HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-18, Page 4A.%
imoit !Dui
micirirow morn
.T1,1URSD4Y, FEBRUARr 18 188,T,
'CENT A MILERound-Trip: largaiii,g)c Rsioki
minim.Pares AduIts75c Childrett40c • •
and all adjacent C. N. RI Stations
Whitby, •Cishawa; BOwinsinville,"; Port, Hope,
26 to cob9urg, NaPanOes
Kingston, • c,ap.Sitiotjue, Breekville, Prescott, Moriishiirtg. Cornwall,
•-.Uxbridge, Lindiey„ Peterboro, CaniPhellford, Newmarket,
'dale, "Feneteng, Collingwood, Metiford, Barrie, „Orillie,
Gretveniturst; Bracebriclge; NOW: Bay, Parry .
§„sundtili_g.All towns...„,b4ew O,ntario on line o •Temikarn-
.LOrialZ7 GeralfitON ,TieftkO, .Beardmote. •,f ' -
Sat. FIER,. n to,TORONTO iso to Brantford, Chat.hain,,,
CheSley, • Clint 'mil, Exeter,!.. .
Pergasi Goderich, Guelph,' Hamilton, IlitneVer, __Ilerriston, Inger-.
soli, Kincardine,•: Kitchener, London, Listewel,. Mitchell', 'Niagara .
.Falls, Owe4: Sqund, Pas1ey. talitierston, Paris, "Port 1Jgin, St
Catharines, 7.4, Marks, Sarnia,. SOuthemptiin, Stratford-' Strathroy, .
Walkerton; Nif.iarton, Wingham „Woodstocfr T142D
For Fenn. Rolm Leans, Train ;ufornsation, Ticlutsconsul na.restAt(4, See Hanclbq
• T11114/1PNON:a TA1..K43,.
lr., ./4:ji,...)Ar..• -
"TkIEM WERE tri'i pAisH
What's wrong, withhockey' today?
One-might well ask this question af-
ter reading an .account :of 4 Wing-
ham-I...110E40w battle late In 'January
of' 1995; thirty-two years ago.:„. ,
it was n regular group game in the
NoTthetn lioagup'„„ Played on LucknOw struMental Selections; . readingalnd Insurance Co. was held prujity, vo...
kik.-*. special Irali and, &Rio .. rovided.ay:ine.inherk_, at „run',5t1i,.•„,a4t,,Aingtumon.mit14..rnest
2.9eialf-VP lar "truietriliiin 7:•:-74"?•..,iti Jo'ily Tiniea Ll..., ,,,....7..„,,,,,P...,7,'" r.,740.r . ,,,,,, , ..,'. -'::A1 , , • nv..34,. . , , ,„.„. . 4i
'eiririliiCW of ''''vel''eltiltenunr.47ir !VitaIir' ntielVt, or
' `'At '610t ,O'cleek 'the , rink was East . .-„,-. .i...,,: • _,,,,,,- • . ri, .: • the .;',',,:: • "G. c. , TrelehVen;„ the ssci.0147;-' 12'0
jam/fled to:the dnors," saYs the, .Sen- ,,.1, 711W, ,. „'!•`•'''!","' '!iusr.. '.•ar, r.Pee daughter; Miss Wilma Treleaven,- ac-
,:7:etula wOafy,. t4lis. t colored
.andter.,:„- continued,
1,)thr:wsliii;!elreiniw, iii)14layyeerail.e,ai,nree , .jec,iix..1.;1hosiiinde, ILI a Y a4„iii"allten4ar Y1: a iiipaailtlr'41;•i,,,*Tif"' aePt°,111'ese:ra-rat:dlicti;:eroxsi:pilterr'''t ste:xde;retehi exercise
"!The visitor's had two : outside 'PlaYr" the visitors. • " •• , 1 .,: , ::.,,' .
ers :signed, Harrington An& HiPio ''' . ''' • . '
:u0110e: e It the
,evf.4:tuslpt isic 1 4.providedoftlie,wIlY. pbt ei,,rdo ' s:stods9, . do,:ii naidoing,
secretary. theaddress,r, Ackert,rcompanyaevnie.wrmight
el ir:le:hat the4thbes., .
Tbe. Yeung, people presented their business t.ef the year, , and urged the
raised in :Lneknow.P' : • ' .
