HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-11, Page 34
; a•
. .•
TR, EM13.11RE.
Installing 190 -Ton 4enerating U nit in Witeelir
. • • , '
ant!Powcr Plant
.144. • 4 •
•• It :Will: he; Udall:00d -tiiitt in Caul
• We: ere( already behind from the poin
of vieW .`ef.
.delay' *liji,* be due to.: a.; nember".•0
*Seek It 'Is only reeently that'. th
•- housing • eriste:heeame ?Serious:: ',It .f0
'lowed ib exodixs. country Teeple t
the. cities. But. the,crisis is- nthie. th
-,.•;?les$ :severe: la ingity. Centres ethiStru
_tin has. not -kept PAO% With: the in
,vreese-, populetithi;' and, heti:n:0'th
egenotnie. srisis,,:werkieg Mee end .the.
peer succeeded in ItQuaing themselves
MuCh ;more "eisily •than' today ' The
'• Poorg Government. has had the .hap,
. • p'Yitien Of • ehooSing., the , 11d1ng .o
Sanitary •lodgings he Means, of ..les-
. , eetting .the.utiemplOyinenta' crisis. For.
• it•niast, ner benverloOked that kid:
,citirtlie-.-Peritiietiett. t�,live. in there
gienic dwelllhg''Places. ' and 'mere
',agreeable Ones: the! authorities
ere eentributing,. to PrOthire vicirk.toF
'a large •mianher of. lien;. and, that they
are ' encouraging a1i.`. the Induatties•
ivitich are 'allied to 'the'se of construc-
tion... Let Us hope that; .QUebee will
°titer' Open' thia movement" Shortly and
with.' 'ita " POwer.L.'E,Veneinent,
• Quebec. J. •
Wife Enda. His Career
The passing of, Mrsy,.I.
•%palls. the :Watery Vaneenver, cit. an
'..intereating:Pioneer Coupie Her hit!
•• husband', Dr. Cerroll;!Was. a'busy, phY•
elcien,'•ene: of the group..'eonsiatirik of
. 7Johnson'
and.El!.:11. V:
•• coPt . Dr., LaagliAk0,,,,k:4441,114101,41.4d,,
,z t vp e
,w4uhl be 'ultimately etti•a around the
t world.,=-Brantford•-.Hxpositer- •
f • Blondes Vanish
e' 'll!e:-; new MOdelS ;Of' ;note'. , care'a.p-
1, pehrrip -the, adyeriihements •ivithent
o biende.'en the, running board;'allggest•
•ing 'at leaat theiinotor car, has ..reach?
'ed a„ state, Of "plirfeetion that enables
-•it to stand on its !own
-etter Itecord...
In laps, Dr.Carroll .wao. bitten: by
the political 'bng;''this..ixfdrig about the
' time pr.. R.. .E. MeKeehnie, .riew
",pf, Vancouver, 'Wes .J.first running. for
'Office in •16,na1sirth: •••,(;(' •••,;
The... ',NeweAdvertiser, ' Vancouver
morning;;Paper, "...was. he
candidacy Of ..Dr„': carrell for • mayor:
Carter-potten'*ts prOprieter 'of
-"the Morning paper' at that .day,
•., One night' kr, Cotton and Er: Ear -
roll. were in Cenferenee 'tied. they, Call-
ed tit 7.s ;young' reparted to. dictate-. an
aniniuneetnent about'..•.Cerrelli
proposed carglitlaCy:' The'• reperte
;teak his. netes,:.'but Alien rein.arked:
Allis 'only •:1.1vOle ,,about this an, nthineetnear is. that, Mra...,Carroll .was
. ._ •
oa 'the • pittiae. a few :initiates'. age, to
saY4liatne, matter: Wthet, we .1ipard
from' .thir...seiire_OLahent
;yenning for: mayor; ;there. Was nothing
• ' to .it. ,She said he was hot"going • to
-; .‘"Did she •say...tliatr:Inidkily, repeat..
ed Di Carroll, Who was ' a i.i;pwer.ing.
huge frame.' 'He tinned: ,to.
