HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-23, Page 4Ineorporated: j85,, =- APITAL • ' $4'000 000 ISAlti90,POP6: Or1k.‘2,0,-;*# Nctir*s r41 'vv §heuld, ,notrbe'..ief,t birig-aretind the. eitise;:e4Cii•„`locked tt o hidde) DePOSiteCin "...13aVings 'Accotint •Melsona Bands: it is Safe„ earns 'interest and, 131D, MAAcij3R •13RANCH McORMK. DEERING' CO;:- ' * Spreaders, - Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay .Tedders; Hay Loaders, G.,rdirik-:ind Coin Binders. • NTEMAN',;'.WILKINSON Wilkinson Plows, Seuffiers and Barrows. ROST'..STEEL & WIRE "CO,: - 'NO, 9. Coiled'Wire •4 -Point Barb, Gates and: Woven -Fence -and- Staples, all Galvanized: ' ' See our our high. 'grade Rialtos before bliying.. For Sale At E:W'S9. LUCKNOW. eafort reamery, -"CREAMBity3,KG STATION. Iijghtest cash, prices paid for ream and. Eggs,. We, guarantee . -service and satisfaction to all our PtTOfl$ • ielnit a -trial,a1:d jet- us 'Prove • ti aren.Werth*While market.. ecil- Mullin r. Luciplow Branch Phone 63. Luckiow, Phone 7 Ingham' - hone, 256 7 , onumen a ork! LUCKNOW and WINGHAM , Ras the largest antl most complete stock in the, moat beautiful designs to choose fronton •1•„,• Marble, Seotc, 11,, Swedish aur Can: ia tan Granites° ytre;Mahe a• specialty of Family Monuments Intl in • e your Inspire- Insetiptions 'Neatly', Carefully and Promptly Dane. ' See eis before Placing 'your Order. ••- //ouglas Bros. , R. A. Spottou • Luchnovt, Thieknow L. 0. L.. No. 428 meets In their' lodge room eery 0 second Tues- day of the month0 at 8 o'clock p.m: • WM.. H. M. Parker; Rec. Seesi.. Wm. , . MEETtNG, AT KINLOUGH 'A meeting •in the interest ef the ""Ontatio"Temperarice•.Aet" was"held • in the , Orange Hall, -Kinlough , on " 'Wednesday evening the 15th.'" There Wednesday, Nvas 'a , Ve '•-Ce audience abeut, one ',half hein ' : Mr. Mesgreve Ex-, . P. P.f. ''' , 'te thief speaker, He '4111olfe for: considerable over an hour, -.---,the:aildiericgiiiirie..the_heitz...ofSatten,.. ' thin, i4.tt Musgrove 'la' no: long ,\ eA • youn;rnitn. He taught school \lc,r 32 Yeats`'Vas lear e in the•-tov. .:•.of --,'..Witigham;,10..served :a term •O P. --a man of splendid judgment aid . vett Sense. Every one wen+ liwne seeniingly well pleased '.:;tntl •g, .. :.; that: the... O. T...A. IY,:as..,one, t! *, '. he 1. best acts we ever 1 .. '1`.1 'e was.al- so local talent whirr.) - 0 'cry math O 'Iiiiliretialited: A•C,....:(. 6...1, was taken , .$0.4100 with almost -44(1.'0k taken` ' in .the !Presbyteriitt churr °, 'nitikes Otoar $46,00 to go towards the $100;60 'Slatted to .t1i1656 Towriallip. , •- 97o-----7 \ . in Y a in ' d00 enjoy ej solopi THOSE.BATHING GIRLS ON AUTO WINDSHIELDS (From the Rochester -Herald) Somewhere sometime a motorist picked up, a pester with a bathing gr1 onit Probably; this w,as an ad- vertisement Of 3 summer .resort. He stuck. the poster on, his 'windshield and Went his way: SoMewhere, some- time, he passed aniinble mind ,alicl° the ninahle .mind saw"the.bathing gird sticker and. , had an idea, The 'nimble mind imniediately had printed thous- inflaof the,,bething girl ,stickerS and O put. them on sale' wherever MOtoristt. •. • piissedr' Inimediately the:roads of the.conn- try •liecame -precessions of, •°befitting girls 'that ,°, adorned the windshields and •back WindOws of ;eOuntless'aute:-'. mobiles, Then some ether' •• nimble. .raind With a greater sense ,of humor 'than the first nlarible mind devised. .„ . ,another bathing girl of great cerrial- :ente, instead el the lim grace of the;,, first bathing, girl. ,Irruinediatelyi all the automobiles., that heretofore had been.: decorated withslim bathing became ,adorned with bathing girls of, extreme -Corpulence. "The. season is not yetover and if the bathing girls,keep on, growing in size it May be 'necessary t� eall speciai Session. °of the legislature to -pegs 'a law -.t� forbid motorists "ob- scuring their.- vision by pasting' bath- ing:girls' •in placei needful to see threngh. , •• . • ,The Whole, hathine.girl :craze and its spread is typical of preeent-daY America . where vi,ve 'haven't become dangerously saiceptible t� .hand -me ideas and eeconcl-hand ingenu- ity ;manipulators of .public Opinion exploit the herd instinct in 'es We 'ear, popular 'opinions, 'exactly as we adorn our cars with This is the age of standardiza- tion and cpientity.prOductfon: ana .we _arepro.tidest . of all- of •the ized • American. • *The in et.; \V start and 'foster popular ac either mental or•of the Mote concrete bathing girl tyne,),invariablY,: have something to gain thereby: • . Thinking for oneself has: become almost a "leSt . 