HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-12-18, Page 3071.
Northern Manitoba
Mineral Belt
,few yearsLa o the Nerthere, •Mani -
toba mineral' t4 in ite Mittel ,stages
of development; a actee Consi4er/01e
notice, and although tbere Iiim been a
waning of public notice, tbia not to
„ be ;taken as indicating e f Ilture to
materialize,. Such quietude is the in.
-.variable experience of eaMpe betWeen
'Ilia Initial hoeerentlethertrate'lit'edue.
-• tree Sleglieiand in. adattlen to this, any
'progrese in the sector hatt'heOn. some -
hat : everehadowed, by developments
in base remote and cryptic sections of
•the Donapion. There' has been' a cer-
tain amouut a steady Progrede Mein-
' tainee, as Andleated in the renort ,of
• Pr.. R. 0: Wallace, formerly Commis-
• sioner of 'Northern 'Manitoba, and
• probably the foreniest authority,bn the
' neneraipossibilifieli of this area., .'
' eThe most importeat progress iii
1923 was made at Herb Lake where
• the Binge :intereste.,are.pursuilteea pro,
.granime of 'underground development
With very' satisfactory' 'eeselts.Fur-
• thew work at Herb Like, beth in geld
•, and saverlead, very promising de-
, *element work at Elbow Lake, and-
further operations in -ditudiond'drilling
and inteaseve prespeetieg by the Plitt
• Pion feterests with some "other Work.
-.:In the capper belt, et:instal:And the
...MOW ,operations of the .1923 season.
Althorignonthewhole_thei Wor effect
, , , e
ed' was somewhat llinitedin, several
areas it ha e sigraficanee for mining
'.. interests., who are keeping in close
„ touch with- developments In thire field..
• -
Copper, Gold and Silver -Lead. .'
- .
The -operations Of the district' may
be grouped ,srinder three headings -
Copper, goid,, and.. sillier -lead. he a
general way this represents' ale° the
'•order of mineralleation from west to
• east in the 'belt,' ' In brief, both at
Heilr .Lake and Elbow Lake the, out,
leek is .Consieered . deeldedly enoOnr;
, 'aging foe the development of gold err:i-
nertias. 'The ,underground.resulta on
the 13ingo.at 'Herb, Lake," and 1.ha sur-
face. ..discoverees, en the Murray and
.Garbett proneratis at Elbow Lekeetteo
, ,t• tl tll'
'" . I ..,' p9, . ,
mining ComPaniee to both . districts. 1
_ ._•
The world eeppersituation han affect-
ed progress in the &mem; area; bat..:
-there- are ender.: i
g.retind prospecting will Continue; And
. te. judge from 'surface .ehoWings the
, °bailees' for Ore, bodiee being ,disegier. i
ed in that area are good. Work .13
proceeding eaPidlye ' .,to: deterinine.•
whether the galeneesilyee'ectentene.es
In the sediments • On ..the little Kerb.
Rivet- are . sueleintly' '..extensive to
grade' at an Ore 'body.,. 'Mitch work•,
;will yet be before the extent
of the. mineraltz.etion in sibeteirilieellye
ooveeed .-counteyeean, • be frilly osee
. spieled.' • •• •'
'There is, e general satiafactleei .exe
• pressed over the uttimete peespects �f'
• Northern., lieetieMha; is a mineral •proe
duceie and the opinion le fairly repreLl
•,sentative among: experts that -Mani-
toba I
vitt'. come tarankbetter with'the• ,
other.; mineral,piedtg&-,4 .prciiinces , of 1
• Canada. Develonniefil hes been neeese:
• :sane), slow, • haraffered by clintiOn'.of.;
..itereeetnient" in. an eteproven, field,'
coupled With ;Ite renMfeneee.; and dif-
ficulty epeeee. eIt ,IS fret selected'
that future un-
duly rapid, :•bitt,,a Certain. amount of
.1 speedy development will be •thaintein-;
;• The district has. been ,reeelVing
eoritiderabie a.ftention.. front' • Capitate
• istle ,and this, • taken .lieeporijmactiOn
'with, the-influX/ to the .areei at present
'evidenced,' augure. faith' -hr 'the exisit-*
•Miceet. commercial minerals.,in.Nertir;'
ern Manitoba and .Is assitrance ot ,
fikrther developin.e.n, . _
Need New, Rich' Blood to Re-
stoTe „Health and Strength.
It le an unfortunate fact that nine.
wenteaent of etney teir are victinueof
..bloodies,snetia, in one form or another.