Lucknow tobk an 'early lead, but men's Institute on.'" '4'idilY ',.a.' 7.!./illg. PI a' Position -to reduce the laresent,
8a,t.Theanli, minutes
Winghant were, :leading . The annual banquet vader...tho,:sos, rate. .
6-3. At .full time the score steed 8 -
. , c
of •overtime, 7/US .islaY'' 11:;iriiedSay°,1etvhseniYng'. P. U.
is being held en Be-TrthelVfaaurtiht',°rasn' showed(Ir• Port. vi'14 given by
and with a niiiiinte to go,. ' Bob • •. 1 • - --* '
year. Policies in 'force at Decein.:
ThoMPP04. scored the winning goal. . • .8Kre• }Pugh Rutherford' observed 191
ber. 31, 1936,, were 091,, .amt: .the pre:,
The Lucknow teDM:' WIS, Creel, her 87th hirthdUion. SandaY... Cori -
1 . ••i.•:# . pent risk carried by tha company a=
Pharoe' Hedley; Point; , Welligton lIratllatir'ne• ' :, '•• -
McCoy;' •Cover.,Point; Wis. Mantosh; • ' 'Twenty-four lathes gathered at moona. nngt S ,. :IL, $ ly3.46; 8. ,03 5.5O.F
amounted Firetlossesos$
Centre. jack .Habliock; .; Rover, Bob ,the . banter. of 'Mrs, Robinson Woods 834,47.': Th "ease 9. of the coin • an
Thompson; ' "Wings—Bill Peart i and on Friday. a-erno-Oli - to .observe the amount, to $46;392.32. :
Albert Boyd.' Rill -Davisonas Mina-
. ., . World Day Of PraYer. Miss M. C. Election' of - , directors
A. pleasant evening was spent at
the 'Community Hall on Wednesday,:
Feb. 10th, When,a social evening:was
held under 'the auspices, of the , Far-
nier'e Chin; Mr: Lorne Woods i the
Vreaidenti t wee , chairman. :for the
splendid" Program of -Vocal and in -
Fire Insurance ...CO.'
HOid 'Annual .Meeting.
Wet "Waviranosit. Fire Insur-
ance, Co. 'Mad SUCcissful Year -
4497 -Policies In Force
. ,
of AtIlseuciffceesistfuwl e:arn1941 activities were
reviewed when _the annual meeting
sh Mufuel Fire
ger.. ' .•
., _ . Rutherfoid presided °ter' the Pro -
those retiring being George. Stuart;
LUcKNOW TIES , GAME, " .__: Son of the . Living GeV- , Prayers, Tho first two mentioned ,rwere re -el -
• WINS .ROUND 'ID! :R1pLE,Y.. itmmweiricirsete;:i.:ooff.ri i:jtar:aoi bd,nu : • ot e'ofh:,: • , the : ,at Mrs h,se000Treilorilioiritirni 1;:n.oWtvi'e.. to. by
:s. i
, gram; the theme , of which Wee Th
, "' - e/ Ernest Ackert and ;Harry 10, Salkeld.
ship,: namely Harry.. L Salkeld, and
r ib:yi Ii4i:Pin:a' ' suti dhtie°0tnhdf I. e'eer ,.i,' Pldoohet. forie iThere
e,Tthet:wwvie irnse_
en&:' Mrs, ,Gorden . and Mrs., '. . W.
• . ,, . edotwo ei . est 6te ird ige, c i'Nvat ni sdt eh:. :onliiau et elitr
*arid" Day of Prayer and :of its IniV elected,' H. L Salkeld had served the
Pose- and Mrs..Lorne Woods told of ,..company .se• dfreeto."r-, for 19 years..
whaeWric"iitinivals93O6b. Se, 'rvy Sd.:.throU
fi, Omit' the _EThotet,;24taudatitsehr_s,ice% Donald McLean and
. .
e .
