HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-23, Page 6�MATICS
• "t. A.,
em ice EiM9 Liner
Se:haute Like
al way rain.
•, Hew doesa liner timir,her,Way across
_the iet0 Patethat'uneeeion: to a huns
'4redl Persone, and ninetYeallee of there
will he able to aniiwer it only by some
Buell hazySetteral,itY
."Why, the ipta1n` takes. her, 'of
• As a 'Matter of fact., though 'the' re-
sponelhility. reeth. with lettieS the actual
: ta. done JargelY -by etherpeople.:,
TO get. ari insight into how the thing
is dope'one must Pay te visit to -the
:havigetiag-bridge of an Aileatig. liner.
•.;'S:Allytiedy: privileged to:i do ,that' gets
.a veritable ''-peep into. Wonderland.
• Ranged thee° is such a hewjklerints
yeriety of apparatus,and everithing
Is. ee: utterly Illgerent, from eybet'ene
• .hed:pietured. it torbe.. .,• •
Dials of .one-gort or another are eo
04; tha-:'Plit90, looks 'more
than • of
contrehe chrOnemetereS
ffre, alarms. "conteentses;- submarine
i•inientid,:detedterSeseteesabOund, on every
•xanL' • •
This: bredge is the "brain"- Ora liner,.
the seat Of :the intelligence that directs
•. •
-her,raciements. ' • . •".
When Time hi Money.
• , , .
Wheu Celtinebna set forth' to .ginger
Ise ...the Olt"! Worlee by: discovering
.7.4.nserica: he had:yen!' OW 4ser1get1onal
aids ter etti"he did
•haire were' crude.lie •reat tline with • an
honreekeessand jndgett the 'speed of his
4ithiii',bY dropping-piecei of -weed over
. „
her, side: • ' •. ' • e
Such eadimentarY tnethecis" would
not de 'nfeee'. that fiftist run
•a schedule like' reilwaY4raithe no mat-
r- hat the weather' In4i be,- and' a
evi hears' deleirepriethe trip May deaf.
'the -O*ners thoasdads •Of dollars. Con-
neeittentik, SCI011.63 has been let e d
Antqetilieeiervice of' the navigator very
• • 7 rrrr ,•.
,i-Ev.viegs'91 -like the, Amiitania the.
'110.1.1figingbridge •"heneetl• AO
Alat:*reeentibletr.:a higereem.': All the :
• „.•, . ,
In. 4441404 ft):tbe OrAIntrieMagnetth i•
eOmTS whirl- are liable to error;
Wht9heeMalee- Oct
err er at al/ ao long Etiv
theeleestric lnototeWhich rune them 10
' Net, Rinks Rune • .
Altherigh, Ue. bridge 6-.7taff is sup
sed See everything„; and tee a fact
-mieses very little in order to raake
aseurance doubly sure a lookout is
`nested in the "craves -nest" at the:.
.Egoiot4ea.4:4mt1s man hae to repeet by i • es•
;telephone eorebolLesisinal ;tilleStbat. lto
eeee from his leftY eyrie, •
T-116'.ship% eun is`nthiliaired"br' •" •
pat64f kW,: an ineenienni piece of .
mechanism: that Is toesed astern, and e
whenever the vessel approaches land
soundings are taken -with a special
machines No rinks erse run. Ne mat-
terhow frequently the• ship may' visit
a, pe.rtleutar port, • all the navigation
Work Is performed esecautlously.as if
she were (interline it fors the first ,tiniee
About ste-diffeeent- means. eree-ene,
pl�yed fer "fixing" 'the ship's position
-when. else is M. sight Of land: "Direc-
tie!' 'finding" wireless is the latest die
vice 'employed for that purposo.- By his setae bock; Containing clippings relative to 'the 'Prince of
Means of it a ship can that'll her where, Wales! Second visit to the 'united States,.Is being Sent to London so
abouts in foggy weather and thus keep 2 can refresh his memory of the good times he had there. '
In safe channels
„ t • e.peteiteet,......,
Inunortal Piggy. IN ,
crabs once or* twice.,a
WONDERS. ' THE visit and rob theye3r, Using , the hush. to 'weave' into
• . r
Math.' So it will be seen' that the
VEGETABWOnin many .ner.sons. - '
coeoe,nut oe great importehee to
.• pameus bate Palm.
