HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-18, Page 139; 434-;,44,1 _39" •4 t, . : ..4351-'3%-"Pt..4,4,0p3tout,r4=ttt.,199r-sot9.9.94Ft.: 73; 4.33' 12.00 4,YEAR-;4$1,50; IN 40VANPE-5Oe EXTRIVTO U., S. Treleaven. LDENTtst. ' TkLE.PHONES, °MO() 'fit W ^.1lesiiienCe 53 a' • JohnW. Pattison• Radio Se/Tree 'PHONE 171,, • WINGHAM; ONT AB, TObes. •Checked Free. .. • Batteries, Tubes, Accessories Dr.Wm.: Fowler. .PHYSICIAN 41c SURGEON Office. „Hours:, Id - . „V. Sundays -1 30-200 P M • 1' Or, By Appointment ' -"Phone :00. • ' FOR SALE " Geese , and a Gander -Mrs V. Durnin, 1..ucknow.. FARM FOR SALE, OR RENT Apply Mrs.John Lasenby, - Luck/211v: ' 7 FARM FOR • SALE • OR ,;RENT— On conee,ssion 6, KinlosS APP-IY • to , H. Lovett, clo P. Dahmer, E.. .; Kincardine. • ',. Weed, 141 cords • green Woad. and 50. cord's Cedar.—Tem ":13neglap,. • . .4. -3, 'Lucknow. n Arena Next inter? Yes IS •The AniWei. Mr, G;d11. Smith • VW Gie You, As He Starts The -. Ball ..IteilliniviTo.',ArowIle -ginithitS- iasind.:In The COMmtjudit.Y, An arena. in Lacknow,is, a ques- tion that • has been'. dormant sineg the Iprevious Preject:' hie*, up along with the stock market crash, hack in Today' .it fs;-Agaib, a live questibn in the village, and, Mr: G. '11. Smith, one of the prime movers in reviving 'the issue, is confident that ' next winter._ • I/1 I LUCknOW. 13tit . it won't: he done without the 'o -operation . and ' support spirited citizens and the municipal:. The,,:undertaking would be fin- anced, • it is proposed, by individual contribution's; andthe balance' rais- ed: by the., Municipality by leaning debentures. • , ; This would '-require 'a vote of the ratepayers, butvith an active .or- ganization behind it, there is little deubt„. but that the, 'by-law would pass. Eurtherr to issue debentures, would reqinte thilli' consent 'af, the RailWay and Municipal ';Board but no difficulty is ..antreipated in'. 'this Aprineetiertleof-,-the'.7fa-Vereth-lit financial". Position; ,'of • the he almost debt iree.dearlY • TRUCKING SERVICE—No pr - pared to do general trucking, PrerePt ' service, 'rates reasonable.— Armstrong.• J. Wilson, 'Phone 70 • LuckhoW.. ' • With the arena site bought and Paidifor-and---the-foundation-,-built fe ears ago said to he Stijl 'fit for ' • , the .eost of putting. tip the hnild- ng, would . be Considerably reduced. Definite figure( are being sought at „cr.. , "AAPHONE FOR SALE—In ex- ._ condition, banished" :silver ;iTl. 10 lessens free to purchaser. Very reaSonable Oce. Garnet rrier, R. 1; Lueknow. ° • • , FOR BALE --,-Pure bred Yorkshire „ pigs; bred scivis; Serviceable boars,, - weaned pigs. Bred from prize' win- nineblood,, price reasonable:— ,Orvilie Free' Dungannon. "Phone 14-r-13. - ' a FOR 'SALE OR RENT—Two '100- , . _acre_farins•-one_ron...the '0th Con. of .kitiown as the Moran -farm, •and one •on the 10th - Con. of Ashfield .:. known as the Ferguson farm. - APPli :to Mrs. E. Congramt ' n • AUCTION SALE—of Farm Stock, th present. I ' The . 'Agricultural. Society, 'faced with • the problem of ••,,,Seduring an Agricultural Halt are \in- . terested In this arena, proposition and at Present are waiting to See: whit action • may. he '• taken.. If a few cititienai:of the.'Conernuri ity would •"Play. Santa Clans in ' the forin,:of liberal Contribiltiens to the i.ena fund, it wouldfiend•-arr-imper tape,,inipettis• to start this .inciVernent' hat would 'end in: this !village having fine arena:ere •another 'Winter reit's ' ,•1", :And when, we.?Speak of • an arbria-• it is not altogether from a, sporting, angle. *The building Would •-serve a score. Of purposes and by . its coin- modius accoModation .wOuld permit urnerouS -activities ....and -gatherings- at, at present cannot he Undertaken. The :tendency, during , the •past few . , years has. ;been to make use of `f.the depression," Whether with or without reason, to turn- thunalisdown, on most Major expenditures.