HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-11, Page 571,
" 'XIIVR.a.1%;;F.E0411A-0,1,L.1901,.
AsorigLo NOTES
NM: 'X', 'Cooke 'end .7ihahe Spent
eauPle of claYilalit vveek With, her:
aunt, •$ra! Penier•i.- • •
Mz,'Rain Pnrnin' 4 :LuCknasy. SPAR't
d-H te ' '
ay.wi'thJake r Ett;•1. '
lgr, end Mrs. Thos. Helm and fam-
ily pf Landon, Vieit.ed •wi.t4 hs "bre-
• ther on Sunday. •
•Miss Verna )arbour of goderidi
• ati8iet4le her 'Ann; *es
Wile is nt-ireeent:tiiiite ill With
•Miss Winnie•• Lane- of Belgrave„
pent the :week -end with •her,Orents
Mrp • and Mrs. : Geo. Lane.
Mr. - and Mrs. E. VV4ins o Pais -
ler! .visited. on. .Sunday . with Mr, and
51 -re: Pert Alton.,' " •
. M,.114 Ivlra. W. Madka.n., spent
-StinnaY with Mr. and MI.'S. RoY Alton
M. and Mrs. Wilfred 'Hackett /Ind
hahe Visited vitt; 'Yin 40 Mrs: .D• S.
MacDonaldp 1.Riple:y on Oiln4ai7.1
• . Bison; Of •Liicknow,' "
SPendi4 a. fp* clays, pap,
antS.:.Mr.', and Mra. ',Rah.Ritehie
Mr;,. and!Mrs,..pine. Jainieenn•
ed their datighter HaWard
" f On 'Tbilraddi After
• noon.' • •
• Mr. and Mrs., 14.1.Bor1e .visited.
!eat . week isvith London., friends. •• ` •
MiSS 'Jean Anderion. attended the
- ,
qAt..' Home . at :Stratford ' Normal
• School. on Friday evening.'
• • Miss Evelyn Tinnell. sliending a
, 7
few` days. at: her. honie
Mrs. itrackles is visiting. with Tor-
onto ', tritiriciaTfe-r71,7-WiTifeelcs.
Mrs. _Bolander Toronte
:Ing -with *Mrs, 'keLeati. •
The next regular meeting of, the
• • --•Sr. W. A. Will be, held at, the home
•ofi Mrs.' Herb:, grahain. on TueadaY
•• ..nt. next „week.
, . •
The Women's World DAY Of Prayer
will be held in the Angliesin Church
on Friday. of -this week at • z o'clock.
-• Mrs.. Jas, „ Hodgins has , retarned,
home from • St-."-Clitherinesi where she
!ittienden the- -funeral ''of ',her' „tather,:,
41/48•:" ,
10• 1*C14 P.„,»IV'Alten,
„ rs. ..13ert' -,Alton :and :babe', 'spent' n
day.list Week'svitli.,Mr., and *re. Oam.
N9rIsole - '
BORN -T� Mr 1,Iari•y
i1acketto Feb. Oth, ". a • daughter...
• M.T. •A. Cameron !has returned
. -
fietne after .SPrendibe.."a le* dais .in
;Lanark COnntY, '• •• • - ,
••••• .
• . .
MissFrances CLozier and Beatrice
attended:: the "Supper Chili" meeting
At Catherine t MacKeniie's TueschiY
A social' will be ' held, the,school-
'Iqicleireverting-LFehrt2 •
consisting' „of genies, contests, etc,
after: which..lunch; will .; be served:,
• . .
Mai- Anna Mae • Treleaven • was
home from I•ucknow for •the week -
end. .- • •••••
• • •Mr....Clifferd Crozier, Frances, Bert,
McWhitiney. ,and Hasty .. and:
Elia Maize, -attended: the i`"At',Hoine"
,at, :Stratford On Friday •eirening..