'art ,in America Peate...a..bathing'''-girl'''''orr-eur quantal - windshields and " let it goat that. Obscured rinental windshields, ;arc hi the• way of becoming 'a national,trien- 0- -• • HEAVY' LOSS TO 'FARMER', The 'big barn on the farm of JOhn Rettinger.....,near Formosa is :destroyed. by•lire on Sunday Oct. 12th' With heavy Joss: 'MI'S. Rettinger whose hbaband. was. killed; tWO "SteaTs a,i.2.13 When a gravel' pit caved' in,has' had the farm rarita•to her brother, :iti-la*; •Mr: Michael. • Rettinger. At. the • time of the fire two children smoke and ran to the phone to • give the alarm, .Wheti they retutzied the b1iilding.iwasapiss:.of ,flaines. • T,he- ,bank "htirti;,, contained• the entire. crop 150 res, 's well'eS 1;00,0 litiellela of old grain and a lot ef seed inj,clpng- ing to...Mr: The' Stock was. all, out at the time, ,excePt the, pigs' Which iutdeeded. in escap- ing -, frein thp Piggery. Neighbors ;say - e d•a-driving shed ',from 'the. :flatneilY° 'knockingan end* off it and deltiging It With water. The insuranee on :barn Was $2,090, and $20O0. on the eon - lents, ""-bri.th 'in the Formosa Fire 'Init. Co, In eaelj. caSe" tile JOSS Wail only, al4ou4 halt PoVered by th� 0 1410 tligAxth1n4 hint)* inpanpfL, , ov. v • •44,va...1 .44.474 - 1 O.WINEL "ME r.:dcKNOW spITIMEt," TITUJISDAY, CiOTOD1.4 Oa, 1924 .0000, TILVIASDAY, OCTOBER 240., 1924 .THg PLErgpcvrE cAmpAiON re - O Experienced political canipaigners Sa7/ that the -Outcome a an 'election, so far aS tha, intentions of the elec.. tors are ceneernedv.ia.deciled four or AaY$ InfOTt/W .•riturrilt140;-,01the t O 14i lot$ takes In the case of a elese election this may not be literally true, fints,douht. less, a few electors will -change their. intention within the 'last few days, or ,hours. But there will be changes ,poth ways and these will net affect the outcome. Sq it May be assumed that the dietdm of the .experienced . . campaigners, as', stated. above, za..auo- stantially'true. If so, the outcome of O the plebiscite, vote on ;Oct.• 23rd . is determined before this, is written, The.0 campaign.; hasbeen waged with a. good i deal, of Nigel on both sides.' Tons of literature have been, distributed, 'and a lot la money lias been .exPe-rided in newspaper adver- tising. A great deal of platform work has been . demi' in the interests of the. Ontario TeMperande 4ct party the .Moderation -League or "Wets" •have confined themselves • largely ',boards, circulars \indi the; newspapers ' During the campaign if has been brought out, that :the campaigns' in 4he interesta of government sale in O Ontario „and :the iWestern 'provinces have been largely:, financed ,hy the wine and whiskey manufacturers France, and we may assume by 'those In, like buSinees• in great' Britain and, Ireland, To , theSe it ;was a businesi O proposition -La 'Matter of opening. up, - • a new market. It.WaS 'aii investment. They expected to g� their fnekleY baelc. If reports ."are true they , are 'getting; it back With °Much 0 interest from" Manitoba and British Columbia. f`dry" or prolithAion party had to rely, forcampaign' .finds qiipori the liberalily of these 'interested in the cause from -Unselfish Or at:in'y unbusiness . inotives Theii 'funds have been, made up from the :sinall contributions a individual workers. rr. It, is said: that the automobile has been 3 big' consideration with the electors, ' and that in theevent of a "dry" victory,jtO may he largely ,cre- dited. with .the , outcome. Few like. the prospect of our ,being fre- quented' with automobiles driven ° by bYen slightly Under the influ- ence of liquOr One:. may well assuitie that this consideration will count ler mach with the woinen voters It was at. ,first said that all the bootleggers would vote to maintain the present Teninefaince.Aet 'becausp it made 'their business, while, under, gOvern:inent ,0 sale their business would be gone This'proapeet, hOW- ever, •has. Peeiime unlikely :.isince it was Jearneci..iliat where government control :prevails', 'bootlegging °flour- ishes to a.:rnuch ogreaterextent than it; &ma' in Ontario., 'In loealities Owhere' there has beeii much violation of th,e• 0. T. A. folk .whq desire more ..temperate -condi- Otions Were at'[first openly in fel:* Of. O :government control beeanie,:• they hoped. it would result in less drunk- enness; and, lawlessness' •than -they had .been 'alperiencing. The promise of irernier . Ferguson and the assur- _ ance of Attorney: General tflat, in :the event: of a pronounce - merit by he electOrs in favor of the pre -Off -Net, the AW -Would be stren- A! CHICAGO DAILY ON , e T4E' GENILE ::PAINCX ' ,--,------,- " '....