HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-28, Page 3ttnii..*R04
1,1 11 MX 1 0.111 A
N'ee4t 4v.z.e
Ntimiter' 2' diemond drill hole. at Ke-
•, ,
• ,•••.neeitta, Gold' .11,1aes, ..Kenotit miulug
division,• hits • teaehed a depth :Of 320'
'ft., ,accerdipg. to *Ord received,from
Charles • Young. :managing,. direetor.,
The:n(9e passed,,,through ;23 ft. ofivein,
•triattei.,:whieli is Ijelievcd to. be thO,
, do wnward:eXtenajen of a Wide quartz
•:veiii eXpeeed:'4 surlacq. A 'five -feet:
porphyry'. dyke and i.nother .•fi.ve"" feet
.materiai We're 'elotiencounter,
, . „
eil,„ while a quartz tiilgr was inter:
cteil in greenstone tormatien arli7
44,11P.cl •t9
• --t-erossent-Ttitit;,fetniatiou,-.18 "'being .con-
: tinned :th.•••anotheP 300to 403
7 .onorrolire-rter-,k-erem.,-,teraist.tngsgt
• ,•ed. :,.tpplitg and trenchlng ether
: '.veins 501' 1 he*.nottilig,
ddftioniti , holes.
.,„ . . .
SIaut sinking IS:, proceeding on the
• Beutlainaqne prOperty, of ,Pe.yore' Gold,
Mines and, according to offiCial,-.Weril,
the first, 1ev,e1, willbe cut at 'the 150-
• ft. iroriZen by the first ••Week In 'Veit-
•' .41): egiltpthent; *wall has been
• oalci tor tri full, is tin the ground •and
In operation. . A new ,•80;:h•p• bailer is
'riatinn total Of between'
130 itird.".140 horsepower. .. Open,. 'ctlitrIt
,'•;;Iilaion of station 'cuttingat the'1.50-ft.•
levol,. Itis ,plenneti to carry on 3.000
' 4 taterat,deirelopaient; sinitiltane•
tously..with shaft "'sinking': Which is .to
• he 'eentiiided to the...275-ft.:whei0
.a similar • amount Of lateral work 18
• proposed. Three shltts aro'.engaged
On le 24,1our schedule
•ing.Of d49,100 tons of 'ore In.:Itre...pre,v
• .
-ious 13 months.
Prod:nett(); at, Laguna. doid- Mines,
Northern .Manitoba; December to
tailed, $36,50,0, bringing tete] recovery
or 'the firet & months of tbls cam,
predin -o.$1017&0, er en
average ofapproxinietely j
month The management; feeP results,'
Obtained, in Decene;er an excellent
showing 'considering etnne ,•mincir
crusher trouble *BS encotTlitered
ing the .monfk.Ortiting and ',close'
;quitting ,oh, the. 315..and.,1,000-le. 'levels.
is steat ily increasing the. known Ore
„ • •
presently,' averaging 64„ tone -daily with
, nileads lippreXimeting ;79 .0Xe..zer
.$24.50 ,. Id per, '
First - otheiai . Underground: check
anipiixig receivkl .froni the: Kepi:pea
,three4hchttenel't arirplenj-,takeir
acrlise:1:4" Of1;.yeinil.mattet ,the
'firct4V. qi-lislytetinricliatttheirednrane'r
'or $.1.48..40,07.0 41.661.5t gold:pelt,
, . „
t9..a.'„ • These ,resoltr,: while somewhat
"higher' •than ex,.1,3c0ii 'at that point,
shcw, abc tne. 4,pr'esentative
:values previtne, •sampling et. levier
leVelit' officials' report. .‘The property
Big ;Nleate% on the ;warth ;aid
teSt• • ••
. '
',Satiate exploration Is proceeding on
• the 2attairon'tialart'...: 'Gold. Mine pto.'
• • I. • Petty:, th'.. 'Malartic..toWnsbipi, ,Quebec,,
whilo tt• 'cumpl&jgn :of.diamon drllllng
•:. has 'just. Comm eed to further explore I
"•,,• the •orc ient •bgveaed in pleVloiis
oprat1uip.,'•A series Of ,hOlee,
,.be eking' the, niajOr, axis.
. .
of tneknown sedimentary ..formation..
lift,-the--r-Ftparti-- -7 ---AlleigudeiP,Ittig,
ere,' it is 'stated . that the surface is
Iieuvily covered •enti • the
di-ill:holes': se. fel; ',put .down . have
• • eheWit ft ,geologieei .structure with,
• massei3,. Of ' porphyry and °Sheared. sed17
•',•linerits, 119 well as slliclfled Sections
• ceptaiiiing' eemmercial• gold values
across faii widths. Buildings tamel.
brit-. to itecomin,oilate the 'Operating
•• •• • •
,cteiv-• for the. Winteta :development
• work.hatie been: 'completed.' ..The coin -
Reny. has.-betiveen • $80;0116 and $35,600
available it,: the treasury for Ile .prO",
„gramme "Off
• E8tiniated. net 'prat ef Dome :Mince
lii:1936 after taXeS, and '
• Written, Off, •but, befote ';det.
