HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-11-13, Page 1. •
\PM) PER T. "jilt ADVANcg OinIgRY)IP.L,
er.e.LY A
IttfiFON:44 'Mk;
W. J. Keleher, Rr.pleh, Phone 49ii
Dr,.. MacLeod will vieitLuckneve
every' Tuesday in Dr Oonhell!su °thee'
MeInnee.,- (?IflrOpractOr, o Winfte
hate,, wiik visit. Cain li-ease;, Lucke
Tereneons, ,Tuesdayie and. Fri-.
days. 'commencing .Pxprit
it, the ;At tel 'at Dungannon • sanie,
iddy,so earlafterneen: „ • '
et the
Iaiu.irduse,„ La4kno triery,',4Ved-,
.neeilay extern:eon,. An. phi:bale doe
eeetie, •imeeesstunY, 11.eate44, 013400,-,
t.c.tnoves tue. physiinti. gairsee,
Adjestureet; e,f., the
more quiilU.y .aeeured aria
win../Awer treatMent,s; , by, 'Qiiteoi.,
loitiST wen by. any 'other methoe,
Walt 1?aperie-1. have 'on hand, the.'19'-'
at sainples, of a_ number of the best
, wall -paper. boeses„ 'and( Wilt be, please
edi show thew att my house;. or wall
; take .therit-tor-your.-resittenee-Rz- Jiz-
MONEY' TO LEND -Oa 'farm Drop,-
ertiee at, (Wo., ---Geo,. A. Snide.* ;
,POit 'SALE;e-A very, •coinfOrtable
• .4vOlLng., InL gtatid contlitiorn;-A.pply.
WANTED..--Girj. to, do, genet al
houee'. hoine •in leicknoW.
AOOly, by :ietLer to, '1be, en,tinee,
• knane . • '
-FOR. SAI.E=House and Lot 'in the
uniage 01 Lucknow:,, good comfort,-
aoie. teame uweumg. and • frame
suable„, one-half acre' lot, geed well,
price reasonalee., App/y. to, •John,
evackett,,' .aucenow,, wn.c. *
° FOR -SALE--pandera Range;, berm
coal or wood -in first mass cendition,
can„ be, seed at former residence.
13,-.11-n. W.. Conen11,
• Having ' dispeeed of my black-
snaiwing ousinebs I that an actounts
oWIfl ae to tie paia on or lietore
..atil.f.ua •..eox 22' Aioert Rivers
Mr• Stanley; Rivers who is atten.-
' •
!ding the Inaculty of Education at
lloronto visited his home here from
Vralay until Monday. • •
, •
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Statile, of
Wellesley village were 'week -end
guests of Mrs. A. D MacKenzie and
sliss Lees,
Mr. Fred Armstrong .3 recovering
item a painful injury- to his knee,
the result of a ;twist sustained °while
out sheeting a couple of weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Cameron of
Walkerton, recently home from their.
lioneymoon trip spent the Thanks-
,oving with Mr. and Mrs. R D.
Miss Frarices, Orin,: of Dtitton,
;spent the week end at her home here-
Mis8 Httie Carkuth.:: is visthng
friends in. Galt. ,
Mise Winnified.. Elliott is spending
a couple of. Weeks in Toronto
Mr' C F Richardson Teeswater,
was in. Lucknow for the weekend. :
e •
, Mks ,J'. G. Murdoch, is visiting in
Toronto this week ,
'Mrs. C Rasmussen, of Bloomfield,
New Jers.eY, is Visiting her father
Air. Paul Smeltzer.
Mrs. Dave 'Thompson is 'home, af-
; Ler spending the past two, months in
'the' Canadian•West
f. MSS Isabel Douglas was home
trora Chatham for the recent holi-
Me. and Mrs. Sweckhamer and.
Irs .Jacobe, of Detroit and 'Mr.' and
.drs Fritzley and daughter Edna
Cheslee,, were guests of Mr.. and,
....as; Alex. Ross over tne week -end.'
• 1,Vratch next week's paper for fur-
-nee -aoriouncethent about the, sale of
.v,ork to 'beheld in a down town store.
iv the Young Ladies Class- of the-
deth,odiet church, on Sat. .Nolv., 22nd.
Mr, and , Mrs ; Andrew Coulter, of
Eawn;colOred Angora: F.St. MarY'S.-,; AriSS" Olive -Porter •and.
