HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-28, Page 4. • •
Bata."' Mullin .of -Edmonton is visa-
1 ing with her cousin, Mi.. mr.john ,Mow.•
broy and other relative.s, She !is , a
daughter of of Mr. gerirge Mowbray
and a former, resident of this-. com-
Miss .Nellie 1VIcCalluni of tangside'
'sPent a few daYs With her aunt, Mrs.
,.. .
.k. ^ MeQuiPia: - • - -
Mrs. Curt tott , of •Winglifira spent
the 'week -end at the hoine 7. of Mr,
and Mrs. J. S. Craig. '
. •We. are,.s,orry .,te, repOrt Mr: A. E.
pnrden to,_have' Suffered an.-ifijilr'Y -to
Iris eYe,. heiiig.,,strnek with a chain
hook whileatsivOrk •- ' '. ., •'
Mrs, •,,Tames McGee celebrated her
.39th, ,b,i,rtlidaY 'at the' twine of her
: The., Young ' People:, Of .chalrner's
Church ' are invited.,t6'Whigharn this
Monday evenirig..Wehope„ for. a *goad'
turn out. •., •
• 'Mr. Watt: , Forster returned to his.
' homeafter; spending ;a ,few months
pp tdrth. ' . • '4' • - •
. , . .
Mr. George Rosshas accepted a
position near Walkeiton to work in
a hatcherythere. i,
We are sorry to report the illneF4
of-----Mis.--Rhys...--Pollock. --Norse. -Elle,
itintoul • of .-Viringham has been 'at-
tending' her. We • hope to her of a
speedy' recovery.:
t• Alias I 'Mimic -Rintoul „ is :working
It 'tli home of -Mr. RhYs: PolloCk. :
11,1,Fary your diet -With
the healthful, appetizing
goodness of • Canadian, ,
FishanaShellfish: Serve ,
'Fish:Foods more oftenOuring
'the Week.. Whatever forrn ;
mOstavailabltdryoUl.:fresh, •,
frozen, clarined/,smdked,:pic
• kled-or dried.-- you wOlfina .
rich • in proteins, vitakrups,
he'elthgiv.kng ..dPein.'ents: • •
flavour adaptable to count-
less, • and , delicious
WrIts A. recipes. And:. you'll find
FOR'1FREE ;BOOKLET 1 that :Canadian' Fish
t 0, , Shellfish give you full value
6114"1" -nourishment for
yolir.'free 52=Pa8e " every cent spent: •
!we., bay a Fish 'Day''.; con- •'
.tsin sictve,v 109 deiightful,Fish, ' I,: DEPARTMENT .FISHERIES
'Hector "L41tY” Goldsmith of the
Southampton Fishermen, aee
paw pitchercff Ontarie,'ho gone. to
Kirkland Lake, Joining .Sonthan'Inten
in the "spring Of 1931, -Goldsmith
anediately intCi." prominence
and. With-hiS 'pitching and batting lit-
(0.11'-ried up the Bruce •Leagne,
In 1932.t,*11.ich was his best' year :with
the Fishermen,
he had the. holior of
.harling.his.'teana singleLhanded to the
!,Ontario-: ChanipionehiP., His; record
that- Year :will probably , never sur-
passed in ci.04;A: baseball. Oich-
e0:!Sne'rie-hit .ftame,Wg One: -hit gainear
three two -hit games, two; three -hit
games,• five font -hit, ganies:and at no
time allowed his opponents more than
eight, hits in any, ,one..gaine. In the
final game • against,'Nortli Bay he ,al-
lowed .the -Pirates dne ''solitary 'hit
and .struck but 2:5.batters.sHis strike -
:nit: record for that year ,wits 385 for
25 games, an. aVerage Of 'more than
15 per game.