In Arabia, Afriee and Persia, we find
another valemb• A
lis pailamb-e's' atnlide E'itgyatep,ijaanede t
I de ri ed of it th
. , would faee poorly, indeed. In the S..-
One- of, the earliest modern menu -
meats •to a bird was, erected iu Utah,
Salt Lake City, many years' ego, In
gratitude' to:seagulls, 'which stayed a
locust -plague, ' Since then' there have
been several other strange 'memorials
to bleeds and besets.' • -
.:,One of:the raost costly menumenee ,
ever- erected to an animal is that set
Up in the dog cemetery at Aintieres,
France, to a favoritedog. of Princess
Lobanoff Rio ,Rostoff. This imam:neatst $20.000
A- PAQ,A1,7411. OLOSE.P.01i*NG
' g•AsX1Arr
Erery'onewhe pnrks 4 car at nigh
in n'cengeateCdistrjet, ka9Wa that. it
does; not always stay -.juit, where jig
puts, it. • People „who • are looking for
Ca" Tarking,' vlace'eteftenesrelease"'ethe
14•41terieefsIgirked9rirS al,td-np000lion
-forwitid bioor74,,c1 te make iapil3
for their own.
One night, on: -Coming from the
theatre, I found My car elose up to, the
eurb and 'other cars scarcely a foot
4Way front and back. . figured that
if could *get the rear wheel sik inches
from the curb, could wriggle out of,
• theqightsplace, so, I put jack under
the differential: house in the centre cif
r,T ,
the rear axle, jaelced the p4T up pey-',
eral'incles, and pushed it .side,yeays.1
• This gave me the desired clearance
between wheel 4nd curb, but to Make
sure, repeated the operation. ' This
gave Me enough opportunity to go
baCkWard and forward and Soon I was,
on my Way home Otherwise f•shoUld'
. •
have had to wait for the *owners' of
,othercarsto get theirs out 'first. The
seine prindiple of jacking "up.,the rear
end and pushing it around h'elped.ene
later to turn my car' around one&
• • -
dangerous narrow road when I saw
go no farther. -p. 8. B.,, ,
A •geod Way to use a sponge ei
waehing a .ier is to make a hole pee
tinily; through the centre of the spong
' Torn on will -b
forced through the sponge in all :di
rections: -This will keep the Sponge
goite free from embedded dirt and
duatkOecansa it is automatically 'clean-
ed te the ,ineide. In using 'a sponge
in thi manner, ,it,can either ,be held
in place,•with the hand or tied in place
With a string. 3
I After the dirt and dust have been
sponged fronl the car, rinse with deer
water and later dry witlea. large cha-
mois 'skin. This will give,an unspotted
finish. , ' •
• 4. large sponge is very, useful in
washing the.. tar and it' best,if
:irate sponges are used --one for the
bodiel and ,one for the wheels • and
chassis. The wheels and' chassis carry
More duet and grit and there is danger
of scratching the 'body finish if a
sponge is nsed for scrubbing this por-
tion of the car after it hes been used
on the wheels .end chassis.
large 'that a book could +may be filled
with . a mere enumeration of their
. •
^ : .
New. Zrealand'ic Land Costly
Our stoppers com 'efrOne the bark of
he cork tree; 'our rubbers from the
, .
Though Population is
Race eand ebnel ent combine•to
, , , , thzrsaatael.Tineo;w' fnorattra-;31.8x0 -" sap of the Brazilian „caoutchouc; quite i Make the people (if New Zealand the
Zriaillue:ednat vtithrie- '
List rit rk bl 'T Lo ' ine, the ,great remedy, from the bark :most, essentially Iiiitish community in
Enou h to Fill a Book VVith • Gn each tree, which is (lite ' '
id d that th
glass caSe'containing a shriyelled hams ' ' i
ema a e. rees ng . re esv of the cinchona: while naan
instrate how eepenclent we are ;upon creaelpg the scanty .population of .the
p ants and vegetable life. •• . dominion is clearly one of vital import-
. .
aUee,writes.' The L4ndon Times. ' •
• ,,, • • e
•,Wny Emmy Atkins '«1 There seems eo•be little. ,doubt s that
Menabers of eertem callings are coin- ' New zealand's s°e'rse 0! ,wealth and
M.:x:5111Y called 'by the name of 'a singlePres. VerItYlisu'ifuitnrdaMentaillY hased
• that the government imposeS Li tax u - " mo 6 I the empire arid the probl n f I
wh.ee it 4 .cons ere,., ere are
' .....Iii the Town Hall, at Luaeberg is a
' Their 'Names A.1• : one. , 1,.,60.1y .thlice xpleeee tines.; :each hear -
which • bears this' in„seriptien.in lette.re .,
• coYery Pt , the. sale sprit*, of' Lune- '' ,
'PaSeer-by,. behold' here the enertal
rein:tains iit.tlie .pig
:self elniPerlithable g' hire y
which g;haeln:,ed,theford'init`,, •ealities:be,which they. are feued. Thie' ert4nis ttariesorii.fro: building,. med. in 'very
' • . .•..