Mr7S-Warr-MerlieitiOn—hatdErtaV. The offiare and7aireatail- n,ad-
row esilifies from serious -injury 'W.heri loprited to the CoMpany'S.Offiee,-Where.
l'ihliefa:r:elashti*S4'".ee:Oth'' 1:1"hli ne .4Peraiing.the
nutehine , his -IpWeete.i. caught, in • the
mandrel Thie thre*-the beltbistnot
. were Practically
torn off „him. As .it • Wait . he escaped
with . a severe shaking ult. •
,"1* e :"Garcottpran:: .,wit: ...Gurdo,n
Mill:er. captain,' Were „, in ..cliarge of
the meeting of the Y. P. U. on Sun-
day evening, when there was a large
.attendance. Stanley Todd:, the" vice -
:president, occupied the chair. The
..scripture „lessciri Was reed 'hy. Iona
Swan- and; Eart,Duinin told-thestory-
of David: 'Mlaylitechrie.t,firitrored: With
a •Solo, and f'Mes:, purnin . ,114i,pips
"with li,:‘pietrie.;:eelo,•'' The . Mainfeature
ii"flifiriltieetifig.: :was . Abe -: interestint-
lantern lecture on ;"Opeviing DOOM
ii -Korea". • -
Five AR AK Tie In Ripley Last "Wednee-•
day. Gave SePOYs. Round. BY 16-10.
Lucknow and Riple battled to it
5 -all ,tieon, the tedmen's home ice.
last Wednesday :night; ,that .gave the
SOPere • group , honors by 't16.' to ;10
galontbeLroUfl .
•Shitl. Bowers, Tom Tom • Ferris and
' their • place the • *dram' f teased
their :first-string Junior: line into ac-.
tiCif. and they 'helped AO make. it
„tough enough or the Sepoye who
r were, slowin getting organized and
:throughout • the '• tussle .Were rePeat-'
edlY Wasing the .net:
"..R.iPlei had a 44 lead•midwaY
• .
,third. period. and ODY added ano-
ther: as the ':Sepoye Sent 'Up a fear-.
men attack to try and.:tie it'up. .Then
'Manager' ,Agnew did scniai 'tnaeter,,
ininding" by chaeing,s'ont.,:, fiie
wards and in the,,gatiging attack that
followed, the. •SepOYs, .evened ." it up.
•The fifth: goal . caromed Oft 'a defen-
Semitn!s glove to.'rob Bob Little,
yOung Ripley gealia.ivh,iS hadturned
in a brilliant "game;;., jrom gaining a
Bob WitoMn, came home butiiiing With
the•iienis. The big; break' come .
last He. was now,-Dep,arlsalen.t Manager'
at a-hjg' inereaae itS-44aly.• '.'.Your
:Father ....Wilt be delighted! hetined
• Muriel, his:. iVife?,• `Thy, not
up?" ' 1:t.itevtainly will - new8 like
thisd;ntiatiM Long', :aistakee.'..„•And
While gmdbout al, Fil;:e
The" .WarsOn: .family :hati•O' -found
„2.;. that, fq.LsiirRisd, *owl 1400c;(*.:qii,
4 emergehcy, Long D.gs'
.Peizsable. Are' you making best use
• of all: that Long Distance offers?.
Low Night Rates begin every. evening
at seven, and apply ALE. DAY SUNDAY!
LOWER *111/41411AM
Mr: and Mrs: Ernest 'Ackert' and 'Rev: Mr: Osland. of London;
,taMily spent' StincletY with conducted:: services in .1cihri:Si.,
Bap -
ander of Pinkerton tist Church. o Siinday. The ,Rev Mi
Mr. and Mis. Duncan .Cainpbell; Loney Of 'Preston has' •adeePted :the
of Kinloss were recent visitor's. at Mrcall to,Wingham, Baptist Church and
'James :i Baker's- Will commence his duties the first
Mr and Mrs. ' George Harrisoa". and Sunday in March. ' ••-, • '
Ed. of Clark's were -recent ,visitete, Miss A;:yoo anti miss .g. splidet.,
at 'Miss Elizabeth Pierce's. ', •
Miss Jean Anderson of Kinlatia,
spent Thursday evening at Mrs. AI-
mer Ackert's.
Mrs. Robt. MacDonald, and Jack
spent Friday aftenfoon at Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. .Richard Elliott spent
Friday evening at Mr. Arthur Gra-
ham's. •
'Mrs. Thos. White- celebrated her
birthday on Valentine's •bay:, • •,"
Mr; and Mrs. Eldrid Harris: and.
family:et ,Clark's, spent Sunday ev:
ening at. Mr. Thos. Harris's.
The IoCals• iced "the same Jewel
in Shirt Bowers "handled
the genie that • Was • clean and re,
quired 'very feir,penalties, being ,hancl.,-
ed ciut.