• :What this project needs • now is enthusiastic implements, Produce, etc.,, at ,Lot 35; Concession 12, Culross, on Friday, February 26th, at one o'clock. • Perry Hodgins, Administrator.. . _ Well. Henderson Auc AUCTION SALE --Of- farni :stock and:';imp1ments at Lot 0, Con. 7, Ashfield, 234 miles ;West of Glenn's -Hill on Thursday, March 4th 'See bills for list -and .-terme..--john Kit; . •• , patrIck, :Prop.; • .Well. Henderson, • Auc " „ ;-'TENDERS IWANTED Tenders will be received by C.• , McDonligh; elerk, To -Winship of Ash- ' field, until noon ,Marcirrith, for erusb-, ing and hauling apprOximately, 6000 yds gravel; work ±0 cornmence, not later than Jtine „1St.: ' , • • An , accented • 'cheque' for ten per •-corit to: accompany , tender. • • E:, MeDonligh,• Clerk,' LueknoW,,. 3. Herb. Curran, -Road Supt,' •Liicknow: 7. , • BENEFIT DANCE " - • There will be a benefit dance for --Bill'Webster in the Town Hall, Luc! , knew, On : Friday, February 19th, under LucknoW Joint Club auspices. Hogan's, Admission 25e, • no tax: , DANCE, 'AT KINLOJGH Dent ynias the big dance. in Ein-: • 16iigh Hall, ?next ' Tuesday evening) Ft7Ftithky, 23rd, • .Under ausPices. • of . kiniough 1.4'0. L., .,No. 1139. Afihsfs .sion,‘ Gents 2,56;.• Ladies AOC, includ- ing laic. • SOLD P1tOPERTY0 HAS GONE "'A) HAMILTON , Ida Sills and son Lorne, left •, on .TueedaY, for Hamilton, *here . they Planto take up . permanent. res- idence. Mrs.. Silis has sold her. market • ,garden farm, north of the C.N.R. • pot to Mr.' Herb Millet ship village, ne'o hireiSelt was 'A keen Mrs. gills has .beeh in indifferent bo ler hd &trier: health; 'which *mild, not 4erinit her , Mrs, Malr tad children *ill t he .operating her fruit and 'Vegetable 'nineh missed .in R1014Y; but Will re:: 'farm, and betide ;her decision fci dia. main until .the aufiliner vacation be - pose , a it. mo to establishlore' Paining .111r, Male; whoienp Ate Tii� Ij IILyT ,ii.anirneliT,Thecatneeffectiv •at �nce., support. Tf• you can say it with , o - lare;'so 'Mizeli the betterfIf you can't You can at least do bit by, •rtp- Prciving.-of the__Undertaking,.....rather::: than ;condemning. it. . • ' Will Lucknow .have an arena next year? It's -Up to -You!, PiVE • DOLL -AR, pRIZE , • - • , , Miss Margaret IVIaCIntyre Who i,. visiting in Detroit . with her aunt, •Mrs. Dan , MaaKay, was • . the ' lucky Winner of:n door priZe itt".the ''Ave. skating rink. "l'he Ptize . was $5.0o and whether or not Miss McIntyre took to her, first at. terrine at arena roller; skating, . it, mtist have been. an enjoyable ' even- ing_ . regardless. • A., Mk' Ripley N.RlL Aget Transferred Years And Was:, Energetic Public Hai Been At Ripley , For Past. 24 SPirited A resident of Ripley. for twenty- four ..years; and, the Oldest ,triart.*, 'point of service in .A Nfair; • C.N.R. Station agent ut Ripley; hft been transferred to th.4.n.ipOn whets he will act.iP the, same . CapecitY.