HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-01-14, Page 1I .7r? Are., •A> ,.1***44r.41.•:••4 a a4; •••• 1 F S2 00: A YEAR ADVANOtZfdi 'EXTRA;TQ U , 1.1%;44,11440 • ' •`A awe ,^a".•••• • r."144•14‘ a CKNOW, 4.0 THURSDAY .Treleavevi- 0ENTTST Tr.fO.NOW; .• • Office. 58..W., :.,Reildeiace .. , 1„ 'E.. Little 'DENTIST- X-RAt SERVICE , Telephones: ' - Office. Residence, 54. • 'LOST —In Ilucknow, • a logging chain. Finder please leave word at Sentinel (Moe. FOR Sh.LE—Gent's, Fur :Coat, Well matched ritoonabina• with large "collar.Enquire at Mrs.. Sam Mc- : •Guire's. Bearding; • • tC70x 20,. on Thursday, January 7th. Finder leave -at Sentinel- Office• and receive a liberal ' reward. ••' • . FOR;;; SAtE-Dark, red DurIncal. .Bu11;t9a1f,4,--about '11 •Moths. to Mr John Webster;.PordYce,...R, . , •:APPLICATION:4,, • :Applicatiens willbe received by :the tindeteignea'"•fiii,-.eatitaket _Of the Waterworks Sy:stein: • mplrienge Pumps, MotOrde Engines and Grounds Up to '.Monday the l8tbArise , partici:dam: •••••;.' • ' Joseph :Agnew, Clerk tncIrriow: , TENDERS WANTED •-•-• Tenders will, . be receited. bY fbe' undersigned up,. to 'January 2fith. .1937, for..18 Cords., of 20 -inch. beech • and maple wood,, to be delivered by '• March . 1et; to a 'S. No 9, Aahfield. , • . Lowest or .ani • tender not necessar. ily„, accented. Ernest Blake, , ' Sec' "..-'ireas., R. 7, ,tucknow. • ANNUAL MEETING . ,The Annual Meeting. of the Luck. - .now • 'Agricultural Soeiety will be held in' the TOwn. Halt tucknow, • Ontario,: on Wednesday the Tviiiin7 tieth ,day of 'January, A.D., f'1937, at. the hour of two o'clock -in the after-. noon., All; members . of the ScicietY are hereby "requested to attend. . • • Joseph Agnew, Secretary. TENDERS ' 'Venders, will be received by the un- :clersigned for 30 cards of-•44foot elm wood,: or any, portion thereof, not lees than 4 inchesin diameter; also or 60 cotds,,: or naY portion thereof, of ,18-lich body 'Wood, beech and maple, and the following village work. . Day librk—Min and -team; snow ,plowing .and Snow rolling. Grading ,un4 Tenders to be received ,by. Monday, ; the ,25th init. The lowest or any, ten- der .net necessarily accepted. . ' 'Joseph Agnew,' Clerk,, backnOw. . • , • .: NOTICE TO CREDITORS , • In ;the • Matter ".:the ;Estate Of Florence Johnston, late of the Village of •Lucknaw in the, bounty Of Bruce.- : Spinster, deceased." .: Nofiteis-liereby given, Pursuant to • - the Statute in that behalf,that" all creditors and (Abets. having' claims'. . . or demands against the Estate of the 'Aaid'.Florence Johnaton, •who died,, on or ithOt, the .Twelfth' day, Of •Dicem ber;.4%.D. 1936,: rite' 'reqtiired on Or be A fore the Sixth day of FeheUttrY'A...D .1937, : to. send • .13V post- lotepaidi. or deliter,. to; 'Robert William Johnston :Ripley, Onter)o, the *Adininistrator .-ef the-Er:tete Of the Said deceased; *their • names; eildeSsis and descriptions, the .Particirlars 61 their claims, a'sta- tement .. of -theit-ace0A,Mt; and •.the-ina ihre''• of the isecurities if any):held by then": duly verified :by .aflidatit„ ; And lake :-notice ' that Jafter such . ihati 'mentioned date" the said Admin ,_t trator will proceed todistribute, the assets o the said deceased among • the persons entitled' 'thereto,.. hating regardonlY to the claims , of 'which he A-tell:thee . have notice, and that •'..the, AO: Adminiatrater 'Will not