The Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-02-04, Page 1A .7•C41. - $2.60, A YEAR -41.59 I OIT=4110500., EXTRA TO tf. •.L;:ucKpiow , • • • v. 1,0 THURSDAY, 4th 1937., N : TreleaVen',„. *IITTex TELEPHONES .9Mee.; 53,*., • ' • Rieldonce 533 „ E. •Little, prnsfr, X-RAY spRvicE Telephones: Office, 5-W Residence . • ' • Wm.I Fowler.: FRXSIVIAN ffi ,taii/RGEOk= Mite Miura- • , .1.09-3.30 . rm. -. 7.09-400"PM Sandaya,--1.30,,-,2.00,, Appointment APnone 84. FOR SALE -1928 •Buielc ,Coupe, „ , good condition , and In gliod running Order. -Apply; Dr. Wm. Fowler • .govsE,.0*.•SALE-4fe,pic. hettae . and lot, in Liieleno*/, residence V • the late Mrs., paid Reed. Appy al .Sentinel. ()Bice. . • .FOR SALE RENT -Two 106, •••:,:acre farms -one On ;the Oth. Cox' of ( Ashfield, known ai• the Moran farm, cia-thin*h-CM-1-of`,""kth:field:/7 - • ' "7"-Iniiiiwrii-4-thi7Fetguecon farm' APP1Y to Mts. Ei1Ccingrant. 'TRATORS SALE • r. P. of iim141b.k.ornOrty In the Township , of Culreei In the ',. Candy of Bruce,: The,,Undersigned has received in.: di:actions to sell by Public Auction, • at the office of Joseph Agnew, Luck - now, on Friday, the 12th' day of Feb..- . , ruary,' A.D. 1937, at two. o'clock p.m., ••• the :following property, ; at --nuinber Thirty-five 'in theativelfth piton of , the .Townshipi of cut: ntalining:' eighty-four acres , more, :Or lesi. The , property is situate 'ten miles from the,. Village of Lucknow "ancl, „ eight and thrae410410*inilea'';491 the .Village of :Teeielyalter;: , • quarters. ' a ,inile.fratn:; school 'and ' two and 'one-half thiles from church. The. Aai; is of sandy loam: and there. are six ..aerelf of buerb... • •On thesaid property is sakd to be aneightfraomed, hence of Solid White brick; a frame barn 50 ft. by 52 it. on atone foundation;• r ng. shed aff ft. by 40 feet on tinielfoundatioai all in good repair; an artician. well, • windmill and; there leWatet,-. in the • stable. , • : - -±TERMS OF per .:Ceat,. of the purchase.. price on the day . Of stile and balance in thirty' dais • thereafter.' • FURTHER partiettlitrsmand condi, 'tione.of sale wil be Made Anewn:. on the, day of sale or may be had on application ;th the undersigned, - DATED: this, twenty-first .day Of. :January, •A.D.-* 1937. • WELLINGTON HENDERSON • Lucknow, Ontario, 'Auctioneer. cltkvti,FoRD; • wingham, Ontario, . . . • . Solicitor for Administrator. .„ HOrticultaral Society Anntial Held 'Monday Aim To Inereaag Seathergaia' And Make :Coroaktion',Par An Active ,Luelmew Horticultural:: Society got t;ff to an entlineiastle, start for 1937, 'fienan entifitatging attendance WAS 'present at the....iartaal -.Meeting ,on. Monday, presided over by the Presi- dent, S. C. Rathwell: • being,,CorOnatien" Year the So- eiety plans .1:special activities. As w ell as SUPOOitIng a tree 'planting Program, the Society alms to as- sume other beautifying projects. .mentherahiP hundred or ',so' is objeetive, and a' canvass is to be 'Made in this connection. • ' ° - The formation'.",of a Juvenile Society, "117 s. • Aq0.0,-,A, {MEN'S , PARTY THURSDAY .. • WAS THOROUGHLY -ENJOYED • , , ..........