HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-30, Page 8Cd eftfReDA ►;'ee. OBE i'4tb. 4 a ouster Drive kir Fall and Winter unn e 44' Week in.' October and First vem e Join us in This Drive; You will find rm, Purebred and : Phone No, 10 •is at Your Service We Sell !or Cash We. • Sell. Cheaper lhan The Credit Store: 17 ring eedle pderwear or .adies, ests-- V Neck and Long Sleeve High Neck and Long Sleeve ull Dress Top . ombinations-- w Neck, No sleeve; Ankle Len Low Neck,'No Slee\re, Ankle Len Neck,,Long Sleeve; Drop Seat eck, 'NO Sleeire, Ankle Length Drawers and Bloomers --Pink White and Black. rnbull's UnOerWear For Boys. and Girls Special Hose Sale vem er mmenchig at .12.30 O'clock the follov.ring will be sold: 4 Purehted Hereford cows, Yrs. with calf at loaf ' ,Four-Y'r :Old heifers, .Springers '2 Three -yr -old Springets- - 6 Grade heifers, with calf al 'foot' 17 choice Holstein springers Alsp Farm' Lot 'West half ofi Lot • offered subject to reserved bid. If the farm is ,.not sold, the Barn, Drive Shed, Houpe end, • , 8 acres :of . acre lots. , TERMS7-Farm,, 10 per tent. down; rem'airider in 3g -days, The Stock; 0 months'. -credit on approved joint - noteS bearing interest at the .rate of 0 per Cent. per armain. • lackeashmere-Hose',-ribbed top and faShi-oned ankh, .411 wail, a $1404! -rsilm-",te anti -Aft Silk Hose, very fine quality, spun with , h Pricectat.$1.00 per pair.. DE—IN GALT': • ONTARIO* .",Tiger Brand" *This Men'S Underwear is , made in one of the largest, well light- . —ed, Well -ventilated -and most mobern knitting factories in Canada; ,• Only the .best -and finest spun yarns are - used, and every “Tiger Brand" Gar- , merit, insures a. soft,..warm, non-irri-„ tating garment *that Will standthe . Every garment which bears Brand Trademark is Guaran- teed to be perfect in Make and mat- “ erial4any found imperfection will be cheerfully replaced. Insist on hav- ing “"Tiger Brand" Underwear and look for the label oif every garment.' Corninencing November, iSt and.endingl\l'overnber 29th --For one month -'CainerOn,-MurdoCh Si Co. *ill conduct a FREE Contest in our Needlework Departinent. InqUire, about -this contest at your first 9PPortunity. -• ow is the time that everyone commences to knit goods for t h'e coming cold weather. - We have a full supply of arns:— .*heeling Yarn for iic4.7sry Socks and Mitts ' e. expect a .Supply. of BulbS for Saturday' Va:Oety, Store. ' OWNS 4,500 'ACRE4 IN MOTE %half .0f 'what was once knewn as, the towly had 1,000' acres he now has 4,5O0 arid is the owner Of more..acres anY• other man in Bruce County 'Although ,vracticallif all the ,pine was Oken,04 of the $wamp a :lumber of. Plirt 0.01''1014 if Sill 111#01. covered with, tin, soft 'OM and: black ,ash Denntly hay, - take Out a lot of tiinber the, coming WEST WAWANO811 COUNCIL 'The West. ,Wawatosit Connell held its' regular meeting' en Sept. bth, 'Councillors Forster and Mole ,being 'absent Th9 Treasurer Glenn the Soldiers Grant.. Of fifty for the different ptirposes 'of 1924 was' read and passed. The TpWriship rate Was fiked at .0022 on' the dollar. The date for the completion' of :the -was changed to Dee., 1st. ; . " The CoUncil adjourned to' meet Durnin Clerk. Miss •Florenee Purdon :of: Toronto visitinc, at her hoine here: ;Mrs. ,Alex Enarnerso,n .has returned friends: at Tavistock. We 'are sorry to report: Mr 'Roland Henderson fornaer resident 'a • this village ta have, taken two., 'paralytic strokes in London. His condition is _quite serious but -friends'. here hope to hear "of improVement. Ark 'Frank Henry .visited a few days, With' her sieter Mrs: Mnigrove, in Winghanl.. The regular ineeting Of the Mis- mon Band will be held on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'cloCk. family alio Mrs:' Isaiah Moore visit-, ed on Sunday 'with the tatter's sister': at Dungannon; the Yonng Pepple's Society 9f 'the ,Presbyterian Church "are haVing a Hallowe'en Cenc.,ert On Friday' even- ing October 31st. A. good programme of songs, readings, an&dielOgues will Everybody welconie and Mrs. Walter Lott were in, Brussels. lasts week attending the Mr, and. Mrs. Robt. BarboUr visit - el hist' week withillis• uncle Mr. Wm. Veteran and. a son of Mr Robt. _Barbour, of LucknoW. . ',Mr; and, Mrs. Duncan MacDonald ,of -Helens-,visited_last_week with Mrs David , Mr. LovelL of ,FOrdwich 'a :former resident' of this community called' op old friends ' around here . on Sunday. Mr. ito Mrs. 