HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-14, Page 5Think what this won-
derf41 offer will mean
in enjoyment.thiough-
out the whale -year for
yourself and your fain-
Ely:- Magazines of your -Own ihoice an
this newspaper, ,packed 'with stories, time!.
articles helpful departments and color -
ul illustrations. Nov,.ls•Your chance.
Maclean's". (241*),
dlan 1,,OgaFtso
s, • .
EjPiclor,kil ReifieW!DSlIverSci...
O Affier,icairloy,
• ID tan,...flottinnure and '
Hain ttagnkie..*...
, 4"
1.40; '4947.
Jan. 22 and 23 .tfi CHICAGO
Pon HUr0111 .• $.1.55 Windsor
T. 11•41)
Flint 53-90• ' ' and •
Durand . •.' Detroit .1 44,
;quo), igif ',rip front adja.cent, $flitions, ' • 1-1
ta4t., tovia Ihfaqhation,Remralimits..frim—ecASk.F041m2Y P 13 I •
'FATTR4cri014 nEntbrir JANTJARir,
National .Itagke"F i..Leagae-Detroit•Red _Winks vs."4, Montreal Maroons
• „
ituRi$0..gs;:omiti's . 'PROGRAMMES ,• . •• '
: CATALOGUES . PA101-.1toEts"'
,cii0uf.i.,R,S - ' , 2c.Ame,ilifr..i3sjoics „
,, .1•
. DODGERS If .':* , • ' SALE :III LS--::--,*I'r
...EINTRLCIPES- ,• .STATt gisITs .
,Fii$gRAL:CA-R,DS '.
:LOTO,TiApS , TIC,KE S. t'r. 'I . 1 ' •'
ins' So; OARij,0:. • ,
if ass -Job
, .
r .
- ,
•Xiss Kathleen McKenzie, entertain;
, •
r GeOrge Thompson of Kinloogh 'ed 'a' number . of friends': at, a party
Who has been spending a. few days sin: Thursday night ' • • with '•
his daughters', 'Mrs.' 'Anaifi
ley and • MM. Irwin; ; returned brother-
tollid. home �n. Monday. ; .. •• ' turned to Toronto after :spending :the
• • • . • iholidays at their- home.
, Mr. and eMrs. Clair Irwin and Dor- •A recePtion wa held.:On...TUesda
lithr,spent Friday evening at -a" Catif ,night for -Mr. and '''.111rs.c4: Little in
, Party at the' home of Mr. and Mrs.. the Iloiyrood Hall.• ,
Armstrong :Wilson of Inicknevic . 'Wise Hannah McDonald received
-- • • ,
cell to Detroit where she intendi. to
spend:the, winter..
Mr. •Harry ;Levis, who heti.' been:
confined to. the house for • 'some
months is .eble to be ,around,again.
The 'January • meeting of the U. F.
•• W. u. or 'Paramount Is to be hold at W.43,.•is to be held in. the 'Orange:
'the home of Mrs. 'Grant McDiarmid -L1811.
'on Tuesday afternoon, January 19th
at 2.30. It Is,to .be in the form of -a
quilting, each, /neither ,tO bring 'a,
quilt block : A good; attendance . is
. ,
,i:equested as very' important business
is ' to, be discussed. diatimied: • -
Mr. Norval Richards has .returned
4te Guelph O A C, after spendng
the holidays; it the home: of his par
The January liteetinf of the U. F.
Vt.. and Mrs. John hendersonen7.:
••tertained their ifrieada on the boun-
dary , With u:hoinfe Party on, Monday
,• evening. •.. • • . 0•.•'
, • . . . • „•
Thos.., Hackett-. and
'family of Zion recently . With
7the lattees.. Mather' Mrs., Thos. tr.
• win.
Mrs..' 'Grover „and granddaughter
from Flaconib, •Sask„. visited With.
Mrs. - Cecil:Rebb last week,' , .•
There I was „a:hirge attendance at
the`inductien of the itei: Mr, Yining
et„., South Kiplcis,s' on Thursday after- aft-er,
A .number o the school children of
No.•7 ,sitrel ill, with Scarlet fever. '
; .• '
Eg#E4td Trooman out Mr. B�b
McLeod of betreify,.Micli,,sPept Stin,
jay with and Mia: Georgo•Tivion,,,
• Sessti. "teid, Melvin Stan- ley. - •• '
, ley and Leonard --Irwin, attended ;a •Mrs; David .' of 'Ctir,
party .at the homeof and Mrs.. ties..., Ciirriera, spent •TfitiradaY 'aften,
Oscar Hodgins .4.irinfopgh.; Tuesday noon with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest; Blithe.
g of last 'Nveek. Mies Winnifted..