" better go' heeie and :Silt out."..
:Mr...Cotton had tefind:arioiher can
didate ,ele'etion:-LLethbridge
• Iterald...,•_. • t• • .
, .
;. ;Florida and °die '$oo • •
-TY:oti May 'have,: Your anowb'eake
and bli7zaids' ' .," • .
Your ;09'146e:end your colds :and your
But take: itfioniine
I ',Would much rather. be' • • 't
Own •bRi.e.14 the sun., Wouldn't 'you.?
W. J MeGormaek:,
'St; Petersburg,' Florida; Jan, 11:'
.e.• (Deer Bilh.Had to 'pay .2 eents-,Poii-
:...tage on' ydur card: ,This, is theyernt-
• ' est January in 40 • .years • •:-.However,.
• , „there neither rattlers:, nor. 'Jiggers
• 'in . the gtass, no .tilligatorS
cia sug. is SO..bright.a fellow .needs.
to .hunt '.tne:ehady,:side. :of :tlie :Street,'
The,ho.ss shoes have tekee.a.:rest, but
• there48 great'aurling, ikatingend Itee-
• key. It nitist he terrible down :seutb.
'te Just :have' to,Bit, around
. ' •
• -L--Sault
• „, , ,
• Incompetent' Drivera •
The ,DePertraeot -ef Highways no
.requirel eyert driver: Who 'has had.. A
bad aCcillent •record. to. be examined
by a' Oder to See, if Any physical de•
feet. fe responailile. for. 'the accidents:.
Tiiia.:eitggeeti. that it might. be a goad
thing train the standpoint -of, 'the saf-
ety • of ,those' utiingthe highways', if
More' attention , was paid to the phy.si-
.cal eu.alificatithis of all who drivemo-
tor vehicles. Why Wait MAO* drive
.hairestahlislied a reputation ,for acciderits before sabjeCting,hite to an 'ex
'antination: 'regarding hie physiCal,flthese? •Plain;; ordinary common sense
eaggeeta that 'the Airnaler• eaOh•ag ex7
amination is before -and -not after an.
accident in Which perhaps' there his
heel!, ef Themes Tiines-
Jeurnal.• ' •
- .
wk.: and -Milk,.
c enee ga ns • in ch by accident,Ati
Indiana .*fernier,,is now ,getting ve
gallons of miIk inateed 'of,the•three he
just onteida'hie 'back deer', where his.
tW,a, eews. cotild-hear :the ra.slio.:.Daete
cOwii:•there•tor their
aniudetheat'i'.but,"'his Own.' 'In -seien-
title Columntib'w afiggesta
trYing liagpipee.ott the .twecOws. "Or
pn the farther. if you prefer. -Sault
• • • •
• :Concern For A ,Dog •
"4k curious: inciOont,l.a'coord* to
:Cable AisPeteh. from. Madrid:. held
lio"stilities., for a :time on that. hlood- •
:drenched • bettlegteund. At Seeins that
somehow; or other a .collie 'dog' hid,
Wandered. �n • to the danger.' Zone • and
was, rushing.back' and fortlrbetween
the....oppOsing treti*es. in a state Of
, „
terror„ • • Both,. Side , ceased .fir :for, a
'whole' hour,. -but the' dog refused' :to.
anWs, eventually 'clispatohed,
'jt is 'atarige, to reflect,that men 'who
wOuld • not hesitate 'tor an .inStatit to
kili eeeh' other .should.instinCtiVely , re-
• frain fro'm' , killing ..a, trapped' anIniaL
There is;"-titen; .a 'certain.' remnant Of
ehivalry s t rtiv n arii 11 !tin
,SpectittOr. •
• • '
• Engineerestand. On huge '19Q -ton .rotor -as • it eased into 'Place in second generating unit
• Tennessee Valley AnthOrity'shuge newer plant at the Wheeler Dein in northern Alabama.. The
at the dam will supply cheap power :to tlitvelley: '
at the
•Canadian. Pupils
Wili Haire Tour.