. The girl in her 'teens, the wife etre
mother, tke nratron of middle age --all
know ite miseries. TO be anaenale
means that you are breathless after
..4slighteenent1ehe e-Ireoe. 'efeel !isomer:int
and depreSsedee ;Yee iurn egelest 'food
and often cannot' dleest what you, do
gat. Sleep does not refresh you, and
when you get up .you feel exlia.usted
and Malt for theday's duties' • If•neg-
Meted aeeemia play lead to consume:
You, should act:promptly:, 'Make
eerie the fault in your blood by tak-
IngDr. Willtains' Pink Pills, the most
reliable himid enrichereVer discOver-
ed:. • These pills •purify bad "bleed,
strengthen weak blood, and they make
good Ideal, and as the. condition of
youe bleed improves you will regain
proper strength, and enjoy' life fully .as
every girl And woman shpuld do. The
case of Ars. Mary Trainor; Perth
ph ,
Most °Cour. Christniari customs have • of luckeeir St.'Nieholae eepeped-three :
.desceneee to ris'frorn the dim time of far purses of palsl,dOwo their Ititch,en
,myths and legends. . • •• chimney. TkeefaShion'ef 'Olden days :
One ofthe meet interesting the le- was to make', edema' semetliing like '
gene of the Maglehas.fts °right in the
simple, story ofethe Scripthres as told
by St. -Matthew, every century some-
thing being ,edded .to the fitets until•
thee Original story has been almost"
emotheree In the aveelth of detail. .
Eventuallythe nninber of Magi was
-etgre-to beethece; etieldllier,..Balthaear"
and Jaeenrerroya•lte'rvite'rei to
, -fea
ettote;,e:eoeeplete 'defier/talon
„ "
According to an .91d Seandinnviam'
jegend, , the Mistleto,e bough, eves ree
Plionathie for the &web of 13altlee: the
APolio of the North. His mother had
declared .that nothing which had its
root inearth, air, fire, or: water should
, • ; A
: hurt.,airn. • • ,
His treacherous eiremYethe GOd of
'Evil, tlirouio rnad an arrow febni
the mistletoe beugh,, and •gave it to a
••• blind inanta testi • The errow,,plereed
leakier and he WAS .slain.' • Lati3r, haw-
' ever, he Was restored,' to -life. 'After
this, the paiatletoe was declared harm -
tie medern ,stecking, and thiseis how:
the present-day custom geme, ettorit: 1:
". In the Yuletide:genie known es' snap-
dragon we have an ihteresting relic.
of the fire Worthip of the Druids, and,
'possibly, ef the. 13faCtice of, tela..1 by
.or -deal •'.; eeee,e'e.
PerSen eesPeeted, Of
ttegriea rel -hot, iron her' or . terrnge
his . hand into fire as a' teet •of inn°,
Ceneet, • It was believed that, super-
human, intervention, would. be forth -1 '
ceillerig If the person:were mit'gdiltye 1
One ee the Oldosteerperstieigns pre.
latent eli ever' Eureliele thel Idea that ,
.atemale assunae'thelpower of speech '
at Chresinies-tinie.• How thie belief, ,
st -ed is not. ke. own.'" ,„ • -1"'
, •
Founded: upon. this belief is the:.
French legend of the old Woman, the. e
eat,..aud.the doe. This.inquisitive old t,
pereeri maee plane for lietepiee
the "eoneersetion which "ehe felt -sure
'would take placebetween her usually `
Ontario, ows th „value of ler. wie less, ad it bdnree a etehleM of Mee. derub-frend• , • •
liamepinkPills le eases of this kind '•In certain parts Of thlri. country it 1 To her conseernation she heard her ,
She se,ya:_ef had 329i, been feeling' is still helteVed that a:sunne. neelatde cat say that burglars Were &lig. to
well on Christmas Day mesas o'1Plentiful break into the house that night!, With- '
foreome- time and had been geed "!
uany growing weaker 1 found it very I minply. of 'apples 'during the ,coming out etoeping .to thlnk she -ermined to
I year. •, . " .• naing toher ' •
hard to do my housework had severe 1 her feet and ran serea
headaches and was eery paleTcustom of harignie Up stockings trent deer, 'where she was met by rob
. took he
'doctor's. medicine-foresoMeetimeebut 1.On ChtiatInae: Eve-ILPd itneorigin. _In .4.----1.13et-q0-7(ho ShOrt- work °re her-
:wthetr4eirdon:de:nuosvedootdo. blesgednodn:th,00nt%6Ectet. Nibicehtell'asth.,:;thItillEsveee eft; ,,,i'lellexeilliwtyresaYli,e.eene Pothlienlraerstitair11.0gfleinEldc.
• Surnames and Their
dizzy spend.•in• this .eonditiene began St. Nieholas; and in -Belgium and •tuie Stephen, who for Some una.egonntable •
Pr two other countries this date is still reason as or h f h dr d
s of yearbeens.Varlatione- m6Neiii(a).
the use of "-Dr. 'Williams' -Pink ,Pills. , en e
•. ,
and ' after a time found, they were; adhered to.. ,1 regarded ,as the patron saint of 'horses. Nellie (e).
Mae -
first nethe north of 'England and Soot -
land frein"Irelend, • •'
; c
helping me:. I ccortieued ;their Use em -i The story goes that there was.a plieri-Inelden days it 'used tebe the custoin.
