HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-11-13, Page 3TRADE FACIUTATED BY
Hunting, Health . -16f. Inhabit-,
Trade and civilization are steadily;,
,if sloWly,.advinr,,Cing•dewn the Macken-
zie. valley„ and the inbehttants, of that
extensive region Are being bought
; ',.inore into, touch eadh year with the
outside world: An'ollicer•pf .the North
• We'St, Territories and Yukon Branch
• orthe Department of the interior made
an inspeCtiorr of the UPPer.lViikeltenzie
. tug the iiast annitner and reported con-
ditions tra,i1S. p.ortp.ackn, trade, bunt-
. 'tag,. health ofinhabitants, edueatian,
. ,ete,„ Satisfactery, and: the herd 'of wild.
Wood buffalo,- whieh 'has its. habitat in
• the country 'west of' Fort Smith, • ta,be
thriving kid increasink• in nenaber.
• , The route of 'travel into.411.0, doulatrY
is by ;railway frernEdracinten,te *at-
erwaYis, thence by boat dOwn ,the Atha-
• basica and Slave river. to:Creat Slave
• lake and the Mackenzie:river, A good
..,deal •.:14 the Anspectlein work on'Ahlis
..oceasion was done .6y-rneaps ot a gaeo-,
lane:eh in, visiting -such Points ks
• '..liesel„utien. „and Hay. Mier at .the
sonth-west.',. end ,O Qreat.-.Slave.lake,
Providence„ on. the Macleenzt& river;
• ,end: yelloWknife and Fort..:,Rae. on the
north arm' or Creat Slave lake. Care
had to beexercised in. the 'navigation:
, .
of tech e 'Small beat' ecrois' the wide
istretChes'et the lake. • 'Salrigati3O,11 has,
however, beediniproyed by Aida In the
fo..1701` Of belays .ant. beacons and hy the
building of wharlieS at Chlpewyan
The 'ter,bearlag,
during Jest 'winter were .reperted te be
• about the .aiierage,in:-nuraber.' The •
hospitals . an1.. sChopis are "efficientlY •
• conducted and tlia:nuraber 'Cif pupils,
• ' 'has' .Increased. ' .,-Wherever..eultiVatien
was 'Carried on garden vegetables and
, Emmen were growing in prefusion, and
• at seyeral,, feints where there. , Were: 1
• farms, cereals : nni. toots in•opaised.
gooci. yleld. posPecting 'for mineral's,
including pAreleuni, is steadily pro- ' •
isectited:lnit no large "strikes" .have
been .recorded• recently: '
VVirelese Statien at. Simonson, ••
, . , , _
• • of the mbat, Important. deVelop=
•: merits of the year was the ,establish-• .
4ineint df a wireless' station at. Sirepsori."
When •tiiii is fullY, Coranleteil.;warking,
• •clorninuniCation 'pan be Maintained, be-
tween Dawson,. Yukon TerritarY'and
Edmonton.. This „will be Of great,
Vice to all persons having business ;in
•.• the Territories; and it lsexpected that
as Soon ,ss :regular communication Is
,statablished, wireless apparatus Will ba
.fnstailed. on the.'steantere,piying .the
•- Maeheriaie sothat all travellers will
• .bei In receipt of daily nevip,, from tliP
Outside .world. . The 'lose of. 'the .Hne17'
tay Coruparzyf,tetp.Ithei Idy Kin-
dersley, !which., was caught in .tha leo,
ar Fe()
ta1vi ap,dulterant
c0 fee
yeriationa--RouSSel;Itouse.. Ruse.
RacIaI Origin•÷Normari-Freitch.
. .
The family..natne of Russell 14, e
sense %akin to that of Reid and its
, •
variations, Red, and Read. 'ooines
thorn' ,an • old English • word nieaning
• "red," 'w•hich, however, was of- Iler-
mair'rather than Aagle-Saxon Speeeb.
