HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-11, Page 8'FILL UP.YOUR .SHELVES : AT THESE 'PRicgs., Strdbiea, Vs0,7o,$ cans • -250' Piste Salmoa, Tafla, 23c - yaikoi. Pink Sillnalt !Ulf, Fancy Pink Salmon: • ` Oass-,•• '• • • •'• .Libby's P. 8c Beans,' Viirge;;2: Cane 9e: (Libby's:13. & .Deana, ; Mediate, • • Libby's Tomato Juice, Gal. 49c Libby's Tomatok Jnitur 144 ei•; Ns' : ..15e Campbell's Spaghetti, 2 ..19c "-MaeCarnei, bulk; 4 .25e Clarke Veg. & Tom. Soup, 3 Cans No: &Peas; large ,tin, 2 • .25c, Fresh Fruits and Vegeta*ee.' Our SpeCiaitty 'Phone 82 acrifice SALI of FOOTWEAR WE : ARE ' DEFINITELY,, ' ' CLEARING OUT: THE. -, • 'FOLLOWING LINES AT PRICES 'WHIM, ARE . SLASHED . AWAY BELOW , II .11110100ERS; en's Rubbers, 59c Men's, •Women' & OVERSHOES' -:LIMITED QUANTITY , KIDS' - -KORNER (BY C., W.' T.) ••••• Letter To The Editor., To The Edit* of , The Sentinel, Dear ° We have heard a lot of talk Pf a "Back to the Land Campaign," while in, almost the dame breath the Gov- ernments', are taking away the POW- ers, privileges and Conveniences of the back 'cencessien .farmers. A' few Years' ago:I heard..14 minister of -the ayt,. A • the 'children get their first. essons say to his hearers "Guard, tenaeicius- iY Your powers and rightein'connee-, thin with your rural' schools,. fOr, the day is l'eorning when you, will have nothing:' to qaY.' in Tegard, to. the, run - ming' 'of the sehOolsi Pas' all ,Alltha,ritY is being centralized at Queen's Park." 'HOW true! - . • our trustees b t '.'' Now eau hardly hi .re a teacher for n ' school without a recommendation by the IntiPector, who would want an experienced teach- er, even if the d... ,Boar did not feel' like paying .the price;,. wok ul aye the De- partment pay part, and perhaps ps shut out: some.; young , teacher . who might le,,,u.,.fietten_teiteher. if he sholtad the ,experience which he or ' she striving to attain. ' I . . , • I, know of. instances where teach- ers aPPlied, for ,schools at a salary, of $500.00 and the Beard gave $600.00, because the Department would pay the extra:1100.00. Is this good busi- ness from a business stand point?: If a .farmer, can buy a horse for $150.00, would 'fie be wise to :give $200,00 for: it?. , Where does. the Department get the money? From. the :taxPaYers,, of eourse;2„:_it_int__: directly,-iridireetly.- • ' ' . • . rr. , • rnir.ti*Wirtsek#00,04:;, 7914,3"..- • The News AtiOttawa • 1. ;;?Y TOP;1(4/10.01. Tare. of the inajor, legislative pro, jects of the present .session- were in- troduced to the House on Friday last.,Orte of eat public Moment, but • olv as. not,. to_herettAiLyogLas-.. OBITUARY MRa ISABELLA ROSS . Nis.. Bella MacKay Ross, relect ef the late William Ross -Of Sauk Ste. Marie, died In Goderich hospital • on January' 88th. she was the eldest „_rtlem.1)er_ of 'the familY of the late Mr. and Mrd. John MacKay, early Lake Shore settlers , of Kintail.' She was !ightY-seVen Years of age ;and , v rtwo. Mien, iiatien of !the This matter DOneld'.,MacGregfir • of. •Duluth, and hes ' been 'under diaeuesioo. for the Mrs; Fletcher; of „Goderieh,an,j tw past ten years but :this time some- brothers, , Dinican" MacKay, of ,God - thing is goingtobe, done about it. erieh; and john MacKay of Ashfield. It, is .to, he cut; down, but 'considerable .. °After leaving " the Sault, she 'made time will- have ,,te,'he spent t� siOT-: her :htinte" .In Wingha*:foi"sdne' lify, the set