Racial Orsgin-eerisn. MKEEVER •
tilI found the troubles that efflieted, noble/eau who bad throe daughters. [torah lio.rses Co be bled, aird th'orough- I 65'11-ae-7e . Variation. MacIver, MacIvere Mice
me gone and I am once more en-; He was so badly off that he could not I IY weshed. This was sunPosed to Ore -1 This IS one at the oldest ' family - , . , ... • IP
Howard* '
joying good health and strength ! Provide his .daughters • with' a. dotvry. 1 serve them from harm through the On names on recoree'cOme
ing as it does '''
. ."
acIal Orlaln--Irlsh and -Scottish.
You an get Dr Williams"! Pink Pills ' One night, howeVer, they had a stroke suing yearfroma land in wnieh the development u ce- g ven name. .. ,
. ,. , ,
through anydealee in medicine, or by ' . ,•• -e--.--•-•
• of family...names preceded that in the “Thi' -
. • .
Ivir, EMer Emerson Ivey' Ivor lelr
."' •
y 'names,' w 0
• A :Captured Crown.*
eePhe-crowief-the. Ereperer Theodore •
of Abyresinkt; whieheefter. being kept
In a glass. • case . at the : Vietoria and , •
Albert Museum, South.: Kensington,
,London; ranee -1869; es now to be re-
turned te"..its .fenner, home in Africa,.
hail had a •verY eVentful history. 1: '
Thls crown was takee to.leritain by
nir:Robert;efterWards Lard Napier, of
•Megdala, after' the capture °fee/lig-dela
ntysl• 8,itinilaentle*aatre
death of 'I'Lhseodore ih' the
A .
Mail at 50e ti bok from The Dr.• Wil- . When Chtistanas WaS Illegal- SAVED ' erabeable Man origin in an indiiidual -
'Test of ,nerthern -Europe, and bein.g shows, such wide veriatiene, is eeere.; ...elt s aeRouderous piece of silver -gilt
. .
liarie Medicine •Co., _Brockville, Ont, - . • •• ;
frequently fotind among those of Irish aunlreeerdiwn°arrk; hmeaandi7 sIlzt .eiss Ita°v°113hliaryg'edreci.br
• Without doubt Christma.s is the - bUui
person, at, .a very :early•period. "
anceatrY, than --- e Scots, though orated w-ith little s tiaras and. dia-
tru ks h h ' '
The fleet of electric industrial; family circle 'makes t an extra.special 'Michel•des Saintes. Que., writes:- the time of the NOrman 'invasion. and ef ' m
, . . .• With diminutive ptantings. A feature
• most popular festival, attire year. It • Family aaniee,-. , not begin to d,e-
See,ttish clans evh...ich', c vor ane r thesee naxee.rei,
• speciai e ort to conmlete Itself. It is a time BabY s Own, Tablets are•an excellent did not deVeloP g• enerallY math two or are,' Robertion Campbell a.nd Mac- 'j
Is the strange looking eine which Pre-'
ts everal inches through • 'the
centre of the dome, apparently for
ventilation. , .
The king's intention to present. elf] ,
Safe Transportation. 1
is thetime when, aboveall °there, the Mrs. Alfred Tranchententagne, Et- velop in England unellelightly before there are septa of efo less than three mends ef red and blue glass., Varied '
• wei•e Convert • ed into.•Miniatine : sight- ' Of peace' Slid geodwill. 1.".-• ',. '.' '. ' tnedicina,.. ,TheY" sated.my 'babe's life three eenturiee later,'`' Indeed., as late lc • - ., ' .
• than threecamed a • RIM ' de;s b it ie ' i titi f tie I"
'Iribit at NitembleY Ina .feW• dee,S mere: law AU:tee:ye/red: to . pet. dawn. what , was tagne's. eXPerielico; is that of thense , Of. 'England ivhioh had atiepted no e
;. monthse car e . ra n .. crt e • • a suee is ous es a , .1:tiodi Of other Mothers who Irave teat.4edaiteeeysteree.eif7famileeneeesee. ::, teligse , tile i aspirated :: is pre nereoliweenedto*thee.eTrassoiai;i
Shined -he' remeinheeed that ' in " that
'passengers" During thee • time, :there' and alifehristmas feritivitieS:Were fOrei;e4 the •worth'et.Babfs O lia: • ,. ,But the name of o was .., 1 rionneed apprexinietel
Own bites • • ' ' !Neill' ' 'a' ..11teudd:iatilfrirewaenli
Wel'e-Only etre-Minor •aceteents, ate. :of etdeee. -The'holly.oa.inistletoe, were , The ,Tablets are's:sure 'ate eafie meet -
The ...clan; name 'ft takerr , from the 'audience' ta Peiriee Teen, the 'heir-,
yeike a '"v.".. " , '
Which were eeused 'by the carefeis-; ordered to '''lin destroyed : root ' family' name, ,or "Class', hanie, *hien is .
Le natireef !qoeithat" (Or liar); a.. apparent, end 'Regent Of Abyssinia, ;
and etee- fee. little. ones never fell to ' peette, much the •same ;thine,: as fer1.g...ete
nets Of the injured; Perseus. .-'' rbeenela,as."riltinte'of the gvii.'one:''' '
_ : :. :regulate .the boWeill 'and. sbeniache thee
7 ' baok ' as .the flette:Centhey; ',An that.i eomeetuze rof;:iere,,,
9 Iriph”.Weirds 9Orile *4:0.se:: reeent 'visit te britaia created ':
w,a o •SuPPresa - . ' '..- • - --. quenelle& in .the barbariaa inva'sions; 1 w nitich interest • - • ' • -1. . ' ''
' the observanceof Chiletines,' oedeeete , medicine. eealereer by: melt. et ge etti;,.