' Thie' word'wes "rouse," and has Sur
tilted t� -day only as "rust," with a
heir Origin
• nortb. af Point'13arroti, Alaska, with a.
will delay the., erection of that station,
but Will not'affect the'operation of the
other 'font stations ,at Dawston,'Maye,
.,.Simptiort, :and Edraonton. " .*The• first
—twahtive_lseen-innperation -for-a-year
" and the last two will be in 'opera:* it
and Prepared in accept coinniercial
and Other meseages about the end of
•.0‘itober, • '
OLDVN -brown
'.J toast, toast, crisp and
piping hot, may ,khe
" made light at your,
breakfast tole, with
the Hotpoint Reversi-
ble Toaster."
Toasts two sliceg of -
• bread" at cinee:, The
= toat is turned atito-
. nautically by slimily
pulling J:lownpneof the
nickel -plated guards.
Designed to grace the
• finest appointed table.
For sale by dealers -
tiarpawr Diyismitt
' Caaadion general Electric C.A.Litaited; •
A. ;WPM', et co1170-,Ova#one
parried ..a palm Nat 'At wasn't Cenr.
isidered .a Silly • thing to de • in these
days, any more than it la gensidered
silly to -day or the soldier to wear his,
4411*ig4 Btripe3 c etiler.'UW1gPIA:Oe,.•
, noting service in the Army Pr nay)! •ori"
nie,mherehip. in a society or lodge The'
Paltner was one 'who had made a .pil-
'grimage to theHolyLand, eliiter as a '
warrior: fighting the Turk or simply as
,a traveler actuated by religionfer-•
''••• •„7
11hat,descriptIve•••SilVellattonnf--4Pal- ••'
sekr.,Mitite,:naturallYlteV•eltiped ;
riaingy name on a Very largeseile. In • •
the first place, there were many pil-
grims. In the second place, the mani
who had made the PlIgritnage was
like -
The best
01) d C 0
ly to he considered, the Most linPort-1
. ant mereber „of his„fatially for severei
, generations before .and after, and ,$.,hipioadsnf Girls,
the most Dimly indiVidual in 1,or • •
fer•ent from the original. his family to . perpetuate hie • namthere ,
e • to eVery
wninen` n Can*In
As might be expected It was', t9- the extent of its permanently
accepted in the dauree of years as the probi11-nfiqofmienittp.dr:soen'gCav,noamtdeenaP(irvaems
Other with' th.e. sobriquet "le Retie," ,
England as was done 800 years ego
justnbout" as Widest:10MT as 'red hall' fainily name. •• • '
meaning "brOWnish-red) somewhat di!: toere ore
Was,, fer apparently. there ia 'tie Per. • - •• by .the .American •colonieti. And :the
estimate . 'Englend has a surplus of
sonal. •characteristic the human •IGUED plan ,aults England, for .statisticlane
• ••• 2,000;030 ..wittnen. Parties, of women'
eye:eingles out inore• quickly in a man
to differentiate birn from his, felloWs
• NDENT and girls are formed in England,
• that 'a red. heed. , AND DESPO
brought to Canada Under reliable es-
' -The nanie Rouse" and "le Rim-
sel" appears frequently in the old re.,
Cordis, the So-Calleld, "Hundred Rolls," • •
cort, and offered joliS In whatever line
of .work 'they may choose. As each
tontlitiOn Known RS General ship Ian s; scores of o NM1 ves are
the IYlunimenta gild Lallac Londonien- •
- ,
Very Appropriate..
At a choir practice a new. chant was
loping rehearsed. .A.fter a feW.fersee
of. the Psalm had been sung the choir-
4nostercalled out: "Nai'inisl 'that's .all
wrong; take the .chant ihrough again.
Can't youseeit goes di':.ferently. in the,
last bar? No; no! Wrong again!.: Well,
we must get along with it. NOw,.then,
.next line: '0; ye fools, when will ye,
Classified Ad-vertiseinents
' HOME slimy
v14414111 in ,twenty Cihoine - les is ono.' .
'Iirofleiency guaranteed: ' 1.0 Xti :
given: ,I3usittese College,14,i
Broadview Ave„ Toronto. • • • •
wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria
St,, Toronto.