-„, •',While the inoVe for Mr. Mali. Is a .promotion, it is nevertheless 'e mat- ter ,of, sincere regret :that he, isbeing transferred. •• As a Member of the Ripley Uhltett, 'Chinch, ,and of tuck- , rioW 'Old .Liiht 'Lodge A 1%1 he has been partiohlatly active. Sport 'also found in energetic sup- porter and he was alWays, one, of the moving foieea behind baseball !. and hockey activiti'es in the Iluroti-Town- • , TAUGHT IN COMMUNITY, ... • 4 -r -.114r -vg$ David . Rennie, 85,,' Formerly, Taught At. Tiiie-Se Fourth„Afik • , , Whitechurch... ' ” THURSDAY, FEBRUARy l8th, 1937 • The death •of- David Rennie aged 85 , 'occurred in 'Regina' ”oi January 1.8th, , He, passed nway, aftera lent, - thy , illness,- ;during:. which he„,.. was cared: for by his -daughter, Belle with whom be. was making his honie. :Mr•-*O-Onie was, a •.former school teaeher, at •the. Second and Fourth COncessions and at Whitechurch.' He left here . with his Wifeand family about the Ibeginning of the: century. At 'one- time theyl..eSided_in.thed_xes., -Pence, which, has since ddisappeared, :that was situated -near the C. N. R. track iit the Second Concession close: to What was then David Henderson's bush and is nowowedby Mr; A. P. Stew'art.' • • Mr Rennie"' was •laid to rest d, in Mobie Jaw, beside his Wife; who had predeceased him'. ,Surviving are .. two daughters, , Mrs, Mary. E. Gould and Belle' .and ':three • 's -ons, --Robert, and ' Peter .and ---David .who are twine. Mt: are •residing in the West.: at the MGticKldaTvisite"16-67-Y home on thel"Stec3Zadj• . • ;Debate Feature Of Literary. Sdciety 'Meeting Held OJL Thursday tweirvirirvio* 937 -Differ.. Wel „ aryf.r.1.• Lei; Oeticy.n: e'ow Sn't F.°1e13. Liter-Thirty-Two liedit. los And. :Even EgvenS.' ?)-Srrn ' BP1146Co:o-- Meeting. ,on,' Thursday, the tiltrWith • , , ,cthhaergVer".7•TR,Iheenin%.etiinsgs'ProPie)ndead''I'wa.ifithe: tw490, • Bare. Aad. motor 'Cant 'Buzzing verses of .4!:0-Panada'..P 'after Which :the president, in a 'few remarks, express- Jtisdoubtful it even ' old timers • ed her regret -because a• riarnber of, Carr -ever • remember a January : and. students taking -part!, Were absent 0• , ebitlarY to date, marked by such a of the !nfite:ztXiiin.ar4.a this gaepalern-ed7aPIeas-pezd of the of i37Not only ing• dnet PthiPPing; Thider"...: The hasthe ground . been almost eontin_ important feature,.of "- the • Program' uany :hear, but the temperature has was a_de.bate_."Sheuld.t.te,ater_etrorts". exceedin • _inaliclerater-4114,71i. be made to convert immigrants. into meyous days •ver.,;r. spriaglike. - • • • . good citizens." The '.',affirmative' was In; direct contrast is :a •period from Upheld by Fred Wafriwrighi, and Jes; February li.th. to February 20th, in ;ii:-'11Peae.iitImrsatni.;•etnbde ,44E.°ttg•aati,V1;e1.bl'er:MMaoci'-- 1005 Wben snow, was ',piled' high, trains blocked,and mail service dis- 'Donald. ,While thaludges- Withdrew rupted'• • to reach, their decision Rexford Os- • •• •-• • : • trander and, . Frank, xaeicenzie, gave' A calendar' in the ;possession of Mr. . an instrumental duet,- *folloWed hy an W.' J. 14ttle, 4C161°'w's veteranshoo enjoyable" . reading •hy Louise Gr;-er merchant, tells an hitereating story The.. depiejan . of tka jadges,, t.mar''y• '0, t Period. Recording the daily wether conditions :on a, calendar, and Douglai Clarke was giV'4iLby the with notationsOf interesting OceUt- , • , T:Tiatheteir:in'ehdletinhcsrg • . closed with God Sae tren'hedtblieeetilig2-1:seleOctnigdebeenn7tallkeTolibby Wi'th the icing. The. High 'School. is 'holding 'Mr: '1101a' ' and tharesit ja that theinaliii:hal: skating :Plit'tY :On ThUrs. much eirlyrawir-ell.-ff6W-fgese: old :::calen••• interesting -arid' vahlable data FORMER. LAUNDRYMAN'. • • The .death oCCUrred of :Ing Hong i on Monday. 