— . . The local association of ladies,. that are Supporters of the •Girl Guide and Brea/lie` Citganizationv in the Village • staged a:party:ler t,hecnienon Thins- 4PY 'eyeIing in, the, I. Q. 0: F. Oen'. ",X9.e than 89 men were :Ptesent for a rather untiatial gathering that was =thoroughly.:enjoyed, Euchre was ,played with Mk; Archie Vielniite winning the . men's and. Mr. Peter, Soffits on the "lady's" prize. A. tasty• lunch wiis served, topped off with pumpkin p and whipped cream. The ladi s :realized, over, .twenty dollar's on Te venture, which is: t0. be used in ialproving'the- Guides' . , Club room, ' • • . . . to' encourage young,!peoPle In horti- cultural work, is also being given consideration.i',./, • • , The following are the officers; Pres. • Rathwell; fit Vice 'Pres., Smith;. • ,2nd Vide Pies, Miss ,Mc- Cluskey;reas., A. W. Hamilton; Sec'y, Robert • FisherOairectors, '1, - year term -Mr. 'WN..-Prest, Rev. J. H. Geoghegan, i'Mrs, WM. ,McKenzie, Robert Thompson; Iiniopb Collyer. Directors, .1 -year term -Mrs. D., Hus- ton; Mra.'.T.,J. Salkeld, Ws. W. A. -Solomon,-1..Dr1---W.--V.-1.Johnaton,-Robert- =Ric '" .T.• • CAMERON Arriwoma rtfNERA!,:•,9F.HIS 'SISTER DID HE SEE 'HIS *SHADOW? , 'Tudsdai, was "Groundhoir':1:Dai", and although, it wasn't a bright sun,, ni• day' its hard to say whether or not Mr. Brun. or Mr. . Groundhoi saw his. shadow. If he did we are "sere"- to have six weeks "mere" of, winter; and if. not, *hat? January hascome and gone with winter being .scareelf recognizable., February started off with. Sam:, flur- ries ana, lower temperatures, but roads , still remain •practically bear „ , and evensix weeki•I'More".,otwinter avouldn47-cause-•-•orie had been =a very Severe one.. : I SHERIFF'S, 'SALE . Of Livestock, FeittiAtttplentents, etc, " CountY of' Brice 24:" TO. WIT:: • , LINDER AND :BY ',VIRTUE of 'a Writ of Fieri Fachts„out of the Coun- ty Court : of the County of Bruce and to me direeted militia thegoodsand. chattels ',arici lands atia tenements Of • James. T. Webster, wherein AanieS Webster is the' plaintiff,I have,seized and taken in execution and Will 'offer for sale by publieauction at Lot 71, Concession 1, Township of Kinloss, in the County, of •Bruce, on Tuesday, February 9th., ,1937t, it the hour of One O'clock in the: afternoon, all. the goods and 'chattels, excePt •the • fendant's Statutory 'exemptions . as foliows horses 7 cove 8 two-year Old eat-' , tle, 8 yearling,cattle, 5ocalves, 1 boar, 2 sows, e pigs about 176 lbs., 5 pigs' about 90 lbs, • to sinall pigs, 1 ram, 0 leghorn -hens, 2 legborn relsw 14, barred -rock hens, 2 geese, ' approximately 400 bushels mixed grain; Apptoximately 300 bush-, . els 'oda,' approximately ' 20 tons hay, 1 Interriational , fertilizer ',drill; , wagons, 1 hay reek, 1 wagon box, • 1 out -threw.. Bissel disc, 1 'hay , rake, 1. hay loader, .1 Cliatham fanning, Milli -1 set Scales,' 1' set sleighs, 1 buggy, .1 cutter, 1 Massey -Barris binder,. I. riding plough, :2 Walking ploughs, ; WhaelbatilV,*,'1. stock tack; sleigh,tack, whiffie trees. *, A. meGi44vRAY; ' Sheriff of the County of 'Brace: DATED at the .§lieritre Office in the Town of Walkerton in the County Of • Bruce the 'Nth day of tinnuatri, 1937. • Mr: R. 4.. CaMetoa was la ',East Aurora, ,New Yin -k -last Week attea- dingthe funeral of his eldest 'slider, Mrs. Frank Curtis, who passed away there on ...lannari. 