,In I:933 he• again pitched his tearri,
to an 0.B.B.A.. championship. In
hurled his t0.....the,..,foa.1SitttIC1 10dt
to Nappee.' in two straight,' 'games
in-spite.of two ;brilliant pitching -ef-
forts when his his suPPort cracked, and
his:%earn-mates failed, •to ' bit—and,
'this with his little daughter hovering'
The! Y. ,P: S. of the 'Presbyterian ..etWeen Iif ancl death with infantile
'irriyed lome'on. Saturday to be ii
ittendance 'With her father, .Tos;
loiletr.uegohrWe ;iar:hoIltiPSe.f
slYri 111 with
merit and speedy reeevery. •
, Mrs. Barkley and Mrs. Fitzgerald
aePOIriPanied, Mr. and Mrs. Alberti
Campbell .of -Westfield to visit Mr. i•
Ind Mrs. Richard Gardner near. Luc- ' I
'now for the week.. -end. •"
. Mr. Ben Mole as lately beeri tinder
.,(he doctor's 'care having developed
iinus trottkle• from a cold. It was, at
first 'feared .an.:operation would :be
necessary," but: With, '.bleetriC
tions affected -part broke and .'
lief, *as, giiien, at -nee, and. Ben is re,
, , , ,
Church spent Monchiy evening with Paralysis. ', • •
Wingliam Y. P. S. and . quite a' num- In , 1935,. with 0, heavy schedule
ber- from here ittendlik.considering facing, him, Alf: Noble ' was brought
he -slippery the- Hector:
.was - given' by the, Whitechurch y. P. went through, to the Bruce.' League
Opening-. hyinn.494;.prayer -by Championship; but illleek • again dog -
3. Pollock. _poem, by Mr. Thos ge oo s eps `n-ct---Napanee-
Wilson, president; scripture reading, again PIA thear"out-InTspite of a won-
Psalni` 90 by 'Mrs! ecil FfIleoner;• (leen' hurling' exhibition ipNapanee
.. . SALT FISH ° LiE; tuxE,-;, ,
146. package OfhOrieless cod or Other
dit;n salt filh.fresliened. • Butter ,
'1 sA cup of hot water 2 .hardthoiled .eggi
v; alp. of 'pepper , 'I tip. of dry mustard
" •'freihened hsh ,into pieces.
• .iTurn•three -quarter, tup!Of .hbt; .
1 ' water in which fish Was freshened,-
. over fish, which has been placed on
I platter or shallow dish. Sprinkle-,
with teaspoon: ofslrY In,aard_...2.1111: •
.half 3easpopti ofpepper. ' (atop
'bard-boiled'eggs ?iirvek.fish. nfici, dot
generously with butter,' ServOyith;
lariat° sauce. • .
g'noalia.."gas, hearibtirp,'49t4,n
that ,.hCtivy dyspepsia.
• `. you 'are '.kint: get 1,):Cievonderfl '
• storpach (1.A31lituisT0X•iviik
help. ,youtu imineclinfe ns adios helped
• 'thousands. At, ' • ..
.. •
• and, Mrs. Win. Bushell and
son of London, .spent the Week -end
' at J B:111Origkinion's.
,Mr: and Mia. Orland Richards;
Were. Sunday: ,vieitys at W. Boyle's,
Mr. ;Bert- McLean, Ar and Mrs,
Jas Hodgins and Mr. Tom Hodgins
motored, to ..St. Catherines On 'Satur-
day owing to ,the, illness of Mrs. Hod.
gins' father,. 'Mi Jos: Armstrong;
who has' been in the hospital :for
smile time
Mimi Muriel McFarla,if, pf London
spent the week -.end- at her home here
Mr.. and Mrs. Art Graham enter-
tained', the exeeutive of the Church
Society cbi Thursday • evening 'Of
:last Week., .
Misses Frances Crozier, and ,.Etea,'
trice, Treleaven, attended . the "Supper
Xtub" meetingt.it ',Margaret 8tew:-
art's on .Tuesday. ' •
•The •Y. P. $: Was , well attended
on Friday evening,. , Miss Beatrice
Treleaven taking `Charge..