Pteeiation::'depletiOn„and. edjustinehts
„. Of Sarnia's:and tiOntiligent teeerve,
..totalled"..$4,281,150,' equal,' to.
•$4:49 it'shitte.,Oir batnetern,
• Jive in /936 equal to 44:63 a
• Share, while after all charges for that
• year "'net. was equal to $1.90.: A nhara...
ProdaCtion.••••10': 1936 totalled • $11,234,390
fiom tteatment-ef"553,300 torieof• kite;
against •enitnet of •$6;93.9,939,•ftent,inill-
' . • ..
Says Sun Cause •
,‘"yaI BanA
,• ' •
Speadative Booms and Reinitant Depressions Most be Pre:,
ventedif_CoPitali?t,tio SYstelo to Survive, States Morris W. ,.
Wilsonirresident ),and Managing "Director—Heeammends.
ComMission ,to Investigate Financial RolationsbiP of
Dominion, Provincial and Municipal Governments.
Sydney P. Dobson, General Manager, Reports •Continued'Pro- ,
•• " gress in Bank's Business " DePosits Up S56i000,000 —
- Profits' Improved—Rusiness Undoubtedly on Up Grade
Warning .against the,..dangere. of
.s.peculatife. ;boom,' and a
lhatt_reeove0 be on an
.,orderIY'.•;basiti,,-, were outstanding
'features Of the' addrese, of IVIerris
W. p.reeldeht and Maneg•
"Director,, at.';'the 09th,. Annual•
Generel.c,MeetIng,'-"0.-).?f(he., Roval
Bank'..9f Canada.; • •
That'..reenverY'w„ati.'"*011 011 thq
Way there Cetild DO 'little ,doubt,
' and oeven,thereest sanguine would
have hesitated 'it, yea; ego to pre.'
dict- pre:geese: as great as that
which has • beeiraceoMplisbed due,.
Ing 1936 statetiWil
• • •
In eddieSsing; the *meeting, Mr,
.'said.- in parti.
. • . ,
oA serious 'iought ,egaje effect-.
.„-ed-,..large 'areas in the -Westr:-...-with-
results thet ',Wert disestrOU,s, tothe.
Those 'farmers Who -reaped good
:er,iips last .yea 'i benefited m:tterial-
ly higher :prices, but; in the
;West .,of a" broad recovery,. „farm
Income has lagged, behind.
'• -gratifyingqhet 'the stoeks
, of grain in ..Camida.' are •again 'of
propettions,, Nature . Is in. a
. „fair w y COA take the .GoVernnietit
of • benadit nut • of the:: grain 'hug',
' nets.. It is sineerely to be. hoped
. 'that. site Will not :be 'drawn Into
it again.. ; • • ,
slight increase
•: Year: and -this, • together- w
• •heatier.„ . volumeof sales '
•• rent ••• encouragement to the
• newsprint intinstryi ",..• '
, , •
"Irt the'. luinhor ' industry., there
•hee been ii satlsfactory volurne ,of
". 'demand from ' Great 'Britain, ever
•eitice the begioning .et their :build -
Ing btmin, 11116 been
•••maintained(luring the:•past. year
. and is • the most •important: factor
In: the ..improvement ,of ,conditions
•in..luMbeting:` • .• •
• 3312 'The alue of Canadian ntineral
In 1935. The
"precord in 1p36, amounting .to ap,
roduction .'eetablislied a• new. higli
:•. •
proxiniatety • $350 milliOn; compared
:••,Prespeetelof:the 'Canadian Mining
.„, ,
indastry are more favorable than,
at any tithe' in the'lmst, • •". \. •
rliroughout. .-the .Mariufatturhag.
induetries ot. • Canada, volmiii7bf
Productii'l hate. -teen' :above the
lever"Wiffeh'PrMited 'in -1926, and
''.."In".••20C10her: ''iiaPhOd''' the :'highest
pohit 'resordedaince dein 1929. '
Employment and. Relief,' ,
. . , •
:"the moment 'manufacturing
.emplOyment.-Is'..elose to normal. lir
as a 'Whole, the:, ntiniber'
,:,Sinployed• is.. greater' than,' at. any'
time In eur'history. ' In trade' the
• .:vcilumet•of;.•empioYnient
• Is not-un-
satlsfactory. 'Under 'these ,
Cannot but feel that .the
hatFeome-to---•itiunine• w-
.. our •those-TeceiYing,
uneniploynient-relief. - It Is a not
.. :able fact that therehae.beeintne
ceniais;. of ';'• utieniploynient'Ince
'1931... At a time like' the 'Present
Veinier census. wmild "give . our
„vetious governing bodies :facts
whien woupf help thein in. deter:.
,mininatien"0? polc1es.