22nd. ' The funeral: was :the .follOW4 ,Tuesdk, , • ' ;-..The. elan daughter the 'late. K enneth daMeren,:Pioneer•wagon and carriage ' .maket,, •the • deceased Will be better remembered as Mrs. A. B. Contralti,. the late Mn. Cerigrain- hey- ing;at,one• , time .conducted •a drug Stine in :•Lucknow where Button's butcher shoP. Is now located.. Mt, turtles. fiit , . . •is'the break in. a family Of Atfe •brothers , . , . ,and sisters. S'urvivete are Mrs. Jas. B. Gay, of ...prinfe, Edward:. Island;' Mrs. Wm. Stewart witighen; Alex Cameron Of Fairbanks, Alaska; and R. J. Cameron of •Liickno*: ' jannary..,Stiowfoli Sets •...:Retordifer:Lightnest As CoMpated_latith January Of. Other Years/Snowfall ;01 ,PaSts. Thirty - One bays Was 'tighteit. Cord•Totelled 3.75. Inches -Record , •• •Was 52.4 Inches • .Snowfall in January 1937, .sets a record for lightness compared with corresPonding. Periods, according to official records ' Of weather -conditions in ,•thia, locality' that date back more than forty " Years; The .snowfafl mesatited 3.75 inches, 'during the thirty-one days :but .dis-. appeared soon :after It fell, :Or Was washed away : by 'frequent rains 'dim- ing :the month,' In Contrast to 'Jan- uary's ,scanty Snowfall, %one can go back to 1893 when $2.4 inches 'Of anew fell' to .set a record of an 'Op- posite: extreme.- Two years later; January. of 189,5 'soy, :,th‘, .snowfall, approach the record by, totalling 45.9 iriehes and last January it piled up to a depth of 47.6 inhet:r--• Ad -WOW as almost n complete ab- sence • Of snow the month just 'past has ;been extrenieliLotild, With. rieth- ing that even :resembled , a January' blitta4-Tire-higheat4eint the lifer- curyisoired wfis to 56 degkeee, and the' lowest, point 8 above zero,. Conn - Paring' these with January, 1936, the, high was 41 .degrees and the low point 8 below zero. , • , Tho maximum temperature, for the month ° Was above the freezing *Ant With the minimum only 19:4 degrees. Almost an inch, of rain fell during the month Compared with .04 'inches last January. • „ • • A tamparison,pf January, 1936tind January 1937 follows: - 1936, ,19377 •Itainfall ,Q4, . ' 49,31 ' ,Snowfall - 3.751 ' Maximum -Terinli. :200 .33.7 • Minimurill Tenni, 19.4 /. ST.HELEN S SOCIAL/. EVENING • . A Social evening'. under auspices of St, Helen's Farmers" Club will be held in the Comintinity IlaH, on Wed- ridadey evening, February 10th, at 8.15 sharp. A good program, will be provided by the East Wawanosik, Lit- eiary „Society. Adinteeion 20e. • , A. S. NATilEtis PRESIDENT:: cor All:6111.TEer5'.; Asg(iI4T,ION A;,, S. •Mathers of Toronto, nephew of Mr, Henry •'Mathere • of town!, was • last: Week eleeted'. presi- dent_ Of the Ontario Association ' of `Architects. Mr..Idathera, is the eldest sea of the late Rev. F. M. blathers, .' , . , A A a native. of, Kinloss. .•• .That ,Mathers is worth' of .the' horiour, conferred on him, is born out by the a:natty fine architecturalcon- tracts he and his partner have hand - their latest' •"asSignment ..•being the ne*-GlObe and Mail building t�' be erected in the apring."';'-'777:7-.7,7 ' • LEFT FOR SOU1111 ,Mt.•,/ and M. MacPherson • ••. - and iiiiii,NOritian,:of..."..Mildtifity, and. formerly ,Of, Lacknew,-., left last Week, for, Florida where they will spend '‘.a couple., Of ',Moritha at .St: .Petersburg.. .MacPherson, formerly, 'Manager Of the Bank of Montreal.:•here, *visa forced to4aiinge- his .proposed ' tonic: to the:Smithson:account of tile rivet floods ia 'Kentutky'.. He, made the trip via" Washington f to escape the ,fleod. danger. • , Hydro Arrears All Paid ' By Finalate A'•'--- .