HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-12-11, Page 4• Depositors.atka..Cormildalaccothits 've'-"{Our-t 1/$ and ,••• " ebmk- eceatt anY of our braucheS. S. RIE1Di MANAPER, LIUCKNOVi: BRANCH. ccoRimlik PEERING CO , Spreaderik Mowers; Hay Rakes, 'Hey Udders; Hay Leaders,Grain and COrallitindero. • . - I/AIM:VAN ••.! WHA(WSON _ • Wilkinson Plow% Scalers and Barrows, fnnsfi MOM & ,WHIE :Nu. 9 Coiled Wire, 4 -Point Barb, Gates and Woven , . gem* and Staples, all Galvaniz' est; ' See oar kigit grade Piemo &fere halting.. For Sale At ANDREW'S LUCKNOW! OlifOrth ,CreaiTieryi iirrizro sT4..irung test cask prices paid fer and Eggs. We gearalotee serviceand satisfaction to OCK. alf a. trial aral let as prove to yeti that we a worth-vrkHo market.' Cec'il Mullin, gr. LucinOw Branch •Plume 63. ,. • one 74 . Vingiant Phone -25.' Viorks LUCKHOW and WINGHAM Hari e largest and swat complete stock in.the Most beantifol designs to choose fro,in Marble, Siotek Sirelfrell kar &din* Granites We Elate a specii4t* of Family Meannients and invite year imp:C. Inscrijtione Neatly, Carefully and Promptly Done. See nallefote placing your order. Douglas Bros.• A. Spats'. Lucknow L. 0_ L. No. 428, meets in their lodge room every second Tues- , day of the month at 8 o'clock tini. H M.„,Parker: Etc. Seey._ Wra LUZ', K NOW SE.NTINFAL PuhliShed evertheredits reorinie ;it Ludthwar. Ontario% A. D. MacKenzie, Proprietor and Editor 41, , 7r-aitkl4W-rTfaSiliVelal.' It 1a4,WP7-se ef." 'Warn,* Cat, 414'..-ri, the aanlow val‘'Y 'tif`l*,V4 'hereIt°44:t (rBa•nifw. !la •104 cv.tles-iikr of[ here ate .ab,oht . 1.0.09 pe'apie !?4) the "Zer4.hroirthe4e!!1-eCelof aPvedWer:47- g*de.:;a.sittil:;°454131re'3" re.--tev"**e3a4Pgf4rrntbe,he4%tttmasPft' TouR404y. xvocEslittat 40.1.43944 .as :034e t:a oatOve - ' tuiteMeta, he densetCY „ **Mated. '' Th treat re#,ce., welt,dre4ed tiemert, -4t-c.r. -us '4744st:y$7.! 44 P4livrtY:- 44),4 'IF'..' 'ed. One of them ,shoo Aritait,00 : . „LAMAS: YfSf° ; 'I-. ONDON ' ciao. ot bullets into 11&, hand., 4434T 'bli 'the. haat' *10ie. the.. otath . . , . ,, . .. , -.. Illg'&14143144,3499TX.ROPER4014q, ' .L , -Tr - - • . ' ''''. ' ' " - --".• ' 'i.r"rg,0:'N'otrxtmk,v,•,A0--frthelei.4ettaiseO' .. - .. . . THE iinvErt,Eimanro WAR., , AGAINST INSECT i.EsTS • The ...61.st annu.sl•tonventiorttif the Ontario 'Enlinetibogieal Society was heid ;emu* at GielPh. -the sesSions .12 " being held in 'the AgricuitUrar tor-. lege...One of the most important ad- dreSsea' given' at, thk confe.rence.'ivais that .by Ili:. Melealfe, Of the University of 'iffrirois„ :One �f the foremost .entomologists on. the con- tinent, :"Methoda of Warfare against './insecta." 