It looks as if the TO'Cala,.will have
4 Week'S layoff before. 'getting. - in
the pleydevrns:: -".,'• : .
' ' •I '• 'i•• ••* - , ._
%-lt is expected .they•will.meet eith-
er the %Paisley or Port '.Elgin 1.e4in,
who, "are. tied 'ler. group honors. .,
Manager Agee* ...1.!as impressed up-
on the W.O.H:A., secretary that, it is
Urgent that Lucknow play their heme
genie en,local ice in orderAe-finan
the team.
Evabgelistt are holding' - '
Kirengelistic.. service's; "for% two. , Weeks This is, definitely assured -in .;-case
!le.wiokhliiii City' Mission froin Peb.ltlis Paisleythat the; .SeOltis7iiiieek
for:„ the Paasley rink .corresponds 'Won'tfind theist a particular tiusicy
pretty much to 06size;of our 'own Squad. —
, ,
Paisley Ni;On the first game '-for
- The tenter' Town : Prayer meeting- iraat).honors an..Port • -"gin ().11Fri"
,urider \the '•guidance- Of Mi. topper ,de•Sr night'br-a. 6 ''t6. 1 'tiCcire•
Mr. W. I. Miller; Mrs. R. K. Mil-,
ler,. --Mrs.- Gerdon. and Mieses.;_pichel
andGitoodr 3' Driwilootest.h.thymMrsi,i.le jr,.....WW:tresrsaeucc:e;dt:Lviost--
a; an ng e,frkvo from
CepT-iroescr—idae.n.is,pe jcolhanl,'
Mi. Andrew GRUM Was m Toronto tyre. They were Mrs. John 'Colwell,.
last-weekiattending.the annual met ,aged, 85 'wile 'Caine :West, fromiKin-
ing of the-Falee-Aseaciationzak.a,re7._
presentative- of
Cultural Society.
,President 'Donald ' MiCKity; -Ace- doctor's Care. 7 ,Mre..; Stonehouse , Is
preeidenk•Wilham 3,:Thempson;" sec-. also •frecovering tram,' the 'Au, 'which
:retary,l• C:- 'Treleaven,,--treas6rer,, is-rNerY '-
Thomas Stothers," Other' directors . of The World's' Day of Prayer service
the company are: /Willicuat G. Witt-% was observed bnited Church
, • . . -
son, George, M. Stuart.. Robert David.: on FriclaY at /30 .p.m.", ',under :the,
sett; Harvey D •Anderson, Wilfredleadership of Mrs.. R. A. MacKenzie,1
McCarthy, ,Ernest ACkert and ,George Preaident. of the. W M. S,..The
Sewerby •can, Presbyterian and CrSwe-thurelies
. • ,
were invited,.. to participate. Prayers
• ,
:were Offered by:the. following, Mrs.
.Gece..1rwin; Mrs Turner, Mrs." 'Mint,
Davidson, ' Mrs, Jas. Finnigan , and
Stothers.' 'Miss Leis' Tie...."
leaven' sang: a. solo dining the: seriice
after ,Whicb an ',interesting'. acidifies
was given by ,Mrs. Richard MeWInn-
r. and Mrs., A. Culbert
Fift*Five Yea,rsAarried
• 'rhe W. of 'MON& Church '
Is, meeting this FridaY, Afternoon for
their FruarY meeting and tea at
the hoz* Mr. ,Heber-Eedy.
°homed, 85th ,Birthday ' •
Mr, John, Moss -observed his 85th
birthday- 0 Monday' last, and was
r4.1.,,I1E4517, f
11..4.1.144 tiiroUghOut the day, who call-
ed to see ,Hin•liaith -.fir at
the present , time, ;and wiSh_ 4 'ler,
him en -tinned. • Strength and .liappi-
, ,
npss 'for. many happy etOrnhe:
s: Of' t
Da*id PEP:1104 of Penka:CitYs:'
,Oklahoind'ilincle of J, Rielutidson.
