HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-04, Page 8.4 J.. te ,t•r•';'4•.,U 44. • COOKING FIGS, 3 lbs. ..25c NEW DATES, .„3 lbs.... „ , ,.25c SEiDLESS RAISINS, 2,..25c TALEI‘ICIA, RAISINS, . „23c FA..140* .25c • 'Clark'sSoupatitl • V4G4„A TOMATO, i. ;am '25c CHICKEN 'S�UP 3cana PORK /t.BEANS,,28 oz.2, 25c, . „ .• , No:,4, large can,..2; .7.25C . -,F,Ancy PLNK SALMON; 3, 29c SUIER SUDS'with 1 Free, 10c' -Ween's :Carbolic" SOAP 5c • _Kirk's, CASTILE, Each "'Se 2.4 'RA,RS • • • • . Thompson '!!'L 2'.., - ?x_ealt.:1. its _Amt. Tege,tables__ and %raters,' AlwaYs , on Hand . stiEriNrrELT 1• LE4R:flI ;ARE , SLA§11Eli' AWAY pri.:0W- • . Rubbers, - Wai WoniCa'a• .c hparero • gRisoogs • LiMi'llth'IttANTIllir' •• ,.:, • -4 1 • ' THE Ltelth9if • SENTI14EL 4g4K BREAkS 'TIE • An unusual situation arose recent - 1Y. at,. tion when „two candiflatSS. for /the reyeshz p�lled a tie. :vote. It. was necessary for the Clerk, Who 'Was the returning officer, to cast the deciding vote. In this instance it Was cast in laver of the „Reeve who had held the offiCe for the past three Years. ' . . Virlkla OF. LIOHTitOUSE,. KEEPER: • • '. Following an. ' illness' of several pionths," Mrs,: Christemic McLeOd in her 80th 3"trai, „Fifty-threeyears ago. she was united hi marriage' tit, MOrcloch..Mit,c,DonalkWhO.„^was',.biter, appointed lighthouse keener et*Poiiit , Clark, Mi. MacDonald died in, 1913. After, the death of, her bnabandi She Moved to Saakat.004, ^hiker 6onli;ig to 'Sault -Ste):Marie, Onti, \Whore •She .Was, married. to Donald..IdeLeod, Whe predeCeased her: Abolit-siit years ago. she returned ta Ripley, where.. she •has Slime made her. hone: • -::-POLLOCICS'arid--"MeLKANI-S7, ' STORES ,AT: WHITECHURCH ,WILL CLOSE EVERY. ' EN/10101d AT 7, O'CLOCK; • ON. AND • :AFTER4 : FEBRUARY: 0TH.. .• ean KIDS' KORNER: (BY After a hard: fought . battle- last • Wedneaday , between Lucknow Juven- , , Iles and viasham the game ended in a 5 to 5 tie.. BIATIIDAYS--Ihith Dahmer aria . Jack Treleaven. held birthdays s last Weelc. * *" The Juveniles lacked the. services Of „their- goalie, ' Reid, • MacKini, on • Saturday, as le was'. Sick.' Dungannon', Is said to.",havie, ned to praetice, and -,play All ;their • hockey games in 'Lucid -low. '•• ' .,116es MacDonald was 'one, Of the •Aliousandi of ,,fans to ' witness the Lsef 1.Maroon game tin Toronto on 'Saturday night. : , * * „ Lucknew took their first defeat on firiturda •when DungannOri, defeate0 , than ta * * ,* * • Winghtim-,=-Lutino* , 'After it' herd foiighe battle • , VItednesday, _between Llicknow Juv- •eniles and Wingharn, the genie en& in Iv 5- tie. One 'penalty was .giyen, to Jack Cook, in the list period 'Members: elect. subscribed to oath of, office: lied 'oath of age:glance The minute i :Of the December nieel- ing Were 'read..and aPproved 011%.#19' tion of Ii..iolDonald• and, FraYilS. :13Y -101j !inn/0er one aPPolUtling.the .offieere...for: 1937 was dniy. passed , 'Moved' by ' Cnlbert. and 'McDonald, the !following 'accOinits.,ha paid A. 4; J. Sinipeoe, salary ' M. O.. ll. f�r 1936 $.90.00; J, M. hopipital Accolint Clikrlis;,' relief aecinint , $14.00: Thes, Rivett, trucking $2 50, :Currant„ worlt Of men, .50c; Herb Curi,iii; Sal; ary • '.;. Moved by Frayne and McDonald and carried: that the petiticin frir:147.