(Lat--niisSing since Monday:: evening E. Clark, Of Toronto sPentthe
person, knowing; of „its 'where- • lrnliday with.34r. and
abbuts,please notify Airs. 'Gorden, „tobert Ray.
Don't miss Tom Mix in "North:of
ehe; Yukon" at the Family Theatre;
eriday and Saturday, 'Nov. 14 and
.dream. Of the, vast white
Messes. Will and John, and Miss
Atchabold,Motored, from Tor -
.into and .spent ',„lhanksgiving
Xriffiewill remain for same, time., •
• As a, number "of heavy, • payments
have ist, oe met about Dec:, 1st ,
would, like ell accounts due to me
paid, before tnat (tete. Thanking you
, • • . .
/or prompt attentien . •
outs truly.,.
2041-e.. Well. elienderson
•for ail
,i -t in i•eSidende,-
, • e' SIDER te1CLAW,
T'alte 'notice that a, ..by-law for
raising $16010 , ander theprovisions
the ilc Dtal:;:rtre :Act, will be ta-
ken,. intoemiiideraLiee iv the
'W'awanosil, a • tnt • ',:oWiiship, ',hall, on
:. the 13th day 'of'. 1;:e.eeniber,„•:ip,24, at
the hour 01 tSVU o'clock inthe. after-
• noon,-Durnin.Phillips eterk, of .West
The • school building ' and furn-
ishings,, No. 9, Ashfield,- on the
eth Cop. will :be: offered, for 'sale, by
.publie. Auction, , on Tuesday, , Nov. -
.25. For terms
' • • ,Jahn. Purvis,
' .Notice ishereby giVen. ' that the.
Stet Cafe,' Lucknevii, Ont,,is
to be scildr.',hyAs2:pitteenttlteeper:t:Ito
Wing,, - to, Harry .Lerre both. of Luck,*
The, deal : take," place
and! the whole business including the
.lease, ftir.niturekr, and ether properties
fie thepremises shall be, handed over
,to the new managet;,'Ilarry Lem,, 'on
next .Zanuary, 27i,, 1925..Any company
huj2h as grocer stores, , Meat Markets.,
anv unl,Ouidatedl ,accounts With the.
the "New. Star Cafe' Shbold cornc..
and get their, acethints• squatted: trp, on,
:tor. etbefeite,fiext
:7WIlielit date, the new 'manager'
not beresponsible for any>, un-
ola, accounts:, .
----New,-Star,-Qhfe+„.•LueltnoNiri,„ Ont.
NOVA* her, • 13th., 1024., '
•...V.017.111r..11 CONCESSION
..,,111isd,.-Oli*.e, :Robb, 446,,,hoine ficOMStratfOrd Noi'mal 'to spend; .
her parents. • •
Harry : :Barret Ot', LenVcioni„
With; friends on the, Fourth.
*Nrim..Rebb. Spent, i few doe,
•tyttli; ftlefielli in tieSpler last 'Week,
and Are;McKbn and children;
o tockno*, 4iiellt an iiltern(Vonitii,
111;r. and UrsBuse1t MidletOn Iut
*tee& o Oilegliate
'cgtofeestl Collegfr 16, Spiral* at•PrOt
Voir* at het liotee‘, •
ttaeCallitet of-, Luolki1g'0"
Nitit 000'1 114.0011it
- The Belgrave Drainatie Club ' is
drenenting the play • "His Uncle's,
•Niece"' in the 'Hall at St Helena on
.."tiesday eyenirtg,,,' Nov, 18th. at
Ailock; Admiarion 35 . and 25 cents.
'Mrs. ,(Dr.) , V. Johnston' will
-,.ecerve • for: the :first time sinee-hei•
• earriege „on Thursday, Nov, path.
.eroin 3 to, 7 O'clock p.rn. Mrs. W. '
Mrs..; JOhnStens mother, will
,•eceive: with, ,her.
Coming To, Teat 'Eyes
Prof: E. Katz the noted ' eyesight
.5pLeeielist,, of istowe , well-known
for his great sklil inrelieving eye-
iight trouble, -eye-ztrain and head,,
ache ; "Will"'Ire'lt'the'c'" Chin '
Plinrsday• Nov. 20. DOR% miss this
opportnnity,. Glasses ..ground 'for all
sights -$7.50, , worth $12.00., Special
attention ,young people's ,eyes.
The Photograph Gallery in Luck -
now .will, be re -opened by Mr. Wilber
Free, on Friday Nov 14th, and will
be Open daily. For faMilygroups and.