Is espacially remarkable In the South, 7.ehei.ita,
stlidy of botany is to notice .how won- 'Peuttnikdes.:',t7.4.eed,,acteeeso'.a, t'h' ..)-:--dit,"t'e.t,9,p...a';':1:6.,p'ttoloso:
derfully astaptiect are all the Plante' thee
the Waatte. Of the Inbebittinte of the lo- ,Predacek.:WineS;etarch, sugar vinegar
. . .
• , ,. •t t , at %.iereclacep so many Cutlets frtiits..,
• •, se .. :, ... • . that are :eent, North. e They not only ' ,i,.L.e 4,11;'S' 9. .4. s .'7454!!...r:11.4:afi, 7.,Iiialiti: .44 mill
He',_t_ .4ieri. eareaa a sietee"e- 'a.' ' . neceseitieel Of life : and d 'single Plant •
', .. . Dees He ..i•Sheet-Clroolt'.7" ‘: .: ..,.t_triecireliettele..s, hut?' often are the actual • 1.71.,odutittices•the.,e.7.thet.ainzion14etiesepS.ia. o'seie..in0: bl•
' see...Realty r„,.. , _, •• . , • .. . • • • .; 1ferent articles,' - without WhiChS'..thete.
,s a, nninan...dy.nanin,„ ...,, :: • ... min.,. , freqUefitly provides a nuttier ' of., die. "pta9irnteedd to every
seteyreere,yt.; i3harreottel•...oest rithteorlawIt4ttelia-e•
.11e,,Le'Yett, .everytliing he: has on is would:be much' discomfort,: if' not
. . .., , in an ex --
silt. where streets' are bent Clean. ' Inthe
The 'Wise .man gets; a let of free in: ,to the hoe climate in whiCia it IS geowa..' -
9- 94, 7 ''''•• L. •• .''•••The• pineateple. is pecullarlY adapted.' eemllehr:t..tar4tireislee;aortgfeoeatit.ta)4..i•ai , a . height
strUction from. fools.- ' " ,'• .. ' et: requires only a sandy Sell,' yet still coffic.fifttYb'ciefr;ti'StitxitIutedteestiad in the Pa-.
' • produces • th'e• so-called, fruit that is
; • ., .• e
, 'el
rich; Cool and juicy, a natUraltrestora-s, tAti iterieee4,eilet,:fact, „..be,ing.e."1,14 'baker' sat
l fisre,to the hiliabitanta. • ', e:, ':
, tree produces bread, so called -
. .13141te',•r.t.h'tehy4td'OP. lanoeta.PaPaled! ...sT;:9:11iii°rn. ;ter' i• i'dthestioetreecl.j'bn:Iyi'11131.7ren '.'•;.a.n
:. ..: ti, the!
''' ' i' • .it Li a very common Mistake to, coael
we should:not' b eurpriSedte find one
teasagaelcleatitei!eililis.b4.eppciae117sidm:”apifyrnifirt,oatittet,t11 tit: .11,., depe:14eo,Ini4i,,Ltii4.ca55.,,.n.Iti.701‘ 7,,,,,,'7il'.edli'26,,,,tbiici.;.tii.dp..ett 1,6:, .•
and suek.k one was s
•.:."..087.24.il?ilrtkonreee,.tee-p:stt ,•iii:esiet):eh:.‘„1.t;a4..orna,v,e...oed 'When .,the bark wits' pierced 'tile
One of .the interesting .phases in the- ing, Perhaps, four hundred and fifty'
0,,, .- • .• bread fruit the natives obta'
In -
knsinn, ., , .. ,.. , : ,,... • . ,• , ,, : on., her agr c t al. and..paStoral 1.4411e;
. •
. The private ',soldier., for inetanee, Is f trte,. the de.v..(31.9.1314Prrt pr Which, el:net;:
ic,liall.lhe4e• ,i•;;ITIlc6a1.4e47....s: tAkitokin,S,T.,"proannidte,sse.,Itterei,14.°Orgsetecirea9.;fitl,Y:. it. hiael:rer.Q.Owild:rfa. eioArtioaeu,ien4•:,,,Apnti,
:4satorcy.kd-nitic.iintiees ,49ffealgioaWaeadd•,ryea•thid'een:taeteesa; ! triest , airY,'. frotee.:mOteen and woOl.
,4s the eeetees papers glee two or three lolmeld.o, ti... h.outdeb,,u,ttefhhaest .:oeuiiyaelhul:g4:3 .f int :i..iii:..
paper,, ecisle'.AretY ,nuitters,' tha stock an example of the way to'. ,fill. 'up the'. ..• aPy ,r.7:1,puLt4..15 l .6;PC)..twilif•cd'it7.i.a:103i' t*htl.'ellimptrili.
exaerinleefor many years Was."Thomas ....of. 191' ' t year, „New Zealand' auP-a.
