HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-18, Page 2••1
• - TIME :---- The' winter," tild early:
spring of
:ccircied Look place in BetliauY: excett
the ,•seieurn of. VilYlit in Ephraim
(Va., 54-57) „whieh Was neat th
:-49,44 4:23: .lesuS „Saith, nate her,
Thy , brother Shall rise
.1 • • .<••
'Mzirthasaith unto him. I know
thei, entice' staternents pg, these two,
sisters:I think that • (Matha meant ,
Why ht -174,- ,•4-49nWq:*t:Pw;-";";••
wish it .iond been POssibl, for You to
..ho'here, the same' words ,with a "dif-
ferent emphasis and intention.
"When ,Zeson. therefore ;saw her
Weeping,. and the "Jews also Weeping
;who cattle, With her, he groaned ^in
the .spirit,. and was trcubled."
erafly, read the last .clauSe,
that ,he". shH rise t.tgate. in the rear; 44a. Was% vehemently affected ',in 'spirit'
• ..nrection itthe, hist day. '• and troubled himSelf.'"Ile was Moved
• • 7 Jisus, $0.4, „Miti,,,her,,.1 am the, ea.. •With, holy. indignation ,at Sin which
..prrectiOn; and the lite: he.: that, be, caused "all this dreadful; desolation..
lieveth on '00.1101 Ilk"' yet. "And'iaid,. Where hat'? .c laid
he live; ' • , : him?. then. say Onto' hiiri,.‘Lortl, come
And, w11050avar iivaih, and ,betev: and see,'.' 'He •asks ' this (Nastier'. nbt
• eth'en .me shall- never. die.,Believeest for his own ,inforrnatioa;, but that
thou this?- , mightInterest ,those to Whom be,
.." "Jesus .....saith -unto it is: ex, l's;a4 speaking in acconipanyiug him
. t.
ceedingli'diffichit. ' to. say just the to tth,tatzoilirlub,,t_wl,awi!r,tifso6ri'htheir , benefit
right Wordto those Who ere heart- .
'exactly'' What -.to Say. at • the right
time (Prov, 15E23)4 "When the
Lor rl JesUsc.,,btealts the silence,' he.
breaks that makes :the silence dead-
ly: "Thy 'brother .thall. rise again."
, • Christ' Idoes mit! say,..that,--Lazatts
Would be raised .,agitip at once ftem
• the dead., but simply 'declareisa 'fact
*high certainly Martha' knew before
Christ uttered , it, as the 'next 'vetse of a loved one. 'It' is humane se to
proves.' -Jesus ' spoke these silimie do,_ and our Lord was human, as ,well
as, '
• ",The Jews theiefore said, ,Behold
how he loved, him!' E e"of
eryone -news,
• this is the shortest verse • n the
• Bible. It describes whatoth saw;
and • intimates What Chris felt,
Three'. tirnes do ,we, read of ,the tears
of Jesus ,(Luke 19:44,„„22.:44;
.Heb. . 5:7). A Christian does n'OeShiiii.:
himself Christ -like When he thinks
.'it is evidence �f a -lack of faith
should he ',weep because Of the going
words todraw out her own faith.
%'Martha saith unto him, I, know
that he shall •r* o again ,in the ires-
tutrectiori at the last -day." The words
said'. COuld net this i-han; who :open-
-1 knew sugges disapoointinerittrshe ed the ,eyes Of him
t 'wag-1)11nd,
..-had•beentold he.samo, thing' often ':haVe caused ': the is7-inan. Aldo
' day was far off; had the Muster :no
othr'• "nhd; 'fresher comfort than
Jesus said unto her, 1 'ion the
, .
.resurrection, , and the life:"; This is
the. sixth 'great I ,am Uttered, by:
, Christ in the record, of John's •-Gos-
pel. • Christ'. is the: resiirreetion be-
cause he himself.. -experienced the
great ;, resurrection from the °dead
(John 2:19; 19:27) .(tholigli this was
still in the future when he was talk-
ing' to ;'Martha);' ,becanse.'„b?' his
death • he has Iully atoned for our
• aina,and made, our resurrection pen -
!Able (Roth. 4 i25) ; ,it is Christ alone
Who, by his ,coming again .1. Thess.