Jai the 1'gliett nettle -Of ' "IVo...once •educated• at Rugbv,•• He d erl n
'.the grounds of , the British' hmpira. „ash' history When the..s:trong eem of the all Mothers." • MI*. Trancheman' consieerable portion of :the •population emaefonthate... In the .oeseie
seeing buses to carry, visitors about ; Yet 'there is actually a Peried4of .Eag. . an highly! reeemmene “e1 to as the sieeeenth century there . was ,a pho name
, .
.more,properle• Spelled
bet It
- • • • • .„ .
• •• •
In many 'ways -who• tried t c
.1 It v;es-bliver Croinviell---e. reformer 1 relieving, al the: minor ll from which period when the iighti of Itenlan "anti -ear."
• Thie name is „not
to . be confounded only son of, the, Emperer Theeeorewas ,
hildren euffer. They are 'sold •by. zation. and ' historical' record was meaning "leech sleughter."
&he i0
•The Dominion"Department Of,
Agriculture has h •
• parimhlets covering every phase'
• of .farming practice. 'They, are "'•
• writlen to 'help make fanning .
more profitable and are FREE.
The folloyving•are examples: :
List of 400 Publikationa
Seasonable .Fanning- Hints
Fox Raneliing in Canada •
Aro I R
The •Feedifitg• of Beef Cattle
, Storage o
• Winter Prodnitfon of Eggs, •
Fruit and Vegetable...Realms
Beautifying the Farm Home
Corn Borer Contra ' •
Crate •
• Poultry, House ConstructiOn, '
Bulletin Filing System_
' Feeling Rackii:for Sheep
•• Insetts Affecting Lire Stock
• The Fanner's Piggery. ,
• Tire Feeding of Sheep '.
The_ Milking macinne - "
• Sweet Cream' Butter ,
• The Cranberry Industry
....Mystery ,
legend of thee. kind 'is •told of .
-emintry- church 'neer' .Preeton, England...
'• 'tire :very name whieb. nobody knaves.
Holland the story, of ethee_cetyeat
Been : 7 -tele every. Christmas. This
"wonderful place' was.damous far ttir
--magnificence and beauty, and alio-tor
Its • wickednets.', and . ehamelesseess.
: One day the Whole/city was swallowed,
/up by the erea.' ,•
.• • e. •
Cut out this idvertisement.
mark theins desired
Including the' List of 400 Pub-
lications, fill ire your' narne and
• .now at
tItht the Interestingcliiinonnodtliwas thatburtiehde
thet the "'hurtful cliStona hO Styled , a box from The Dr, ill anis' M nn but the -lush, ,wiech eehristiapiey aner.1 widespread through Eugland Put
• 9
it, should be ignored in the principal; Co., 13r°ckv1.11°'.°nt
Minis:. In order to attain- this eiul he I ... i
enacted that all. markets should be
held pi. December 25th. :But the Pee- '
teetor could not: •enforce the abandon-
•. Merit of Stroh A 'tinie-teeneted. and point -
lar custonl, and his command Was Iton•:!
Ored mere in' the breach then theob -
servanee. .. •
• Once..wehen Bluff King Hal Jay very
,111 Degenalie.r,:antlthe. netion iras the. family property, of hie followers. other source) are only anglidized cor-
. • •
.mon consene wee deckled to haveal e • .
He had' to sell peen his •shnes 'to 'torical •faine. front this inaident 'made • The • Scottish Madvors e ' some
silent Christmas'...without bells; cakes,' • • .. •
• pa .ernat , owea. • assurance doubly sure, cases tra •'1). k t th I •
• • ' • . . • • ,
vived; ,and strangely enough' spread e-neef
• like wildfire. through...Ireland, .therigh.
:ienlvtaa:°iffenfsr!".?omf .13.'1171'thSe°111-Or.crera: bnYee.thnen.d.PaPgnagn- gr.eat grandson:of ..th,e'ev.*;MsitcDuhohe • el.-' 1°1'
.land.• : •(MaepougieD'wh •••• • f•• lie-lesini •ftighttully. scieri that .
. lef' 'HO •••• • • •
,ew names' In St, George's ,Chepel, Windsote-
, The Irish. elan- name "Macromhair" • - •
traces back to a chMftstiri 'who was'
' • ' e aftee: "-es ihe in 1144 ,Who Came fro forkot to come to your little partY lapt
'Chieftain• -1Who-Weldoined . Ste • :Patrick that Irish stock ru to''Whicli• meet of
Hiefame.ae a warrior'. would have been TheforniSEmer,•Enimaini arid How"...
the night.