Plana Under', Way For Visit, •••:'1(''
, .
MONT/tgAL—While majorit
ne, their.sclidelmateaare-still-in ela
rooms, with the 'June ,exams lik
clotida, towering : on the horizon,
will be sunshine end, bine skies ,
‘. ?far for 2O0 fortunate Canadia
114,Lblewieliitd140, Students, girl
-and'boys, who net only, will' evad
''exams. but Will have the luck' b
a ,!rt of the Vast, etttpizei.
-4rnatibTfirli:WcIs7fliat willWitne's
the Coronation procession vt, Kin
'George:Y.1. •, •
Arrangements • for the , student
to Visit.England 'are:: now being einif
pleted .by the Oversees Educatie
League. .."The :student • party to th
Coronation celebrations 'in
m44'; mark'. a :eulinine,ting :point' • i
the Empira educational,' Work of,,th
• league; Which was ..fetincied• 26 year
Oie by' Maier Fred', J. Beyef Win
nipeg, ad.l5 honored by' naVing
himo'rary, President,' the governor
general. : • - • .
The 20Q students 'who Will taVe
the goad fortune td .miSs nearly. two
montlyi of class -work • and at the
'same time see the King.:Emperok
procession, will owe to their own
adVaneenient—in• sties, as only
't-hosetwhose records airllie..year
justify ,fhe ,authorities in •be-
lieving that, they would Pass in 'the
'June Ocarnq will be included in 4the
•lucky 296.
Selection Of. the !Indents will be
in'the .„a:_nle' of the schook.p,rinelpala,
*he in many eaSes 'will . Make their
elMiceS in collaboration With eteff
mernbers. Vete. of the student body
The;Empire and the World.
'T'he • :Empiredoes net .,inveti.e:' 'the
world In_ ita-,_dOmestic .:prciblemS-and-
... • , .
Otherfnatiptia "..haVe• diverted'
the discontent ' of citizens ,hy..•
pleating, ..crises• with .'.neighbouring or.
',weakei"natjons, biit the,. Empire
kept' fts, detneitie ,treublei within .its
.own .bourideries- Even theu4h Intern-
plOyinehe;anct ,pOverti.within the. Eini•
Ore, .have., been •exploited by' the 'end.
tniei..of. the British System, the, HM -
vire has notretaliate but 'has, -gone.
en- fit .its A.ulet-...dignityabe brenglit its
enenitee to relubtant 'ecknowledgthent.
that the integrity'of-the EthOire: is. es.
gentle! "eveiito,. the. Welfare. of • these
Who would be its ,ene"mies,.not as :a.
nation hitt 'as; the expottent of an (VI:
posing:order. 'ritesit goes: 'enemiee,
theNtnntre lafIalter in ifs:stride:The.
nape of the sr/arid Voulddirritn!Sh: The
lethpire Atte driying-wheel., the, 'nip-.
tive. 'power,' and "the. safety1yeive .
internatientilProdeelien„'enc,f, Wt,•Otare.
..' • •.•; •
• .
, . • . .•
,Young 'pet;pie • Scitit.ii Aftica atitil lintitigtatiCnt-
Vd.ward 1ii d, e.:,young • Englishman, 'On: the. Rand', lye ,da not want any:
tater' travelling „fa Catieda, has an. •tu•:. there :newcomers for the.p1oeiit ci-'.
' 'ticie In the, Nineteenth" Center, •about .ther frotheverseet ',O,r.frem.other 'parts,.