'Corrosion �f iran,“Dr.' Metcalfe stated. east' the peciple' a, the world $20.06,4100,” ;a year, -a tomParatively small amorint ,when'it iS considered that destruc- tion . . by , insects' on this , continent 'alone amounted, at .a Ankh. estilrmate to SUX10,000.000. a five,' tiiiiesthe .anthurit lost iron in. a . yeti* the,whOle ' • '. • The straggle. hetvinen man :an& in- sect.; had begun . before the tiatvp of civilization:- Ever .stce the., cinite-st began. mart had disputed every step :hi the inSect.,:.: Yet it tthild scarcely rie, -.said that ,the,, hail gained 'any great advantage:. Not • only did' " the irisect pests attaCk. growing' 'crops hut arso men and ' animals, aria well 'carried disease_ They, were hi inch unpreceden,ted.',. ninnbers that '"'"theY, were hard, tri deal with, there being jat least 500,000 kW& Of insects hetriting this • continent, they being 7.1 tones as: numerous as birds. . v were being fought, in •seyeral rhechanical ' and physical; me- thods, and by flghting the .destroc- tive insects by titeru• .,own 'enemies:, pare** .that _*ageA, war. on • them_ It •was 'PeCeasa.r-T,IioweVer, 'to take great,eare in making sure 'before ,Seet-Panasitet ..,-.Wtorted into the 0113f:if • that . they not in themselves : hea'Ome a' MenZeel Everr ,precaution was taken by those en- gaged. the- work.,befone. any;stieb 'species,. were introduced: • The spieed•.-and-riegrie .of ation .of European corn borer 'in oatatio4a.42.4. was dealt. with W. N. Keenan, "entornolegiCal- branch. OttaWa- A' DOG-FIGHT THAT DID 001) as an .4.,AgtkkAr.flarz.ew.g..;*;414-,4:,-7,7!„,,,,,.-?,•.,,--,.,„, , . • . , in the way of a tezerai ovVr 14 Chic-. the •kolgs- . of the Wad r '4'4 Of a A 0* a•PcZelltots'toPtc4.."0114 tbal:Pes' 'w' n. . L'heli; is Idie; . and ile4 ,:a*9fla 'bzwv . ago a Tew weeks ago. The ' /394Y, to '1)e' great city. " ' r interred. waS. eneaSed in ii.. Casket', ''' ' '''‘klei,e!°t, Or;t-N773i*Or111' :'3Xerei°4°' ;a1)-41UltS'34..alta'dS;"tOtk. t:krCI: Whi4)teit "'$40,1*; ' teria,---7*iti-o-,-,..., . A.MnalCAN Pilal4CATIO.S. .4i-aeiltilP, woti'llreMiqd.,,b' TiiHey-liatwe'VeTeliti: raL:ii!iliora and of peopte:iettteded;.there '11-'rree so many- fimwera- that 25 motor •AZikgialid. a 'ion* ,ef weeks ago. , . - • • . .. . .. c-inadieu ,auhliShers of .inti,...ar•Ines• . ,here they l erouSed.,COnsidernble into - elia, were' reqaiied. In.cairrY;:',.thera the temeter... hnNe'.1vatg cOmPlained, Of the inVasinit te)rest: '..-' - • • , „ , , • . , -,.. of this., nehrltir3r h1T, • I/. S. pubuca.tiott ' On reebino. Akan: lipase 'the -,otreetr „ , , , ' 4auwAtung . asOlqse .statenienti a 'zt.tik .kauk. 'But Still.. they-, to , fl. the ., gjeat • ',.city the,,,,... "ttie:V,.. k4.id' lc. are, they are true,,- and they beeani'e and there is no Stopping them, roc. It' Stiahirhow4V, • exetaiele4; . 7.