' The W. At, S., meeting-dr:0: helff at
•ThitiA '
:day ;fifteen ; Members'
Jos.-ArrnstrOng_._ , ,an n
If@ d-mr8:
nd Y Ruth, sPent Sunday:. friendi • a --
t •
4- a-0Gr w ;• • - • • - •
*Parried reeentlY. Mafeking. - • •
atid Mrs. Gordon 'Kirkland
Viated Teesivater friends on Sunday
A number in the cointirtunity:hav_e
been,indisposed of Wesley
• Ritchie listi • been Under the • doctor'S
' care for the past week; Mrs., Maggie
• McKay has been, a sufferer for some
from Severe ' attacks Of sciatica •
euritis,- Mr. Hey, Gardner, and.
•Cneil. Gardner suffering .1ront
, _ ,
heavy colds.•
Miss irlma Hackett has spent, the
_past few days With:. her grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mts Joseph • Hackett
Of •Liicktiow,' as Mr. Hackett has
been bita 'eel&
*6. Jeanne Ritchie; „R.N. of God-
erich;• is spending: a, few days with
- her ;„ parents.
Mrs Lorne Woods »-of • St.., Helens.
and Mrs Jno Helm"W'ho :•,hita • spent
• the Past few months • with Mr. and
Mrs. Wonds, :visited with Mr and
Mrs. Jack Gardner ' on Friday last'.
Mr and Mrs,., Bert and
family, Mrs. 'Mary A. Woods of Wa,
wanosh,' spent Sunday with Mr. and,
MrS, Rebt. F. ''AridreW.
•• 'Mr. Will Hunter, Joe and. gra Geo.
. Hunter, attended the, Stratford Ner-
mal"At Home". to , the student's, ex•
students andtheir. friends On '.Fylilay
evening, • . • .1
is Isaac Andrew :received' Word
this Week' from Calgary that Mi.'Jn'o.
'Andrew's condition is. , sitchas to
•••, Cense, his friends the. gravest "' cert.:
cern John contracted pneumonia
. • seven weeks' ago and. has recently
• developedpleurisy accompanied:bLy
fluid. His, many friends' deeply sym-
pathize 'with him • in his long battle,
Itgainst adverse health.
• - Mr 'Alfred Ritchie' of IlolYreod
„spent a few days .. redently, • it his
• home here. • •
Mr, and Mrs.: Nelson Raynard and
• .fanilly Sunday .at the, horrie
• of Mr. 'and Mrs -Will Ritchie.'
' 716.• met 14 the home 'a
yrr, Chas.. Ritchie On, Monday even
Miss Ruby Reid ' is assisting. Mrs.
Hy ..ilackett,-Tthis-week• • „..,
• Inattinction in vocal ,music is„, belng
given the pepils'• of N,o, .5, ' by Mias.
Margaret McDonald. bf,Inieknow.;
.„ •
Mr. •Itill,;17itella; of tondsbbro; viit
ed 'recently With • Mr.•and lqrs. , R,
Moffat. • •
• Mr: .and11rs. R. Martin :SOMA Sat-
- evening. with Mr.' and Mrs: 1
. Martin ' Of Pirainount, When
' they reelibrated the :thirtiethIl4Tii-
Of their Nveddipg day•
• Mrs. „Cecil' It,ibb Sp8nt a, feW daYs,
• in TOronto last. week. , • '•
• The' U. F. IVO,;. Meeting' will' he'
• held at the:116111e of MrS.,A.Graliam
• for' the inOnth' of Vebriiiity.., , •
*Mr. A. M «erizi6*hp has ,1;ben
ill in Goderich is ,improv: -..4,
•big, we 'are „glad to tpOrt.
"Miss Rose Caskinette; • whohaS
:been. with Mri. McKenzie for „seVeral
inelitha, returned to hen home, •
Mr!' Keritieth » Fitilayson ia14. prd.,
Rent under the doeter'S eared
Mr A Mtiotntyre Visited, 'With'
•tint* in terento itiiit,'Week. • •
a:OuNI)Alzy .,v4.1E5
Therebruary..rrieeting•Of the II. F.
W 0 of!Paramount is to be:"held..at'
the home. of Mr's,' Wm. Kempton on
Tuesday, 'Feb, 16,that two -thirty In
the 'afterneipn, h. was ". planned.. to
(Milt two quilts so a' good attendance
will be appreciated The program:
committee Is Mrs. Clair' Irwin and
Mr. 'Eldon ,'Helidersen.• '
• :Mrs. Fred Anderson and Mrs., Wm.