Mr:John ' Martin, spent '• the week• -
end et hie. home near Parariaount. '
Mt and , Mrs Matt 'Matt., hackleton
entertained the young people, „atter'
the . -Skating party on Saturday evei
ing: A good time was enjoyed .by . .
• ,
• , •
Mr. :-Sidney, Bi -own of Benniiller,
aS, .weefi--ead visitor With'Mr. and
Mrs: ,S. J. Itilpatricli.. '
Jean A,nderson • of .• tinlough
. ,
sPent tho Week -end at her home:
rea mg iy r. r.9
er by -Rev. Mel.ean of . Wingliani;
trio "Annie `"Annie Laririe", was :Ening by
Messrs. 'James and Thos. Wilson- and
Jrick'.PollOck;:' reading' on. 'Robert
Burns by Mrs. ::Caution; reading • by
MTS. ;Robert Mowbray; -solo bir-jan•.
et Craig.. reeding:. bY Mr: AlexItel,3-•
pray by-Grildsmit. •"'
' after :a start, big
Lefty showed:- his former .prowess,
and after 'Winning the Bruce League
for ; the:: Sixth successive . Year; • he
'won the fifth,,,And•-degiding garne
game ,igainst . Barrie in et.: the
gretest.baieball :gimes ,ever Seen in
'erisOn• an addresS:' on: Robert ,Burtrii..0wen Sound. With .)40.,Infield:.shet
by Rev. John 'Pellock; quartette by
Jainee 'Wilson': and 'Jack-
Missei Janet. Craig an yet.,
ma, .....Stotfl. ,reddink by Miss Annie
Laidlaw, After the program, a social
:tune .wae..held..and •unqt was served.
All had'itri-'enjOyable evening. :
KMrnt McDonagh of .London
spent the 5040,116i
Miss• Jean Long.visited her iter
RalPh Hill of PuiPle- Gr.cive,
full of iialtaries.rso that .theP Players
could scarcely ',hobble. to, their-. posi-
tions, bested the great "§iitoky'.,
Sraith ' a great hurling duel: „ His,
pitching.'•effOrts,,against, StratIfroy in.
the finals pivere.• excellent, his speed
and. control never better, bi.W-again
fate ". unkind ,and his. team Could
.net get. and -lie;
dropped tWO. straight •
• ,
Possessed of an • uncanny baseball
sense and ,a :keen student of • opnos-
...GoldsMith Stilt „.stabli
SiiPrenie amongst pitchers in:Ontar-
.., • • • He has what is lacking in-., so
over Sunday.• . • — .
Miss FririceS MantitaMeTY. of Gode-
rjch Institute was home
or over :ever 'the week -end: -
Mr: Charles Alton spent 'the week
.end visiting' friends in Toronto, re-
turning Sunday night..
Mrs; David Spronle,...Robina, Net-
tie- and. Harold, 'WS. Win. McClure
and BilTy Mr.,and , Mrs: Arthur El-
liott Were. Sunday guests with, Mr.
and Afre...Robt.; Wilson in Goderich:
'Nfr• Gordon Moriticrilleit of Weiler-
week -end :visitor With his. parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. .BiontgOmery...
Mr. and: Mrs., Samuel :Reach and.
Mr. ,and,...N'fri, Burton Rolle visited
rn Sparlair With" Mr.. and Mrs. fteuben'
:The annual meeting . of the West
Wawanosh Fire Hein:ranee Co., Will
be held. in ...the -Peril* Hall, Friday,
February 5th at 2 P.m
A progressive ,Crolcinole party was
held In the Orange Hall, Friday night
January„.22nd.ffen-tablies Were played
'restilting•.with,Bitoi W. A. Culbert.
and Ferne Alton Winning; prizes and
WarCulbert nd fOriiiirtirOtti7'n
for the gents. Violin and guitar mus -
le 'was by Mr. Wm. J. Robb
and Miss Dorothy..,Readings by :: Jim
Million and. Walter Dickinson, as
well as impromptu speeches fiona se -
.,..n1 e:ailed en by. the Chairman; Mr:
'' Mr. 'Patrick Gilmore ;left 14°01idaY,' tinhainlig3;..caalhleideteet .O.rth. aAtbsinoltuatlielYib,luerirU9ffli7d1
some -
for b•,Cishe..,s.blerYo,ti,iteor..iria.titae*nd; !,tmliel:.. funeral
by: s riding 'fiemr. hostile rooters, , he
delights . in tr. game when the going.