Ali the Winners.
hall)' etc' •General eehiiIty is* a term used to trlets, saYs OaPPer't1 Wheue;Y: SO far hie nose and shonted, "All the winners,
to offer them. jobs! in the "rural elia- buAsa a neewesibeor: 'tnhiartin.ststteplaepdero• ffundtheer
An explana.tion for the name Ruse, as the marris,-ge question Ls concerned, •
fcirm 'la 418° .f°unci. am°Pg t" tdieosficorift)teli. l'ets‘;:s'ett-;•anDa e'rbuinlitYd%wlialicanrodoi-, the women' hava.proved able to take , The Pall le the ineft "verel'Sr'e.as°n e shocked- parson Inquired sar.
care of that detail:, Records sbow that Pf the Year r°r egids-gne da7 is warms castically if there were no other newt.
most of the girls are married with! the next cold and wet and unless the
Ms" ,'(11.1inutes of, the London ,•• FROM AITIUMN COLDS the
/..pbitity:Doe Watery Blood., hard to. hire ,eervants, and farmers,
old reco•rds, but an explanation..which
probably' has little' foundatlen Of ,fact; frog' a ,thiniber of causes. . The after
'is ,that this name ,was..,:-.deriVed from ,effeer.S.of'acute lack•of .nouritih-
the lantionalitY-cit:one OCthe,•original i•nl:e.nt due to ' poor' digestion, oVerwork
hearers.. in ether words, that. it Mearts: or worry, or anything ' that :tnaltes the
"the. Russian," •While a .great••,niany blood Ahlrl, thereby preventing It from
. , , . - , .
names 'are. ititioWn positively to hilVe carrying. n,ourlshment and. health' to
Inkpa their origin from. nationality," the. tissues of , the, body: -The BYMP-
the. evidence• is „against the Claim La tome. Of debility vary, ' but Weakness is
this caSe, for it Was •not : ..custOmary alWaYS,preSent, biteri a tendency to be
among inedieV,alEnglialt eeasfl3"yeka'fa,itill,-47Upael; .!;t4.'at!jkl,S:dPi:zSitteriL:11'etPr0
,!ittle of gin lands to the, east 'of thene the
wake -
beyond the 'ShereS caused by-, inability, • to stqp •
--Mnke.: any, distinction • between2 the, .0.311,1lting? and ionrefrashlrig sleet): • •
rac'eS, inhabiting thein„ an of Whorn 'Lorenza Gainiche, Rockland,
a -severe sitfferer from Ulla'
they referred .as Esterlings, 0•1- Ont., "t%•as
Easterlings; Thls'objeetion, however,
does not ,apply to the.' egplancitien in
cases where the name has come to the
United States ."..,from ether;Countrieis..'
A '
. .
. .• .
• :Veriations--None. ,
. Racial Originr-Medieyel En4lit!il. :
Sonrce--Descrip,ti).(e, ,,, ' •• , .. ,.
Palmer. IS .a' ver Y. appropilate, family
name " for a crusader. ,.• Ite Origin Is ,
and • could:.hardlY 'sleep during
" ..ttroaneedora.ctrilaairigghet..btoactkhew.idtah;slitvrtlheevna, rtiia,'.; .3t,heenPigiit,,-, and what 'sleep '.1 bad was
.disturbed With.- nightmarea., ' I :.had
.sPirit. 'of figlAingr,religion.,,ewent O•Yer -headaches .' and •the:, least effort; *ELS:
. all Europe and criiiide,after crusade '
telling ...on 'My ;,nerVes..7 I always felt
'was launched a.t• the .-Turk•4.viith' the
, . .
trouble ,and _tells how he found releatie.
lie • .years ago if as in
that; condition" which medical :men. call
general debility I • made, periodical
visits to Montreal for fetirteert_monthe
to, undergo- electric trisatmeat.At the
end of this was 'feeling Well and
thought with proper' care WOuld eon--
tinue,ln health. But in the c.ourse
Of a month Or sotheisymptoma--eame
back more acute than eVer.'. I lost ap•-•
object Of Winning back the Hoay Land.
