HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-30, Page 4• • .19.corpOra,44.480-4' '- reAl/T414 SOODAS. OSERTE 45,0100, 120 BRA 4iCBES. =NH 'CAN.ADA LUCILVOWSIN .11, THriStiAlt; 040BIT Oth# 1923 1 N17 SENT4NEL, ..1•:••••' • .• - •.: • • - -- •,-. . • • lished.everY Tharsidav_ ..Da.-t141Cilc"w4ar-4erhgttito;teP°niarj.,iroPriet• U$tpEB tbf492t. 7, mer.,t,s, hc---seEDM' are .or.t•eo . hard to, kgop .trOck of; but hen uid 1y 'elktaV •ftzle 4 031 aentr-4 erdMA re- ceipt for each transaction- There Is sal conveniently Jocated branch of CkequeThe' 34019PT!ds 1124, 'vtlete you or. SOOT 'Vile, , ,oaindd transact 'thiS" business aPfl''he *wed; of einCient service.., S.IUID, MANAdEtt • . • • eCORMICK DEERING CO.:- . ,Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Beteg, Ho Tedder; Hay 'Limiters, Grabs and Corn' Eiuders- — 81131041A -N WILKINSON CO:-' • Wilisimom PlOWsi 'Secifffers and Bariews. FROST STEEL, & • A 'go.. 9 Coned Wire, 4 -Point Barb, -Gates and Fence and Staples, Galvanized ' ' , • See.our'.1igh grade Piaimahafore • . , •1 For Safe. At : DREW'S, LUCKNOW• YEAR WAS DULL ONE - AT WALKERTON JAIL eaforth Creamery llightest caish prices Paid for Crum and rage. We guPrantee servicl wig satisfaction to all our patrons, • wet ns a trial ar.d let us prove you that we are a, worth white 'mar eat. ,quiet pne at •the • County , Gaol ea shown by the figures compiled --by Gaoler Ilyndman for . his animal re-: port..pnly: forty aix Persons haVe. been committed.. during ,the year.. • Forty, three .of these, were men and , three women, of to be exact, one wo•:, Arian whowas' comMitted 'three . es All the prisoners,. were.. over 46 A years of age and ' itearlY all ; (ai) were up �n "first offence. • TwentY out Of the 46 committed: Ontario has again Voted in for of Prolribition-;-n'.0t W..** 13n1;41`1°F."ef rourSe. but ''inajPritY 'thoSe , to vote,. , tin2e forrgurnent as tithe itivtice. or initiadre of Ortdiibilt.ion has goni'liy' In a denioeratie cora iithity -the-Vake.' of- the niajdrity' must ••rule, eVen.. when it does MA must to absttact justice The electOri. have ,prozurenced ,'in fallo,r ,Pf 'retainmg the Premier Feriuson has said that the law, sgail remain on the Statute , . &Saks. ' :Mai' take him at hit' word.4: for, Any • Other Course , would sPeedily involve him and his party politieal • ruin, ' • ' • The proposal made •by seine.of the -swet" city 'hot -heeds • that the mmi7 icipalites gave • a - inajoritY, • against the 0. T. A. 001114 be allow - °:have legalized sale Of liquors; • while dry inunicipalities should re- main 'tinder prohibitiran is impractios able and will not • get serious zonsid.: eration. The primiple involved, var., ried to it a logical conclusion, would mean ',Viet every' individual who wanted license should have :license, while' those Who wanted prohibi,n sh-ould have nrohibition., If the -cities; toi-mns And townships which' -voted the...Whole province, .be Wet. Champions of r the • Moderation League •program• hive said that. the cities representing the brain of the province . should, not, , and shall not, be ruled by narrow-inhided and„,ig, mirent electors Of the' , villages and, rural districts:To this a' fit repli is that while "there are Ibt of "brains"' • in the. citieS, there iS alsa.a lot of rubbish,' and that all the "brains" were not , on ,theide of the ,Moder, ation • League; , besides, there have been. timeS.in :the past -and, it „may Occurr • again the 'Corning when an armyOf city residents' (not -all '``drys" eithex) had to be fed and .warnied, at the public expense;,, an :expense in • which the • "narrow. and ignorant"'-eretetora: of .,the,•, country districts had to 'share. If town and _coUntry residents are•tai shere'in re- • lieving the poverty ':and. distress of the cities (in many CaSe8,:Ope /io, drunkenness) surely the towns',.' and COUntry. resident's 'should haVe'some- thing to 'Say as to whither-, or ' ,not no• party nor organization appears Cecil MuIlii • Mgr. Liicknovi,princ Phone'63. Ow. one ',74 Winghsm • Phone 256 onunieMntaWOrkS , LlUCKNOW and vriNGitAm „ Has ibe ingest and.most complete stock in the most beautiful' designs to 'choose from,In. Marble, 'Scotch,'Swedish anr Can adisit. Ormai'tes We Make n specialty'.of 'Fatuity ilonuments and invit.e your inspvc- tiost, Inseriptioni Neatly, •Carefully and • Promptly. .1)one. • $e�before Paeing yourorder • were sentenced ;to Serve:in : the Comity aol, three to PetietentiarY and one to the. Reformatory for On - tail° which is the neitr.'nairie :fin- the Guelph: Prison' Ferni:- i . Whether Married life' Serids men to gaol is : hard -tcf..tell_br the figures as , they show almost a:tie between ben - edicts and,-, ba.chelgs; , _the ' former leatUniliy-a. hare ,Iriajority of, one, .- 1• All' but ,7 of the prisoners could The offences 'for' which, prisoners were 'cominitted consist - of: -Arson 1. Assault 1, contempt Of . copt 2, detained as Witnesses 2, Forgery 2. hotisebreaking ;and robbery 2, hi,de: eent assault 2, lunatics '5, perjury 1, rape and assault 1, Violition'O. T. A. 6, vagrancy 6; other offences_ 12. , The', 'list' of occupations • shows many ' lines: Of • 'employment. The Printers -are luckily , not in 'this' •liSt" , • read and write> • . , • °Pen rad flagrant diaregard of -tbr aw. Murk 40Peaded Wee ihe. sort Jf state governlinent theY,had:., :It will he the sante in Ontario= If Prerlier Fergen. and his 'assoc- iates 'know. that it will be ,good poI- xics skie thit.tbo Q. T. A. is Proved aul enforied-it,will.he done 42r" E t,HPRESIDENTIAL F-1-24TiON Voting felt' the, election of presi- dent, wra. take, "plaie in the linked -.States On, TuesOY Of next week *Nrolimhe,r‘ ' daY 'fiXed by la* for the . Presidential electioni is the Ant' folloraing the first 14,0UdaY Novetaln.r.-'-gver7'-.P3arth' Yeif, of eolirSe. Wle hi..ther0 can be,no certaintY to, the, oukome, indications • pOint tc ;:he re-election of •Preifclent Coolidge, the .Republicancondidate. ',For some reason, dilficialt to explain the Dem- ocratic, ,„:condiclate,' ,-the &, z4. -On the ' race, has riot neadway. The dernacratie appeared to haves, eX• hansted itself' in ,its •eff;rts •et the IsTationaL.COriVentior:to get a can-' dictate. The long and desperate struggle between Smith and McAdoo ending in CoMPrornise, .appearsto have talien enthusiasm out of the • Ighting the'Iroirls: 5,01 -rip with'. the sark arka`devdttra the *hPeP. FroM ')eing a farmer in very "ordinarY "1314#41lee, 