4:13-l8, will raiseenplroin the dead
all 'those who believe: in him (John
6:39; 40, 44, 54 1 Cox. 6:14) -"He
; that .believeth on 'Me, though he. -die,
Yet 'shall'. he live;", '"And whosoever
liveth and believeth onme shall
never die, ,,• _Believest then, this?
-Faith in i
, Christ Who s 'eternal life.
binds our life . to , him,' ,and, 'though
„ believers' -die, in :that their. spirits
are separated from their . bodies,' un-
til the Lord . returns; .they themselves,
'never die, i.e., they; tire never separ-
ated frOM the life of God, or lose
-,their individuality. • ;„ • " •
"She 'saith unto him; Yea,. Lord
I,'have believed that thbu art the
,Christ,. the .Son of-Ced,jeyen', he that
cirgieth' into the: Shis is. one
of, the 'great Confessions of the Gos-
pels.. In believing as she did; she be-
lieved. that , everything that :Christ
• had said about himself was <true.
"And when she had said this, she
went away, and called Mary her .sisi;
ter secretly, 'saying, The' Teacher -is
here, and:. ealleth... thee."' Jesus' must
have told •IVIartha that he wanted to
see her .sistr. How wonderful, that
Christ in ne___Sentenee,_:ean an
neoncehi elf, to he the very:!wrea-
urection • d life of believers of all
ages, and, in the next, sentence,, can
/4xpress his °desire, to see,:one
•' vidutir friend whom he knew to be
bowed in grief. , :
'Mary, therefore;°, When. she . came
where Jesus was, and ,saw hinl, fell
' down at his feet, ,r ikying . unto him,
Lord,, if thouhadst, been , here, my
brother had met,- died." Whether • or.
• notthe text will allow. for Such an
interpretation, We must it least ,give
'great *eight to the 'comment of such
-. • n' profound Bible student as -Dr. 0:
•Campbell &preen; when he compares
- .
termine whether the reMarks of. the
• • ,
Jews :here : are the expression of a
' 'reel question in tkeir. Minds., or, in
• ..••
• ,,
,an indirect ,way, ,a‘ seVere. •criticism
and rejeet.ion • the Lord jesus.
• Their _reference is to the miracle- of
the healing"hf the.. blind , map which
is ,recorded in: the ninth .elittOer of
John.' It is significant that they do
not Speak of. the other two miracles'
of the raising, 'el the widow's 'ison
'(Luke ' 7:11-15)' and ,of he daughter
.of Jairiii (Matt, 9:1846, etc.).„
"Jestid.therefore again groaning
in himself Cometh to the tenth. Now
it was a cave, and. istope lay against:
:it." The .stone Which • blocked up the
entrance, kept 'aloof the beasts q•
prey. ItwaS naturally of a.siie and
weight not easily to be moved' away
.„ Jeans 'saith, Take ye .giVay' the
Stone." (Ct.: 2C:1.) Jesus ,could have
nairaculonsy removeil.;the stone') but•
what .men were able , to do :so„, he .ex-
pected and commanded them to do.
so. ""Martha, the -sister of hill' that.
itia,Sdead, said"' unto him, Lord, by
this time. th bOdydecayeth.;- for. -he -
•hath Iseen-deacr four : days."' It is sig-
nificant in the. light of this passage'
to remember -that • Christ "wes-not •Jia -
the 'grave fohrdays, but 'three days;
and the. promise was that his body
shoUld norrsee-Cortuption (psalm 16:
10; Acts 2:27,31; .34, 35). •- .; •
unto thee, that, if 'thou , belieVedit,
• Saab unto her, Said I: not
thou shOuldst see the i'1er3r ,of God?"