13.11..IAT,3,i.., light is best from elven,to
i'31311 o'clock, Sittings for dtilts from
to, 5 o'clock. 'A photograph, makes
a very good „Xmas ,present.
W. "Free '
The second, Meeting of the L. IL S.
Literary Society was held: on Thais -
mol to 4.00. The
meeting' Was opened by a chords by
• .
the School.: and. ftalowed: by a,. f,:shett'
addressby the president., The
'ite of the last Meetingv ere read,
and. adtiPtedi An interesting, patriotic
reading was , given, by Jean Stuart
followed by: a deet, by Marjorie Dou-
1a8 and
ts‘;rinid MacDonald.A chor..
us. was given by a number of Btu -
dents ftom Toil* 11 andAIT4
estlng aneeehea, were giiten: by grant
l‘taelCenalk; Winnifred rofigige and
GlOrtoni ,tolinaton:of avi."011 Wee, Me.
expressed', hit ant6411660. Ths
ccin.iwu wows
The Presbyterian Guifd
,The seeidl Connnittee had charge
of the..Ti*nitsgivieg pregraev on
Monday night' and a pleasant , and
profitable ' evening -• was spent. , The
topic '"The Thanksgiving
was divided into two parts, the
votional and, the Patrietie. Margaret
McCallumgave a splendid paper.. on
the first part, and Jean Stewart a
very .suitable paper on the SeeMel
part. • Helen McDonald , read the
peripttire lesson and 'appropejate
readings w e r given , by Helen`
Thompson Jackie Fisher and K,ath-
.Ilargaret Geddes played
'a very, nice piano selection and Kath-
leen Hill sang "In Flanders Fields."'
A level duet Was sung by Martha
, McCallum and Mary Aitcheson. Af-
ter ' the Mizpah benediction a
Thanksgiving' dainty • Was served and
a, social time. enjoYed:.
• •
The sewingof the seed. and the
remarkable harvest gathered •,.•
the 'theme of a Most interesting ad=
dress given , by Mrs. Donald Mar -:Gil-
: liVray, of .HOriare at. the Thankoffer-
ing meeting; of South Kinloss
on Tuesday: :evening. The child'
laborers of China and the .plight of
the '• children of that land were also,,
vividly and . sympathetically': describ-
ed andspecimens of literature, spec -
laity Prepared for them, were shown.
This bemg the Jubilee- Tear of the
W. M. S. the rest of the program
was . of a rerniniacent character. The
, Scripture lesion was selected hy one
of our centenarians, Mrs.., Angus
MacDougall and read by. Mrs. John
MeeIntyre' of , Winnipeg, a charter
menaber hoine, on a visit, and the
,hymns •:Bung were , favorites of one
if our shut-ins, Miss Margaret. Me -
The Busy Bees 'Mission Band will
hold it 'Annual , .Thankoffering on
Frisla7,. evening Nov; -14th. Mrs. Al -
'an Morrison__will_give_an_address on_
the. Pointe-aux-Trembles Schoo 1,
' The annual thankofFering „ of the
Presbyterian W. NI. a. was held in
the church On the evening .of Nov.: 5.
The ladies were fortunate In secur-
ing as speaker, Mrs. McGillivray,
Wife Of Dr. 'Donald McGillivray. She,
and her , husband have .spent more.
than twenty-five ,years as miasionar-
les in China, and are now home in
furlough Mrs McGillivray _took' as'
-the-basis-for her'reMarks-the-verse
"The Kingdom of Heaven is Like un-
to Leaven, which a woman took and
in three measures of meal till
the whole was leavened." She show-
ed 'how anything done for 'Missions
Se a good investment, as the results
are so far-reaching. She, told several
Aerie -a from her, own, experience, to
illustrate this _truth. She showed how
he gospel teaching has made a re-
markable 'improvement in the home -
life and sOcitil life of the Chinese.