A.• . • ;111; .e7g.t.‘lett Ititr.al':hil;erer:.in.;England.1•414S4.6143I-1:,(Ilt'w.141it-1:11:Etr:•nsind"CgatItheitralloze' Aoluiln.;m1fultflicioef •etalitta
Hodge. i. 'Gibe was the
has ' twe Stock sittriamese :Gillei and lamb,: Wlit in 1911i 'the value Of- th
named .BRoyb• :"T.,.Bafter Thel6wT lel :Coe. n411 l'ttilhis-greatt6hadname'Thea,0,Farmers*nitivi poem rInW'usr• :. Itv:. aeoiliii le' 9, ;,. f., boll' ,fpi:4 419' ;fliti tre' in:. , ; e alhe. :enf hi li .glYtt..riar. 5, ge. 4:0,s* 02, _ril ).60::::: h.e,0„...d0_1,. i, .: il. ae 11-14'
seler.. and Giles became ,the name by , „ .. , , , ,. s , 3:11:
which •country ilads were -generally -cle',...but their increase;rn the, 44 ture With. :I r n
Needle,': foteHodge Wet the Gainmeria ..
signatetl. Hodge. probably ,caine'frem.,,,a4b!i ti. ds it' 0 . i, ol lands
.1,4 nidte;:. avo. n:ofthe
settlers del.i 0 i.z i 1elfromini.I,9t. 97 e il b vi 1 e. have
tls .,7, . 1 sT0'.4 1 gese I.
he old play, ' of : "Graitienter'. Gairtoe'S.
14....g.....ene0.011_44.411,'ii.0*.611-94.1eei::,,helteehhers,:ii.,esehdelv:r. a!,_ --a•-•reg;4t11:.n, isyesala,-biaatidt-t-;W,Iiiietri:i.giosedabliatioord..: :
Jack Ter Is of' course the tinnily: n•laPY.1'.11
ante of ;the sailor. :Fifty jeers ..aeo.
. .
I •
a -We use bread
• _
004 Barren
Wa4te .
Pictetre a piece of inky daeltoeste
tind intense). cid; region to which.
the, rays, ef the sup, never have peneW
trated;;,,n:'hurreo,:wah43. eeemie0 !m-
ending, .bereft ef vegetation end 41r,
with eiSey slopea inhabited by queer,
• crawling ereat.area place where no
men ceald, 'Ale* for an instant, ,wheee
no :vierkeef mail lee aIleends
nen' 11.10er a weight ,sreator than, ,all
the Mountains of the 044.1i. • •.
Most ,our globe is like thati. Air"
that Ls the bottom of the see, as ete. •
tured by modem science; Writes. Ray,'
mead J. Brown. ' "
In round Mumbers.'the earth's,. sure,
-face eeiblets of 07,000,900 square 'intlese ,
of land and 140.0006os, square miles of,
.water. These figures, hewever, give,
but a vague idea of the real iinneerbity
,tlip ,vast; minteeleen keas •
Thenverege'clentletif elf° see is five .
tialen greater than ,the average: height;
of land above. sea, ley,ell ever the whole
earth, the' average _depths tsf the see
being Mote. than two, and one-half
while thenverage height Of .
b lisle e mile. if Mount Everest,
est mountain :op:earth, fire and, thee:
.half miles -high, Were dropped into. ane -
• of :the. deepest parts 'pp the ocean, its ,
esietintit would be enisnierg,ed by Mere. -
.than mile, In 'fact, ie all' the..
lend Couldbe leveled o* flush witirstbe
sea,' end all the debeis:damped in the
water, the ea' would ' scarcely. be
changed at .411: There still ,Woetid be
ocean one and theeeequertees miles
• thousands and 'thousands of tiound-
'Inge have..reiealed faeb time eeeble
Science to present itharlY eXtlet
turo the etetin ; ;which has .
been found!, to be a' great.leyel 'plebe
covered with a thick peze•forined by,
the bodies of sea creatures that •have.
died since the, oceart • was: formed.'
.folca.nie -dust, nie-,
steorid iron; bits of 'lead. rocks, and
preCipitatibriii frpoi See water also lib
On the Ocean. hottonis. The .deepest
parts, are, long, narrow fieettres; prob-
ably 'esitleed ; by •eertilquakee. s' There
are; nlree „leatherette.; ino,untains-equite .
as' many relatively rip on land
, All ef the Sea is saft=e-abou1. thirty-
gye pound's each• 1,000 petinds of
Water; 4,000,000 cubic: Miles in all, er
enough to bury, .Cientide s12e,
deen.e. Thirteetwo er the ninety-two
known cheinical, elements' .liave Voce
cunt! in the sea. There. is more, gold
fere:. for essareple, thanieversitasseeeti
. •
- .
Med' In the line. s Plants,. grow: m
ear ' the Surfacie of the Sea'. for plants s
neCtlie-light-of-thq:‘§.un„.-and-the rays. ,
f the' sun dannet penetrateiferVe er then•
4,3,0001 feet' below .the 'stirfaCe •'•Of the
5ieetia: All life at the bel,teirt, . • '
sea is anitnal.life:, thOugh Many'tof,.t.ho
deep.sea, 'animals --hiSsifible • plants in
appear:166e aniretrueture.
, 7
• ••:- ' ,
In the Wainwright oil 'field, has been burping for over three :Weeks:, •
Lighting the sky at night foe miles aroeud, this gas welt six miles south
officers :eh° do cintyon it are ahle to !
•. get from their 'living qearteesst0'.-the _• N,:tnres Creed.
1! have listenec,1 to. the svisdotd„ofenl-l-11-1s-
bridge without 'going eput- of doors at A Little Rhyme to Reineroher.
been Introduced into rteerly eVerY „per- il zupiothuatttnipottllideaeroids, tasted „like mill "
treain 'formin a
. , :
.tion of the -world. .: „ ' -1.. . , - . • delicious and .,natritione thod. . -.• ..
• ' It: is ri ateeetal .plent, reeembling. the . "4. he tree ,isea vaileti. of eVergeneri
aloe, the grass -shaped leaves 'bread:el istrY eemmen in . the higher regions of
idnegnt.roeut.'ci'afn.wCihisi6chiln, rlinsges 7 ...c:',otwenin ';.. thrarelye - IN:roanke..t141a;ilifiatodf the ..eow, 'Nit tastes
the,. milk'. not Only
eirer'' three and ' a half feet. high, the like it,' „and' •,,the disegveriswas con -
upper -portion being •eevered 's With eld.ered so' valuable thaiatterapin have
,groupe of ,floes. .• . ' - . been made to transplant. It, •though
As the pineapple rinens',' the .floWer !without Success.' " ' . ---• ,
clieter,beetnnes. Br
, Traiieller's',Tr'Se '
greatly enlarged, and.!
,assumes :the pineapple shaPebeing,
Perinea.ted with a rich; Jolty ibid., and
:' tree of Madagascar.' : It, ' Somewhat- re
Equally'relmarkable :is the."Travelerli
not:a fruit in the strict, :bothelealiense sertiblei the banana l 'but-, 11 :
, . .
of the word: hut a fruit flower, or, .bete, the leaven extending leeward, airing.tere 'a eoileefive frillt that still: die-, ing themselees'in e graceful. fan shape,
. .
plays:all the • parts ef the ,flower,sas: the entire greens reseMbling a:gigantic
the stem the calyx corolla .' and :stem' 1 fan forty feet in ..theseir, - formed ' of'
ens.; though, all so changed . as to be ; - y. _. our ..cir five leaves; each ten or
hardly recognized. The leaves of the: twelVe feet long. ' .• • , , s s .
pineapple ' plent are, generally , armed., ,
1 it is caliedesthe' Traieleiee tree
. . . ,
with. • sharp' epiness ' that pointeaw,ay I
the faces, hands, and chitties 'of erery`
sailer ,were :Se:leered' with' tars whilet Nattiral :Resources.Inteliience
:chetacterietic scent Wes . alee that • • • Seeeice of the Dept. of the Interior ,at . •
, Natural Resources Bulletin.
e..‘etlE or+ "MD SE.E
ASS it'TE-111
or tSr
. '
.• -When Englishmen call' a, Pelicemen
,The practically inexhaUstible`
• a "bobby" or a "}keeler" they go beck '''inareh lends" which are found all_
•toethe' establishment : of,, the Mestere,
erone Ste:John, f Grin OrieJef the. most, .
along the Bay of Fundy, eastward
• pence force by Sir ,Robert.Peol. 'Thus •
, the individual policeman. is still re 7 rinvaluable fa ing assets . of the prey- '
ferred to as ."RObert," and the whole, ince.. appearance • they ,reeenible
force as ,• fiat etretehes of prairie meadoWs Coy-
• .
The Handiest Number
swamps. These so-called marsh lauds'
ered. with :rich gress and are not at -
• all to be est:paused With bogss:„Or
, There isa peculiarity in connection
have been created bystile extreersii-
So tinedh Work.of all SOrta, hicluding_L ' osOpher and„ aage,
I I have, marked their labored effort§ froni the 'truit in every direction, 'and P/aee of sPeiags' or wells, I most: common error that is -Blade, It „
social' dutie.s, falls 'anon the , captain , takes „the
with the figureine which is frequent- ;
ly turned to account in banks,' where - nary tides o .the Ras . of undye ant,
• are wenderfUlly' fertile. It is reter.1-
nine is cOnsequently regsedeq as,
• the naniltest,nunebere". .
