron Council -With
reference to their passing the ileees...
fiery; By -Law :and eXecuting the. Bill
of Sale covering' said' Long Distance
Line (Cafried) - •
?ioved b3 John W.Colwell, seeond-
ed by Dan D. McDonald that the. sec-
rtaryAreasurer :•• and:Nei) McKay be
l'ithorized to waft' on- the :Connell
Huron Twro. and arrange. for intereet
allowance on Telephone 'Moneys held
by Anton' Township for 1937. (Car-,'
lied), • I °
,Meeting then adjourned: to meet
again on Itlitich 6th it•the nanal hout
and place.:•• , :
R Ma tin $ec eta Y'
, R. r r
The. News At 'Ottawa
Most Of Friday last w;is taken, n
with•discussion in•regard to, Canada!
position in the event Ot-nllOther vex
It Wge a .continuation' , Of •tho, debat
on the, tWoedsworth resolution ' o
r'513vt4.1c1; i.r.,s..,: Msera::•sllira70,1410.‘te:6tailce;sI0or t'141'6.•
iilete" neatialitY. This CoMinerids'.7-it
self to ' Certain' few- but fitili- toen
. list, any stigStantial siipPUrt,:, Severe
inemb.era: •• theught.'there,';'ihoirld.:, 'b
coneeription °•af : financialiesourOea a
• WOodayeerth of ,appeOilg. 's.to • the'
French -"Canadians t� back. UP ••his
resolution hiit pointed.nut that there"
in he Irad.ailed arid was backed, up'
.by to ineiribers;_froin Quebec . who
also opposed the., 'resolution. It ..was
defeated :without a 'recorded 'vote, In
this connection 'ale!) ;the° Interuational,
Nickel Company was ' strongly.' de-
fended by Dr, purtubitie. of : Nipiseing
Who spoke of itii increased produetien
•as Mainik. for peace -tune purposes
net. fOr• war, , • . .
• . , .
• 'Monday was,. a ,rather . drill' day: de-
voted o estimates. of . he less eon-
tentieus, type :„altbotigh„.•.the. Alefence
estimates wore vaopened" by ;the pasi
. 7
Mg Of a einglo 'tans :Which n� •'one
*quid taiestion but . which lUalces."095-
sible ,the taking' up :at any time •of.the
whole contentious business. . •
. _Anneancement , wari:,rinide, nf - poll,-
ing day la •the, West : Hamilton 'and,
SenaVentare 'Cle4lanc, •; March': 22nd.•
s 1,:artid .bafare4lieSe_tave_censtitu
enciee have :been serried by•Ike•ititirie
parties for years and the i'epiilts 'of
the by-elections .Will *Card. :interiat.';
ink, Iii.iiiireti1W-irtfol*ffitiff6, '
Hon:' T... Ar. Cretar 'reyeaied that
the Manitelig Indians 'Were in a bid
viraYi • relief Coating:ialinost a. •*Iiiiiqp,
dollars, Or 49.00,a head. A...plan:Is
being considered to re-estahlish mus-
krat. brecdin0 nil certain . areaa. :re-
er•Ved entirely : for •the Indians: Mr.
'bretar's•:' figures showing the expan-
sion• in mineral, production ' were; also
:instructive, an• increase laf fifteen mil-
lion deller8' heingalIPWri in; gold: •fOr
the past :year -.'and -39 flew minga: in
Operation with the Oranilaa of . ten
More :corning '.son : '-Thia '-sailtido4,
good to yOur 'representatiye and his
hopes . fer`a fortune in :paining stocks
irer,e ''Onee ..more....kiadled... • :,
It is :Whispered...that a rift:-; is: de-
veloping in the lute of. the ' •Social
•Oredit. rePreeentritiVeriiii........Mir_mid.St:
One militant" representative. of. that
faith.,.may be diSaiplined Op a0coinit
of •ii _Igter he ia Said: te• have written
WhicE-• it would -see did not 'express
the ' full And:blind :faith the ri?.St Of
the, gi•onP, Seen'', to • feel in their pre-•
pisii4kii.t. . .Blic;. ..:,i1:, h.tab:,:i.e:ilihnl. .... expelThe : ,14eirnir. 1 11,. fg.,,tilii. ;77
.External .r. elation§ of Canada waj
the.:Sabject • of a lengthy 'revieW,in
the House on Tuesday brought forth
by the estimates for • the DePartment
of External Affairs. ' As , usual Mt,
cy'oodiWortIi.:fetmd :to • 'Critiej"
but .1the Leader.. of. the'• OPposition
whose ; recent: world ha' '.cer-
tain13%..' ,nielloWed ' his -fiery, -SPirkt
agreed almost ,entirely,... with. the
Pi lmne lilinis`ter'''' It certainlylooks
ike the ' Lamb lying
WecineedaY $10(1.0360.Atio, plair
for hOnaink- . and shun -clearance -Ntiraif
reached tin the 1104s0 by Mi.:Penton
Massey of . fanie. Mr.