Ritchie of..!.Zion, visited with friends
oh the boundary on Friday-
sorry - rep,Ot that :Was
Isobel Nicholson_ls_ist..,.:i.).resent 'con-
fined to her bed
• The Many:: friends Of Mrs' Rsifliel
Webster of Mr James jimee Webster • of ...-Ashfield, are
sorry to hear Of her. Belie -1-1S accident.
A.:•*feW' from this vicinity attended
a card Patty'At •the libine of 'Mrs:
• "IVI off . • Parisi:Mai-tit:
With Mrs. g; J',..„Thfun'as cetivetier
the: 'Grandmothers'; had, ,charge of
the :interesting meeting- of the We
men's, :Institnte, held at Mrs. R.
-,on; Thursday, . :When
the • president, oe
Ctipied the chair. • Therp11, call bronght
forth.."many. interesting. •incidents of
pioneer days. .It :wee nectdea to 00 -
to the ptiblic'library, ...A
peen); Pioriefr : 'OrtincIrritt of
•Mine,"was reed by Mrs Evart Mc
Pherson; :Annie, Watson Viva -a read
Mg. "May ,r tell ,a .trite,stpr,y7,." Lain!,
'Mei Miller:, read a', Poem' . "Boyhood
"Grandmothers" was. the title
'nf ••an, Article read -by :Mrs. McKenzie
Webb . and' Mrs:: Thom. contributed 'an
interesting paper on ""Pioneer :Days
in l'inron .touT4y!',' At the .eoneluSien
lunch, was served, by the 'heatcaees.
Mrs: W. '1 Milier, Igra, Albin Dui-
nin and Mrs. -Robinson -Woods. A
Helmuth Schlenker Of Bridge-
port Mid Miss Irene Woods of Water -
leo,: were.,Week,end •guests .With Mr.
and Roltinsori...Wpods,•
• .• Mr, 'Neely, • Todd of Stratford wn,ii
heitie:fer.. the week end
• Arrangemente Are being inside for
*e. anual---P, -U.- banquet -, te•Hbeiteld
Friday,. February 49t1i•
The 'regular meeting • of
11 ‘wlig, held on Sunday. -evening with
, large:attendance, !Thiswas the first
night of • the contest , of which. Ger-
nen • iVtiller, I: captain of the •"GO,,
getters",- and .Dick-Weatherhead eap-
tairc.ot the 4,`I1iistleiso, be scripture
leascrii was teed :by .drithe Weather -
head and ,Dick;'Weatherhead told the
Story �f the Apostle James , the 'Less.
Vera Taylor.:contributed a mile. The
taple'..'"Sterting a new hemp"' was
taken by Lorne Woods, after Which
Cur1eiSPliniage led m dis"dussion,
Mr. V, G.' ,Todd Was in -TorOnto
Iiiat'weelc Attending 'the, aiinnal• meet-
ing of the ,,Aberdeeti,Augud Assoc.
Ernest.Ortunt is Under the net-
• tOr's Care.
- Measrs, P:•' ' 6„ and Toni Vida atz
tended the »funeral et' . Mr, ChstrieS
Heibett . at Elora oir'TuesdaY.* •
Th e wood 047 et Prayer ,Will be
o‘bserVed ,at the' ;home' Of Mrs,. Koh-.
WonwoOtils, on .FtidAy etterneon
2.30. Alt Indies of' the' canntinnitY
'are' invited. ,
(COntipped•frorii.:Pagel..) •
• • .
. ,
14r, 'PereY Herne haa. been uP
iatelY with.0n. attack of the.:144.
•, Mr; And.. Mrs, Wm...Bray .havg ITO
AS :pests recently,, Mr. Isaac Tebb
and, sister mipni, a co4orn.
here they :Waited. their. 'nephew; Hew-
ers! Sip-iirea, Irs. Wm,WIson, 7th
concession of • W.
