HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-23, Page 5•
THE .t.tiotlEolt sorrink Tilrit4P4t, Oet4nrit 28M 1924
• • .!,'•
". .
••••••••.;:"•••.12,••:. 1 -
THE Earl, of Leitrim, Who has been spending a
vacation on ,thia side 'of the 'Atlantic, • passed
'•through Montreal on, his 'return home, sailing last
. week by the Canadian Pacific steamer "Montclare."
The,. Eat!. is greatly interested in the. development of
Donegal as a,touriet resort, and .has 'been Pntdrestied
' to find that part Of Ireland bears so, much resem-
blance to Maine and New Brunswick --with wooded
hillsrunning up to about two thousand feet high
.arad, streams and lakes full of fish. Ireland, accord-
ing to the Earl, is rapidly settling down to normal
conditions, and Donegal has reeently received ageon-
siderable influx of tourists, there being excellent
hotels such as that 'at.'.Rosapena, which has its own
golf, cOurse, its own fishing for trout arid salmon, and
a beautiful bathing beach of golden: sand four miles
long' with waters warmed by the gulf stream.' Done-
gal is -a great favorite with artists and • Writers,
George •Russell (better known as "A,E,'''), , and John
.Masefield, ,being. among the .,nurnber Of those • who
• .; have painted or written about its beauties. -
People are. apt to think that the' north-west Coast
Lof Ireland is inaccessible, but as a matter of fact the
E, arl says he' hasfrequently motored from Belfast to
Eight --The Earl of Leitrim, photo.
rantied aboard the Canadian Pacific fi4
Montclare."' Top left—Doe Caudle. Rma-
na district, Co. Donegal. one of, the
m y tourist attractions •
orf--Rocznetsc Hotel.
Rosapena in five hours. The roads are being im-
proved and motor traffic,,in Ireland is en the in-
crease, particularly now that.so many Canadians and
Americans are taking their own cars with them to
the , Old Country. The Earl of Leitrim who has
crossed Canada before this ,is much interested to see
the idevelopment. of Canadian tourist resorts. Be"
was',partienlarly struck by the • tremendous crowds he
found 'at the Chateau Frontenac, in Quebec, It will
be a long time, he says, before Donegal has such a
hotel, but the present ones are very comfortable and
surprise visitors from this side by •the conveniences
they offer,---Rosapena, for instance, having. spites of
rooms with private bath. ' •
• Owing to the greater ease in. securing labor, the
rates are also' not so high ds on thie side: --one can
get very fair accommodation with fneals included for
•five dollars a day, and this provides the opportunity
for excellent. salmon fishing in season. •• ) •
. Another ,erroneous opinion, according to the Earl,
was that it rained all the time in the West.of
The average rainfall'in Rosapena is only from 40 to
45 inches a year. Visitors, he says, are too apt to
think the climate of the whole of Ireland,is the -same
as that of••Killarney, which he admits is wet.
. •
It aenie:Nhat publieb" the,
, list: of:. •pkize-Ivilineis, at the. Btaral
SP.Ileer k'Air held at Hely:1'00d, on
SoPi., 17 laSt.,,-but as :quiie ni•Lrflbr
WoUld "like to See it We are ,,sending it
Wheat'. 1' ili-DorothY21,Vraith
No. 9.; .1st .pre ; • •••
Wheat. Sheaf.-7.-Derot1y :Wraith,
• 8; No, 9," 'lst. Prize: '
.....Gats 1 qt -Margaret MacIntYre,,,
, S. „No. 9; tat Prize
• • Oats 1 qt-klarold Swan, S. S. No,
5,• 2nd. •. '
• Oats, 1 qt -Alfred Patterson, S
1 I.
NQ. 9, 3rd.
Oats 1 qt- Harold l'urves, .. _S.
No. 9, 4th• .
Oats Sneaf-Margaret AlacIntyre,
8. S. No. 9, •Ist -prize.
• Oats Sheal-liaroid SWan- S. S.