-s':v still ''hittre aSAcinishing ,ivnei, one elv-planation is not tilintott. The 'pot - is, litipappl," Tkmir w'iinger inns', in his, burin,. was ,a.. robber. and ii isoirrikrono pm....ierits ...such ,a, 4.00. f91. .y.e.,,..,.hii:ei,:in'it,..7.eii.i-z,'...ire7,,t,e1,4.•forjHochel:iitd:ht.colystr,..):..;, • . • . . retched' Vf-lages..- ' TraNeilers• •,,,''.# learns .th.sx the deed miin,*0.:110itiixed ed stat -es with, As; .'encirmans. readin, . , . -, . , el:124,1tdewsererpa.i); ,.‘kr.i.' .' tcrs• ... -*' .0. eir' , sax._. .be -"ale: of 'ouk.,..aahaes and rien-S- the ... modern •eity with their owri 2Prelca as the world . never sae.- oe . . , donie .*.tnorons .. way, said that he ...fOre,.. 'The Ameriein magazines are. ".Itzt. the. '''ribetclat ' •vi.ltoees " obetit 'hatl died ' a "fl'attira17.' deatbihat is ':.,11111,7e oaliipe.i..i'eds43,theyidtraielleTkwrinle4°Ile 7soal_t `aut.,. ,'I.,iiNlbe611'lliattl,tod}-171-. :lt7shYttA'ax:11.'7.1.4it'•:.i:m':I.r::: ',7b1,7'11:.:,'9,i;:. he was shot IIY:firen liie ittlinsert. The "honored '. dead"' azei.' Dion a'alY a them am good too, as:PW'''' .01daigion, 4 ran of age. ,A. boat, alines go,' There is no use''in saying ,..,,,tiailehti,,a,Sajni:it.sh. etyliesein: leaMw,astitdntai.ei.o-efr„,i;khilr, ieggen and a. Mader -5;7/4114- by --4ts.altener-are h Zoitae.P7d*nemd-aefia'tYfe;:!7-Tthllese"' outside :we4r,Ld,A,!„hat,,,,n:-..,grand ' nil - men like hinthelf, as he had 'lilted others Hew did it, come: that, he 4FaS' ..1,32.3''42-1111,6:41:;S• d'' jesio'ant. et1:147-ibealli.ssi;ptliti4p,tedit .t:ha,,t' ;71:::;:rir:.11111rea-11.eit.11:7114iiii4iet1itgCti 171:111:Se'ta°4e-IiiihP'7:i'°14;""' , . . , , , buried , so. • grandly with . so. Many um:summers ri ' ". ' ' • • :. , . a.aide line.; Thee we in Canada are pre4iOte .what the see . , . .7 •. The en"-iged" 0' • is ,, explain.'" ed. ' by .. tS. E. .mual moire ready to !howl giod -.read. . . Their trio -7-iniis one of the fine-: Intedstates magaidae,..,.. andj, hook;....., ons travels:of Marco, fbola, tbie Vene- ciemol4aOrdinar17:trimitHChL,Edelii-oenf 11.,.au rar-itiargeis: than people of the 13.. s. are 'th 51,tty eau" youth' whe,, about the 'YeSr. 1?7,1 organized Under-wealthi'aed ea,a1de irdial.ar6liralead Cippeoadipal:.,.mogitar'sh. ith 70- n'Tithr::, 7'a'le. Ii:is `va'Y' f4°111.S°°j*ern E'rti'' States do-not...-exnert to get it. ;good ti:1;•Chna.' t11161 tiiiki°67'11 to 1114 W4 - to who, :among' their kind, -./riie ::,r.-iii.:Workl.,-,Mar:.:.o, inning' .eal!Ille4a, Ote.1',. liie dignity, , almoalls, Of, inings. O'BaniOn. was. . One of thir,e ;.,,,,,::ealik„, magazine ' from . Canada, a ;conntry, raver'. Of the ,grottd-Ktel of the Mo- ' • -,, erindiarkings.,.. ,,r0 Chicago's law- they ' regard as insion:ficant is e.nlieg retuain0 in china fat: a Ilttr- . _ •...: abidiig,.. itiideat, , twhich;; at, ;coarse; . compared to, their ,own„ They 'may be, •"•4•er of ,yeork-He retTirtted to Venice on , is.the vast hiajatity.:of .. its nearly wrong, but that's the attitude 129 - 1295:. ,The faiktainee' year he, three millions) the death of (manion ' The other day a replesendtutiv.e 0- Medea prisoher of War and while in i he dictatedto SI friend nn ac- • ' ,! WaS jpSt: one„, of the daily ..