be liableVe, the said tiesetri o any' part' thereof, to any •person orLiekeetie of whose; ciai,ns hetice7ehell. not hive. . been reCeiVeif.hy hird,at, the thne.: h,distributiOn' , `bated :the Twelfth dey\of'.Iannary. A.D. 1081. • • 'Robert R104,, Ont.,. AdniiniStratOit, BExtoit . •„.:1,hete,will be a. benefit dance for, tillVehi4r Inhe Town HnIl taa- ny, this Fin1ay, January ".9104ider: • Fite Co, .auspiceCifelCenzie's och estra,' EverYbodio. dancer a• het,. are • asked ie. lielP' ' in this mortiir &tisk; AarittliSiOh. g6.4.116 tat - epartinent Rec�mmends f ;a YOUR LABEL1jORREC'1'? The. §sktinel mailing 1iSt was. gov. ,rected•up to 'Baturday January-A.41i and all subscribers are asked to' care:, fully, note. the' date: ontheir atiOas:a learit-if, -proper.: credit; , has, been; „given. „ ' This , is- ,SubscriPtio'n -reneWaljtime or many sublicriber 'and' we ispee.': ially .request.. yogi. prompt :attention -tc this matter e .Paltvieut in ad:Viinee! saves you. eumeSr. Please: iernir hat 1111011.- Be Accepted COMmunierrtien 11.eatitee R�r4 On Ray :Of *Their Inankaral Meeting— . Appointment Of Committees. And -Other "First • Meeting Business Oc- cuPies ,Attention Of, Beard.,=Re. galations 4 Regarding Arrear In • ..Hydro ,,And..*ater EPfoice.O. • At the.. in'auguraf •meeting of , the i937 Coiner On. Monday' night, a letter,‘ Which arrived that afternoon front. Or. Berry . 'of the pepartMent Of Health in Toronto4, recommended that. the Council aecept the econ- dar,v, well, The', communication, ..yir read', near. the end of a fo -hair sessiOn and Ifdeoided- • , - -deal•'With-it-ittn-speeratineetmg. following day a letter, was -received from Mr Flernrng, consulting engn- eer ..for' the Village, , who alse"..adyiSed acceptenee;',-, of the well. • • ',. • Appointment Of; Committeetiwas the first order of business with little change being),. Made: They are, with the first mentioned in each case being . chairman % Finance-Bushell,,..Ander7 Sonfand,Xergirson;.:4ydre7-Anderon,: Buell and Mcilab; Reads and:'Brid- ”ges-z-4,-.Pergison-,73. Property and Supplies—Ma Ferguson' and ,BUisliell; titions and Bir-LaWe'lleNeb.,':Blis Other •apPointrrierits ineladed *- J' eph Agnew, Robert Douglas,'- : issesscir; • -fence vie Robb an • Andrew teekhert;' mini:0er of :Boar of Health -.'-A.,‘ E: McKim ; :Medic 'Officer .ef Health* -'Dr. W.V.' Joh stoe; weed, inepectet, j: pOund keeper—.James. Johbriton... R. . Moore 'was re -appointed ; • Conatitilil for another quarter: •Bert 'Ward' Wa re -appointed 'Town HAIL caretake And generat:haridyinan; Art,applica If.aP • earetaking...ir'a tecelied.: ''ft.O/A ,Jelni" 147 -Worth: ' pASTARtitt.,' CRIME This Continent ha's again been shocked 'by; another .daitardly kid- napping erinie that tOok !lade in • United St4tea •on. the Pacific coast.. Snatched from his. home ..inst t.wo, Astda.ys afterhe hadl, spent &.-, merry', The :ChristMai; Charles Mattson, age ten, *as found deac two 'woelcs' later af- ter his Tather hd in vain mad every effort: to contact the kidnappers tuul. . , pay the •$28,000 of ransom. ".money 'demanded ' • _Rev. J. 1.1,'• GeOghegan,' the sretirin member of the Library' Beard was re ;appointed. ',Alex 'Ravens ,was re-ap% pointed in charge of Hydro .'i Council , decided to advertise • for 'applications . for Caretakine and other duties • at the --pinap hopeer.":" The Board also decided ..to. ask for tenders.. on allarge quantity of Woad and on village *Ork. • • •• • • : 'Council readily agreed to•Purchase the ,'Fire co: four ;pair of boors •and Pout coats as requested.