. , •
No,. 5, ,2nd.
Oats Sheaf. Alfred '.Patierson,
S.. Np 9 3rd..- • '
. -Oats .S.
'4th ' • '
•Barlx 1 qt --Mary MacIntyre,,'S.
NO: 9 lat. "" '
• , Barley 1.• qt- Boy
No.. 2;. 2nd.„,
...Barley, 1 ffia,_
NO. 9; 4th.
• Barley.' 1 Ot-4•Jessie: Purves; S. S,,
Barley, 'Slieaf-,--Mary INIacIntyre,
S. NO. 9 at: ' •.•
„ , • •
• Barley. Sherif-'-ROY„ -Graham,...S„ ,S,.
Barley Sheaf -Jessie Tiares
' Barley:- Sheaf -2 -Charlie• S•
No, .9, -nib . . '
. .
. .
S. No., .
Dent Corn -Charlie Ho'dgins ,S S.
,• No. 3; lat. • •
, Sweet -Corn-torne Wall; $,. S: N
.SWeet CernLBillie• 11/1a•;;.Keriz:i.e; S.
S„,, NO, ,
. Sweet Corn-7George Middleten, S
Sweet Corn7•Reggie B
-roOnie, S..8.
. '
; Sweet Corn -John Maerdrlane, S.'
No. 2,t75th.` *. • "
• SI/veer C'O;inZ".,e-8'rer,.1WrtiltlY;
• No, ' 9 'Oth •
. ,
Greeii • 1‘lotiiitain;
• • MitrjOrie--Nii'lrbfort":----S".. S NM' 2'
, Evelyn l• No:.
No, .1-46t11...
es1,4dan Orr -8.
Herolit Congitnitk. SL Nat
s grick . ---------2,
• R. Nes:10,4ra,
Midd1ete&-4,, $ NO.
• '4:
pott 1110,frktAt $4. 'NO. 8.'44:
Aileen• HO,dgins-S. S 'No
.1 • ••
, ,
,Gth, .•
,Cob,hler.",!FOtatoesi'L • , .
„ Pearl,. SWari:LS. S. ,
,47.7.2nd. •
•• "Daisy 4(eritiedy-S S, No., 9L -3rd
..• Malcolm, StewartLS,"'S. NP.;
• Mary Cox -S S. NO".'
• .
▪ Catherine PattersonS. S.
. • • •
Annie CorWelt.L.S. .NO'.
Betty MacKenzie_. -k S. No. 9•H
Beasie -Carnochani-S' S. No. 6L..
3rd.'• ' • • • • .1 '
Isa Leeson -S. "S:, No, 1 -4th.
-John Mapparlan'e_S,I.S.•
5th., • •., •.•.. • •' '
'S, i No. 4 -6th.
• , '
Jean ..YOun.4c.8. 3 No.
James 1V1,otrat-S. No, .3.-:•2ncl;
Is Leeson -S. S.
Eddie»Hodglns._S. -3 No. ,3 -'74th
S. No.:;•8-L5.th; •
Win".•Moitat-S. S. No 8.-L.6th '
Carrots-•• -• .
Blanche HaipilionLS a No
43tirt;moffais:,s, No. 8 -2nd,
Jean Burt -„8: S. No.1
Atary.„:cassidy4,-B, -S:: Ne:., ,•50.1.
Sandy MacKwizie-S. S. ,No. 9-4
6th, '
• I-lughie MacKenzie- ,
No. 9
Winnie Richards -S.' S. NO.': 27-,
Wi•llie. ,CortiOehan•÷8. S!, No; .0-
TurninS7,-. Robert Piarves-7--
BaYnard Ackert,L.
• , • aplin E., Patterson.r-Si S No. '91
-.7-3rd. • .
