HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-12-18, Page 4• aor. VP*'• aluiPPt Tears we have .been .reeOgOsed as safeenstediann for 7deposits and an giving excellent•banking service to eomnier13I accounts,. . • Vic 120 dillecsWe' give courteoug attez. tien to' our eustoMers' reqoirerants, Rpab, MANXGER, LUsCICISONArrt 1;n2ANC111. • .4000•!.••••••••••""•"."'' mtcoRAAKK • , • Spreaders, Mowers, Hey Rakes; Bey Tedders, Hey• . • Imaders. Grain and Cern Bilsterg; •IINTRIIAN CO:— wiliciosou Plows, ScuMers, and:Barrows. , FROST STEEL.,& WIRE . 13,16. 9 ,Coiled Wire,'4,Point Bir.4.7 Gates And Woven . ' Fence and Staples, all Galvaio., • . PIANOS:— • ' • See our high grade Pianos hetere heying. '• For Sale'At,, • • ' ;ANDREW'S LUCKNO eafOrth Creamery, CREAM BUTTNG STATION Rightist cash pikes paid for Cream and Eggei:-. We guarantee service and Satisfaction to all our • Patriins.. , .Give us a tdal and let us prove.. you t.hat we are a vrort.h while mad*. Cecil Mullin, M. Luclmow Branch Phone 63. LuchnOw •':::Phone 74 -.., wiles**, 'Phone 256 onumental Norks miathow Banthe largest and most complete stock tI4O. °est beautiful cresigna • „• to choose from, in• • Marble, Scotch, Sivedis' anr Can.' adian Granitea • • We !fake a gpeebilty of Family Bleniunents-and 'invite your inspec- • tion. • Use -notions Neatly, Careful', and Promptly Done. , See us befere placing your order. • Douglas Bros. •It. A. Spotter, ' Lucknaw, Ont. • Lucknovr L. 428i meets in their lodge room every second,Tues- • day of the month at 8 o'clock p.m. • WLM.II. XL:Parker: ,gee. Seey.. • McQuillin. ' r•k., 11924 Christmas Seals The National, Sanitarium Aasocla- Is to be tonitatalatett On the haridionto Christinais. Seals oow tile in aid of.i.thf.:..‘ Muskoka H�spftai for Ceriuitinti*ea." • , TO meet .1' Ocirsiztent dinand-10t- , • • . • A real christrnat Si -Al, not merely an adeettisingst1ker*tette a, neW P,arture has been made.' The Se4ia. beautifully cblored and., ten deafens, are :put Op assOtted Ir .Packets -of -different 'de,noiniiiadonit; 'The Hospital' is -in need of funds .to 'earry, on its. work, .. Why tiot•billY these seals in lieu Of otheiS,?. Not :Only Will you, ,get g6od . value. •retatO, ,but yOut ine'iley will' he inadeto serve a greater end,' for it -wfflg� For sale by .school :children, and banks', Or direct from Xmas, Seal Department, Gage Institute, TO- p/ttO„: Ontario, • NO NEW ROADS IN PROVINCIAL SYSTEM ' With •the object'. • of having the neresi .Grey Comity, "-from "West to east, froin-Hanover to Singhan1P- ton Made' a • 'provincicl highway, p depatation • from Grey... and Bruce counties ' vi sited the Parliament • buildings' at Toronto on' Tuesday •of isit Week and . wait! 1 upon ' Hon. Getage. S. HencY; minister..of s.. The pet: I jailers were • told that the jet:mess eauhi not le gratited because ..of the .GoverIment's of.,making ro additions, at .tiie pres- ent time -' to the: . provincial s.ystein, but, they;Were Proadied that conz sideiAtion, would. be, given to raising the roaefrom n 40'Per cent to a 60 per centeounty read. •• • • The deputation .was introduced by Elm, •Dr ,Jamieson, M. P. P. for Smith Grey, and "includedW; L., Tay - ler ,Of Singliampton; W. adder Of Ourliarn; .D..111eTztvish,.., warden of, Grey County.; D. L. Men* of Han,. Iver- •.*.