- Notifidation was received lioni the Township of :Turnb_erry Of:certain :re- jig' accounts :that Vieuld :be ,eharged.. • The ov,was believe o ve; been' about ',lour. , fi:ve:. dais, -when, his httle body, nide and „frozen, was diacovered... Ris had was crushed; and...teeth", broken,. 'with 'everlindica- tion that, t youngster, had. been hrutallyttreitted.. " ." •,• , • , , .TOURCHASE CHANTERS , P• ••-• • . • „ , .• The-,...jAcknow, Fire ;Company has put up.. the',. necessary $1.00 to pur- base half a'docen chanters. ter is the fq'ito or filife.t pipe on which 'bagpipe music is 'plaYed. R. is. intended to give •these t0 men in ,the vlilage o inimediate cPmaiaPit.Y .:14P 'wish to, learn to; play the...pipes, 'and - on iihich; they'. can practise • during the .winter, so:in tinie they may he able to :become -memberof the :Pipe' Band Alriady theee a the. chanters' 7 „ are spoken for. . •' 'BORN. • • . - 'LANE—In Ripley, on •Tuesday, januarY.5th, :to Mi.. and Mrs. Walter, time a son: ' • back .to thwvillage. Another compritin. ieatien from the Bruce: County Clerk' advised. the Board Of hospitalization `coats,: that the; respOlisible 'A new .hydro,' custioinet..WaS•.tronrt-: ed, a hoe; haArit been rtin to: South razigements':. aa's. 'wesi.-extended Kinloss Manse, 'Ander .'th'e 'same east of: the village' " • ' . , • Cut' Off • Ordeit . : Council .dealt 'at;:leegth and Water arrear a anti-; decided :Upon; regOlitiOns,•• that" will be rigidly en';' fOreed.. thralliilaPt. the year' ::•On And...after • Pehinary' Mestic ; User*, months Or • More 'in arrears and domnsertial users, 2. Jaonths: or, more in, arrearp. be cut �W ' WIT -ROUT FURTHEIt NO , • '..'"rhis Put -off regidetion becomes autoreaticak. effectivewithOnt. no- .tice, ..as aeon,:as .arty.`,Censninerbe comeq in. arrearsfor, a period .as above."' • '•..Shut,oft itietractiens • . , ,aPPIY,te. water ;eSeit -drivers .6t. March -.1st, .• - • ' - 7 • Furthet..„ couneil: decreed' that all dog 'taxes IntiSt be .,collected • and 84, thOriZed -Constable ...Moore to collect the levy or dispose of the 'dog: •.• • . • . .18TH EXTENSIO1s1 . DEADLINE , -• The, deadline, granted by the :De_ Par.tment of IlighwaY's for Motarista:, to •seleure 1937 Motor license Plates and'IdriVing permits' has been set at, Jenuary* 18th, • This . .year Mo,torifirs id this community can sieurO their Markers With added Convenleide,.. as MacDonald likothers- have beeir'ap panted tribal .issitera: mEETIN.4 Birchen FoWlet, will address open. nibeting inthe Tolve 'Hall 'on the subject oCo-Operation” kinder joint Club •iniaPidea, en WedfieSclay,',. an- uar :20th at t:10 o'cloek: Mr: NW - .ler, has toured United Siete§ and' wilP addreaS three • Meetings. in. On: tittle' • " HEN-DERSON—At Con. .4; ...Vilest' 'Wawa -fie -eh; �ji Monday Jiinuary 4th.• to,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ilenderson,. a. -; deughter,. - .„. - MekAyffOn ; NoveMber:,21st, to` Mr and Mrs.; Angus Mittay. of the. GWitlior.- Mission at !Thanti,. India,. a davOlter,. The • death :of thejittleitot: Occurred Seine day. . • : • • . • Boding., • , ' . The Heron' Old Boya.', Association and Ilpron,County..lemor Association of Toronto,' .hold ;,their 17th annual. .