Hodgkinson- S• S. No "
4th; '. '
tanax Na. 27. -1st
'Harold Th6mpso'n7,,-S. S. No, 3-
' ,
Harvey Acriert•-•-•S:,S: NC; 4,L.4th,
'Blanche macbougAii,—os. S. .No.
o. ,
• Jeroine Valad- S. S �. 4 -6th"
11- :01)ot, S. NO
2fitr • - . • .
14iany' C6x-3; a, No; 3 -3rd.
i`Tesie PurVes-S,, S. *NO:
Harold PUrves-S, SA‘16, 9 -75th
Oeorge-. Waviand-S. , • No".'6L..
Shaw Apples-•
-George Christiet,
lst, •
NialtAret Isto.
2nd. „
01140.10 114KW144-"*S. 0;146:4""
•041,414 Par%igil44` P;
• Peter Leesan-S., 1 --5th •
, George liiddletonLS. S No. '6L.•
Special, Nail Driving,
•atecl.by D. Baker.,
Ruth BOndurant.L78; 8. No;
'Aileen -Hodgins ---:.S.. `S. No, 1-,
conteSt don:
2,nd •-•
,Speeiel Vegeteble, .Collection derii
•ated;'hy J. Purvis,
Charlie ,Hodgins -S. S. No. 3-
Eddie Thcimpson-S; S.
kathleen Ma.CKenzie- S. S. ,No.
97 -3rd:, '
Special Beat Pail Fed Calf donated
.by E.' -Ackert • '
1] Joe Hodgkinson -.8. S. .No:
• Harvey . Hodgins -S, S, 3-,
' Chas. Hedgins4LS. NO. 37, -3rd
-_ Special puPil.•showirag ..triest skill in
banding colt donated by Win: 141urdie
anSon. • ' •
, , „
' Carriochan-:-S
lst ' •
•Speeial ,hitching ,and unhitching
cOntest donated by Jos.- Tiffin, , '
., 'Orland -JOhnston-S., S. No, 4=-.
I‘T.4o. 3
-Harvey' Ackert----S, S. No. 4 -3rd
...Special 'best heavy Colt donated by
D. Carruthers
Wrn: Carnechan---S.
1 Sweet
Jean MacKenzie -LS. S..• No.
: ' ' • » '
S. No. 3 --2nd
Phlox -74 .•
.L4lessie :Purves-4-8.%S,".,-Noi,-19=-716t
Lula Kaeke-S.. S. No, .1,-;2fid.
Colwell -LS, S. No.
3rd: •: • "
Firish Moffatt-$. S.; No.- 8 -!-4th
• "1,4n Orr: -.4.- S. No. 8 -5th.
-Asters--. -' , •
'Wirthifred Ackert-S;
S. NO:
jack Fletcher -S. S N
Marigold- •
Golduitn-, Per
, ,Norval "Richards --,S, S: Nca
, .Harolci Thompson -S.• S. No. 3-"-L.
, • Helen SWah-S,' S. No. .5 -5th.
Hadgfri,SL.S." Sr.'"Ne: "1:-
.'•Slanehe Hathilton--S. S. No':
int. •
2nd. •
Besa1e Carnoehanr-S.,
.Dugap, No,
,414 t4ngtopote,4.,
1.•Ond';', .
'Willie :Cerrioelien.-4 o.
, s 1lorene7e' ,Rodgans..-0., '$1 No. 0, --
14th,,.', •
Hareld ,ThOM:PSolY1-$:, S'., No. 3
, •Alt.,
lc(Millgf" '
:"..-44iV4C4341.1PCI,47...'4.4; :a,(A•.:.':Ogr*,,,'
-72nd.. . ' •
ZiOnia..7.-' ,,
,' berhe Wall„7.$ '.S. No. -.---lst.