Apent Sunday • at her heMe... • .:,,
and George, „TwanileY,
"Visited ently With'iheletteila par-
ents, Mt' thd. ilia jeSepb •Idetaiii4
„Nile.", .0 ,
;SYninathy of the Coninitiiiiti is
extended to , Me, and Mia, •Thes.,'•.
derson end family the death ••. of
Roid, who. PitsaA away early earlY I.Satur-
day ' Morning it.i,„..bee.,',ni'hoty-third year.
The ..#anierni serviee. ..ioas held.on
Monday with interment 'Greenhill
**, •• 6 . ;
:. V. „Of, De-
troit-„ Were,..iff'ent.,',ilialtere; With the
. MIA” Orate Wehater, :entertained a...letter's' Parente, Mr: Elm-.
jew friend on Friday •evening.
• . ,
Mrs'illobert:•Webster of Clinton,
Spent 'Saturday with.her.friend; Mrs.
Thos.' Irwin:
.:and. Mrs. 'Melvin Irwin; boriS
and H.'elen' of 2ndieoneeseion,
On Sunday at ,the horde 'of Mr. :anti
Mrs; ,lames 1 Webster.'
.iffia Mrs. John Herideratiii Vis.%
ited on„.Sunday with the latter's !ne-
ther; Srs, .SeGregor � Whitecliaratt,
1V1r1 •:ancl Mrs: Alfred' Shelton. ,o
Bethel vilitecl • reenUy t the
Of, Mr. and' Mrs, lianiel Nieholson.'
, ,
*x- TIP,1449; *Oen alt.''Rart
bourrte spent the week -end with her
hrethert Mr.W. Tweedy,• returning
to her hoine lifanda5i;,,aceon1Paniett
by her brother.
JaMes. and: Lloyd Percy
'of Huron were. visitors Sunday With:
friend's' .hete.,-:-.7 • . ,
Miss ,lVfOriet Merarlen retained to
Lendop, after a Vialf,, with her Par-
ents here.
••Mtf;'. Hodgins visited during
the ..r•weele• with her daughter,' 44re,
Charlie.' GilIeSPie Whitechurch. o
r. Our 'sehoel: was closed ap,,MOndaY
°Whig to the death, of 'Miss. ,Ander-
son's. • iiandinOthei,' lace, Mrs,
Reed; ,
Misses. Nellie and Marallet Mal-
colm entertain. ed., the eNecutive of
the Church Society on Monday: even-
ing. last:, Plans were -111ade:io re=nr,,
tanie; -the Society., The first meeting
is•ito. be ,held ''next Monday January
18th; • in, the Presbyterian Church.,:'
(Intended For, Last Week) I'
Nisitois. on New :Years,. Nvith. Mr. 'and•
-Mrs.' M. ••JOhnstOni,::.Listowel. .
Mr, Bruce Malcolm and ,Miss Helen
'MalgOltri returned- 'to Toronto . after
spending- the holiday. it the,-.$alcohn
'home •.",13rize' Side". • • •
Mr. and 'Mrs. Oscar" Tanner Of
'Walkerton: Were recent vieitors with
N'IrAii'1?-11.°11:allrirks..PAinrntelG1 ithWahmo;:has. 'been,
a patient"...in Kincardine General,
• Hospital for the past twe
weeks; re-
turned horne_forLMoncisiY,,• .•
Mrs., E. J. Heldenby Visited din:-
R. McBride, 10th, cop. :
Misses Anne :and. .Isobel Colwell
• I,entertate,dseine,44tlieir4riende4..at;
a party 'Monday evening. .' •
. Mies ,Belle Ifeivi# Of Kinloss ..spent
few ' days ?, with Miss - . Evelyn
, .
Mr. and kra. Arthur. Graham were
'Sunday visitors with, ' Millarton
•. A WelcoMe. freni this . communttY.:
is extended to Rev.'.G.„ Young; who -
has been , appointed :pester. ,of • the
*Kin's:nigh and South',Kinloss. -charge.