=. tntery :grant be Sent to the ,depart- irient*. d highways Movedby McDonald and Culbert and ,rearried.that,bOnndary account be . . ,sent to ,,Huron TOwnahip. Moved '•41•'FF4Yzie , and MacDonald zthat odinicir order .• seven • •eOPies' Of ' • Moved ,:by 'Culbert and Johnston that .ceuncil.meet the secend IdOndaY in each month: •.'r By-law•siumlier t*o re borrowing •neaneY 'to pay interest . railway. bonds Was -duly Passed on Motion. by Frayne and McDonald: :Connell hem adjourned inotion of McDonald and kr. 411..e4.• L.MeDonagh Cleik Turnitil 'Waiiiig Plant . It is. reported', that a, turnip wa),C,7 ' plant will be 'established • in Mild- inay4-dnrihg-4he-Cohang:-sutinrier:-Lto. be in. readiness for, next' fall's -crop. . • ;for tripping; 'Reid. MaelKim played -11.1a _goOd.,:gameAn-,goal,-Jaelt-COoke,445- ,ne Dahmer and John K. .MasKerizie were • the ;Juvenile goal -getters. :-.1.,ine-41P-7Gbal, Reid McKim, - fence, R. MacDonald :end D. Finlay- , • sim; 1st line—J. Cook, J. Dahmer, MacKenzie; 2nd line -7)3: !re - leaven, D. MacKenzie, Oiingannen Lucknew Luelsnoi.i• .took, their' firstrdefeitt on Saturday, on noor'ite Dinigan- • non,.:.7 to Co.ok,,:and Russell whithy:: dre*,,PenaltieS.iii list per- iod .„.:In the absence Of ..13,...MeKiin:and: Ross MacDoneld,-:AllanTreleaven and: Russell Whitby .\ifere titre: erg to theteam, TreleaVen; in goal.--Dmigamion redeived, most 'O.f„ 2,their goals in the last period; johnie, 'Dahinet-tdok shot at the .local 'goo and .narreWly 'Missed. scoring, Cooke roughed it up with. padi.e the last period, : but' • , . ...The f011oiving is the :exact topY of a letterreceived , from. •Grant, Hall. hy the writer: of thiS C9411744 in answei to, 'a:. letter' sent in the •KnitiS ' bale of clothing sent the4ieedYin Nrth- ern Ontario, hy the Ludlum United Church. : . • Nairn 'Centre 1Jan. ' 1937 • Dear Millard, _ Hete • I am. 4 lit .last. GOess yOu. thought forgot to ,write.` Ilia I, laid. pint letter aWay and I. Ceuta noc,find it to. write to. rip, Mother fOund :your addreas-so' aric thank. yini very; very: ittneh: flit the Coat' 'ad het; yeti Sent ana, they fit ine very. well, ,And they. are nie'e. and: warrii. I em. getting ,aiong good, in school. and aur in Sr.' Tr bowl sad 1. an going, :to beat- My „hrother Wilfred, We are having lots of snow ;ip-hetp. • There, is, a hill' neer, our place And Nie dO441, the hill. I, have -sister', glr& Fs' the Het name is Shealti. I • have three` broth- ers, there names are- DennY, PoohY; Wafted,: • 'Yenta truly, • . 74. Giant: Hall.. • Nalth • IS situated` on ' the .Spanish: riVet Sudbury, ConetY, : several .•••• • 1 . `' •UP to the Present this session has been marked by an almost entire sense of fireworks and :the, RoIrreal factor seems t be altogether in the • background. •'Sonle • feel • that. this spiiit is due to the reaction.of"our. .44PPY ein'eiiellee from• ,,, the late eon-. 1 Mir national ProblerOS :are tOo." grava- to''Perinit.Paitisanship:. At Any rate. the apparent incliclation: is to ,CC, Operate and. ,gqt through 'by the end: Of „,Ap.i tn. al1^7'preb,ebility; ,aster is earlY, Ceniing'...on, March . • In, • the .sessional program., Only •three things sthnil out. from the or:- ilinery,.. One. is the defence •policy; Another 'thetrade. agreements with • The couple have three sena, Allen: Great.. Britain :and the third t At home, :Jim on the Old .home. place capitalization .of ..the C. N. R. and 'Wilbert neer Barrie,''Ont and first iS the one exciting' most general. t14*grandellidre* interest at ‘the r,inornent and the govi4 .' On the evening Of their 'enniver- -setrannmrt :has. 