.life riniOng. the. yeinig peceite le. :this, of South Africa enlegs they have -es-
,. :count' y„''ht which Mostlinpressed ,eui-ed jobs ;Waiting...ter. them: -It Inay
iiini was the extent to, which •boys and be 'that' thedeeentralizAtion or sedon-
. dary.L..._.l1tda5try„,--4aCently_ntuelt
oeiirg camping in...the north ,tenti: scesSet1HWill pi•co,•ide a solution „ Atticitiy • •
Where,-lakes,,etrearns. arid forests' :0,08. as We ,iire..'to see the Hand...grew .s
abohnd, Ile. 'tells: or the eainfia...for .and'.thriVe and :presPer,.:: it is as well
...boys ...On Lake,. Tiniegetni, ". 'and cisc to „remeinlier before itistoe ,late, that
whore in thenorth The ything fel- the Hlind 'cannel centinue indefinitelY
" lows „ . . • • . , ,
learit%eantthing,. wboderaft., , and to eth•ry the rest' Of the Union. eh, its:
.,•itbnve All tientiire. salt:conlidettee. He back TheprOSperity of the Heed and
.folted ehialdren aged Biz Switniting and. ,the prosperity of the teat • of the Cowl,:
.41011ge'en, . What; be . felt was that .:trjr tire,14a• point 'of' eattial feet, inter-
. the Ming:Iii Canada ,ttre looking or dependent:. %We. tiniat. avoid:the *Mite.
' Ward Confidently to . the fine future itake of Anstrallai Where, tihnost the
, of, IiitS ,cotlitry.:. They. de 'net entire: pepitletioe is 'Cbripeetrated.111 e
atve any "'doubttibout. 'feW large bitted'. hiereesed and Mere
. . .
St . . •
may; he, the, deciding factor in -other
Vie: Places' in :the Canadian party:
will be allocated to` vapiairs ,.sehools
through..4he provincial' departments
Of ed,4ation and no school rWill he
alloted mere 'thee-, one place'. ,Forty
places her---heen assigned •'each t�.'
Quebec and '.Ohtaria;. 14. each to
Nova Scotia, 'New Brunswick, 'Mani-,
toba, SaSkateheWan, Alberta and'
.B.ritiah Columbia, • 'an d fur ' to
Prince •:HdWard
land will .have eight't•menibera.
• IT'S •
• ,By
Kee."Edwards. -
looks as' though 'spatio; Will' fly
any tithe''nPt_on_tlie.-hea.v-yvieight•
hofiTiOn. It ' , 'that Jiratidock
:and Seliefaling.were Matched to
fight in New York an June ,3rd for
the title, new ' *mover, :plans have
been made fOr• Braddock and. .LOuiS
to, battle Out' in; 'Chicago On June
15th,', ,Schmeling is 'all
, hot ' under. the, cellar and .reports'
'have It..that Maxie 'Will 'take the
Zeppelin "Hindenburg" on' a e4:84ionr•
trip 'to.. Ne*'York.1 to. "try • andstop,
the fight,• •'• „. , • I: •
Baer, Who is on ,the
back'trail, • jtiat had his 100 -suit
wardrobe destroyed 'by', fire; along.
With the • horne .of Anal Hoffman,'
his ::, manager." With,' thiSCramp
Maxie's stYle? •NOT MUCH!
."The .13opu4ir -question that Is a -IL,
Ways being:asked at this office is;.
This 4nestiorovas answered only the
.dther: •day by' Torchy: Peden; who.
•estiineted ;the '..inileage be.•
;where between 2,800 and 2600 'mules
. °Whin it .comes t�'. top salaries for
,beseball;tIoe MeCarthY,
saeops tip theimarbles with a high`
$25;099 a year. *. • . •
S'fact .In New brleans fine-
- of :their' high- Sehod-lootball-,gerrife"
.drew a. crowd .of. 33,000 "fens. .