„,taarders The, Deti-oit Times Nisited • Lueknow4ison ,' 'N,*,,' 0cepii, * t.le., ,great ,iiity,throti He was - estahushing.•:a.gaaeies, ,#!1.614_ '-ourat- ' of ' .'his.".• travels, ,embellished i ghout, ,the year That the _killers pgfho.:4hheW.Tinieste:..". Ontario,i,i. fg.tirai*thzp.:,=4-1,Z, 'Ith ''na'n-y' a wonderful stair,' of ii/4 were neither inprehendbd nor Seri- lien iniknoWn' ,eastern misty Sought after by: the police' ex- invaded , by the daily papers," as . %v.& ...This Stary; one of the first :roirt- ' .eited no sarpilse.:It was an incident as by ..• the niegazines... This '.., agen:' 'lyres to be g.1.117eO to EaroPe, .elreated - the better • _eietaani has learned ,tc, i)ion and ,laY way Of, zeceelanezding'. i'!ear'ea.tUtt.raliatteS ireiat7ril6nt'al tiondliltra°dvalt1:1117.:"°4slidi- i wanted to sell. just the..SatiardaY 'ad ., 44. the *Feat: 'Wider world" wbielr „ iterate, and ignore , is : •far ai 'pos-, it be said a.'tweive' pages of eeriii4i.." '. . !ndia to. Chiha, aod''thas alaa*IOaint-, sihle, :: - ' . ....Twelve Pages" of -“forair.v"'" plant -ea' 1 'ace between the Pe°P/e of the -:.ast. ', , a, . • - riranzion was barn in 'Ireland, lint 'we)/ ti.lare; 11651 he a.'66210"'Ind- i01: ' d thepeople of the Westlonse, hi very early life • tame with '. his ' the: but it does 10* fikia an.. awfae • riaratert.'and Mokpo -en to each other/ parents to Illinois, and he grew to wasto. of riliii. .... : . . ' ' .. ''e:cr°•°': '. .. :' : 1 '''' '''''' - .: ' 1 A For all that. its', „really . worth ',il , • What, stoiris .or , a '. wonderful land 1, Yunttg manhood iii the ..viciniti• Of '. ' 'Deicatinre: He went to. Chicago and in a' Taper The Detroit .Tiiiies. is no 7r1..11 its • railwsrs,' steath shik--- eier- f„ for a. number „rit years. ,.:piehed, op ...ff is 'good :As our -.Toronto-- . or, ', Lon., !„:.r.ic. lihti telePhotri, .e)rOt factor - living erreway and, another: With *don papers -that . is for., giv.ing: the••''e ._41iid ._.. Stoires; wili , the.se s'itooTe4... tlite pasa,!ag„ of .. the federal rrohib.: news, . .of ,ilie deY,:. with '.• intellio-ent !iloikciheci. lamas have to tell to tlieir. ..• 'Imati,cientilcaevi ,thh7e7osiiti•rt,ofe.. tuititiiiirtimi,eis.t.y.,.a.ntdo arceonsmlitmentel-ly:Thfinee;iAni.wi'o.erictintiach0.bingtto‘ talibisiiiie''ftheleT-0..1:0T:boeft,time.iit;WtheErtrethreeYso:retain tit erAme,.. for winch he was, adapted. He The Ottors,. say they have to get tne ----4T-6-,L--,- . .bectime a' boatiegger; at first '.neees... thtit,sort Of . Paper fia, order' *0 . ser AiSt EN.G1.18i1.,PIIILAY.TEQPIS.T " Mr. Bert Ward ° -reeentIV ' hi.nded liS tr.. cony: of the. Henley. (Enziand),,11 ROI saraY on a small S.