up of railWaYs, into' one years. With .her niece, litrs..DaYid 51e- eOrPorate picture. which , ean be Gill. :She. Was a ineinher of the •Winghain Presbyterian church. The late Mrs: 'Ross Was a womaa, of; very refined and ,cheerful disposition and - a kind, and radiant personality.. She had a, host', Of friends' who all regret her passing. The .:remains were 'brought to :the herne of her brother, John MacKay. This was the old home of her .parents, where she spent -c r. i oo art!, e uner k was held on Saturday and :VLai attended by ic.large numberof her friends and ' neighbors.. ,The 'service was con- ducted by: Rev." J. 1C., MaeGillivraY; Interment •,•was in gluten cemetery in the family piot, the ,pa1113earey's being Dan MacLean, DeVid,MacKen- ,zie; Hugh_ MacKenzie, "'Rod lifacGre: 'gor,. Harry Mar.Donald and, -David 'Stewart. • '• , • grasped' by the layman: The bill is to. go. to- a special ,:eominittee for study • and there WM.' he a full dis- cussion on ,the,.flobr of .the 'House. Mr. Bennett made. some: dispassion- ate observations indicated- no opposition to the measure in Prin- ciple., He ,coneeded that the .Minister of Railways .was justified :in 7ritinr Off sometheconntion-.-shares+-as- worthless but he insisted that what- ever was ' dOne, the orignial mentinuat, not be obseurecl. ' The second • measure Was one .with regard: to: the-iemodelling of homes and , is by wi4.: of legalizing the fin- ancial facilities for that purpose. This Bill has been given a great deal of advance publicity and is expected to be a ° mitt boost for, thebuilding trades. The Government is guarantee- ing these loans up to 15% but hanks are not .corepelled.'te eo-operate. The , People are falling for these. 'grants, some grabbing everyone they can, not realizing • the outcome of 4 The Department is not different ordinary erson- , who leading ,money' to a business Concern, the more they :put into' the business, the more power, they want over that .business. •' • ' ' It the smaller schools ask • for • as- sistance front„,thel:Departnient; the Department Will Say this school,is - Costing toe', Much. 'What then?, Close it. :And, they -will close regardless of the people's -wishes. '`. • .' ' :Why not have each school section bear its , own costs, and the extra cost , will be very littleto each rate- payer, -- and, more authority would be left in -their own hinds.... Just,'4a few 'years ago a rope was thrown round the 'necks' of our TOWnshiPLCoPteillIt'iheY. collect91.3r. taxis but are not allowed to par the, money back to :the achoels. without a warrant Signed by the Inspector. If the officials' Of the::,DePhrtment would ' encourage '.!the:- School 'Boards by, giving them any, information Pc•s- A' few days ago, ,a local be'y, s. thern instead of trying to take ible 'and. giv.ing, a little more',POwer , Having it was, his -favorite pudding, away what their have, they Would be ' BERVIB -,'.-Anether O1son:0416n .on the admitted ,.ideasra.. J. /Sear; Armstrong. and, , • necessity of ...in. amendment te.,,tlielaw: 4.rchle Brown Made a trip to 'Toronto Of the ':conatittition'aroati on melijaa.,t 'recently, " • , : - When . l‘ir. ‘,tcold*oll,,..CX-P. ' Member • .mr. and Mrs. Bert Moffett Of- 'HolV : • for Rosetown ,presented , a. ,reaolution, 'read havetaken'tup residence on Mr,r, :sking---for-a7sPeelacontrilot e Milton Alexanders farm; . Ira ,‘ Leeson the ,House' to coneider, and rePert OP- haying. returned to, his loins east, Of on the matter. Tnla took up most of Kinloss, where :ilia 'father,. Mr:, ItieliL ihe day. The Government is net. !eV'. .arct,A,eesen--his-•-siffered ' a, 'seer , , d orable to thisand considerable ord.'''