'' 31',Oia Ital/O0--:, S. No $...-griA:
. . kNelYn. 1VAeLeari--S; S. NE). 2.,I,
• '
' • -,Ton, Wraith -S. , 8: No.,
`P• en ---i •cOcicered-1 pulpy -Barred
Becks-- ' ••
'Alfred . patter,s'on-8.:
Fletcher -8-S. No.: .8,42nd
Ward Wilker"-:--S a. NO, p -3rd
George Wraith -LS., S,.. NO. 9= -4th
. • Rennie orahain-S,. S, N�, 6-
-5th 7
75 "
Kathleen: MecKenzie-LS, S. NO.
cor2ic'erel---Barred ,
Rennie Grahain-7a, S. NO. 6-lst
'Kathleen ..MacKenzie„S. 8,,. N.
97-40,• • •. 1 ' '" ""
' Jack- Fleteher-S. S. 'No
' .Jack Fleltcher7-8. 8, •,,N.o 8 --4th
,Alfred Patterson -.-S) S. No: 9 -
Ward .Wallter-S.. S. No, -6th,
Alfred Patterson -S. a No. 9,
Cptherine Patterion-'78. :8'No
: ' •
• Catherine Patterson-. 'S. 8, No.
F:CLa: 4th
Ward, . Walker-$;. •S....No, ;9 -75th
. kath,leen ,MacKerizie±S.' S. No
. 9-6th.1 " "'
.c.oit (pkaft:',tpe)-7,
Carnochan--$. S. No
' •- `"» •
Calf= (Beef type)-
, Joe Hodgkinson -S. •S. No .2 -
Harvey Itodging-S. S .
Chas. Hodgins -S: S. No, "3 -3rd
• White • • •
Evelyn MacDougall -S. ,S., No. 7
• Lillian Brown -S. S. NO. 4 -2nd
Donalde MacCallurn-LS -'S. No.
'Mary' MacIntyre-S. .S. No;
Margaret MacIp4-S.- S.. S. No.
-5m„ ".'
Eddie Hodgins7,-S, S. No,3-:Gth
Biscuits- --
LeOna White -S. s. No. » 5-4st.
• Jack Fletcher -S. S. No, 8= -2nd.
Greta Hockley --S.• S. No. »8 -3rd
Dorothy Wraith -S. S. 'No,,9--
Annie Colwell -S.' S.:. No.° 3 -5th.
:Leona White -LS S.• No., 5 -3rd,
' YoungS .8 6th' •
Prank , Thompson -S.. S. NO.
• Winnifred ,Ackert- S. S. No. 4
•Jesaie Purvis -S. B. No. 9. -4th
„ •
E_Bessie -Carnochan=S S; No
4th.; :• •
-',Wingfred,'AcIcert---S, S. No. 4,-
. : •
! Kathleen . Mackenzie-- S. S;• No.
Perek---:-S.' S; No: 2---18t.
, S. S. .` -NO. 9:
2nd, •,
Merle Middleton-- S. S
3rd. '
Kathleen MacKerizie=S. ;S. No.
, ,
' George Mfddleton-S., SI •No.
6th. ••;
'Slr'l-Tero.etitched. Pillow •caseL'.•
Mary MaeIhtyrei,'S No, 9L -
1st„ •_
13.uth, Bonderant-.-S. S, No. 14-,
2nd. ••
ir •••• Margaret„ eInityre4.78‘,1.-S;•.•.
, • • •
Dorothy „)Wraitli-LS,,,
, -Annie..Stauffeirr,L•S•.S,•„/16,
,2nd. ••,
,.$, No.
pr. -4th. •• '
Jessie Purveo,-S. 8. No, 9 -,4th,
• No.
No, 6-7-
.111inide Richards-- S. S No, 2-
...Dorothy .3.irralth-S.,,
'Ot11. •
Dish towel-
'• Lizzie Statleur-8. S
• WinniirotAeicert,--8 S No,
• 'Leo* Oiro-S. O. No, 8-ard,
q.,411001:54, 0, ith
,Te.aw. 'Young -7- 3 S No. $.=-ifitlf.
. -.4.401)ngs-o:r-s. Nof
.1,'041t.177 cOloPY
•Alex 8 No. 27,iist
4i)bra No• 9,4nd.