.11Se, purchased' the 25 -acre farm' 'of '
S.ItiVett; about eerie Mile . of
the Village., NU% end Mrs::, ;Richard'.
sonanit.fainily: will 'sluiret the home
with him and, intend moving about
April 1st. -4r. 'Campbell Was' born at
"Fergus but, has., lived, upward§ of
, . ,
:thirty. yeare!devirn - in Oklahoma, State,
.wo weleceine him to but''thidst
" Miss,' Alma. Anderson, student -
the G.• C. 4.; Goderich, kvae heme, for
over t e wee -on
,Messrs.' garVey '.TrelesiVen,' Luck -
now. and "TreleaVen the vil-
lage; -visited" :then; cunt,. glee ...MaFIS
.Shepherd at ;• the. Goderich Hospital,
.on Monday: Miss Shepherd, ' who,
Makes her hoine. there, was suffering
an attack of, the '
Mr, and !Mrs. Richard Bruce of
Mime:ear, called , on their Mint and
tnicip; .Mr. 'and, Mrs. David .Glenn• . on
Sunday,O. • , • :, ,"
' The Rible Study Gr�tipofthe .Un!-
Geo. --Iriiiti-.±:enr-Tuesday--evening.
• Mi., Jas. ' Stonehouse is • feeling
Bruce County Old Boys
' :And Girls, Reminis!e,
Memory's flood-- ereitt-,was r,eaelied.
when Bruce 'County associationemem4
hers held • their %annual dinner and
dame in the_ Fort .Garry' Hotel, Wed-
nesday, to ' Iron.* 2 treasured ' recol,
lections_and rem* .valued • iziendshiPs.
'across the festive board and 'On the
• ,
polished floor • ,
Top ia position on the welcoMe list,
Were 'cin 'octette, mostly 'oCtogener-.
. Ripley drew fa .. bye •and await the
winners, Of the Walkerton and Pais-
. .
ley ,:series.
es& two 'teams are, playing home
and_home games, goalsr.tes count. '
Should •,Lucknow , , advance far
enouglithOiFAf to --meet
'Cheiltry;--- last 'Yearrwthamiiii 'they
,t4th to 28.th;
, , , •
Mr. Lorne Garchier visited over,
the week -end with his 'Consin 'Roy
Hstvens at Lucknow. " •
will he •held on. Thursday.' evening at
the home of St". Clair PhipPen, Low-
er Wingham. •
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Champion and
Pansy, and Mts. Alex IlaVerle .of
Lucknow;: visited on Saturday' 'last
with Mr. and Mrs...Mark Gardner of
Lower Wingham.
Elgin against Wiarton—amullitv,ing-
, The , return game was played on
Tuesday night of ,Week.
e; meeting of the W.O.H.A. eX-
•eiltive. on Sunday; it ...Oral at: fistAe-
cided not to Wait for Port Elgin, and
Paisley, but to get 0131clOivnia
tinclerivay at mice by ,sending Port,
• Mrs.. Lester •MeDougall- is ill at
present with a 'mild ' attaek • of the
flI Iler boy' Ja k fell •on the
, Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank:" Scott , of . Ant- ice a week, itgo,ian&,suiterecl 'Wren- This' appeare. tahave. arouSed con
Oone., We hope tO, see
Paisley. Meet .Lticknow: '
There's only one' man- on the -team
who ,vreighs over 140 -pounds,
said, hdt at the same time, they: mai,'
know hew to use it and are reputed,
to be a shifty; -speedy lot.
In their final group game on Nen-
vyhich had bearing. On.' the
itending,, '•Wingham defeated :Kincar-
dine 6-5. -Doug.' Clarke ,got the win-
ning goer in'avertiine.
Ficed. With" being barred -from or-
ganized 'hockey, dab to ,the size • of
their rink, .Paisley considering
plans,. of enlarging it..
nek• , • ,
1.4 L 0 B A. are having a erok-
n--ihe :Or/Malian; Fri,-
(•-11.ty.,11:BigIlhCKt.- •ND----PINNIGAtliT,
k,pretty.; 'wedding Was solemnized
Tuesday morning at 11.30-, o'dOck at
athnedir..M4riaoW4nr: Finnigan, when
came the bride of Mr. Merton „Morris
14,,,,...anaugm_john_,Back1eria, lien 'of.111,r..anil
worth cer-
ebrated their. golden .wedding jubilee; •
Mrs' Rohert ,Ifbnitoni aged • 83; • Star-. relative and friends ifuMhering.
hnek, "virile.- hails from .Teeswater and aboutattired
The Thersidi.swa.sbet:ikoiim-::
celebrated her. golden, '•":vs'edding
'yersary withthe late ',Mr.: •Houston nwehtichwitwhafiiterclin.teCidieivItrlifyi.no,litiekbott;,
10 years, ego; Mr and Mrs.' Theme's.
