HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-12-18, Page 4•
VP*'• aluiPPt Tears we have .been
.reeOgOsed as safeenstediann for 7deposits
and an giving excellent•banking service to
eomnier13I accounts,. . •
Vic 120 dillecsWe' give courteoug attez.
tien to' our eustoMers' reqoirerants,
mtcoRAAKK • , •
Spreaders, Mowers, Hey Rakes; Bey Tedders, Hey• . •
Imaders. Grain and Cern Bilsterg;
wiliciosou Plows, ScuMers, and:Barrows.
13,16. 9 ,Coiled Wire,'4,Point Bir.4.7 Gates And Woven .
' Fence and Staples, all Galvaio., • .
PIANOS:— • '
• See
our high grade Pianos hetere heying.
'• For Sale'At,, • • '
eafOrth Creamery,
Rightist cash pikes paid for
Cream and Eggei:-. We guarantee
service and Satisfaction to all our
• Patriins..
.Give us a tdal and let us prove..
you t.hat we are a vrort.h while
Cecil Mullin,
M. Luclmow Branch
Phone 63.
•':::Phone 74 -..,
'Phone 256
onumental Norks
Banthe largest and most complete
stock tI4O. °est beautiful cresigna
• „•
to choose from, in• •
Marble, Scotch, Sivedis' anr Can.'
adian Granitea
We !fake a gpeebilty of Family
Bleniunents-and 'invite your inspec-
• tion.
• Use -notions Neatly, Careful', and
Promptly Done. ,
See us befere placing your order.
• Douglas Bros. •It. A. Spotter,
' Lucknaw, Ont.
Lucknovr L. 428i meets in
their lodge room every second,Tues-
• day of the month at 8 o'clock p.m.
• WLM.II. XL:Parker: ,gee. Seey..
• McQuillin. '
11924 Christmas Seals
The National, Sanitarium Aasocla-
Is to be tonitatalatett On the
haridionto Christinais. Seals oow
tile in aid of.i.thf.:..‘ Muskoka H�spftai
for Ceriuitinti*ea."
, TO meet .1' Ocirsiztent dinand-10t-
, • • .
A real christrnat Si -Al, not merely an
adeettisingst1ker*tette a, neW
P,arture has been made.' The Se4ia.
beautifully cblored and.,
ten deafens, are :put Op assOtted Ir
.Packets -of -different 'de,noiniiiadonit;
'The Hospital' is -in need of funds
.to 'earry, on its. work, .. Why tiot•billY
these seals in lieu Of otheiS,?. Not
:Only Will you, ,get g6od . value.
•retatO, ,but yOut ine'iley will' he
inadeto serve a greater end,' for it
For sale by .school :children, and
banks', Or direct from Xmas, Seal
Department, Gage Institute, TO-
p/ttO„: Ontario, •
With •the object'. • of having the
neresi .Grey Comity, "-from "West
to east, froin-Hanover to Singhan1P-
ton Made' a • 'provincicl highway, p
depatation • from Grey... and Bruce
counties ' vi sited the Parliament
• buildings' at Toronto on' Tuesday •of
isit Week and . wait! 1 upon ' Hon.
Getage. S. HencY; minister..of
s.. The pet: I jailers were • told
that the jet:mess eauhi not le gratited
because ..of the .GoverIment's
of.,making ro additions, at .tiie pres-
ent time -' to the: . provincial s.ystein,
but, they;Were Proadied that conz
sideiAtion, would. be, given to raising
the roaefrom n 40'Per cent to a 60
per centeounty read. ••
• • The deputation .was introduced by
Elm, •Dr ,Jamieson, M. P. P. for
Smith Grey, and "includedW; L., Tay -
ler ,Of Singliampton; W. adder Of
Ourliarn; .D..111eTztvish,.., warden of,
Grey County.; D. L. Men* of Han,.
Iver- •.*.• Ball and :D.. Sinclair o
Bruce ConntY. It was peinted'oatr to
them : by Hon. Mr, ,Henry that, Bon,
Mr, Ferguson had said that nO
tion would-be Made tq ,the pravin7
did •system at the present:tithe.