• -,1,7,11ike..V ViOdgjr.;547,5-!'.451' N.;»
'* 1.hrtg;
eChrjstie S, 2 -5th
Rope • •
HarVeY. Itodgins•44 S No,
ist. ' . .
. Alex Perzy-S.$,,! No. gI-2Mi,
Irfenni,V ,"Graharri7- NP,, -16
Margaret .Graham'. -5, •
Charlie Hodgins-$.
Alfredf Patterson -S. S:' NP.
6th. • `,
• Plan of Stable -L.
fIerojd Thanipson-LS.•S• No,
1st. :
Charlie Hodgins -S. $ No. 3-,
Margaret Graharn.S. 'S'..1, , NO': 6.
' . Harold -Swan, -S, ...• No., 5, --4th..
: • 4. Alex •Perc.S. S. 'NO. .2 -4th. ;
".' • • Harvey Ackert-S.S. S: No l'.4, --6th-
-. Colleetion;,of Leaves±. .. .. , ,
. . ,,. , ., _ „.,
Wilda.: Mae•Iiined.,;r8:: 'S. ,No..
is t.. .... ---------------' , ,'
qrrid... • ,.. '• '
DrisY.,.ICennedy $::. S. N'o.
,.. • •
• Mary*. MoIntYre.8.'• SI, 'NO. ‘.•9`..-
3rd. '.' . '' :, :„ , '',; '.. ...L. ; ' '.
:Mary 1VlacfntYre;-.S...S.. NO.- 9,7'-:-,
.. ' ' •. ..,„' ,
., .'. .., ,-'''."7•7..ei
, • O' ecirie , waylnd-7.,..s.., -.-"'
Butterflies ' and ;Moths- : , ' ''
..., ,?...*;ry. 0.Trahaiii'-'S.,.. $: No, 274Ath
ex, Percy -S. • - ,'.
y -S.`, S.., No 2-5t11.'''..
' .. Hughie*'1VIacKenzieS: S'. Ne
-7•.2nd, . ,.. ': ' .. .
•":.7...',, , 3' ,r1Vida. .1-ga:i.e. t.1 1V1,a;ernt3.-....7e:,,S, .''. .,..
. .:‘,:..Gpol:ge, V.,rajd•and. • $: No.': 6,L
Veg'eta.bles:•frorrf Horne' garden•-.--
Charlie Hodgins-LS:1 S. No 3-
. .
, Eddie ThompSon-SL. S. NO:
". Kathleen MacKeriiieH,S. S. No
" . Wilbert Hedgliinson,L,':S.'
• "Harold Purves --S, S. No! , Purves -97 -5th
S:, No. 3.6th.
•Collectien:IO'f - Noxiens Weeds-, •
1VIary MacIntyre-S. S.,' No; 9H:
Jessie Purvis -S., S. , No. 92rid.
' George Middleten:-Sf . :NO. 6--
rd:• •.
2 -4th.,.
,Margaret •MacIntyre-L S. NO.,
. George; Wayland -S•' S
5th: - „ 2 ; •.
• • .Anoie Stauffeu.r S. Ni.
.6t1r.--. • •• L. .
;Public. Speaking 'Contest -
'Ruth 'i3ondurant.-- 1.72
Jessie .Purvis7--S.
• Parade of Schools
S. S. No. -1:--11st:
• S. S. 'No, 7 -rid
S. 33rd.
S. No
S. S No, 54-2M1..
• S., :S. NO: 9 --3rd.
'.., The. . Council. of the ToWnShipl of
„ . . .,...
KinloSs met op Oct. latli:L 'All .rnerp-
:hers... present, I. The „m'nutes Of,' 'i 'last
,following :4c;tiyilts were PaSSedIai'd.
hotineS :issued in payment '. the.. of.