O'Hara, which was 'held4;•., Tucscley: ;
IS tough, and is always "iit",', his best in
11.:19M7s1:g;SU.sl;''.'Gibs,011'••••1 in.,litickn.°*•ia, ap-inndehn d'Iw' ' Old '11‘' ee has gone. .. His
at ,.• Present,., assisting Mrs.,, Moore,
:loin' i:iititeallBariiegr Latealgon'.autd°':'
"iil'io has been `quite ill. ''.. ""'" .iseoauvtihnagin''pw
..1Vlis Lorena ..".Hogan: of Mar .,
to baseball in this district. He ,cer..
spent the Week...end with her parents. liainly: has What it takes in. baseball
' The sleet Eitiirin Sunday' .eventng
has left the b.1 liE3.Y.v.itYs All a . Y ."torir as the greatest of tbein all.
and.,' he Will go., down in, district his,:
:gereu. condition. . '' : ' ' . . , .
..-.;Prit • i'riday'' evening with Mrs. Alnier Ackert 'and Jack, Mrs: ." -14cka-ow's . SePoYs •-1-Xon • a
- .
Mr,. and: Mrs. Jas; Webster. .Wm`. -Elliott and. Bill el. liurori spent 5 to victory in Wingham on Sat-
-: If. Hortowentert,ained a'num- Sunday at Mrs George Hale's at prdaY.' The: entire. team foiled: into,
.M.r. and Mr. ,Ernest Blake „ arid
:1-,,..rtday at. dijatc;rk..: : • . • Mr:, G. S. •MacIntyre's - car to Maki
\---LT Mr, and, 1VIrs, Harvey, Ackert•and .t,hattiri. Luckrigi,v tdok, •Ei 2-0 :lead.in
. . . the 'Orfit period..and'added•-one in the
• ..':Al iss : ' Bernice'. pia:ke. .Of... Stratfordson Clarence, -of .Kineardi'ne; •-apen.t . , • , . - • .• •
Normal;,. s'Perit 'the" Week:end , with her Friday• " ' t' Mi Ernest • Ack= . gecond, '. which was ' WinghaMs ..big'
parents, Mr.. an(); Mts'.."John:.Blake. eres. , • ' : • -: '' • • ' . . . .. .. . period when they ran in three , goals
-.,:.,.;'Tlre"..anet.ial., cbrigregationalimeet-7 ' Miss ' 'jean ' johnstOo..,,. snd '•-, lsgs.4,:wl.h\th..trin.6,.6,11., d'i'',i.riiiK.i.lie SC.Q:refs
.,j,4.• ..wa5/.:: kpla VVOIleSday . afternoon. i3lanche ' liarbilte'ri ..iver..reeenta, • Visit-: 'Oeci..., The , Seirys',. added i another •pair,.
. .1.‘1,, and,, 1.b..„„, .d ; ....• T. . .1 . • . , • m . b •,' in the . Sid aid held Winghain ireare
; .; ,,.. . -4i •,.. . cmge ,. warn ey• ors at ,...r. Ro ert. MacDonald$. ,, .,,. ,.. . . , , . ,. . .
Visited. on 'Sanday.;• with'• the latter's' less..[Donald.'•Finlayariff• bagged 'g of
:parAntA• ••Mr. and 'Mrs.:' jeseph ,'1VIC:-
Cann",.Nile. . ;, ,' • -.,•• ;,:...... ••',
Observed.."Eith .Ritthdaym, ' , r ' .