It. was also 'painted out :that •, •the
• advisory • highway • onamittee,.. an-
rieinted at the list session ,Of the
Legislature .has- been making a tur-
vey of the roads of the .province and
is presenting a report • Upon -the.
changes that,. in its . opinion, gaminid
be made'' hi classifications. • Prom-
• ise was given: that: • consideration
Would be given to the Grey' Count,
iniadiwhen this repOrt nag received,
utui that ifetiision *bold :be. Made'
upon the. point -of- isising7its status
from, that of -a miner country read
•teWard which. the, Government Con-
• tributed 40 per cent of the cost or
maintenance to, a. county. road to-
wards ,which the. Government 'contric
butes '', 60 Per cent of the cost
• .••
maintenance. •.
In justification • of their •request,
the members of., the deputation .had
Pointed out that their district pro-
-vincie-highways' -raiOnilY ;north •-nod
south. • They were ,of the , opinion
that a 'provincial • highway running
from .Ilatiaver:to Sitigharnpton *Mild
serve A wide • territory and provide
a useful road from Lake Huron to
Itherastern seetien of the Provined
Judgment for po , and costs has
• been c,iven by Judge Klein in favor
Of Mr. Paid gingiton, of Elderslie
• in his :?..cton for Ani-agc:: for a cow
•killai by a car driven.: y ,M9
ward I'Veiss, of .Ches1:-!Y It appe
• that Mr. Kingston's employee ,
driving' a mmilier,Of cattle along
• higtiway on tie'30th sideroad,
. derslie going south, whe-,i they we're:
,approached by two -cars,' going north,
the rea:., car being • driven by, Weiss„
• ,It la stated •hi s ct't.-' Was runn:ng .sa.
fs.and ..*Clese to • the front car'
th ' ' . front cit. StOPPea •Pri
„1.corning rit
• a coition wit
'114d to turn o
ing so rzn in
The aetion
Court 1
"ATTOrnith-gati an
•-quoted :as, ying in public t
•try peeple •didn't. know g to!
chew Om, Right for one, and t1te7
know enough'not to chew the • rag
When Were 011ferOted, •, •
3C4U(.3 4 011,791.3g11,VNET4
'., T'Phlishad'at,„ enf6Tfiwurldir;;i:''.
A-, D. *041;1. enEdelie.t.PrOP” *into, r
. . • ,
AT, DECESIBER7*..18th. 1944
You neeVelePti.sa
ne6*Ig'i S.' ' ' MOS, qirerYtIiIng gkieg,
.0.'"IlerntiS1Y 40 the eims'eli board of
• a Pikst Year is ,i4urited-td servefor
alother twelve. Months ahnost with-.
• 'out a ripple .of excitement; even one,
90:PlIc°viel innethiswenquietzewaYaY__ _.H-8-'11) ..' int". a
Again.there may. be ItTping under
the 'rfaee .suspieiOne. Ait9konisnu!
• \
or iiml: .70os Ii Spsoected by the.
easy-going .ave .__.: citizen, and than
May •Ilaa,* aIntilli, ,.. tio.,.11 Ineet-.
.ing muCh, te the * ' • .isiii.fi the PUh=
-\, ',
•lic,'A d prit$Mg evt...., Candidate with
his Pa .. • ' iin their: nz4ial. '.
, Too ten' personal corisiderations
• enter into\ contest and the public „in-
terest is Overlooked, or for the time
•heing;fargOtten. Folk cinin Le think
artiisalf'diet soineoriciiias been in
office prig endugli -regardresis, of the
anality 1 service given, This 'is ;the
attitude f those who .1°0 'imp Pub-,
Heti; ()flee aa spniething which Ought
ta,lie Passed. *roan(' by , *ay , an
.cninplement. '`,.:
''s. That's ' all' `L wrong. in,' •everybody
Imowa. ThO iliiiirs ...that ought : 'to•
runt are commonsense, "4A inten-
tions .and ,tha'abIlity to carry them
into ffect. Ineffieierfey and 'graft
the taking, adiriintage . of
one's ;in lie 'positicrii to.'*1110te'ole'l
porn bite, at the liohlie expense)
make ler. • taxes ere: a loivering'
of the more tone of the ".'eciiiimuniti..
For some ears 'inutiicipal tares.
all ov• the inn-Me:try ',,Iiiive beenle
burden. --,a ,condition viliiili has dew.;
kiped, Out Of 'Causes ' beirend the ' in:
fluence ,: of • local., coimcilis!' However
good . management, of .iann Ic i pa 1
affairs . counts for a #erit deal *
• counteracting the general, :tend• ency,. .
. Do yeti think your =taxis high?:
You d.o, you -havejust paid them.
•Then Eeep in Office, or Put in:office
Inert ' who are abrade 'elionglit and
honest enough to direct the business
your town or townshiplio .. that
taXaS -, laid: not : ga.,bifbler • through
carelessness Or blindness .to' the'pish,.