. '.13I'vlsiCti of Taxee,
Ovvr a i•Witle.field of econornic
iegislation • It to, • virtually,,lnipass4
' .to,,, gliets. Whether• riliiina.te
1:1Ltit11ority 'rests, with the •.Preyinte
....Or With the Doiiihioii.
• "Let us secure a' teview of •the.
14' Whole". subject by .110y41 f)!In."`.
with* the:, ohleet,Of
ing these complexitiee. Changed
f.tiocial. and.'" econoinie•
, have throWn.,, responolinlities;.Non,
'• Verions..governiog. bodies ..that. IN't,pro"
nevcr.tonteniplated at the 'time of
:Confederation; and 'ela eonee,
quence it, iii•foUnd'intreasingly dif•'
7 'ficult, •1,some instances,' to :Meet,
• theeit additio,nal,. .tespOneibilitiee;
.With, the 'sources" ut rettentni... at
theft . disPoitair 'Raving '.`regard • to,
the neeessity.. of 'Maintaining the
national 'credit; if it 19 flt alt
. tbit) seine solution Mitet, be. found
Which will.615ertnit both : prOvinces,
and mtinitipalitiee.:.•to 'continue -the
. SerVice.Of .their publicdetit in ftill.
. • • •
. ,
"It Is the Ushtsan 111 certain
quatte.re";to say, that the'eySteln Of
Prefet to tektu•
It, lndlvidualb?in—lias, fatted; .•• • '
Ottawa AstrOnonaer.Preilictif.Mare
• .• Seifert: Eiii_deMie„••• Next' Year
, • . .
t4,9ttaWa,..4preiiid.ert Of -the Royal : As-
S'Ocietyof,""cenade. dee;ar,
,ed 'Iasi. vreelr-illit7influenza•-epinenile
at present prevailing of the
country could b found. In the "stars".
ile •• aderes,sed • the •,.enntial at. -home
'gathering .in the phys1c bullding at
37!, Unlverslty oT Toronto.:;" •
• he preia'nI eloudlness of the wea-
ther,' he said. wal. related.' to :the ;auk'
..iyetated• akrad'of..tnthienza..'•
NitsiyituK:„ ,his .iareanT. he.: said ..in,
an ":sun ,siot.•Erogreis-.
sion if -idle -0'6d that :in ,eptd4fil
moro•Se_rt4;,.3.:2•Wonld place a. Yeer•r
(rob, now. .-The epidern-
was slmllar to :VA.:. one . Which '•ec-
inured -.the yeai or zo Piecedin he
fin in 191 7-1918 :Which took, ,Inany
. „ •
Mailiettr, Men as :Weil as: iistroitom:.
,.ets were ii.ve.,t,gating the egoete „Of
'Euti spot, cyc4;i.",:, :the • causation of
• „
infinenza, Dr:, DeLurysald.,-;
-"The old asttelagerri, lineW:all these,:
#ut thy wcren't 'so busy; going
, to, the', inevies," • he :,.continiied., "'Men
•.1,,i; other dityi,,,,,kner :that ..w.hen:Juniter
mid:Saturn ..were..eleie. tok.,tether„; there
wit.s gohlgto bo a pciiod of- ram 'and
'the plisturcs would tlourish. •TheY
knew .talso of:.oemilig 'disease,. • The.
801(1 ikluenza really .'ineans• to,
.toe' II1flUCI1CL. of.,the ..planets.'. • •
Satinn: , are
elOso. t,egethet,and.the 'Sun' Spot' cycle:
Is approaeliiii..r, Its.. peak' as in. r
1917 and'. 1918. ' put , me; uP
Slaked •Me.
:whether • the•'ePiderni ,Wotild: be worse
auedliet . Year, 1 wuuld have t� 'finever.
quite it..obably ,.inorse'.4 • '
(No Persona) LiahilitY)
We originally- recommended this stock on Oct:430,
36, at 20 cents.
Present ,iapkoxinutte, market, quotations, 38c bid,
• 41c asked. , • ." ' • I
We 'recommend iinmediate purchase at peesent
, •
Write for full information and bulletin on develop.;
anent. '
old' &Meta's Exploration
Sulte 45-171 Yonge • Si., ELgiii 0237
The .Coitipany haVini i'igfeited 08.yinent,,thei troccotli Oi 0'118 side 'trill 'not go 'kite
the' ' treasury, 61' the ednaptity , whose Seturttiet. ars •hotelat sole 0 YOU.
-• "1: • •
• 'In the: pest it luta 'adapted it.,
aelf' ti changes 111 economic con,
ditioris and:, ' concepts; add,
there, Is',; no reason to think that
,• Stich itdap,tatioi1s.W111 not eentitifie
to Ve.Made, • In fact,. they :must be
•Made if the system Is to ititylye,
. with COMinunism, Fascioni: and
Nezieni in :cleinpetitien;
ism '1,811.eurVive 'only ;iff,the bene,
flts Which.;it•••provide,e to....,•the.,; cont., '..
those eiinferred..ppen .pe,ople,Ifvng
:tinder 10.ther'''oignol4tinnS...-'..0:''!f40-'r
• •,.., •
• Itike" 'wenht1-tt..411. gitit..100*c0,
Pip St• -triatii fest that.