'n9y. Yet .outlined ,,A;114,th7l ithehepr.. weretwo n s oth sdf e agnil6.tsa:Ofiiii4esoonaontir. Bik'St of the thl'6"l6n-4.14:dar 4W--'-friOcla-at-the--hoine Or . the' taken lip with the ',Agriculture-. esti 'grecnn's brother, john Derian,. When . • . mates: and it developed that a huge a sumptuous, fowl ',dinner was served area-53milhon acres—is : 'threaten- After:dinner, the remainder of, the .ed with', a ,devasting phtkne , 'of eirening. was Spent at card ',Playing:: grasshoppers; and plena, arei being' developed for varietyof. specifics to be:used the-conihat., Monday- Most of-tlie :after-n(191i *vasoaccOlned by a • AsherY. quest:NY . . in British ' Columbia, •Dilr.. Neill �f ,ed last, weak." • ' :' : There"was , a Markeddivision Of -7CittIRCK NOTES - p 'Comoik.Alberni:, 'seeking tn obtain • , . ' legislation prohihiting. trai-fiShizig. ' Wawanosh Couple 39 Years -Married j9CAlwanclGENERAL K77. *3- , . ,. •. • —_ , Mr, , Alex Gollah is Confined to bedAir, and - mrs. Charles . Dullifin 1-1f 3ncier. the „care, of 's. nurse. . Weat Wawanaah, .Honored On„Their,..- - mr ' Aibott' .r • k. spent .thewee k . Cook - - ,, Wedding Anniversary, Tuesday end in Toronte and Coning -wood. • De- troit wanee.M.Wrse:ekLYeunids Kg:enlePtsil of ' Dper-. _ ., , . and •Mrs James Little ' . , . Mrs. R. J, Cameron spent the week end in Stratford with, her 'daughter, „ Mr. and Mrs, charles, poplin, cele-, , . , , brated their 39th* Wedding Miniver: sary on Tuesday, February 2nd. They were married quietly at the home . of the bride's parents ,in Ash- field, by the. Rev. XX- '-iiall,-14. pr- .-34i4..s Aroelle .c amarop. meriminister of _Zion Church ,'" :The- • '- ' . „ .. . . i ,nedambe5;731.1 sGraHeaennBiohwITehs,0;peoAattenno:1;• .Dresses.• Don't iniss seeing them . TerentS, with many new , Ladies' Krat.:Ila Mon' Irwin Of' It C., while . Miss Beatrice"-, Culbert Ciinhoro* the groehl -wail' ,supported '',,Sy , Mt,,, has been Spending the past two weeks ,RownA)11,,,w9nds, of St.tHelens After with her parents Mr and Mrs' Jas i . „ . , • their Marriage,' the .!sided . on the .E. Culbert. Old homestead for twenty Years, then Mr.' Robert Ross returned to the moving 'where:they'. now rceside near Village on -Saturday, having ti been st. xidiiiiii. ... : -.. . ' 'earir4g.alryPntrft6lir 017111;317:OhtiumrYel inii'.7.1uull?er ,'!'00eid afternoon, Were you wish- ing to consult 'me?"' •, ' "No. Matti ' all, right doctor, Xyle just' called to read the serial 4 start. • Miss- Lena, :Hackett' returned to herAl'eme;.-here en . Sunday- evening, from Wingham..Hespital wherf She underwent an aPlAndleitis.OPeration eleven day, previous. -The a:1%X; week -end .exziii was well patronized last 'Friday and Saturday, With quite,\a number 'from • thiscentre taking the, trip. The, WoMenia.:Insititute "At":11Ome" will, be held in the _Town • Hell, to- night.' (ihuraday) • February 4t1.• MeMbets please bring.. sandwiches; , Ilot."FoWl Supper will. be •Served•by the Women's Guild of St. Peter's Church the 'Council Chamber On. T.,needen.February 9th, e s• ic, under 12; • 25c. • . • . . • . , t11111i:ilm-41atsieIWwaheatr:SlifhS9rrurd be done tdhoe'e.o'ianit- *kr. ism- , will lselT9tr4edri4ac-P inittee On , fisheries, in the evening ' .,The Sunthine Band held' M• urat, •Kincardine, this: :SUnday. The• • :Canada's :,6ireig4 '159heY Inthe °Y41..nt 'their regular :Meeting ':'..rebruary , pester,: , Rev, 'Gordon. It. :Te3ler..