• It NO ,tait:' Off Orden; ' ' Necessary ....s; , , . . - Hydro Arrears , Paid .UpL--,Reliet Coati -$22,79 -.Accident IllantaaCe . . w , ,Considered •To Protect Municipal- ity Against Injeries On Streets.' IlaVing dealt with several import- ant matters' at Special sessions during the past month, the Village -Council Conducted the'. business,:f;the regular February 'Meeting at 'it comparatively brief Sitting on Tuesday night.' ' „-Wood tenders Were iiec4ted,, . as, 'follows,: James Porster,..10ieerds,..4 -foot elm at $4.50; NOR McCallum,, 20' cords 1,84=`, body svciod at*$3.96, and : Jack ' Thompson (agent for Mr. Yee). 25 "cards 18" hedy•Wood•tat, $2.85, E. Agnew reported reported that hydro consumers,subjectto be cut off the first of the Month, had all Paid. There Is no reason "7hy, We can't keep it that way,. was the opinionof . the Board: In the future, as ' soon as 'ar- rears reach the niaxininin,' :the ser- vice will be discontinued.." There:, has been :some: water :'ar- teats paid ini, With . March° lst :the: deadline for paying ttlii.' • , $250. of the 0620. giant to the Publid Library •,,vas advanced. ' The Library • fiehileial staterneatshowed a balance On:haud at the end of ,the Year of $14.29., Expenditures 'during the year were $838..01, while grants and the balance tarried ,over from the :previous. year totalled • $852.30. • Relief bills' presented covering gro- ceries, meat and oil for three famil7 ieS during the stnanth, totalled' $17.79. Twenty transient meals , cost $5.00, 'tanning. the total nia to. $22.79: • , The iey ,eonditien of toads jlnd ,streets ,ten days ago, " gave rise to he question of the village's liability ' in 'CrOe of -aceideata. After cliscdasirig. the matter regarding' the :wisdom of taking out insurance to protect the Village in this -regard, it was left with the 'Clerk to secure •1V rate ..of insurance on this tine of Peliti,:. ,1 , ..• .=.1 • TO -DISCUSS RIYRAL, HYDRO • , Rural hydro is engagirtg the -at- tention of f,arrners intins community and, with leariag more about this servicea: public meetif is being held, in theInstitute II Whitechurch, :aext '',Tuesday ‘, aft r-, neon, 'Februa,rx '9th at 2.30 o'clock: The meeting *If "l*addressed by ,a hydro 'Caffiae*. Farniars in the Ainlbugh' district are also interested inpecuring hydro serviceationin an4this o as7Ch:ki tloieetk ing infor- m . .MAIL COURIERS , CONSIDERM. HEARING ' The .petitions .delegatien of rural mail couriers that waited upon Hon., J. C.' Elliott, postmaster -gen.. in Ottawa, were kratiaaslir.Te-, ceived and will recei4 favoialileCOn sideration it is expected, President: P. B Lowery, of the *eater* On- tario Organikation;,,skateif On „return. The four district delegates , joined with Others in Plaeii4 their, petitionbefore- the . Postaratatir4eaera1.• The 'chief issue in the petitions • was the abolition, of the :cOntritet • system - = of. rural mail deliveries: • - Pubile'SchO011Ielioi,t • Osallr Mary .1.1;4tatile:*rteci)ilv-,'Pass-- Roy Aitchison,: Wi1d Irwin, Mary' Miriam 'Jclit-ston; pow -gr. -chin; 'Helen MeCreight,:1Carrie Milt*•',El- nine Irwin. 13e1Ow Pass -Gordon Hac- kett, • 4arraY,'Henderson, Richard Turner, Williain Floyd, Grant Gollaa, '',Jr., blaisH'MenetitS.