. stroke 6al. reference to the rillrYCoOnell. ' ', 'Jahn .Nielailikiir is at Present on , decision against the aO.Pin" Jegielat19.4',.•the. sick liat '.... ' :' .' ' ..'`..1.. passed 1Y ..,the) Bennett „ Government • 'ii,-.3kr: and Mini; . Jag; ' Hunter visited. was ; made., . Mr.: WO.odiworth-Viewed. Mi; and mrs.,,Allan Bebinson, CiM.v.'6 the reluctance of the ' government to last' Friday: Bervie Menderegret to act in this matter... as another.:evt ".1"mii that 114-and•mrs, Robinson.are .denCe, of, the "line. Iteli4 .4 'and' "..:°7,1. net in good . health: . ' Big Ene"neei• He .0aW'seoessiO1,1 thrOa"7 - The Zion branch Of V,7illing.. '..*,ork-' tening-unleiii Popular .will has la freer, -ark met on Wednesday lest at., the expression: At the end, the resolution hoin-e., .0 the aneretaiy;xre,. W. G. was rejected Armally but Mr:° ,„,,C Id .,--; Collin's, Celt. .5, with.. the president, Well : Considered . it had ..serVed lta ),fra;/, W. Nal:rick ;..si,-ln,.-charge,' ' . . . . . PUrPoSe' in to the attention ....Nies -, meade , Alexander,a took an extra hig-..--8P9-0,----nfn-l• Aeon- :improving the -situation for "all ee!; - to find out it was not-plidding, bUti • 'paste. \ • • . BIRTHDAYS -Jimmy MacMillan, • Tommy Aitchison, Richard :Turner, Roy Aitchison and Lloyd 'Wylds." • Several students of the.'L. P. S. are absent from school because .of. severe colds or , The Lueriw Juveniles took two defeats on Saturday in a doublehead- er with Whigham and Dungannon; ---W'ng.hani-Lnoknew • Many Sins witnessed good game • of hockey on 'Saturday, when Wing-. . ham ,defeated LuciMoW for the firat The conditions of. the present day have been brought about, Partly; at least, by the People .themselves, being indifferent to their. duties in respect to Township as well as School meet- ings. Every elector should attend the Public meetings Of, township and 5ehoel; and, voice their opinions - at the nieetings- tmov-after) in terc• being deatt with and .also give suggeations of nnprovement, pos- sible, for that is what „: the , Boards selfish unbiascdway, and_give„..theit.. appreval-,or disapproval to all niat=. Then •go a little , farther, there are . ----;- leaders- and it is, recalled :that in the erilsed a, Week. ago, which enunciat-' Trustees' and. Ratepayer's' iconVen- .,nitit eight Innxithi five meinbes ,ed the thcocy of complete ne.,4traiiir., / Of -:-Parlianient:4he:---cenditions --WhYh ,friendn cell :for i•emedY. • learn :Of her accident in .Wilkerten, Sympathetic reference was Made and., inain she may soon he • able to. to the ; death of Hon; Charles 'Mardi. the , injured' 'Iimb who,. was the deaeof the of C. Mrs. Gordon Alexander: Were ,amonk: P°Olint of length the-sienrtviiincea.te 'PrObl'ein h710;hvteeithEixsP16Onteralili4.1*bedladY7 their first .if.;,honsing and 'home renovating 0C- meting in their meeting rociin: in the in,:the,EOUse -Orange when the bill. relating to this Matter meeting Was mainly for initiation, was 'adopted in principle and other- 713r-=aaan- tfon 01 ping, ,etc., -and, the wise advanced. . The :plan. brought forth „. as 'usual -coniniendation. and criticism,, The Transportation- Bill was • intro- duced Into the .Senate, This Bill gives a wider: field tot, the Railway ,Coni-, increasing its authority and In - enlarging , its legislatiVe' jurisdiction Making Of plant. Rev. is, .the boys' Masten:' And M Fleming, is 'taking the part of. girls."