• Ball and :D.. Sinclair o Bruce ConntY. It was peinted'oatr to them : by Hon. Mr, ,Henry that, Bon, Mr, Ferguson had said that nO addi- tion would-be Made tq ,the pravin7 did •system at the present:tithe. It. was also 'painted out :that •, •the • advisory • highway • onamittee,.. an- rieinted at the list session ,Of the Legislature .has- been making a tur- vey of the roads of the .province and is presenting a report • Upon -the. changes that,. in its . opinion, gaminid be made'' hi classifications. • Prom- • ise was given: that: • consideration Would be given to the Grey' Count, iniadiwhen this repOrt nag received, utui that ifetiision *bold :be. Made' upon the. point -of- isising7its status from, that of -a miner country read •teWard which. the, Government Con- • tributed 40 per cent of the cost or maintenance to, a. county. road to- wards ,which the. Government 'contric butes '', 60 Per cent of the cost • .•• maintenance. •. In justification • of their •request, the members of., the deputation .had Pointed out that their district pro- -vincie-highways' -raiOnilY ;north •-nod south. • They were ,of the , opinion that a 'provincial • highway running from .Ilatiaver:to Sitigharnpton *Mild serve A wide • territory and provide a useful road from Lake Huron to Itherastern seetien of the Provined MOTORIST MUST PAY FOR COW - Judgment for po , and costs has • been c,iven by Judge Klein in favor Of Mr. Paid gingiton, of Elderslie • in his :?..cton for Ani-agc:: for a cow •killai by a car driven.: y ,M9 ward I'Veiss, of .Ches1:-!Y It appe • that Mr. Kingston's employee , driving' a mmilier,Of cattle along • higtiway on tie'30th sideroad, . derslie going south, whe-,i they we're: ,approached by two -cars,' going north, the rea:., car being • driven by, Weiss„ • ,It la stated •hi s ct't.-' Was runn:ng .sa. • fs.and ..*Clese to • the front car' th ' ' . front cit. StOPPea •Pri „1.corning rit • a coition wit '114d to turn o ing so rzn in The aetion Court 1 : "ATTOrnith-gati an •-quoted :as, ying in public t oiin- •try peeple •didn't. know g to! chew Om, Right for one, and t1te7 know enough'not to chew the • rag When Were 011ferOted, •, • • 3C4U(.3 4 011,791.3g11,VNET4 '., T'Phlishad'at,„ enf6Tfiwurldir;;i:''. A-, D. *041;1. enEdelie.t.PrOP” *into, r . . • , AT, DECESIBER7*..18th. 1944 AL ELEOTION$ ' ..: You neeVelePti.sa ' 41040/41°'U1*nUt1:**; ne6*Ig'i S.' ' ' MOS, qirerYtIiIng gkieg, .0.'"IlerntiS1Y 40 the eims'eli board of • a Pikst Year is ,i4urited-td servefor alother twelve. Months ahnost with-. • 'out a ripple .of excitement; even one, 90:PlIc°viel innethiswenquietzewaYaY__ _.H-8-'11) ..' int". a Again.there may. be ItTping under the 'rfaee .suspieiOne. Ait9konisnu! • \ or iiml: .70os Ii Spsoected by the. easy-going .ave .__.: citizen, and than May •Ilaa,* aIntilli, ,.. tio.,.11 Ineet-. .ing muCh, te the * ' • .isiii.fi the PUh= -\, ', • •lic,'A d prit$Mg evt...., Candidate with his Pa .. • ' iin their: nz4ial. '. , Too ten' personal corisiderations • enter into\ contest and the public „in- terest is Overlooked, or for the time •heing;fargOtten. Folk cinin Le think artiisalf'diet soineoriciiias been in office prig endugli -regardresis, of the ••••kt anality 1 service given, This 'is ;the attitude f those who .1°0 'imp Pub-, Heti; ()flee aa spniething which Ought ta,lie Passed. *roan(' by , *ay , an .cninplement. '`,.: ''s. That's ' all' `L wrong. in,' •everybody Imowa. ThO iliiiirs ...that ought : 'to• runt are commonsense, "4A inten- tions .and ,tha'abIlity to carry them into ffect. Ineffieierfey and 'graft (that the taking, adiriintage . of one's ;in lie 'positicrii to.'