..! Doi0, Panel the, elective•
und .iis„ii, Chrfstmaa.• gift. It..
1nnich.,•,1.Rficiency with,
Wehr,. ,ecaur ilildatesf
te. 11'. the
,m• aY, cost
slant ta
standard by
office should „
Anoth consideration ...which en-
• into uniefpiA politics these
as „the attitude of:Candidates to
th;TernpeiA'ctTeO. T. A. is
a p ovinejai matter but 'inunicipal
.rees sand cOuncilkirsiiii do much
towards its enforgement For, this
they' •backbone as *ell as de-
cided vie on the-:•.t.emperance
,After all every Chicago _murderer
of the law On Friday 'Iasi a Man: On
trial for murder _._theie was • „found•
and, the , jury -"avhkh decided.
that he • wasalsofixed hia
Tiuniihinent 'death on. ori the gal-
This , .outgiinie"ig yeti different
rom the .usaal. 'Itpresepts a: strik-
contrant. totheontcoineofthe
ent famous. trial. of -the „wealthy
col ge youths. Who' for:their oivn
• t •kliled Bobby 'Franks.
, The',iT• Were, however, • points • of
differenSe inthe two cases; The •man
found gi1ty on ,Pridayi and., for
wlitdo baiing was. prescribed, shot.
a man in itattempted hold-up with
the Object o .robhery. *..His name, is'
Russell Scott, • he is "feferrd to is
.!`1.6 r e r, ••fl prompter.",
Scott appears. to xe 'tried hisband
' at .high .financ:e," ald, having, failed
at that, 'took ta robbery. He:deserves
his fate. P.11 light attordieg to ,the
lasis of the.. State, of alineis.„gut his
criine was, more !reusable Cif lour-,
'der .e.ver is excusable), than the:Crime
of the boy-killT, who merely went
to penitentiary, "for' with a
fair" ProSPeet being given, their
freedom Within. -a •fe* years. The
✓ obber who in the.exeiternent.:4'ac-•
tiori seraebodY 13.respectable
as "comPared to the degenerates who
took up a Itiendlt• boy' from the
street; killed him for Sinuriement, as
Vie animals, to avoid they 4 est k311 a rat „or a rabbit„,
this car Mr. IVeisi tand'a 'Pied to extort mOney Irvin
t and pass, ;and 13
0 amtkilled the corn
tried at.the last ,D,i-
Chealby, Nov. ,5th,
• 4. .1.
their, vic m's father
Perhadis ,was easier to, condemn
Scott becaus he -was a foreigner. Of,
course Scott 'dn't have the mode,
to put up the iest sort of defence.
A cnrieon.feature of Seott's trial
•actually admitted - having-eoimnitted
We 'Crime of which he Was accused.
This evidently 'wet • done i---peeoulle it
wiInot theutlICliaSSIblif• to inold
11**)400/014 41$4t &Ott Wryer
-11101101,401,• -1024-.7":
not en , , the death Pen-
NAY Imply* imposed„But when the
judge ladmgeil that 'he woUld son-
tenets. SO* tobe, banged, the deface
hivaerbegged that he be allowetto
change the 'Plea to "lot. kuRtYi"- and
IstenieNng a ft nr a e e in,
was allowed. to *u rn • about
and, 4319 that be "' not
guilty 444 Rat the state to the
trouble pf proving that he was, With
enucirrotterly-leri.selesar- prettedinga
vermIteabler. it - Tits rot? Atirpilsing
that -tle'S 'TAW. has become a joke.
• •
Na.ws of ,a eoutest over the • tem-
perance issue comes, from a some-
what,' unexPected'-quarter=-The Irish
Free 'State, "or South Ireland.,
It is not •yet•-propesed to. have n
• prohibition • law making the Country
dry Arointhout the year :that would
.birlattoigether too long a step..„ The
bill at present before the Irish „par!.