Misses Beesand Jean Lane: return-
ed Monday to their schools, -after:
'Pending the holiday with their •par-
ents, Mr. and Lane,
Mr.'pert. *Lean. Was the: newly
appointed. .Trustee :to , theboard at
siehosir meeting on --Wed-
nesday,. last,, to 'succeed .10: Mac,
Lane,who, faithfully 'held this office
for the ,past two terms.'.'
Mfg Sei1Oft''' and Elroy -
turned to: Detroit ' after. a Visit .wri3O
her•Imother, 'Mrs. A. Hodgine,-
• • mrs,...k: Cox, nit., and
poi and 'Mary Were visitors one even-
ing last week with Mr. and Mrs John
„ Miss Margaret -Pinnell .returned
home.. after ;spending Some ..finie with
friends at Whighain':
MM. '81essor:. anent a few- days re-
cently ; with her de:swifter; Mrs. Stan
ley 'Fair, near Bervie. ..
Mrs, M. .0siiourne, Jedn and Fier:.
ence of 'Huron, viditedlast week with
her parents, Mr. .a:u1 Mra'', Dan.' Xe-
Miss Winnie Percy,,.'R.N.,,,IretOrned
to Icincaratrie;7'-aftei. spending .the
past weeks at her home here Caring;
for her brother Harold, Who:, WAS so
badly burned in the. fall; Althoughl
Harold :Will still be confined to the,
house iort' smite time, . we are Pleased
'to .saY. he is making, :favorable
covery. •
. •-• '
• .
• • Mrs. V. JohnstonC. Luelcitoiv
is visiting Mrs.,: C. E.....McDonagh,
Mr. 'end, Mrs. Jas., Sherwood • and
ehildten Mia Sherwood. and Earl,.
.were. Sunday visitors at,
, , •
.1!ts.. ait.ioti- and sister, Mrs.
Webh of B: C. returned lieine„ •
ing on their jontney-thkfirst.of.- the
Week. . ' ' -•
Mr. and Mrs. pldoh. Johnston and
Mr. ited Mrs.., Norman 1Q0:11soii 'Spent
an evening 'last; Week' with •mr...,and
• .• -
miss. Jean. Lcipg.' visited , Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Ritchie Monday evening.
'Mr, -and Mrs. Jno. Campbell •epent
Sunday With .ialte' minter's: •
The school.. *a's .close,d,'"on,
dtyat noon -as 4% few Cagee,Of scarlbt
fever have broken out here:. We.hOPS,
there will ifet be inanY oases.- " • .
• " Miss Margaret Theition' spent last%
:week with her brother, ,Att Thomson,
at kintail: • • -....
A few from here were at -a dance
last.Tuesdai•night At Mr,' Oscar
Mali .Courier JIa Ateident-
Whafrarght hate been a more tar,:
ions accident bekell.ent mad
1564hald McDonald, when his :forehead'
was tut by e 'COW's horn, requiring a ivisure nours.
eonple of atitcheeto, elese, the'Wounit 1,4 Mil thePublic 14644,..
" The. 'Yming, Ladies' t.,gircle of.. the Nearly 40 ' indigo - attended . the
. , , ..
presbytesian ,Chtircli, -- Whitechurche, meeting of the Women's Institute for
Met last Thursday evening at the which grao David: Tedd opened her,
home of * Miss gathering , NewhraY: hP.ale 9n' Thursday. afternoon. : Mrs
The president, ,President,,,Mjes Grace. Richard- ,Durnin ,Phillipa presided 'O'ver an .4•11.,
Son" .PeguPied .the'cliair; The scrip- tereating program, Response :: to the
ture lessen, Romans 12th. chan:, :wile ,!;plk.call•PHet,,Simper Dishes" ,rouglit
read. responsively, with, leader, Mri; same helpful suggestions., It as de-. : .••
R. MowbraY.,-it was decided to help, leided to send $.5.. to the Blind Inati-
Purehaae maps of :the ,PaiSSion field. tote. Lgurine Miller' gave a reading,
, . ,
.13e the B.ea, Of Whatever you 4.0”..
The topic ,"Famonii::Canadian. Wo -
Men", was in charge..of .Priis Mildred
McQuilliiii'Whe read a,„•VerY intereit-
ing paper; mentioning among other
Canadian,weimen'aura,'Seeordi Mrs.