• "At.Hoine' in,',.Toronto.,•.. Wednesday evening. 'January, „ ' : •••• • • .• • • r - . Forma Locanow 'cement Died Friday At Goderich Mr. 'Robert Phillips Was A Lifelong: ReeidentilLtticknow,-AnCt-Vicinity Until Moving . Goderich Some :12 Tear Aj� ' " ' Goderich • lost a 1ughly respected' Citizen 'on Friday; .3entierY..iltb,•in;the Perion Of Robert. Taylor Phibips,74- year-old': East street _resident,' ,Whii passed ,away .after ,,a brief illness Barn in' Ashfield : ToWnship, the son ,Of Ough. and Rachel Phlllips, he fktree4 111 ;Xinloss,' for eleven. years, before nietine.to •Lucknove (where he .resided until' 1925.,when ho.and,hi Wife, the.,.fohnet Hannah Bowering4, whent'he.;inartied.. 42 years. ed to • Ooderich ' 'Mt Phijlips Was an 'eSteeMed mein. • bet of VIcteria, Street United Church,. Goderich,4haVing' -served. As an elder for' Some Years. ,:Always a :temperate 'Man; he Was ap ardent worker .. in the•;Temperariee Society in Goderich are his :Wife. and two.. sisters,, Mts. 'William .N.aylot of Lneknow, :and Mite. -William Meriary, •Cen.:11•Oili and Mrs. Leslie Ptirvi.4, beth.; Of Londenr-and' two halthre, 4therS,‘John Iihillfp's of :Spanish, gaina District of LtiOknOwc also , e• -tinnily residence: in Goderieh.on Sirn: 'dayi to Greenhill f Ceinctery,' LiCknOw, 'fel*. _burial,' where a• love „nuither.P'. 'friends in' thi's eommilnity gathered to pay their last .reaPect•to a "fortrier esteetnefl Citlien, The funeral' Was held tioni tli •L' 'Wa've4ote ,of live vor:ng ,Seldoin • got dennetted With! "anything 'that • 'starts Wheels turning. , • A NU .1957 - WHY GO` TO .OLPhIbA That is, a, question thay might easily be' asked ,,as this :-diStFiet ea- c1Nra' ,of. bight au;nohine, •with dust. flying AO a- complete,absence' of imaw-ai rare dcMdifitin with Jan - nary at the half 'way Mario.' Winds; are abit raW hoWever but the temperature •• never dropsi.far below' the freezing point Taking Over Part Or ..'Guelph Road 'Minister peels, Certain Part Will Be Taken .Over .by: Province And •Tbe Remainder Considered • • Part Of the highway running frein through Elinirai• WhighaM. and Bucknow to Arnher- ley. On the',,,..pfelvate4-Jighwav be ;taken :over..by .the:,ProVince As King's • highway, gen. . T.*.;B 1V1c.-' Oaeaten; Ontario; Minister' of hlgh- Ways • aiinouneePriclay, • A-- depetatijr fom the cOunties• Of: Brace, giiion,„ .Wellington,.,Perth and. .Waterloo, Met, the minister last_sitee,k: and asked: that -"tlie4iighway..be ti& 'Ministered' by :the ..Go.vernmeat.• The • lvft, gclauestert.said;the rest. would be considered, he 'felt.' certain ;1044 'Offifi'e-*14.1101 be taken over He did,#,;t,.;pOilBt.:;013.Llithati.4Part...this, , would be NEW, DOCTOR COMNIBNCES • PRACTISE HERE.NEXT WEEK: ' , , ' • Dr.', Wm., Foteller 'of Bayfield, - has hOught Dr. Wm.-- Cortnell's• resideriee . in Lucknow and , win commence 'his practise, „here the,: early part of this` eoniing 'week. • . , Dr. Fowler succeede Dr.- R. J. • Bowen, who left here. . for Lam- beth- late in October. Longtime, Resident Of This, ,Coni- ..muluty Died_ At rkii-riolit4 Of -Her Daughter; Mrs: Thoi. Anderson. .On Saturday --Caine As A'.Bride To hitechurch 68 ,Years Ago. The-. oldestresident of t Mafeking co- aininnitY• -Mrs.; Rebecca lteed,. fwidow of the late: Paid Reed, died'. at ...the hemel.of her, daughter, -Mrs. .Thomas Aridersen, Saturday, .