• ••
One very old Enghsh domiment,
• • dating ,.. from „Norman-French • ..days,
gives a list dr nameS, among which Is
one Hervey le Paliner. Another men-
tionS .a Geoffrey le Palmere„ while. an
old: clectirnent of .1"ai11anient speaks
John le Paumer;'Harvey the. Palmer,
,GOoffrey.'the Palmer/ and ,JOhn the
:How Man" sr,Vialina Did
tS--':-tttdiW-rkia: Make'
Bow • many 'Vielina did ilitradivatiouti
• make during h1tt4, long mid busy.
bt oettrse there 'la no possible way of
.-aWcertaining the :iniact MImber, One
'authoritY sets it at 000. Another,
after , itineh* historical •research: ,Mita
he number at 141.a instrumente. Of
• this 640 .,itOlas and 50 'celloe
are said to linve.atirvivol..,Tbia Takes
total of 410 Strad' known - to be itt
••exis•terice• at •tile preifent. day it the .
*rag -,are oorteiot-, Anet'leave. 514
Ml000inited!!...fon-ATilt4e;:itheen0,41 un
attain/44d ter Stradar that Iii,teresithe
• ,wan who .finds an old' fiddle in him at-:
tio bearing the Magic nanio of Strait,
I virtue on its 'misty tans narked inatdo
the 4144149,. 'He juinps to ,tha (*dui,
,aion that he han Viand onfrOttliO.iennl.,
!--11466unted.'r M, -ad -eees -v1iona 0q
Wealth'in 'the near future. 7
•Iittadlratiun beeides being the prior-
inter.401Olin maker Of the WOild; Was a
miracle !Of industry, for. we':.find him
busy engaged, in Making 'Violins,
at the age 45t 34. 14 lett gotta 04, num_
. bee of violins' urifillitibid.at his; death,
Many cif mloich_.-were Cernpleted bihis
, ,
• There is an inftniteSinaal proportion
tO be ,in eitstence oniOng titg ntllIiens
slim, aother‘ are a foi! latte poarie tg.
t Maintain of oYeter *hail*but it ht.
like !leaking for the praverhiat.needle
ID a ha -itself to find one.
pains. Somewhere, .* and. hid • tolose
much time. After, suffering for three
.months, trying various :things.. without
good, results, I was • terribly depressed'
and: .disheartene,d: - One. day LI met a
friend•Whe noted how pale and thin -I
. • ,
was and he BO strongly recommended
Dr, Williams' Pink PIUS .that I, deter;
mined .to give them' a fair trial. I get
sb boxes end",begion.tAn.treittinent at
Once. After 'I had ta,ken four 'helots@ I
- .
began to notice an improvement in my
health. .' I could sleep. better,, and I
scarcely had a 'headache. Since that
• • •.time my health has; been .steadily im-
proving' and now I feel just as. Well as,
• since I began :-the treatinent: New, I
Would. not be Without, .Dr. Williams'
Pink .Pills Jn tho home, and :Strongly
recommend: 'them • to •' all Who -suffer
from a deoressedsystem and the aches
' that, . „
'Yeti can get these pills :through; any
medicine • dealer, or . by 'Mail. at se, ctg.
box,or six boxes for 42,60 from The
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brackfile7
• .
Ontario Agricultural College
-1925 SHORT couRsg.5.-1925
Stock and nd .Seed judging ... . Jan: ,18th to Jan, 24th •
PoOltry, Raisirie. .. Jan. 13th to Oeb..7th
,Frult and Vegetable Growing . „Jan. '26tirla Fib.. 7th
Florioulture and Landscape Gardening ...... Feb. 9th la Feb 21st
Coursofer Factory Cheese and Butter. Makers .. Jan 6th to 'March 201.01_1
CoW 'Testing ... . Jan. 12th to Jan.:' 23rd. .
Farm , Dairy . . • Jan.. 26th to Feb. •gth
: .paotory Milk and :Cream Testing' .. Feb.. 9th, to Feb. 20th • .,
'Condensed and PoWdired 'Milk .. -Feb. 23rd to March .6th
e M11 and MochanicarReftWitIOO..