•Whett Jim LOIndOs cleaned up Nertlf
America and -had . the chamPiOnShiP'
shingling from his belt he:turned. hiS
head toward South 'Ameriea, net
to hiS hone in Greece; now we see'
he is in 'Sontli. Africa "busting"
, more • bones, and not his own,
' • Life is sWeet, the', isn't it? Yeah 1
They: citify Went $99.09 fer a box at
the. Kentucky Derby this .year.; , .
quick!, :gimme :six, Tye got long
Denuding Country
Of Trees Blamed
For -S. Floods
Dr. W l Finley, Naturalist,
Urges Need of Wild Life
4444 hi,
r .a•ta .a•
. •
Corise .0otivot Year, of, .Oper-,
LosS •
sAtiONTAAli Canada's anvirsPrIn
ipdustri spite of. reberd deMand
far tonnage,- is entering ita fifth con
secutive ,year ef operation at, a Bab
stantial -loss, Charles' emit
.dent • or ,the Newsprint Aesticlation of
Canada'. d r neaten ith.'_reettibers
ntario BOght
.Survey Indicates lacreassv
,come Early Part of Y _ear.
QAWOnt lartOrii mar.
ha' eneoataged br annptirpistic surf:
Vey. .ef -.-p.tospectswhich has :just:
been Prepared by eCellen'll#fi of thPepatzen e
of. ...Agricolture and.'
Trade. and •Cornmeree; in 'ed,•:6 era- •
. The 1nduiLry's
pbroed:,..tir . Ming. aS :ridiCtfie,.t.tal!•,,the
ondanatiok, sob. Hee.' in methods
Of. gell:lar!bleh '10,CcOale eeeinion Kee,
cantintled Stre.e4,-. P..f
bIlYers'i'marlet,,'„, • • "7:7
, '
4:1'000 PillatiOn -Of interlecking on
tracts .aufl loweSt Price . has
Mide.•it• possible ,iii,.re,cent,:yeers. he
Said '''fa:r 'elngle 'titainX,apturer by
, .
vanityor..fklty'judement to
be bullied, ,cajoieVer Ninboozled:. into
decision - sealing •the fate, of :the'
whale friciustry tar a „Whale 'year."
. "Vining, lin! A consitieratron of the
ttawsprint -outlook, ' warnedageinat
setting uP ipet:market.l'with buyers
bidding franticaTly 'for supply.'! Su:eh
bring . an orgy ef promotion and, ex-
pansion pun as" this incliistrY
ieneed in: the period from:19,25 to 1933
with,'the inevitithie 'ecinsequences from
which we are hist now beginning to
eseape.'" • '
-1-las NewMethod'',.
Forii Knitting
ptTAWA.,',--, Dr. William 'L.Fin
tor distijigitatist2Anct-Lha,-
ture ',..phOtographer,' ,:an •111Ustreted
lecture .befOre • tpii ..0tCawrt• Nat-
nialiSts7s 'Chit), gave a. picture oLthe;
xprogreifirlirrailld: 7iffer"eattier7valion. in
the ,United'''States ,Of the elm*
mane Wastage • that follows '-'uncontrol-
expiditetion �f Wild :tends aid the
wild life: • ": • • ' •
• .Dr.rinley is one Of the leadine ex-
ponents of Wild life cOnnected. with
the •Americad. '4esootiation.*
had been 'one of the fiKst,,Ikalnatpre
photagrannerii,: ' • ''• , • • ••
•:MVO reels of bV. Finley's .oWil! mov-
ing, pictures :Were .sheWit. .The • first
'dealt with Wild; life on the Vacific
coast and perticelerly with ,the, sal -
Snell rthi pn the Ceitinibla :river, He
estimated the value et Ale: ',Milling 'on
the .riverat *200.000,000 and said;that
44,0(000 had been; spent:. : the,
building cif fish ways 'around •en'e:. 'of;
the Hydre•Hlectric developments to.
Yenebie .the• " to reach, their
you, cut you should replant,". Dr.