F. G. 11iotrat,:-..Shecp' "killed,' hy. ' d gs
$11,99.; . Bodeiicii ,...111,-0)o.ugall ' 75, ' 'ds,
gravel, at - 43c, $29,2.5; . GraVel: . .,::,39,,
Dotigall's .contract ' . $6.00 i, .. Richard
Stanley 4.?'. `ydg , ' graVet. $4i2.0; , Jas. ;
Aliller.541/2-. yds, 2 bills $5.45.; Peoi*e
ItTaidohn 1.6414..Yd 4 ttecOUnt $16.6';,;
Ed. 'dameS -$.'yds • eeo: ,wiWain'PO;*-koo.'
,iitgiv..ii.-:yda.-80c.;, .boneVata 'estate '''.4
.;,d8. Apc'; 'William ' Miltdie and • ons
'Kligfa6tf.'1'60eihal gsPei..kCe:tittitii'f' . /°.A.epC1';af
''''Votr4... List $11,90.; 'Charlet Bait:,
..sate 0. Hall...Afft ..,8th.',,to.."j'...Oct.. ..1.3th..•
$10.00. EdWin Punves' 2, sheen 'killed
'by ..clogs. ,$33,'..-60;'. John„Mcf:„.se,Od ins ec.,
iinglYPurves ..slieep
p'.,eri. llal..;:'0„ ...tri,stion' 6k. "Ctilert.,
"GT. Boundary 4t.iron .:khifoee:':$2-.2-rh-
Aiipeal• Ite';'Vote 1,10t,,..$0AL,(84::'
olot *Broi:. 130 ft: HoTild,0( At , $3 -.PO.
b1)3Y.i..tiNIer:Que(eRnSeet3;kbny'lli44,rtritli'Ms' ' lit
Angl,t8. lYtetional hav,.e the,. COnSene
of', the7.CO.unell of -fife Township .Of
*king,. g,' nilyy.On -4,1laiid...$6,•.,9'. he...4
Kinl: beild fa plain , i wire .,feride
tWeeti .Con;:t.--tind..22:,..,0arriecl., ..'''
Council titUotarned .. to :intet , ogatn
On ,the 25th .4 NOVehthei at the tiaii,i
el, thne - thd` filiteef. Or at Call .6f the
Iteeve',. Gpa.. q. Moffat,, Clerk .
‘.4"' 410: It' .t. tt4 P'74.704•6^1:10-6rt-i el ett ''tteP '
.1,..49.10 ,..4.Alliile,i .104.414 ....4,.. A ..
0,0 otoo 400 .11 p ptio d4otio otil ' ' :At
,,. ,.,.. ., -
' anti mrs 1:: Ai /far: is exere
• M-Cirsii..delinen4ie•Me
Areturned; fiO4.1
• li,ilLittrili,15:,447,4i4tle;W4;t:ornf 7A ;044krit..9.,,,
spent' the. week-endin Ripley.' '
• Mr. D.A. ItleLay left AliOnci,47-91141
• husine4s -31ip 44,1,Sti,"7:4Cathaf.ineS,-.1,,..^.d /
D'all.fid -e,i.".ox; 'ii rt,Ori il On; (I 'y.4 ,
aitlidll.g.. h.er fe.i.her 4r. A.:1.8.,:•• 7,1‘1D04--
- 4 $...11.• NreKay*. 4n0, 4'0n 49ho, of
Two•oit;i arp visiting' 'in lRipley. - " '
,Mrs ' Marraret. ,McKitinon is 'leer-
'ing shortly on 4 trip tol'Troot, Creek.
MF:' G •R., Mooney, •govent'
• • . rnme.
in.rnigration' insPector; ....'. was • .home
uvc;.r 'the meek -0d. • .' - .