*1110te'ole'l porn bite, at the liohlie expense) make ler. • taxes ere: a loivering' of the more tone of the ".'eciiiimuniti.. For some ears 'inutiicipal tares. all ov• the inn-Me:try ',,Iiiive beenle burden. --,a ,condition viliiili has dew.; kiped, Out Of 'Causes ' beirend the ' in: fluence ,: of • local., coimcilis!' However good . management, of .iann Ic i pa 1 affairs . counts for a #erit deal * • counteracting the general, :tend• ency,. . . Do yeti think your =taxis high?: You d.o, you -havejust paid them. - •Then Eeep in Office, or Put in:office Inert ' who are abrade 'elionglit and honest enough to direct the business cit your town or townshiplio .. that taXaS -, laid: not : ga.,bifbler • through carelessness Or blindness .to' the'pish,. ..! Doi0, Panel the, elective• und .iis„ii, Chrfstmaa.• gift. It.. 1nnich.,•,1.Rficiency with, Wehr,. ,ecaur ilildatesf te. 11'. the r offices. ,m• aY, cost slant ta standard by office should „ Anoth consideration ...which en- • into uniefpiA politics these as „the attitude of:Candidates to th;TernpeiA'ctTeO. T. A. is a p ovinejai matter but 'inunicipal .rees sand cOuncilkirsiiii do much towards its enforgement For, this they' •backbone as *ell as de- cided vie on the-:•.t.emperance question- IHEY *ILL HANeillIS MAN • ,After all every Chicago _murderer does_.mitlescape_the__extieme.penalty of the law On Friday 'Iasi a Man: On trial for murder _._theie was • „found• and, the , jury -"avhkh decided. that he • wasalsofixed hia Tiuniihinent 'death on. ori the gal- lows". „ This , .outgiinie"ig yeti different rom the .usaal. 'Itpresepts a: strik- contrant. totheontcoineofthe ent famous. trial. of -the „wealthy col ge youths. Who' for:their oivn • t •kliled Bobby 'Franks. , The',iT• Were, however, • points • of differenSe inthe two cases; The •man found gi1ty on ,Pridayi and., for wlitdo baiing was. prescribed, shot. a man in itattempted hold-up with the Object o .robhery. *..His name, is' Russell Scott, • he is "feferrd to is .!`1.6 r e r, ••fl prompter.", Scott appears. to xe 'tried hisband ' at .high .financ:e," ald, having, failed at that, 'took ta robbery. He:deserves his fate. P.11 light attordieg to ,the lasis of the.. State, of alineis.„gut his criine was, more !reusable Cif lour-, 'der .e.ver is excusable), than the:Crime of the boy-killT, who merely went to penitentiary, "for' with a fair" ProSPeet being given, their freedom Within. -a •fe* years. The ✓ obber who in the.exeiternent.:4'ac-• tiori seraebodY 13.respectable as "comPared to the degenerates who took up a Itiendlt• boy' from the street; killed him for Sinuriement, as Vie animals, to avoid they 4 est k311 a rat „or a rabbit„, this car Mr. IVeisi tand'a 'Pied to extort mOney Irvin t and pass, ;and 13 0 amtkilled the corn tried at.the last ,D,i- Chealby, Nov. ,5th, • •• • 4. .1. their, vic m's father Perhadis ,was easier to, condemn Scott becaus he -was a foreigner. Of, course Scott 'dn't have the mode, to put up the iest sort of defence. A cnrieon.feature of Seott's trial ..wan-that-he,:itt,first-pleadeeguiltY-- •actually admitted - having-eoimnitted We 