iament, orf."Diril," as the Irish House
of Cmionons is.c.alle41,"•prOpOses mere.,
ly to have -prohibition, or closed bars
on St. Patrick's Day..Many who cele-
hnate the Seventeenth of Ireland, • it
appears, ..unfortunately have, falien
•into t,fie habit of doing so by indulg-
ing' in a sp. Lord Mayo, a 144 -
her of the _ Lee State Senate, in dis-
cussing the proposed closing the
bars ' On St. Patrick's, • Day, said
"There lino use in blitikiog eyes
d'truntlik° Onfaf'St.et. tPhaattrickmil'an. FDat.'"\r-
• The Senate, it seems, 13 infavor
of a *dry St.'Patrieles. hilt:the "Dail"'
Which, is .fnore 'directly responsible to
;the electorate is opposed. The :bill
therefore, cannot become law, lint the
fact that a bill proposing to Close
the bars 'on .a popular holiday„ gets
sIkCb Ist-deog supPrirt , significant
'Sentinient-An favor of .• Prohibition;
once Started, . invarlahly, grows. The
povertyand misery ,whigh. drunken-
ness 'never. fails to produce,.iS al -
before the eyes ofi, the, public,
and is so ,tirlia!z and unjustifiable
that it consyriitly suggests Suppres,"
• Although ' Ireland, lilre. Scotland,
iamityghas _he an
i ' unenviable reput-
ation for: drunkenness • there has
Jong been there..., ale° a considerable
temperance 'eleinent- -Ahrioat. a cent-
ury .ago ;Father ,Mathews,: nuivecl. by
'hepoverty...I-aid wreteliedneaS of his
_TOR.011.TO, Dec.,-.10.,SwOcliitig de;
cross, Soutbwestern" Ontario at
Speed of 1,500. miles 'au boor, the
moan's shadow east iin.the earth dur-
ing the next total, eclipse Of the sun,
Jan. 24, 1925, Will cut off the
snri's light from Toronto for a ,little
over a Minute at 9.064, a.m. The
T'44*atlii :iy11171b0101
out 'One- sr ay solailhe",
shy. Ura .1Wajor, ,the "great •dipper,;
will prebably iriSible in the- noith-,
western sky; so PrOf. R. Young
assaciate in astronomy, last night in
the Physics, bending, deseribed the
event,' '
In , Toronto the eclipte may be
best ohserVed .from. fall •.buildings
and from :the hilitqps,, Aitianamers
do not recommendrobsereation from
the lakefront, as Mists will prob-
ably interfere; About' 8 a.m. thc
:lirst blank mark, • the edge �f •the
moon, WPI begin tq .eat ,sTewly irito
the sun's surfact, entil 9061.4- the
Suci ip Mack, framed in a circle of
flame', the corona
Goderich will he the first town in
Ontario exeitly in the centre of total
eclipse, and the ..eclipsa will last
there, • as, in • Clinton, • WaterToo.
Gnelnh; • Gplt. Kitchener, Dundas
flarrilten, Welland!: Therold a n d,
Bridgeburg, for 1 minete and 50 sec-
.oprls. while in , Toronto : it will last
on'y one roinete.
Jest Outside the
ered area 'will be
atenton. Whitby,
Forest, .Waterford
Aylmer. •
London is well. inside; and. so.' is
Tillsonburg Orangeville, . Cheslev,:
,Hanover:and Diirhain, are • alsb, jest
witbin the...edge. Prof. YOung. SaYs.
that an error 'of ,soine • two or three
inaieb&exiieeted in Making the
catculations-,of the ,eclinse!n-radius..
Opportunities, 'for Observation are
enique„ he 'says. for the great bulk of
observers:.• will: not have an ' oppor-
tunity, for".the next, twentyfive Or
thirty'•years of ;•seeing a total 'solar
edge ,of the dark -
Pert .South -
Aurora, •• Alliston.
, St, ThomaS and
. .
(From The ,Teeswiter News)
T. McDonald, eldest, son
• of and Mrs. WnjMDoiiald.
people, Ittlie' *:.,:rtfasure to drunk- Clinton street.; r,: passed'
started- a ',niva3,- at St Sosenh's hospital, 'Vict
•ment Which 7 gained great strength: oria. B." C, on Noven-ber, 26th„ Tn
but this?' Nyontliy..and, .• distinguished 3 letter ret".eived Testerday from the,
priest :was ;pinch ' ahead' of his time, 'oast the intelligence, was given, that
and hiCinfitreacce Was mainly in the the late Mr. McDonald • had been out
way of mnfal saaion in the ,country on his duties when
he Wig suddenly stricken and . was
'imought to the hospital but he nev-
The lete Mr. McDonald was born
in Chlress on. the 'fithc,COn. • .aed got
his early edneation here and • later
attended Guelph ,Agricultural Coll-
ege, from where he graduated with
flying rolera., From ,there be, , went I.