The woman in , her mission -field ' in
China, asked her to thank the women
ef Canada for all they had done for
them,. Mrs. McGillivray is an earnegt
and fluent siieaker , and her address
was greatly appreciated by the au-
,dience,!',.. -The -collection aniouated to,
-nearly 'orielitinclired''a'ilirfifti'dollits:'
As we approach the?- Christmas
.seasen'the''Post ,10ffice to
prepare for an unusual run of everki
,.he .vOluine ,.ot_businesa, being doub-
led, Or mete than doubled, by the
liandling of the millions of ;greeting
cards, letters and parcels' sent from
friend to friend:
the public, can greatly assist in the
mirk of the Poet Offices by attention
'a few impertant matters. , (hie of
the things..Which,,zenesee4leley and
NiModyance ,in the mails., is the Small
card, Or envelop. These are much
„more 'difficult to handle than those
lf an average Size; tkiseY7fiall. chit Of
he bundles, they. don't fit the stamp;
erasing • machines so that.; often in-
stead:Of-the stamp being erased, the
'eddrees 15 spoiled. -Little iIiings like
these cause delay and delay .Te
;ous when there double work to
Tho Department . points out that
now is the • tinie: folk: are buy-
ing their greeting cards, and that it
Would be well if the silo of under-
qizat Cards and enveloPe is „discour-
aged: It should be pointed. out to the
.•,qUders that although ' the ml
earth, may be, pretty and, they
are. liable te get totrar he the .mtlis,
Report for September and October
' I -L.75% to 100; ',II, 66% to, 74;
III -60% to 63; C-50%; F -Failure
• . •-" ' Form I •
• .
Standing is given in the following'
„ , •
s Wee Ge9graPtl1,', C Histo
Alegeiyra, Botany, Latin. •
'Andrew, D. I;,f, F, F; C, ,C; Andrew
J. C,20,* F, CF; Bowies, J. 111,
II, F,. I; BlAzstein, C.. pl.,. F, F, '1'
IT" Campbefl,' M 11, F F FF.
Campbell, H 11 F, F, F, III; Carn-'
ochan, W. C, F, F, .F, F; 'Carruili-
ers7R. 71, C, ab, II; Collyer, F.
F C,' II, Fisher, A. III, I; Fi
• •
F; 111 Fisher, G. I, I, r, F, II;
"Hacket, M 11, F, F, F, F; Hamilton
B 1 r I" 1 C I, Hamilton G 1 1.
11 r, 1 Hodgkinson; E.' III, C, 11
F MacLean E II F F III III,'
MacDonald, E. IL 'C; F C; I; ka:-.
Kirmon, m 11, C, F4 F, F; McDon-
gb% E. 11; C; P;' F; 'I; MocIn0.3's,
.D ' It ab 'n
C;•• F; F; MacInnes R. 'C C F, F,
F.; ,Mc,nar";.., L.; I, F, F, F, IIT;* Pal-
mer, I; C; I, I; Pepper, Al:111,
"II,' F; I; Pepper,Wia C, III, F,
F; F; F; Percy A. III; IIL P, F,. C:
Sills, „E. „1 ru F, F II; Webster:
ab. ab.; III, ab: ,ab.; Webster, II
I, C, F, F, F; Wilson, N. I, I; I; C.,'
-II; MacKenzie E F; 'F F F, F.
' Have been, tested in Physiog., -Fr.;
Arith.; (2) and Graham ' obtaining
the . following standing,
Aitcheson G.. 2 'F.,- 1 ale; Bowles,. A
1, 7 4 C,- 1,F Cameron, G.- 5 P,
hestnut- W. 2 C, 3 F; Cook Ar.
1 111, 1 F; Douglas M. 2 I; 1 .III, 1.
C, 1 F; Douglas W. 2 I, 1 11, 1. III,
C; Felce 12,. 1 C; Finlayson 'D".'•4•61'ff";,q
, 3 F; ,Henderson, 13. 1 I, 1 III, 2-C,
1 F, Henderson M. 1 II, 1 C, 3 F;
Hotis A. 3 F; Hodgins,,,N 1 C, 5
Ir; -Jamieson M. 1 I, 3 F; Johnston
G. 2 I, 1 II, 1 III, 1 F; Kilpatrick
0 2 I 2 II 1 C.; Lynch I. 1 C 2
R. 3 F;' MatDeugal M. 4 I, '1, III;
Mact*er„ S. 2 II; 1 III, 2 C;- Mac-
Kenzie G. 4 III, f MacKinnon M"
2 C, 3 F; MacLean M. 4 F; MacRae
j. 1 II, 1 III, 2 „F; , Martin E. .1 C.
F; Percy W. 2 111,3 F; Ritchie J.
2 I,• III, 1 III, 1 C; Stewart J. 1
I, 4 II; Setwatt M. 4,3 ,I, 1 C. 1 F:
Strathdee. I. -5 F; Thompson K. 1 I.