A.:piewient afternoon *r10. . 4veifine,
,Vere spent,' , c;.n.. iThursday, ,Jantuiry,
•:ist; when . Mrs, "Itebt.. liastY .:of
,plingannon, vs.,,,ittl: ,her' farriiIy;•. Were
invited' to tile: home - of Mr.• :Oct.:Mrs..
Jricr. T,• Eldke,, tb...d,d•Ilrs.',1-iiiSfY-hori•-7
r '• on , iber -seVentyeightli. btillida:
itot ' entire"; tardily ' of Aix ' Chi4dreif,.
ilSo „sonic „ , 4 '..ho' graridchlydron,
were.. 'present. for dinrier,'-iind an, en.-
joybic...:Ovoniiig• was, ',spent .togetber
.Alith nipsic and: gaities, .1".,ttiers.,.. ,9
..',01grptia0oh ,iind:' .telephone..eills
. were'recaiv'edliy 'her,' whiCh Made. the
clay a , volt hippy oecasiOn.; 'We, all
Join In wishing Atrs.„IiaStY more hap -
all. . , py..birthdasrg: . ? , „ '
Mies ._ Winnitied Blake spent the
ctlei.,•of, 9.0p,reciiiticin ,:for 'the
week -end at her home 'in Mafeking, • -: • • :.
7_, good :things received by ,theini in -the
• Mr, 'Alvin Kerr, vvhp '''SPerit :the I Lvhich •Wils sent to, .Alarneda,
'past month' at Bort Treleaven's 'left: s.a,.31,,0-9,f,.:! .,"0as
Monday ter.. Mt. Stuart,Plunkett,,',1, "I'Ac•Vived recently.,by Mt,
-,.• and Mrs. ' Jrio. T. 'Blake: This fatniiy-
'where: he ..is 'engaged...to Work .for .a .,,\,f1.', and :qtrs.- J. v. Thoth
, . . . . .
,yeitto ,' . , . • „. e •.. ,,', , '.4110V'eci . 1.):6111 rlOar ' King,Fterr -'s'd'int
Melville Culbert Culbert, Luneh , was served
to end a -very pleasant evening.
Enters -,Training-- • •
Miss Lenore ,Stothers daughter
MT- and' Mrs. .lierhert Stothers 'en- - • itzP
Iimmt:simy; JANUARY. 45, ,107.
, teem° Barnwell •Lioeol §Pinder
' itqinglaso Denibrille • H. B. werno.
_24111alaroatowultiksvostalm, Screen ilaY.b Roberwtllieki*
' -Story by Clarence IfisclinsforaCeliand
'FRANK CAlritA: rroducOon ,
' Coltimb, a 'lattice '
;loos his own,
106.• 'Night 1".
" AND . PDX '
ADMISSION —35c and :;20e.
tered int.o.. training at 3!c!y,tTreaS., and ahoWe'cl thatthis
Marine IlosPital Goderieli the :first 'Year's fair had netted. .assets of..
of the week': ,many'kfriends' wiSh, $65,69 above •e0enditures, • winch
her,' success in: the career' . she :has .3,hows.,, a, progressive organization.
chosen. Sht. Was 'tendered a ., ,..Y„Pr,37 interesting ..diecussiens,
Vafty,:last;•:Friday: night by her aunt :ael'2,:place:,...regtirding ,.iMproVenients
Mrs.'.'Wilfred Drennan' at •Crewe,' for 1937 in all the branehes
.Where, inaby. friends. and relatives at- even to the school : section, :is
tended'. .I.4ter in tba:•5;:repirig, the :evideptly.-4n---for-, a tho'rongh: ::•ever -
,younger serwent7llito .Rall '1':!IMIlatp--Th-e7D,irectors,jx-tIrel-variOs-
ot •••• . .deP,tments :gave' theit,',repOits and
; MM.) David Krrington 401, ,suggestions'7for ,bigger, and hater..