•untional.' ,v degree •of • " s4lf-p6Otfol
*filelv.,restrains (bus
.4V.Oitta • stlhaP(IneD1.,.e-r11W1On..a..... ' •
. ,
ti„ferAhis• ratiatiti. then that .
'the ,preeent":monetery situatiOn is
'an outstanding challenee to
noniic 'Can
gOVerttitlet3t, that, in
tli • U
deal effeetively .with :the. ineinitarY
situatiOn? • Th e,' tek a in at i of, gold' *
.:the .17iiitedroStetes, :and. the: re• ,
duction En. the .told...tallie •of 'ether
latioo et,' the ,Etiropea.. Woe • et ' ' • ,
introduced. a, .ilynamie •lnfletionerY ' Second Caddie ' "Left-liancleclf
force into 'World .econoniY,'...11 and ;kooks hie Mertes? in his, right,.
encotitaging to nOtoe.• that this LI- hand 't tt • •
tentiallty • peelos to • 'be:, und.erateed • • , .....•• • . -• f • . .
e nited , Slates,. for . inetance. ,
. 4. young lady refifses to: ,iner-
ry :her: lover, she Should be careful
about :this sister business: r 2. •
"Why are you bringing'
nie. all your old..secks'to darn?" • '
Scotchinan.,.; "Well. when you
fused to 'merry 'me, yon, said you'd'
always he, like a sister to • Me.1
chi11es .Tendon
$ Exircise
rk teactsmg. rn
.7 • • - •
Ames, ',it • Improve ,Politnre i •
, .••.• . ,
41•PW:17.0iik::7-tpefore` any course of
exercises or Areo.,tineiit Is begun in a-
new 810011, here ,eaoh. entrant 'aulitnits
10 an,•exemine by a eglstei ed phy
• , • •
ofEzPecilclunip in Sup.
have. !;.? Oat firr.e'!,391nachPan, ease ^I/1):
leanarit,4PKe0EPL'IPPYO1; t"---4";Chael;:—Unljittlreidin.
States will
a bit on :112nragnts, aecOrding, agri•
cultural. xperts. of the NitIversitY Of •
,C•aiodlit:Crfiedfar ;if' the doMeStic. aped..
"-• • . •
Th10, state, 4$29 hal!
aspartigits •1194 -approximately 45 per
Pent:: of ' the .:treSh' euPPIY., scheduled
for it...slight plump thii. ,7egr, 4:pinto! •
olinnerd.w: boA%Iteoei. 817Qttlu hope tht any?t
like spinach can -Tall
•'peek en e .0111 eupply of -asparegus.-.,
'The!average itsperegns
fornia in:193TP- it is eatilDnted/Will, •,L
sittrt of that in 1936, althoUgh,„.larger
In 1935. 'liowayer,,fieavler plant, •
ings in Celifoinia during, the ;past two
years Indicate•that 'after 1937; aspire-
gus be plen ul.
sician.• Nof the. inatfuetnr - :
'been advised of her' pupil's•vondition •• .
„ .
'does shehegin her Werk. There Is an EmpioymeAt High:
1 ' •
art, n and learning the exer-
cOiesi., f^r Constructive and corrective
tg • 1 k Skeeter?!' '
bythe..ntorotarY authoritieS 'in the . • , . - • •
.,, .yaeritioilist... (to old villager) --:-
United ,,'States 'and ,that they are
taking definite. aetion• The world ., , '''Atny'l. ask4911 hi)* 01d you are?"
has,. not previously experieneed : a , ()id Villager —, "1 be• just one
perlod when borrowing rates have ' hundred"
been. eo low "4er...se, long a . time.: If, : '.. ' yecatienist '''..' .14Beally? Well de*
continued611 this ba:818' an 01''' ' • you.,supPose, Y0:0111 See another film -
healthy ,and artifiCial e uation will : d • ,d .” , . • ...,
develeppasY7:1noneY•Tfe. 114. oWeig-kl.,•71,-• d ',villa:ger • • •-f'Well, ... don't
fbree:,. • it •operates somewhat ,Slcre ••
kfieW:.-13tir-IHbe_. stronger' now 7than•
but wait ,eyident•
that 8'61:Illation , When the'Iiret hundred"
ho- to ..e,leit'te conditions which •Cue. • 77
are .asked to. be ,
here that . the IncreaSed'
nwnt Of -genera.: econo-
my , May 'Maks. it . possible:to cnn-
Linue low
intereet.,,rateit ,inore or. ,
leis. indefinitely: :I -feel , strongly
that this; view .• is net 'Corre•ct 'tind
that • the action now • being' taken •
Is byno means preniapire - Jiy'
USe,., IC:neCessaty, of the huge, re-
serves already •aceuintilitted it will.