1 III, 3,F; Turner F. 1 C' 4 F;
Chestnut B. 2 F
Form III
Subjects Anc. Hist.;' Phys.; Chem.;
Br• 'Hist.; Fr Comp
E. -Alton '2 .C,--2 Alton 2 II; E.
Burns -1 II, I III, 2 ' E. -Cheat/fa
3 F; 1. Chesnut 1 C, F;' M. Doug-
las •1 II 1 III .1 F• R-Felce 1 C' 4
F; M. Geddes 1; I, 1 (II, 1 F;' L.
Hackett 1 I, 1 11, 2 F; E. Inglis
F; 0.. Kennedy 2 C, 2 'F.; A. Ketch-
abaw 3 F; P. Kilpatrick 2 I, 1 C, 1
F; B. Lane 1 I, 2 C; J. Lane. 1 I, 1
1 III, 1 C; A. , MacDenald--1.- I; -
MacDonald 1 I, r IlL, 2 F; L. Mc:
Gillivray 1 .I, M. McKenzie .1
C, 3 "F; J. MacNab 3 F;_ L.:111110'6cl,
1 III; 1 C, 3 F; M. Rivera' 2 I, 1 C,
1 F; A. Shackleton .1 I, k Hji 1 C,
F; J. Stewart 4 I; A. Speer 2 F;
A. Thompson 1 III, 3 F; C.:4•Thomp:
son 1 III, 1 p; L. ThOrripsoh r I; I
II, 1 III; 1. Woods' 1 II, 1 C,, 2 F;
• F. E. McLean; teachet
"Word was received in town op
Monday that Mr_ Hairy 1VlacCharlee
lied died at Whitefish, Northern Ont-
ariO on Saturday. No Other
inform -
n :giveimMt.-:. John A.McRae, z of,
LOChalsh:•who•-ie .a cousin • of the',
ased .; went_ ni to ,' Whitefish to
look after funeral arrangeMentil Wc
understand that the remains will be
interred in Mount; Pleasant, Cemetery
Toronte,,, where Mt. MCCharle's par-
ents are buried' ".
The news of Mr; -11,1eCharleS death
occasioned a great deal Of surprise
to his friends in LucknoW.aa he had
Tonemorth ;from -enly three
weeks ago after being about all 'Om -
tiler, And be was apparently in 'Inc
usual health. -
- theionl son
'If the late. Mr. and MtS, Angus Mac-,
Charles and a nephew of Mr., itoder-'
'14 Mactherlei town .11(r.,Was
mon of very quiet .habite, and mud?,
given to reading: He was very Well
Informed in Many lines, of scientific
knowedge' and some years ago was
aPPOinted a member of the; Royal
Aittronamical Society . of Canada,
,tggegtitter 1 • A •• 3370;:iltir4Pe''
• ro 4 • r • tr. ,r •
i • 4, I
1,* 1, 111 ' 1 4 4
Whet 411,144 livA,,44., 114,401, $1;;30
tlitrley 1'14$11 1,4,111 14.1f4 80e -85r'
Lean Meetlitig, we* eloildr iiihNitit the and tail to reach the Intended dee. 1/114$' • • • • • • ; • • • • • • ;,,0 • • • •
os 10140,0a.:._,14..,','•1:: , • _.,: _ , . 1..i*.,14, • ' ' ''' TA. ' '''''
1,4,1,44, ' 411 .1r44/404 .,.
13th., .1924
miss Greta Fox of Winghani vis t
on •Sunday at her hpine here.
.Mr. Milton Garon ,of l'oronto is
visiting with ,3,1.r. 'Charlie Riiitoui.
Aliss .Nettie Lott of Brussels ,spent
lie: week end .at' b'er• 'Ironic here'. •:
,Mr.; ,Henry, Patterson :,visithcl with
relatives ..at pleevitle last P:ridt
rdr Dan Vartin is plowine, foi
' Mr. Geo. AlcQuoid at Crewe
, Mr.. Carl Lott ef K:nearOine„.spena.
licweek end at hotne here.
Alba Fnx S) lit the week -em
at the home of her aunt "'Ali's.iilini
Phrey at St Helen., ••
• •
Mr. anti Airs. Dunean Kennedy. is
,-,ted on Monday N,ith Mi. and -Mis
„•elied Stanley it Lii_knoW .