. _
When r 'list set',. fon't., on. Inele Soil, Highland • .Seettish bleed traces haekr. -7e• h.,•' • •
S e -"Oh weren't you there)• " •
suftleient to. perpetuate his 'mune' erd.",(wlien.7the last, ie.'not1.from
. .
apelous,aboutehis.' reco.ve.ry, by cene • • Wilting Foet.Hie , • ar4.'deseendanM, ferther . hie- euptiani 'Orthe Irish Oen name.
ce ac o rish clan, and
or ,merryemakings.
• " Well, that show d' tie
to feet his' bills.'''. • • ' - elite' but it. must
Sweet Charity'.
". A bie,..burly man called 'at the rec-
tory, and asked' to see '•the rector's. • "ea e in 1866, the • • ' •
, „ e„was willing Mane.' Sccittith-Canieiane bear the in ethers 'beire (1eriv d •tli
•Mernhered that- , Christianity .speead given,name of "Itnithare'
• • , • - name Macle , be. re: from 'other Individuals who ebiorrenag:
What Ocean Cables Cost -
With the. sueeessfue laying of th Talc' • B di' •
. el ' mg a a in ' inter - .Lighl- F -O T '
NT:iv, ,A. woman Well known'. for her pioneer work of sebrnarine telegraph , . .• . 1 ' • • .?.. • ..•
• • • • Few people understend hove o p . encl. .. ..,...,. . has diecovered
charitable imptileeri; . - ' •. • ,.. eeased, :fee sufficient experidee--..; 'bed, teet and care for their -skin in the cold , a uieans :of e t;.,..ezeitig and • harnessmg
• eMadaira,". he Said in a broken vele% been; gained by.. that , time to 'rising e or Winter. The resultf is eVicienced in the0Ieetriere 1e. trees.: He connected
- the itie'reesing prevalence' of ehapPed ' a coppee Orate Pt -facile& to a tree; end
el' wish to draw .yroaratteritien: to the . fair' prospect ef success i ne ail ...further • • , , , , . , . ,
eeetieet plight of a Dere fraily In thifltindertakings.' ' ' '. • , ' i hands ,and avritts, cracked lips itching , another plc te bori,ed in ihe earth, with
dietriet, Thefatheris dead, the:Mot& .'• 'The' coat itif an ocean cable depends
legs-eandeehillblainseinethese-daysof-ae-gano7ifieter. a. lelleate Ininn- . , - . e ..._ ly,
srlk. hotiery, low ihees, lienid soap and ment, 'Which measer,es the strength eaf taken for a short ,time. ene .V W'9
• „ .1 rees..
t re-' ' 'A ; • • ',-11.e•-e
,aa gTe • 110°I, od
"II" .
Nervous. People
' That liaggard",: care -worn, depressed
look will disappear and 'nervons,-thin
people will • gain ...in weight •
Strength • when Bitro-Phosphate 18
er is too ill •• to work, end.the nine t0on the: tYPe, for some Coatnin,but•
' • W 1 •-•- • • ' ' • • • ' eikge Arrow Cherniene Co.,•25_,Front
• ' • :1 t• 't ha • th h f.' '1. Knew -ledge •ah.eIrt. YOu.r. shin, its 1 tainett a record of the current passing
St. Eastt,Toronto. • .
Children are starving. , They iere1about otie conducting wire, such as the At; • . •
• paper- to ,e s. • ea eurrentb, of eleetriettv and ob- •
tabe tureed into the °old streets un- an le Ype, w e o ers ave our,
• •
less sonieoneepays their rent,, which' :seven, n,
dill has • With three h
structure and. it5 fanctione is extreme- i.threughthetree. " • '
eras many tWenty- . . . .
.. .
••• • - 1 y important because cen on s , ree• trees connected .in t e
eig t cores_ The latter ueually 'dress! .
„amounts to fifte.dellaes. . , „ . , I :
health' same waY . the - • * ed
' How terrible' '''.'exeleimed. the • ladv..poaer as reas
• - d
a vitalbearing on your personal
rivere and.narbors.
• • ' • To take.,an average. of' typ1 es' 'theea-n, comfeeert., It youwant tativold all the exnerimentwith a like result, be-. '
.. cost can be siqd..to work out at:ehout !,*ttne woes teat Whiter brings to those Ing continued until twenty teees were•
flee •thousand eoliars. e ,mile„ meree• , • • ..
th.s.ensitive Skins you Must protect linked mein this fashion.
bandkerehief„.to his Cies. ' .• ., • .
, I'm.the landlord," he sobbed `' than s'even times' the oost of a 1 • The scientist, 'then .placed two. cop-
•' • '• line; and for rePairing about two hun,t' ' - ' • :"' -- e , • • ' • - --• -
.. d Yeur Skier as far as -possible. Don't
-.- • ;let it get cold.' Try to keep your hands. perPlatee in theettith, abut six feet
,' • : ' •,- --land -feet always , warm' and dry, even ef• -apart i and --wrth, the current thus: eili-
We are interested -M 'obtaining. . 'Many :cables haere, earned coleersalc..e-_-
„, 1 you must wear fur gloves and heavYetained .lighted a small 'electric 'limp.,
ings. • Above evet7thing: 'Protect 1 ' 'Whether the idea 'earl be extended
'•' • ' sums of money.. The old Malta -Alex- • mum
OLD 'and- RARE . . . . '
ia,,.,-during ' the . first wee.k' of, olle,illnif.! '
ur feet from . 4 , • , . .