'morning, February I 8th, in Seaforth hospital, where the deceased hadundergone an operation The late ..Ing 'Hong Was horn in "Canton,. China, siXty, years ago. 1 -le has conducted' a laundry business .all his life and had been located in Clin- ton for six rnentha :since :leaving Lucknow, where he had been in bus- iness • for the past' few year's, • , Dougan conducted the funeral , service, which was held frOro. Ball . And , Zatfe's Funeral Parlorq, Clinton, The ballbearer Were Harry . • . S •Lem of:LUckno,W, Petty Howe, Jack Brennan and Charlie, Mg:, Hing , of 'Clinton.' • ": ' continuing the -busineas- in Clinton.' • Chesley is considering raising, its poll tax from two to five dollars. Stripped Of Clothes- In ood Buzzing Acciden EwatIMar.Phereen Had 'Narrow - Escape When *Clothes'. Became En- tangled In SPinahig' 'Mandrel • And Were Rent Frqm His Body This Probably Savi g Life.. • - • It.is rather gruesome to ' thin ic o the. fate that might easily have bp alien' • Ewart MacPherson Of St •woOtt,-.htizszing"-----acciden last WednesdaYi.' While -'*wOrking .their, tth jjj the12th concession. Along with Ewart, were .his' • , - .thers Gordon: and. Rees- the trio bay mg just „started. to :blizz e Pile o 'woe& In niaking .some adjustment to ,the pet •OP ' of the outfit. Ewart's clothei,.'."'hecante' entangled. in the ispinifing mandrel.. Iri a spilt. second his d;e1o.thing_ovaa.wrapped around the 'flying shaft, Brading -himself again- st the framework; : Ewart .ntireeti7 lonely Managed t() retain his footing, while the clothing was rent from his body,: aS'':the power driven belt slip - Ped from the •pulley to 'relieve. :the Victim's predicalnent. ' '....Hearing, the_ rip, Gordon turned to find, his brother standing with little on but his shoes, and 'devoid;of ail clothing, 'except i feW tettered .fra- gments, which :flung around his feet.. lifs wearing •aPptarell; 'inciuding.vest, new:. ove1all4 and, other Substantial garments,,, were -reduced : to -nothing but, patches and ribbens.' Being: ,no drrY to be quite some diStaned from . home .in..111.e birthday Oordon.shared his 'clothing with hi brother and ..inntied him ...home, Where atter ,apending• a • couple of _days 'recovering froth sOre arid strain. - ed muscles, he appeared ncine the ,,,VorSe ofhis harrowing experieinee... What Might'have haPpened had he, heen piCkeit' up bodily aud,huricci ,around the shaft', •probably ,cOntact with, the blitz S4W, is not :Pleasant to •Contdmplate. , PERMANENT WAVING, All ;ark done with our netly install- • Nattirelle 111aChine and Paitior, thlerj#, ; SIAM i 'WtiVe'S Waves Cotialthlation WaVeg4-.$3.30* & 85.00 A EJ13JJZt Theme I3W Luelinow teacher and pupils a - the' HOCKEY HERE FRIDAY ' • . , Lucknow- and Paisley meet in the s.„playdowns in Lorne MIA; Lueknow, this Fri:- • day , ,evening; February 19th. • Puck faced at 8.15. Admission. Adults 25e.' Stuittits 15c. and Children 10c.. Don't miss this game, which promises to be ti • real battle: • MISS ':•FAY. :COURTNEY - . A universal , eelin of, genuine • so - roW)- and regret was ..v.cperieneed, by people of ,When they 'learned of the -death at Byron, Ont.; of Miss- Fay Courtney, :daughter:. .O.f, Mr: and . Mrs. Joseph ,:Conr.triey;- con. 10,, Ashfield, Fay;, Who. Wasirr•Aer, 22fid year, had lbeen " health for .abine time and .for . months 11.44,..,:beezi!;'..