• com- QfiptMaLja5fiiesubJecL4 the gpdhmn42Z. the ii,#ressi.in. of Widely,t4Frying„: oftPr..Whigh 'Jean Struthers read the of.: the,, month. :••• , ,„ views Mi 'WOOdsWortii,:: as '4414. :Sciintiire ..iessen. The LOTO3 Prayer •, • • • adYoeating, a policy'• of '•'.neiitralitY,:' was ,,relietited•:.: in .'•unison,.. and 0,4 :creels , To Ottawa Leonard "Igael.,CO4, -local stildent ..while • miKin clissented. from ' the ...PlemerY' Verse rePeeted._"The„...:Wer,sliip..: the frej trito Ottawa, idea -474 complete detachment, stat- ;story wan.:thel•Igiireni by Mrs. Black,. 1,i'eee-alehtte first of the week with Mr ing. however that it loae-e: questioi!followed by a sbort business period.. Do - Parliament ahine, coUld''deeide..'1V1ise: The •" Offering was taken up and the' .:VY; -T(31;°1i4idn' for °111'‘ Agnes Maqphail bitterly'deelored leffertorY'' :response "rePeitted: minion Pt!'n4ai' where he *Ill'gei'a gltmpse of the Inaide W -"kings: of that • the ruling classes in Great '13.14,,\ 'atudY•44tori,' o• uran government tain were piepared,. to :sacrifice Can'. was :then given by Doris. Ritchie Th " Little Margaret McNeil, daughter Of, Mr, and-,MrS.'Robt. McNeil under- went . ,..suceassful • `operation on Thursday last in the. Victoria Hos o. 'for, "mastoid.: Her many friends • hope for•a •speedy • re,,. 71,Opli.,'hardwar,emen have completed lhe istallaton -of---two -new- furnacesin ,the. • United Orliureh schnelroom. This, -W.e Undetstand" •fioni.. :the ,!lerk Of .tho.. Session, Newton, is the third Pair of.- furtia,' DEFENDING SUIT John S., Labatt, London, has." in- dicated thouigh legal'formalities, that he is ,defending a •snit Which David _ xeisnort ,'Cavjngtemp, Started against him two weeks! ago over the kidnap- ping of Labatt. in 1934. ,; • Meiiner instituted a eat ,against Labatt. on Jan. 15, by* filing a' writ asking unstated darriages and- negli- gence in identification.. -EFFORT TO SAV,HIS FARM ' ',-::.' . ,.. ' ,-,;.•-• ..; , ' ' Tired, bedraggled,' , and out ' of ,breath, Melvin Quinnein 0, GreyTaii: farinet, . presented, hi 'ilf.,;(4n - 'coUrt ni, Ooderich last we , two •and one• half , hours' • late, after hitch. 'hiking forty-five raileracrose Hun* County: Over._ ice -Covered,. roads, „His • 'mission was to halt, if, possible, ,.P.iee,lings fst ao2t.,6thfoo.,or e,wae.i.o: ep.• i atchesd ,oMi 1 o: th go .• . ..afg: • e?..;. , his l'Sisce. 1908, when a .mertg eler . ., Cum- mings has., paid: Over $4,00* i ..' inter-' est: He still. °Ares the..$2,600:, elva _pal;•lonarr• additional -15,0a; :,,in.-ar• rears of in erest,'" Frank ,D,Minelly. gagee has- received:oVer 150 per ,Cent. lis counselexplained. ' "The. mort- on his money."; • - *.'....- - Cummings 'asked for ,ii itiOnontlia' extensicin. Once bolo*. he had been . . . . given the Sara& favor:. Judge Costel. lo reserved his decision arid the far- mer left court tea. inake his'...,7„ay.biack: to his Grey Township. firm as :hest! he could...., ' , ; • DqA41,111011- •OILCkOTH Smart .". Colourful, . An'en- • Pensive 60M11•110.1s1 Table • ,Brocade Table Covers are and ' range& of patterns to choose Visit'es‘ r &wormiest M-morrowi 3.:4• ada and, ‘, !liaises: in theiit o7.A14 ,:i!.jr:‘•:. Denton. ,h199a44 the„ ••90y , Coriterva*e. who 'perticipated. in the: 'event • set-:''ff.4.41' • as '.his . that if ; Canada . . . . 