Protectioneafe'theeekin."'howevere- yet to bedeterniinede ' • ' - . .."
an :ea e Made, ten-thoneand, delete," • . the - t " . '' ': to be commertially- worth;vrhiM-has.
fifty years ago egs. ., The p,ersiaa . 4:14if means • more than wearing • warm
Cable made half • e million in ,. five ' ' ,.. .
„ •
Reason Enough. ' I
• '
yea.rs:. .1Returns ,depend a •great deal f'utik41:lentleesfsfte'lite.'gclgnaord.s6earagitatZhillis'ettn' iefosongsaieleinx'arka4i38112nvni.:1';'.. You sety you are not In • position' 'to :
In mind and slinie carry on undisturbe
. , . , , .
upen the life of a cable. Some hUrind soaps ' notoriously injurious' • to the make payment at present. Will you -,e-e-
04 lonannstonitthing number of' -years, ...-
skin, 'Are. doubly so' in ;told weather: i acknewletlee yenr•dellt .-113 -the !Oral. Of
Even good .netitral .soaps may be toe' a note then?" " ' .
• 'addeess, and mail t'o: -"May I ask who yeti are? •
The sympathetic visitor applied his
• The slubinergeil.bells of Dunwick
• Post °face:.
now. coeered by the sea, are sajd to
3°In the gheatl, ehortni. ••, ' R. No
Animagat the bells which. Wilt ring •
out: to 'greet the,coming Ifeletide Will, Province
.be teeny ghostly peals, heard on no
either:ilight the year; for tyadttionj
• Says diet ;the ,bells of till buried
ihneebes 'join the chorus every Christ -1
• Publications Branch.
Department of , Agriculture
'• Ottawa; Canada ",
.postige required)
Mae Eve. , „ • .
There are the belkeof .Raleigheence ;
a prosperoue.eilliage, 'Nettingihire,`
,Vnglandi neiriOnly ,a country valley.
• --.4111.sigir et bahlMticin was swahoWed.
• ne many years ego by an 'earthquake..1.
• It eii sidd• that every ChrMtintie.
the bells. of Abetted: church are heitrdto • ;
. ring, agdin: • •
World's Oldest'•eanks'e • ''.11
• , -.The ..oldest • wasting hank iu the '
• •-world'in•saki to .be the Baree--1: •
:lona, In Spain, whichwas founded in'
• • 1401- England's 'first"bank Watt Operie
• :ed In '1603 by Piano's ,a gold;,
•imith. --A•mitnlyet vt.. :Other -gOlestiittle
•imniediatelY followed Mat: The Mint
the Toite Of ;Londrin had been the
.deetosifory for 'the Cash ef Mere/dints e
eVe..1 taitil„ Charles the Firet beefed the
. 0 'Money as 1 a loan. Then:the traders
• began •to deposit their cash with the
goldernitbe'rin.LOribritri1"Etreat. •
:Glaze and EleetrlettY.
, Molten glass- pontlucte, ''eleetrieity
.Well, although cold ease' le in ekeol.
,eent ivinlator„.
, EICOiloKS .
particulars to the Wilsen Publishing,
Company, 73 West Adelaide' Street,
Toroeto, Qatari°,
;cur ono at orto.5 oy-overe nod. ricotta. lectures. &atm,
Fronch,cuisine end -Prat tiers service -throe out-Orchestra:Moving Pie+,
turret Wireless News Daily. For further Information an deecrlytive literature apply:-
‘,• Any authorized teamship Ag t,. Or
JA ES W. ELWELL & CO., INC., Gert. Agents.
.17 auto stredt, NOW Yen( city.,
Gettiiig, Bald?
•• Save your hair by. rubbing
the scalp three times a week
with Minard's:
while Othene, by reason of.their lOat
bedie• on a ;reeky' bottom. OcklY"
ess Oro)* for' a very dry skin.: and there •"•Na; I:Won't do, that elther
. ate Many people who find it impotgible. . And why no
to take a 'hot bath more than once,„ , • "Welt, I signed a note once.", ,
week, in, Winter on account Pf the In , "Yea, what then"
tolerable:. itching It .produces.: A .conle 'Thad, to pay AL"
bath Is .bettere for it."deee net remove 1 ••
so much' of the natural oil of the skin'. 11 T 'h. •
:tteee . • •
• • ..1
eAvOidlorei.when sending Money by
• ()Ins irvati el .7-7vi:e4:117,843,t h D;.7.141,11177n convenient, 1 :4IiteZ"
Hammock toe the Eartb:
'Tbere. enough telephone wire in
the United States to Make a hamntock
f; for 'the .'earth,' acetedime „tie tecent,„ste-,
'addieloo, sitys 4the Pennsylvania
Publie •SeiVide enfOtthatidia C,Onirnit,
tee, the; Sides the 'hamniodk • Would
extend belt W up the sides of^thei
etreth, • .13eiddeS“ Reening the .equator,
this net would .consist of 6584 'strands
jellied at the goutb, Pole.and spread -
Ink' gradually Mt& they Were slightly
less ,than four Miles alien at. the
• •,•..