341", PAW, en beedTjPg tetsures, •quieldy Tose- to "afflunei -134. -fOT a number of years he and have been- i» very com- fortable eircuirstances Its all a verY t'pity but the tia1 -and'tbe 0ut- eo,rof 'k ';Willr;bep .ifodrleatr 7.11P life, So far as, is, .icnowp Mr„, SMith will not be ahe to pay• 'the 'line 'Of $600„0.00, and the deciaien of the, coart helPg that hs shall xem-aill n Penitentiary until it is laid, it „looks: as though he would .'oierld the remainder' Of "dasat R#Ig.ston- •' 34r. Atn,eliuls' :Jarvis it -srent.r.: Judgin ,t,tis • t:atinetlt: made • to , the ''„ •hefore receiving . , leritence, he is .1., eight. 'kr:flincn,. dollars pr.rnore. ' Will not miss:: 'the hundred.' inonsand arid he is to spend only six months in ail. Mr: Jarvis has,..long been a mem �f big,11 standing in the business •rnii soeial life of Toronto; and his :ibief punishment, is in loss et . • . :sT•tet. •and social st.ending; His pos- ition was entirely .different to that of 'he • ex -treasurer. '...Pster. Smith. It Would,not he fait' toconande, he- wasc of his conYietiont. that he is or was a. bad Man. On the coptrarY; he appears to 'have been in': many res. Oects a Worthy ,and amiable citigen. He was just a buSiriesSinan pursuing ways• of buthiness'men..As would aoneat from his ' address to the indge, he Perhaps saw. no •wrong in methods. Getting, very 'large 'pral" its out a, a., bond, cleat, Was just qzoOd, business' to him. Quite likely the -1. Were "all doing it, arid preVtice Bide,s, there Can be stirred up na 'serious objeCtian to ',Xr.„ Coolidge, 'who though not regarded as a bril- liant men,. yet has shown, himself to a man Of ernmently geed ;sense - the kind ,of, man, .the.,' country feels' • perfectly safe with; There is no very 'good, 'reason. for ,a change. this Year 'ishiN bar-tenr': der, 1:„Shoernaker, • 1' butClier, .2 nohol- stererq. 1 k 9 dentists, rineckan- -ist; -11 farmers, 15 laborers,--1-rner- chant, 1, Miller, .2 sailors, 1 je*eler, 6 other occupations. • .•• They dcin't have printed menirS •the dining • hall- at Castle Hyndman:is_ butthei.' do have e• Treghlar. "fare.;:-Farl:larea.kfast and supoefit • Lucialow• 4.3,. t...• NO.,428. menu in, Porridge, ,milk, bread: tea. Three their lodge room every second Tiler:, 3L Parker: Rec. SeeyL Wm. days there is soup aad breed, This htcQualin, daYS a Week there is, meat, PetetOes da k 'of the month- it- 8 o'clock p„ra,_ :and,' bread for dinner. and and • for fear' toundi Trete-5r good ,and-, it is 'fresh THE.';i1AN, THAT LS :StiCARE • ' (lean food too. Prisoners mho are in for a,•fei:..days-usbellfretrancLdon!t field' with no regular ,party organiz- ation, is a sort Of sensatiOnal, radic- al the like s:c4 Whom has neyer yet been elected president, , or ever had a look in. He represents. the spirit of discontent, and will 'draw his sup- port from the grouches and the..dis- griintled of 1l Parties. The Tact that business conditions have greatly, imProved, especially among •,. the. farmers of -the 'Middle west, ,andthat discontent.lieS - largely Subsided ataken the NVind '41.11i Of his Sails, so -that he is not- novr the ieripus factor that he at one time. promised to be O There • are si. other candidates in the field, representing one 'in" and another, but these, are not taken seriously. 