Finley saidin speaking of' the forests
and :he trace a ,of the ' recent
• flood and sii.dri4ing .piobint to. the
denuding, of the pountry -.of trees. Hie
'pictures :Showed. ,the' value of :beaver
'in censerVingtsznail waterways; He
i-Wilarked-a-deidlienyer• is 'Worth $10.
to $12 'hut a:live ea()
He sfieWe'd the ,iitireage that has
been.. done le wildlife -and te agri-
-culture'hY Seri/in Mite draining.
of ,swamps 'in the 'Middle :west; • and
described a new bird. sinCtuary: Which
has been :Created in 'Cregoti•:iby flood-
ing -A 13.3:000 eere ranch. • '
. ,
'Outdoor • celebrations, .arena -
games tit -night, . and:
indoor feasts
in ancient- Greece and 'Rome were
illuminated by -.torches in Metal
baskets and receptacles filled with
resinots woods, ,pitch,. or' lother in.
flaminable substances. •
Blinding. Headlights
1111ilding • headlights continue to
• -,c1a1iti, vietline. on: pntarlo'highways
with' nionotemouS regularity' hi sliite
of the fact that they ate siMposed to
ho•illega1 and that there 'are sUppesed
to be %Meets respbesible :for, enforc.
Ing such •a regtilittion.Brcaville
Bon's Pophocy ;
.-,..---Zetiding•PhetOgreehe_:_oVer 'An
iry telePhend Wire' „ aS eatilething' .. • • .
tuiat evei leI1•-litnisele Would have • the ktehiPerattire tif, the derlihed
been leittir direeilittee, althOligh he •daVettis, ialji'ysitti• at .66, degfeen
d id -`pr'ed lei, fit qlie aiiy stages 'ef the ke• the .yeati: found,
„ . .
diffused itidus,trial• ; should
readily .attraCt,a ia'rger ,populatlon 'of,
the deeited' tylie; "Which-. turn wlL
lead te tn literetieed dein:tied fee' raw
inaterittli- had- tatnt, .What l 'heeded.
et the inthitetit is a Stretig ,lead; froth.
the '
;, •
There art alyOutt6,'500 ,itlanda
round the iheres: Of , Great
.i.,nek.lidinft "five 'bundred" in' the Het
Va.6 wirt l'o.DE6Effiga
8Role.-114iNG5 pqi OFF
;111 :11'E'
.51tiRf6 5fACR446 Di6HE
0.14t CAW fAlif EVERs? •
fHiW6 LoAD:AND, •
80* • "
'WM 001'0 SEE W WIFE
ot4 RtfcHEN FLODRI 60
Docstof fr1T11r,R4wivai
Gradnate nf.:Geripaa.ch(1?01 °3'!
, •
. GENEVA, N.Y.: --•••••,,,„`It!s• 'ail )11., t4e.
Way.yon, held the....yerna,,,saka_Mrs„.H
7377alif.7detiretn, trainer expert. •kiiit-
terand hietructor :df grotilr:ef der&
,Wife of , the heed' gerderier'.'at ' the
New Yerk. 'State' regricUlteral experi-
ment 'station,: Mrs. jahii is a. graduate'
Of the,„4,Handele...and:Gerworbe ,Schule'A
in 'gerinany.;.a ached' e',.`otel` to :the.
teaChieg .66Oneinics .and :the
knitting as:*a. fine MI., • • •
is.her,favortte pastime aPd.
the beeety' spf. her' :keittee:, Wardrobe'
attracted, attention ef • She
Sloan wes 'busy giving instrections i
the' methed, v.v.hich.phe Says. saves .11
let of tithe and, turns...put.' .a 'perfect
garment.. •
•Crider the; Jahn system :there' is no
lost . Motion, and 'the, work &des ahead
. . .
Tepidly.. The. yarn s, held. over, the
left index' finger and tristead 'Map.
ingethe strand. over,
needte,_w.t. th
Pushes one needle...point ,
finger. ,
'One' of the reasons ,fOr t,h • ,fine •
needlework JdOne by European women
„their -leek pf ether interests; Such, h
as th jinettex,,tliao'Vf4e. ionien i46..Ave.„.YS
ttut oblies'to drive, there 'are few.