'not 'take her 'part. war She should .get out of the ,'Ernpire.': •.•*!Tit not revealing, :1,the- liefoneeilOge.Y2)ifted.-the-eil,.eutti- ciently state ' "that, , character' •vas essentially ;doinestic...:, , •;* • to consider fin- ancial relations betWeen the Dorm*: ion..and the":PrOVincea. rnay, Soon de.; ,elopiraresu1t --�f",7TOCSday'S---..,dia • eueSioii.; The had :been eet, :apart* for .estimates • lint. Mr.. Bennett seiz- ed :the .oppoi•tunitrtvbring .the: ,queitien---of-.-Lconstitntiona,14telorn. Ever:Y. year 'there . is -talk ef.r,eyamii.: int .the-.0.,N..k....Aet..; Joiey, year:it is • .• • ,Ceneeded:' to ' n..neeesSity, but noth- ing • is 'chine .owing to leek of haf-. ineny -,between . the .Parties.' However; Mr LePointi. Stevens.i Mr. Dun- ning and others entered into de- bate to : one. of ontetanding importance and, generally speaking, one inight'' dediiee -that whether or not a Commission.is set aP to ti end Of„, •conStitntiOnal • reform, there a. -definite :,.:presneet ..that • pile: will be Created' to,. deal .withl the,. .financial end of it.: This . s.Oniething,_.ai:of latithe'Westetn Provinces have:been. 4:1t1i...clanietens and. insistent. WittYa hint: of , interiningled. • On Wednesday afternoon :it unique proposal made by Mi. Heaps the La, bour . . . • . , Member from Winnipeg. North angaged!.the ...attention. of ;the':.:#9neei.. thii, was ;that, the ..GOVernment ehonla ask., •.•Presiclerit .Roosevelt to. Call' ',it, World .COrifereile ter the purpose of .:perpetuating universal PeaCe„' This .highininded• idea. '.encountered ",heavy going,.bOth the Prime Minister and, the Lencletyof ,the Opposition. deseen7,. ling..:0Por, it .with l e: witted purpose, their' ,.fileit being; that it 'wonld, be, innierthient Of ' to:until, like 'Canada to. siigg.egt;:i to the President of..the United, States.' what' he should do.. Mr. .Clinrch brushed aside the proPoSaf:as^likelY •t� make Canada a. "laughing Stbeke.;•'Steting that Cell. - ado. pteSent had no defenee, policy oia .`!spotigitilg" on Great Bri- tain., Miss: Agnes: Igacp.haill temarktd that .With the heacis. ,:turiipea. States the Ocean �i their way to", a ',Conference, in America, there tilway;ii, chance that the 'boat Might' 4,-hiCh she: th'ought, he all to the good. • . . The ParliaMentety pro:drain • was varied Thursday, :with the. subjects t�uched: :discussed' ineluding the Privy judgernerits;; the forth. whih capital' puniSitineri0should take;: the RediattibutiOn.O.Ct the bOnndaties Of . ;the • earistittietibieS and whether bOt, be• ad- jtisted; :a bill the • hitis- diqiciriit" the 'Hallway Corninission regarding Aelephona rates' and,, s7-' Stf.' dotith-west of, SudbuY. • closing hymn wait snug and the inee,!,, jag. was :cleat(' with.. 'prayer. .,At ..the close -•of, the ineitingi., Odes, •were Norma Ritchie .and Tean Bushel', as .captainsr-2-See'y'. .United ChOehjininit :Ppelaa'a. • ..Deeher. 