Creamery and CheessimakIng,Cciuree March. 24th to March 26th
Farm •Power . • Jan. 27th' to Feb 7th
Jan. 13th.to Jan'; '24th -
Bee Keeping• . . ... . .. . jan. 13th to jan. 24th '
. ,- • • • . . • .
These courses are planned' to meet .the requirements Of farmers, •
farmers' sons, dairymen,. poultrymen, beekeepers,and hortioniturists '
who may be able to leave horns for but a short gelled .during: the
.winter 4,nontha. ,Ail Cotirsei are ;free, with the exception of the dairy
• cooties, for which„e'smali registration fee la, charged.• '
.in'the tipings In which yeti are. interested; exchange' Of experience anti
the sicqUfrernent of lcnoWledge, will da you good. Plan to attend some
course, that, anneals te.Yptire;Wilter,,,for-beoklet.describing..theo,coursos,,...;,
• President.' . Director of Extension.. 'Registrar.
A change from home surroundingsrmeeting other people Interested
on farms of mother is on her guard, the little ones ' 111 the Paper. -
'a ,Year and settle down
tloir.awn. , , • . are eize w
I•on all winter. I3aby s Own Tablets are .
runnera for to -morrow
' •"' •'She Knew Sheep.,
Most -Unfortunate ; ' •
and .heir,: .Who. had only arrived at. his,.! '
house it few. Months. He .was' never'
he ' off ur
h , "Yes, tiir,"' retorted theibcy; "all the ,
i.rnothers' best friend in Preventing or • ' Don't be a 1.iieter. 4 is /ust yui
After the ; city..bred, wbmari banishing eolds .' They sot as a gentle
well to remember that triumph hail
put in scharge of a country school; -14IatIve' keeping the bowels and stun.'" the accent on: the. try. •
to the OlaSS in arithmetic she said.:• soh free An. 1300000hal =.- • --
,N,349,r, „coi.olyen, if . there ,are• „lea I dose' of -the-Tablets will preirent •
sheep. on one side of a fence and one. 'opi.roimi'pitt prompt-use
we ienomreelieovhe eddboanblyy., thTehler
11 b
jumps over, how many sheep e
No sheep, • teacher," • „answered a
tow•headed,little lass of, ten sninmers.
Oh, "no!"•• cried the city, young wo-
man, repreachfully: 'You are not so
stupid' as. thatl • Think again. If there
were' Jen sheep on one side of the
fence,and. one sheepfjumped aver, nine
tshhaete?p,.. Would be left. Don't you . see
"Net. no! nol", • persisted the child.
"If one sheep jumped over,' all the,
others would'jtimp after it MY father
keeps hep's• • '
Thep, seeing the puzzled look on the
teaoher's • face, , the 'little tow head ex
plained ,apologetically:' You know
'rithmetic,' miss, butfi know fsheep."
. ,
Michael Was Mystlfled:
Mirhaers mother had married again,.
and though Michael did, not ,objeet to
'his new father; be was somewhat puz-
zled ,as to the 'relationship..
Mether," he said, "is this man my,
stepfather?" • • ' •
. • ,
"Yes, dear; Joe's your ,etePfather."
falu;mmoethyeorl,1"1. ritnuteinluaeld!eth, e .01111d,.
"Yes, dearie,. you are mamma's 'lit-
tle lad."
'Then, mother, oontinued,•Miohael,
suPpose I must be my stepfather's
little ptepladder." •
Couliffirffie Mistaken. •
Tablets are •a4)1(1" 1)3, Medieine: dealers
or by •mail at 25 cts. a boX from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine .Co Broekville
• Clockwork.,
Hawkins- WeB•old man, hew's
bus inese going?" • '
Martin-"Oh,'"Iike olockWork." .•
Hawkins- But Id beard 'a runior.
that. your .People had. failed."
. ,Mastia-So theybave The • lousi-
ness his lust been' wound itp"
Minard's Liniment Rellieves Pain.
An eagle can live twenty days with-
out fcsad, while a condor can similarly
exist for forty days. '
. When 'we read a wise ..maxiin we
think 'how a tly it applies, to some
friend: there are ,maxims , that apply 4,
to ourselves.