.MilY':1141/1*PbY',. gbre. Hind, Pr.", Mar-
garet Patkei,soff.1., 34:: ,AfantganterW
Jean I3lewett; Pauline' Johnston' and
Agnes McPhail,,, ,Mi.d.' Ball'a.,. latest"
ppem "Reverie" was read by Annie
Watson. Mrs. T. J. Salkeld Who had
The topic was given.by Miss Cather-
inc Mowbray.. dainty • 'lunch' iiVice.
cream"; and epekieevire--served by; :the
hostess.• • • '•"
•, The Wemen's Institute met last
Friday:!aiternemi '• .the hall. The
first part of the meeting was:: devoted
to • the study of knitting and given by
Miss, ',Grace Richardson. It was decid-
ed, to • have ,the Play •:`.',KidnaPp-
McQiullin gave a reading "The Old:
jai ttY'''' : S. S.
Bleit' and. the Model Chureh." Initru. attendkd the. eRanty. meeting for -the
Inento, miss mes Wightman; MtS.'e.rxiipnlitioir„driitshtietawtoerkheblde'inetg „Wrriinekdhaomn..':
Gibson Gillespie, reading "Bonnie
Jean 1310weit". Miss :mac wigetnin Mrs. Rutherford contributed s,
was presented with a vanity. set. The pwitilisn.oens enjoyed
president; Mrs. Leggett, : read . the
ad4resa and secretary; Miss Grace' by the -hostesses, Mrs. Alvin Millet,
Richardson Presented it, Miss Wight. Mrs.,•; Andrew Gaunt and Miss Jose,
man . thanking the 'ladies- for Phine Gaunt,o, • • •
. . ,
their ' The 'prograrn-for the social evening
.; lYliss . Ornee: Richardson-. anent : the field under the auspices of .the
Wo -
last few Weeks, with Mrs. James Wil-, men's Institute on Friday took the
eon, of, Whitechurch...y.
Mr, and Mrs: George :Harkness and
•Reba; .mr. and. Mrs. Miles McMillan!
spent Sunday with Mr. and MA., Vic-'
ter Emerson. •
. Mt. And: itie Tiffin, Mr. and
MrS: George Tiffin Tiffin spent , Saturday'
in ,Pcdclich •at •the home of.,,Mrs.'.1t.:
' , • '
.,Nr. and Mrs. ,liebt;:,.DeYell, Mr. and
Mrs, Gordon' Deyell-and..fainily . of
Wingharit;70"elirStirday".vvit r. -sand,
,Mrs„;GeOrge, .Scott. , •
The. 1.4ingside.:Club, will ,meet this.
Friday evening when. a Ptogrant Will.
he put on by the ceinmittee, D.:
Mckinnon, * Nellie McCallum:. Ruth
Scott-and:Willi:ant Brown. We We under -
Stand Brown is. preparing a.,1-
act-, play "his' Uncle'd !yelps" to:. be
mit on at ',11, .tnture, date." '
the party who took . the lanterr,;
from the outside • ,of. the hall •would
retain it, the: light .:Would be: much
appreciated hY. every': one :entering
forth of e ,contest with ' Mesdames
Lori* Woods, Chester Taylor', 'EWatt.
'McPherson ,and Eart.Gaunt Pharge-
Of. one Side and Messrs.. Dtirnlic
lips, W. L; peter Watson and
W. A. Miller on the other. Mr. Phil-
lips.,.intranced their number as .
solo , .Miss 1,Dorothy•
- -Robb of -Dungannon; , "feeding; 'Mrs.
Joseph Robb; address by hi,• Wiliieh
e--41-rn17%"" Utnerhy .Difinizi
lips. The, ladies'. were • intro-
duce by Mrs. Woods: Het,
en Ferguson of Auburn; reading; Mt,
•Harold Gardner of Zioni. iitiet by Ru-
•fus• and .RoSter Brown, • Hugh and
Grant 'ketherford. solo Vera Taylor.
The .deeieion 'judges; Geo.,
. Stuart; : Miss • Lena:. Hackett ' and , Mr.
0. S. "Meintyre vi4is given by the lat-
ter in favour, of, the men,. Music for:
the ',dance' that 'followed was furnish-
, •
ed ,Mr.` Wm; Robb and daughter
Dorothy of .Dungannon • and by 'gt.
George Stuart with Mits. Stuart as
acCompanist.' • •
. All , those. 'interested' in :the St.,
Helens' Public Library, are urgently
requested :to attend .it•meeting.,in its
, •
interest to be nem next Friday even -
Mr.. •,.lphn •Morrison- anent &Imlay
with Mr. end Mrs. R. Tiffin .