be .possible.te prevent ;any ',8etions
interruption:. in ,reetiverY:.:1,t IS
'Surely. •betterthat. we 'maintain'the
Upward t'teend %ler .,.a.•.prOlenged • •
Period and that recovery 811.1111 •pro!;.:
geed :in an ' orderly' :Manner. with
the .niinimum of encouragementjo '
irresponsible specniation. We iiust• -
on. no • aceount'Lalio.* ;recovery : to
•degenerate .into,..,:bootti....,-%hCforee:
'runner- of 4eprassion, lndlvlduat-
ecipiontY will stand, or fall,vent .,
• •
, • •
General•'Manager's, •Atidrest
Iii .reviewing the annual'. halettee.,
sheet,' ' S..,G.'.Dopeon,
Manager, ' referred with satisfaction
to,,,en• increase-, of 54,6G8,757 In." ,•
fetal aieete, which nOW:.aggtegate,'•
$855;53f.c,457, and In An, ..increage In
deposits during' the year . Of
579;90: *Mr. pobstin•tsiiid In 'tett:. '
..'•Etittent ...Leena AitUation.. •:
--,"The-dein-andqot, leans in Caeada..,. •
was :again disappointing, though:,-,
there .have been indications. during : •
the:last :few. Menthe of increased .• ,
reqUireinents for busiiies.s purposes.
Whilen.dvencesunder the. heading:
of 'Ctirrent, Canada
creascd $41;251,703...ditring the year,
title dee.S not mean 'that,' the re;
Ttatrements„.nt our oi.dinarY her.
roWers. Wet° .•
The • rechiction' Is fully .'accounted-:
for by.-repnitment, Of two •
leans; nairiely; about :.$33',090.000 .•
due by the :Wheat Board liquideted,
prittinpally. ,tbrOugh • the .‘„sele of
qupplus StoCks 'Of :Wheat-, held,,
der :Government centrof:7end ' the .:,•-
repaYitient of ,apprOximately • $10;-' ,
.009,0,00. due by the • Canadian Pucilie•
being Oar; participation, lil
:the ' iban. to, that conipanY 'made 'bY
the ehartered hen!ts 'of Canade
antee. •' ..• •
. 'give .1 -fits.' litformation To' •cot.',•••.•
feet an imPreSSion,' ,Whieh • casual
&Mehl eration.3. of Item In Out ,
Balance Sheet mlght ereete;.'tliat.!
Is, that •,litieiness is 'still. undergo-
ing a process of .litinid,atien.
'".1n this Connection it, Is •
ing to note that. 'ttital''coinnterdial
10(1116 in Canada.og all bAnkf.I.,' !
'only. 50.40%. .of • the amount, out .,
"Dtie to Increased '•Voliabe • Of,
imainess, I any. pleased • to reithrt. •
ai iinpro'veinent In PrOiltii Of ;20,1,,
409 ..wialo not 'large this Is '
encOifraging trend; '• " •
, • ,
impeoventent . in. Riiiiinest.
A.revieW'. ef:cOndltiens in.- Canada . •
'and 911167, countries 111 Which 'the •#:
:bank • . lies. branches, •lndicetes
definite In 7buii1peag
111 Canada and In .nracticagy alt:of
the ' foreign, countries 111 Whiqh We .
aro teptesented. • 13tisibei8..IS '
donbtedly on. 'the, Upgrade; and ,tci,
lank' ..intwatO to 1i'7 With •
gro6ter feeling- of 'conAsdenie. than •
hag' 'been :justified ler. 'Seine ' years
Ilritain'n, largest railtoad riOy.f has'
.222;000 On thepayroll.
How to Make MONEY.
Roe:chit toad how ie olect,,When to WV,
low Ion 10 hold. Sent to these Inteiested •
In litiyInd W4111.14,thid mlnleo stocks: ,
304 flaiii-$fir-•-•--".• •;.•Titirtin1:0•• .•
, . . , , .
• •
The' haftere Of . ,.Nrew Yor. ti!ty,
Were •,.thd iii•st einpleyeS • to go .Oli
strike 'in AinC"licd, The •attlkc:' 6c,
• ctivr`ed. 1n 1711 tit'•tlictso• •onitly .days'
slrikehi 'wCrhIlia:ted as vOinspiratort.
but eoTIvi6tiolit • teldopt wese et);
.thined: •• '" • '
1d 0 01'.11.000. p08t. ti.,rikOS•
jil Alid
Shvitig hhilk CitiTi"ed on.
Guess tit's' floating.around some-
where: .Lese, in or. near lewyer's*
1 housemaid's knee; ieturii;. no.
questions asked: ,South Bend, Tn.
3,1,/e 'do ,not know': who the 'huthoy
of this poem is 1)qt ,We enbscribe
to the sentiment:
Don't hritg, or bluster 'and blow your
And :think the world lucky that, you
• were, born. : • ,
The firecracker bangs, as .fitecrae,..
••,••• kers clo —.• . •
But the; dynamo works:quietly tine.
ler • power js noiseless like eagle.
. ''• • .
And neit,e'is powerless to • do 'big
;things; --
•._.- ••, .1:
racket. and roar are the waste
'amounts, • , . , ' •
And, they never acconipiish ,:a' thing
. that counts. :
'710'k -tattling wheels Fen't and
. • .
But the silent current that's,Out of ,
And there's never a' bit; •-.Of blaster
'And -hie*,
To.; the foicewithin.piat makes the; 4
'17or, the: perfect „machine and efrig:
,Aectimplisli the nriest. bythe noiseless
And Op work of the., world' is 7done
'tedey, •• .•
By silent power in'the,..quietest• way.
§.o. its What, 'you';'OG; ,end the 'results'
willsheet '
Withent,::the need Of bbister'enti
1 •
The .nustress of the house heard•
tbe.,„ door 'hell, ring, and sew ' standing.
at the •„epenfront deer. a Chinese
peddler. gnickly...retreating,. she cal-
led 'out. to the ' , • ••
• Mistress ' "There's 'it Chininnati
at the doer. You go„. "
This was too rrineh for the China;
"nstani••Wtio Stucttliis, head into the:
hall, 'arid •shouted . • ,
•' • ••. :
Chinamen. You ga. your-
self." . , .
• ,
• '
There is no price tag qn sleep, nor'
yet .tax, but the way some people
avoid. it, One. would think 'sleet). •• is
the nioSt expensive commodity • in...
U1 e World. '
doll' kitchen completely f uiniihed
'nett! , • •
Nelile -- "No. Inoth'er dear; I still,'
. •
peed a policeman' far. the ,Cook:
• ,There is. no ,cOilateral, upon. Whieh
you, can .realize more than robig
cle of real friend. .., • . • .
:.• ;The *Milan' ischildleeo. d.oes
, • .
not- think bet naby 'superior to ail
ttaki eet high clastt
Maple Zyrup. -
$yitit. retaining. the.
• EVillititatit511
• • ,•• '; 'et attire thet:
tritiole6 rtif a
tntall liivestittent.• eattitugue. or
64,1driment, it -16 iittbrestftig, •
• .
work. • Only certeht nauselea ,must be
ii..qught into P 'Y, These.that control, .4.2 Per Cent: Increase In Indut7..
aever thoae that. twill). bulge and throw • •
ii)n7.• !meanie- the. Ari• al Juba For 1936—Zest' ,
Report Shows
.jects, of: -attention,: ,•'Ever'Y ••offort -ie. •••' ' )ii67, Years
, •
-PiatinfLttLnizint. inrdnine
and propOrtieni. of 'the.'figeee...,...,••••,..... .,
tent:1'44)41h. i• linguistif'4.biet.11:stthretcAheehdilletos tehl.aoPt itr17diunsytrijaetre 7iPPle°eY• ill1;3°0t, I:a-7819;16'
take easy` walking' ,oibIe At thls potted recently 'by' the Pontinion:Pu-
tiniC of the.„year; 'when there is "Skiifig, •••••3•6''..4 sfAttgtlea.P3 1tP a'"'11'91
'int), skating to '0 done. it is':•ileniblY 11 the 'emPi6i.h1-eat .4t1lat'1611-
-ssary that tIie steel-Uke. spring at -. • Less Public•tivoi)iork4
„cctse is to Place' the feet, farhPart, .crea'sed, 4.3 pet celit.,!In 1936 cement-
cine-diretttly in front of the other. and,. t9 '1935' • At t'" •195 Peak' .1s1dve.th'•
4111 ilte'eping bath hee0flCuily on the 15er .1.; t1e'1ncl:"?-1 stood at 111, the al4x1-',•• '
flow • ,bend' the rward' kne.• thus ninth 'for the past .six Years '
•tendfiti,• mho!, •Public •work8 • were .for 1iiniiiisltiii'
Is., 491.i.s.,:„lisi,. wiii, one leg ,:ild2,tiieri.j,•itiiiiortance.,, in the' einplOY'redrit,":sitna,
on,......... ,,‘. ,•,.. ., • .. • • ;toe dining 4936 ,aliti':the '-i1,101...e-L.favor.
,ahle..,Sitnetioe. we.te,h:exists 'gives, evi-..'. ,
. . . ..
•,... •• • • •••••
'•'''''Tabloid Foo den.it. Of* natural j•eilVal in •bnsines,..s.,:z.
•resilliing..fteiv-•-•-a-,.-•.,-t-greatert;Tiahl'le4.d., '
. .
gland,foi‘':.Corilinadifies,..`.and• sertices ...
• . St.' Thenie,e, Tiines-JoUrnal :writer,-
. 'tether-. than. fraMj.aftificially stitenlat.