'Crime of which he Was accused. This evidently 'wet • done i---peeoulle it wiInot theutlICliaSSIblif• to inold 11**)400/014 41$4t &Ott Wryer • -11101101,401,• -1024-.7": ' not en , , the death Pen- , NAY Imply* imposed„But when the judge ladmgeil that 'he woUld son- tenets. SO* tobe, banged, the deface hivaerbegged that he be allowetto change the 'Plea to "lot. kuRtYi"- and IstenieNng a ft nr a e e in, was allowed. to *u rn • about and, 4319 that be "' not guilty 444 Rat the state to the trouble pf proving that he was, With enucirrotterly-leri.selesar- prettedinga vermIteabler. it - Tits rot? Atirpilsing that -tle'S 'TAW. has become a joke. , FEM•PPRANOk MOVE IN .IREIAND • • Na.ws of ,a eoutest over the • tem- perance issue comes, from a some- what,' unexPected'-quarter=-The Irish Free 'State, "or South Ireland., It is not •yet•-propesed to. have n • prohibition • law making the Country dry Arointhout the year :that would .birlattoigether too long a step..„ The bill at present before the Irish „par!. iament, orf."Diril," as the Irish House of Cmionons is.c.alle41,"•prOpOses mere., ly to have -prohibition, or closed bars on St. Patrick's Day..Many who cele- hnate the Seventeenth of Ireland, • it appears, ..unfortunately have, falien •into t,fie habit of doing so by indulg- ing' in a sp. Lord Mayo, a 144 - her of the _ Lee State Senate, in dis- cussing the proposed closing the bars ' On St. Patrick's, • Day, said "There lino use in blitikiog eyes lindL d'truntlik° Onfaf'St.et. tPhaattrickmil'an. FDat.'"\r- • The Senate, it seems, 13 infavor of a *dry St.'Patrieles. hilt:the "Dail"' Which, is .fnore 'directly responsible to ;the electorate is opposed. The :bill therefore, cannot become law, lint the fact that a bill proposing to Close the bars 'on .a popular holiday„ gets sIkCb Ist-deog supPrirt , significant 'Sentinient-An favor of .• Prohibition; once Started, . invarlahly, grows. The povertyand misery ,whigh. drunken- ness 'never. fails to produce,.iS al - before the eyes ofi, the, public, and is so ,tirlia!z and unjustifiable that it consyriitly suggests Suppres," • Although ' Ireland, lilre. Scotland, iamityghas _he an i ' unenviable reput- ation for: drunkenness • there has Jong been there..., ale° a considerable temperance 'eleinent- -Ahrioat. a cent- ury .ago ;Father ,Mathews,: nuivecl. by 'hepoverty...I-aid wreteliedneaS of his Ar, :THIS DISTRICT' JN TOTAL ECL1P4E _TOR.011.TO, Dec.,-.10.,SwOcliitig de; cross, Soutbwestern" Ontario at Speed of 1,500. miles 'au boor, the moan's shadow east iin.the earth dur- ing the next total, eclipse Of the sun, Jan. 24, 1925, Will cut off the snri's light from Toronto for a ,little over a Minute at 9.064, a.m. The T'44*atlii :iy11171b0101 out 'One- sr ay solailhe", shy. Ura .1Wajor, ,the "great •dipper,; will prebably iriSible in the- noith-, western sky; so PrOf. R. Young assaciate in astronomy, last night in the Physics, bending, deseribed the event,' ' In , Toronto the eclipte may be best ohserVed .from. fall •.buildings and from :the hilitqps,, Aitianamers do not recommendrobsereation from the lakefront, as Mists will prob- ably interfere; About' 8 a.m. thc :lirst blank mark, • the edge �f •the moon, WPI begin tq .eat ,sTewly irito the sun's surfact, entil 9061.4- the Suci ip Mack, framed in a circle of flame', the corona Goderich will he the first