His' FiOnour JUdge A. 11. Klein 'in:e.,-
.04 tfieA0ck. bi•it were:, adjourned. ''
Msses , .,•
iBessie J'ackSon Dorot
siael. at ,tne lo ai'divt'sipri Court . on
. Wetknestiay. ,rth re. .were thrce. cases
,iac..,son, and 'onailia ili.oLeod,,' stu-
rir..a.c.,tne Stratiord Normal Sched4
'-pent tinclay .at -their shomes 'here,'
iVi i S A,,,McBrien and 1VIi.sa E. Mc,'
aliiLe.ic-i,i .elin.ne fron: visiting at Ca-
-Mich.•• Air,. tcOoert IrWin.,.. reeve of:Huron,
,.s ;Lack .frOin. a .tri.0, -through :the
or...nern part . of , Brace .courity, M.
r'svi,i was inspecting the ..c9ihiiton et
_fig, loads ,oii., the peninsula.; '
•.1-tl'v ' Mr. '1'' O r,d, " of ,'Ooderich:'
,Jaea...iie4. an aoie ae.raion •int A47
etairen landily • m'Orning,
-11,3 aoseme .Oi 1'1••••., Karline'ss;
.vrio was preaehin
111.4,ch 'war conduct .a speCial.
, •
CoilectOi•s o t. AnareW's
can -
ass of. theCongr,,,a(,en to .,securc
• • f s. Ly 0;f:
nthe r '
»W..» 13ald, A., Inspector
,f .pu bile.. .schoo.is " est . Bruce,
.as in
tpoNeventi.,0cli ?oufrsto4aeyT sgeliotonie.:
aon is being .weli'• Maintained, • the
St.att, aocharging 'their ..clu•
,ies in .a '.'zea'icius and , efficient , man-
ner. . s.
yn. S Ay afternoon, • Kenneth
NicLeod's ; . Concession
.cwo, Hurori Was totally destrOyed by
As the',bi1d1i was f .fraMe•
,oristructIon the -.Made rapid
• neadWay.• The origin of the lire as .a•
, . ,
mYstery as Alf the lainily; \\ere away.
at the time it broke ont',': The 'loss' is
.partially. covered lar.,insurailee • 7
.• The court for, the •ievizion of •I-Tur-
On Township ' Vo :
ters'l List for. Jthe»
fortheenning iplebiscite was; ' held in
Wednesday .afternoon. Judge
B. of ,Walkgreon; pi-esided.
-Considerable,...iiiterest manifest-..
.0d. by the electe'ra , in: the .Fevision 'of
• the list,' the lo,cal -..elergyinen and
church officials being partieulrly ac-
tive in working for the retaining ef
the' 0. T. A. • Eighty',eiglirt names
were; sUbniitted .te the conrt :to '.e
enteredHor altered on the list. A law -
Ser present iireSurnably. in the inter-,
ests of the 1),Lideration ,Leaglie..quest
•tioned Wherithe right to
vote' was doubtful, but1id net en-
ioavor, to -diaqdalify voters -'on minor
Rev. after,
th07-interests-of-supporters of the
T. A..• •Abolit' sixty names,Were added,
to theIst1 of, voters. ,
• HOWp
. ' Tliroogh ''.tli?,. CourteS'y. ' ,of, 'JOhn
'Sutherland and 'Sons, '*Lintited;'.- We
:have been faVored' with.. the ,felleiying,
appropriate'. , si4rgestions ,fo Fire• ,
t).revelitio.ia »Week:Y ;',. .' ' ' ..
Tre.";'",:-Fire...'lliti*sliaref " WiScOnSiir
has 'issueda 'bulletin 'which .he .terins
,4 "C.onledy.ot .Errors " .. , • ' .. •
; He' looked for a Ltas leak with. a
'match; and,"fourid,it:. . ' ,
.,...g...,,'„a:Hoei:i.lilieg,l.tittteridii, ,a,A„.,fi.:.i81,1a, ..tnpli tle.,:iseeeNN,0.1f;...;,iloilts: .
. '.11e aniekedi'whil..i. Tilling , his , aut�.
trink,,but will do so 'no i.reore. ''
lie.:iiii-Oke'd iii..4h'ed, so did :the bed
clothes. ' ',,,.' „.' , , '. ' '. ' .