.Eating • is Tnot -only 'fiedeSaarY '• but a !C1,.1.1111attloviet'Ym.' theelit: rieeie-Yorilis
ed': '6...di41;i:itig.;:',';'11.B'..; -
?eclat and pleasurable • eereineny. 'Vet ' past year was eiidenced:In.•.prectio.a17
the7'e...are times when husy ind id''' 1 Y' ev rv type of inanufa'cttring'. ','Iiv•-• :••
. a° i7.relan°iiioPti:. 1 ai3kiengretatiotirtiti• liniii:g' obi.t''Wt4i83;bin'teheasit: 'Pg0Pil'g4O'd ri' )(1..ennhist:!16'171)"in4.t.gd vlrincie"et,de ' i..92 .. "
:ecettsifids,...,:ttmaa, .ena,tgb:atiri.etnofcid;rattl.,.:.ctohnte.idualetifitaa.ntde, ..s.•tioi;,..‘TeDbievin.ent at January. 1,... 19,4„. ..
the etnitritetien: %CuetointitY..
,nunimuire„ perhaps,being a heel. in .... deride: that month .hht..the. Shriehitt:e...
,t....BEI.i...p.e.r•ini.:. e4. is,..:,.h;a:ve.., ..,...),e6.11 .. • . .„...... was' •On ''a ' scale less Ilia • 11 ' ''' ' e 't
cd foods. .ivhiCh AS '' ' . ' ' E 11
oi;i:_eteci.pdticrutettlre• d.A.a-it•iitttulieer, bifiegititlieinte.44e:a0e;',..
carried. out .nr. gngland' •Witli hydtat-
eved',..'and ,'ftir'" '. the inaitufa",e'iyufaL4f. eb.ruar. .,..while in -Mareh, 'the, ,tt•eipi...
`wh' ich .ct: ..'Conipany. ,,IlisauseC,:beeeng.' thrilled,. :%11:t'sh.4s7'•ira.s'°9'%1!'eAPIllYeij`-ttIP:.9*. 4.18.61aan4;farb()In: '..1.7.i.it:t4ii.:''''':'
are. the 'intention of .a ...inaster;',In' arlit, ,-,'-‘.4..te:rri. Dtle'n Imi11... N.".'i'eln be.r. ‘.1-' .',
idea by
, i)gyresees;iMnge• :i.thcie.:_: note.' derived his
er, . P. ''.9•,". LeVendet.: . who, it, IS •Sethe. Threi R'R. R 8eR0R-,R1 •slii•RP:. .i.it ..0tiv?
pan. bodies 'Could be preserved tor '
ItY at .te , beg,tiniirite 4,1'• riccembeh,,..,
,. • Every Month'. Better". •••'„,-....
iintinunieS• in "the '
'be, Preserted for "Week th ' ' '1' r:'''fii1141191:iilila' t:' the two
YeaI'8 'tilt.'
I Ce:'Y • tiienth-,9 .;,•8.7.9i43-e.:,t, tly'e'es:stiii.e'll.t6tetir°.11thn''.7
..British-MinMuseum, . 'Pie felt 'iii -• ' Tke' ..:.eile*-
•thouSantt‘Ot yeaila.:,Why coihrtiot, &oft:. hi ,i•he'•Oira.: mon.b Df 0'45; :lifth(111;'1..4:''
Venni:- .', '', • '• - • ' . • '' ' .
.. ..
present 'time, are 'three' semi). nottlea.
On display' Ina London office at the
Ilan hall 0? the lotal wnrkers inelud-
od of e'interrupted .ftxpl.nstf,n during.
eaqh-oontaininr.t •ounces. of ,pavi:
tiered. substance. ' On ..represents a,
.nbund•of steak, and' tne, othersforty
heatle.ef,..:le?ttice:and fort Y heade
'8P:1n/10.e 400-outi-iret•x.: • tbece are
,stte.tyberries „shriveled. and' Weikit.ing.
•almostAthing: Which; when. tili0d,111
fieeid.'''resti,Me. • their . porina *.eigh
,taste • apd eonsieteney,' • ;A: bigelto eirt,
rent•,,. dried for nearly
,etintes. tentiet, and. •fiavered".-When.
*laced in eltee'nnuith.,•.; . • •
•,.. .po‘vee•reet: foods,: all 'the
essential lititriBlell • reMittillU:, •ttliti'411057
pan he nsed, many .WaYS, 'say .scien,
tists•Ope' method ,tviitet tO
Make . Paste for. between
,htead or.%biscuitS,..; ' • " • •'''•
)t: lCanada's • .fi eCoptirtille
let] the_iihC_Ntitld •eiii15101ttelit
iner.O.toe- cit:5,'61; per 't;ent.'''•*The'.' Mari-
t;eitt. Ontario, showed an in-
f,i-ft se • fif :Per, ceit't, • 'Prairie- Po-
viiws 4.3 cent -and British
1:1,undate 3.', per cent.. • , • •
Vancouver ''ed eigh.• Ctnailian. ciics
ii ,rdco 111 .the ....sintey ',With:. .,
,,..r.enSe or :7.3 per cent., ' • „
.1111,p'eyrip.'xit in 'the
MalIt inc 1' 0-
vinces tinetu'ated ,leoi in .1930, than ',in..' ".