Garniai, Wingliern. and '"et," Irwin
Lucknow,, we,rq ether.Visitnrs. • •
Public So.ho0113.epopts
's, Ashfield
.V9rm V-;-.1ittitnie Renter:»
Str., $§,0; Hqn
ere. 4.1.2; 'Pass, 330-4(atiileeri, Gibson
425. :Lorna 'Reid 33.0',.Kith1een Gard;
net 340. " •
414,rics; §01.);?. 0o;1 -
ors 41; .Pa4p Ritchie
478j'Keith ,I-Iackett .44.71, Keith Rit-
chie '377.. . •
'Sr O -L
keRenZi4 ,.-etere in 'Clinton 'rimier 1.41.0r:**46
eVening last week atte-ydni cui : "-enter *17,q;..m4rie 1-l'aOkett '310...
.ner spozisered•-•by,.the;Canada:Fafkers Hunter,: 2757; Tiorne Hunter 229
. Jr: ; • ritsirksc.
Limited.; • '4/(.1;10: 4i3 roll . Ade nf.:.,,W);tet.
Mies meitiiii„ 7ergitsor,C:of. tne •f • :,••:.„ ••
on..‘Of .Wa'W,e!ieShr 3Vaa taiFen to West NVelveriocli ' •
•A"lexandri Marine:II-1'0804A Idoderich .
Sr. Reotti-'
'last eelt,' after,•sliPPing-,en the lee Average Test " Marics•-• •
iwhen going -.to visit a rieighhorp Sr; V -L -:Grace. Weatherheid7/,%.
'snfting, that shlian 'tWsi small Inee •. Ir.' 17---JOincie :Aitchison: 45;,' •Rus-
, f?a.. . •
Of the -United , Churth. was. held !Fri' Anita MacDonald .55.. •
pvieeseicilii,rig•71.t.4h ;tMerrii..1 w-rJirg. ht 62, Aurlilealn
Oranston 53
ohonal period, roll call was
greeinsPennt ':41V1j3c;I:,)H.°1:lealeliii;1' M4.9ebenDlia'aldr3aSi'e; ReAssitc`Oh'i:n91112.
were mad :for the 'World's Day• of grr :
2 The '4'Women' s :MiasianarY • SeiietY B h •
Anglican' and -,Presbyteritin churates . "" -• • E. m4ccbakiep;
'vei-e invited, also' breviej Thii same• ,
afternoon, Friday; Feb: ' 5th, Mrs., s. S. No: 4, West Writanosh
David. Girvin, Dtingannon's :grand. old • • Junior RoOnr'•
Mr. and-14ra. Terebell- of .
'.X.Tncier,w0941, were rqcont yisitprk at
11; ; td" Donal ! i e. .lg'arro'•
,and .p&re. Rebert ; MacDonald and
.lack, Were 'recent 7,viSitors Xr.
Thos."; Ilarrib!, • ••
MarienMaeLeod , or. .ItilAy
'svaf4 a•Week7end Yieitor Miss Rileen / •
grnest' Aoltert's.: ,
The.' meeting of ...the. I: •
was held at the'.11,9'itte-4'f' Miss ; Mee:
Boyle. on Thurailay, Feb. 4th, Pre- :
Ernest Ackert, paano
'duet, :MisSCS':,'Margeret 71Sfale;Olta and
.,Mae pope, Miss Nellie'. Mal• -•1:- •
ebliti; „debate Resolved that a mai
..riedwornan Chettld keep house to suit ».
hereelt •ancl-not;.' her husband. The ;
•fisetative, tnken. by, IVIrs. •Arthur -
;ham. and Mr Levi veltenswillee-w on -•
.the.decision;,The ne.gatiVe as taken
by ;Mises Hasp' Percy and.JeanTln,
derson: There an ..exhibitibii •
of Cushions:, . . • '
• Mr. hpd,. Airs, George France and ,
.preyer-,-te-WhiChAbe-socie Ave. -4U, 11.25.