concession, '-'Sperie,:a.' day .last Weelc than ever 1937 fait,Nter' consider '
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brair;.: '„ able, routine business, Mr. Mr. '.Albeit
Doctor Viikes To Myth" • ' Johnston "Made a.: Motion. of anjiree-
. Friends . shock- lotion for., the services : of ,James'
'ed on hearing the departure of Dr. LYenS;. Whic haS:• new : :aerVed.': Ave
Volceo;.Mrs. ',Vokes. and, sou years .as president," and during .whose
Beh7froin.-our'•Midstrboth-midst,-and, _term,„_.the'L.,14ir has Steadily ;gene
as a‘.. practitioner: It is: semen ,Years" agr• Lyons having -not 'etitited
trinee-they , came • to Dungannon 7 and his...ea:Oft:a on behalf-. of the ..fair 'and
idok ever.the inediOirbuSineas of Dr. through whose guidance the fair has
Mr: • and 'Bits; .RobeNt Elliott • and`
family of. Teesvirater .sPerit :Sunday at
Mr.,i James: Baker' and Mr. Richard
• 1)son -had
• Miss Frances Crozier is ' visiting thirty ylars, p go; and hcattfolt grat-
' rriende, in; LtickhoNT'i, Was eXf3i•esseri tor tiro thought:
Mr. itggie. Gawley is; Spending a. trthidAs found :expression in
,nonth. at
Mr and Mr Wilfred Drennan ,Oli Rifpa trick Of'••AtWood,
tertaleed about forty of their 'friends •;,p‘..lit•- tire weA.',:erul, with her titirenta,'
On "Friday -henor,,,of Miss -.A rid - Uri: • 'S.. j.
-1. •
Lenore gtothere 'who "entotell Goder. • • ; _ • '‘
• ih ,Hospital '.4Onda'y' as "a nurs'e ran;.Yoti do.' the. work !
inanf friendS • heard.
'e'viorY .111.0685i' [ wAhted '
,,, Mr; , and Mrs. Thos. and
Earl,: Mr'. and Mrs. Howard
.Mrs. ,Almer Aekert. and .Tack spent
Saturday eVening, at Mr, Clarence
FarrOW's. . •
;Mrs. -ChaiTeongrani and'•Clifford
were•'.SundaY.,Visiters.. at Mr. Ernest
Ackeitt'S. ••• ', v. ' ,
Mrs., the& :Culbert Spent ,the. Past,
week' in, HaneVer ;where: `she" attend-
ed. the funeral of her ..brother, the
late Mt. l•ienry perry'.
• .Mr. " and • Mrs %Bert . Moffat,
tained a number of their friends, Ori
'Friday evening., .
• Mt, .and PeterboUgh and,
•Timily; South line - and, Mts. 'Peter•:
.hough. .itiriCatdint Sunday
guest at BirS2 Rachel. Ctilbeit's:
MisS' Hope • Wall of Langeide': WAS
a recent visitor With her sister Mrs,
Bert Moffat. '
Mr?. Coffer' and. daughter Of Tara
,were 'recent visiters ' with her, ,sister
Otto Legge, Ici*Ing Wednesday. •
)1r, old Ntre, )364 ,Moffat •••sPerit. nrot tvvo toro• play
-Stindale 4e Mr, Pete 1Viettat's
, • that 'holds good in this groin) b
Mr. Richard Elliott SPentitbe kg§tet. .
.CV6Pi?' at. °6tititY tion,teamwahri .1611' *sure obe:aabout "Pitl. "playoff'
MiAs• lotorehee SPent the"
as double; aeliedule;,
Aveek..end:-.at• -her .tarigsidec
'MisS 'EekeriSWiller Of Kincer4
tine Spent a ;tenni& ...of • day, With
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Eldon 61t,
•Lucknowei •goalfi,•'with John Dahmer,
'Jack Cook and'. John K. ,•MacKenzie
getting ', One each...Rims MacDonald
Was ,cut over /the eye by a ''slcale in
The Sepoy line -Up. wag:, Goal, Reid -
McKim: -.Defense; Donald Finlayson.