The reference here is the statement
'recalled.. in verses .25, and ,264- All
that Christ' ever .did or said on earth
glorified:his Vather' (John
"So they ,t0f.s.Way the steno And
Jesus ;lifted hp his eyes, ' and Said,
'Father';': I thank thee that 'thou
heardest-me. And i`knew•_that_then
hardest me. always: but because, of
the Multitude that, stendeth aroond,
I said it, and they : may belieVe. that
thoudidst send me." ,The raising .or
Lazarus from the grave, forming as
it 'did the crisis ofhis activity and
thc. crowning point. Of it, could not
-Mit be, the, subject ,of 'Prayer to his
Ftther, niore urgent prayer,. than
even, was Christ's Wont; net so .mtiCh"
that power to perform it should be
granted, but that in and with the
performance ofit, the glory of the:
Father through the Son. Might ,te
made •
"And when he had thus spoken, he
hands in
The DerOtiet gyre
the air ten 'Minutes
of Air Ministry' or
sith elide with a rad' of 25 Meters:. .
• '"
klomeks. Sissep 64 Co
"i••• • -•".• t4•44
474 ,
earning TO Live
, • .
Tho education MoVellicatf
,;:tirodielo•ctie:rattirorn,41/ploov.,1141:jaidowta,ytile.inw-. Coar447,
• ors' l'Idgeetional branch
of whlch holds
OPPOS '•StrgfPr4i...
04liarYi04. (ho .Stratford.fleaeon-TLerald. -•
In n•reeent took ',entitled "Learn to
Ltvo,"' itit''attempt has been, notde, to
' Oalllnate the taro°. Of" the: alovcalee't
5W 'doixi$i•
, adult' tidncritlon are'
tivos: that -Kempf 'tittaleate"49 „
lied "the' 4e0-c...i4.1,;e1,qtiV`e:Ri.
• giee4f.;peciple. arevnattirellf stadleint ' • ,„
°. and ;desire' tit:Add...to' then. attick:.ot
• ktioWiedgp,•While'others, .0.11(1.`4,441)19,t
ilire literatote, :vilitelt",attraCtii • theie, '
:r and. thy Setik*.te,:enhalice, their thiiciy..,
.14)4100i -1;i 411 fe..,ciod h.*, ti.,rit• tkcia,
CO; vocational ,advantage.:' • Then; there
are those', who attend 'classes
Means of ,iiSe'ape from tlieti- Workaday •
tire, them ati1a:•totin of erv,
fertatumont or ita oPoortitility -tot Se-
. •
'The. 'urger windier 'he. students; Now_...
ever,. are -said to, fall 'Mtn two Main
•ThosOL-tylie•.W•taltf.:444.-i ' • •
1,4.ite personal -.interests, ''
Or lirt, :or ' in Virr 1011$ fei'llfe..,,,ot .1,giattro,
oehtiPattop-i-otO add rt. cithit ' to. 'ititcl,•,.•
• est; whether . national; ,Or local -af-
fairs, to -make a mere effective', cop.,'
.iribution to the social; paltticai:Or''re-
i• ligious „group to which • they,lheteng:'
It hoditfiCalt.ta.estiniate the
,general resalts. of sUreliAraining.• , •
of the' students
the oppertuntly.4,he °classes .give them..
.Whien their, daily,' eectipationi'offers;.,..
• • . , . thus:' 'heed a lie*: kind of'
, .,oi 1,1e1 .. o ,
A,ieneral, view inside the National Guard Armory in, Lou they have placed their few peSsessions.
4 I
.0.7.0":0:0:0:0:0:•IKOIOX01•014:01COIOXICKOKOX0:0:0:01 .
11; 4
• • Cikt:C.T.Okkoli:kko,Igki,7,4XXKi.:*:•:•:0:•,:k0:474C,0:4x*:•:•;,Kox<4.!