'Dave 'Ferrier and Luella ' St: _Helens , visited • last" Friday Whir .Mr. and Mrs. Walter . The Rev. Henri' Martin, 'of Long, Branch;. is :Visithur at his hoine ,here. fYieildS at, Dungannon -on, Sunday::: It - Miss Annie ICennedy Ooderich visited .on Sunday 'at her home here. Messrs. Miiaa McMillan and .Wal- ter Lott 'had very suceeiSful "auction .sales last week. , Mr.' Toni Twanaley Spent a' day Mr. Alvin BoWles left: for a to betroit .on .Monday .HoOkett spent., a day; last- week with Mr. and Ur's: Miss C,Mmingham Of Port, Albert Mr: and,,Mis. Will Lane :and' fatality. MrS James 'Drennan ',,of CoUties Mr: 'nod' ,M;S: tett Treleaven Anti :the lidnie. 'of -Joseph camp' in-Algoinat One day list Week with their den.; Inas: Mary MacLean is spending a. ir!oetia vieiting friends in Chicago. Listowel were : ,the guests of Mr. nardie at the Manse for a week. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGill of . Para- mOunt spent Sunday with friends, .at Kincardine. " Mi. Lloyd. Robb of Teeswater" is " Mr. and Mre. 'Andy' Hamiltpn and ',Irene of Henfryn spent.the week -end ..with'iriends at Paramount • ',Geo. D. StOckham of Detroit visited Mies Dorothy Pickering; of Wing- -.bath Business .College *Pent the Week end'' at her home in ParaMount: the guest Of her friend .MiSs Verna' Watson -Webster of Varna. was the guest.. of ' his friend ' Mr. Alvin IrWin 'of. near Lucknow. • 11, are tnade in Canada, consequeatly there is no duty to pai and the THE IMPERIAL SPECIAL LONG'RANGE a hard 'hitting load -and is just the thing far' wi.d geese Or foxes. " . THE FALCON Is- 'IOW -Priced '"dependable` InIded , wiih "snioheless Powder and the cost is. Very little mete .thait shells loaded • with .Black powder. The Canadian Olympic traPshooting teams, ' Which; ..Tcompeted in France, won thirty -'five ,trophies against teame from all over ,the world and. they. used ,Dominien3hot Shells' exclusively.. The verdict Of their conipetitors, was, "You have wonderful ammunition." , ded, the Jubilee services:" in the Methodist Church at Winglaam on Monday night. We are sorry to report Mrs.' Mc- t4who . has been viiiting with Mrs. Gibson, Gillespie to have taken sick and passed away Satur ay night.,, The sympathy o 'the community is extended to the fitiend's and relatives, in t this sad. GOO, meeting on u 'flight) vies tal-ten by Miss —Annie Kennedy: The leader fer next Sun- WESTFORD ' Wedding. 13ella :are tinging hiL out cardine spent , the week ena :int home In the very small' hours.. , A number .frOirk hete took in the We haVe 'these sbel:s in stock and the price is reasonable. „ Car of Canada Cement Jiist Arrivec1=-As this will likely be the last car. We will bring in this year, yOu 'should get what you will require as quickly as pos- urdie MCDiarmid the gnest:. 'of- her friend Miss. Ellen Ketehali9W 'of Paramount during the Mrs. 'Robert Hamilton of Lucknow sent.' a few, days recently with her, daughter Mrs. Gilberv BarkWelt, near. Loehtuth. HagersVille- to-•-- See his sisirt, Mrs. Jahn, .at Lendon; ..41r. Wm Hiles,; pf Clinton ..and her, daughter MrS Norman' Carter, of Seaforth flaVe returned to their _Mr._;itad Mrs. Frank McCharles and' homes after spending a week . with' Last Thursday Mrs. Glazier, .. the 9th Con. had two pigs shot 'with a 22 eilibra; rifle: Although: the au- thorities were promptly :on the ieb the guilty party has not as yet,been, feund ont, .If a neighbor's stock is making trouble the proper thirig to do is' to put them in the pound and party in 'flits case will in PURPLE GROVE , Mit friends on the sauth • . We. extend Congrutalations tO 1%, r. Mr. and Mrs .:Mailough of Tees - water? called Tarple ' Grove friends: last •Sanday: ,;Mr. 'and Mrs; Angus brilarn of near Luckrionr with ' Mrs. Giahtun's brother, kr.: 'Sam Enier- tereSting talk. on temPeratre lough Church 'die ladiei, of the 'church tbe .:People never , ciowd a foot into a tight shOe unless .there is . surplus' " • oAlboro :Flannelette Blankets, Best quality, largest size, White or t Grey, Pink or Blue Borders, $2.95. Flannelette Blankets, a little smaller size than above. Same Wool Blankets in the 'famous "Mossfield" Quality -- "Horne BroS." Canadian Wheeling Yarii for Stockings, Socks NOTE --We have a cheaper quality yarn at 90c.'a lb. Special Values in Nottingham Lace Curtain Nets, a 36 -inch " 'Width- With Lacv ed 66 -bdth'SideS"ig-16-ellini4'ae-oril We have a 45 -Inch Net in very attractive patteins, at only See the handsome Bath Tow0S we are Showing, at 75 90c. a y, Towelling by the yard; at 65c. GRAIN BAGS. -Large Heavy Seamless Bags, at $6.25 Doz. *For Men ..the Best and Better than the Most Black or one 121 VIP Own" Better Quality . Sweater Yarn