\ •
• "Miss Ada Johnson or Blyth visite()
311 Sunday •at the home e,f her sisto
Airs: Archie Radford
\ •
, :AO and W. R. Farrier an(
spent YThanksgiingWith re-
ativeS at Blnevale. '
, , -•
Miss Lila,Huinphrey of St Helen;
.s viSiting at the honie of; •her
Mr. 'AildreW Fox, .. •
Aliss, 'Margaret :MacGregor •(tea..
her of ' S..S. No. 'pi Spent the wee..
end at her home in: -(...,,intoh •\•••
liumber .!frop • here atien
:led the 'Anniversary 'seivices at Sic ens on
W 111 o,s'ter has ,,,finishet.
„hreshing this, week ap.d iepoi4s.
very good • season
Mr • and mrs. win. ,Martin • an
Ji ucevisited %last Friday -NVit4 Ii
"•nd.Mrs. Duncan 'Keritied,
whO 1 irthind. inSpeCt-'
g::: pure' bied stocl :for the "•7•gb.Vjrl1.'
nent*Viaitecl:,en Suinta;:,,,,' at the lionito
f his fincle,. Mr. , Geo. Cottle. 1
• • . -
Quite a ;large . ct•Owd gathered 'al
- :he kerne of „ and
Ivieliay on: 4Ofllay /-4,-ht and spen.'
a, very -enjoyable „time..
„The Guild nattethig, on ''.8tinda-
3•3s".11-taec next Sunday
. Ross
Mr: and Mrs:- Ed: BroWnitigA of
11,11n2artline vlsite,1 over the 'holiday
at.; the 'honte of he parents Mr and
.111.s. Geo. .Cottle. ,
; and Mrs.', Will Reid •arid child
,•;!ri.', of Paris, • spent • 'the week -end
with parentS,-," arid
, • •
qrs.' Alex Reid.'
Dtinean Kennedy 'attended the'
i1e of lIelstei,n Cattle, at. Gerrie last
o • •
Thursday. and reports • ver•y high
"• , • ,
. . ,•
- Mrs. •S trautrli an and s_AAmIre.7.7.-.._
3f-:-A1t bu ed -7( n ;Sunda., •
borne' Of, her clatightet 3Irs. Jag;
Laidlaw. .
'Mr.. and Mts. Alex Reid of 'Lane..
. • . • .
side moved ',into their residence: lter,,
on Saturday. We welcome Alr.' an
Mils • Reid to our -village. ••• -
Mr.: Richard, Thompson a, .forrnm-
-AVhiteelinritir-boy 'IS S:way'•t5 \cocr
ver on his 'Wedding trip., We wish Afr
. • ; ,
and Thonipson • many years of
We are soi•ry to report the 501005
illness' of Mr, Geo.' Floss., On .Stmday
night he tbek a strolte and is all par-
•alyzed' • and. unable to speak. • Little,
'hope ,is held out for his ,receery,
• The Sacramegt of The Lord', Son-
net: will be observed ,in the Presbv•-,
Will •, he h6riron
Friday evening, at 7 o'clock When
Rev: Mr. Bradley of TeeSwater'will
take , the •:Service:'
, The Women's 'Missionary Society
• ' , • • . •
•h el& their annual', Thenkoffering
, , •,, ,
nieeting:: last -StincraY morning,'wlien
Rev, Mr. •Scobie preached 'a . very,
,able and , instructive; ,s'ermOn., and
spoke words of ,praise fOr, the work
the W, S'.nas done. ,
. Hugine. McN ain :Of Detrolt s'pent
Thanksgiving, • ender , 'the, parental
roof at 1.aurrer.,.
,Miss 'Irene M:1).Oltald ,,ef
visited At her home at, for;
few days': last wecit,
Mr Bence Cameron and George
. ,
-Blue Deireit, in °Levet', -u p and spent
a couple of clays, last. week 'visiting
with 'Mr. and
, • ' '
,,y4e,..iPaulTy,s, Conner% F. W. ,O
and' P. 0. are holding a sbeial
,oe'Lning ;the hall on Friday, eVen-.
'lig the 14th inst. All 'members and
'heir fanii1i6s are invited: '
The following teachers and
dents spent spent l'hanksgiving et 'their
••espective•liontee in Ashfield; Charlie
'‘ItGregor of Kitchener, 'Miss 'Mar-
-,aret MeNnin of Varna; Pain -Ste-
•'!'iattof the A. C. Guelph,' MisS
Selena Grant of Stratford
3eat !Amt. of London ..NOir al'
iliiese 'kutla .13ess id bel
44 '1 ‘11/1141 1 4 I 46441, 41 8 A A > a
.,01014 411..4 7$0 80t titoX01010 !%ko,l'n'r 6f, hullAeYos: At thq
• ST ...ljgb.g.r.Ns. •
• A,`,1,,A,A.7-^ " • .!
l‘liss Annie Cainphell who fa'. atten-
ding .Business :College at'. Winghani
,was home. for the, week -end.