-jeen;„ Taylor; Margaret ,,Treleaven;• Jackie .Staitt, Berile•Solomon,..Joan McQuaig, Ruth Dahmer, 'Wilfred Black, Jean Reid; Be -4r Jean 'MaZDOnald. Patti-13'0h- bie .:Geoghegaa, Jean. Treleaven, Laurence Salkeld, Grace' 'Hudson, Betty Marie Griffin ':Jackie Forster; Billie Mullin, ,BelOW Pass -Gwendo- lyn -tateWartv:•,404;',1,ku. tneYi. -0-01ada'. tag., ,•-•reali Mctreight; Joy Johnson, , Floyd, Velma Stanley, George „. L .:Mordie. Roomil • Honors -Mae 'Webster, Jack': Tr ' leaven, Rolietta•Phihhips, Shirlei•Cul- bert, Lois Henderson, ,Deris: Taylor,' :Donna-: MacCatiney, ,• Alma. Solomon; Jessie Reid, Bill ,Johnstone,' :...Rata Winterstein. Pass -Patsy 'Treleaven,. Mari •••Mtietionig; Jimmie • Ferguson, Roy Havens, ' Dian. •Geeirke Tailor, Patsy Miller.',.Below. • raas-.,. Joe. Agnew.,. Jidinat4e, ; Alla Steward, ' Gordon Mullin, 'Billie ,iAliin, Winnie MacDonald, Ellen Armstrong, Lloyd Gollan, Albert Chin. !•-• 'Those, marked' oilseed an .exam- ination. //,'•; ' • It G. •Sherriff.• ' RoomIll • Sr. III -Possible' 475.; itoh. .3,56; Visa 285 -Honors ,4-• Helen , Salkeld; Pitetelvrten?rk4;aA:slstiL'Moreil'IIR've:idp,'oi:Ltallnir Jim Handltha, ItesS Hender- son, Doris, Wilds,ICatinen Russel trhj.0*, .Russell Amsttogr Marjorie Solomon,' NC/rine , Ritchie: Below . Pass -Lloyd Stewart, Donald MaCKeitzie,- .; • , Jr. II1-Pos1e. 475; Hoff, 256; Nee '/285.-HOneraLerraine ierg- tison,•Ronald. Johnston, Reggie Fer- gusoa.;•PasSLIVetha Dahmer, jean Allin„, Doreen 7 Kenneth Web- ster, Mabel ,MacDonald, 'Iteaald MC - Innes Jean Webster; Bill, •••Cliiii;, 'Eathji •Patton, Norman .,McCartney. ,Below Pass -Donald johasione, Rath: yin Agnew*, Jack Wilson, Warren Wilds, Billy.Beition, Georgina "Geog,- 'abeent: for' one or more exams., ' • -M. Maccallura,',. . • Roam IV IV -Honors -Helen Orr.. 87; Sam Chin 79, Betty Taylor 70;. Celia 15; 'Pae -Catherine Sten 74, !: Billy Treleaven 12, • , Sam 'MCQuilliii 71, Eileen Geoghegan • 67, Jean Havens 67, ROSS Paterson.' 66,' Tom!'Pittidn .66.* Below* 60% ---Kath- leen Reid 69, Keith Collyer 51, Fred, ,Webster* 47, Earnest ..Button, 46, Iohnie Dahmer*''.45, •Katharine Prest, Sr: IV,--.-Honors-Margaret Nichol- son 79, Norah Jewitt 175. Pass -Wil- lard Thompson 72;:Pern: Twandei 71, Upheld Johnston, 69, Gordon•Stew- art 69, Carolyn AIIm 8, Reid Me, - Kim ,68; , Stuart Jamieson. 64, Lloyd Wyldir •Mary Salkeld :;63, Allan TteleaVen, &IOW 90%-4.ine1la dreen 55, Douglas Aitchison AO., S. C. Johnston 43*. ;• *Initiates one testi hilased:'' K. altieDonald: eq• • . , linked ,Church, Held Congregational Meeting RePorts, Were '"GratifYingt-Women* Association "Raised $4.06.00-;-Tote1 Am-aliat. Raised meeeeded „. Five Thousand Dellare' The annual congregational meeting holdinth en Lileck'Sn°UwndatTYniSteebe d.: School W-oaas old ' Wednesday evening,: -January 27th, with a aplendid. attendance of beth young and old, ; '•Excellent 4 -reports were given from every department,' 'which manifested a substantial 'in- terest. in . the • work of the church.. The total Missionary givinga amounted to , $1360.00, The Women' i Associa- dim. raised '$406.60. The total- amount raiSed, was t5202.00. • • Expression e ' of appreciation .were passed on. behalf',ofthe faithful Workers in every department. • i');aA..:7.41.1titieatigvotewaa•unainnivnittoingslytheear;?171_ tor for another year. At the: conclusion Of the business issedais:son, lunch, was .served , by •the The following stewarda were elec- ted -R. Robertson, Ki