to • Farozimrton 'and to • bklolioino
• Reports from Moscow Russia have
.that Trotsky, ' who with the dead
Lenin, was head of 'the,..great revolu-
tion in' Russia; i abt:to be driven
from the cOuntrY. Evidently, he . has
,been forgoalp time at loggarbeads
with his sal -bastes .in tie govern -
!Tient ••
. • ' k
Efforts to put his crazy theories
into prietice evidentl3rhave modi-
fied hiS, Socialistie, opinions' and he
has become AO.-- -moderate ,-tot get on
With„the_extreme..socialists.,... So the
extremists are going ,to „cla zinto
Trobiky. as Trotsky 'did Nt141Carin',..-
sky mid -others: They will:not hesit-
ate to' icill him If hedoes not go. In-
deed he will 'de well to,.escape ,with
bis life. But Trotsky-. should not
plain forheisbut the.victim :of his
own' methods. One Wonders what he
-will.noiv.ithink hia „fland'of_free-
• dom.7 He, may now join Emma Gold-
man, Who after two Years in the land
a the ,soviette tyrannies, rwould now
gladly dwell in lIritalic .OrIthe •United
States which she and Trotsky form-
erly. denounced' as the Most hateful
.antocracies, but Which reality
have the 'most democratic govern-
• Dining the , month Novcmbe,-
*la,:istrate Reid :dealt with thirty-
s;caSes in the Poli e Cotirt. Of
these tWo 'were dismissed, eleven ad-
otitned, and ;in; twentV7six convir•-
•-ions were registered: The total fines
fiir the month Were $6/5, 'of nqiiieb
$261 were for 0••T. A. breaches
teen cass and.- 35O Undet the
inland Revenue Att. Three, jail sen-
tences. Were; ..hande.d out . ranging
from thirty days to nine months;
• 'Wedding belle ire ringing; 'don'
voo hear them?,
r A
A number from_ here attended the
etub at the Presbyterian Church 'on
Friday evenine. last „
•Mr. Charles Danavan of Chieagc
Don't forget, the Christmas enter-
tairzment a our school on Fridav_af-
terroon of thil -week.
A numiter 'from lien took in, the
Ilene* in Remit on rridiir avezzing
140t 1414 144 it 1.0 itcoljsno,,, •
..,Qiita,.:For All The: .Fanily: At :The. •
. .
a ware
omingi,Almost Here! With
Only5 More Shopping
• Days Before Xmas. •
—1'Set ,Onive• ri\,'
•kileman -Lain -
• Washaio• .Machine., .
, carpet Sweeper
• Pyrex .Ware •
•. Scissors
Set a ITuus
,.Food ChOriper
. Toaster •
where he was identified ,with the
Agrirultiiral colleges and later at
.! he, state of. Washington College , and
from; there aecepted the. position he
at the 'time 'of his death, that
-yr Prowncial Livestock Commission -
The Victoria Valle,- Times lias • the
followingto say of him; "His death
robs ' theprovince of one of its fere-
.most. e7nerts in: •aeimal husbandry
,and occasions ',,a 'great. loss` to the
"Vi a well-knewn • ,fifraire at-. all
the agricultural azzcl livestock • fairs
throtrAnizt the nrovinee,'•
the distinction of .representing "I3ri-
tish Columbia.' in an, 'Official carp-
acity in othPr parts ei Canada: and
United .States.
He is silt -rived by his widevir and
fotfr children, besides his, parents and,
a number of hrothers 'and sisters.
A former resident* of, the.' Fifth
(Innrn'recc died 'in the kanntv HoS-
nifal it Wal1e4on �n Dec '5th in
the persofi of -Mrs. Alex Watson.,In
February " of 191,6 Mrs,. ' Watson Suff-
ered a stroke of paralVaie and -siece.
444 ti-e'haS been in the frespital at
ewere removed to the
horrie. of- Mr.. and Mrs, Jahn. D. Mac-
Kenzie.in her old neighborhood, Con.
4 Culross, where the funeral service
at 1 o'clock. Sunday, 'was conducted
by' the Rey.' Mr, •Bradiey, of Tees,
water. and interment tooic plaee in
IlaCristhn- temetere,- where,,Rev.
Knox church officiated at
the Tratie. ,
The pall bearers Were George M& -
Kay. Robt. Keith. Kenneth and John
D. McKenzie' of Culross, Alex Smith
and John Walsh of Piarriston •
, The late Mrs. Watson whose maid-
en name was Divina Willcms, on was,
horn in, Kiptere. Aroveshire„ Scot -
lend in 1RJA /1P;r117a tvin Alid ill a
friroilv of. 18. The family carte to
Canada lo 1850, going first:to- the
01' Puitilingb; 14,4r 0:044
• .