Mt. and Mrs. •'Johnson
spent the the week -end ,at the 'home of
Mt. an . • , C . .
d 'Mid Wm; Min
The ladies of Irnited. Mission-
, „
ary Society' held' their meeting. at • the
home : of Mrs. 'Wm.. Brown last .yed-
'illiaii-afterno-oiTlICY4re'fo -he con-
gratulated:MI, having reached their,
allocation 'of $32 for the past :year.'
EAT ,FIsm..,,FoR • 11.4•Al'Aii.
1 Froin an economic, : aa well as from
a :health ,standpeint, it 'is desirable
that-fishjhould• have an inmortant
placeton':•:our It cannot
be toe strongly 'emphasized, that for
working 'people of all' classes, those
who .work, with their heads' -as „well
those who Wark•with their hands,
fish is an leetinontcal source' Of en-
ergy necessary , to :enable them to
carryon their wok; and that for
children and:young people'. it furnish::
es the -Very materials. need-
ed to to. grow healthy
:and strong.• • -
Fish. as you,•knevi, is one. "of the:
important protein, foods: It , makes ,a
pleasing' variation Of the daily. diet
and should be includedat.least.• tvviee
a Week in..YOUtAnenit, There is a wide
variety, fo•clinose :. from: fresh or
frozen, filleted; boneless,dried; ean-
ped;,• pickled, cured and :smoked: Fish
are very , easy to digest -•-a fact of.
particular importance iri,-,these 'days
when SO' many people::are.:of seden-
tary habits,
' Large fish are, as a: rule, better(
when steamed Or boiled; , medium siz-
ed ones should be baked. or split open
and.broiled:and small ones should be
fried.1Whitefish, '-trout, mackerel and
small cod 'Should be split ' down the
back and broiled .whole: If preferred,
At' off the head and tail. Halibut and
salmon should be. cut „into. inch slices
and turned often while- broiling,' I
• Quick, Suppet. Dish
pound veep_of salnion,
crackers, crushed, 1.4,cup milk, :14 teas-
poon salt,. 1.1-6 teaspoon ;pepper; :1
tablespoon butter. "
Heat inilk, 'add 'crackers, salt, pep -
Per and'' then stir in flaked .salmon,
The Addition. of one well beaten egg'
improves this. dish.' Serve on toast
With A, slice of lemon' Or sprinkle
finely, chopped paisley, over the top.as
a garnish. "
, •
' •Plans are being. Made for a social
eveningtoto'Ibe held,in'the•CoMniunitY„i
'llrell'en'TEridlY, evening, January 22.
• and: Mrs. Roy ,McGee. of •Wing -
ham .Were .recent guests : Of Mr. and
Mrs. Durni Philips.
Mts. RichardMartin.• of 'Anion
her • father; Ur:, Win. Weeds.
•• . ._ •
Township spent the week -hid., with
The regular meetingof the Y. P. U.
- • ,. • •
, •
President, Miss lscibel"Millet. in the
chair. Harry Swan read: the Scrip-,
• ..• . "
turd' lesson. ',The:topic ."HomeTyr7
annY, Anarchy. Or Democracy" Was
taken: by .Rev: H. M. -.Wright;_after
,which!Stanley Todd led ..,e
Dick Weathethead :read. an • article.
"Laying up :treasures in heaven"- and-,
Mi. and Mrs. E. W.-itiee'contritinted
a duet.: An invitation • •wee teceiVed,
for the Yining people te?IpreSent.their
,tiwi"aAY • mate'4kIlifiii fieoefhu, rm.: 'era '4 .ciap
..•13leod preasue is the force that the
heart exerts in 'order, to, pump ' the
blood,' through • the. circulatory *syS,
tem.' The heart is hollow Museulai
organ' which acts 'ah , „puricip to 'keep
the blood in ',,circulation. The breed '
leaves the heart in two streams. One
ittesintf.earries the.:blood to the lungs.
where it is :Purified; .the . other
:stream' goes to all Parts ' of the body
cerrYing :food to the, tissues. • "
.HThe arteries are ' bellow' tubes
which . carry the blood NOrnial:
te'ries •eoft, • and elastic. ,The im-
pulse, of 'tbe, heart beat is carried'
along .thtough the arteries and • can
lie' felt . at the • wrist,, where it is
calledthe pulse.' •'• •
blood nernial; ,Certein
, • , • „
In ,the normalt healthy body, the,
:abnormal conditions, "' particularly
those affecting •the heart; •aitoties.'