"qr. AriiPtcl Barbour of Fergus
sPent th41 v6li'-end with her Mother
Mrs.R. ,J, Wends; • , ' • -
Mr:t. Jos..Anderson. Ls a • visitor
wtth:, Ethel and ,Tdrrance
' Detroit ..„ '• • '•
, .
'31r and Mrs .leaac :Salkeld, Mks' '
,z-airal•Salkeld anti. lttl Mis. Susan,
niPtdred •••from.. Go.deriolt
,n•l •snert with the furrner'S
R. K. Miller and Mrs
• ,
• the'2Anniversary services, 'held
o I'resliYtei•iair churcli oiiSundav
Cre, a , decided' 'aticce,ss.,1A. former
, ;al:tor, Rev.. R. W Craw Of , Fergits
fe'-‘,„•Ittecl large crowds ' at both' ser-
vices. •
fcdlowing ,were• anieng.,," the
.iiers' and students-. V419 yYJCIE:
IC for the:holiday., Misses • Gladys
We:it) of •,pue1p_11; May ,' Cameron of
.te:fr'Toronto,, Celina Clark of Napiei,
yla\.r • Durnin and ',Dorothy, Webster
pangan,fren;,';Careline Webb • of,
• ecronto:,'Beatriee ::;.•Qt• illin of 1:10.15r-
.reod,, Vera Todd .6.f a Cfora.
Mi. and ..11rs. Howson of
sps'nt'holiday with Mr.
iiJ 311.S (ieorge It -ebb
2:ldessrs. John l'Iintout, Geo. ' Mc-
•')0.-„aft't 1-fu•••,11 'R 1ie ova Atid W. .1:
• Ilci motored '1 elph on Tues -
ay to attend, tit,2, 1?1tn.'illcia1 Winter
.114S 404e '3,1cDona1d Of • Lacknow,
kilted at Will -.S1,c1)6,,ald'A. .
. • , „
Jos Solti has Of late been
',:ltklit;g: 'apple for Mr Joy r'Lt doWn
, ,To •
Mrs • John '- "..lcr Of IncknoW
ted'with Mrs': Wallace Mil..
, .„ • • .•
•sr °ter t Iioiia-y.
Mr.. an . I 11•I'4, Metcalfe and daugh-
of L• :t.ion visited ith Mr aiid
'‘jrs , Robinson Woods. • ' ••
League Shoot
The 14nren',Counte. Rifle League
teld,' its .fall, sheet at tike qelhortie
fewnsl-iip ranges 011 '"I'll"firdav 'Oct.
ran•geS ,Were -7200 -"and•••• 500;
-..-ardS; There- was no trophy .:con'ipe
,-•••••,:iltrtn, 'or". team sheeting,' hut • a . large
of prizes, Were pat., lup for
. • • •,"
The prie-inners,
with, their sor-
es and the 'prizes .Avan, were as fel.-!
lows • '
1-,.......r.;(;'''littrdon; St. Helens; .66
• :TriZe,-,ltalf-dez,en knives and 'forks'
Colclthotpe,Bayfield, ,65i
„1.W. A. Milier,. St.;Heehis 64.,
cream aridsugar set.
I-Reger •Bone, •
- „Prize -Safety razor. ;
Sheardown, -Goderich, 62.
In:iZe---i-baby; 'Ben., alarm ,clock
:•-•-,Tos.' Bowman, „sr., Goderich, 62.
Fr:ze-Ritle•-clearring • outfit: ,
ell • WebSter,',8t.
11. Prize -Watch chain.
I -7W:: • c'hisholm; 'OcCie,1',111. 7
Prie--Bucr dish.
tcl-L-1.T.onr•Fe-an; St. 1-leleris, 59
Pi''c'.101:14 St. 110.1,105, 59
• tain Fen. •
12L.-•0', A.. ,RohertsO'n; Celborne:, 58.:
PriePnir slippers. •
T. Milier,• St,: :Helens. 57,.
• '1-5*!.g72.L.Saf-ra'zoi..,
• PriZe-,-Sweater, •
125 -,les Brophy, St Augustine 57
Prize -Shirt. '
Anderseh, ;St. Helens, 57
PrizeT-Bu ttertkni fe.'