. • ,
• lady Was Celebrating her 95th birth- Test ,Marks:•-,• •
day. Greetings were sent to her by Ar...III:-Marie Aitchison 03%; Dor-
the ladies: Mrs: Turner offered prayer Webb* 62; 'Phyllis Gaynor*, 57;
and Miss'. Celia Pentland read the Marie • Swan* 47. • '
,sfripture lesien. . The Jr. Buchanan 03..
gram. consisten Ot:a 'Piano 'Belo. by McDonald .48.. '
MiSs Montgomery, • sole • bY 1 Jr., IF -Jean Wright,0 71; Wilnia
tss up 9 e ,y, rs. as. Finn.- -0:iwn-O-r7-614;711-e-leri0ammie* 62
gan giVe 'a TeMperance'reading and Deity Marks:•;.• ' .
ard • and Mra. J. j: jr ht* Helen%
Gammie* 308;.7Wilma Gaynor* 84.:1
• :.I•= -..lean Aitchison 487. •
• 'Pr. -- Florence • IMcPherson 1.293;
'Margaret `McPtiersoir 1:291; Ali'ce Pu-
•chanan 1253; ' Bobbie Lyons 1244;
Dorothea Swilii*...1128,:. Therese Gay-
nor" -323. ,
‘, Those :•marked -missed . One • or
mOre -daya.r•• Beatriee McQbillin.:
Ryan:- read from the ,Stilidy" 'hook :on
• .•••• ., •
China. The meeting Ws closed by the.
-repitition! of two 'Verses of
in. Unison.' •
' Mrs. Wm.:. Thotripsciti in :elderly
ladyof the, villageand. afflicted with
peer eye., sight: anstained 'a nasty fall,
on the ice • while , Out :shopping ....ow
Monday morning : A' b.lopci :vessel: :1e -
low bne bf her eyes was broken. '•-.1t
was, feared at , first she ..wauld: lose her
eye,but with the 'services of doc-
tor closer ..eSerninsition;.' it.is
hoped: to be alright again It
let. years. ago • that catirects vferei
removed from her eyes and 'frieridsi
greatly sympathize' with thiS 'v,voiriat
of such.:patierielf; who has had more:
tronbles" than : "prObablYAMY :in .this"
community. „. "•••• .
The February meetirig-Pf the -Dun-
gannonllipme and;School• • Club met
Tuesday 'afteril:976ri.."-Feb, "•-9th". at, tine'
home of MrS.-•Clias. Alton. All sang
0:. Canada to.. open :the 'Meeting,
lowed by the, Lord's prayer in !unison.
The minutes ..o&the..last meeting:were,
:read' and adopted- and the rO11 cafled
It .waS•,•-moVed to Write 'a leiter ... to
Mrs.'Dr.. Vokes, .614:efts-Ong a vete .of
' . • .. .
thanks to • her. fee she had done-
. ,
ink/ her deParture•:. Mrs :Bert "Brad -
fern offered her, homerfor the March'
Meeting"' A Vocal trio by Turn-
or,-J,tylin"• • .
. C. Alton and Doreen Rutledge
vas eroyed A diabigne'hY , girls in
the. Sr: tOonti.; Was given; entit1e41»
"Mbelc,'''Marriage,." • A. -`triation 'gong"
by three boys.:,:•.Mr,;:: tinkney,. princif,
Pat of the. school; "-gasify aninteresting
addres nU. `J.‘igliting".1 Mr. .J."
. , , .
.Young also 'spoke and discussed some
-.Matters' 'of the Ochobt. The: meeting
Was closed hY the National Antheni,
• Misi, Betty: Bissett is Ailsiting with
Toronto Mena. . 1• : -
Mr* Roy MacKay' is so lei retov,
ered from., her recent illness CC"to \he
able to eome 'to; her home frotn \Go&
erich hospital; where she -has been a
patient for settle. ,time.
Miss *sr", MacKenzie is spending
-si.'teW days 'With relatives in TProtitch.
: Presbyterian W. M. S. are ob-
serving the ..World's 'Day of .Prayer
at the» home of Mrs, Collitisoit •in
Kintait on FridaY Of • this.: Weekr::____
• Although .we have no. snow, there
has been very.! good- ice this winter
and the- younger people and .sont, e
the Spider people haVe. been .enieYbig
lots of 'skating. I, .. • " •,..
Shirley,:Erigland, little daughter of
Mr. » and Mrs. . James England, • hiti.
been hulte sick with pneumonia• but
we pleased to report that she
is now wellon'the waY. to 'recovery:
1113 CON...0 KIN 11-P
eatherin,0 Campbell 'has • re',
turned ..liPme 'after sPending a couple
of 'Weeks •with her Slater, Mrs. .Lava.