... Leader!: This branch of. the work pro- mises to be lest, interesting as well as profitable.' : Stewart Postai Service' in-:. on Division, paid to Cover the rates and oPera_tif?.#144 isriii4stailnitc4t" oof the fficiaviit to Bervie P. l iniarienaVigatien and air, and idth' 6"." -On Wednesday, last. We are glad, reportthat Mrs. Senate' 601111n.?4eP .for Henry Arnold; who 6411 at ‘' the'' arid' the hearing of anyone who. wish- tole of .iiex• „daughter • Ars., 'Thee.. , r3s. to ' appear before' it ' Colwell 'Pon. 9 is now able' to he 'up The 'death: of Mr. Wilton of Ham- and around., brought. tributes " both ' Iplayed tiona and .eaeh' about& send . passed. deaths of the lion commends 'itself to a certait • time The. galas was :delegates •to everY4* °J.theni:, eve" Chas. Margit .enti mean` faW, .xt: fine. to. enlit: any substantial -gat the lime Luckliax goal 4n the , before Mr. Wilton It .thoseconVentions which. May - • Vi.inghant: on i004 lank on for ",resolptjons ' are ' brought up * .two b5i.leiOetions in constitilencleii Support, is 'might exPetad• ar.Oryint goals not.: be to t -be besCintereate, of outcome will be interesting.' ' • : ''•Thehighlight of the Week took In each Period: oiny or the 'rural districts; Thero MacKenzie i the mid- ,.(.1aFi:' which °See; TaiOai evening `res. a'Bill each, pre-eminent for partY 'fidelitY, was voted doWn. ' • Juhn'IC..Bla e n . fore, if the rural .sehoo. s neg. ec to mid- dle of,. two, mik-ups and Russel Whit- Send delegates regularly, lack ' of the only local Penalty for. interest,' then' 'soilietrde When: the ' tripping. :attendance ons ... • * * * • • wilt. be Carried through. Dungannon--Lucknow Dungannon .started the. game banging 5 markers pest Reid McKim,- focal ,goalie,and 2' goals each 'inthe two remaining Periods. -Cook get all the Lucknow 2:10 the tat Per= iod'and 1in. the last.: It was a clean g,ame With no penalties handed' to either. Bidet. Line Up -Goal, R. „ fence, D. Finlayson, R. ..Whitby; 1st line -Cook,`, Dahmer, Maetenaie; 2nd Iiiie-Aitchison, D. MacKenzie, ,Treleaven. • CLARK GOLD MINES PIANS FURTHER 'DRILLING • RecentlY the Sentinel carried an advertisement for, Clerk Gokt :Mines 3feLeitit Investments Lima ted are -sponsors and unddwriters.• MT. 'Ian 3. Miller,' .native of . St. lialetts, Is Vice -President ot the Company - " A. lei, days ago Toronto dailies hid this to say of Clark Gold oper- salons: ' • ' level'opeiied, Sulfitient ppwer to deep' 'IA Carload of equipment; " which °6n, the shaft and ,carry on, iitidel•- should, complete the power and' ground' developmen4.410,availabik` _ provide material ler general,. stot•es. Was shipped to the ketioril Property Of Clark Geld Mines. exi Jan 20, ad- vises R. g. Milner,. President.'