'and - kidneys,. ,cause . an niteratign in
the blood' pressure Ind'At beesiines
'abnormal. , ••• •
An, abnormal. bleed Presetire Li not
• ` n, :disease but is a eymptem' of .some
• : abnormal condition, It ia"'a warning
1 AM THE 'PUBLIC' LIBRARY •"sign and the physician seek" for and
treate the cense. ' ,•
, Disregard. •of the needs of -the
body for exercise, rest, -proper food
and and such things, . throws :a needless'
:strain upon the whole syeteni, 'and'
*orie ape1kon:1 ; of this, is frequently
4n:increased blood pressure. '
• The family , physician should be
:Consulted regularly tot advice as to
how to live. The periodic health ex. •
.aininatitin is not only for the purpose
of,( discovering abpotinal conditions,
but' also for receiving adVice' as, to
how :to keep normal, '
Wife s' "Where have You Nen all
' •
Itabby "At the billee,"
"'Yeti Must he ,made of •
beto Your office burned' down tivo
houts!agoit, •
1 his OfferFlly Gu
ariteed All Rerieti,
One magazine from group,
ne magazine from group
d this -newspaper
.OFFER 110..
:hrie:,ifiagazinet frosn
ts;iedse.,ctitopst, .magmone.0,1.tir.ch,sotin. atl,oas desired.
' u
0,St !0' icSare01:47:7
- •
NAv's •
TOW * --111°111NC
• • •
I -am opportnnity;
atr' the • continuation school for
air • ..
••T ,sini the storehouse of knowledge
m supported by the people and
heteeyeeds,books , for all , tastes.;" needs'
freeolio. the publie prat
• ,
6°144 and iinjok. „
_I offer .opportiOuty to .,knOW • alt
there .is -to lucitv, about itn.lr Work .
an; IA the care of coartesina' at-
tendants, *hose .iluty,it-let,to 'help you
profit'train .
`Oen 'my doeis as a great:1501k
`inentai recreation ,gretinda for„ your
. • .. :
(BY the, 'Late: 'Rebel+ .dt4tiaol)
iti a
„. .s. as 1g , As , ea e. n'd heavy as 1ed;• •
It abides with the, iiyingtLand feiioVs the '4:led;
• •- It's harder than flint-;-•ancr. softer than
makes...many men wiedi'lLand 'many a fool;
:it is ricJier ihnn. koldn'sj:4'nrOtthleiS_ tharvAtaiii$1
It has. .tone..-..to...the, grave—an it 'for Ste', it has 'fopight,
:It can rule the
it's., as as lightni
,. !inotioil' often has thrown;
proud iim,ihq,„1(?s,vs
sit. on
hi thrcnie.
And Many to dist:
a snail,
qt will float in the: Ergete like ,1•4 Ship hi. gale;:'
:Iva. bight 'bie 'sail ill titieitfirrnainent 'shines, .
swift en the earth', a*.t;.004tonts of ;time;
,lt will ::eft hake. th'#:*ft.to.ild :with 'elet.1.1' shock,
'It :will do good to some -'and some it l'Nill.ineee;
• It betii, the inOW:q;Ott''*otneft...-of.!,•eartli,.--
oft floats in the"nitH, sik0:sniiteson, the 'lies tth: ,
• ft's 'heifer, than tnetai that in. furnace -
It's as, thiek as, ,
•tha' eartlfarid Poet , than oih
It has . afteir.Tnade Padr. •
:And driven 'Many gay :knights front the deem. •,
"It has. -ekalted. sonie' •supretio in :all 'lands ,
And triAd6 many howto its fetes.; and. eenimencia,
' ea :.equete: round • ,
••Ws companicii'to .lotil; hisubjet§' and All,
It's As :Mild sta the. dove that *Attila • hi: the : Alt% •
' 'And. Onipanieb: *to .•Werf and liotarid, beAr,,,.•
It will shine in At night, 44
,hrightet .than stare ori.'„a clear frost. iliglit;•,
It is, pain oft "ter•some-46. soni it is ,fey; ,
_And nkes haught iiien as ust a iliere
It Will soar 'fa' the .;trirt-u-..and shine asthdun, •
Is-sometjnj as ciEtrik' as eclipse of the inciowi
,It .sovs far to north—�r to thel.Senth, pole,
• And -wilt as log, as this old ' earth shell, roIl: