HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-30, Page 7F i!7 tInv o -0nIi;. �*" ting the or W IPIM 92, -W, C any peop] UP It"le. supposed. by m wxtbj;! few tnil" of Xoqdqu thd h depQ pop Iibio only, BrItis ptloji or me"I,_ rmlot harvest lip In f owing., �'OFTHEDQ I N1 1lowero, of this ON a rded -exclusively., t9 wA�ipen'. lo_the: afid the p etty blue!' thq,� , , ", Be "" � . , , ". , I . I .1 n PrOT.-Of Itoyii"Red �Crb' swi6et-lanfelll g plant ari fo, for,valoir In atte din o t . e beneath the -wish of the siqkle4, or' 7 11, aided. under fire, or forpecial me t In 41ml Int books, says, -an tilglilt'writer., ESTIMATED AT 12 000 000 Jar circumstane .,There are, bow- During the part. eleven months thp ever. -s distiller has been pllent.� Now It Is Our qtbq 'y Of th og bqpt kownis the Cross busy, night andiday A I rr 11 I I., , as carloads,of tituted by 1913,000'QPQ Pounds,1! ntaige of: liher Gr;W 0". -aim �ot the Order df,St J .!no "herb as it s "110, are tossed Qqeei' Victoria, fipirty'years a r! 00 oia K", G
90 ihe large 4opr f lt� uppe e J__ed wfth a pun-: o
-Stoadily rib on, Of black watered r; andi th ir, is, fl 1 lee t 10' FOUR 1 thii icho' a -of" ReO Roso"Tipas he is Is: awaTOed to is" oir those ac gent odor at irst wpli.-nigh overpower T71001 SEALED, -;,,.in Ca ad K 09 Q -, U, A U .Interested 4nnursing. qng. RAGEz L -0 t At jin -are t, atcor4frig'to 't e kd h 11, upper,� oor 0 er I -Edward. a reward U1 , e wt , i bIs ac4 th to, Ifor WO n the-Canadiah wool .clipwas pr#ctic�at- me showing consp plious brave�. lid, or t'cap," suspended Above, It. T e AnVo 14 any sphere ot life. Its holders bottom Is. perforated, so that the Stpaia ly all ut of'the Individual ry -iot the are fqw,#, number a d, the decoration, may twthe� min n d wbijpt a ydr y large, part easily t Wool ileld by `W6 smlarlIer'dealers had SCOTT and,'Scqto.'�'the 1�ttqr, apparently be, Is.high y valued. Th ' ree bollermen load the stills,, and 6 sm also -b�s�_pleanqd.,up. The c Ing Even 'more excluajjf'� are-th R�,�al asa, cW*qn i hey are brinit the''cap to al' ,lip for �4mq among, tho Ten §4�oikasj
dsealed Racial OrIgInq9tib�ful. aIr:' the 14 _fr SUCtion 0 is Yariations Schot.t.', Fra�
eskmated at j2,0Q0,400Q to 13,- tonic h 04�tn the northern, Ordeii of the. Crown of Indit lot. eo 009,000 ; I th' n#. bdr for e brim.,; pounds will have'. a value r award services. r@J;49r0d.,In an t fitted rou4d' part'of m,� r . -L -Also dobtfiji. the 0 u rc*e Tbo�uame wait Also', to to. the growers *of a"little. under' $4,000,,, L a Ong: ._Q subjeCtS 0 . I India omen i'the� Videregal Court Meanwhile the b6ilerman. getA. up common tj rl" H, clip Is ap�- I' . 11 I 3. haEmperor Charlemagne a44,iApigng,other,� and wives of 'the na ve p. uces. It Is stea' pnUl 40rlb.. Is:' rejj The division Of' -the pre Is a.family nami d in isteredi at t t h' M tr dus,,* r iproxImAely -t c sAme as last! 'year,j blt-oCa Diialt), both.' , oxactal. brigin.-Toutonic -'races as.�,",ScOtar with a' coveted deco ation; buit hot more Vhlch�dib f. �Oat the. s pam *"n'Ontar10-accoun,ted;f:r 5i924,399 �nd sourgd...', e, jq given: lowe opiqq,thtothe w%I17filld #111-1. syllable, If, to bj� noteil'! so than tlis'fir,_ The obvious explination, a to, ut!y' to titlid women, ind Voun Alberta, 1,387,247 pounds, Que- but One, Atcha:rd. 14 verY. ' Eaelt'load takes isev n ho to, 41p- b whielf Is ifot 'entirely satis� Ct0rY, is," tly Teutonic,'lepm e instalicee., qq.4,682,60g bound, and r4va"Opotla: fOr tine �ouud. It, Was Tir t1l, and. the,oliaid water flow down n ,,Thi�,j924:*4;jip isi 1, 55 thdt'lt was originally d'name Added to algo an AW9_SjXOnL given na "to thd-c-epar�tor.ou 'the ground, floor. poun . me as yo full-riihoess. .4 th 4 it,;�4me,'In' briJer to describe "Scota anji Scotto". To ve t itiLted to be gh r in qnalitY t.110' Place nam eking' P pin tamp RH CIPEOP, r nationality.,i, Undoubtedly this 4etuall 'EMATI 1Z ojnd.MejIo sweetnes' of: this— othe years.., y 1-9 'I'M IL development of the, A4910- 106us iquid�-; this Is locked in'a W S Is the trap origin, of thdr name in. a S411:1�%OO V IM pa, tehol� or "' rave of Sota." ge, of which the cha In, late. years a vl�tual has rge -man lone "T iLt In th bben wrought in the wool induAtry, of gre, many cases, for In the. old. Wgii� no such �'eswig. it key. The process of dis-11 'there are instances of..' yq -there was -,.CAN NOW FINDIEU Canada' Oug r?#tivb grading In 06�',,6el- tilling. 6nded',L lie, unlock mame as Scotland,, though s - the I cage, "Malcolm tie. ' I - acco of Ualit A such names as takes outthe, separato d marketing. ohlort while ago tongue,� Ireland was.'knoWn AS r, and pours the, 1 into 14rR the; wool; produced In w4jeh, �f cour,84-co,uld. ha e no other "'Scota.", -It was not. until, the Middle I' rge �IuepitleB. IBY, Driving the, PojRQnoU$.Ac1d' as the name of a country, A lOn of herb usually. yields, 81U.� to ,,Canada was ffered"for, sale. In such an mean ng� :Ages: that, Manufactured b� lain eve 'From: the 'S'j*!$te tiaf gusia .. acor .'stato tha even Cana-,' 'this does,,,not exp rYtJ1fX1g., it was transferred 'to. ScotlAnd'in com- mi IQlb. of,oll, and few of th&'t �y NP�RTALTOMCCO -Co. OF CANADA LIMITED I There are more litnelent records en th dMan manufacturers ii garded th 6. - do- mon usage,, mptured'wi y e as Rhe'umatisM attAcks. people hen from P Franeer, and 'in. ndnie. in of that"capi tb blood 'is thin -'aq watery, or. mestic pioduci% . with iiidiffer'ence, Italy,, In prmaiky,. The'existence of the famil lqu woll" as An&jo-$axon,'E4gjand,; hipli countries Indicates.A. often citil which naturally- pr6 * any dxt6n- So:r Many d ethat th�,r ient, al6o, tu7 ie thAt'-"ScoV" In one f I orm or anT elo e arged with Impur ties, thus settin ngred mdve on foreign Today pro fjVv -given', name, but hol d ni,lith" tained 'from MCI, ped from he as. rather I upi ostoffic man is ds old as the tune he, n a' �'wldes,prehdl r as; 4 where the given name first 'appeared inflaminatioi I i of 'the musici 6 a fieldp of Surrey and.shippe'd to.France., Help Yoursolf, P 10a, ddian -: wool . compares f vorably, jointa�, Cold, wet weather. or shar hi tl with that of any given ',nam6,.,axd not'. its a �es6 ipfive I -,a.'lujstery p Otit in. Glazier ati w s es, -4��Oiintry,' and i� not stilil O 'park, tWty Winds may start' the lialpsi -but the Di 4s,_�' OLD CHUN,: Tg,.,.A is o,d Q
V am P, addLM to the given ndribe.,batin plily'used ensjvdly in Canadida-in- -lea back fr m -the Great Nofthgrp friseriptitins give us, the !oria-SciottisT cause Is tooted In:, the -blood and toqt� all Q r -F 'Ad dustry but is -going' in evei gr te RIC 'A,Ft6S CONSTIPATED,(HILDREN, wway, __w the, only posAofilp., of I t's Viksii vid vertisemei�ts relief -treated t.brou exteint to the foreign. markets.. It Isi Va*rl'ations Richardson,. Richeson, .Wpaus be kind.' The,' mail, is 'birbijght-,od -horse-- builder and nerve ADIES WANTED,TO DO blood. As a filbod,' generally eogn4�1e� that, ',6analdian 'e hichatt, Alckard bac road aid -hung on Rich Richle, tonic D ams". Pink Conatipatio 'is one of'the, most c6m- k from- the. rail "and light -s wi 01 y r. Willi Pills,.are un-.. L 111� at hom6,'� Whole or spa e time;! I d' pa� 9 as'a' We 0 b work sent thee are PrOducin "ol: the arda;' a Rlckvr,!�Rlckey, - an'oX Abudozied iiig ca in mbn' ailments 'bf dhilft and the., the's Pnlfflk R6k FOAe; surphssd, and for.Ltht.'re n do, not f 00 46qual of similar 81asises and Rich6q, Riccardi,- to 2[ ood us' y Can-.: n� 6a erpr`OOf -.bdgs.*,
des Riche% Ricketts. suffering, -from t:pqsltl�ei an, "-ifistsnra ;paid Send a:il -tq give -relief flieum tie suffer- ride in from the rang� for, A. radius- Or St nip. To keevAli,slittle ;one well f6r..,pafticulars.. . Na#onal
m-noth aff lip proved the. great -value -of,this. medl� sweet. To do thli maThe Normans' left' iikb'lets. Approximatel of, the' wool c' Aour6e -A given 1he 9
:, .; , .., , ' eq al Bab s- Own of Canada remains in.. Canada for their 'stamp_. not Tatton,'Indiafi y Mrs'. Simeon in . m"P el ,only tikland- but.. up�n, Sisk.% who'sa'y'§: oviDr orked for .37 Hours. allEuropq, U he� mik.but thorough laxa- .BOO.KLET, y
on IF, Head.. T �:r e . W LA fa lure. In the last. fiscal ye4r 1q.X Dl!? 1, I "
rh exporte . d r while they colonized by'no, eans two Years are,�plei can be FRIEN tailed In' plalif. en- Use the Di6minion 6,009,079 I: was an Inte Ifere Sir Thorn'as Lawrence, pain e a 'to the �'n w in tv ; isant to take -and velqpe,."Xre . ..0 aler; 9428 M p unds A SlittXND 411 the lkttdr�, there WaSL'a 'period int I�Om, jh' given e born bo,6�.wlth.per- O Wo,r h $1,947,234, against 1,- eumatIgm:aAd until I began the, tli4 Georgian period, once worked 87 putreaL __j ct'liatety o ers- use no on out. intermission. HOME STUDY.' -d 0out all - of. ��the treatmen� t that I to''ok. helped ine'-any. no other rn.bdicine10 .....es, The United �-States� war. the �htktvieti arms liad.:�iil�duL I their. little 'on 634,483 poqxlas�okb $242,045 In 1922 medieval , times, When the. Norman use -,of -Dr." Williams' Pink. Pills �fe Thousands of,m th =PING E! .QHORTAkND Ok",'006KK taking� 5',261,899.1 pounds, European- continent,i and. 'Nornian, -The t' twent' 9.1. . lnit Baby's' Own.. Tab ete., TheyL' are ugh y P home: ledsona, rouble grew so bad that: I..could tai
d ranteed. � b I"i I.O in a- worth sold"'by 'm6dic ue do rb in we 'el swa An "Ataly, Spain, I Alero di The:.t.haines Flock of Swans.' 005 'I'fGllo by" the"' rulers h 'd . y dot move around, the house Without y aii Profici ncy,gua .,pa sof what is now , er- heip,'.And fina . 113r.I had.to giv e Dr. il- e' about 'nited, Kingdom vi France and rt e no. and 'at 25"cents a,.box 'from. Th There ar 560,0,ans on. the given.' . Empire -11ustriess age, 846' U qth 706-028. pounds 11:1as in n and. Ilims' Medicine h Broadview A44.. Toront.o worth $259593. Ac rding to iepoit" many, .as .-we 96,' o bed. Words icann6t,tell how T ames Tlve�'lj� England, - 0.0 No . e to, -do iniich i,dld..the 146rmi�ns'hav I s'ufferW, an could'not bear 'tb�rejs; somerhat'of h change In'.,th,4' . I . . 5 I . ..;. in St'.6f'thise to ' ' , , ' 'h trend of 'ex -port's In:1924,'P'and,- contrary ore than merely 'have anyone, ome,-near% me. Finally, �Queer Dis' I eq,'. to Oth United Khigdo rs gly urged The ne�e'edt.-iriauy peciullarr, dish- A name f t n, I to. of' - es, Along,tho g�puthpwb'�6ast of N We ry r; 'Williams', Pink'y er year,'th6 in is:.� ections to'., leave arnionit'them; As -On one Ofi � my - neighbo ,stron'' 'Chi buying Qauadla' BO woo. a greatei their: legkcies.,'.., I the i give to and �te ng - '.Sternl king'!,''.It 1, decided' to do so. An the, c "ligah-ti Worms W1 I Richard. Meant. Ours6 of a, Guinea, are. Otin c 6 der'tube tYPe. 125 In At -than, th United States A featti.e., good con 6S Kee- oof the - ip- resent year Is tfiat'Abotit' 0*: was naturally '.a name to ap�eal to few weeks I couiid feel'. an In whic the ChineS liie iidond bnl�' 4arie amount AND.,-: prove h o P, c a umb Clear, Bn*g"'k, ovind Beauiim .01 e ment, and I -was able,'6o.iget i the jug,' its ting. "mod heati e4uIpm6nL er cent. such a � warli s and dominat ng to. b1fil's nestas, a table. delicacy. h, E th6 �Wes I �',rac p. I kept 'Wi Muriner-6. forEye u'tonr 'ild - ages. Ing. the as th6se- Te y of'the,uil . le on tak a untll�all trAces-of. A nice fat:one-wl I measure- almost �two Will sell - entire or n part at great, wool' Clip-, or betw�6w 500,000 and, 750 l"GOO p and. one'*hlidh nituraily became usual he trouble Were g6ne,'. and - I -could feet B I mg and ae. ig around ais, a:. man's jacirillce bectLuse to our o�unds, as been uichised for a -T: ,oi'altera p R:at� Estates, id, comb AgAn Canada, -for the firstr'tj a*onj- the,.vakou agaiii- do m', �1ee'l n I e Aes c orpo�atiiin v Bys a .years,have pass- p1wed', In un .: th Adelaide II g Ili wfut. e arb,botled, lei:ned� and In fferent,s6etions of EuroV ',dr'y Lliilt" Top F1 rltdiiig4n d. new person. fee es "d when iiiiir,� 13. Woot; Go eftn�#ut: kp oronto.. ep .*he Elgin 3101P. earance -op' tv' nim6g.*ere, gehiorallY ed.since thi, t�! 'temat;W maiketing �by the --C t and there has never been shipped to Ohiniiii have p _street. r Tol":'h
Rp JTE erati e ipular the - sligh'ten't- ieturnbf- the; Areiiibli3,-so- -of-ifriiikfurters, Void, Growers has - verF.x e a- Henqe it lands. b 6'ca'm' wla4lijrsaa that L&�l ogfe; in' Bay ng'that t6e' re�; future to the shee�-ralsingand. wol-% v naine firs,,-aji a ifainily. IOU brougl�� by this. medlin es* n Canada. ie' Is 'Minard's Lin'Iftient for, Rheumatism' people hove diietloni Indtri I Th oitr'loo,000. per
'teatifieA that, , name throug, 10 .1iAXILAC cEurope, manent." .....WANTED AY a's S(M V�611.A 16hirds'is a y, eleved them of': he u from,: your edelwe-Iss"In HIdd6n Nooks. - IGGED �ltortened orm. of Ric ardson druggst,,�orby mailpat 50�cezffi; a e In h Vox r Taking 14dia. �a wht&, ih,6r s : uch- - room for ex- has r i and '.i6an,get the.ppills, FULL Rl, pmsion,- a%id as t� ihe entering of e ed1weiss'gro*s only' The rior,t��t Afte pottragement. Indigesti6n, enings of Aidhesc &'R.1c; ]3rockvilfd,.On ham7s etable Co�np The shbe -- ! . 1*� e: A'IPS a common, on%.. �says- p resources ketts aind:J Rieke't 'Are develblimenis of th t1e And Richie are'short. inWedibine-Co -Stomach Riciiey"Atitchle, fro which fi. in the haunts "of the chamois' among )n. �kickei An MOD V16 are more. Or 16s4 unlimited,,' Heart urn, on -0 hidden .::of Canadai' b nambs'-formed. from our me Of grows In ndatice of waste land -ziooks'. ih Arompt�on; Chtrch' aad Send Oscriptonan full'partl6ularsto 'and.there I d I d .8 d''thriouigh tlie-'us'e of the.dim'iiu-, yard, s abli Lond T�m a,, but it
cine or a run��own condition 6A inward M ovince6 .,admirabl wit other placbs. lji� oBt Of, -the pr COSTELLO right qift�: troubles. .1 a, ams m m Y. na-Ing. "ot',' Rickart.. Ri6kardi' lsfng;� Furthermore-,, Mal -Nutrition f tive e d
73� Adelaide St.' -6 that"I cou d'. kutteA 'for! sheep M K not walk 91, mney: by Toronto ' . s( Rickert and- Ricker show German lnm 'o, Ay,old lb ) bid, at time a 1wrlien70endi,ne, fluOnces, w IIt 'Use - Expre an -Arm. � pdrti6tilaly In' essnes di E there are i many f 9 sleeplo., 0, -, .. I any dist ce. I saw about Ly ia W ' 'b4nada, that axe ybl'carrj�ing: .Nervotisne bile tdl'and Itteciard Mail -7- D6nr.lnlou ss 'Money e9ter. k ham�s, Vegetable.Comp�uijd in the, are natural pr,on'tin'e'lation's of the' Pink Orders Jnexp4kn ne7spa a and have taken, five bottles JAss of Appetitei nQ Ls eep Italian i6ngti.6. Reichard tie found. 112 way..,. 'rra"m'b6tter m" eVery Way and sive, of 90 eightp: .:Canada Admlrable�fo�'illiedip -you, can use ft Alsace ind Lorra;lne. rin' ity Iett�r to hel ther.
Mrs ver or womeni; -ALMTA :'The 61ima4 4udiiaturiii t6pography I r 'je si'Printera Ohl Tho On of the e6u, Apply Minardos at Once., It .0 ati a:fa ntri''Is admirably. oul-ted- to'' 0"" r,so grand N. S. 1-1�g of slie�ep a. ac'tS as a e(oun'ter irritant 'and -E ,wbich-�ptinfed it! di� i6 noth the ral's In hn� in -in g 1* f , I :gfves' uIck re ie iAd criptio 'beautdf_ul�;��dln���Once �'---Ne"rous Bre
on mixed- 4axrA 194da, and- In: -the nI.of at. Last., own "Aak� Anyone Who Has Appreciated aln We virtife lies :,th ijs pretty1ard ANLAC" i Torohl grain ��belt th made the,unfortunate err6r,,pof a ting not. e p I of Wt*ern Canada' a "Why this sudden adiniration,'. Of In-1he:stri to iggle, m ervous: ..'�Loid Hoifghton. ybur, feelin&13, [I flock 6f.. teil �0 fifty owes,ja gen, aken T. that: �'the inses "�e, punk." The. s4 your tte d p'a" -kep The Ons that, e ow- d, ha ins�
Ju r, and ,-Prally s6 �Iocka'can be'maiii- editor.. of course gave �diiectl Wbywibr�I'V6, a t receive A iese 7 troiibles spiri
talbd.at iftile, e'xpensb And. refurn,an, '09r.flao By All Good Dracefsts tcorrectIon..,,Pe:, Mpde- in.. the:'neit issue 6rliish,A,rrnj 3ut�oris. in my head and eyes, always ciTinj pjkbos_of myself �t, 6, go the. B*e6test of Intentions Dk, want where I do labo but with n th. n ex,iie:Il . is did ni venue, or. suit."' To- !raq)q_Ce t _qjversA1_, -deepest re'to KU OF INN andAhe mofiey. hivested..'In. the-,- n& the of reg hearing -th" e;�, minutes, of Tough . er. 'pqrt�.. astern C�LnAd' the -phrase, as .corrected,, iip�6ared:.:. e,.roYal Arms, egimentail' get irritable .of ter a f -ave bee a and., butto;na,,' with th unit are, work. I h nin Canada five years o Real lrlsl,.' )d 1.� o 13j, Soln "The noses ,were p Li ra�n �*��q told t .e distrilots, of Manitoba A 'IS d- And have" beon- this wa� evek,:siilcb� I ia__EL. i ukham!&. -I o'leiip, better irom'o�e,to several um&�d man br g �Ie. of wheelbar days. tiom a w -�aloj getable Cbmpbun N;;;7 =H.AZ'R�t rows f qrk �,ewQ Inlie-s aw Y. '6ad- Are kept undr., the late8t,heat-re"taIning" mbAerial Is a M'Ak-e rne,eat, and 'I must- and it seems to Paddy went for them; but, findhij that' say I am feeling:more jp, y. conditions'. I There Are -still. available balisam 'wool,, made of � the fibres of -41 I ha many kreas gui6ble or.�'the b Cause ar7ing he e6uld -not bring two at. once gteit faith in in your iiiedicine',be pin�androther coniferous tkees� f 101 floCks, oi'this aiz�. In Southwestern i brought back one. of what it h 7 husbafid'i as done or m Saakatehe�wan, ilouthekii and par6. of The ,I oi�nian asked sister and She [eA( 'it to me. hy, he,d�d not re6ommen4 til
rn brins- fi rl�i&-Avejm% 7n. Tpj�nto Ki6rthe K o" pftje�j 34ed Todmorde �,Ontario.' �1?44dy rej)j'P(l,' sure; �qr. .1�*11 Alf, dru jcine,�,,And women suffering from thego,- ne re tractidi .of d dn't tf�lnk of that., dowA oil the Other, oulte. ekten�lvvelj, but even In these p sell this dependable nied vl' es, there a Dffe'M -So oft h troubles 'so contmoit to, theiv.sex. should able for iianching!, or obini4anblilng went to get the other: Af., jive. it a, trial now ter. a.LIOngAInle 1e,:returned, n th It ls.0011�slderea- that esiheepsltua aLli,ill;b,o%v'ing';,Wiftl'i,,-the�4wor.,-ba�row ght. lit tjjfe barrows,"? said and raging., MIS 0 mi brdught-healt -6m. C4h n- 'sheep. t1free' Wool. produced h adia women in every palt, of �6 6pj�C7: re" sor�, 1. (Id not. brfl� "RUM tioniLt�th�6,pr�se'it't,,ti�hOk,lo,qUite,brlght- �ve gountry'undbr the 6, NV, h anA happin �ON t I 'jbf men pno 9 td everywhere---� ty for. , each'rea-pectiv6 grade.' As w quall "What did 3'ou do with the flrstL6fie, or -a mc 'A ',,nis-�uch,aq,Stck-��Head��lie�,*".BilI --a;_r6sult, -of. t �,grading, Cana- Ifidigestior bat.roN 'H AND' FACE In the East and West to of it V6ry.h1k4 iii efi 0' wool, Is'pUroligAed, freely Pon 'a I 'took it -1 Icik. -to, bring the 'dian i ConstipA on.�often �,,kiraded b 'is In thdl Uhl 'jei'diiidedjy inconv4&fijent�ailrnents e' as led Sa W and. insi Other one,", ii Ije P ddy. Red, S ollen And Sor W n wbII As in Canada. eir on Of :Up !tQd Kingdom AS i,ch hriVo th 1611� P. , .,- � - A in imyspepdc'c��dkion�' 0E -ASP
Mill - Ins"Ist 6n'' 13 YER TBLETS -IRIN �ho. , Canad . I . an -operative Wool 't iorj�id , ' .. 11 . -�,l El b utiora. He 6Lstqma(; , Of"the 'C'. , als, h' 4 oe'Gro Alarmed ,by n unbsual noise N'th" Unless you see 10., wers have tolV,�,ed q0e, s Ion of t1l; "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are "I had iny trouble.fioni child- -percentae pt hthe mother h1irriecti t- matketine . �he ft'. brea hood-. of woth-e-, gentun 13ay6t,-'�0'raduc. t; poved s f e'-, ' Ill n scaly, sOre'er h caused tuptibris whic bt thib, w. (rent- lndow;. th6 baby,beltig' In the 8 ribed by phyilcians .24. years -for terrible -ftcaing and burfiI bv milr, and prez ing, also eXpO n. loss of� tkce 'IyL cticd 'that Wool production: in, .____nlI(1dl6,Ao6..ked'up' ;jeep; N"y andj Canada Will niater)ally'Increftse with- Vo a:re'y che ani5 fate In the next f0v1r,Y(-h:rs.' olColds Heda The skinn both rny head doing WAls ied' and Bwgllen snd iiwftilly the ni,other. 16 ,o .1 Idest eo�e, The bteaLIng qii.i i6u,"d dis7� Neuralgia figurement, Arid I'lost nearly all my iiPain, hadr. maMid W r WhIli) bad, dI& ifi early "boy; teeth, not impWr li eAlth . in Riter-ifie" de-, filing thenj fittlin, ti� an, I 9 out began usin Lumb yO.,. aid, Ointriiibt, aind- they,
ag, 11�1,ejl�y ok det, �nost certainly. IMPAIM the- baby, Toothac.ha.,., afforded re ontile pal lief, and at�the end of three M I Was completely healej." (Signtd) Cauce, Of "'Ropy Dough. Neuritis Rheumatism. :7 League to rotect' All Children I.RopY" dough Is due to bacter'fil Mrs. W. A. Miller, Marshall, Was 17, hington, NOV. 8, 1923. of World., Use Cuticuta Soap, Ointment And b hich'contOn roveri,directions. Feripe Sop Miles Long- - �dqt only_ "Ba p�cKa�a fot all toilet Our 'ji%slon of the Lenguti-of N,ad-orig ao� X"h rres by Uhd� -.- Adfreptr CjT,,,dj to place childreill under, tfi-� *�_,Guticam
tana 600 nilleg of blrbed A601rhi Is tho trade w4rk, (registered In Canada), of Oar, Mknnfd6tute is S ' 95o. Ointmii,niZ5 and bk. Toicon,26,_ 1P Di-eledflon: of the 10,06. iA.jp). jVb1lo it ta Well kn, B.A wire.- ter of (Abotrl Salleylid A014, tbe ;n9ild aWnAt txnitatlbtf� tho Tab atidec ZFW73ry out new Shavins. Stick. Iliat Aoirin weanq payer manufaduto, to aestat rkf W "Basiar MoM.- tfi at, Are m of Ba.ytr CoWpany will,bo stam&d Nvitb tb*lr getiaral" tmda, 01A Help to make 1,� r --- i"� �Ilnaed'd L;nlniont, Ves iiihU ob to them. ISSUE No.:* iken It will b4 60� ti............