Shining 'Scabbard by ft. C. Hut7 ,ship„ and ;strange ..adventure, • .fOrm
(Oxford thiversity'. Press, an Unforgettable picture. And ;When '
Ltd.. Toronto); Offers. Ulu:reader e the 'yet of 1914•explodea; the, effect'
wealth of good reading. These it has:ron all„thOSeverins, the quiet
• •• who, enjoythe narrative .style- of , town. of,alauton, brIngS the book
.• Joseph :Conrad' and 11. M. Totolin: 'to ' a • convincing end; • Your•feel the
'sonwill be • delighted, ,,with • ,thia stir*" Of inevitability thretighoUt.', •
• • .'poignant stUdy. o huinan' nature R. C. yatehinsdn,ii-a: craftsman, ot
' PO.,11.e.d • by an inipiacable destiny. words';rnnd atmosphere, ' • '
Here, is Siiperh characterization
"` •c6mbined With • stirring adventure,
Colonel. SeVerin,'. d:ednitely .OE , the:
ancien' regi6e,-.fenatically deteriti,
ined to Clean the stein .f.rhm his
military honer dominates the house-
hold at Iiiauleia,1 Where ,.1dwell • his
.wife,, sister and •reether...,. Then Ile.
:nee;:'hien'on Pierre's colonial wife,
'loonies with heritvii.'Cliildren to llve
With them. Colonel Severn', in• an
endeavour to iinpres: his grandson
. • .. •
.1. With:the' en:Coped militaristic dodo,
of courage; terrifies, the,tiensitive.
,lad. Renee endeavours . to shield
. Armand'. from her -father-in-law's
, 'tiredes by keeping. Ciptie to the, two,
SOMA' allotted to them. Tho dust
deeity. and trionld.„ of 'thie.eld„
...nense Containing' somany complex
7:7 charACtera, Makes' 'fa•seinatilfe'read-
,:.• ' .COnibined with this, Pierre's de-
sertion of the .army mad: his flight
to .France involving muchhard; ;moments. '
Love :I:Dare:Net by,,Allehe -Con.
Toronto) Is an entertaiiiinw, Story •,
of literary • ,and: 'theatrical ,-New „
.York.. You are ' charmedWith
:Alec, Jthe. famoue Playwright, who • ••
has intended 40; marry Gina, the tt,i'•
tist,:for-'. years. Then- Gaiolihey
tiful redhead from, „.Maine, ,with
stage, 'embitter's. *rives- add Alec
4118 wlldlY leve With her.
. „ . . ,
Caroline nidets Aloe's nephew,.
:Tercinsy. andit is a''caSe Of. tete at
first slght. Tonimy, who has. long
'adtaired ANC,feels he has no right
to wreck Alec's happiness oa de-
,clelea". to. fade ;asgracefully- as he
can, from the picture.r. ;
How these 'four charriting people
untangle' their' inVolved., hearts is ,
- good book to pick UP for lighter ,
cried." The Greek Weid is nowhere
'else used ,in Christ, It is elsewhere
used of •the shout of a multitude
(12:13, • 13 i40 ; '119:6, 15). ;This !lend
cry was perharis. the result of strong
emotion or in ordei,:that:the whole-
Might. hear, •"With a lend
Voice." Bishop Westcott. remarks:
indicatiens of. sorcerers." "Lazarus,
•come forth."' Christ speaks to the:
:dead man, implying that he exists,
though dead; that it is With him di-
rectly he 'deals, that he is not beyond
the range of hearing the Son of God,
not •beyOriii, the, range, Of • hiedonlin-
'ion who has the "keys of Hide; and
of4leath The authority
et Christ; therefore, , siretthe unseen
-world 'Ai& hereby' 'proclaimed. •The
•great antagonist of life, death; and ,
he that has power ("Niel. . death, are
(Heb. 2:14) subject to him.
that, was dead Came. forth;
'bound hand"' and foot 'with grave.
Clothes." The % 'Creek word 'here
ivhere else in the New:"Testament. It
means the bandages .which kept the
Sheet atid spices around the :;liodY.