?' : "Part of the .new .200.horse 'jewel steam plant has , been Alit into oper- ation. says, Andrews, mine Mehl .ager. Underground development is broceeding.: • • • "Dienioncl.41rilling to probe bre body some distance from the shaft has been , carried 1 out and 900 feet to the oast a equally geed width ! of -POrPhYrY a$ 'revealedin tile Shift 'vas intersected. - •: • ',3-" • "!: "It is Planned' tolitit "down eight fl ten additional' iuites, Some of them inider the "lake from 'the ice, "The shaft, now down 150. feet, ,is a to 4 Oer)gned with the next objeo tivo at 250 feetbicpected to he reach. - 2d in about five weeks: time, 'whereva working, level, will be established. a "Sinking will then he continued to a depth of 500: feet and another early in the .sessipn: take up so much to amend theCopyri t . et was in,. time are about to ,' be ' reduced , to a troduced''by W. K. Ealing, Consem- Matinee 'oncea week. WedneadaY, is tiveliember for Kootenay West.. The . one of these days and ...a rambling amendment, wait..design d to curb the diaetission iocciipted the, House that Performing 'Rights Society by forcing afternoen; TFicidas -Reid; the doughty them to '..file a: list" o the rousical . 7 Scotchy Liberal from New Westmin- numbers 'under ,their. ,`, control ' and , ister, introduced a resoluticin-Aitiving further ito exempt radios in small, to clO ,witih the employment Or- hotels and town halls from the PaY- . missionary in JaPan, ,thanking the itlitale instead of whites in coniPe-' 'nient of 10, fee to the society. .Mr. titive coastal industry. Mr.. 'Reid en- Ealing has no very high; opinion of qually assails the C.P.R. for employ- this" `body and his remarks` Were far THURSDAY:: rEBRVA - c_LOCAL and GENERAL . - , R. -,M;:-.. Andrew of List,OweVsnent. ' Sunday at his home ' here. • . Lack of of ' enthusiasm has: resulted , in, Mildmay Horticultural Society ,. failing to reorgani , his, year. and •Audrey of BerVie, pent -Sunday iee-t . Mr. and Mrs. 'Ioyd Hildred, Max, . . . .with Mr. and Mrs. Fronk , Cele. ' ,r• 7";-*"''6t;i7:4" tirit:40;;1this. Friday e.rv1;1-1i:: ' Adults 20c;- children 1,0e, Or Families 50e;' l'Aneh• ° ..- , ',.. ' c: . ., , 'The' Women's , Institute meeting 'is postponed - until : Friday, . February .19t1i,., on aCCOunt of ,the' World's :DaY. of PraYer;, this fFricift3ri ..Dr , Grant 'MacKenzie is'..convales- . . eing fora- few days at the home. or ,his parents,. Mr. and. Xre, W. L. AleeKenile, 'following ' an . attack sg influenza. ' Miss Jessie MacKenzie, having- mpleted herthree*Yeara'. training at St: Joseph's-HOspital; 'London, is ,visiting at the ome of her Parents,. r-Tam-d.---mrs.---4'ae eivf-T-',- John 'CarrutherS, Of ' the Bank -.6f Montreal :staff at •Hanover and for. MerlY, of ,here, wae•lioinembei of the- 247voice .chorus taking .part in .the inusieal, comedy,' "The Bold Front", presented In Hanover teat Week,' 'CHURCH NOTES W. A. Onii-AMeetlair t . . .. , . The February ,meeting ' Of , Mrs. Fisher's groaplmaeLlieicizari-L-Titesdity- at, the home of ,'Mrs. ' R. 4.. Carneron with 20 ladies present. ,The • mestin Was, opened by si ingng 'hymn 502;' fel., , . lowed by -.the Lord's,' prayer repeated pah .benediction: A ,,apcial hall hour -aPPrevid; `13usiness was . then dealt ind the, Meeting. closed by the Miz- :fellowed .witli., the ' hostess serving in sewing: .1:4e' c011ection Was taken in .unirof unison. The. minutes were e ren. :anit„ on for our Group concert. The re- niwiatihpaFriday,0e afternoon was .April*2nd was decided '' sPent, li.iineh. - . . Victoria Minden • Band , , • ,The ‘.50%.1,:d • ineethig, of theVictorig Mission:Band Was held MI Jan,%30th; .with Helen MacDonald' in the chair. The scripture.. reading the • .23rd ,psalm, was read ,and 'discussed:-, A citele...of4r4er by Etta_llellelfac- Dpnald, :Evelyn Taylor and Miss -Marion--MacDougall-was--:-folloWedt-hr .responsive