'Crone, a tialPhton county dimple who odouhleer._rhuetilabiin
celebrate .tWi
ni. Thursday their t Wed, nt
;41* 7 ii.oiliv..lersai,y; Wiliram Thomas; 1D,.:sdel'i'llinrrdiedse:vitt ab.DaunqdDeati:30farogulitsiltroclrinff:
aged 83, and, ' John
- .e, ' . -• •bride earua'4 , wore .
'Leggett; also 83, oldWalkerton:bey; Mriesies"0.0714Pirninnim:i,e 1.eliisater.ca•rrofi‘e'dtli
Down inemoris lane they travel
led with d
S.'Wood; "chief "speak- •
er, Who recalled gifle.an&boYs' taint!, "bm-;:il;:i.,aoel4tpoaforZidia•ra-hltaaepi‘ei)::. Utotic.,000;
barefoot deven .the Concessions ,
arton. To the st ins, of lohengrin
school, or plitibing •the fences , Where
the apples '.1.6oked"..aicest .EetokI of weddi
the sturdy' first .seulerawho hewed
their honies. out of.--9ueereii bush, an- fHehe4
• ' '
,• They :Were "Tory Or ;Grit, or Mi..
body," and:. :they ',raised resourceful -
boys and girls flocked westWard.
in the '70's and To's ,and helped to
prepare the waY ,ter. those whe peep -
led' .tbe Prairies in the first decade
anda....half. of ,the. new' Century. ,
Over- 309 geests,attenaed the din-
ner, the party at .the chairMari's
table inclUdingi 'Mrs; J. Norris, Vice-
president;,, Jr. John:anti Mies Belle
'MatKity; Rev': and Mrs. J. L. .Me-
. Marshall, Mis. Elizabeth
.eient hunting grounds of the warlike
.141cDonald ..T.
• 'Ili° liaislay rink: Ovine piens to Cerle. J, T. WestbY led the commun.'
spend "51600 on 'enlarging and re-; ity ainging ' and contributed' seine"
,Pairing the present biniding .with a. solo numbers, Mrs; , J. McDiarmid
165*65` feet • 'The head table, arranged" at one
, side 'of the. .roOM was artistically
He his offered to pia up 5800 of decorated with bowls of Premier res.,
the amount, if the Village,. Council es and 7settly liglited.by green tapers.
and a. denntnittee which has. been • Following dinner and the program,
negotiating witithim "raise the 'the Crystal ballroom was opened for
ng.march, Played )3), the 'bride's
Lyceum Theatre
Shaw Starts at 8.00
„ Thursday, Friday, Saturday
February'.11.4944) ,
bite Fan
•&- ‘EIGPTtiNINg•t.t ",ti!e* PP87
A Storyof
• • Alaska. •
Trai Reel M 201 I 54
• —NEXT.
' MONUMENTS. sit first cost
Having ,our factory equipped with:
the most modern reachmes7 for, the
execution of high class work,' we aidc.-
You to see the'largest display of mo"
uments :of any retail 'fader* in
tar19. 411 finished.- by eland' blast Mor
ehinas.: .Wa import all ' our, granites
frem.„. the 'Old- CountryAtiarilee dir-
•eet,,;iti ••the reatch: You 'Ott. saVa"all.
locaj-,dealera' " agents'. atid.iniglillentan
Pro tsTe1iiT us:
E. J. Skelton &„Son
At Weld'End BridgWALKRTON
. •
'Red one day .1ast” Week wlth• Mr. andMrs Albert McQullin
, The World Tiy of Prayp 14
in the: ,Presbyterian CB. st
geed- • attendance:
of • *Men from both ehureheit:. Mr!,
Victor 'Emerson, preijdent: . of: the
Ilnited.Chnich.and Mrs Robert Mow-
bray,..7 president. of ; the' Presh-Yteriap.:';'.
"cliniels; :tack.' 'Charge' of the7theetinVt.'