town in Ontario exeitly in the centre of total eclipse, and the ..eclipsa will last there, • as, in • Clinton, • WaterToo. Gnelnh; • Gplt. Kitchener, Dundas flarrilten, Welland!: Therold a n d, Bridgeburg, for 1 minete and 50 sec- .oprls. while in , Toronto : it will last on'y one roinete. Jest Outside the ered area 'will be atenton. Whitby, Forest, .Waterford Aylmer. • London is well. inside; and. so.' is Tillsonburg Orangeville, . Cheslev,: ,Hanover:and Diirhain, are • alsb, jest witbin the...edge. Prof. YOung. SaYs. that an error 'of ,soine • two or three inaieb&exiieeted in Making the catculations-,of the ,eclinse!n-radius.. Opportunities, 'for Observation are enique„ he 'says. for the great bulk of observers:.• will: not have an ' oppor- tunity, for".the next, twentyfive Or thirty'•years of ;•seeing a total 'solar eclipse, edge ,of the dark - Pert .South - Aurora, •• Alliston. , St, ThomaS and . . FORMER CULROSS MAN IES 13RITISII COLUMBIA (From The ,Teeswiter News) T. McDonald, eldest, son • of and Mrs. WnjMDoiiald. people, Ittlie' *:.,:rtfasure to drunk- Clinton street.; r,: passed' started- a ',niva3,- at St Sosenh's hospital, 'Vict •ment Which 7 gained great strength: oria. B." C, on Noven-ber, 26th„ Tn but this?' Nyontliy..and, .• distinguished 3 letter ret".eived Testerday from the, priest :was ;pinch ' ahead' of his time, 'oast the intelligence, was given, that and hiCinfitreacce Was mainly in the the late Mr. McDonald • had been out way of mnfal saaion in the ,country on his duties when he he Wig suddenly stricken and . was 'imought to the hospital but he nev- eraw'arVhegtaianteveninge-.eQn171*117 The lete Mr. McDonald was born in Chlress on. the 'fithc,COn. • .aed got his early edneation here and • later attended Guelph ,Agricultural Coll- ege, from where he graduated with flying rolera., From ,there be, , went I. to • Farozimrton 'and to • bklolioino TR011'SKIr BEHIND. TME :TIMES • Reports from Moscow Russia have .that Trotsky, ' who with the dead Lenin, was head of 'the,..great revolu- tion in' Russia; i abt:to be driven from the cOuntrY. Evidently, he . has ,been forgoalp time at loggarbeads with his sal -bastes .in tie govern - !Tient •• . • ' k Efforts to put his crazy theories into prietice evidentl3rhave modi- fied hiS, Socialistie, opinions' and he has become AO.-- -moderate ,-tot get on With„the_extreme..socialists.,... So the extremists are going ,to „cla zinto Trobiky. as Trotsky 'did Nt141Carin',..- sky mid -others: They will:not hesit- ate to' icill him If hedoes not go. In- deed he will 'de well to,.escape ,with bis life. But Trotsky-. should not plain forheisbut the.victim :of his own' methods. One Wonders what he -will.noiv.ithink hia „fland'of_free- • dom.7 He, may now join Emma Gold- man, Who after two Years in the land a the ,soviette tyrannies, rwould now gladly dwell in lIritalic .OrIthe •United States which she and Trotsky form- erly. denounced' as the Most hateful .antocracies, but Which reality have the 'most democratic govern- HU.R,ON 'COUNTY 'POLICE COURT • Dining the , month Novcmbe,- *la,:istrate Reid :dealt with thirty- s;caSes in the Poli e Cotirt. Of these tWo 'were dismissed, eleven ad- otitned, and ;in; twentV7six convir•- •-ions were registered: The total fines fiir the month Were $6/5, 'of nqiiieb $261 were for 0••T. A. breaches teen cass and.