.,1935'• with' .moderate inini•Oveinent at:•
the 'fit of the year • followed by de‘ •
.1n.:Februar.5 and ltlarch... The.
TheLareiiderj00. Iiasbeeiap.,
Plied most "SucCessfully to cattle foods', w" vill'abl° 'frotif . April I to.
Ti. has been: folind that6wS 'fed on oVentlict 1. when • index 'steed ,at
highest 'Point sinee, :dt,tetitp‘01?-,
41-scirated%food.. giVe: even niere'tnille 1. - • '•-„ • ' '••• •
'than those on. peet'ire,, • •• • • '
: Middle age IS ;that
'Men' begins to Shed' MS hair liis Wee, ,.tatotahle .-Ctliebe.e.:
, .
tvitil gainson:a-larger tale th•an
1935 Eniplov,iient n tnattufactuAits
, was'. briekerMiring the •entire enr
than in 191) with: linproreinent
154 and paper, textilee',. and
,Steet: noted ....'pertienlarly.
ontarie,' mitnuta.ctutera .refnn'ted.r. '
greater 'aeti*y. throughout . the •.,past
year;.•einployment ''genetaliy being in •
1930 tiyav:o industry 111 Ontario
pei-ienced a greater ineeente Of,.recet.;
erY, than In ..;Quebee.' While itidiees in,
lunIbI'• end,' :textiles „continued
stantialt. higher In Quebec than.iii
Ontarie: 'Logging :end, On, "
tittle „tv'ere. .per.t,!ceititly.• aett:Ve•''Witll
onpi.v,tuentin mining'. t6tiliittg aTh
, the early wiitt,ey. , • .
iii oyinent. the
vinces 'Showed' less. V 4riaiioti .tiiiin ni
the ,yece'ding ,
.fticturitig, mining, tinnapettation , and
tentniunideftlen;.: .eanstriietion ti nd
th 111 171 the pteeeding
All „,gtoti•pe, of., inIttrufactnring in ••
Bi itish.'Calitinhla indicated hefgliteti...
tietivitY..during the yeait: Logging ,
c.,110wtia.._•impEbi7ohlent rathougth .ad, •
this ;end .nther.,hratiehes nt
thc Igiabet itidnatrieW -eitittinhen i• ;to.
, $uff6t dedline,„in •Welrlii, demand:.
and .•7se137ces',."
And ttado• , woto.. 'brtsbct: th,fOrfghoat,
.eft -t; •
•• •
No fa het who den POSsible Man*
et:teensy bask, Ask lei 040 D, PR.ESSRIPTION.: „ 'OB#ht. CO be'n "Sttanget...
CJassifiecj :, Advettitink,
Bladder and ;Aver Allnients, .• write: To
Bleven Gerrard likreet, 'rorcintd: , •
, • ,
. . .
A N °FVER, EVktir INVENT011' List.
or wanted' Invedttons and .full Information '
sent. .fi.ee. • THI1 ..4.rniiany, World
'PAtekt. Attorneys,' 275' Bank Street .• Ottawa,
Canada.. , • . t-• •
' FIVE P NOS $1.0b •
1-4EAUTIFUL Materials! , Print*.
Broadcloths!. • titte -Mints VFre'e
Pattern" ' Refund . guaratiteet ,
riettitetnient • Wits,: Outt‘entont, .!Nfontreal. • .
, • • I
thitnn, , WAN'Ttit•
.`•-• reuresetit 'one •of deriestit'S' Iiirgest..tyten'S
•CtiflOr,eil,to,yr0 eeStire•..rolotntri-g orgatifitillotiS,•
Oi.u; greet oureitasino power and. tntinufae,.
.faelifiles • enable kodueeuie
sksi .taltor61-10406061.ire dittfidsf at
the .1'Ziwest t!•ttriedtt.
tnisslotut •ti'ktid, to Mir ren'retelittatNes., • tiltiS
bolitisitS • tr, gorld,
Of. on( O.. 'etatIn presJons'...OstnittiOned. ;Pi. 0.
11 i•.M).(14, Quebtu, "
At 1
in A Minute'
Tor okki 661i6t from the itehing of tarot', letifittett..
, Ottnitieit Athlete's 4664. taslieS and,other
eriddions, ti0031 nnsts..plee, cooltsg.. siitisert• '.•
lia,liquid b. 15, 0, PRtSCRIPTION. Its gentle tali
boothit, tke.ittitatM skin. Clear., gY.eistelits6,4fid
‘16kttttitieel'ast, .8t6its the thod nithee whit* he
tel..61r,si. (Ito