The prayer ,program from: the ,00
"Tidingswas falIew,ed. "riaYers'.. were, „
'given by Mis Charles .Gillespie, Mrs. ,
Albert l'ettertiOn,•,'• Mrs:. :Joe Tiffin,
.Mrs. Rev,: Watt: ''.
hY.•.-MiSS Aufie May and Suste
airier- Si einirt-addiiiiii •On" the' '
poseof,:' the World. Pay,. of Prayer
was given by Mass VelMa:Seett, .solo
by MrRobt' itea's and ',the. meeting',
was dieinhisedTWithiLPraYet7.7 - - . - • • '
.*11,!rand lire. Henderson of Hint-
lltoa. Spent the vveele•-end • With ;their ,,"•".
daughter, Mrs :Fred :,iblernitit.",
We are••serrY to ,repert".Mis.
Fred '-
MeLean to be on the siCk.li4; ' We .
hope ,..fOr a. goad ,'recoverY.C... '.'"•••" :
Mr: George Icennedyhas sold a."
,Yonng bnhl to Mr.:: WM.. :14# near
We are perry to renert•the..detith,
of Mr, Amireir:FOrsYthe of; Oaha*a;
Be • wee -a ofMr 3 Mor, • •
rieon of this place.:: ' • ,
• 'Mr: •tilobt. MaWbraY, Made.: aS., big
.to. Toronto , on Monday of .this 1,reek.•
tittle 'Tots Survive
, The' two little daughters left moth'.
• . , •
Hilda Finnigan, the'bride' took srleas by the death of Mrs. (Dr..)
lace 'teeth it• White arch , with P4aeCallunl• •Teeswate.r, are ages
.rinileihthebib.a:ogrdeoriuonlid,..oMournlittpolhf• fear. 'years, and nine months,
the 1040,, had heeti invited to sing,
inkt;•ViiiS unable to be prescient, being
111 withthe1.1111.'Tho 'Wedding...11inch,
eon was served, with white nod, Pinlc-
benottets... The -three-storey wedding
P 0
table decoratioas. and • pink, .carnation
cake, ',with White' icing; ••silver • trim'-,
iiiirig? and -111Y "';'-of the *alley- for ten;
decoration; 4sie. Ctit by the bride with
• a. traditional' 'knife which was onedi
'Oy a relative 4 the lamilY• and he&
been, used, On such ‘dechelone for over
• fiftY years. The groein's gift to the
bride 'Was e,' white. :geld wrist' waeht.
the bridesniaid wee. Presenteclovith
gold bracelet . and the greeMenattn
geld', cuff links, and to the pianist a
destible. string Of pearls., Later the
bridal' Cotiple, left by train:on, hon-
tYinuoti Niii‘garn Palle:life "bride
traVelled in "a dress of CeronatiOn
bine' triple sheer vvith navy Coat Stiid•
'hat:end:navy accessories. On their
return they reside , Whitten
Mesersc ;SOCA and: Robert .Stone-.
house of Westfield 'visited their 'bro.
ether $800. ' ) • . dancing, and in the Itninge, Card. tab- the'', Jas.. Senaboticto , on MOndiy.
• 40. • " .2. , lee Were arranged or those who pre, gr., polio& Am& is not" enjoying
•In return for this financial assns.% terred a quiet rubber of, • bridge, the best of health at the present time.
ihey enter the nod round should iin, tance; the; :actor guarantees to,. .0r6-' Arita* the many who attended i/Drei • 06 St Valentine Day,": Feb, 1.4th,
prove this young team a, hunaie4 pet vide, free' Aiding ,fer behotil Child! en Dr, and • Mrs. 'W. A.. Weir, :Middle- 1,892,‘ ..st: the home of: the ,,,brida's
tent • ;
on two agornoons eitch weekduring Church,. Dr.! -and Mrs.; 3. Harold test, .peitentS, -Mr. and Mil. Richard Con
the next fear; wiatera.: , • „ .etia Rar,ber, Der arid grant, hear HolyrOOd. in the 'esunty
1,tioloy•• are solialyAehind, the : ' • '41 ". Mee, 13. 601'614: n,e,,r;: Mrs, of truce, toleinnited ..,the mar,
Organization§ olipeet to retiee "fiteut G, Paton; t'eapt, Sud' Mrs, riag'e of, AtisS dongrain
d spurt to tie their $400, and it lt expected the -Council 'Andersinii and L, •Abrarii ,C• When Of Dungannon. The,
e Wept, ' the, other $4100.. ' inrieSe .
berley; spent a day last vveek with Siderable prote in the -north with
Mr. and Mrs. "Roy" Alton. • the, result that ort Elgin and 'Pais,
,They :fin& themselveli in exactly the
sante predicament . aft Ixoknovv,". and
locally arena enthUsiaign is starting
, .
to laibble.uP again,
.hein both. soon better. '
Alton'of ,LuCknow was a ley resumed t 11* group. play-ef ser-
' MrS. W. M. Chanipion and Miss
Jean lisivenS• Of Lucknow viSited With
turril;erry.-friends .`retently.
visitor with. Mr. andMrs D. K., Al- les on Tues
• ,
• , •
• •
tonforafewdays. •
, .