• Jannark, in; her ninety-third year .11fra../Iteed, had. enjoyed ° wonderful health' 'min last May, When :she Suffered. a :frad-, t . • , tered..hip. Since Oen she has., grad - Maly 'failed; but bore the long niOnths. •of ..sufferini patiently. - Mis Reed was . born . at :''Caled0e,.. :coining :at. .the age of OAT. with her Parents; *he late Ittr',. and. Mra. -Jacob *pee,. to • Egynonthqlle to nye,- until sixty-eght ' years ago,. when. as the bride of Mr Peal LReed, he cameota -Whitechurch, Where' they reacted two years before_teraing-.....tolth the .ptb :eon of. Ashfield, -pow Owned: hi -her grandson; Ilartekt-,Anderson., Mr. .anit; Mrs:.. Reed 'meted' .to.. Luck.. now .thirty years 'ago,' wherehe re- sided ,,. until eighteen. .,montliri i; ago., Since then; she has "lived with, and, been tenderly 'Caredfor',, by her dau- ghter, -Mrs. Thos. Aboderson.4,' Her husband predeceaged , her ...sixteen Years, ago; and her eldest craughter. . , the.: late Mrs.:, James. Bailie,. Of Cal gazy, six yeare:.. She;•,is , survived by tent. sopa., .Meesrs.: jacoh Of Athfield" Wll' Of Sault. -Merle, Beet of Whiteehetch mid:\ Thetnneet-Cadillac, twi; daughters, Mrs..., Will Snieltser Calgary, Aka, and Mrs.! Thoina's 'Anderson of Ashfield; two '.Sisters, . 'Mrs: (John and' Mrs., ,•,Jaines. Sproitt, ref igniondville;. "thirty-fiVe grandchildren and twenty-four greet:. grdndchildren '' • '. -Mit; . Peed, a, loVing, :devoted moth- er, Sect'. toSit.:heighhor, was a faith.. fill' member of the Blake , and. later the •tuelctiow ;United • Churchea.. ministers L` beth Congre$44alis; Rekt,,, Wm, • Patton, 'Of .'Ashfield. and „ROV.; Tucker of ..LacknoW, conducted the 'funeral service, 'Whieh was held: 'adittatiol7aditiet.r toAo::40elittai rdyt:eakla‘!71:i r7glige6til attendance at ibe?; Saignalt. .'serVigeo ndof her Cheerfui faith and. CourageWhich l*fis' tYpicat .efk the pioneers: 44. .this• 'country,. Inteterit. Wasr Made in • Greenhill .cemetery„ ,The:',•Pallbeititts :Were altkgrandions; -itarVesr-:ant-Torn" .AnderSopi-.IttisSel-,T Will, Alvin and Leslie Reed.' Itelatives, front Sault '8C .ilati4 Harriiitob •... . . „ . 'in TO (heck SPread - (Scarlet Fever- Epidenii. Scheel M Second' Concession ,ClOsed .Officer ."'ot 'HePla.blic' iMethede „ . • • . Controlling DiAeast--;-'-'• Public 'Sehool Pupils Will All Be Anocull,' fa0 VP0.!1. Parente. .• Just, north. (of the villagelhere, epiclennic of Scarlet Fever;.af- fecting Several patients,. and .peces,. sitating the. Closing of S. S. NO, 7 school 'house at -the Second *-tonees-, Sion': An effort- is being made to, pre-. vent the Spread el the ailmentd.and' to- aide in this, Phe • AO been asked to publish :the following 'article. "Scarlet Fever." is caused by, fai iig;jesier)l'anw-d!•ech ZC:IgTet 11, g'sllermallis.;''.air%the... ex- pelled--from .the nese and' illrgat of the patient 111 coughing, sneezing,,and- foreible :talking:- The gerns fOr., seine tirbe in .the Saliva on the hands, dishes, spOonp,' etc, -and thus spread to :another person from thes,e. Tf:they are notdisinfected'iby The, „eel:Heat sympteni Or itidenee • • of the disease 13 ri...sint• -throat. This usnittly comes. oe."3"11)-5--days . after. , expoSure. to the infeetiOn... :Ot early,•sigoi ;are vOrniting Tho . rash uSualiY ars., Within our of the. Scarletqe. varies" so 1,1,1.tich. .in severity that ash May be ,So : Taint and last ..S a short time •in some • eases that , wili.mit be:noticed unless the bar s quite. Oservant... • , • ` • ,`,Scarlatinar' means ',mild; Sear Fever'. '',Contact4,...and-, patients :iv his Mild fotin:.'are 'treated 'just „f eine. us- the einitacte..