Prize-L2Collar. box
8 BiSS,et„'Clederilfh, 511
Prie..-ZSafety razor
.9j' Bisset, Colborne,. 511
Garvey', Kiiigshridge,:;55"..
Prize ---Te and sieeVe bands.'„
"ifelens.i•OT.::: •
. Ptize-RubberS
• ,
'1eQuillati. "St, 'Helens
- Pr -Pock-•
'25 -Geo. ,Gol.dtlieree,/
Ptirse. • -
Prize--Napitin ring'
127L.T. R.' Gotterieh .toWnShip
19. Prize, -;-,Ash tray,
'28;=-Gordori 13isset,,
2)- fln,Goldthorpe,,
80-1t• ,Newie oinbet, COderich 48.
Geo. SyinOndSi borhef,.' 48,
° ,
ax.g.cor,uks 5- CENTS'
Specials For 5atAn
Doughnuts .Dundee Cakes
Cream Puffs
Raisin Bread
'Home Made Bread',.
• Whole Wheat Bread
Bring in your Butter end•Eggs:
Top Priees, Give .at,
Phone 36, Luck.nc
Agents Wanted
The careful attention to our
cuStoincr'S orders and the splen-
did stock supplied for years
past warrants us in , having a
•• a reresentativeor two in this •
e.ninty.. 'Liberal Commissions,
J re:* Cuttit. Write at , once for
Exclusive' Territory. -
Family Theatre
November 14th.. and Novemli r ltli
"North of The Yukon"
4"4:_:, Two Jones"
Show' starts Friday at 8. o'clock
Saturday two shows • 7.30 and 9.30°
‘‘Call of The Canyon"
Show starts at 8 o'clock.
Me. Phillip MacMillan reeently
eeived word of the death of his bro-
ther-in-law; Captain Archie McInnis,
of Piapot, Sask. The death of .,Mr.,
•MOIneis; occurred. .. in-:- the.: -hospital
at :Medicine Hat, on; , 27th,,.,
, Where , had :been :taken, on Septern',
flQt1h0inthe_24t1i of -September ------
lie, underwent An operation , for
:tf,,the,..Stdinach,.. arid had so far
• l'eCo,vernd• that. he was 'able to be up
ft/id a-bot4 his rdoin. He contracted a
cOld h41 developed jilt°
Onia; and in his weakened., cendi.
110 was unable to fight wthais
The late Capt. Mclnnis s born
Bruce Township, neat pert Elgin
where, the ,family: was well known: In .
'reporting ins.' death „.1aSt week. The
-Times :"'had•' -the following
, note: Mr. 'McInnis was
.on 24th of May, 1865; ,on;the
;:ef Township, being, ,the
se.?.o.nd son of the late Mr.,aed,MrS. •
.ryOnalci He-,receiVed his ed-
?pc!. Rri3C,-,. near,. 'TiVettere ,
th of seventeen_ he start-
ed to sail, 'the 'great lekeS, With
great' lakes with the late Cant...jOhn
'Altinto.;,,, and. by ;his . hard labor and
duty. he soon made his
way :p*.o ,Mate and .finally captain.
fter sailing' for about
thirty .F4 n he Went to Sasiiatebe-
Wan. ,W'' ere his four, 'brothel's' already 7.
'• land -• and, •TellOw-
ing farniipe his death. Vves „
?aid t& 'rest in ' Fiapoi cenietery on
,W,ethieSclaY. Oetober, 29th. The late
Captain • McinniS:- 1Nves married,. ..t�
Miss Jessie ,..11eMil!an, ef, LuckneW,
1005. she: heiter P.t ' his bedside," •
ellen . death -,came.-; as. wore also , his
T,empkti ..k, lie was well-
knmit „, detect- by the
older pe ple of 'Bruce • Twp ,
and' f.c..enerou.s, His den;th is pnrt-
ilarir ad on
.accenint of his mo-
oice, rassing away juSt nine weeks
, 1,cfore,'• widow and large
i1 and. sisters stiryive „ to
rf.s.440s ,twa 111)1 :re,',):11Yttlyitilaa:VfiAc;:.41,1jolille:::::` striking A ,spdiel l'or the gr'eateSt Tne was a st'ik'n* gt4° "
ttle '0£ a bull, for use ae an ash-hoic14.
0 a