and -Rosa', .,MareDtinald;',,Piref-,line--
centre,_Alohni_K. MacKenzie.. wings,'
John Dahmer and Jack ',Cook.' Sec-
ond line—Centre, Donald Macken;
wings, Doug. Aitchison sand till'
Treleaven. • '
Li •
'.:Skating ..in 'the rink comnienced
Saturday evening with a good sheet
of ice. • - •
The • rst hockey practise ef, the
season was oft': TnesdaY with only
about ten players . turning ,Mit, „Lin
centrist to -2- the', Usual' swarm . of
players that ping the iee.•;.0057 . •
LucknOW and RiPley " meet in the
first game of their :two -team; NVJ 0,
.1-1. A, group next Thursday in Lue-
kilo* 'and ,retarri 'to' Ripley the fel-
• I .
Playing their third seaSon in the
Oa Ao-VVingliain art ,Tuesday night
Wi%, their ,first game in that Mine. by
defeating I Walkerton (i-4,
F.E. dase.. They are !moving t.fijs: finally einerged,•in its.Present state.
'week to Blyth, where the doctor vill 'The PietiOn .of, appreciation . was
render his services in. futnre,. but w 0, ill ended by Leishman, who,. added
. • • .
.continue to be • at.. ilia Dungannon his sem
,ntients to ...those' already.eX-
Office three afternoons a' week, for pressed by Mr, Johnston:. Motion.. car -
his patients. We wish for them our iieiL7The-. election, Of officers resUltcd
Very best that they Mayhave health,' as f °POWs; President, IaS.'"LyOns.'for
liappinas and Success:- We are also. his, 6th rt -:Mc -
glad they Will: be notsofar: distant Pliee; 2nd ' e
and hope they May. still lbe prominent Directors ' for Asii4e
ld, Jacoly„:
among us, where , they „have :been Sam Alton, 'Wilfred Drennan, ,. Eldon.
'Much: .yalued. ; • ' . Ciiihert; John` Btodie;.. West .'Wa;vari
Ice; ice,: ice,has been the order of osh, : H. . Leishman, Wm. Watson,'
' the .day lately,. and Old and young •LOrne Durnin, deb." Aiton;, Colborne,
have been travelling &win Main street .Reg. Glenn Frank': MCIlwaiii Alf.
on skates, And if you *Oren t on Errington; , Village of Dungannon:
skates you weren't in it nt all.• The Chas. Alton, H. ,Eedy, G. C. Trelea•
young folks -aimplY Pined for ice and .ven... Lady Directors;'MrS. N. E. Why
now they have it everywhere.. The ard,,, g. Colbert, Ryari
kids ikated', to. achool, and the Men and 'Mrs... Arthur Culbert; Associate
skated to work and its just been one Directors,, Thos. Anderson, Jr. •Tr'1,' 'Mar -
grand "alclellandi'i.. prank Pentland yin pernin, Franl&-pentland, BerI
looked out his :window early Tuesday McWhinney, • Allan '•Reed, ' Cecil John -
morning, oras early' 'as Frank gets \stOnk.Ari,diters; W. A.
up, Stewart Gor-
yi,1 lie netret Saw George Harnil- don/ .Kidd: • Secretary ;Treasurer' .fi'cit
ton: travel 'se fast.' (not 'in a. carr in 1937; Melville Culbert;
his- life.--Yeft•I-George---*ns'. on- skates
A• .
and almost breaking -the sPeed limit RAI)ID- CITY
going south, and going some, with:..
mat tails flapping in the hreeze. Well Little Girl Ekapes cop:rat:1m;
its "alright anyway, go ,anyway Yot • m m '—
can 'folks, but don't go down.