somen5 clubs s.n4 spiltiar.„orgatiza.- a
dens...to' occupy their time and -thei
".ppt,.. attend moving pieturei?..shos-
'as regularly as clo' their. Arneri.patr'sist
ter's. ,• ..f
, ey -see :an improvement net only •
n the:!domestic,....deniand ' situatiOn,
but alS.9.14:tititein40011at,'„trade
fOi• higherpnees, they say, , better
. -
creased- inc1.9steittl.protinction,, great, •
er teerttst •trade•:, policies •Which. tire
• demand of feod'importing equptries'
.,fpr primary preduete
;todret..,has .,. •
such .ail a.u, dance- to eit-
. It is estimated that; actual ,farm..
prices have- risen" it'ice 1932 :froth'
good• h p'ati t , 'which,
cpCh tc,;,4titiesm.:68:br,uingtxu.:61:15gb uoy...
.11,vgealr..d..ed. as 0. erma, .w.1111.0. „Prie04, . •
have, not yet risen.. above. the. f932.
The farmer::
pay hi5 taxes...may find a• little coin
*fort ' in. .refieetion; but it
defined. that althcnigli ..hia price 'dis-
advantage 'has'been. , reduced. nisaL
terially„1 .fhe ratio st1l reittaine:•att
in. the: read of normal agrii,
'cl170.1rni• consumption. • •• ' • '
ering tbe probable level Ll4arm
&jets to be :marketed, e,xchisive -of. •
• the..dren#ht arene..icanadian..f.arryiers
.ing thl. tarty! part Of -1937;
*111 be• 'somewhat higher :then that
obteinei .during: the. .forttan:encling
period of '1936. .
Land 110 • • •
lend ,,Valnos 'rose
in :the 'Peet -yeere,•:ace,Ording 'to:
this reelew.," and are now about 65
per cent'. of thew Pre7depresSion
level.. •The average velue.,per sere
of .occupied landsCanadi -]
• declined 49. Per: cent „from
1934, ....while tht decline. in' net
returns :frclthafta.r9iin; g
• - .4S',a.;.reaolt of drotight.
ptesaion' '16,060, ,C-9;yiadjin.; farmee •
wh% found th,eniSelvei unable ta pay'
their' debts made an ttsignitentr-.414,...1:-;',..
der the Farmer'.' tors 'Arian e-
ment--Act--Eind-iinportent 'debt' ad-
nStmerfts•tetallihr$/5:01l.0.,01):0 were.
ma:cle in the :prcivinee
van alone: '' '
.Federal. ,,and• Provineial • depart-"
ments • are now secking to .assist the:
ard-pressed 'farmers' rehtibiljtate ••
heinselvel • by- cOneentrating.:' uncle: •-;
inarlteling of 'agricUlteral pro -
nets,, The 'Federal Parliament wili
pPi•opriate $650,000, this Year .forhe ulose of adeitiung and mar- -
, the • prodtiee : of Crinadien ,
arins. Goad. weather; ',geed •,crops.• ••
nd, goOd tharkets alone ' put:.
Debt Increase
Exceeds Income,
Musk of Canada Gives Report o
' Provinces
• • .
OTTAWAL'rovjri.ja .-debts' „
been :increating :it a. greater' rat
.'thet-CreVenees between 1925 an
according :-te. a -7 Ceinbilation
Made publie. by. the Bank 'of Canadtt
This ‚Was the .,first of ,a ,Series of
smOntly...statist'iCal nmari v.7•11i'h
••ftie'barik •plan feisSue.
In. 1.92.5, the ,totar: intiebtedlit!st, 'of
the provi.1( es cxceSs 'the
.timotint. they. had .depetited :in'. sInk-
ing, •ftinds war :$813,400,00o.' Ten
year later." in,1935,...it,
100,000.. The .in.r.rbri,se. 1", pe r
cent.• • • 7 ' '
Debts have twen"inerCasing faster
than revenues..,' 1026 ,the debt
it was 717 per ,:cent. . •
The •publis;debts ') t7the eroyinces
"1-935; IeSS, the"..4fircil* ,funds With
money in the farmer's purSe". "
Cost of Arms,
Great Burden -
-Living Standards of Geggration, to •
Come Will Stiffer is Warning
o .• - .Neville`thani- •,
Chanceller..of the Hkehequer,.
declared:last week ",if 'something , is
,,•1..net.'dOne" to reduCii gfthe •„terrible .