•Aad 'patie Scarlet Fetet.'FriiriireatelY; :nee 11 the; Patients .in the Present. e einic ;The. SP -read of 'Scarlet:-Piver in otnmonit'sr'• is neatly always` due ages. which ' hate • not been..tePor ir nso ; htve .n have isolated,: Or fir!, cases:hi WhiehIhe'*roubile et Veen': teeegaizedi: . an ; einic of :Scarlet. Fever there :sr,6 aYs trime• .Children hate So mats:Teed- ,.taSh --and:these- •ft reading• :the infection During s idemie -*Scarlet, Fever. all ehldr diutuits :With •sorethroicsiiiiii ay at home and :not. mingle. • Wit e' •• • •-•; .• • ••., ,The control es ',the' ProMPt. igoratien Of .th „ • . her 2,1 Ver. the' it ent let he tits r.4'• to fed ,to 55 re I. 1 - en; 47. e'.. tient. The quarantine -of •=rentacts- pends, upon- Sevel'al factors,.. • one whieh ‘. is the. determination 4* Of hether or not the contact is; sus- ptible to the. diseaSe...' DisinfeetilV: beSt:. carried Ont by having all leeused by: the patient', carefully • ._ • ' ; •• Entertained Here Thursday riesOf darnea lieaults in Local , •• , • e Brea .qealth :f. FieaIth 1 • • 0•UR ATGT,T,Gi.7.79,FALITT AD SEItArygg' 7 „ • :Specials, For CHOICE LAyElt:. CA4.E8 . . • • NiNR8 And -A Large Assortinent. Of ; • COOHIE•S;, 'BUNS AND SOI4E..§; eek -End - , ^ ' . :1 • • 4••• '1•'.• .40C.4 DZ q, :•• .4•-•* * 4 * • ....24a47 --- LL Y MA, NS;Q'UALY'BAKIRy 'PHONE 36 • I..- .• • 7...1.tIC.NOW;,, • - !laic uc now Hydro'System Consumers ALL. CONSUMERS IN ARREARS POUR MONTHS, FOR DOMESTIC SERVICES TWO MONTHS FOR COMMERCIAL SERVICES IF NOT ' PAID. ON OR BEFORE f.„th sp ep st 'th qu -e Players , Coming Out., On . Top-- . • 'Ripley :bid • tor' , players" -visited Lucknow Thursday eYeiiing to engage in. •friendly tourney, • that end end Rip Win tie •cial I • ed withthe • visitors 'O -f. the sore :• iig(1, '16 g.. and.a. tie :for 235 points, w1th ley regiaterini: 4 ''Vieteriei. !Mid a fei .eOunt vointS.. A 'SO:, titne%-fellOwed ,When, lunch 79V1i§ 'served'. The 'reahlti.,Wore.; Mixed PoUble Calvert Mies Liken (1.1)., Anna Pinlaysea (21) Mt *Mei." " De. Jolinaten :Miss Gibiton (18) ' G. .MeDotirild. (18) Mi "Effeert park .Finlayson Miss. MUnn..(5):-..';•Maty MeKim (21) .gr. ppnAltiVPhtigigi. t(y1:6). Mrs. iityce,(2).) ..'r.,Ateriatteng•(18), , Mr.,. McLaY ' • • Maurice Peatltrian Miss Atniatiori.g .(.4) 11. flarniion(I)' Mr. •-• Johnston (16): Crawford 'Wil i OA) „.4r;L tiffert.. -- .•••Dotiald. Johnston Mr." . MaLAY M' . Ralph Rotten. (1)' Clark '().6) Mr, 'Wilda ten% Watson Mti.• Cratvford, (1S)- • Stewiitt (3). Diiiihlea Mies Ube.' ' ' Anne 'Finlayaink .Mist.Gibton-(8) 4(410). Bryce' • tte.1010.. *ISS Wiiyiet4 • lVilis' :Mimi • '••• , • AticireY :Horne Lithe (.14y matinit)ninigtnit.:04). 'AL:ftik:ttoog.'('*4)...m'sfkt4I6114-the'f;gthloe: AND (IN •ANY ;FUTURE 'DATE IF IN ARREARS FOR PERIODS As ABOVE • uCknow NOTICE. 0 onsumers In .Arrears on yStent rch ill Be :ut-off Withijut. Further' Notice•- • boiled :or.. AtherwiSe .infecting ' a room is best dene. bY ,washing: floors; iveedwork:. etc.. with "h99,rtriiztetierylaoned.:iusoola,.'• rn migation witli. fis . :Children --mai. -itaMutie7t6 Scarlet.... 'Fever'. by.. 