-.undergoing.:_treatL-- „ , ments at:TQueen,' Alexagdra • .Hospital; Byron; Ont: in spite ofPmedica1,. skill however, :' her, Condition: failed to .ini prove and on Friday; 'February 126, surrounded by the serre-Wing, mem- bers' of her tannly• she passed• • • . peacefully 'away. .). • Miss Courtney, had before ill: heal- th -.intervened, spent •ierne "" time -,as. ••nursel-in,training at st.:Josqpys Lon- don. -but apart from that; ner'•life was - spent in. Ashfield, aiid her passing. has cast ,a deep shadow Of grief' 'over her wide circle Of friends, Her kindlY.- dispoeitien - and cheerful, pleasing, manner, endeared her to all, and She • will long, be rernembered as A true friends andgeneral favorite.: • ; 'Beaidesher parents, Mr. and Mr. Jos..Courtnek, she .is survived:by four sisters, Mrs. -Wally Jadge • and •Reta Courtney, jacksen, Mich.. Vivian of London, Ont. and Grace nt.hOnie. Alsd three brothers, d•Leo. Fred .and Jseq,' 'au At home.. A, younger brOther, Edward, Predeceased her soine years , On Saturday, ,the remains :,Were brought , from I.;ondon, Ont.,. to , her home' here- -by-Russel "" JohnStefi'd:-.-bf' LucknOw, and :interinent took %Place, in St.,JoSeph's cemetery, .Kingsbridge on Monday' morning. Requidilt High Mass wee-eelehrat.ed. by ReV.:, Fr. FA. Ian ..7of ;Godeigeh,, who. 'spoke kindly of the deceased, and„referred to the Masa. anothe: perfect prayer. Fr. •,.Fal-• litn also. ,Officiated at ..the grave, At the offertory of the. Maas "Ave Mar - was .iting by Mrs,: Wm. Lannati and Dr. G. Frayne.. The .Pallheal•ers were , Wm. Johnson; dLloyd McCittleY, ICeith Johnson, ,Louis Hilean,'Rgbert •Howard .and Thos. 1V1p.Serion; host Of hi:ends. that, thronged ,to the house, the large .,runiriber. attending thefuneral and . the Many 'spiritual' bouquets here eloquent testimony to the esteernin which the" deceased was: held by all who 'knew her, We extend our heartfelt -sympathy, td. the ber. etiVed family in their; great Ioss.. Card 'Of'• thanks Mr Wiiliain Mole And &linty 3.V.1$11 to ckpress. sincere thanks to friends andtioighhos fOi: their' ii,l'any*.kind act's and, expreasionso sgthittitlW the, tithe ;at their bereavethent tthel . , 4aetho , 6 ' the • funeral,. , During this period back in • 1905, there Were "piles of silo* every-. where roads were drifted full and finally the --elements blockaded the railroads. The 'blockade 'started when the indrning train. on February. 11th Muldn'tget through ,and- it was .the Sixteenth .before • the first 'train rea- Chedthe local station. :‘'Thel roads' blockedup again that day and was „the 20th before another train -reached the village and the 'regular service'. , During this. tinie th viilage',waa 993,99! ,93,9, e Brea e .13tea , • *613.13 MCgrilu.APTIC 'ANI) :SERVICE Specials For Thi* eek-Enit .04.1*E tkygit POubliNUTs,,, PER DOZ. . , . 20c:, SEVERAL. KINDS. OF TARTS; PER D6Z- • •And 'A Large Assortment ]Of..t COOKIES, HUNS AND SCONES,' • PER DO4 , , • • • •r 15.t. 0 L MAN'S QUALITY 'PHONE 36 . LUCK - ' BDAKERY Friday and Saturday Only , ure (hesloy:; Flour MILLED '.FROM :SELECTED HARD 'SPRING BAG WINNERS IN, RECENT ROBIN [HOOD FLOUR CONTEST . • .E,LMER, ALTONL-2nd Prize, Set of miiking,•.j/i;wis.. ,Ltop PHIPPg-7-30 prize Salt ana.N0Per,.Shahers.. , Bogen-guaseed,lhe COrrect weight of ' hag, 328 ,PoundS. :Mr. Alton, and Mr. Philips both guessed 327 Pounds. 'PHONE 91 LUCKNOW. The .dut north of town was one Of the worst spots OA the line and at the 4th concession a „pie* and a caboos.i .figure n in ad c011isionresulting • in *a without., inail except : forfire that destroyed both, although the that • was 'inede,''abOut midway thrn ocenPants. .escaped . serjous lheLs_torinrhyleisin-..and,ileightlroin ".