-op yocis'EVEs
• Refreshes Tired Eyes
Wet Feet
" • Prevent cold5 by rubbing the feet
With Minard's. ,It auickens•circu-
lation, prevents*
• 1,
For'ftilyine of Guaranteed Hosiery
direct to cobsuener. No invettrnerst..
33 Richmond St West ` Toronto
Vita:ter tube type; 125 h.p.;..111. gcod. don- •
:An Arneritian wemen went to Beet- dition, also a large amount of.. pion*.
land to visit some frienda, ' When she Ing lighting 41,n4J_Seating, equipment: , •
,fileadS ' Will sell entire, or In part', at, treat
panied her _ • _ sacrifice becauae of alterations., te .our.
As they neared NeW York the Imer1.1' property. Real Estates CorPoration,
can woman said; "In•a little 'while we. ' ‘Imited, Top Floor, 73 'West ,Adelaide
shall see Sandy Hook ' • • , Osreet, TOro,nto:',Telephone Elgin 4101..
' "Oh!'" said,.her Scottish friend: "Do . ••• • '
not tell Ale When, because 1 am sure. •
would. know a Scetsman:anYwhere
loaftpier than *hen waashowiag."
his.,sen's good points. ' • The Safest and 13est,
Bagshaw Was artiong the 'party o f'• Varaily .Medicine
ftispocuoli., • 111101114111i01111111111111111111111111111111111111111}11$111111111111M1111111111111
Vell Etagshaw," gaiii-litiSkisson, as.
N he prondlY' slieWed 'off' ...the wonder-
,e.hild, "What do you think of that 'for
a. strapping iftdr;
, Bagshaw orrinde no reply. ,
".Thinie ha Toekelikeine.?"1.eraisted
,...4.1ukisson. • , 44.
"H'm well,.
lidskinson--well, old pal, to tell IYOni,_
tite tnuth, Din afraid he does:;"
His Hearing Restored.
'z..7 -The'. nar Ariireinyented, by
A. Leonard, which is 'si Miniature
megaphone, fitting inside the ear en.
Mali ant of sight, Is restoring the
hearing of hundred's of people in Now
York.citY, Mr. Leonard invented this
drum to relieve' himself of deafness
and head npises, and it does ON sp
pPainful.Ptty...... . . •....:.
' An old farmer Went tO the deptifil to!
'111Ve ti.11.7e.eliing -,11101ar tittqated ' ' mile,
1, ,osrotos! was 00/44stoilt atnt..:thai
potent, iiieft Instructs& gu>, ' tooth'
•• drawer te retneVe thanext Ono, .
"It isn't • nece33iitY,7 eXplaillad tits
• tilentist. "That one orilY aches fnaint-
• nathY.','
'Yank it out?, ..; then,.".; ifit*lett .tho
• 1
-firtne't, :"Darn Such iyintitttlir as
Rad lo
The R-11
with it -15
This,poisierful small set is the Raclio,sensation,of
' year..
It brings tb you, strongly Excee' dingli simple to
ad clearly, all the 'wealth Operate, compact, built of
and fop., mahogany,good' to look
ittmis theair when at. Made by the people
wotght falls -,all the, thrill.• • Who made the 'phone lh
of Wittig' hi -a voice your
-tlytsand,:miles away.. - milliOn':,4:),Lhers.116sides.
' Write to4lay_for full particulars' And illustrated
literature to
A. McCowart
Distributor •
yo 000 lre2ter cotaloene end dIfisounts.
fiend description and full particulars to
73.W. Adelaide St.
.auceesifelly that to one opted tell. he
1a-17'ded Matt: . -iria-affen !
deafnest isdulled by etttatith or by
drains., A requeat for information
-to 77.11A)::,.:1,Jooitard,,,,,SultaAgt..-170.4itth ...
evenne, Naw Yeirk eity..Will 'he seiren.
it pronint reply, • . , • .. advt : •
. :v ,Irt., shipping pasSOS .through thel
'Millie loelca 'during naviga,•1
ton t,.an 'gohrough ,the Panama,
. S tie "•. en, \ ,M an, ' A ter canals in tWelye
-.-7t---- • .-
••*heti.'s,ehding'irieney, by mail lite
beminion ExiiFeaa Money , Orders.