Iwith a' napkin," The cloth was
bound • under' the. chin to :keep the
inWer'jaw from felling. "Jeaus_Saith
Onto them, Loose hitt, and lot hint
go." The eniraele is accomplished,
and .•Yet' 'how fe* the:. details pen-
serning .,Khe VerY MoMent Itt which
everyone would be theist'. interested.
Not a single word Is recorded of how
Lazarus looked when he cameforth,
or of what...he Said, or of his ekperi-
ences. during the days of living, in an-
other world,' or of the ; feelings Of
Martha and Maty 'When. he was 're-
stored to their helve:Vs is the end
of. John's account of the miracle
itself. AU the rest of the' 'Chapter
is" 'occupied .4with the •effect of this
niirode• upon the Jews. ,
, An nmuse'rnent ohscep:
:., .,ity cattivit st aceed,-fivaiiiiicr (iold
. wyn: ,. • ..,
, A 1, The JaPafiesc. carthqUake of 1023
lane .t.ettited as -it remain . I
1 ' ' ' '` ed - stationary in .. ' Cntlaed the: death of...nOarlY 100;000'
,• .
ring. recent lest .in Fretted.. It Won prizes ' PoPiei
aViet that" tor °Mac nea .wlpah could hover. , ,,, ,. , , ., •. t; „,.
.Paris ,Sees :Skirts..
• j. At New High
The: good, word from Paris is that
skirts are reaching new highs
that is, new highs for the lest few
...years -oberxes.4Liabethi,,Iyhat,Wonian '
kind is worrying • about is hew high
. this year?. Prayers are being offer-
ed that it won't be is high as the
year's 1925-6-74 , ' •
The present lengths is 12 or 13
inches from . the ,floor for daytimi;
'skirts. A new riseis threatened
about five inches—bringing the to.:
.tal to . 18'' inches from the 'fleet.
This: Will expose the knee when mi-
Mystery Man
tapiin• in, • dieWi.--,-Perha t value ••
ef'. a • non-.c,ocationtil'•:Qd
'DOROTHY • not he •Letter ex,P'ressed. •
nsulit •Seziselnit.:WIttah:'plits aucw vi --•;T•
idajor Fernandez Im tunas. Pa-
ris military; attache • o! the 'Span-
ish g3verninent, tpi.xtred, as he
' arrived in New. ir,irk • City on
secret miss:in. He denied that
he is here to smugc.,"le: shipment
of -arms to the Loyalists -
The superstition about ill fortune,
following nhybedy.who walked: un -
.der :„arose -frOin, -the' fact,
that : when .a iadder leans against
A • . it fermi a .ttiangle„Isym-
bolical of 'the Trinity. A: layman
Woold, feel .himself .:debarred froth,
walking, through so sacred an arch
ladyis Seated. In other •words, knee,
action iS seen, likely inthe new 1937
models of frocks as in automobiles,.
At Present the newbathing., suits
and -play " suits have ,very brief
skirts. but ,the suits- and dresses
shown .for 'resert. and: spring , Weal
are the sarhe length" as we,•,have been'
.wearing this winter. lit styling, there
are Pletityi'of, pleats' as well as ger,'
edelOts' that. Swing. Narrow skirts
usually „areslit te. Permit freedom
. ,
.of movethent. ' '
Spits.are to be tops ear;y.sPring
it :seems. : •
'Roaring And "$.0anaingi the, Pent- uri;at..era, Of the 43Wollaii:Ohin
fliver Pour througli,-.,breach. in the Peechtnount leVed and race. oiler
the Lunken Aii'port at Cindnnati, 0. While wripanes at th. fieid
Were tiniored, darnagc to hangars and runways .wati.gre4t4
. . _
hose ':auguSt. neroik!igeS Na7:
• Gorial BronthiAsting • pal S 41r.
tists's -service ha' y pilt7Se. rtie:w.:artist,
t4,1;:der., contract.. and, 'I:116 o,ie,f,ailly
who 'apperid: ,of the ••••4Ition-•.0Hf4,1,,./i,
Dance :who witi pretrt.,..