011ie the scriPture 'reedit) .Eva. Greer read tie Bible oheraCte .Tiinethy. The iii‘etery, Mrs. Black , geve the minutes , of the:. last Meet- ing, end also the'.. will, cell. Louise Greer. gave a reading. after:„WhiCh. ces 'installed. in the church :since it Mr. : Me*anzie.::.galve asery ;y7i-s-Wialt 51; fe-i-ri • ago. , intereeting'ialk On, "Choosing. One's Companions?' '• Mt. Tucker 4I1 fel- le'iveip ttohisi.eu..Ps7t..aeriigfieR xtI7MOnlaynoinighet!,,.,;Ith hThe• musical pert, of the program consia, ted ,ef n solo 4F1coar AentlY .,Sweet. Afton", by .Fred Wainwright,' and a piano. instrumental by 'Rexford' Oa- trander. A hymn • and lienediction. brought a 4,ry aneeeaspl .meeting to a ,elose. . Presbyterian Guild' •• • . • On ,MondaY4yening 'the Guild met Mr. AleX. MeeKenxie, Second 'Con.' cessien, and .caretaker ,iat' South Kin- losk, Church, Was OVereeme_bir illness on Sunday eveninewhile lighting the choral._ He was removed Prrek Hospital,.. where he ili. with ,pzieu- . „ rnonia. Mr. MacKenzie had not been well for ebotit,a, week, but continued: Working.' • . :Enters . Training •Finn, .Mies ' Nellie • :Fn, ..Dunnvtlle, Was lioSteaS, toa shoWer held for • Mies with a large ..attendance: The .preeD., ;Beatrice :•Culbert, . Friday evening, ,dent Presided at the..Meeting and he January 8th. Miss Culbert .is entering' Missionary Com had. Charg,e. ' The the training school of Hamilton• Gen - meeting . Opened With a Prialin and the ,er4i 'Hospital, early.§in, l'ehruery._,.. Lord's prayer .• Note . Jewitt read the Dunnville Chronicle scripture , eason A hymn wassung and mina' mitudie Fisher gave a read= , The :..16.c.417..,'et,i;s'pai)ei7; bowever, is in Instead instead 'ofthe' topic, a play•Vits* ..riff, .Miss :Marian' Johnston, Miss •folloiving took Part in it, .Mrs: Sher Brandon gun, presented, 'Great Possessions" Thea ' ,-/.• 'wo r!,°;;;" about ynly one in :thot:31ti,76';617id: 4:ua.ntit,y, gives: DiVidson; Mrs, ''Youn; l 5.RD CONSECUTIVE' RtNgwAL. 'etterion; padys MacDonald • • ,,. .And Mrs. Gordon'Fisher'. :This play' AMONG SUBSCRIPTIONS' ;PAID. was of a. missionary rtatur,e and Was to stimulate•Ihe gilings, of Onr neePle' iniasiOnarY, „Projeets,V FollOwing this 'A vcical. duet Was.; sung bY,,Mis- s'es Verna: Steirard and Arlene .• , , itt. The Meeting Closed with ^a hymn and, -.Rev; -111eDenald-ledAii7frayeK,71 itjeCeid, rethains with other lon The Guild .propogea hewing 9,1'skat,..•.tiine :s4.1?scribers .to deternane: rng party in the near future.. , 1 We also ,.acknowledge payment : of. the followingubserilitions' reqeiVed , the 'tail end, somethsag-,.more about from distant Subscribers .during the the woodsworth,Yeitaintion against p,..,Wt,t • Month':- Sohn Donald, •YOrkt, . ten; Sask.; Mrs. T., 5.• 'keid,' • Orlin's; • The , highlight Of the ,cveolc was Mrs. Sas.. Hodgins, Stratford; `LOS-: When Mr.. Hanson, the. tiberal.mem- lie Purves, LendOn;', 1qt:is. 'Henry ber for'Skeena; B.C, Was attempting Zeigler,,.11lanor, 'ask.; Ernie Aitchi, to ,jutitify' 'the : aPe.nding 64 $150,,000 son; Harristobr Mrs, Alex HedleY,'. on pubhc building in, Prince.. RUP.:, Hamilton:Mrs L J etene, Wal .ert. David Spence the Conservative ' laceburg; •Mrs.. OE A. Siddall; Tot- Inainber...for ;Parlcdale claimed that onto,.11. Webster, Oiinton; Jelin the. 'Member for:, theerni; WaSiet McCnli, AberOetIW, Sask.; Will Reid, worth " $.15.0,006, to the BOUSe ,and. 'Paris Station;, W ,A,'EPdkins, Park-. tovin.., on the'. -.Coast. IlOwavet; Mr. that Prruee• Rupert 'was the deadeat haeriidttiAl4latati:.;;,-.mMr:s.‘8113th.e:je...mA4,rihdea,rtssiti,; ,Hanson canae, back and stated that A hotttha,toord,„.8,.R.B;h;:m.. D;ise.oti,t.ofp.:A1411.1 Mr .Sperte..0 W6Uld haVe, to, be like w Mee- West-49etinief, and see. me ,culture, Walkerton; 'MrS, T. flunking; some tiine,;0 • . . .''Gtiderich; Margbret. MacKenzie, Vet- wili be in niyntliee. 