Saferthan imilfig Wile.
VirtileS inest be artilliar '.With p,ar...
liarnentary practites-, The inintite we
ma.ke a*gted regOlution sorneOne'MOVes'
that it be TAW on the table,. '''' •,, I
• Minard's Liniment for ilheinnatisrn.
UnlesSyou, see. -•the, ',t`flayer, Cross,'& otr-tablets-'you,are
.5.Lnot, getting :Ahe, genuine• -5p 4er' product ''profed safe
• by millions, and prescribed by. physicians 24 yea.rS for
• Colds HeadaChe
/ Pain , Neuralgia
Toothache 'Lumbago !
,Neuritis RheurnatiiM
In PliTiptes;“ Could Not
Cuticura Heats.;
."My trouble began with CCZCMIL
which broke out in' plinples and
apread-repidly.--; -Iraffected-my-taiss--
from the elbetiva to. the tips of my
I could not ppt,my hands
in water, they itched arid burned 59
and I could not do my' rigida;
3iirorii could not bleep on account
Of the irritation. •
• "The doctor advised me M. use
Ctitictirst Soap, and Ointment and in
two weeks I was completely healed.
afterusing one and a half cakes of
Soap and one box .of Ointrrient.".
(Signed). Miss Sylvia 8. May,
1Viarshheld. It., 'June 6,1923.
Cutieura twat), ,'Ointinent and
Talcum promote and maintain akin_
,puritykiirt-ooTtfbl't'Tahd skin health
ufterrwhen all chic fails.
mpio.s.ocia Tr** by Malt Addi4dia Canadian
Fr liw:_pctlrotel'e2i SOX 3313, Part..c.
ilia- Try one new Simons Stick.
'Paina, and Headaches R.
lieVed by Taking' Lydia E.
:Pinkhani's Vegetable,
Dublin, Ontario. -'1 was Weak •and .
. , 'fittgular, with paina'''-,and,' headacheie „.
am) Could ..net .aleep learned
•abent Lydia E.,..P.inkharn'S Vegetable,,
CoMpound by"reeding. the let tete; inthe
newspapers. 'and tried It because 1 ••
' t,anted to got better: I haye got. geed ' •
results from
and -am nottroubled with anai.. bad
headaches as I used te be and Ittnonerr
regular... I 'ain. gaining inweight sill.
the.- time arwk..-1-: tell .:iny •frionder what' .
Use noV letter ,as *hep to others.
is JAhigs 14619; 'Boir ag, Dublin;
Ontario. • • •
Halifax Nurse Recenunenda.
N. 'I am a materni
aurae and have tetonunended LIdia
Pinkbam'S Vegetable COKIPOVnd
Tiiany! women; Who were ertildleilit,
to weinetrWherneadgod
•Engliab and and !lel AtIM
• and he tow me of Lydia J. Pin barn'.
while itt England., 1 Would, apprfsia0 •
scopy. or.two of yetir 'little hoOke
Women's ailtnentsi. 1 have One Which,
keep 'to lend. I Will williri' 1$ Ana*,
tfjt. "Ila:12t" package WWII contains proven directions, letters from any women.,,0.6 _ipg a
. , the 'Vegetable CAitimoinididit. S..
Attetilw to im mitie (reetrteted eaa5dit) et narer tdstieitaeurs: , ) NoVa 0(4)U.Il• '
andi"13aser'./ boxes Of 12 tablots-,..klso bottles of 24 and Idii.-Drargists. c000mAN, g4 uttiacke Stied, alit***
—ti01(10;11,t cf Sallc•ylitintla (Acctkt Elt0107W Act& *!A, 8„.4k,"),, Vh1le 1 tt1l
*01in tnona toot ttutattetere, to AL9314 00. Itugraitv,*; qt4, opt
of Bayer fiv.spus, will stsuipte, With their gsnstsi trade thus, 'nice ISSUE No. '14.