..ably .:be,'s'iar of ..a • :pr‘l;train • of ...her,
el Minnie,was.•4triiinel. by!4 LICIILy '
a.:• veterinary er
ek, vibe. noticed: that..whenhe
w&a‘,' pian. 'one of the •
lfliC he ,raises exper.linen.al•pur-
-poses. ,..trieif fell t • tune,' • '
Paramount is g•oliig. to defy...the
fates .and • attempt tb:,,make a picture
that has long
studio. : • They nate:Red 11. last year
,i,vith.• 'Marlene ••Dieti•j•Ch; ,••and'. when it
was ,about . half -finished,: slie walked.
out and,. deelared that • she would
have none of it. sai.i.pafamou:0.01
gaged. Margaret ,Sullivan te':•rePlece
:her, and then little u1Utvan tripped
,ever a'.eakqe'aiyk fractured her arra..
-'-Paramount likes..the stery,'..once
'Called "Peter. jrnnerial" •, and 7..then.
Loved a peldie'r",. and also they
like very .„
Much k young- . Viennese: tic -
tress nained Eranciszka Gaal.. -'so 'they,
arewit gh.tir. nto
attOiYlpt (11 fli111.0 it
George Cukor, • who ..will direct
"Gene Vith. • the • Wind," i; deter-
mined to. c•ist:•some 4 wht 's not
- very Well known in
One faction: at the
• studio wants Tallu-
lah- Bankliead;
whose ' 'tests', have
,shOwn her to be a
• but too ;Old for t
;early Part of .
' story. Others .*a t
Margaret Sullavan
But by far t•11°'1.1k.t
., a.tteri.,?cifTht..7ae:.: .
.More Tht.ii ni...11.6,-;t cq
•Perhaps 1:119.: zu4h iii ' tjui a.iriijonce '
lia; tniajudged ilie24`liestAlir.. ...". -,•,111
•on, the% Isei.e.e.n.':. .• .1Ie ; ir,i4p '••••• ',I ..: .,.t ;
that the.. aetorS, 'for. whem 'lino Jetty',
agents have male such Clair:is. :were:
...more,•,er., less ioppish.".or ',dudish :..1h,
' the light of .sotea.tules 'or,good•dresti^-,:.
ink laid:, clown.:hy. One of them _that:
,opiniiiii may; be reViied,,.•Writes •Ilie•
liingsitini..3.171lig-Standard:-. '..•_:,_..., ....
- -F.00.'"...*Oak:, .tliso.., 'Tilos. :IS :„thtit
imp'cirtant,,•thaa' ;newness. ' Run -over•
neatness.: and .proPer. •care.. are more .
heels are tatide :.''Se,.., again, ' are : el.irtY
and,.miSshapen hats. • , Suspenders, he ..
'says, .• are-. essential td.'prolierly draped.-
-, trousers, ,, 1,:iirty • •ifinger:nall; inaf-he;,. •
, forgiven OniY • ,Ori..nioh ,. engefged in ...:
'manual labor., . And, ' lastly, .a. linen
. may, appear unshaven only in his ben" .
room.....Nothing 'of., a• .striking natfire...
.about Aliese,;,.• con•:lbe; contrary,, theY:., .
are merely what unde*Pects from 'elik, .
.sel.k-resnecting„Inati,..••. • , • : '. • • ...• -
As to the coSt.'of-gooil dressing; this::
• nitiv ie..§tar'Saya he: • can :prove 'that, al •••• ,
man Making $40 a .'week. Can dress as.
'well as ..aquillionairo,.• .He .maintains
. .. „
that good taste and good..dress are nef,..' •
neCesSarily • :,..ithe „,'• aceortmeninient • •,•of : •
- "ClOttio:S.,'Make... the. man; but .'do not: : •
acetirat.elY ,PrOdiaitnhis credit rating.