- 35O Undet the inland Revenue Att. Three, jail sen- tences. Were; ..hande.d out . ranging from thirty days to nine months; ' WESTFORD' NEWS, _ • 'Wedding belle ire ringing; 'don' voo hear them?, r A A number from_ here attended the etub at the Presbyterian Church 'on Friday evenine. last „ •Mr. Charles Danavan of Chieagc , • Don't forget, the Christmas enter- , tairzment a our school on Fridav_af- terroon of thil -week. A numiter 'from lien took in, the Ilene* in Remit on rridiir avezzing 140t 1414 144 it 1.0 itcoljsno,,, • , FRONT' ..,Qiita,.:For All The: .Fanily: At :The. • . . a ware omingi,Almost Here! With Only5 More Shopping • Days Before Xmas. • WE WISH YOU TO EXAM'INE OUR STOCK OF XMAS • GOODS. QUALITY AND AND ,BR10E8 WILL EE RIGHT., With LIST A FE* SUGGESTIONS` WHICH MAY "DE HELPFFUL'IN' '31AEINGSOME OF Irablt SELECTIONS: • FOR MOTHER , —1'Set ,Onive• ri\,' Silverware. •kileman -Lain - • Washaio• .Machine., . , carpet Sweeper • Pyrex .Ware • •. Scissors Set a ITuus ,.Food ChOriper . Toaster • where he was identified ,with the Agrirultiiral colleges and later at .! he, state of. Washington College , and from; there aecepted the. position he at the 'time 'of his death, that -yr Prowncial Livestock Commission - The Victoria Valle,- Times lias • the followingto say of him; "His death robs ' theprovince of one of its fere- .most. e7nerts in: •aeimal husbandry ,and occasions ',,a 'great. loss` to the ao•rfeultural. "Vi a well-knewn • ,fifraire at-. all the agricultural azzcl livestock • fairs throtrAnizt the nrovinee,'• the distinction of .representing "I3ri- tish Columbia.' in an, 'Official carp- acity in othPr parts ei Canada: and United .States. He is silt -rived by his widevir and fotfr children, besides his, parents and, a number of hrothers 'and sisters. A former resident* of, the.' Fifth (Innrn'recc died 'in the kanntv HoS- nifal it Wal1e4on �n Dec '5th in the persofi of -Mrs. Alex Watson.,In February " of 191,6 Mrs,. ' Watson Suff- ered a stroke of paralVaie and -siece. 444 ti-e'haS been in the frespital at ewere removed to the horrie. of- Mr.. and Mrs, Jahn. D. Mac- Kenzie.in her old neighborhood, Con. 4 Culross, where the funeral service at 1 o'clock. Sunday, 'was conducted by' the Rey.' Mr, •Bradiey, of Tees, water. and interment tooic plaee in IlaCristhn- temetere,- where,,Rev. Knox church officiated at the Tratie. , The pall bearers Were George M& - Kay. Robt. Keith. Kenneth and John D. McKenzie' of Culross, Alex Smith and John Walsh of Piarriston • , The late Mrs. Watson whose maid- en name was Divina Willcms, on was, horn in, Kiptere. Aroveshire„ Scot - lend in 1RJA /1P;r117a tvin Alid ill a friroilv of. 18. The family carte to Canada lo 1850, going first:to- the 01' Puitilingb; 14,4r 0:044 FOR BROTHER. • . • -` Safety "Razor, - • • Automoble Skates • • Flashlight' • ,• • ` Pocket Knife • Hockey 'Stick • Pair, of Mitts 1 -land• Sleigh : :• Razor " , of Vitts • Liailern and' Sleigh, Bells ' • Strap er Boae • CO•kman• Lan • FOR SISTER Lad i es Auto Skates, Silverware • Pen. Knife - Scissors , • • :Altiininum or Niekle Crumb Tray O'Ceddr..Mon ... • • Prex Mare ,.Thiniinurn Ware" • • FOR DApysisitk,OR riRcrriikR: •- •Knife and Fork,'Cup,' Saucer az:4 Plate, BAby'SSPoon or a- • good safe small; Candle ,Lantern • -• . AIM TO PLEASE Phone 66. • Hardware Ccial, • PoitTgou • Lucknow. ' Plumbing. Tinsmithing • to Minto Toy near HarriSten. She was there nnit'A in marriageto her -first htisbatict • lived -near Harriaton 'until his death in -1890. She was .later Married t� Mr; Watson who died three • years ago. . „ GOING INTO THE UNIT, cnURCII • ,, .Ten of *the fourteen ministers __c charge , of ongregations in :Bruce Presbytery • have, declared their in,' • teOtioli of , going into the,- ,United Church when , Union 'is Consiirriated on June 10th., 1925...Their statement of, intention. and, _„nanies ., are as 'the' Undersigned ministers of ,the. Presbytery f Bruce do hereby signify -ont-intention, of keeping our connection with .the, historic Presbyterian' Church in Can- .ada; when on June 10th., next, , she becomes part of,,jhe Untied Chiireh • of Canada. We, ',Wish: to, ed forward with her in great, new, Spirit= nal enterprise,, and to shard.,in he:r ministry; and., : as leaders in • our several congregations, we believe It right and helpful that we. should, make known our intention H. Burgess, H. D. Mcdualg,, A. Graham, D, H.' Gallagher, W.' ; „Wallace, W, M. Lee, C. C. Strachan, ,p.. J. .McKay, S. G. Steele, and one. other; who for personal reasons does: not wish his ri7,,10... n,epubliskid 'it ,the 'A LONG MOTOR TRIP .• The Tees*ater News says, Messrs. Bert -Tha:ker, RObt, Radler and Dave' Scott, three of the ydeng 'Men' Aviin-werit„..honie-last.. week...from dal gar.making the tripeby-,aute-and coming by Chicago; Stc Panic and thee to Detroit and Sarnia Where they crossed the beider into Canada, making the triia in two weeks., ABOUT ,GI.TR HIGHWAYS • , • Although it vvill take the High= oway,s- Department - several years to bring the read .already taken over a.S' proVincial,. highways up to the ap- pnaired standard there .is a constant 'agitatiOn.. for Mere thormighfares., The Gu'elpK nra • special .0. corn • ea= • , riiittee , of the •County Council • had that morning --considered the advis- abEity of extending the - paVement froin Th to 'Harriiton, .e pro- Peied route, 'e -suppose, would'.be • by Elora; Alma, PaAer, Rothsay and TeViotciale. .It .would be 'interesting to know.viliat"ineniberi Of the councilL. Composed the conueittee that bad •t,14a; arithitieui ,proje4 under consid,, eratiop.-abe.road'in-question -certain- ly earilei • conaiderable. • traffic, ' to pave 'it 'would require a much heavier expenditure than, would at present be it all jUitifiable. If thePavenienIi front:Marden is to be extended at all,-, ,FergilS 13 it next logical Stopping place., recent Stratford ' dispatch reporte'd that the Board of Trade in that city- Wag backing a movement to •haye a. highway designated from that city "to Arthur,-,. where it would 'meet, the. Arthur -Kincardine. high- way. The last link , of this road would be the centre sidereact of Peel Town - •ship' for its entire length. he build- • ing of siiCh a highWay would natur-: .-preseppOse the- taking over as a highway Of the lead trim ;Arthur to Oran,geville,„ , „which is at • present provincial countroad. A poreplete net work of standardized highways is now abOut essential to Ontario as its railway SyStems, but they.cari- ot„„all-be-cOnatinetedAir-Oneoday-Or year; The -work Aniuistla on just as rapidly • an a reasonable financial pelicy perznit; and this seenik beadmthillepistraelticioYn, i,vvchth aabierfrig.e 'rk.k