• Wiien_ita.errorhas arisenethiongh a.,
transposition.. of Agares-,e_ alsout ..the '; •
• of a liner that' he cannot alwa,ys,,n,e on I to explain; • • . •'' efforcle•it 'great protection from man • and in the dryest times, when alf the can at once be 'seen bY dividing tho
the,br.idge, though that is popularlyeas- . ed on their t, eories writ . .
I have ponder and beast' • , I Pools. and spririgs are :exhausted', proe,ainount h•cirt by nine. , ,invariably„ it I
tat at ,Jolicure, counfY cif •,W
••-niorland,• thirtvrThie: coraCcutive
...min] fcroPs„ot° hay'eof ',en• tivesra'r''' of ss
two,tong ,per 'eertehaVe. been liaryted
.and the qualitY. gives pranse of . re- •
. maining so indefiriltely..
• 0,
--eumed--loebe-ehise-permanene station: nted Page, 1
T --------------------------- es tide, was reclaimed by dikes built by
The Useful' Cocoanut c - • • • •to R d f . .
. ace water. •This is obtained bY eut. Suppose an error occurs in briaging • .
• s ' the early French • eettlees ar fi new
ing the twenty-four he "ilVes'" her.P051- In many countries it is almost which a stream of water:will flow that , by nine, it is a hundred to one .that a . .• • , .
have •studied creeds ....and dogmas tei
on-marty- a-pri
Everyday ,et howevere he sets le lot Of them aPPeared tome '
I ti h s 's •
" •forms a vast nature' eerealow meth
.tyfohr hours TWO or three times : • ' • -: • , •
'the, ship'e dotirde for the eneuing twins- e. . • •
I cocoanut. With es It Is a uxary, but ieaf where it joins the .treeUpon ance. If the • amoun• t short Is divisible • :„ . ' •e!
eire t e jotalities is fennd the eg..a .ole oe Piercing. uase cf. the, out a cash settlement ersa.,tria . , . , • •
epaire o njur es
i Two if;h world's '. most famous soil semeumes 80, rest ; • •
duces-an abundant supply, of clear c'dines out exactly.'"
. which used to -be overflowed by tita
tion hittiself--thateiti aSeertahes bY cenfueion seised niy Mied, sitY to 'the p.00r native: From' the ()gnats that Of anY ,sPrieg-a welcoine transnosition of fignrei is' the cense.' images, damaged by the heavY ereoPe of hese yeeleesfier Yeer
, =pails Of '"ebservatiOns" eivlieres.boute And my sPul has: cried; for geteabee. 'beantifui hioSeein 'of the palinhe obe `suPPIY to the weary, traveler:, : I sepeose 69 has -been. piit edewn inei'great. e,arth4ualie0 ,leet Septdenber, .ivithout any fertilizirig'h4 thie
• ort• the ocean she is. •Bitt the actual in the night; • • `. '•
. tales a rich greee, semething like our , ,R also 'tailed th‘-'t ill b '97 • are soon to be• eepairecli Seeis ti Tokio' haustible •eupply 'of dein •hav .1f reel e'
• navigation he delegates largely to ,the , h h•., -----------------------------------despatch. . These ,ere the 13uddha, the marsh is of great aovankags to t.he;
1 havfl followed Many leaders wee., ea bagee and from the unripe fruit a as ouses are made of It and w_ater- divieible exactly by nin;, or that ?2,3 •
which hes stood, in Yeeno,Park, To o,.. stock farmers. 11; at. CD Y tillY) • Alte,
, .. _„_, ,_ ' , ales as_1 were wi d.,_,„, .. ,, , cool. drink that. Is as .refreshing. ass, tightsroofs, from- the, leaves, , the. small es has-been- put down for 2'3.-r• the- sincesurpluee•.