MasseY:.lias,:alwayS •been, known as,ri
tudentYof.seciai "affairnd,'is often
poken ofits the heir to the mantle.
..the. .'opierrative Ehjah.. Mr.
Masseyfigared. that 'there ;is a short,
age 'Of arotifidi 100,000 homes in. OAS,
'eountry;'. and:, Winteg immediate ac-
tion. He argued' that there !'s a eToSe
.0!lf,teetiOn.:betlyeeti, ,proper housing
and national;iiealth .Work; •,' be.. said,.
Was. nn.,...geboil.::te::_thealintnL:....whO___wea,
not physically fit to de spoke
Of what is being done in ••the .line of
prOperAotieing' in • Great .Britain and
Sweden. As ' to • the resttictione Of the
Actwhich' presents 'Obstitclei
ta refOrni he; Said 'Ter POWS:
sake, then, let the. 'act' einended;"..
. • ,
In reply to ,this the: 1Viinister• at
Finance stated:that in
the: jurisdiction' lilcists in. the 'prov-
inces and evidently -haying in mind
the •recent riW Council judgement,
he added, that Wie.. Might aanWell face
• the ,,fact 'that we have been put in
�ur _niece :4 •bjt•-,. VerY r-atith ority
He tuetitibbed that the Dontinicti. Pitts'
up 1.$%: nt the in2 many
0.1eS•, *here the, .)tirisdiition: is Pro-
Frokberrihe vent On to tell
,about • the .'working of the x present
flouSing Act, , COMing tali., but 'Very.
slOWiSt. Said there had . not been.
loCrt/e. te,-onetation, front meal finafl-
.institutions • but that insurance
eoninanies• had b•ooii hetpftil, •
Othet .toutributora to the, debate
mis resolution weed •Ms e rMeephali;
4he: bitter remarked that we 'Were,
0.4 tea, year e behind:the' tinieti
. ' . •
Elecardine Despite aveek;nd
snowfall; there is no p�ssibi1it,r f
there tieing. any- Winter or the bal.,'
ance ef the season,, neenrdipg:‘ to it
Itiblas,g' • Townshiii • Weather prephet..
Ile relates seeing' hthyther 4itek,
rabbits' Op which the ligr had turned'
graY. and .white. .."VVhert a, hare's' heir'
ia other than iti. tutifiral color,. that,
Said: -
north/4)1y 4eather,". the prophet
is an indicatiOn -of contIntred cotn,lon
Alwery ,
Smith, .brother ' -or ....Mrs:,
FzVink Miller ,Of tear' Langslcie, has
created 004ne excitement in
the Tiv-
erto vicinity by tiePpjnga, timber
wolf,, that when stretchedout meas.;
Smith, cutting wood in
the bush near. his 'home at LiVerhiir-
bid as a sideline,. set,some troa,
inepee zoo, ofliis-trapri 'early. last
A • . • •
Week. revealedthe big .. timber waif
caught securely by the Paw.' It. was!
*deftly ,dispatch04 with,a hatchet.. %.•
•'Smith, -it is 0410;7:wilt' ''receive T. a
eounty, as well as thP. provincial
bounty. that, '109a, with each Wolf
. , .
• - • 7
• , .
. ,„. -. • .
Mrs.' James ' Masse, a. . farmer's'
wife liVing betWeen , Zurich - and
`Grand'',.13arid;,giv.a. birth .t0. her 21St
child •on 'Tueaday. She 'Li 45. and -her
husband of French-Canadian extrite-„
,grandparenta. • •
- The baby- was delivered by Dr. A:
.T:.$.1exionon of zlirieh,it being' the
19th Masse birth at .which. the doc-
tor. has,:presided,• - - . -
There have boon tie .death 1i the
Mase •bonseheld....Seventeen. of the;
children • !IVO •• With" their parents
Three,. sons and one daughterare
married and there are 'three grand,
Children. 7With•.:the • birth of Baby.:
Martha, .. there are 11 girls .and :•10
boys .In thri•Masse: family.. , •
The.,aldest isO Young man' who Will
celebrate 141 26 VA:inlay On•
tqai4yIfi§ Peale. firMairriee: The,
ethera aro T19r9p00, AutheriY,'• Al04--
tihonse, Joan., 'PeCiiii, •• Louis,
Antoinette And Juliet (twins, Archil
Michael, Cecile, :Peter • and ..MoniCa..