Fisher, J... G. Anderson, R. Elliott, W. L. MacKe zie; 'W.. G. Andrew. ' r" • ".' hl e4,ar ietghd f c,0• -74PALyrr, AND , 40%4:- clloTai., LAyER;.6.4)gr.i, ' .lbc , . DozSpecialt Foy. This ,Week -End. DOUGHNUTS -KINDS O TAR* PER • J.:n2z., • • • • Atie-A Large •Arisoitinent Of IES, BUN'S AND SCONES, PER DO: • LLIMAN'S 4110,ALITlf BAKERY 'PHONE 16' LUCKNOW.'" • --a Aim To. Have Tree Platin ' A village' tree planting program is recommended , as a worthwhile method of ,observing ,and, commem- orating Corenatioa'' Year. ' .Sach. an undertaking should have ' ' the 'sup- port of the entirn. 'community, • he - Cense outside, of some Mazintial labor; the cost will be comparatively triv- 151, . ' 1 • any ,of the older residents will regall. May bay in Lucknow, when' • • annually; considerable ' attention was, SCNURR-ALEED, ' quiet Wedding was Solemnized in the Sacred Heatt'Pautch of.Walk- = erton, by : 'Rev, Father Ileyea.,on Monday morning, when. 'Miss Evelyn Reed; daughtet Of :,Mr: and the late. ,Mrs.' ;Herbert,: Reed Of Whitichatch; 'was. united in marriage •lo Mr Leo Schnurr, fifth son of: 'Mrs: ,ffeltitutr. and .the Of -Walkertha. The bride looked very pretty in hreivn and yellow crepe ensemble. with aceesaorieS,t,o' match:. She wote,a ,.ecitaitge of roses . and fern,and was, _attended bit,. the grooni's sister, Miss Dotothy,•fic1Mur,r who was attired in a.. hro*ri velvet. ensemble ; and .aeedssories' to • match Old who also '.Wore.a, corsage of toses. and -fern. The-1:grOOTin.-Was attended* by his brother, Mr. Norbert Schnum After the -wedding,:', hreakfast,•,. Was served at the home of the., groom's mother,' They Will ..reside in Walker- ten;1-where the groom in the efficient manager of . the, 'Confederation alcat- .., • , • • ing• arena. -Walkerton • Herald -Times Continent ,Separates: Brother And Sister Alex Cameron. And Mrs. James • Gay Reside In Alais14 And Prince Edward lsland Respectively. t „ families 'frequently become .widely scattered, but this -case .4 a, brother and ,nistei, both 'aatiVes. Of Laelcite*,' appears to be of. more than easual interest.:‘ They are ,•.Mrs. James .Gay: and . Ate* •Cameron, daughter and 'eon of the late ati.• and Mrs ',Kenneth Camereniat ,Lucknow, who are living at extreme peints, on the •continent. . ' Mrs. Gay hives in Prince Edward -Mend; While her brother. Alex is a resident of Fairbanks,t Alaska, whore he. ,has ;made.' his ,lionie for morthan forty years. ait.'„ Cameron was one of 'a patty of, , five, who .first . reported , the dia- covery•of goldin the,:Klatdike., It *as in 1894 this Patti ‘.,,Went; in". Ihiee of the five wore :drowned be- fore "' getting back. itt civilization In 1895, three years „before the,finnouS gold rush. „ • ' • Mr. 'Cameron, while , in Lucknow, worked on the' 9spire of .the IThited Church, when it was built '51 years ago. He also helped: to shingle , the reef of the "Old Town Hall", leaVin-g* Lucknow shortly after, ••••••••• , Mr: Gay, who Will alsO,batWell re - Membered by older. .residents, was ' first rate Catpentet., Itwashe who built and operated the Lorne. rink. At that., time .,ft was an impesing structure, and the pride of the vil- lage, where „colorful carnivals-• and speed ,skatiag* Were held, that made: Luckno'W. (Mite, prominent in Whiter snorts. • mtPkii WIN-SititiLD: itr. Roy Hudson, totap Sovereign Life Insan•ance agent, WAS One of SIM