-` Safety "Razor, - •
• Automoble Skates •
• Flashlight' • ,•
• `
Pocket Knife
• Hockey 'Stick •
Pair, of Mitts
1 -land• Sleigh
Razor "
of Vitts
Sleigh, Bells '
• Strap er Boae
• CO•kman• Lan
Lad i es Auto Skates,
• Pen. Knife
- Scissors
, •
• :Altiininum or Niekle Crumb
... •
Prex Mare
,.Thiniinurn Ware" •
FOR DApysisitk,OR riRcrriikR:
•Knife and Fork,'Cup,' Saucer az:4 Plate, BAby'SSPoon or a-
good safe small; Candle ,Lantern • -•
Phone 66.
• Hardware Ccial,
• Lucknow.
' Plumbing.
to Minto Toy near HarriSten.
She was there nnit'A in marriageto
her -first htisbatict
• lived -near Harriaton 'until his death
in -1890. She was .later Married t�
Mr; Watson who died three • years
ago. . „
• ,,
.Ten of *the fourteen ministers
charge , of ongregations in :Bruce
Presbytery • have, declared their in,'
teOtioli of , going into the,- ,United
Church when , Union 'is Consiirriated
on June 10th., 1925...Their statement
of, intention. and, _„nanies ., are as
'the' Undersigned
ministers of ,the. Presbytery f Bruce
do hereby signify -ont-intention, of
keeping our connection with .the,
historic Presbyterian' Church in Can-
.ada; when on June 10th., next, , she
becomes part of,,jhe Untied Chiireh
• of Canada. We, ',Wish: to, ed forward
with her in great, new, Spirit=
nal enterprise,, and to shard.,in he:r
ministry; and., : as leaders in • our
several congregations, we believe It
right and helpful that we. should,
make known our intention
H. Burgess, H. D. Mcdualg,, A.
Graham, D, H.' Gallagher, W.' ;
„Wallace, W, M. Lee, C. C. Strachan,
,p.. J. .McKay, S. G. Steele, and one.
other; who for personal reasons does:
not wish his
n,epubliskid 'it ,the
.• The Tees*ater News says, Messrs.
Bert -Tha:ker, RObt, Radler and
Dave' Scott, three of the ydeng 'Men'
Aviin-werit„..honie-last.. week...from dal
gar.making the tripeby-,aute-and
coming by Chicago; Stc Panic and
thee to Detroit and Sarnia Where
they crossed the beider into Canada,
making the triia in two weeks.,
• , •
Although it vvill take the High=
oway,s- Department - several years to
bring the read .already taken over a.S'
proVincial,. highways up to the ap-
pnaired standard there .is a constant
'agitatiOn.. for Mere thormighfares.,
The Gu'elpK
nra • special
.0. corn • ea=
• ,
riiittee , of the •County Council • had
that morning --considered the advis-
abEity of extending the - paVement
froin Th
to 'Harriiton, .e pro-
Peied route, 'e -suppose, would'.be •
by Elora; Alma, PaAer, Rothsay and
TeViotciale. .It .would be 'interesting
to know.viliat"ineniberi Of the councilL.
Composed the conueittee that bad
•t,14a; arithitieui ,proje4 under consid,,
eratiop.-abe.road'in-question -certain-
ly earilei • conaiderable. • traffic, ' to
pave 'it 'would require a much heavier
expenditure than, would at present be
it all jUitifiable. If thePavenienIi
front:Marden is to be extended at all,-,
,FergilS 13 it next logical Stopping
place., recent Stratford ' dispatch
reporte'd that the Board of Trade in
that city- Wag backing a movement
to •haye a. highway designated from
that city "to Arthur,-,. where it would
'meet, the. Arthur -Kincardine. high-
way. The last link , of this road would
be the centre sidereact of Peel Town -
•ship' for its entire length. he build-
• ing of siiCh a highWay would natur-:
.-preseppOse the- taking over as a
highway Of the lead trim ;Arthur to
Oran,geville,„ , „which is at • present
provincial countroad. A poreplete
net work of standardized highways
is now abOut essential to Ontario
as its railway SyStems, but they.cari-
year; The -work Aniuistla on just as
rapidly • an a reasonable financial
pelicy perznit; and this seenik
beadmthillepistraelticioYn, i,vvchth