:Oa:baby Will be twined Martha:„:4
.1gr§. 'A ...,:1341(loribi of Eiriloagh,
his gime to Merrittton to spend a feW
months -
30. a. C. 1,Vre,N0rfatelulea' t
Produce; Association OnVention
ifoparitoi the first of the week,
MYrtle, :Graham, student.
nu.rae at'S.tratfOrd 'General Hospital,.
'Pr lite,t7".:7b'azurzolle., •
• ISS „Bernadine' Riyait o Dungan-
non' sPent, the week -end with Mr and
Mrs,. .Peter • Carter andleinily of ,tire„.•
6th co, Of:Kiniesst,-
. .
.'Clara ',Azfu:-auct
1614 Childieri
,sPent• the 'Weele;e14 with her"
par, eati
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ;Johnston. "
The February Meeting -Of, the- °-:
men's...: Institute will, . be. held at • the
10. 'Gerald : RathWell: attended the.
-.National; hoe:Retailers' Ognv,ehtion
held. :in ';tho 'Royal, York Hotel;.
• onta- on MOnday and Tuesday' Of
;this week:,
;Mr. Pete: Carter and son Pete surd
dankliter,. Miss Mary Carter.„.ancl miss
Bernadine • Rivett,.. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs; George' •Rivett • of Dungan-•'
ziori,- spent ..'''Saturday • with relatives
in ,Kincardine. • •
Mr OEllin.4 Ross' and 'Mr ,Thoipea
Henry . Won rotary eleeki ' haying
:drawn the • lucky names on a card
sold by Edna '7, The publisher
"punched" : the ...bidderi.:' riannegl ` that •
were : Evelyn ar4l Hattie respectively.
'daiighter ::••Miss----,Katherine;:-MacKerizie—
,• entertained a •rithriber'• of ladies rit
anteaat their .11°_Ple_L4P-
:SaturdaY eftertiden . 'in'. nonaur ' 'of
1V1iSs: MacKenZie's friend,, Miss
,IVI6frat: of „Teesrater, • ; • •:
Who was recently • appointed: Joint
General Manager, •along with • Mt.
c•• go ti:Igh•re• ssr. i b4o, :171 07.,‘ ,,O,,,rGfere:17tde:orepnadt,treaL t,
froni Mana
•q the '13.pi!lc,
this respect, Hon. 'Earl Lawson, and
sey,eral other • i•'°--.0lii.ves •• were.,
On. ThUraday„an elaborate and re-
vealing ,discourse On the drought sit-
uation in Western Canada was. Made
by Hen: JanieriGardiner, Minister of
Agriculture.: The speech took almost
• two hours, To the *chamber there was
enor!irimesenotnety k
eonbutnosald:rabmlo:• ;otifwh'ht is
of what
was not Tho area affected, the liCe
Ple involved,, the' contributory ciuses,
the relief,. adirliaistered, the ;question
of. why People .Ivent in there: hitee
first case arid why: they stay; and,
what -is the :fixture •',prospeet
and whit measures are centemplated
-.L..4ith all the tie the Minister
exhaustively. •It Was On the. second
reading of a hill' which provides for.
• .
the substitution, of severai corifinit7
tees, ...dealing with the • rehabilita,-
tion . problem for •one
?tee' as at present The subject Was
treated' as brOidIk national":in its
scene •and tee' co•;Operrition Of the
• c.
people Of all" :the provinces, Wasbe-
spOken in the general . plan' Of
tal?liAineht • .
•'The Ifigbitoit of the. wee . came
taproe RinCk • that , an APPrepriate.
:war tot totrunenuitate: :the eeeronation•
aneidentiallY _ta ;Keiji along :the
eilver standard -would be to ,coin,li
:Coyly recOnt-
Mended the head' of the. Duke
daoti. one 0..ide'.anii thereverse side
bearltie that ait-Mr. iiijson. Ile
•ioat*.ateruly, • rebuked
geritleinari who' ;Said .Otteen ''glitabeth
Was ;geed • enough for hint,A116 :8doe§,.
jest evidently tly fall n on ronn.,:i
, •
.„,narori-Old Biwa' Chureh Service' .