representatives' in the Sttatfora dis- trict,- responsible, for winning - the CoMpany's general efficiency shield,1 for the, Six months' period, july to Oed.ealhait 1999. This award is ' open to-dein:Petition on n quota .basis be- tween :agencies of :the tehipao in Canada. .ouringiOver .01d Copies The .Lucknove is interesting sometimes to turn 'back and read reed Of the dais long 0 past, and so it was n Pleasure to get .from Mrs. ,H. Aderson (Nellie fSoornin1890 cto le)::tbf. iLoei:ot.itliat.b London, selected t d.:,"„heeecnk 'numbers', of the Lucknow Sentinel, r preserved by her father,......Thes„;,, B. Semerville brother of James • Som- erville, the fourider,..ot teue4nw.,,, • Looking • diet'', the issue October 24, 1890; one finds that it is Censid- .giveri. to the 'Planting of.. trees, *wi:%- :1afably '..tte. resod. the'reselt7that the Village. hae"--mine than one attractive tree -lined .'street, t9.(44'. 2 Out however, and 'se have many' Of paper and perhaps less -attractive in appearance; but it wasonly a dollar, a year•then, if paid in acivanc..c., .42; sot 'that , the Sentinel Must; be . the trees, so that the time is ripe to about ,' sixty-fone. YeaFa:,•01,02-4Ple,',Well 'revive this wink; arid , .Coronation retneOgred„Jemea**,,Brya7n;14es' the Year affords a fitting . time to start. editor and Poblielier ..at that ',tittle, Bush Maples, , can be readily : •Seetti:- The leading: advertisers were ',Wm. ed and I by co-operative efforts 0,•,,Cerri- Connell; Cameron; Murdoch Mendable ,beautifyingprogram could Thee. Lawrenee';, 'get off) to good start': A. E. Briehet,' ; Eieret let one iii-tivot-enthusfasth- , . , , . , „ , , . pronoteralgtow.celd by yout. failure -.ray, of 'St Helens., to ,snpport this suggestiOn... Get be-, ...:The Presidentof tai :Linfirnow.. • hind 'it and on May DO let's see the •Meelianies 'Institute village humming With Ipublic spirited and, the secretary, 40....tae5-4,1.0arvt:: citizens willing. to de. their . hit; A A D. TpylOr:i4a: N. Wat-: • Thi://is !:031Y.:•.0?:aof many pubhc X,n4•Icei,-jehn,„Pe414,14414,istei, improvimentnire*tae that -Could-be Workinta of the A carried out at little expensQ, 80'leng Devisen was C. R. 'Oethii 1.01' 0,.: sufficient number . of citizens Elliot 'Traver and Atlitoitlion had c�iild be enthused enough to leo it their 'law, °dices -on -the Main street. helping 'hand: • :..” • • :1 -; afeK. 'Gordon and J. S. Tennant, • ' " 2 , '7, • .• • •-• Yillage Getting Raw Deal From Bruce 'Tis Thought , Bruce County tepresentative Failed To 'Support- eputation-That-, Re eently Asked Minister of Highways To Take Over Amberley - Guelph Read7.,County...Council .1'04 1935 Discarded. . There -is an increasing wave Of in,' . • • dignatien :.in this village, as i be- comes -quite ,apparent,'Jbat certain interests• • i : n Bruce County Are him& ing*tucknow a te* deal in: highway matters, ;apnardiitly inorder that their Own Objectives may be promoted • • • , , • . , . . The matter relates;te,.a recent effort to have. the Province take over the. Ambeiley-Gbelpli toad, as a pro- 4.vincial highway. The :only opposition that was .voiced by thelarge dopu- tation who waited =On the Hon, T. B. MeQuesten, in this regara, early in 'Yanbarr,.