0• • • " • '• • ' • From time -to -time it ii ropaied to make „the presidential -terrn , six years instead of four years; with vieWto, protecting the country from' •the furrnail ;and eiciien5e 'of an elec- tion every:tour years. Such chane is -again Suggested atthia time, but 'this ' drunkenness bixauld be allowed ,to Continue. The . enforcement of 'the' law Will he no easy matter, • but there is no ',.5•i? -8c in Saying that it can't be done. It can be .dorie with a reasonable measure of 'success. If the Attorney General instructs the heads Of' the Provintial Police, and the magis- 'trates'tliat if theY don't See 'to the • alw-ays do well but those who are in for' three months or more usually get fat On 'the gaol diet- The., goa1., .11.)o:a cosi 14 eerits a day per man '"iviiiihs'ureirtstietrafiginhin'theseday. of hlkh,;,. costs: . •'Methodists • and: Presbyterians' 1-ka a clese, run for getting hehindt the bars the west. There, *ere 11 Metho- dist men' and .2.• v.rOmen and .12 ;Pres- tlyteriang. Anglicans Were.....:ria third rsjth 9. There were 4. Roman 'CathconCs' and 7 Of other de,nornin. 4Passin 'the buck" You're,. '.• g • out' of. luck, started long ao; vben - • • !, Adam;,,blarnedEve for the' ..p.ple She' , , GIRL'S, SCALP TORN '0Fr _.----fze-to:-.Evo.--orice-thetwirrtht,..3.eatif.u.s. of 'A Most 'distreksin: 'accident' eiccur- Men, taking' thorn, high, Or; 'low, . the red 4., Proton Station teceotk,„-- .,ast i' . when. Isla; the 14 -year-old .tiaughter. , c oward,at heart.. who :shirlis his Part', : ..:.'10.14 .t..ilf..ii-1 't:)) AOdie the WAY., ' • ; of ,,,,'. Mtil- .:ood Mr $i- ,.s.i.n ,' tateheler..' 'The Man Ivho . afro. high but fails, -44gere?al 'a .itornplete ',1trisiori, .er the,;', to get, by'. and blames the • fellow sealrii when her -long 'hair Caught in' the ereqin . Separator,. , She had. .just ,lielow, need never. eiipire to , cliMb ' ,aay. highei_40s . ygated...tt), ttatro• • com:Oeted, ' Serigriiiiig. 'the morniog's‘ 1..hert,t: , .1,0.,,04,4 a viat„6, creaM when the .flartge,8 ',which inaSh with the;tranit tO ..tOrn the machine • 'lot .the. man'. With, the grace to ikt: --Thit-lt:_iiiilietr...he..1,,is..,to,..h.la:me,;:,,,:whp- . t•Aijght, he)-..,: halt ::aiml.:.: ,th41 in .„ Ane, .iseys,, !It'S,...en me \bnt, by Ilininy,,,1 it ..1ill'I'-'%;7:31:67'littrilY"Inrn7,°0''-'sl'iva-irire ‘ tot* ,A1:1 liAptett .agaic!' , ‘.:', 11..1'tY..if/altr :a ,Indstc".;tialtif44:on.'. n711,' . it :•you *Mild succeed, ,thete .is 8,ca.IP., *.r" i''Ill.iee.ti ajld te,, ct'ed an but to better creed,, than, that of ' the ',tt* 0,ottor had anni'.0 doubt as to the, soceesg at the oriCZ:StiOn-. • : ' ' — 'Man,: milo ,ti, square: "..111 Like, W1iat is iiiiiie,,, without . Whimper. or .1Viiirier, ; aboVe all else, rll be lair; SO hap:, •Tlie;o`nly. sun spots' that tea* veit .vAmt may', At the Clime-of','c'allee 'enxi,.ettt '• and .. 4e0Pair ' itte. , gave,him the time...he "stubbed • - - :sufficiently- interested ,to- push the Movement to success, :It isth,:e sug- gestion •of common sense; but chang- inc.!, the Constithtien of Othe, X.Inited States is a big .,undertaking, • •• -RICTI-MENT,'GO TO JAIL • • - • ,• • The country Was shocked So -.ta say. f6i.eement-24t1-4-17-411"--w41-''bee last S—d—etur a.y on, learir_ng-' th,L-t-Ma r Peter Smith; ex -treasurer of the province Of Ontario and' Mr. Ainelitis Jarvis: Sr.;7---Walt115.;',4-'bi'Okcif TArOPtO, had, been sentenced to '4: - son terms ami each, to; the:payment: replaced by somebody who 'will .there wotild very , soon :be inipiavemerit, ; On - everyhand one hearsJfJail-the bobtleggersi!' Of. catir.se,' you ' Most -first. Catch them, and some. of,--7them of7a---7fine• of -lumdted:_thousane- ,fieedOm: which theSe • gentry operate, arid vell_tar's 1°.und.' th-ewc.' :have- 7heen allowed to ilty' of 4sonspirizig to defraud the th leniency V.-ith, Which they hae '713 • , been treated Atter : cor'rviCtiori ;, has orir°vjne.e, and 4 • r'vnald appa'at, that. • had.'defanded 'it out of ' large sums of money.' lloWever, stunning as' the' 'sent- ences '*ere. there. is general agree- ,raent,t,hat;-if.Aliy:WereLguilti,,it, wet, ‘!..aming, to thorn., That a tOnrt .Shonle find ,Stic.11 inert 'guilty, Abet an einin-' ent 'judge Shotild: impose such'a senL, •'eriee 'and, that the 'public 8)10,111d AC- a'.1:6770VAlt ji148-the..:•prorierr.,,onttomeriv(. di'Ca.tes... that the, country has become. disgusted with lawlessness giaft and • • slackness • or t the part .of, 'the •courtF, and ,,that there is' ..gtowing deter- - ininaticiff to., ..punish lawbreaker! whether :rich 'or prior. „Both Smith and Jarvis have taker stepa to appeal t� higher -court ,bnt there is no. great prospect for success'. „there' • Justice Meredith he. fore ,whoin they Were tried and. whe' i,Ti;P.;)sed:-.tbe.-* Sentence judge of *lie. highest standing and his Suilg.. rnent is' 'not Illiqy'lo beTreVerset$ SyMpatby ha been heen .e*nressed Mr,' Peter Smith whO.IS 'regarded as ,and '_,Sokriewhat .Innecent vietarn' eircurniltenCes", rather thu 3 bad Man. tioWeVer, zoOd or bat! . JOT -RIDERS SMASH BUGGY • (Walkerton Telescope) An auto aceident ocurrecl 0 ,near the tOp''. of 'Shaw's Hill "On Sunday. a- bout 7 p.m in which. no •less tban' people Participated all ;Of Whom 'may, thank their star S they are alive to -day: ',Mr.. and MrSi'. Fred :PrOCknow •)f. Brant and their 'three little tots Under he- years, :were. driving froni visitIng friends west -Of: 'the town.' While -in 'front of Dippel 3ros. farm they saw a car • ahead .vhich 'appeared to wobbling 'front ;ide to• side „of the ioad. Though • the roadway is quite 'wide,. and ' his horde I:quiet: one Mil, Procknew decided o give•the ear a Wide berth and ' •droi,e oyer to the 'side .Of the, ditch. •-•7.ven • this • latithde .proved' • ins-uf5c•-• ‘lerit for the --car banged into the, laacZ )f the. rig deiriolishing the „° reir- • •vheel and 'throwing the !ProeknOw.. family out: AS it, was ,dark at the tine , the. pareats, could not • tell at irst whether or not the crying child- ren were badly hurt.;• in fact , they; could not „Ond one of the three tots ,or a • few trying moments,' Fortun- -tte.y• the Procknowicame through the terrifying experience, •'•unlitirt. The gang who had craslied.intO them .not -ston -until a ''stoot maple tree- feW rods fvrther on 'brought. them 'o a balt -With a. ''crash that ,-nearly .Two: of tlie:_ftve_ • haps in the car Were, catapulted' ,hrough the NOtidShield, and the•, 'zteering ,Wheel•• was ;brOken right off. 7'o -revert., these ',lads' eScaped 0,,with" :heir lives is hard 't� understand • "he • big 'car • an ancfent- McLaughlin ournig _degygn,-.struck—th-e= •created , general disgust, and it has done ,much to bring the law and the courts into` contempt. ' There' is no , ...sanse• in,a_fine,of,tWo. or, three hund- red dollars far 'a thobtlegger, -EVerr- 'body •knOws that such, treatment , ;ne'ver :stOPS:.thein. TheY pay the 'fine to -day" and :are bootlegging , again 44*rritirroW,:,.;rter...-triake.,.-op:40elloss-z.The , „ , ., .,convieted bocitle,gger should:be- treat- , %J., in such a 'Wey -that he„wilt.be.put' ! o.ut of, business', -It .may cost i good deal: but it:will 'pay to sttv the bOot-, loggers: They ',can he kept :cheaper ;rt .41ail,tbaii ;Ont.: .',ef it; .and', a lot of thern..will quit 'Without going to 'iail'.., , it ha i 'been .,:. .1.3gteted ,in',. 'Otte. places that ‘4',.iel,citee, .cMtn:iitteea," cl, 'br, if x .yott. lige, raw : :nforcenrient cOrruriittee$, b'e organiie., ‘ by those -who 'wiSh to., see the...taF • enforced, CertainlY Site4,-,.eigintiationi'".. WOOk ' be -Useful -it . irepOrting7places under Suf3picion to ,pe :,polick.,and in iiio-• cUring evidence,„ One thing that 'has, 1*'t, jetiiitesAkAl . titoti ' ' tiii"-,1)UbliC. -.;nind IS' that 'all is:liot,cione w-lreri: a l'aw has . been tiassed. Its enforcernent' .404.10, can dod, oirs,e,; f.te.f..,W& • • bon jositet....1340 Were leas knieltees, When.' yoll, - met WAS' 110iiell „ Ivonien ,tontIst# In. .tforfailli • • :-napje., toe , a*dShiiis-.:anif,the; front ved 'in, everything under the 'oolcifig as if it had come through San' 'Francisco. earthquake, one -vheel being, 'coinpletely -smashed. Whether the bus is wOrth repairing' still question._ , is ' still '', lYing ii locat Zarage, ';,•-• A .young,L, chap, iained Carter °of HanoVer, apPar-- ently the owner; was driving. One of 'he lads', had :tWO bad Oita ,in ^the leg,: 'Another ..reteiVed injhries,, to hand and. ''cut .at ,the• back of his head • which - were,- attended •, to by • a town nhYsidian. The eirchmstances of this -ase ,certainly call for, some inveSti- gation bY the authorities:: , • • 'FIVE' THOUSAND DOLLARS • How wOuld to wabe- tIP sorne.Morning ,and ,firid you *pre tho' • !vinner.. of, 85690 ? Some .rtrSon:is go. -frig -tot $;tr:1, „the', Family. 'Herald, and -•*-eekly'•-Star‘t-4' • Montreal are offering.•Ten, 'Thousand Dollars in tasli prizeS to thoSo WhO xi.e.ke. the best estiniateS of the 'total •lumber:"'of vote. Iie4611.ed next Pederet, Election -• There .*ere 1,149,866 , polled out . i'a' total , of 415,81O in' eieetiot , not. fat Tto* . many will °vete It , costs .nothing, to: 'make an estimate,- ',Ate., subscriber to that great srweekly,:for. • 1925. The Vertily. Reiga • has •i WOhderful.:,Pro, ,this teatiOn,. It is admitted t�' be the best faiolly farinPaner. an this citotititent, A very lhandttinie art :calendar , also ea41 'istihaeriher. It the' ttggest two.; 'Dollars *Ortit ever offered Celia' aria,' Write, ,tot aatiole oepir' • leStrt $11* 9010140101T thli Oita. YO)).„101 Ofit ropt ts must he he 'seento, and\ afixistan,t. INti.