• Huron •Old Boys' will" :hold their
annual church service at st., Paul's
Presbyterian ": church, Bathurst and
Barton.' Streets, ,Toronto; -On Sunday •
• evening, 'F,'ebruary • '21et,• • The .aiar•
lain; ReV. I Ur; MeDertnid :preach
°and F..,r@e!cle Hour 'Will fallacy, :
.,• , , • .• • :
Norwich,: visited his sister, Mrs.•
Thomas Roach, tOricessien,6;• Kinloss,
• on • Monday:. They 'Metered', from
Brussels to:,Wherri'Mrs: KerinedY-had•
been called' on account of the •sudden.,
death 1:4 her„fatlier P;t1/. John Brillari;
tyne, wFich occurred on gunriay. *Mr..
)1allAntyrie wae,a-s-retirec(-Orinteilte-
Yea+rs Of age.' arid' for 45 years,
114(1 been an ajnptO9'ea :of theT"Bree-
.sels' post, • -
Mika' '.Stewart - ShOwered •
A.• very, pleasant -evening was en
i0Y.ed:by.;•:twentyzfiVe' girl friends of
Ann. Irwin, whefilo' surprise: kitthen
prettily decorated 'in. a ,color • scheme
Or Pink and white i Mies Steuart re
ceived -beautiful and 1.neefirl,
gifts. . the opening' of the
- ,. • .
,shower ' a was served
• and a • Octal :hour 'enjoyed. -Wing.
-In...this- issue. there' appears a let-
ter:: from' 4. ev: flugh.,,MaeMillan of •
who .sends Christmas Greet-
inge to friends "back • home". We
take from: the article that he expec-
fed -the leiter would teach us much
earlier than .it did, as 1t,did• not ar--;
rive here until the firat'week F?b-
• • The letter hears' the date line •Nov.•
ember .29th if posted about. that
date nieatia . that it toek More than •
• two months arriving here' froni the•
'far East,'
• . , •
• Considering. the price of, grain, •the
farmer and .:pnilltrplian Can' scarcely
hope to profit by • selling eggs, which
dt.i preSent are . bringing• 16
cents: as the. tdp price. for extras, •
With, heef ',cheap; the cOnStinrilition'
Of eggs :'a$',.,,deeidedly:, droPped,:nif
Whilerit ;the„stitne• time Weather. coa.,
ditione'haVe resulted -Peultry hocks
rCrnaining more aCtiVe , egg pra,
the rolb.41'
reaelled about ita lowest point, there
seenJeL.no. imMediate , proSPect•-•.-of
much; liblitovenient, in PrieeS.
• Blue
Geild border, A OPPeri0 quefitY, ; 21" Wide
• Va4;i4410oiailLiguteddliAAAta.1A13,:roi
•ger .and „Finer:. Special,;
Pem .87ard.x • • •
poz..cir•E:rettai;.1.C:l,A-,f.. 6!.t1.,ha...To•6.W9rE: j--L,r61:::;;,I,e,N,r,G1t.1210.. tTroh,:iis,..., :isp.;;.ijyeca1;td:i":...n.7.1).17Y,...,„.,' ,..,
RY '''ProllitELLING-Soft • thick absorbent It
wears and washes; Well.- Speeitil :..'...:...: ::::: . ........,.........1. ... .-,.. ., 'c '
, • " . . . " .
.. , .
LINEN TERRY -For -those -Who,,,Prefer the better" : ',
-•:(l'PlitY. Once used, then always Per '11-ard .....,;.-.,,,......, . , ... •••••• e
. . . .
. BUYNPW :AND SAVE on these • Towele. Cotton '
,Bai,a'' Towels, 8peejal. Each ..-.......:....................... , ‘ Ig
., ._ _ , ...:
,ENGLISH134T4 • TOWELS, jn blue , and :'Wrien:
Reg. 69c. Sub .S, for Each «. ....a...... • '..*.•,,..,....:-.......:................. . . . :..._
' ' .. 49c
. ,,.
conic- And See. 0.u. r
, • ,.
•.••••()E.,,. •
• •
• • "
•'IlAritRN5 OF
• ..
• The Prices• • e
• thesei
papers .4ow
1 so loW that they, .
.come within • the
reach' of.. every
, •
. .
. • • . • •
We invite you to net 'in • early date for your. .visit to see our.
' • ' newt • avalliaPens . •
. . , .
. •
Presbyterian Guild'
The regular meetiag of the Guild'
on •Menday' :eVening,' •rebruntY-•••.8th;'
opened- with the devotional exercis-
•' Miss Peggy:. MacDonald •and Mr.
Frank MacKenzie sang .ri duet. The
topic "The .,Gelden: Calf," was • very
bly andinterestingly taken •Iiy-Mi---
,Iohn D. The meetifig, of Feb.