reading exercise, .consist- ini of 'Biblical question and answers bY:Doleral and Muriel Paterson. Three iecitations. by Gwen ad Lloyd Stew - and , Grant, Gollan and a piano solo by %Miss, Peggy *MacDinjuld and.:tha Mission Study - by Mrs' MacDonald, _toirtrileted-thedayle-prOgram; - The- , meeting, closed with prayer. , , W. A. Group :Meeting, The February, meeting :Of Mrs. Armstr�ng's was , held at the :honie of Mfg. Maim on Tuesday af- ternOcin;;.the 'president • taking the chair. Meeting opened by 'singing of hymn, followed .by:the Lord's prayer in unison: Minutes :of laSt", meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. leaven favored &oat), With a solo.' The-toPie-W-itiatakeri. hir-hfrs.. Bushell: On, Valentine Day, Which proved Very interesting. A well ::ieriddied piano' solo, given, by Misa...Tessie.MacKenzie„ was enjoyed by After the Mixpah -benediction .,Was pronounced, Plain sewing was ;Carried .6n, after. which lunch was served and „final arrange- tnentS Were; Made'rfor the , church •so-' on Friday :evening of; this weelc, when this group is, entertaining' the r other groups. • United .Church 'Young People The meeting Was ,in charge of the Aissioriary' : commit tee and opened with, a , reading by the president, Stuart !Conker . "Prescriptions for Young People". • After .a don Morrison gave 's ,sentence , pray- er and the scripture was in .the form of responsive 'reading Then , a letter' wad ' read frOm Rev, E. T. Holmes, ing Chinese seamen' .while there' aye Irom--:caintelimentary. The ,',Secretary about 400 white' seamen out of work Of State asked for a fair trial for the in Vancouver., :He claims. that the present systemas it has not been company :ignores: ;the rendest of the, ! effect' Very.' long but. Mr: 'Ailing:re! fused to , withdraw for .a The Government Was' 'tiiketi' by -.surprise When the only indepen: Liberal, Boole. in „favour' of the Bill and created considerable 'inent! : When ' he . teed,' from the .,teriff published in the Canada etheoindit 1,1*. whitt the ' charges ,are arrived, Cit.. The :SYSterk 'he deelared, lent itself, to '9o- • position inernbers were In. the Chain: her in full. forte.' e4it toget4r With the Liberals who intended to Vote fehe arneadnient,,And the todelieiF• dent Groups Whe:,Were. also support, inaythe Liberal' WhiPS: had 'a few xious.. minutes. IfeWeVer,' upon firrit d the Session, -the Voting ,Peo:ple'S for .rai , 'Christmas. greetingnyvhieb had been Sent • to FEBRUARY 14t enti 1aden Her H0,40 IA! ith„ A Pair Of it•; !HOLEPROOF PLA,W LESS,' SEE • roe IIARY IS SO ,CLEAR., AND,. 'SHEER !" AND ILL. ALTRE04T.R YOUR *DISCRIMINAl.. E.'. WILL BE . GLAD' TO AID Y�1J IN YOUR SELECTION , • - PACKED SPECIALLY og VALENTINE GJV1NG . . r She May Want, 'JSHEElt, LACE HANDKERCIIIEy1 FOR THESE ' ' „ .VALENTINE PARTIES FRENCH ILGLOVES MAKE A VERY ACCEPTABLE GIFT. , 'A FULL RANGE TO CHOOSE FROaff, on • • •• r STLL•LOWER REE • tARES TO fACIFIC COAST! Otrayi . CANADIaSN Ni•glONAL TELEGRAPHS MONEY ORDER AND ';EXPRESS 'DEPENDABILITY; AD • Indulge in year favorite Suintain ' Winter -in the balmy. invi jag cliinate of.Canadies Eversaven oroiind. Galli, hiking, riding *tering: yachtiag.."tenatiii iatjeatic 3nountai.'ecenerysee: snoviclact Caniuliaa.Rockie010% route.: , . Wintei rates it hcitai4.5111/ /*sir. ' .raillates nal.; ;la 06t.and until &�p -overs ' lorsiitintertivecliate : • :R,,ilutal tem Loy Mee /atm on train %ViNtiR i101.F TOURNAMENT' Victoria March 11$.110117 ,o41 Mfuniugion from any ekitee'cagant TION4 dor ee.These ate c) (-4 r 1, 1936 TEitnAPLANn, COACII & HEATER 1, 1936 DODGE COACH & HEATER 1 1935 DODGE' SEDAN & HEATER 1, 1934 CHEV. SEDAN , 1932 I'LYMOUTH COACH 1, 1929 CHEV, SEDAN 1, 1929 CHEV. COACH. ,1 1935 DODGE TON, EXPRESS ne Matched Teani Horses fill gr. DODGE & DESOTA SALES, GODERICH . . • 'PHONE 695 him. The roll ',call roSporided .sCriliti3re-lesiin and Miss: McPherSon to and Mrs. D. macDonaid gave an Prayed: re MaeDo ald' took '•the enjoyable readingrey Editir A. west. chair. for. the business. Mr 0.' ollorace, in ,,objigatiene pri.endshlp,,. An en. wAait:11,tisaokrionti:,), 'nth, sv),3im41-eK•esinuzdiey,, - to be ..ti;,tithheldr-' until the .'repoinineridiision - Goverrimenti Mid ;Wanted subsidies . frie. of .b65,8,, be01,4„0 loy,rit, Ger., A .hylyin was Sung 'ancl Mrs. MeSpecial. Com-. pon- joyable innalcal nulnher ,vas "'given dation, of last ' year's *fitted on the . matter "' :is: karn10"ed ald Rathwell and Harold :BUtton. ¶ gave th topic, which was almost Tinker. gave the tonic ."Otarting,int&rt. ting lccount of the Hunting , With, There were arginients for and Lagainat the oninion , being that 'Whites • a' Home", and einPliasiZed the nepd 41-101361MisS educational nreparaiien for married' P. miss FeggY• Alto „ ; ! not wish to 'with Orientals. life: hyttin and Prayer by the Presl-, a duet.. A illYmn was ,sting and Rogers suggested *that ',en:ore dent 'ended the PrOgralu and a sli.wO,6%t ,tthliee'.6iLtOredf;nst.Pr4arte?..e 'nilt;pudnistionctieploi,todt: YOfing Canadians! ,slitnild be, taken ton game folloWed. skatifig 'party s cadets- with; a VI to Canadian- . "extortion". The. ising the service in the 'future, Final- 'Planned Viredneaday : j:t:!°a aid hour. the resolution WaS `VAtlidraWn. '. . pe'eSbyterittn, it,„ ,M!, R. ,• 1 lJnite,d ,Church it'. M. . ere :was. a good attendanee at positiot :of austere .detitchinent, tecAr. held :at the borne of Mrs: Cheennt on' til°,, '.ilnited Chui'ell VV'' M''' ''•!' i/61d *ttt 1 agliin 'Most, of ' the. tinie. in the weaheettek.,etteftioehi „alirtioil Ilia: tho h6,,.',d of altfl' -N6k6t old Wodn0.-' , „... Hon on Thlitaday,..With iteme. heat tntne On, it, Wag! 'the Warming iip had 'charge 6f the Ineetitig. After the , presided . for Olie, bevotiOnal .pertni. ME'S,: .1Mry rittillfri, 1st vice-OreS,, 4iik.. 'rho' Piogidoot .16ii, - Yteth-wep; r • lo ,r• • ti The proppsal that, in the event of ...The reglilar 'meeting oethe W. M " • riether War Cantina should. take a S. -of the Presbyterian' • Church, Was ' �f 'the WoodsWorth resolution. dime men t was,. s _ ' dmen t by 91 to 58 opening • hymri Mrs, • • Mulliti read 6 )15' si,41tamit of the, program :After, singing, and lirnYer ,by Mrs', T. II. Burns', Mjs L. McLean read the Scripture lesson. - Mrs : 'Harold 'Treleaven sweetly 'sang' ' Chapter of the Study hook: ore rice ,"Flee as a Mrs. N. Tbcd ,iell and Mrs, E. .pii1;.11!Jye and better religion* and sketches of 'the work done in India' and Africi. rach were very instructive and given in such an interesting way and were „much enjoyed by all. The president conveyed an invitation to attend the World's Day of Prayer of the W. M. S. to be held in the, 'Presbyterian Church. A vote of thanks *he given to Mrs.' t4eker f;r, the Use, of her home. , "rea not,.the CoSt Of. the ear that worries* tlij 'owner, but the ,tipkee*"...