695 and t'e baibutsu of IC.1,14_ land needs reviving, the dikt: gat., 8 Et1:0
gen.04 officer.Ou- wiPACLI, . • - ' ' • ' • ' n •:' "• , 4. ' water, / ' er ones of which are used as cloth for will be 270 also divieible hY. tithe:. - 'kura ' ' - ' - •- - • '
And were groping, as I gropes', to
' opened for a while eo :lbw thil ti.,ie
There are ',always two officers on - tlou-----------------0 and used as The list of wonde,rful trees' is so tier's. •
Voyages Made on eseates,e ,
. ,' reech the light. •„ I From the ,ripe frit the white,. nutri- clothes and for various purposes'. This holds also
any ransposet nu
can come n and deposit A, fee:5}t +a yQr
- ' The earthquake rocked the Kama-
, e ci „ w • e , : ‘,1
duty on the navigation -bridge. The 'Bu • t:with 'human vdices silentand their and the water thet it now 'con- .
senthi• of theele resnonsible for keep- . 0 knee Daileutsu, 'which' Stands forty. of soil. They are not, howeVer. eq
tains, and called Milk, is .extrernely re- 'nine feet high, •weighs 450 tons and good for all crops„but bt'SC, .f 0 r
gues-ing all forgot.
4 ing the vessel on her coursis. This has
eepireesionsly ebeezii:,"e'ettarkedeofte sore tee e: • se e‘ NiX41-,-.1)Tature's., boeliettlenebefore •°1
:•freehleg- -.BY:- Maine* an incisionsinto
yes, '1 the base of the :flowersea• clear,. e
When he gives his ordera to. the ' • nahn wine is Made. By'expoeing this
this' wild, sediuded spot I _ •
quarterniaster' at 'the steeriag-wheel' Where Inc rippfed river in'irrora, to the,,, sun. •th.ey obtain. vine.gar, and
chart and the' officer has to'folloW It. ,lelie these oak•clad.'hills about me, In select noure otit, frern which a good '
the enarterthaster repeats them, as. he i• changing s•Ittei ' he distillation brandy is obtained,' . •
Ohe'vs This 'Is done to: :ensure ' • 'I, From the sap of the palm, a fine
derit."4,, anti on • the; heart can .rest, ' ,tatives preelerve "fratts in dishes made
Senior 'office!: has to take >"observa- , • my sou • The hus,k,s are woven into mats for .
that tbe orders have been c'orreetly un- :There ie one thing past, all doubting grade of sugar is Made, In which. the
°see'. at least during hie Watch the Past all doubting, full of vvoilder for ". '•
' b ci h lki '
hale •a.od its. benign Cheekl: ;.The
..,y,,,,t,s,.,,,,:t i,v,g,,,21.„ Lrotatalot.m.,datipps;„Arasses:,,and,grainSiAo-nwhieb,they' trre.;.
Set it nearly.a foot forward and cans-, taillPe'lutittueXuirtielloyi'idgi.i,v,(:nilg'ills1.1„Th!liye*.iX7::
'flies:tee' eriaeoregre'eEs'edcaurse;ekteil:e„,,ni;'D:r.ts;pehe6eadedo,efeec:eirienle3;: :egort°7ranyleerY 'Ntoalitit,tevneire.Y:s .i:ds,':1*::::::::.: ,
Okada luis ;all.: very superior qUality,1•11,1.:';'4,,ifi;J:.n,!".., blit"
for resetting the ,great iniatige.., evon• etwooaclrlpowPs.tritiefl?a,cra,,ttn,i;.i'nf.;;,.nttn,ite.oiniohic-,.,
The , tlyerio Buddha fared,to
I The; force 'of the:sliock aCtual Ey dee 'eons - ,
; Worse than it Kaniakurfi protetylAk. Tichitilifstelif.i..:awtth,x;.ts111,ail6,;;I,:•7,:,.„:.1:1,,.!!;.:;46:1_,:ii.
heee° tindeaeakeil the;_,..eatoration of the
capitated the linag, Artists Of Tokio' N•i1,1eAnv.eZ8s'ienogt,il‘eciit'..oit,t,i.4.1).,t(;1. r,i., f:.71.. :t5; -)1 ....:.:::;:e
Buddha by recasting's the. cotire inineee after ' WIlh'h ihte ian4 ' ie et „iss se
The•costeof,:thisewoek:':is Cetiinetedeate:IY;‘)11eit, '41'..tc''''P'a.$.' 'agin.,1-'. ' 1: 47 • ' r"
190,000 yen. , : • . upwards of -forty- thebseed ! se 4 , se
. „es• -••••-••-•-6.----:•••••--- . :, thePc- eelleee..........e.ndeers6aitilr.:.rL
fituLge in iteric,,-r-:- ..- , lroal....a!ong „tbe :Wive ( t 1.- N • • - '
Mrs, Setubbewhoee. highly colored Of St; Jelm• meet)or whi.-1, d-, i,i . I.., .