Mr, And ;!Mrs,.. 11. A.,.. MticI)Oriald,
'idsited Vedriesdair -with Mrs,
tynatil .Itobinson• . • " .
A 'ininiber. ftent this Ithe held
•Stirprise „party 'at ;Mil,' keinoton's
ph Wednesday eiening• -arid .repert
Mrs: itod: Cainphell , visited on'
ThbraclaY • 'aftertiocitt With MrS, Jas,
1rWiti• • • • .„
Mr;'•Atui Mi, 'Mdt 1rij Ana an
113ro alient Friday eVetting at Rosa' Me:
•• ' •
• •
Mr and- Mrs. .Howard Thomon
and family, also Mr George Therm,
Son ' and Harvey, . spent Sunday at
Mr. Alex Percy,ts ; at Kinlough.%
Miss 'Jean tong spent ,the week-
end with :her."sister,. Mrs. Ralph Hill:
Mr. • C1eve.1and,:-.011 visited at Mr
Clinton'sWill'• if / Kincardine last
tTuesdaY... ,' • ' : . .
- Little •:Elizabeth ScOte:was' il1 With
Plieditioniclstatrweek...•.", • • .. • •
...The young people' Of Pbride Grnte
held a Skating party. last' Wednesday
riighti, which • was largely ;attended.
Mrs.' Angiis %Graham:of .• LucknoW.
spent the week -end with her parents
Mr. and„MrS. „Andrew , .tinerson• • •.:
Miss:On:09 spent the .'week°,end at:
Stratford k. ••••
at Mr. 'John Wall's on Sininay• .',
Mr.'•and • Mrs..- John .Collins:inent
Sunday •vvith.their danghter. Helen •at.
: Mr. and Mrs. --Melvin Raynarcland
family wererecent:Visitors- with Mi
'and' Mrs, Drennan At 4Kintail. .
. *Mr., and Mra. 'Isaac .Ensign 'visited.
with friinds. in Kincardine recently:,
' On Thursday, evening about thirty
,five peeple , held a.. *uprise party at •
the Heine • of ....Mr,.. and ,Mrs.--- Win: ,
Kempton, „Mr. MelViri'' Irwiri :Was
winner at Progressive euchre , while
'Mr. Gordon; Irwin wen the consOlsr:
tion,' Prize.' A'. dainty"..lnileh. was , serv-
en and a':feW hours Spent M dineing.
Mr, 'Graham ,MacNay from Ottawa
Spent the.':week-end withhis. parents,
Mr. and Mrs. :.r... McNay.
• Last Saturday'pVening Mr. and
Ili's. 'Wm: It,..:•Martiri entertained over
thirty a:their relat:ses at their thir-
tieth' Wedding annivrsarY7 • ' • .
• Mit: Howard Robinson -has' return::
oci home after: spending.,a_few 'weeks
with her irinther,. Mrs'. , E. Dextei I
Who! his been ill, . , .
ffelyreod,' where Mr. France is assis-
ting Mr, Richard Elliott. We welcome
them to: the feinmbnity.
' The LiterarY meeting ,ef , the 'club
ph Friday. evening:was attended..
()Wing: to severe celds,..• a 'debate and
. play were. postponed,sp we hope to
have them: : the next Literary • •night,
-However . splenclid program • was'
nresented -spelling Match .at;
•the last: Orchestra numbers:, by Car.
And jplinstnn Orchestra,, violin', Sole,
MISS 'Alice . accompanied .by
'Xiss..*:tlierWrillo".§7 Mrs. Almer
Ackert, Robt.',•MacDenals11:. cigar,
'tette; Misses' Doris and. Mary John
atod,. Helen and D,orialde jobr.;
ney-rLMr. *ni.. Statters; Vocal. duet:-= last ;Week' :With. Mr. Harry. Pinnell.'
Messrs : David and Elliott :Cerruthers;
yreading Catherine • Robertson; Mrs.: Dr. McCallum The, funeral° was
‘DIED -4n 'Tee's1;Nratei; Tebruary .-6
recitation' Par. Richard Baker.... Sev-.. on Monday at 2: o'clock. ;•
eral. of the munbers faVored *1th en -
Cores. :God • Save the King,
.• Messrs. Howard , .and, • Earl ,.Harris
.And Eddie Thompson 'snent :Monday,
evening at, :Mr.' 'Richard Saker'a..