'et *Port Elgin. .0,rito:' 1Virs. Rachel .WehStete Detroit': ail Saturday morning, February 5th. Mrs, , Toronto; Cre,o14e Y tritinent With ,Jean-McCitire; Niagsra Ii'Alls;• Mabel Any One. 4esiong.: to see me PersonI Mirehouse, • SerleS; NOrth Dakota; allan make an appOi the ,offie lot onY. tiMeon MeClurei,,Teribriten., Maleelin Meteod, I 99a ghitt be pleased Pio, aee them1'.Chicaiol, , . Thispast week -we recei,yed a re - :newel, subscription* to ThelVitinel, fratiC.Mr. ,IVIalcOlm MacLeod , of Chi- cago, *hie . makes'. his 53rd cons u- reneWal. Whether .ot nbt this is 1 • ,.. THE' OLD .COLLAR tt.tAgER. • • Dedicated.. by • Mr. 'W`.1; Jelineton: 'formerly '04shfiel.cli • t� '; Ahnc lyitie;SenALe,,,ALM0,0, out - permission. For many. :years he made harness .1flipen; flensail an other towns where he Was. eSPea-' ially,famons for the.oxcellent :*Collire..4 :filmed out of. his workshop. !. In 0*- days; that 'are Rash have Many:men', • And found'in themlriendsnot"I'fewi There were. naaay: Ape WOrhinen • But lea, 'were .a,s 'good : As the old collar maker, knew. Ocir the $firsest of' leathei; In the ...market he :bought With ,the strongest Of .1hread it . sewn; And .silver -green straw'. ,,,• Prem.-, the ,iye-14elds Of borne Filled' the .Yery, hest collars, •rye' known. lIs Oilers were filled.. With ,the'' greatest .of 'care . And *stied as smooth • as a•board,. . Sueh ';consisintriete Isitiende •!' ,,••.; ' • 1', -Have seldeni In collars been stored: -empieton FIRE EQUIPMENT . Fite, which broke out in the • bale - Ment- Of Aisiso.ver'S Townlien last Wednesday iatternoor4 gained such headwaybefore being discovered, that it :ivaehriPoisible :toremove the fire „fighting equipinent,, including n, • •fire_truck,, practicallynew The ing was completely gated 41, four- walla .and bell toyer staiide. The loss has: been .estimated at :$30„000, with a total Of ...$29,000 intiiirsuiCe on the building. - and con- tents 1 . . . Walkerton ire"' brigade .responded - to the .alsirm:;; Making a fast trip over ice.coated , roads The public library 'sr da - b t e- fire. aft n tigered h- , , ' The, . labor Oh/mating., .I asked He Made all his collars' to true:, "Why, • into• "MY, ;cellars ' V Want to put soul," said • The Old collarmaker, 1 knew. Of 'us who' are left May it .s.ornetirne be said . liVheri :our days 'upon 'earth are, but ' few- • ' That •iiito.'our service' We always put soul, -like .. The old . collar maker,4 knew. KILL.RD AT .GODERICit • . level crossing liceident- on the lliiren: Road just 'elist. of Goderich : at noon on Thursday; .resulted in the, instant., death of Fdward Powell,' elderly Seafoith.; 'PreSident. . Frank . Sproat; a -yonngefman,. and driver , of the truck in which they were; , doderieli bound for a. lead .Of. salt; suffered ;snail terriffic head that little hope: Was held for his ',re- covery. However, '. his :condition wtok such . at the end :of the Week that he ,.• Was , given 9; . ',chance. They were struck ., by. the , GOderieh Diesel train, .* . • ' A sonieWhat fatal' -accident . . • ' •W H, JOHNSTON:. occurred at this crossing . Some two • . • . Exeter Ontario Jamiary, 1937. years age., • •,, 'MANY THANKS IF ,YOU :11AV,R AND IF NO1',.PLRASE. ' ' ATTEND f6. soott. ,