Imagination Wate' Welt ektiown in her -C°1:u.kti(''''': of %l ..vet 'and. N.V.:`'e • s•- s -.se .1
, diets' itheeheosi,-;seats °called ,e.e.. a iettness ,• . , • - ---.:---e ee'e-•-•- . - --
e1tnereclamage ?Init. , j .. . ' 0 Love,
"The eylde ice 'wilier) you whl glee Love erotic', at dawn witee. e e
%tw-r11•11•°tyhiee,;,;("tarquiltlei tyheileledi6Aritcr's;.. S' c;:e1;3•9 , ' now ,i . I: ol: S' I'l'ee'841116rnilir at,ifl.:Iestit7t'siisl''igilf'1.11t:ri'rjetr:frl'•0*1111.1':4..•:'',:4' • ?e'.. i ' tiilet's1
to the elo,e..t..;:atlycis(tlit'ahdleitebtite.ii.dto,it,11cliticiar.0.. toi.eitIbui ,, tt,11116.0 , .,, •esen fair,esr-, , ,, ,.., ;,1 , ,
thoroughly frightened and citable: to,1 ' , . fainted the rtilf,, , ,
think of one woteledthe: stery elio 34'..katl Irr , An:t6irtninnatirsn4ll.tilriodbe,i9p..131),l:::.::, ,
:420nritittitlYtedi'nt.ns: it.vOilyk114.71:7.4:11:1,15:1 -al.irlioliell ,Sito: ', ..iii fir,nsileuar.nil. ., • . fe
'' ' ell' juhe' l'algt1t6;is4d, Put On me,. I ' tenets Slam° .at e'i Pee el:1-
y eh tl*Iga, "what haVa is f ( 4 e'.11;:tonYneillt :tlie6:::; !:;!!:1:2:11"3,
y • ,0'15.5. i'llit:11: . , .
' 1..°1111Itta got to
tli:sr:1::: °: P'lleiti'' :"wItil ‘"er "'-'-' 1 - • shat oht the. i ik '
ayl" i - .
1 ani rest.,
' from' the shell of the• cbcoantit
vv-ith his sextant by dither the ,
Tbat 'the though ts of God are beauty, ecreene, e s, ammocks, cau ng ma -
Btu) or the stars, ti1.1 these records aro. '
.entered In the logbook' 40e. that , they
• can- liented sea • :a-leciletie
kon'ing"•••Should !OK' or meeity st•.:eather
•coine ; • .
• Watch -keeping officere , also have to,
do o •fet. "figerihe.e They...a reecon•
Mandy ,"Weritin,g ealcuhy.
• '.tiofi:nr,oth.er,. In fa c,t, la., Matheinae• ,
;its 'that till: ds a liter eafelyeacroes the
O "herreng, pond"; - • .
the emilpin on t ef. the ' navigate-13gs
e bridge Is a- 'Set of theee. very costly
• Cheonometere that tell. :the exaCe•
• iy. and are not effected by Climate ,
changes. ;
•Theneen .the eitateroom, :which is • ,
,Pkirt:r0f.r-th0..4hrldig0, axed a
range. of • meteorelOgleal inetrUments Got to :Knoske, Hlefe.' No boubt.
that ,have , to be closely watelledf as , Mary. --"I hope yoe got to know, that
°atilt one ,ot thole arta Its npsitakil feltow you Were 36 crazy. to ibeet?"
• tion in donnection with the nterigation • 1,eltitid (short.10-il.marrieo
Of. the *hip. . ': A Mean Trick to Play eii a New, cop:
and the works of able are, best,. terial and various 'articles, while the
the.. W ay 8 '6f Ood''''seelv.beautY- 'tree greet.ileaves f: the, palm: are•t0. amidto
• theft ' •• • ethateh: eails toebeata, eepee
•e J,, 1)114watt-cleric, in "St end eera
5 Y
ern the freSh kerne,. of the coepa-
I° natele .extraeted• an oil that tile natives
; bin n in a lampeinade'
br tiLte It :as •aikarticle oe• fribtlesin 'a ,
deverietysof , , ,
. .
In 80ilie. of the iettuide of the Malay
Arch peie go andneighboring countrieS •
I the cocoanut Is obettibed e
!•eurious manner, AnSetioeinoits oral)
there. that lives: oil the, ipult,
clinibleg the'. frees .and tearing theme:
either therni down- ler"
hreaking.theni.hy tee ringed* elie stub It
Bed Alien heating, them against tho
i.reeks Witheits tinge claws. •
'The huslc thatethe crabs fake front
I the ,fenit they carryHtet theft hotes at..
fi•tho of the teeeleatiel Make :tt, bed
of ft, and knowing this, the Malaya
I f 1,V
„ Zaghltri Peeha, htie been defied the ,stofig,put,ie and the sternly:0V,
rel Of Egyptian opiates, and tioW that dpuntrien'tneoldnitnister, arrived :with d
1: lila wire and Suite en a visit t� England, the Other 04.
e. •
• •
4-77 "b