-fale„ but by -and- thleM. Th..ati is What the ,.man.o ,lthe' by he hrdled liquors by the, truck - street' ' rents. Some of these wil load and car -load ; makinu fame hat. sell • in Cliiitar n. as they always .have. - mutations twining to the value of but they are not likely to effect seri, fifty or n hundred thousand" dollars otIslY rhe sale of our own news: from New York- He ' 'became nn Papeir mensely wealth; occupied a palatial residence With a fourteen -thousand- 000 ' TROUBLE. INEGN-Pr • dollar player piano, the bit • :radio' oritfit -that money • 'could buy, auto- I., The Britu.h and the Eg' YptiTnit-i-7aarel 'eeilTs.',--Iind..--of- Othele-fieb-Plea-ktkoWn 1As•-in; 'Shart;.liVed most' lajair,•_ again h.,i...,iiii: traaid!Thoy 1,4,4 had °.:Irincipolly for their, steed and ,eryiel;- mob jaYsir: ' „He loved flowers and he 'ea- much trouble 'and inaily fights in. th( Ht3litsrihe,asintoerx;yi.aott :,,,,,,da eeinnta; tialikee;u,Mr iu•.:Ie-,, tablisited a large 'flower 'store where .pat. • " ' " 's • .' ... ' ' ' he ,t04k' orders lo7'',W11, lAi. e -F-, 'S''''..Wel... 1. 7 ''.-Dtirm- g the Great 'War ''Eg.T.' Pt '.• "IFO-- '. ' I of ihe 17e4" ''' ". '1 -6--- ' ""--;-•-• r- H as for 9O:Wers. • • -. - . , 1.!_ix,,e3 piaetical,freede:le i.i, th,-; r-i4ier I.., As; a} .7:Tpue.,t, :man ;Nir.:..}ledge :cancte ...,--i- • of tii,-..... .estate To the netitile �f his 'under. world ' of ..0%,eroaSeat,,,' but 1,....;-r-irtaat . reranee,•VOro .P°' -sr.--- " - , ''''`I large estate also . lielped..„.the • wretche4. out .at., the: . '-'=-- E:rypt like other "ecr.,ntries has ,its ed thr°aeh the death ff hi.s. ibarent-s-and Te old mach Of hiS.„. land and clevat. O'Banion, heeenie.. What Robin Hood ',.the .Sudan, a"territozy to he reach . element of their ihres. He helped 1,Ri$,,r , whiCh , passes " ;thim'tigh' , the . • ., , . -in • only brother.. .He , never learned ima Dick .Turpin were to :the 'lawless .: a; piesent, ,ordy; by Way , of , the Nil(' . ,the paar, and sent 'qick•encl, crippled: kagth of Egypt. '.'•^, ' i,'':, ,' :, - lreferrintir to' reake,...hiS 'herre .With children ,to the hospital. - No' doubt hr! - 1. respectable ; .counle on 'his estate. clutchea of the ' mew. He became the f17-at,t.les' .al° evidently thoug,-ht thet the "lot4le r the ‘-‘0,falre of tbe in'iel'*!-(' c,:eitain_ c.Fiatical par "Ick,,his tjihi aid, JIES fortune ta.pro- , . • him for helii and. prote.-Ltbin. . NC' . -*ante wham he knew. mainly restd- 'bead -.-of-4.,_tg'anfe,....1,-.11iej.1 ipplie. . to, IiritiSli-baki.;na. rig-atiri, Airina.al':.all. tiotibt he 'was it political infitlene .a..