• waS froth, the 'Bruce ,Courm.: . , . ,ty repteSentative. . • .That there are sinister : motives afoot, resulting ; in this Opposition. Can scarcely :be doubted when one considers. that back in • 1925; Brute County Council, went on ricotd ring_ahat-the Troyineetake over this road :for Which, from Ainberlei to Lucknow; Bruce Cenati is responsible for its upkeep at present. The Elora Read was else includ,ed.in, this reso- lution :but as the Aitiberley-Guelpli ' , y ••, roadth , is e -cute present miner, consideration, Bruce County, if play:: ing Tail: with Lucknow, Would 111We supported *the, deputation's. recent re- quest. , • • The ignoring of ` this reedirtmendst- tion and the expressed 'opposition to efforts to carry it into effect, certain, ly gives Lucknow anaile 'tendon = for indignation, ,and. the. firm 'belief that this Village la getting a raw deal by the selfishness' of other Sacide County interests. Situate as it . is ,at . thp extreme _ south of. the County, is no reason why , ImeknoW's" interests should be 'lightly :regarded by more. influeetial, .central • nuiriicipalities,This' recent action „ilia, se , aroused Certain citizens in the Village, that we have ' eve* I heard it pteaCised that LucknoW, Withdraw itere teats and hccorhe a' pat of. Huro:i ' A phisticiansihad cards in the ,paper. George Mair was proprietor and G. A. Siddell;,:-mariger, Of the .*Lucknow BankingCo. , to the Dungannon shbw.. Ffir4 the judges :of :Minses..*ere--,D.':•As.,:;Puriia, A. ., Nicholson, F.J. Hell; of 1Catt....,-7 Robt Fraser, „ John • Washington, Isaac. Salkeld; of speeding in the ring ;and lady dtiVere-,J.::C. Maitin and ' A. M. Polley. Of Goderich:.-:fand:.';Er.. Eluckallof Clinton,: of F'O*1-4•Jas, 'Wyse, Lackno*,,, .4' Ladies' Depart- • Susie :Failie • of Goder- ich and Mtg. 'Smith of Lucknow. • Tivo• marriages are •, announced both; by Rev. A. 'McKey,•= each at the residence of the brides' fathers: Mi. James W. .t0 ..Pliqs Mary Huater,:..teaCherV*,. On. ''Oateber. .156, and Mr.' Oltite. Stewart' of Lucknow , to Miss Mary Morrison „of; Lucknow; on the 22nd of Oeteliet. :TThere : a special memorial skethh• . , of a greatly beloved pioneer Of West Wawanosh 'John Cameron,- born. 'fit, -Inverness)' Scotland, April: 1816, died „ in West WilWanosh; lath of 'October, 1890, a friend to all, • and . everyone : who ever 'knew' himretained, a Werra • remembrance of -his: kindness and . noble • hospitality. • , A I.ETTERS 'POR Gum. A.itEA REACH. 'WRONG tOCHALSH • - Wingham:--How would you likd to have everyone calling • yciu up and , asking you if there. was a pill strike in. your place? Well, such is:happen- ing 'to D. A. McLennan, of Lochalsh, Ashfield • Township. tochalsh,, com- 'prises two stores in the -centre of a d11O-year-old Scotch settlement. Since' the gold strike id. New 'Ontario there has been, a good deal .of mail ad - to' the, general atore, Lochalsh„ ask- incfor ,tho host •directions in regard to .the strike; as well as questions in regard to the lecatioir.of the place. The Pattieata.terekeeper reutes them ori to the other Lochalsh, New,Ontar- io, and hopes 'for the • beat 'The strange thing about the settlement is the fact that there are two stores in the place. Both' are kept by Mac- Lemians and yet they ate no relation • frank, the other storekeeper. wa4'the. Wineet in a sareePOtake some time age, and people '. Of the vicinity thought it was qpite a lark for mail to ecane in regard to o -geld strike ' to the obscure little Village. Of IAA.- , •