'Many • a teilliOnaire has gone shabby :
• and-••niany-• a ..man. uf„,very.,.narrew .
, .
:Monis, is. iininatitlate. ,•Gend: 'dressing
is. Mere a ',matter ef time than nicineY% '' •
•Alt114S, enerney. observe, ,was'linoWn• ' •
. ., .
. . ,. ,‘. . ., •
long before the' arrival, Of ',moving 'plc,.
-turpsand the rise iif ..intiVie, Star; .
. e. •
sullayan: P.rotnising• candi
•: • date' is a ,Very`..
,young- and vivid actress on.the:New
York stege harned.,Lotlise Platt...
'studio' 'is busily; pairing off their.
'Stara, but juSt;.prefessinnally, trying
the ' bok-officeas, Gary ..C6oPer and
Jcen,',.'"Aithur have proved to be..
They are ,going to .try Jean Harlow
*iti Robert Tay,lor, Joan. Crawford
viths ',William. 'PoWell . . . Both.
Warner Brothers and Pataincant aro
trying to. get Noel -Coward and Gert-
rude Lawrence, to"o'their nine:Short
-plays, , that:areBroadwaY's biggest.
screert :sholls; Iltit.;:a radio
sponsor• is tripPing--- their °Very bid
'Portland tloffa alWays.
einers nit inVitation to 'speild Sunday
away fieni home; tietatiSe .that itt
the „ day her husband, ' Fird . Allen;
Writes;„his_ iadm 'script an ho- does
not Ve to be ilistUrbed •'‘ '
'1VIa1ted Nyas invehted.iti-138.•,
It IS mainly a whole, )nilkcombina,
tion, -with .thd iiqutd separat9d froni
••a Mash Of groundbarley anilwhett
flour. Tleated to '12,0 degrees
in va-
cuun-t paha' it is then •'clried
and `
• 6h771r i--2/6,000'ttliea have ,bedn
Plapted'In..'CharnwoOd Forest, 'one
of England's •beatfty spots, in the
last nine Years. •
Ob,sc S ,the LettRidge Hera1d, :
'ir,' Jo Aird,' who ha. just :re- •
tire tom the position of :president
othfaitil• ,e1.'3ia'wilalcsii°'t 11n n Commercelty.3;;;Oma:_i:htil:
Child o fainily.'bf 17., He preVed'
,0:11fel.'''ygtr4:Zte'adthistiliriYcliti°orilosc 'thoa a ',111Vir4gee(-1::;' •
faniily proved -sorriething elSe also.
-7-ThWgly.Tit'strrted:Ifff in '9u-c-bor;--44
Avas ,disthietly Scotch,.. not French-
Canadian,' The impression always -
;las been •that tiler rbig in
Ouchei: were ,these.161, the ..Prerich.
Another thing ribOut 'it ' that • a.
large family _cati ,rnake • its Way, in
the that, it is not always a
, handicap to belong', to one,
not. in :the 'CifSe of •%Sit.Jelia,:••at
any rate, Ile hait had a rettarkable'
.,earcec In banking' 'and though , most
banks. retita„their officiali_kroiind
Old age.' of iixtv*.`yedra,•
AC.A17(111.1121.Pmicei.61:eould not Sparc Si 3°;1111.
,t(ilin's' faith. bnsnq' been ttn.
detormlpod. Tto ;stilt, believes ,in a
groat futtlre *astern :CaltaWa. ;
atfirTilvorS' an initulry In. to tlid-11. '
Parietal' structUre of: the prairie pre, •
Vitt tios, ns. le: thinkS 'there "ia.
cation tor , adjustmerit, of ths •
'debt. Strutter°, It through rtv,
slashing, ot tatiff barriars hat as
quted reteVeryi Will cOrile- and Sir
John itt mad ,to Un(la dif
the Why.. •
people teat:their liVeS in a •feW
• It; China'S 1,020. intake... 180,0OG •
tk, •