„ Margaret , 1l -old do-
ghter .of and MES. Robert _Mc-,
(Intended, FOt, Laii'
Nall; ..Was„.talFerf , to the 'Cliildroft'A
Janice Lyons.:"Agrikultnrall War ' MernOttal , . ,Lorycion,,
,Seciety preitident'...For , 6th ..T.etat ' , Friday, when it Wag, feared 'inaStald
The annual meeting of, theYinein.: had, developed: Latest: reports. are
here of tbe, Dungannon Agilculttire that it hasn't .been necessary- to bl0;
Septet?' :vitas,. held _in the. Agricultural etate. Mrs. • McNallRa :and.,C4erir t -
hall,'Monday, Jrieutity 18th With one are alsO: with . Scarlat feyer•
of the largest attendances' that has Nurse MeQuaig in ..attend4nee.
been 'Seen • at any previous ,'.arinual It was .decideds to 'keen the 801061
ineetiita, JaS. Lyonti. was ' elected, closed- this :We*. No More homes
chairmant of the -Meeting and, Melville, bit'Ve heen, quarantinedlately,. go. we.
,Cuthert, ,geeretary.. The, ;president, hope all will ;olin
during his address, Pointed out the Ronald,' sinall.son of Mrt' an Mrs' .
many ' idvniid.ee, and improvements is bettor after -being
which the •Society has made during
recent years and at the 'same 'tithe,
pointcd to further iinprovernents and
advances vhich they find necessary
ed.:In:take. lie 'tribute to tli•
!ate Arthur- Culbert,-, Who.: was a very
quite sick 'with bronchitis:,
-A few from .here speift, last Wed.-
nesday evening with .Mr;'and Ii(tr87
hni Englaq, lgth ,of' Ashtield',• .
gise,1.0)41,04$ent Sunday with
• Miss Freda CDA
active diteetoreand "Whoee passingl Ore golly, traflic.,Was at
will be greatly reiSeed: The Stariddill with the . roads a glare
statemenl was tkinr pteseted by tha of leo.
These low low fares:enable:you to torn
.fhe calendar from Vtinter ••
, right into a Seamier vacation
glorious California. , , •
Play golf 'beside ;the • hhie Pacific, "..
Motor through orange grove* and •
• aimg invititig highways, enjoy,
'_glanifirousnightsin gay HollYWOod-
•' Yoer choice ofroutes.•':':.'include the
• picturesque Canadian
chrthTh Vancouver., and Victoria:
nO °Aim cosi: • •
uIiirmati�fl',eit0.o Round Trip
n,„apolicaiion nuyl,
Miss,' 'Clara- Peter 'has returned .
. • ..
hoine frbin" Ripley where she • 'had 0
:been engaged . in nursing ' for the'
Past nine' Weeks f ; •
. Mr. Adam, ,Glahn visited in Goder,
ieh • on I-4'14day last. ' . •
Local' hockey.- fans attended the;,
, , ,
bpdkey match ' in Wingham on Tties-
44. 'night; of last Week.
R6eVe_AdreW -1Robineon -was
'Walkerton 'the greater ;part of. the
past week, attending County •Council
meeting .agiLrRsq ,
Win. :Ritchie roturnedojj Sat.
urday., from' S..1 ten-day 'visit 'with
•41iends 'in Stanley Pwp
Dtr 36.8. Gardner hit j to
Werk .With • Mr. -Rohe.'Butz�n,'Luak'-
Gt.lete with M and Atfra,, :Richard
,,Oardner over: "fftihe week -end Were '
Mr .• and Mrs. 'Albert '•CaniPbell't aria
Donald of Westfield; • Mi$:•Fitz;•' , •
Normal , spent.. the • Week,,eii4;,. her'
hnn0 her
Mi :and Mrs. , Thoi, •it:40ke#
:ratnii,. :Alf. and MrS, GOO., /10nte
and Wm, 0,; ind tiledk, event
d4y.._evening with dr Art.& Ittrs: Wilit
fred Drennan et ,dreWe., , • .
Zion V P S niet on MaticidyeVhing '.
t tahtediwt.heth'e of Mr. andMrs, WiIi ,