. He threw.* N., the mateliea :,ititO. the,
: , .. ' ,-, , , , • : .. , .
waste paper basket., He :is,, wiser now
..110 ' thipt& a .'"\\Cigurettq, stub . rritOi
seine rubbish.. . ' . , ' 1
.s. He 'saved -his oily wifiSt and.:,'•011.
rags: and 'they;burned.;his shop.
.• ;lie- washed., •his k handS- in- gapolin60
neat. the 'atoye, 7 6. dOeto1/2: . WaShes
, .
lio(.1..,..qient.Y.. Of insur i.i..q.',.. and ..40t-,:.
'' Ile did net tv,Ol'il,', Jiont fires as' he
lii4-- Wife. ' and: chil,
:11*Titi..0%..'11,ST!tstitt;:ief'ds.'....0 p .7. the in.:troy...
wit 1. paper and iagS„.. ...,
: Slid.' cleaned. her klove ..w,141,. gt..,...'-•
' line'', Abel saved ., fifteeii cents, *hitt.,
.a.Pllcia''ttht.e, 'dotior And ;drtigg',.it iCtt6,oll .
,te•vii:Si:te.ie,_,.t$11o6h;,trveidt:,1"!vraeoieti.'itlerititi.'•;,;,, the f,an)p
iyolei,.. on tlie ateVe 6 .iliake ‘ivattittig,
.slie..Oht ititOline '...it'n the waiii"',
.She dried; •;, Cie. thes tee 'neer the
S, t.i8vbeil''' butted' etiltilitii elt, • °Ver.' the
Sho1iSdd the Wolh•"+,', 611. d'an. ,
1140080 to fti Ipatt
• ot.'4,47S.'gilliK410'744ST:11)4YIng'i
an ,stry:kr-tii,qrfi pre two Way
decidifig 'on WilERE fY- •
, We have an unvarying reputa-
tion, eo-,sering reny years, for sell,
Coats, but
'we don't esk,yod to take our- word
Go cr...anir,,,'ef your friends'. who
liaVe 'purcheSed' an Overcoat at
Mann's; Ask:them , how the Coat
looked it, the end Of. one, two,
, •
,threeor four 'seasons' ,, 'wear.' We
• are corifider,t of the answer.
co,.wlk,,r',,ei overcoats' are void
to -day, i StudY' '.theni and eXa4ine
the fz,A• style; quality and' price
as- much as you Then.com-
par .:. • them .1 with those, shOWn, here.
We ari: 't..:J.n6dent, Of, yonr. Verdict.
815,00 to .$40.00
than a Million
In the &nest month of .
1924 there were 60,000
more. Long Distance
sages ,than, in. the same
period of 1923.
Long Distance messages in
Ontario and Quebeo now
• aVerage 'over 35,000 a day--;
03:ars: ,Dell_teleph, ones
in. Service have increased.
Naturally, eery neW sub-
• scriber adds to the value of
YOUR relephope. The field
ilofwaitss buiggcs.efr.un
l, ess grows
TodaY=hoth utaT6' su,lei Ca"
you »Lake by Log Distanie?
B'ach twig subscriber adds to tha
• volae,of YOUR Telephone
• Fr 4.8 are, still • busy, with ,
:1fr: Jol=.1n Bennett; Miss 'Annie
.Shel,tOn. r.n6 ,Nfr, •and : Mrs. Albert:
, .
stanle ,i'etli,rned` TiOnie from Detroit-
' 'aSt week. ,
Tie churcliwa8 well fill'ed at- the
''.'Alinivary %Service,- last , G,Sutidify.•
'61iiiiitited th'e.r..'
MiTlef • .
$1111clAt', 7tit ',Benherrneres..,'
)3iSholi » Strizigpt: Ceridtitteti'..
Stinday' afterneett., ' •
LaVena ,;(4riffit1i., 'of Kincardine
la ,viSithig--' With her 'aiater',Mrs
Allan ,katike.
• Vqlagei' lie*evet., .youog
toioee eet be ,dpoileet1y4441iigil otl :