Mrs, AmoS„ Switzer 'of '.Striithclair
-Man. visited friends. and relatives
here :last:' Week.
PAGE• 71
• . 9
lenake 'WOE.
in pti setVice as „ e'en passed Liy.fhc, CoMpany.d0iirii'
,,',•1936, Of.thellian'Y'si.0.6ificantiflOties of the AnruaI
Report, perhaps. the most stii k itthat,
years Of operatiOn the Sun Li(e,bt Canada has paid Jolla ne-
fitSleits policyhOlders, and bpnefidiarieki.n0a tha,n
BIIuon PgIlark..„
• • -• irelltUrei• of • 1936,
itiSITRANCES PORCE,•.-711ihe inareitS• iseaUraneell
. • . • • .
in force reflente the improvement general,huS"'
.111• 4 !glitiTc9RilipTtiE°nsearri'' GO. PanY.'e: 'mi.
rite again increased.
MIS of the C,Onipany .inerasused by, 'seventy -
;dollare in )936 and are now.sevan hundred •encl
•'aeirerity-siven dollars; the' higheatin the
i,..NEASSvrAssANu4ANCES INcEsiOpRAICED. roneeeRrn.:14r.. • 4.',"277193;894';6468 -7.-
-*bob= ▪ 164,083,598 .
DISSURSEME;ITS'-' • „- -• • • 103.384,868 "
.• EXCESS orpicomE D;SHIJESEMENTS ": 60.698228
:Ewing the yoarj1936- • • - • • •, • 27.469;308
• Binci.enranisstita - - 6 ••• ••• We.
Dividild's '
'Participating pollayholdere Will share irk the born.pmiy's
b tirin '1937.
ASSETS 7 •N • • • • '• •••• " 777a,s,803,L3S
• PIAIIAB• bidaSitnidfornsCilltAPered4iTAta:"t4-ifih,...00l00004)....,,pr.".79d., 7.44t7q4
- fortiiiiirecriation moittialifiiii arid irepto 5,788068 •
• CONTINGENCT'RESERVE • . , -40,000,000. • .
" SSEPLES •• •• 18,118.208
• Siauthii,aarigii4tItaardiats isr,arrileeirsrS nthe'boinat'n...c.t..14,4fft *7-'354kd. ••••
. .
• • HiA,tvci0Fic0 . tainftREAL
:•. Both Mr, Alex Whytock and Jas..
Edgar were very unfortunate in , cutt-
ing their 'feet, while ;Working in the
!, Miss. Lexy Bell .has gnne ''bC9k to, ,
her -work' in Toronto, After spending:
.a few months at home owing to the •
poor ,health of her mother. ,
.• Mr.. and ;Mrs. Wiri: Alton. and, Deng, .
'Ica ...et • TorMito, spent'the 'week -end •
be ,able • to he around ; again, ' ....;', ; ' ,.. . mrs:. ThoS. Hockley pent after-
. . . . ,
bush. We : hope • they: , will both • soon ..with ..Mr.; and Mrs: 'Fred Thompsoil. „.
Mr,.• and Mrs. ,peter Moffat ' enter- Peon with 'Mrs: Jas... Wraith last .weelc,'.
tained a. feW. of ..their -.friends ' and . • 'Mr. And, .MrS.' Lorne Reeking,' has '
neighbors One evening last ,week. : ..."•een" in bed for a fes days .witli the •
.. , • •
• , Miss' Marion 'Hodgins has .retnritell 'flu, . .. .. •••• ... .• : ,• .--. ." • ":' ' '
CtiLROSS,ICORNERS • lionie front Toroutti; nursing a:broken Mrs: Arthur . Green'. has : returned_ ; , , . •
-- -arm. , We • hope Alie• Will •sooullie-able. 'nerne ,f/am Paisley, after „snenclinii:a 1
. .
.' kisses . Cent' and Verna • Walt '' of to return ,bafic:- to her 'work' again. , ,few'..weeki Vvith-'h-'er--Tnotlim . Kincardine anent 1 Sunday with their. Mr. WM. Stephen', • who ' has " been - Miss Irene. Wall is
parents,. Mr and 'Mre. Joe ':Well... ., vialting is niece, Mrs Pinnell, . has couple Of weeks with •her g.... •
• .. . . !, .
•-•-• Mr.,-LRebt,-Scottsnentan-. evening- -retiiined--nack,,,,tchis-hoine,-...near.--Lentotlier,..--;m•rs:-,--Haldenbyr-of. ,Kink,'
Mr.' and ,Mrs. T." Blake at-
tended the Stratford Normal • "At' `
.11Otrie, »Friday ehthg,
",•,.-Mr,, Milton KIT:Patrick; , sales? -urn
for Empire Fertilizers, is Attending' ,
a, toriventioti Itil.:"Teipatn:. and . Chat-
thiS, Weelc.... • , i .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton Visit:en
on' FrideY with. Mr. -and Mrs', dod•
feey Itall, ". •
The Y P S are plArinipg: 6/.1. llbld
ing a Valentine "eotial in the hall en
Friday evening. • • '
Mr »; „and. Mrs, Finlay * Shackleton
and "babe Cif • Arthur, spent Settir,daY
Weitoltd,o1M, .,
rp: and, 4141*%. Neri1 naShae15
Miss' Mary Horton of • Arthur with •
Week -end visitor with her parents
•Mr .• and Mrs. Henry tIorton.
Mr, and. „Mrs. thos, Aftdorsom.,
Vialted, On FridaY afternoon,. With
Mr. and
MrS, nni-•
••••••••-•;`.."''''-!• •
• A..
• • ••••• 4.4.. ; •
' • 4' ?
MI $11114 frt. '
'La y
I 7,*1 1"11t'
-8 •‘„
• . •
1111-: I:
s...N211.. e.14;17 •„„irirz
,Lklitabilihed.long before, the 'Costuttertiil. use 'Of elettricity
th bank Ot m fiat
wag even: dreinied o , e nii seen,.
• the' hydro-eieCuit industry *Ise trom itsinfa' ;icy and his
. •
• ..nrcividecl,beIlifiir tunindit Servicein every:phi:0e of die
Sitilitittioti:Ofteiterpowe4tOlndustrial and dOmestic ese
• " • •
-abundant min* and, 0144, an the tiplarni;.. :••
, . .
*4(1 sniple reservoir
captitnYin taimitoui lakes, Canine ;
as knrintitein *frig i tellable supply of water power
withitt,itintossion disrance of thep#taimd industrial
tentreii.' Only' 'one comity: .de iliitCd Stitt:41*s'
of liydreelectric.aevitOpmidt,:‘,.
" ' More than thtee4plariera • Of the. power
'ii,4,,t,an,a4a iS lecttic.
driven. Severity per c'ett.i. tanidian .homes, u4an acid ; » •
rur1'are. 'equippedwith this rincitienk 'soviet"
NA 11,a.oK .WHER. 0
factor in the sapid development Of the mania&
. It his been 'n deciding „faaor in the. reAriing, of base
ImetSIS' firint Canidisn. Mines, ihicti dilY, .ess. yearsl
.ago 4!". MCaPPOYof fOOlga' countries : the use o ,
water 'penvei jou .gotie hand . in hand also With Ithe ex
pipsaOa 01 the great ;t'reir"indusctws of Canada.
. 'the production of hydraelectriC poseethas idvancect,
stelichly,since the movety. 1.9.32; iteichiog nevi, high;
records each year. The.* capita. 'output iseicceeded only. .
by dau Of Norwsig, yet only one-sixth of the known avail-
able. leitq power iejOSIOiS.Of Canada hOqbeeli, utihzed
.Hydro -electric industries and their employees all 'Corgi,
'V,anade, find' in the Bank Of;Iviontrein,de convenient'
and helpful bsng,seratce ,
Att''AgtOUNTS ARE WiLC01411
I • •
ttiati;aw Bra d'b V N4 PitE8T, Matiaite.
. • .
146DrAN, txbtitt dinS ONG traSttdit.,tits birrc OMR OP ii9 vARs'» udciltsrtit,oPtitAi'lots$