--,*, . • ' Winghatit to .Drelcitow and hence ,to •Spring got here in March; hoWeveri Rpiey and Kincardine.-, , Sentinel , Of., that date ..tells that • 'oh -'"gareh .17th, . snow -oft :iidetVa1k0 .."..March lSth, first rebin7", .29th;: htis On .wheels," ."Merch. 29th; frogs out," anj other such interest ing notations. during the storm: there Were no Ides than eleven • engines and two .'snow PlOws. • Stuck between Brussels- and Kineardine:. ' Debate 'Feature. 01 -,--:—Church-LEntert4,innien Varied Program Presented By,Mre. Armstrong's Group Of The W. A. 4',/f The. United; 'Church --Debate Reveals That Church Attendance Shows Increase. First of a tile' of .social -evenings o he in the United. Chili -eh' tee Friday'evenino.r.With:- Mr's , k...T.[Arinstyong's group of the W A preparing .'and presenting an in . . teres.ting,.pregram.„%, •, • -. After %the., opening, devotional: ex- ercises conducted Rev. S. Tuc- ker, •Mr. W. B. 'Anderson ,took over the 'duties' Of chairman. • The . veriOui, hunibers (which followed : proved quite entertaining:. and ,." were,'well Preiented:."TheY, included 'a., piano . solo Jack Ackert; a" trumpet Solo 'by Reide •'cbort.i by ' -twenty a• :siixePhOne solo by .11arOld Button; a 'solo by Mrs. Ern- est Ackert; ••it , piano: Sold by , Mrs. :,Fpwler; .hunterous dialogue _:•Harvey • Treleaven, _Rexford 'Os- trander and 'Stewart Collyer; solo bY Ilarold • Allin •and. A piano :duet :by Mis Jessie and • Dr. .Giiint,•MacIten- . CAR WRECKED' IN STRIKING_POLEMONDA1-- Calendar RecaIs Big Fire ' Campbell f Block ``..Worst.,.Fire;In,-20-Arearstt- Wiped Out • • Seven Business Places In :October' , Chi•yeler , Car, •' about .1.9(1 .3.. Model otvned: and driven by Isaac of the. Nile, was badly: wrecked jugt south of the village On : Monday• Lea,vine.the Mad, the ',ear crashed, . into a :hydro pole and the guy. pole . and wire, near. W.- P. Reeda resi- dence. in the impact, fenders'.and the k tOP' were iirettY',"mtiCh .stripped :Olt " enddthe car so generally 'hanged up . that the: owner. Considered [ having it ',hauled to the 'chimp 'However he •ath-. ranged ;a, deal with Mr. „James:',Oul who .00::•the. Car i1i exchange, for a few cords of wood; and as the motorwas undamaged; Mr, Culbert will be able to;,.. Convert • the vehicle into a., light , 'truck, . • Mr. Currie Was uninjured ,in the l'i.Shali,.'althetigh • had •the Car gbrie into the deep, ditch on the other side ; of the ;roarl,the results Might, have been , niore: serious. : A . feature lot .the - evening ,Was • a- debite;'‘i'llesOlired;' that the Mariner in which our. Grandparents 'ebseived. the . Sabbath prOferahle to the . . „. "way it is. observed by the: Present generation." Supporting the afflrnt- ative Mi. W.•*f.....Macl4nite and .Dr. Wm. Fwler, while the'hegetly.e: Side Was upheld by Dr. R. Tre- leaven • ahd, V. V. Johnston; There was no decision giVr1,,.•,. • , There .'Werc inany critereating ar- i.'unients advanced both pro and pile of the surprising .facts' brought: out, .beiht. that in 'the 'focal .Anglican Church. (the billy 6111'0 locally that has 'kept 7s. recordof Sunday . atten- • , . „ , *rice regnierly sinee, the, church was 'establiihed) therein an inereaSe. in" Cinirch' attendance •according , to meMbership and .,.adherents nf••100•plt oeut, over that • of'fifty0 years Thi5.Wits„ aiptlealtie to the...ehtite • tiioee4 Of Iltiteii,',althOiigh the por-,-, : tehtagt Ot:iiteteitse" Was not so high. • Lanett' was served