„ Smith Made a pitiful showingif. eure.-'inus the,..goverty-. the ' nOnetable,'offiee•to-,•whieht he wa peit to ity4e05,6. laws when .lound anpointed. 'tie was elected' to parha ,ethfetetiee;P'eri: en.ce• if tI tae f traaure in government pledged t' kansas, iiitlkates that :the letiger, a ,h000Str„.,„,and • econoinr: .found PrOhibition lair IS in M.ck the easier i that it was the cda*it, tot,"nleit 'halA entereetnent hdatiles. Kan4s has the treasury tai PrOhibit'en io one Orin ebd, Ijoekets; it' *hi, his dtttY-:to othert:tidirro' aboutthi 'il1.000:rtte t'Plo0; 'see :that 'the 'Practice wair riteppeit and hoteit othde" 4dootel,: EV fail - interested bee been 95 -Per Ing fri with the hett ivayis' of the peaf ;dent .efiectlyeno. lei*: in, thte State he ,tfotailowed"016 .0i.e„1.*0,tr heing mote AMY eftilille(1-• NOit-111 Yet be tehted but he brought disgrace ttaltiat,, in the, bitty $014 Of Statty .00.0tw' ,gostintent, ;ire. iiro flkf t)toliiiiitiop .1110 ,..se#Ira) potted's. :of op; y0044 jnotos . 1 I , • 1 , 1 . 1 1 • „os .. • DOES NOT HPlig. TO 'QR.-H.40W YgT, TRY 4. ,ISPW. Pg.lt out,. , veOloN 9.114..ligATFPf% gg: 1:$1/11'41, ,OA* 44.1EAT BY TfiT AOMPT4/1.4,,"', THAT WI A WQR1),,, i*scsoi$0$.1.::*R. rugvos,g, PIET .CIAN. 1.1"1 HAN*: oo.om IN 'TIM* 144f.1.1r AND ,r01qADLD;.p.AP.* 'TO, MoVg.:Apot.7...' WEHAVETHE% . , , ove§ an Heaters 'IF. YOU' Aim,' TftwoNO OF PURCHASING A' STOVE °pit ,coN$ 1,t , VS, DEPOIII?..1*yts,d,;. YOU WIL;L: 'FIND OUR ,STOCK COMPIXTE, AND BAPry" T110(Towr sToVgs AND. HEATEft$, WE IN STOCK , "HAVE YOU SEEN THE THOUGHT "co' SS • HOME" , QUEDEC.' BURNS HARD COAL, SOFT: 'COAL OR : 21. -INCH 'STICK. .00 WOOD -A.: QUEBEC 'STO V EH WiTlf • . . . ALT '.'"11.E. FEATURES OF A RANGE. : : „,;'• •41FLES AND SHOT GUNS.'..WE tA4R.:14 .4. COMPLETE 'STOCK.. AMMIJNITIOIsT;. ALL !CALIBRES. HAVE. 0 11' • TRIED THE WESTERN FIELD SUPER WILL PAY' • YOU To. TRY A FEW AND ANL, BE cONVINCEB. .. • A LIMITED NUMBER or. YELLOU'r ANO BLUE BULB. 'POTS, AT 250. EACH. • 1,7.747T, • PhOnp., ,Hardware Coal :.. 0117,11g.OU 1.4t14.4ow...H ,AIIMO/81018080OlgaIMIIIIMIMMUMarjaginininiCin VANE, IT.Mtk • theats—Acooks-;-ItbakeS It Orovidcg.hot water , It burns' any fuel' Is. reasonably :priced* Even 'iNrth shallow fire' the. Cosy ' Home Quebec bakes Perfectly: BesideS, being very O practical, a has a• handsome appearance and is, extremely dtirable , USed7L•throughout:the_nornin- ..iioenv,erfo„rfa,inileacintoye.e.gairys,,,Itethiares • satisfaqiOn_Lbecal.isejt is the. 1.-gecooktrig_rop Most „ecatioinic4l stove at any . • vAiliker-water teservoie • . tire-bor callers oven side Takes 21 inch whoa price: SOLD BY RAE & PORTEOUS 1,..MKNow; ONT. 48A .•• SPECIAL BARGAI „ ENGLISH BROADCLOTH, WHITE, GREY AND PONGEE, 38 INCHES WIDE, AT a *aaANNELETrE 'BLANKETS, LARGE' SIZE, -- 0 L. VELOUR 'COATING, SAND PIECE` IlEA'VY- WEt.G.HT'ShtMED CfrA1INe,L...$1.7.5:..PER3D4 1 PIECE CHEVIOT SERGE, 51 INCITES WIDE, SUITABLE FOR BOYS' WEAR ' 81 25 PER YD: 'TORE ,WO0VGREPES;49;INCIIES'4IDE '':w`$AM PER 'YD. CLEARING ALL 111?:N'§' SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES' . • 85c. A YD, $2.85 PR; 82.06 PER YD. gals PALYour Choice of Any 1lat$3 7 1)rygood:i Store,. 1,16rIstrisplimpitimmilogamonimpotoolimmtioilimmoomomo ,