'iiioeultifien, 'simpleand aafe7; Skin' teat will inth, ,aate Whether' or • not a ehild,„ is BUS4, cOptible to Scarlet FeverAll :Child.... ten:: in ' the Liucknow ublic School be se. tested 'in the near future.. Then.. petmlesien ;willbe asked Of thg. p:areas, Of ?E.F1.1"hi;1:41,;i..f. they wish inoculation carried. out... Where per- eussien. is • giten, . inoeuhttion will e carried. out by givint.`fite.injections at weekly., ititervals. -These eoefer Permanent .immunity ii 80%. of Caseon lnjec.tiozjs ma ma e.th (.1 1 irfor 4:'clay or 50, but this is, not ;$erieus.. *:. , • t'• 'We wisb, to) pOint Out thrit;onlY the, ,mpXiinum eo...operation .between ParentS' teachers and health ' • • ,. ' .orities 'can thii -ariy Other type of eorifintiriidable ,diseate. be edequatelY • controlled Particelatly at this tithe may we ask parent to ti). keat honie all hildren Wthroats, ever mild; .and with no rash 'present tThh:isie ,.;iineteayto.::jobre; tliapiiigcaerOl:suli:Ao as th' rt let. ;Fever . patient, . 'W V JOHNSTON,.3 0:11.• ". . migg p,eatotth GoAekidh, attended, the‘ Miaa funeral, Mies •.••• • A, quie wedding was solemnized in aul'sA hcan.�hurch,..iat_elete. o'efaeli . a.m. -on 'Thursday, : janua.4 17th. :when Mies Vera Lillian ...eldest . daiikhfct:. of Mr. and Mie;OeOrge.:.,.. Itivett, became the • bride` of.Mr Goldie Carter, :eldest' son of 'Mr., and ; 'Mrs. Peter Carter, of Lucknow Rev - J. -H. Geoghegan, meter Of the church • ,perfotined the eeremony:. The .hride.2. whe Woe given' in 1narriaee hv ' her father, was •• •beconringly, . attired,in her traveling costume, censIstmg _ • 'erOni;iiictroenpe tiidrmgoenisinwit, and , w 'hat with teil and tweed. coat With racocrir--eoHat-TShe tees,. attendedy Mrs.: ErneCt. -Carter, while Rrnest, .After68rtet supported th, tbiri al d,ei.r.p6aorriii3.; went to the haine of the -hride'S- parenta; •Whete: about 20', guests, all ifinnediate relatives 'partook., of a' . 'wedding'luncheon. the etetting, a • • : '.weaqing: 'dinner Was. served : at the. home of Mr and Mit:" Ernest Carter . f Lucknow, where a receptions was held. After a sh6r.oneyrn69n, ,Mr, and ;Mrs: Carter will' reside..in Dun- gannon, where - Mr. 'Carter- . recently purchased:. ir • • . -; • • • ' •• ONLY orsrk LicENsk'NEEIJED •-• MR:, AND MRS. GEORGE BUTTON, 'TgESWATER; '64J YEARS': WED • _ ' ,and.. Mrs. George' Button, high- ly : esteenied. resideits o TeesWitter, celebrated their '64th •wedding aniii, vei7arYFriday, when they :were at home to their ' Many'l friends... 'The Teeswater Concert .Beed serenaded them And Were 'heattily. received by, the ereinle. • Mr. ',and Mrs., Button have lived in l'eeswater; pritatically the time since their. Marriage: Mr. Button; in ihe early daya,.botiducted ffirnitere arid •tinderiliking business, They.both'enjoY good' health it'd take an •Interest In their teftri aid -church Card Of Thanks T� Tk 1et�r 01 , ti tli6one 61..1h4, for the SUPp6rt: giYen . 0.4 ftlniip1tieleetieii;7 it as rip* predated,. SineetelY, ; :MeDierini .Any .person having ,paid. $g „ ense,; fee fora radio receiving Set in his 'honie,.dOes not . require ann additional 'license for ,as: radio set hi his ,stutoniobile;4,.,e'dcOrcliff0' to Federal GOVerninerit officials chatge issuing radii) ;licenseS', but:, if reit' has no radio in. hishoine ..rend has one „ in . his atftomobile, 'then. A license Must be obtained fOr liis car , radio: . • Motor Vehicle Permits .1 And Orierators-liceoses1 cAN ripw iiv8t'etrizt1i LUCKNOW AT . MacDonald snot aront " .1 • • ,