HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-11, Page 4r•A
• '
• ;Vaal, all,•Staitiona ies...Eastsoils 'Canada, •.
GOING DAILy-FEB. 20 to mARcif
•••••' • •••'..Reft*.0•,•14,0,-H45...010. • •
'The LuChoviellipley tussle here
last' Thursday night will gu`duwil Qn
record as one of the cleanest 110403f•
.hattlet ever staged between these
old-time riVattti.Parke -Finlayson ;who
handled the . gainer' banded out one
itipe penalty, and it to Elwood Solo-
mon, for 'a tnitier infraction I'n the
,STAND'ARR.sLEEPING PARS +Afars sytwa*satalY Paellas.
CIPS"rar ACCOMMODATION 01 Siamilei•-4111S.
BAGGAG* aIsoevere it;tPert Azikeri Arsastiehg, •0144c!,luid
..gssiti.eiCertow•smasmee‘aginfenestiessiseseeIfisse4 141C.FoRHANDIRIA
DuAgannOnt.'ily ' - .
•Clbseryed 95th.lirti.iday
Mrs.. David ,Girvia, Who ' Was Bern
Sonth Of ' Dungannon 'gtill. •EnleY'"
• -hig Good tikaltli`,As Lust Friday
, t.=1•siiii-,1)tiservedz.7.laer-95tirAlirtlidaYi-
, . ,- . , . .
.. . • - ..:
-Friday was ared I Ltter day iii- the
life of zillfra.'.' David ' vin, Dungan-,
. -,:tion's grand old lady,,w ii." she cel-
ebrated '4,:g;.,* .9p.ti ,Vi y: 41,.. .1ife
- ?long resident,of that 'district, .sha haj
.: . fix*. her 'haPPY'llife the.re. .httVitt*
Mr i• and .,hire- -WM" •Irwin of Mafee
king 'egged' one day last week at Mr,
and David .„Littio'a:,
We 'Are sla4 te. hear Mrs. David
Little is improvink it sorrY 4 tO
• seeen it4ie ,an- eve
fast,, • •
, The Sepoys registered a decleive
11 to 5 victory ,: that gave them a
commanding lead in the twe,gehie;
goals to ,ceunt**Series, :The second
game was played iti:RiPleY'last night;
, The local entry in ,the--W.O.R.A.
intermediate • 'series this season is
composed almost entirely of junior
players :and those who have just
graduated from , junior ranks. In
spite of. heck Of K4141401 they ilihad
'4oine combination play that wide
them look good at times, - and helped
to •,get thein a stack of goals. •
Goal scoring honors were evenly
divped between the two lines, ' the
first trio getting Veoenters and the
The game ugdirwRy witirnt
-lase Fay ' Courtney .iinPrnving Shirt 130‘Vers "and..Teln VarrlIe,
'very Slowly in the London Hospital. two Ripley •veterans, who were Aate
•• giiite a number in ,the neighbor-
in arriving; and the Sepoys ,took • 44-.
hood that have been suffering from vantage of the disorganized Red- tice in the fall and hockey through a heartbreaking series that ' Dick
,„ , .
coldiare, a 'a ' men'S foreei- and rain in -4 .goins, the king steady , whiter, end as years bvin Calls Its great as anything he
' RY The Itet .1. W. *Whillaite. him' ' 'and.; acclaiiied. him,' (Me" or her ...er UR" All that 'I Sll'Inni9r, the Mane-.
' It baslieen gaiteated .6 ./xie, that best 'all round athletesand a Aeunct..gets -were in ,etnbueh and in the 'tali
l alight say aornetblag., about ,a trio 49eleY player. . ; . ' = . • , .. , :he.eaa,t. tp the 1.;eafs.,,,
of centre.. iCa' playersT in Oa National • ' •YUVing '04111ated.14u!ia'Y was set- ; =• .' Another CQuala 1
T4eagne_...:.thp ;Iron Men of IipekeY, . tilt*: doWn, tO. a course in ja account- . .„ *.t.t.n4,that ' brings -os: to 'the third 1
Murray' Murdoch, Andy I31,aie •now ancy when, -1;:eater Patrick 'on a still . ihik :iii. the , shoo, .siivaii4s ,,•Ak)s,,
iovi'tenthleA4pg.p°e:-!elafellotio47ziekos-04en4tqS4*, A llt:ann'•fs°1;aakled7°Iir. ;,:jO.,.1"11.1ratic'anlipl;teilk..eix :tthh!,11.' saci:tejblITtlibl 'n' rl'iltills'.09fn eVii/11421n:.
APIn3r, 1/OPle ',know , 0.44.- there is • a Rangers, Sweater -eV r his head
'faiailY connection between Oeni, but rPtY9d1.1,c04 bird, t6 Pi aos' of filaal:10,,-A.any-2d.st 1:tiv:.it•ilao:.•11Teli,p(lirit°1af7tUl7e--
a ex*, trweir '' t,F. ' .
, y
ern, up...fiavint,... rrisse ..eaFFo or .ex ibtiOX1
in .
..boc)c.ey',. :Mneh to hring ov,e..y. ele'veu „:yeara,.•.•,1.•Was
themi in tart,.! ei,et.14 , that
big Ight44 " if .ever Murray ,Oonies back to hi
Back. in the earl$7. such
eg tha'41.'10'Faila...fattaded .ncver:. been given
.College. on, the 40110* to."..e,,,retarning:;SOU' •
. ,
schools in England. 1711'.6 h°Y's #°)n-1 fr.: • late A ."Cosisin . •
John's hiive tahen! worthy. ."
• . . • ' 13 was elso edecated.
' in Canadian ,
nursery .0tilf6t100 it ought 0 oe
Place for n an4" 4 St: J h nd..1.bein .
as well known In the east as it is". Yniniger than cousin Murray
inspired' to emulate' the athletic prow-
the west. It was in this School that
MurraY:-Mtirdoch,.Thorn in, Liicknow, thl4 .11n4 given the older boy such
i:prestige. He too- Would' have people
Ont., was 'sent from 'Albetta , where'
his parents resided, and in St. John's", talking about him, and might teen
`dent fr4InAlle- age. et t'en., until he_harC'Pas4d. steady tTainhig' and dip.,
he remained as a boarder .and stu- ". get his Paine in the'Paffera, Yeirs
finished his university course- at the 1-cil;L Titi.e Wit,- 6 on eree
al@ of „Rt.' relaaintlistObiat .waVsarinsitly926tet:Imat „tiNlvenjuntiher
-, • Study And Gaines ; eliampionship of the Province, and
Alter lessons .it Was, football •prac- went , to -Regina to Play the Pats in
• •
Pdt: wofFad Fattish and daughter the hro, period holding the. viilenrs passed Murrey became' adept both l'ha's seen. FinallY the Pat Many
iceu:tlie country, ttnnsfornied from.s miss Anna have rt414._11.0 after ic,;•reiesis7 ...with, hail and puck, and- not only I ...who plaed on those twos 7t:ani; s a
wilderness of , forest into a land, Of
..f,merlarms,,and,tome3; ;.tee %yob, "Fmj.a Rioey e, edge , in the second played- On '• capteined•'. college the big leegne 'todity".- including
• • period ' elitseaiing the SePoYe..6 to teams. He p also. for teivers- Andy, ' and 'Gottselig who was. on the
The -ex -cart- and jiimper. in which,
the people travelled to town, to the
in Toronto.
. . • „
Mi Tom Twaniley of Belfast
ited Mrs.-James..-Dren-
2, but, they 'faded in ,the third pet-, ity, of Ifinit,4a, but le am not sue Pats Pato then: AM:IY captained • the Arai,-
•.ta _VAS).* lrAs,'airted any *Rains then,,sity.=04eatri thikt_won...the'_West-tp
tiielaaatoftvorehipHanci•-•-elieWherei-, ,
their. one. In •aeltatOon: on Pillior :football championship, and ,1928• wits :cm
toen9k. ,
nitco,..cutter'.,Cir. the antOmibila. -three-anieeer.Leonar&MacilonaLCO_11.*10_,L,Maajtatia-hioaght„.„hez,'A: plailk4e3r
have given way to the wagon, Sleighnan ,
.fack , Fisher' :end Jack Button •got lineup, Murray starred all the „ 'WeY the Varsity team that -Won the' Allan
The boys of the COnniunity;enter-..
and :dance 'in' the Club Hanie;- Friday
14,C:eft* 1.,AAtr,
• .
Shew,'Sterls,..et 8 O P M:
Thuroday. Friday,
orybody knows how he enrie ,.to lJie.
front in so -rt at McMaster Univet-
Woo' the Po.a, vaulting champion-
ship of the Einpire,'und played with:
'the, TigerbOOleY tem in ilarnilton
1MrisatPlire:4-Laz:.af.`OGnl'rildicgalist: •Stit:es.44.1jrn; :6the
,ago with Rosa 'Paisley, who had
coached beth Murray and Andy.' A!
Parisian; who was also there. assured
Roes that. in their •toWii they had
boy Who would ,de a turn with, the j•
best; of them before lOng '"Mind I'm '
telling ,YOu," he said. But there is :
not. reuCh prophesy in foretelling
:what obviously coming. On aim- l
ther occasion when Rangers' and
ray and Andy at centre ice, Sylyanes.
With intense interest,' So declares the
sat Mute and watched every: 'move
. , •
lady' h' •S d hockey
fan alike. er•big lure and pow' still living Cie% , belonged to the
Apps- in. it. himself. . We have not Dryden fainili• Pioneers all in. the
who will
tlyieene;, :01!nuuntr:ctdht jeo°rnuet.will be a: biPmfourthe11eIpt, b'seyr. nid°n1u. esR Av:t;PrPpart-s aa°1nf.1 edYt7,h.1 N?' csttuirds
4:.-Litin_hia father's side.SylvanUs gees warmest "
. .. ,
. ,_ .
nivar,*. umber".,
„ ..,, .,
4"• •
. .
' t
back the 'family that operated'
Apps' • lifilL:_on..,L„Whiteniati!S ' '• 'Kist 'ecter.'..',..L'irthen we decide not
net, ,
since early day. IIi, grandfether'o .te operate?" • • .1:
his mothees-side3 wee :Joseph ' Second Doctor -"Yes : • What do Yen,
Perift' .Galc. and :Mrs. Wrigley, eiding ru'i4 to operate?"
---Mary -Ann-Stewart w's lte'4`.`See014. Greer .2 each and °16 Ci*In0Pilsh.iP• 'IY1nniPeg ha# • ..aken...'4.that he waa headed for hoekey
'child of the late 'Mr. and :Mrs. Jas.
. odd, Marker: Ken Malay, Donnie Mc.
Stewart, 1040 ''about two years pre- night All„report a good timw,_
•Sious. to her birth moved from God-
• erich and leint, their shanty •.1)3, the
, „
'roadaide on the farm...three-a";"e7
halt *ilea sinith 'of Dungannon, aP011
athieh'Part Of theliamlet of Nile now
litanda 'Of the of ten--seyin
sone and three' datlighteTs-'4_ha, 71_,:ere
• honl these 'pioneers, only Mrs.
Girvin' and a Younger, brother, 'Nati'-
, 5
nniel Stewart, now 'well along in his,
eighties, ' stirvivee The, old 'home at,
• Nile was the centre' of community
Iife nearly re century ago, it being
at thdt time, •ihe' end of the Irail as
settlerswere concerned. Short -
iv settlers, came and :settled
artAd „what ,°' is , now Dungannon.
Weary travellers, on foot, found
hospitable home; , when
pursuing' their tedious journey north-
ward 'in •search- of land. • •
James ,Stuart, her father, a she -
Miss, Winnie , tame, who hisbeen'
suffering .at her • home with a; eeld
has 'returned ',to her school. at
Bel -
grave. •
A numberof the ..Men met at the
Club •House to re -organize.
. . . '
Miss 'Dorothy Peffeek, ntirSe Of
Guelph Hospital, f visiting -her 'Par;
ents,• Rev. • and Mrs: J,
:We are sorry to repbrt the death
of Mrs. Gorden Elliott's;' father,' Mr.
Robert Mitchel of Wingliaire He had
been in failing'health-ler: some, time,
aid..passed away. at ,loine",,0 his
daughter, Mrs Robert Galbraith of •
'on . Friday. He leaves ,, to
nieUrn• hisloss, his Wife, and two
daughters, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs.
Galbraith..., The funeral •Wa.s., held ,on
EMI", .t1 Lean,and
Jim Boyle
'were the Itadataa, .marklimatt, ,
gt.tote; fiefeilso,-
: Gordon ','Miilet; Siewert :Cameron, C.
Thompeori. 'Centre) J. Itlaher. Wings
Elwood Solomon and HaroldGreer:,
'Mternates,:Bill„Jawitt; Leonard Mac-
Donald and jack' Button,
Ripley -Goal Mel. Osborne; De-
fense, .4. S. Bowers, Perris; centre,
K. geLay;' Wing, D.• McLeair, ''Carl
Pollock.; Alternates, Bill McLean,;
Keitk_McCermick, Jim Boyle: and "
Bob Hardy..
LuFkiiew fans, at the hest, won't •,
see much hockey here this 'season...
''. The Sepoys ,. havea. team ii 'the !
tritermethati • and • are '
..T.rePPeds.with Ripley. -.
, Single hothe., games. Itith goals to
;mint is the Mothed ,O1 declaring -
Should the two teams, be iieit
4t the ' end Of the :tern. regulation
time. games a third 'game *ill be ne-- •
, .
maker by trade, was...•lq preacher,_ :SundaY. afternoon., ' ' •
and travelled travelled :oil feet frequently The World's Day. Of:Prayer , will
liennOeven7-Iik weir. Mika away, be
where the settlers' ever mindful ',4 .on, Friday after/men at 40. *Pm.,
'their Creator, gathered -for worship. ' when 'the ladies • of the.- United
• At. the age of twenty-one, .. :Church. are ;invited to attend:' • ...
March 13th, '1863, MarY. Ann. Stuart Miss Janet Janet : Craig -spent a -couple
. biotite the bride of Robert!: Pent-
land.blacharuith,,Itev, Mr. Byers
'Perfar fauns the ceremony, Sivhiel un-
ited them. 7rbetifh.,conIP was a *Ost
hospitable One and a favorite stop-
ping place for ministers hr the early
dare Three sons and. two daughters
were born bern to them, Mrs. Williams.
, who new resides With her mother.
being 'one • of :them. Robert Pentland
died the. early Age'of 47, and
some, yeart, liter, his wide*, 'married
David."Girvin, whe also :passed away
, , _
At,everal yearg age'. •
.•• ,
Throughout the -day. the 'venerable
lake redeiVed the" congiiitalations Of
,�f weeks` in Winghani, assisting Mrs.
Carl LetV,.who has been the ,•sick
r. Jim c.onites preineen to,
Dane.. Kennedy's !Chicken :term here.
• Mr, Geo ICennedy and • hir.: Jack
Gillies, ,snent Monday •eveiiixig with
, and Mrs l'haria Matheit.• .
, • • , •
Here's seinething queer, said the
lentist. ,who had, been , drilling „into, Izt
tOoth, tou'said the tooth had never
been • filled :before,' hilt' 1 find 'flakes,
,e gold on' the point of my drill
knew it, moaned the patient. "Yo
have .struck beck cc!llar-StucL"
. .
1:Aicknew . took a six -oat 'advan-•
take to RiPlelaet,jright
wiU he.'in print -before the reSalt is
Shoida the • Sepoys win the • round
-bey Wilt continue in the ,
olaydowns. Itowever, the 'team they ,
meet will have tbe,priyilege of ask -
ng that the tuclitioiiii game be • play -
On; a 'larger. ice sulfate.
The local rink, for aontetime :net
•ecognized as large enotigh: for 0,-11.
A. hockey, now does not ',collie up to
W. O. A.. requirements, once . or:- •
Iayoffs comreeice, .piayttied
-the op-
,ositxon objets.
' Thus it appears, ,that win or loee,,
'friends who called, and chatted quite i • , e 'extent of 'hockey to be.
:Pleasantly, with au. Bench of her en,.• 0.0re. the constable at at Happy Vej_ AaYed here this season, is the once
'ante already played.
• charm aneledylilte Pulse ef Yulmger It. .Junction, Wesley' Tiffin. There '
'daYs still reniain to make her littrec• ,.",vas a • 'earke- forge audience andA I4 ci., :the Shout • u win , eirgrbuP
. .
' ... -oow ' ' ' ; tii *-
,•77-titte; ,and her ',"pleasant .1n*Pner etill.Torder throughout the PleY 'eras splen- t is .altogether likely that. ,. Ripley $
' give' a 'hearty ,welcorne to her taailY. did ,: showing that . -alt charcateri• .iii !ink will - he 'chosen for any.i.futare,
, visitora:' . . - . ....„ . , ,, -,,t)tp 'play, took • their parts exception- Tame. • • , • . - . , , • . .'• •
.. she has manyhohhiee, among them ' ally welL Between act. 'Mr.' 0r4ille ' TheloCal'S;' 'while. lacking in "Ir'''.
to.eing• the piecing of 'Ohs'. ' She ie ,'Ti.f6ti • and . Iii -ss• •‘,§tuilit.'•°f; NVI'll- elem. ''ence; are speedy and ' have •consIder., - : •
planning, ,to get one of her quilts sang solos, , and a quartette of Or- ' IL I L
In tlie-- 4. ''.gfejake4,' fot.0.11tins In Margh•i,ille,• Wesley ,.'' George and Charlie' .'f.,;io°egta.',?,ibii,t7, , practisea51. if *'i3O‘g...eeliti:lite;,. de-
goes up and ",doWn'' stairs • everv''.:r7Ittfin also sitig. -After' the -.`Play dant-. • n'•,. *sing plays,. should. ...'•
daY, art "it it kie.ePa___.hgi eiiPPle• .: i_,..,W.ai.,tliLenjoyineniLfei: the_.' even ' ''1PP s°"'"e
Cempared'to;the .gaseihie
:you have bees 44.intV...o. 1: •
She is fond:cif reading,, and her -days • • e tr e514,---41/4:---team--ark--sirgu-
Pau. verl happily. never , * The Langside United , Women' M •
• meal." she told the, reporter, l'and Missionary Societythe h s Miller 'on defense, is • a huSicy, hard
y ,, met at e oine , -• • •
night andsleep "
' go to bed npstaitsat, ; Nem George Harkness on Wed_ •tutting chap and by. Thursday's Per-
' the night through:1* Present indica- i 4s last_ 1 .* ••. ' forrnance, both lines , thowed plenty
b°n4 are that ihe - may even retch 4 Dpris Ritchie spent the week of scoring ',Plinth. •
the. century
len.' with '.11es, .,Victor' EirtersOri. • tint alibi) berne,.ti irtE•cleei
• ' 'James MorriSottJr. 'itVho is Of the ren Reral League, turn .
„ . • ,
kksie'tieg Mr 1411 ht h ' •th
• , . es Moire spell the at st• -le per ormance '
. , „ , • xeektend t h botne here, • Ripley - net, if • the SePoys adviuice
�n Pridiolr evening ole .langside 'Miss Grate 'Richeedson 'has , gone further'tleyee run up against inne.h "
Rural, . rnerzteewere-intertairied,. Whiteelitreal, to spend a few : toug' her' 13et gnardiant:-.
t• ,•••
by .the "Histhicies• 141.sce",.igan- • • • • •• ' ••• • • .:'
•• •• ' ' - 4 ChtileY. ts liet Veiit's. A', 0' 'H. •
aged by Mn.'vein-. • ,litrewie -The..einir7.,, Lett : Tueseay eVenting„ Col • • f •
the ara....sa.'follOws-,-1 Nits, Peter Moffat.entertained fr-ielt A. chanipioas, have .ar• their group
hard thdat., rieighhors itatinta.. -; and
. tair•704,' xt;..letark;ie .Mr. itlkaandOgdentttay to 'get into the.
ton; the 'cause George near Lorei4;n-. ' ' ,.." •
'Wraith; , bota, Hilt; very- nitith. at- 1:id• 'Mrs, :Herold 'dintie., • ' Xibtehlitie et/4 *irighnni areboth'
tithed. to HrOileti; Friday of this 'Week the 1adie ;t of at 'the ,0‘,
Malthlm.-a cIose rinitn- of 1>ores If the tnited and Prej‘byterien, V: CY'keh P..totiod erg' 'Welk.Otkh*; the:1211
lira; George ,Tiftail;4"Stis. :Sarah Ann iL 5. wil meet .in .the't,Presbrteria te.Y,' the, .surprise pakage of the •
hta.en, a 41CotOgii of few *okt,4 froxn 1ardi. Whitehurh.Ito' '&116* 01'6 ;ertolip, .AT'e piaying off or*th4
Happy.Va.11ey Junction, Mrs. Vet, pregratn' ler the Worlds , bay, of 6tii" r "
ley 'rimn,
&znon Felton. FrankPekto..4,411 15i ec(4. tonna and Ikt4.11:cett•diiucie,:
esitii! titter. Makes a raistaker,,. are., intitea to etAthit., „ the first .garne: °.ir -UI-iiittnit ltst
Ana keittirPie4t. /,'"hilikOaee Wcneyis irstitte WiU tneet tlitlit; .6114 .rettirtit-o Owen Soand
undhtit iaAa,e4 d*Orie kebt: filth insteadPebita*12h. Pritity, Gc.als co-inten e.rotinif
otky Hayt, gardner 4'4140. V4itiefon acoint af the .Day b,t rtap&t, thewir,ners Meet Drharn ,in a. &y:
elkeii604,0ait; hat that'ike, 'at .
214 tnotoris
00.)4 sAticiur Co.
A renewd authotity on Petrdieurn,
is.t6 Oil*. that we haveinpe
• tha 94 the.'drmis of gasolizte" tot '
thaa• asts,, and aaa*cl•t) viitiiU1.31POT"'"
ermore, ;.Our labqtatOTY
Ws 'that this garli4e
was reg -
WeeSinescrOdotor Feel in every, resPeCt,
eicept ICS the .blua 'delorine, ikas,
iclentcation by otc!i5t3
takm4.pixt tests.•Colotingi"hOwevei," •,•
'does IscA idielot'the periormance of the .•
Udine' a.ity way, .
1iii3O no* *oss 1i:bac/tie4.
BESF-IltCli COlil'ORralOS
• A nationalle liaoernerga:utzatIon .
Wewiteeseedthe sealtn-g el qasoliUe atass ,,
at the refinery and shipped, these drams to
Boss federal men en foarteee cities. Ptir
relireeePtOvesf-Jrroke tlae seals, ana,gave
ten gal)ets 'of' Bine ,,,Stint, raittiS its '
iolesigyisigl h'itta•oplot;,to .apProptitately: .
one hundiet1 motorists in eaeli c4 *Rea'
cities, hot .puzaping Out .the. qas in *AU.
Ong retifeseatativei called upOIS
thew -aa,',.e itottiists am4 obtainea.'their
etAiieeeil ena*eis. We taktlated tie re, .
pads,. and .Oertity to the• 'Oorrectnest ni the '
lignlea in thisaifettaselnent • •
. . ,
ants est
the gasoline the
s"myster as" was
Tsith 04i:se/in/ads' 'Creisiegt.., . Fact; instead-
• 11 claif#1t;.4 what Blue 'Sit ' cp Wags you
in the most; coMpleti,. t'l'r most dariog reit
ever devised for ape, Oline!•:'-.- f' - '
, •• .
. : ' . ,: , • ; - ' , .. :,
We employed • the services of the Ross
Federal, Researeh 'Corp. -an, entirely inde-
pendent,' tact -haling. : organization.Un
' known eien to our own emptOYees, this or--,
gairiration sent its Men out into,the high.
ways e.....tbyways of fouiteen cities-rlarge
ad small' in eastern United §tatet. ' • • '
..wE, LEFT TI-I,E,BLUOUT (317;7, •
' Durt,stNocO'' •
This ,wa t� pieverie identification'', Other,
'wise, this gasoline was regular Mae Sttkligeo •
*rid the tertiecate to dielefi, Made be, at
irtd,epetitietit testing lahiotatory, Proves' if. :
.V1-10 tOOlc ,PAItt TESt
ictpte th,an••••tivelve, :hundred inotoristse,‘
,,,,patifile like yourself; werlo, •
';.'end • 'doctors, 'besieess' •
eeetives and others,": vere
t.464 tp;Me.,:this t*Iny,trerY,"
. •
of life,- in all makes of eats"
The gasoline was draiocd
aVe better
Re unoco.
from thee taoi and repiked,•w.ich
gallons at this 'mystery" gasoline. Than • •
dike Went Out tO test #.:°Iiiter,.ther Were
• 'asked for their hOitest, candici opinrOns..„Here
are the figures. The itatements of /hose ma .
• tniiste who were already using Elue.Suncieo
have beee' emitted from the •ComPilittiOn7''
• • • , .• • .. ,• •
• .
:in this rein'ariabie test,•41lee Sunoco 1113 •
,compared*with 54 other makes of gasoline
• -eetra-prieed, regularqeleeel,,,eut-prieed.
• The:1214 motorists Who Melt Pert' in the •
test 'didn't know which gaselin&they were
testinge-deret. know •even yet, .tintil they
:teed this report, ' •
Ti.ONO5U atilt