- i'itseii.in' the Murder Of the 1 Britlsb clinTillen. Fie built halts: ani"-;11:41121:st'''a;d7".' t the ill:Will', of,' this' elehrent. shavree". .of ', • t.bL -iill'a" 'or'/./e ...: • , i ' ' re folk redid Standard which .coniteined nori.rait Ind an 'account OE the life,of a , John Hodge who tried et" his home • .lear Henley, 'earl.r., in -November; After readien7 a Vonue Men born' , g nto Weattb Who Make foals of them- !. 7: 4 ,E, mei • 11"V", • ,COming! Ahno4 ffere! With Only 11 More 'Shopping Days Before Xmas. "7"-• WE WISH; YOU, TO EX.A.MiNE iiuR STOCK OP • OOODS-. .AND „WILL •••13,E. WE i • 4ISi. A 'FE3.17 SUGGESTION„S „Wierkli MAKING 'S-0 OF Y )141; . . 'F'13B MOTHER • SEt Cermet* • Sji,-envire ' .(:aleirlart Lamp . ;.WaSh_no, " CO•iPtt. S'aTelier • 1Yarq: • • 'sciasoirs Set 'or Irons , •'Food Choppeir TO -aster ' FOlt 'Brtorna • safetiv. Au.tontotode Skates . lortaksithght. • Bide - 'Ptickett Kele • Hockey Slick ' Pair 31itts;• "liana $i ••• F•cT , • Razcr 97 , t•k_ir of 3lists Brace c4LI Sq ti.13 „ • ito4o..cor: S.4..rop. or. / , FA°ut Sr StIvetixa.re • -- Seisrs1 " ' Atuntinurn of -..sackIe etntn.b,' -0Te4ar. pnrex 11';‘.tte ova,• • Aluminum Ware. tort.BABY sf•sTER OR BitOrriER • -Child's knife and'Fork, Sance,t-.,and W.hy::-Speon 'o a • good safe small C4ttle J.:;anterm ' • ' E ALM TO. PLBASE one 66. .0;91 ardwa.re 011TEOUS Lucknow. • Plumbing • ' Tinsmithing •MIN all well; and ' wou/d• have somethingTT TTTJ'i .0‘,:ei-nnr_generai Of the Stida ri •!'s in whE;11.the,Fat -Iseftil trades: and he sunahed money , law -breaking'. '.he"wa-s. gon(! that the E 'tie!) 'autheilties ie) the•el)/orlits.: He. Trade it Pe's' nerliaps, a good deal -4o say as ti ' • -neet . and xvbere .ther could learn , who -n ,shot dawn in, toe., street.7. • - • : , and chief of noliee To his associates •the ;Feting,- ntert-whO,..wisirted,,ta..se.•• who should:he mayor. state attorney of Cairo' . . • • The Entish Governmen sit.pec Bra4*. T1111' Walkert" a "g°°d ••"g''d egre' not altaereth• -4 innoce-ut is thf• f-ar. .A!i- 'Ward' others • ii:ine . of, the „professional loafers er"-in ah°11 10 0aite -a larc'e ere ,' . .. d redress . d . • io come to Crthada, , . , . . ,--- . .... . . - .1.rtht-er deman ed 2.11 . SOUS , _. . „ „ ,_ . hi- , LO. WWII was, as iisnal,,humining on trent' he 'became " hero It was tli" • • . • 11 , . . h • c,,i - If rs"srow that '."IZOCKinePS.'"'"'S , . . , . a - ' 1- ,.: ract.on m nruage .iritic suggest. . . • , the street- terrier, , on Tuesday and. de -Tent which gave him such an ,el- i st.r", 0 ,,, mon nir;en in cese af,leftinai . '4ftee irmw.se4 1!""43- litl he was 're, - .4„... 'or' ' rt. 1.. - :_. funeral It Was h' wit he 1. " 11''' ' • 1 t -esreled for his tiVong kindness by • ' gl"`"g •",a•uLertail a •hlaoc, A , eye Lc+ -assbarid athee hived • his, horn: ..., e w, , The,- eve seized the zustorns a , - . 