before -the ghtlig Arithot, Late Mrs. Elia Vint . Sister Of John Campbell Died In Regina-- Early This Month— Has Lived In West nor 50 Y1ears. ; Leaf week We 'recorded, the 'death of , Mrs. „Eliza Charlette, Vifit,., which .occurred in Regina early in February , lit the home,. of her • daughter; • '• '• ,' Sincc then wa:haVe 'learned that tie. late. !Mrs.: Vint was a sister - of ,M1'. John CainPbell Of cc:M. 10,, Ash,' :shel was a daughter bp the late Mr. , and Mrs. George Campbell and was born �n the l2th eOneeSSiOn of West Wriwanosh on the faini.,acljoin- ing that of Mr. 'James ,Forster. _ AS .41 yOting girl she Moved. ,with her\ parents to ::'Aslifield and • latet! married Mr, Joseph yihti. a •hr9;ther of 'Ai; Gilbe Vint of AshkelddllThe young eouple .tvet • vest 'sca?"re*-AftY Years agot They were real -dents' :Of , Nesbitt,. Mimi where 'burial, •„took placed k Mr.; Vint and 4 '141410:of four daughters' survive, Also, ,,tWo .sisters, George Durbin. at the West, who helped care lot Vint'thiring hr l'Vot illness, and 'Mrs. 1tObert' Stothera cq Ottawa, and. one 'brother, Olin Of. i5t Ashtleld., • • , • . _, ,.,-•,....r7qT:, ',..1.: . .,° Besides some interesting :,:TactS , about'. the weather, the calendar we received .,from Mr....W....1. Little this week, ,recalls a disastrousfire Whieli• swept the Campbell Block in •Octoher 1905 a.ndforatime threatened Prae- tiCally, the entire business Section of . .the viliage. I '.. : • A': .•-.....: -...,.._ .. --,• ::-'7'telTiske'o;Meilr!ill;iiir:n-4c,i'ee:illViniti-thq$otnh•aPtf 'fiihi;•:•: 'Electric "Light 'Plant, who noticing the blaze after' he had ''. turned.' out the . street lights at Midnight turned in , The fire, • the worstin twenty ycar,• quickly through what was then the•Canintiell.Bioek; On the 'north side..: . the Street,. 'situated iri2,abont' the • ' same location as the. present ,•Joynt.. Block. 'Seven ,bUsinese. .Places. .w.ero completely destroyed;including'.1q) Ss IVIcOall?s milliiiervstere, A.•Berinett'S ' butter and. egg rfistauratit and grocery • 'store, A. T,:' Davison's furniture tore M As. Watson's . barber shep. . Mrs, N. L,'Oarnpbell and: daughter'''. Who, .lived ,above the store Weii_e, a wa • • smoke ;and in their nightat- tire succeeded with d'iffic,iilty in • gr -p- ing their way down the lone :exit, a. narrow, 'smoke. . filled stairwav.., $1::81:‘,110t':).t3ti\l`tift.hi7s..i4.1:;;Ilfsectt,111..a0ttet",7-9''; alYt‘. • $7000.- SO intense .W4S efl, heat that biziltihigS'actOis the. street :Were 'bad. . .1Y damaged, including 'Thos. Law- rences hardware' store W.. groCery' .thirry Day's drug • Store .D. grocery Store. II,. shop, ,Agpeii,,''s Shod' • steno, and tr. ,Spenc4 drug stdre. Fine work byt,he Fire, Brigade Od,, by. a splendid 'Waterworks Was: •credited, .whole Main • Street ,front` being ,wipcd out.: ; TO goLb SEED FAIR, . Members of the Lueknole. Boy' Grain, Cub ' and, others :as Men,niay he interested' - the feet' that, the ." second annual South Bruce seed and 'Crop...institute is to held, in Mildnut,•during the week of :March; 30th. It Is tinder the auspiee4. of the , TeesWater ahd Carrick A,grictiltnrol. Societies. there are' twelve elast,es and liberal 1TrizeS, One of the obieets of the fain is to bring buyer and eller together and to encourage tho se*Illg of better teed.% EalaIispta'00 • Cent.-"ffoli .6,t thy hair eheaper; there's so '1141(., rs.•.; „ doii:ts' back 1ast ort t::Ii'arge for cutting .• the hair, we two oetasiefit,:stineo gaii4 West, otatoe for ',hviligf.‘to search' for •