M inard?li Linketent RetifeVeo palter'
The late .11onar La*, Cite, time 1Pre,
ertier:Er-Tgliiird,:ewtra" ,a-4reti1."'MVer
of nhess. ' '
,1A book, before 1450,,,Wet Price:leas
thing, hand written,. Ilitintined 1gold
and celors,
• I
o acco is grow,n in Ontario in the .
If you l• are blessed with a armed,
Supple Skin With. Plenty bi natural 011. io Qtiebebein the counties ',near Mon' ;
comities alongthe shore of Lake Erie; c. ,
bathe as mueh as you please; but ife trete, along the st, Lawrence; and- in
' you are c,ursed with a skin, that gets the oeatutgen yalley,,,,E.C.
dry-ancl'harsh".in..cold1„weather,.eeack. ' ' -.
Ink eieily, beware 0! soap: and water, '',, sees r''"I'm's '
, .
. , inuRt 1 nAN 55,000 FAHME,RS
-Wash 'With warii. rather than hot "
water,- ripse the soap • Off completely, have bought their far.es id 'Veeezern
especially if It is liquid' soap, end drei, Canada from the Cepadlan Pa'cilic!. A '
the •en (widely dud thoroughly :im, li'reniarkable Fact. 'Think! Thertels a
cold s ' and a -cold. shin chaps: rne land to suit every farniing need, Fair
mai ely afterware, , A wet seityfeal irAceatssogna.orDileg,virthroglecenorretrocaoftiooneranhdelodi
using Paper •towels be sure they are; price, fair contract, and fair dealing
sufficiently trbsorherite A- clean, soft. , combittee, nub, abundant fertility, of :
dry towel is the only kind that is real- r ' soil, good, climate. and •eocial Condi-
IYA8fattlers.-fawcattlsi'hing. rub. in a. little Of a I and attractive: Thoutande more will • .
1 tins make "farin life there desirable :
good hand 'lotion -glycerine and rote- "select their.farin frem our vIrgineands,
water and emulsion et olive oil made from 'Cu; iltmall)ra°n11.dfatrt"'' and
• Don't Get Bald
Cuticura Does Much
To. Prevept It
Dandniff,, itching Ind scalp ltrl-
nation pTiint to an unhealthy con-
dition of the ircalp teed* to
falling hair end ' premature bald•
pess. Frequent ehainpoos With Cu..
ficure Soap do mach to preve.nt
such a condition. especially if pre-,
teded: by gentle anointing With.
uleri)r-7t11"VilICI4giama-7,111- .:1-0°11r4-Ineclieno
-"nahc:jam-: :eilelie7..railetterCly irain:: le2ItisrL:vevi'latia
gontl c.old -cream.eeeDeeeehailicriCIdelz 'AL- Write for ern- hooklet,'.."Theeerlairle ree 241 et ken. JtAtIreUi Olinaa
f;'r_rt6etirn' ;Is' Ra.P4Witels "Western
Dcae.silkadaWF:rWgeisn:soe .Station, iesue 'Nee 40,24.,
Norwoott, Land Agent, elanatliap
Montreal, Que.
SS, Patria
' SS. Pinta
FUNS: 'New York . • .....
Te: y9ntit Delgada '12 bra
„. itadeira..... “10'bra.
Algiers., . l . . . .24 hrs.
Palermo... . . .12 Ina
•Epleer;,......12 hrs.
•raens-Athena 24 hrs.
• aetarititiople,24 bre.
a outb... , , ,14 bra.
• a -Jerusalem 39hra.
8 his.
an. to .
an. 17
• ad. 19
• an. 23
"• ate 26
in. 26 •
• . an. 23
ob. 3
eh. 4/3 *
ob. 4/8 "
ob. ill
• ek. 13
ob. es
es ears
Fete, 17'
1/eb. 24 '
Feb. 26
Mar. 2
Mar.. , 4
Mar. $
Mar. 8
ar. 10 ,-
. 13
ar. 14/13
. 16/118
at. 21-
. 23' '
at.; 24
Si ay*
' Mai. 28 ,
Man 30
Apr4 3
Ayr. • 3
' Apr. .4
AN. 0 !
, Apr. 11 .-
, Apr. 14 '
Apr. 15/1
Apr. '17/19
Ayr. 22-
' Apr. 24
Ayr. 23
38 days
Apr. 21 •
may 5
May 7 '
May 11
May 13' • '
May 14
• alai 17 ' .
.11ei 19
May 21
May 23,21
May 23/27
. • - .
• ,.-
, Mai 11 . •
33 dare
• Milne
• oaaco15 hrs.
weenies, .... ..
unite „f te. cruise
, .