'burden of,.armaments it Is...bound::to..:.:
41oWn the standard 7of 'living for
• • • •
generation' ti-• come' • "
.(Cliamberlair" referred • in at pub-
ad,dress • to •the ''.i.rrcredible folly
of 0. civilisation 1:10...
these' terrible btirdeas •on. • the,'
shoulders, of the Airtion.
_ • Pr'ocitice 'Refurti,. .
are embarking :en
-he 'Said -`,`It is jnyelving. ti"8' •
,•••Jfii ' "the..:e±pen'iriturf: -.1•.ririiii,(1$.
of pounds.. 4.:;pon
'and which prodpe.-ho. ecoL.
the ,Inetitable .effect: • ii.f ; diverting
otir industries froth\ More desirable'
netivitiee, ;1 belieVe that'Course, W43:
ansolUtely 'essential; We 'had '
eheice the.-,reatier."
. ‘6Y.cARFaii: WAR. MAI*
HARD 65fOrte "sittiERWAR.i
• ON SO g Wot4 FALI.
LL DotsiiiE eAttit'
'r0 13g 4604)?
,REL0eAtif.a IttcONsfROC,f5
'PO Wttri SPEAD PlAre
InkboffgNi ;:, ;;,. • .•
Y toRDED' up. MI tAsi ;
I)06. HE NAS Forf-
• 6oftt4 CREAM' PretiER
IRO ,HOOK 1.1111.5 '
CAUSIN6 4iV, F9Rg5,,
• foliY6PooKS:lb
"lb 1Z "
' 'ids* • t, be Bell $YlAse&s.
• •
wiFe Ci.CARS
1;184 ,
the irelatien of the: debt -ta•sthe
nnal ineothe, that year in brackets
follow Ellward;Is'ittml; $5,-
200,000, ($81 per :eetit)3". •Sinsla
Scotia, $8T,100,000 (815)4 eW
13rtiriewick,464;900.009 (951') ;Que.
bee,„ $1,63,900,00.04,65.).; Ontario,
$699,800090 ,"': ( WA), ; Maniteba,
$111,000,900 (761) ; SasktitcheWan,
$183;400,060 • . *(1)105) ; Alberta,.
$165,600,0019 „"(98.411;Pritish Coluit -
tie; $1.58.2(16,fee (), • .
•• ,•.' •
•Janatiek,e, i•L r are rid:ging
rabbits, alid .,foxen, and gov4rmrient
Seientists of. Japan are leareihg t�
'breed' JapandSe sables and Ameri.
;Can inihk.
Man-.1Vilade' Climate
Increases Yield
Aii-conditionint Appild To Agrk..
. • '
• , ,
At lateresting applieatiou
Ceaditicaileg it§ liad Lthe
feral Attording to tba unthatger6 :
of a big eleettle nir Cenditioning
man...Made; ,cli)1tate has
Intide. tin:rising edVattee over ne••
tare ..b y'.,intiking,-P.OSSibl en .ittereeee.
.3.5' to. 40... Per Cent. it ..tlic yield e:t '
'Certain Vegetablea, .
ygotabiss rcleed t1hdet9tich Ocat,
deb§ Areficfea MI e*tta frOP•cci •
try bteli 'iff • bUti
etter tili,6
tYi b.,edexiSe
the *Iiiiccentlitioned, Vegetable • knOWn
fititSati atid1. not fitibieet te• the%
. effeeta 'Of heat timi.tipongtit,..
Six fainilieS of the western coaSt,,
of• Cli:1eswig-11o1ste-in hrive started
cultivation • of '2'50 acreS of lahd':
which' have been reeleiniecl• frail the
gta..by building dv1<ed,