1924 Christnias Seah e li*lit rif Etral'gt" -12° Inight 4n- ' . . • . . , . f - •• ' ' the grateful regard Pad love °I' all • ., ' 7neiteva7 .160.post, Lar t itpresen..t.• v, a "good, tint, thZt lir,- !heed is. that:there are ir htlle "rth-whil" people . wh° icztew' . ,ought the 'ter.-thousand-Kkolar, toff- v. -121,m ,eletents diiideo 'n1" • ' ''''ithe44atinnal"nitarJuln'Am4. ' ex! a 'ken, 'nor....i.t.t.or here.' Wher-.. • oqinion as lfiiiiin-one friend. . tion IS to he terigrat6144frd f4Fi' ttA, ;:17fli VAIN": ;kit „. handsome "Christmes-&-*.a.,11 mow_ . • , 0 !rade enemis -• •too tbe other an.poittOrised. to Br . The "ff ML -ST BE REAL SPEED .F1Mxn. , sale in aid of the musktika mospit41, . • t 14'le °PP sing Y • a (Hanover Post) .._prextptti r..tt .foet , (Jr; ,,,2zieft la4 tk.e vr• aenite tht-ato-4 oi .,je ,w3f ,A t t to "" 'e 1", Harry Weidentiorf of Detroit, for- for ConsuMptives. #.erse , .;Ter, raeet' a, persistent deniand for the etzi *.tad ,A EF-.-pt,'"ftpl ravern- 'fnu,deiti, whet, rebirth", t,o , t'a a real ciaristinas Seat, not-rae„relyiire;, two or, ' ofueri • 0.40n1;44,1,..f.4*.•.,' •spe,it.•0e,5! for y tee.' .r..4s.*r,I4 dolare t e" ive ii.fficult time the above et m. iy tro„ samliz. usGhia, J ; • Parture has been' thade- The 15411", g "e.!* Bfk.ett2e '."Lo! • Ve,:e1,0,0t**-Y.i ,vir,-ele-ei wax pad h Ver -02, 1 e.,1.0en tort.. A ,tv• elg4artinz oat .the `tfalei'rn. • ty 1. A 1 ' merry ar rianorer, nuraco.ous advertising sticker, quite a new de,.= . Pi ' ','", ft.'s. • IV* Ps'f' , • ' P: - , °' a .. " ‘ after attendingoa Luther ,aatrue Coat beautifully colored and eintiosseci, . moue i:_o.,1 1,4,e1y. out t,,,,f .-•,,,e,,,r $4...ti. 0..t. , t,t,•• f.70.-....04.40 • ..ei mlio "*.rr".#-, ,'"ff'."-.4r . e.., "*. i 1,,- '4" Pel 1.- till 1.i'm:,, -.ail. a .' venttan, Ile *as tirtet•ii,7„ p . tiolchale. ten designs, are Mit uP assorted ja It wive the qultiest hi r t...? umeat' .itlt., ..f,$;t4spat•-• .„,-.(-.k. .inii,,,,,,4t et. p''.. 04It • , : six , and , had • vccasioh, , AO e.et-te,t4i *. ;i, eve..F.t.t.er ti.ert ee..., ' l'i)e 9,.'.., 0•.(1.0'.,r, , * tr"'‘' in 17'''''' ipply the hirikes in A huirrY,' %ilk+ that at •the bauble beach, aild on. Ole ' • *,.%44-44' *EA riA; r las„'ili.e),!.e. , 4 .1.1.. -%"441 '''1'i''' oh the 'birhwair and turn, .0 Ps 4).0 i ,'t ti ... • , . ., • viteketa Of ',different -denominations ' -4E* that ,watittriot -„es. The .ifospital is in need of totall,S- rhanY ihoonS, • and of)w,p.t.O. to carry on its work_ Wizy, not buY Maillon• under, the bridge before ot- ii,u- ‘these Seals in lieu of Otiirs N'ot s.hows. gitnilar speed laUt . only will Tout .get gooct value In the •itexient 4.1u,strates that ctog- •return, but your 'motley will be fight• is at some use , aiwr a: if it. 0. 