Word '•'Cittiii threugh On Wed -
Mr. arid Mrs.A.: Gatnt Spent Stinl
day with Mrs. ,SherwoO . and 'Earl. .nelidayt that Paisley and Luce
,knoW' Meet 'here this Friday in
• Mr. andi Mrs. Bob McInnis of. Tees, ,
water, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will t e first "round orthe lalarlowno."•—•
• Mberwocid on Saturday., . The Sepo's return to Paisley
• Mr.: Watson Davis.' and 'Ian.lpent
'„the week -end at .Tara.
on MoridaY,
Itlessrs. Wm. Helm. Thomas
1-latkett are attending the assizes in
Goderieh this week.
* • • •
Mrs. :WM. Reid of Lu ckn ow, • was u Weather • permitting, .the lOcaIs
• visite/. with Mr; and Mrs. RAltOn Should be taking advantage Of the
W.D., are glad to report ,that grA.
for a few. days, " •• lay "'..off, ta'get 111-6,rirlp much needed
M. ,and Mrs.., Alex Hackett and practice. ' ' • '
Alex visited tit Mr. Jaeir .BradleY's , .
Cordon RitChk...end Rte. all
iteover.ing • favOrably- frOnt a Severe
atthok of influenza.. MIAs Willend
Chesinit,N., who bas been nurs.,
Mr. and' Mrs; M., Raynard of J.
them, was able, to leave the •Itit,
know' are pending.a few. day i 'with
Kr; .and Mrs. Alton, • . Lur,..,Part, of the week • for her honie'in
,• Mr. and• Mrs. *ill Alton 'visited L'idknc""
Miss Verna Barbour left „Saturday
-friends at 'Riple? on dsiturday.
Mr. and Mrs, alas, Alton et-pult, t6i • aodgfeh=
of Amberley on Tuesday eveiting.".T 'Three or four stiff " efore
Ititiley-LeOhow .1unlor squad Who
gannon Were SundaY. Viaitbre With Mr, Peter MadDoneld spent an ev made a. tail
M. and Mrs. • D. It Alten. • '- ening with Wm. Hain, recently;. itr4u0 111):
.•. : ' ••• •• ,
, Mies Isabelle Seott. front Courrier's
Corners spent a few. days at • the
home et Mr.; end Mre.,Reht.
Miss- Mary Cook, 'R.N.,' is, nursing
lit -the home of `Mr.-Ernesti -Gardner's
at Zion:
With, Paeusitonia
• The many friends of Mrs., Peter
gaeNay hope to hear 01 improve-
nient in her condition .soon: She.
niffering 'from a severe attack '0f
bronehial. Pneumonia. Miss Mary
Watson, R.14.; 'from •Lucknow, ,, • It
nursing her., *
Henry', ,Wheri;'-'Ileptist .miniete 0
ignairdine. At the, beautifid, „•erid
•sPieleue 'ionic near.- iOgOi0o;it..
Saturday, pebruary' 13th, ,1032; Was:
'celebrate& the .50th ahniVersary of .
that ovent, Five years have !now isab...
se& and on 8finday; Feb.. 14th; :Mr. '
Melville :Culbert .and' Mt., r,
.and Mrs; Win, A. Cii1Wcrk_.nnd five -
F.Velyn and ,Cera, 4ere, present, • lit•
their hoine :and sPent, a pleasant
ternoon Of 'social intereetirge.,
and Mit., Ctilhert, nit" iti. fairly good
health.. They received litany , ietters,
and iihehe teal§ Of. feilditationefi•Atlea;
beautiful bouquets . *ilek,Vera, We.
With.thein „Many More years et 'health •
OY' was 'Pedstinedby Rey and" hakitinest, •