15th,.took • ,the, form of. •Valentine
ociat.•After the 'oPening •hymn; Mr.
S.; •Mtillin read the scripture lessen
• ,
After mi§i' Dorothy Cooke', gava.
reading the...topic:whs. taken by Mis,i•
Pearl .Henderson vas. Very Much.
enjoSclAClise Dorothy Nixon gave .r
reading and thenj•ill took part in
contests.. conducted by the Social
COmmittee, Refreshinents :were serv-
and •'the meeting elased with ii
hymn and' prayer. At the next Guild
ineeth4, the date of '•the • Skating
'party Will be announced.''
Vnited Church 'EPening AO. •
The 'Evening'. Auxiliaz%y ..met ;on
71'nesday evening ' at the hoine'
Mrs, •Harold. Allin, with an atten•
(lance of seventeen. Following tin -
h Nyvmer% ihree,ziniailtiect.s
af the last
nleetinr The, scriliture lesson was then reae
•T`): •0:X170:,h16•:,:r. hop l'enriPosdo.nv.ilatips.dea*rpoepsoer:i
of :the sewing cOminitteo, was given
of 'arrangements, feir tea to be
held at Allin'S on ••• ' Markley
when each member- -war -61144
:friend. Other ituitibers 'on the Pro:
;ram were •a soldMrs. JUS.flit,
• rig. y. rs, R. lreieaven ane
MICIIDY WATER:TO: COST :•the• 'topic froin '-tho atadi 'bottik' iArn51'.
-SUg: :even by Ot1110.:
$5!0,, $1500 is 806/11,11.t.9re "f6'Codommeh Ds - 4. , of 'the • Mispali benedietlon.
result ,the the6fing,
00 held at ,.
• " "• wag:. breoglit to • a doe with thv
. .
A PoSeible:, expezicliture df frorn• tif: hymn' 269 and the 'repeat,
tonditien ,Of the ;Witt6k this AVeelt,,ild- will tjdoit 101.4.18toti..
eofthoie ykr.," tdrorias, • .
spector -frOin the department o
health, \ 'of the' opinion' that
Gdderleh ii•iuSt te a ilter basin
as, far as he Warie OnCerired.• ". • . rnstalkd at ifs.water syt!tem,
BoAN .
• .HAtictIrTio . the Township • of •
Ashfield; •on : Saturday, 'February 6th; '
1937;,.te Mr,,.and• Mrs. HarrY Hackettir.„
a daughter.. •• • • • .. •. • • ••
.OhNI.Vtondayeb,_8th-i-tev-Alr: and. Mrs:: =
Graham Moffat,' twi
°TO. goNi.liveT :mutt.
, °Rev. Walter B., Craw will again
this year act as a patty leader with.: •
the World:TraVel Service •on .one , of •
their sunnier tours of- the Old, Land
- -
and on the Continent.. The liarty will
sail en July the 2nd 'from Montrezzi,
aboard' tile, Duchess a.: Bedford'.
DEFINITE, dgNRA4:..:itEcovER,ir
Montreal -Wth -an
i4ietk of oVer, seventy; million' d61-. ,
. .
!ars • in 1936' and a 4grand . total' of.
more than. seven Iiiindre,d..and sevenl
dollars, the highest the :
Company's history; the Annual re:
;pore .of the...sun I,ife A.ssittarice , Co+ ;
.ritPany of: Canada recently. released
.by Arthur E. 'Wood, President: :htid
Managrng' Director; ',reveals, a ;state. ••
ment one of the • li.tigat
Spots, of the instittinci and. 1):•,"
world, The Statement not
tet'etting liecatie# of it; indication, .
the growth. of cOmMtriy,. hrit also
liecauge- it ' .'estahlith6S'-',:beYOrid'Abut
the inh etenti, Strength and stabihy
of,the f,undatn4ntaf princiPles Of life'.
nsura cc, lined'. 16g9' thd ,f1SSCtg •9.1
the sun Lite of •
Canada liave
by over t� hundred . ant :nine
Million' dollars, •and 1» Vie', -the
substantial ;increase Ail the.
ces., in,,fOrce, thiring. 1080'1 -over those. ,
lba5., a definite general rovey
busines Cofldjtjofi5eant b'
SPecitil iriterest Was thd
ti..rititifiliddilietit me. .Woed, that lkiN
the ite harVeet 'tlie."Ctop". itVeragitie Ceite iriereaSed....dividend: • PiirYmeitt8:•
CheSleY huteliers •Conipleted tkitiatiug isulity% hOlders° Atotild re+
iriehte. tf: :dear td dniing 1.03t " .0./migiitt*2k
. •