,. . •
Ilialininq Fare' tt30.00 including Aare recuteloss aid Hp1ill at .F.gyyt,
preafedable And, einodlenti Vent's- aspetialty' lulll'fer' the Mediterranean
;cur ono at orto.5 oy-overe nod. ricotta. lectures. &atm,
Fronch,cuisine end -Prat tiers service -throe out-Orchestra:Moving Pie+,
turret Wireless News Daily. For further Information an deecrlytive literature apply:-
‘,• Any authorized teamship Ag t,. Or
JA ES W. ELWELL & CO., INC., Gert. Agents.
.17 auto stredt, NOW Yen( city.,
Gettiiig, Bald?
•• Save your hair by. rubbing
the scalp three times a week
with Minard's:
while Othene, by reason of.their lOat
bedie• on a ;reeky' bottom. OcklY"
ess Oro)* for' a very dry skin.: and there •"•Na; I:Won't do, that elther
. ate Many people who find it impotgible. . And why no
to take a 'hot bath more than once,„ , • "Welt, I signed a note once.", ,
week, in, Winter on account Pf the In , "Yea, what then"
tolerable:. itching It .produces.: A .conle 'Thad, to pay AL"
bath Is .bettere for it."deee net remove 1 ••
so much' of the natural oil of the skin'. 11 T 'h. •
:tteee . • •
• • ..1
eAvOidlorei.when sending Money by
• ()Ins irvati el .7-7vi:e4:117,843,t h D;.7.141,11177n convenient, 1 :4IiteZ"
Hammock toe the Eartb:
'Tbere. enough telephone wire in
the United States to Make a hamntock
f; for 'the .'earth,' acetedime „tie tecent,„ste-,
'addieloo, sitys 4the Pennsylvania
Publie •SeiVide enfOtthatidia C,Onirnit,
tee, the; Sides the 'hamniodk • Would
extend belt W up the sides of^thei
etreth, • .13eiddeS“ Reening the .equator,
this net would .consist of 6584 'strands
jellied at the goutb, Pole.and spread -
Ink' gradually Mt& they Were slightly
less ,than four Miles alien at. the
• •,•..
M inard?li Linketent RetifeVeo palter'
The late .11onar La*, Cite, time 1Pre,
ertier:Er-Tgliiird,:ewtra" ,a-4reti1."'MVer
of nhess. ' '
,1A book, before 1450,,,Wet Price:leas
thing, hand written,. Ilitintined 1gold
and celors,
• I
o acco is grow,n in Ontario in the .
If you l• are blessed with a armed,
Supple Skin With. Plenty bi natural 011. io Qtiebebein the counties ',near Mon' ;
comities alongthe shore of Lake Erie; c. ,
bathe as mueh as you please; but ife trete, along the st, Lawrence; and- in
' you are c,ursed with a skin, that gets the oeatutgen yalley,,,,E.C.
dry-ancl'harsh".in..cold1„weather,.eeack. ' ' -.
Ink eieily, beware 0! soap: and water, '',, sees r''"I'm's '
, .
. , inuRt 1 nAN 55,000 FAHME,RS
-Wash 'With warii. rather than hot "
water,- ripse the soap • Off completely, have bought their far.es id 'Veeezern
especially if It is liquid' soap, end drei, Canada from the Cepadlan Pa'cilic!. A '
the •en (widely dud thoroughly :im, li'reniarkable Fact. 'Think! Thertels a
cold s ' and a -cold. shin chaps: rne land to suit every farniing need, Fair
mai ely afterware, , A wet seityfeal irAceatssogna.orDileg,virthroglecenorretrocaoftiooneranhdelodi
using Paper •towels be sure they are; price, fair contract, and fair dealing
sufficiently trbsorherite A- clean, soft. , combittee, nub, abundant fertility, of :
dry towel is the only kind that is real- r ' soil, good, climate. and •eocial Condi-
IYA8fattlers.-fawcattlsi'hing. rub. in a. little Of a I and attractive: Thoutande more will • .
1 tins make "farin life there desirable :
good hand 'lotion -glycerine and rote- "select their.farin frem our vIrgineands,
water and emulsion et olive oil made from 'Cu; iltmall)ra°n11.dfatrt"'' and
• Don't Get Bald
Cuticura Does Much
To. Prevept It
Dandniff,, itching Ind scalp ltrl-
nation pTiint to an unhealthy con-
dition of the ircalp teed* to
falling hair end ' premature bald•
pess. Frequent ehainpoos With Cu..
ficure Soap do mach to preve.nt
such a condition. especially if pre-,
teded: by gentle anointing With.
uleri)r-7t11"VilICI4giama-7,111- .:1-0°11r4-Ineclieno
-"nahc:jam-: :eilelie7..railetterCly irain:: le2ItisrL:vevi'latia
gontl c.old -cream.eeeDeeeehailicriCIdelz 'AL- Write for ern- hooklet,'.."Theeerlairle ree 241 et ken. JtAtIreUi Olinaa
f;'r_rt6etirn' ;Is' Ra.P4Witels "Western
Dcae.silkadaWF:rWgeisn:soe .Station, iesue 'Nee 40,24.,
Norwoott, Land Agent, elanatliap
Montreal, Que.