0 atie tf 'a .t.s.;ar caused his car to tun u arotriel tvette • • Slit shermen a e sa'lvag.it e egeuriarFopotwnceare If RHINO Rubber rant- • Weat Wern't hetter-if it • didn't wear 'longer -we • would tiot Stipport the irvI4 -Clad guarantee that , goes with every pair. ' -•"!..TheselaCtUltoldiciodniiiii„ • all ;RHINO Rubber's.' Note the Protector fl&p,on' rubber shoe illustrated: It is an exclusive„,patented ' fe.attire. It effec- . tually prevents- dirt, manure, silo* or moisture frail getting ilasige. This footwear_is_mide__ front RHINO RUBBER - the toughest and most Avear-TeS1ifirig that 'Science , haSyet disc;overed--Which will:Wear up to twice as long as 'ordinary, rubber. Insist.' oil i-a-OINTO Foot,- wcar: , . .",Comprtire TheWear Bethwell & 'Turner, Luckier* ' • ' "Rat Leti-nion:, Lee:ha:ph., • • Armstrong &. liodginS. • errie, ,t`•••:, f'' • ' • *.c...ii`Z-• -347•?‘!":+t3of,,i,4*- •••,• • '" 13 itACs, OP iFLOUR ON • .latelY,., and the suppoSu is tbdt Shciltk sPrtic hont, flour 1.30,01_ • ‘41 ' Toni Merienzie, Oliehunt,, reports so:A0lighterteti by." • .2- .1:010ze.eo,,,..,,tp.,:nsittirrgrao":'r • 1,10,5s1.,,.,, „ , • Neo . • tnatPr- 40,an ia the ditch, The car 'Caught - • “•••' of the" cargo ,Or ft're Anil 6.1•ty,thin-, ;was•burned too • h!'ts 0')t'r whidi have floated .. /1st' nritiet, h h I ,..artto ,lte made to serve a greater end, to it .111, orifolse the latent talent of e. f'"'t 4,4`. 1".04.1*4 ' yi , 0.1±e-, iv3.7 .fricads art,) the Re.h pojeac..t •", • 0 (-kis The passengers %yore t re t es ore ttr Araenc- .:411 help E0oleOnl in distretia. , hum and get hie- Wood into.'• attire , . to 41:1-. • ' tipringweli t the ri, churcn, . _ 'go 13; , Or' f1110.. w? . ;41 hostloolti ra „ • 4 '; aa rEy ; prfAt-ifi.:t.*" wi:1 sin had, -to out .t talt 11'4'ew rert theY,ba*etet., tiar m lfjl in S;ore reet*Ote,tV ,o,,f,tathfel.4. tom*, trey tint -O04t 'gsr-Pien ,t4 .*04th treii.torri th:4i ettett' •aerate/v. This , •Por.sale- by-tchool ,children rand,:,,eirettlatiork ••' -"spell; The' '..ittelt banks. Or direct from 3Critaa Seal oraa also • uleful causing, •some Department; Gage Institute. To- apeetatOra heairti tritir.)1 *onto* Clettrioo',• ,doetort -tett Ut bittet by toy thiti ant tot,tim pritern, • * 1* J1prr 114 :t. is theunkt that fog- t„.11r4 or ' 'They. ace over *welvf* :rtlii'i'm c d ay' to go to deetrution in thi* I Oft e . . oomuoloillar breath. of' Ofth thit• 1st p•oof III pgifpt neavir oil or Int gg In 4 $ter• , • • • A , ,, . . . at. I ititi-,gh entirely sub - item), as it tint „ .ward aoly 'about ait, etbe AMericatt 00. 404 vrPcitted .10441,44' • ' 'if 'the • 1 t.,,er..,,r;,pi.,it.ort L4 corre.-..i', thCoCth• toe has, • gone down, close to the. -Sauk4ti shore, as. a 'ntirsiber of the. Vadies of -the crew have teen -Wl!shed.. astioroia that' uqighborhood.-Wias,