-----; , r A few. weeks .ago'wo;hid so thing ' to say, about the 00 popularit) „.if the pririce of Wales, in the. United States -,and We wninlered if it. were really So that fie Was getting all the complimentary attention.,that we were being tel. about. - , Here, is what one of the big Chic - aro "daily Int,Pera.....had• Ito, ,s'ay,f9lla-AY-, ingr che'' reee-W-Vieit 'of Me' -Prince to rthat g. .. Y. 0• The Prince Passea EdWar4 Albert,. prince of Waela, or •plain Ir)avid Windsor„ as he Chooses to I.:e knovvn 7.dUring '11's ..° American travels,. as', visited Chieago and. de - I parted„ ccording to all accounts;- a -pleaieci and ploWng guest. Every - 'where e went about the -city he was, greeted by cheering thousands, whose vvekokning' shouts he graciously ac-. knowledged. Iie was shown through and .witS yes*. , entertained by ‘ that great Chicago institution,: ,the 5tOck- yards, which probably not -One Chic-- agean in five 'ever saw. He wen+ throu h a rather dull formal pre - f grain , welcome and entertainment wit ,eXPressioris• of 'intelligent inter- h(5 est, and in theeveping daneed. With smile of -the pretty girls who were fortunate enough to be asked to inee him. ' . : Through all of his ,short stay in Chicago the most notable thing about him seems to have been his impreg- nable good nature. Of„,that he 'evid- ently has an, inexhaustible store. If he.. -had pot. and 'with' it a fair Sense of hinter, he eOuld, hardly escape Be- ing utterl-.speiled, or bored ,to dia, .,,'traction by • the. adulation that \ heaped upon him constantly , by men and'women, eld,,ancl young -.L -far more . , . .... :apparently; in supposedly :democratic , America than tn. his own dand. . Poi. Oat, of regime the explanation ie - obvioits. In the -^ old world' there are manyi More nrinces than thrones for them to sit on1, in the new WOrld „a prince is a „rarity. And. in the case Of Wales :there is. . a 'roam/Ice quite' dist'net from that . with tWhich the story books "-invest .all,princeS. ,He marched off to the war as n !young:. stet when lid.:might easily. .have re- inained.at :home, saw all the fighting the British ' authorities wo‘ihI let- him see ,and'. behaved. 'himself ' quite ' as a young prince phopld, And since the armistice he has. participated in 'the sf+et.ts. and the '• public' 131e of , Great Britain in% way that has made -hint easily the . Most' nonnlar man in. th'e . British. isles. , • •, 0•' ,(''' ,In short., he has been what net onlk • Britehs and Americans hut • all the . . world' loves -'-a 0 good sport.. '' ...,;., • . He was a ivelgonte, because an ex- -tremely amiable"; .visitor. and 'the un official representative 'of a great and friendly people. • • --o-o-o- -,--. •GODERICII In reporting the match, The BM."' 3.el- posthad the following: to ay0 here sqme real 'Old, ;tiraeta. PO: vale, /30. 'years of 1,1ge;' and rew melpson, Jamestpwn, 0 twhOse tfl le 81. All were flUe2their day..i.fied plOwiair.in bOVIO.th14.i4t?:!!0;lnialollte4h4' nnarefreshment d., tp e day". • .14°Y"trg ta.aiOias 1,vre were' Pot Jarge, hut entries were Were mini:- ereus 'and excefl�ijt work ;done, Ant:. prig-. the plo.winen of those days. were: (Black- Sancly).,ForsYth and his 'ton Tom: 'Thos.' 111.2LauChlin, 'senior' end jimierr,-AiraTi.'Allarai, :Alex McKer- cher, • Hiram .White, 7 Jno, Peter and. Aaron icelfer. ,and :many other§ •, Thr , went into- it for the love: of the' cause, , ' To olloi.* the difference, of times ata ploWing..inetch ever , 4Q years .age on the liryans fferni, (Own th Hingston'property) Thos. Hall a Brussels hotelkeeper; diSpensed beer and .ScnizethingStrongerSo it is1 said on the grounds, and some of :those whO took • part. in this Program went here quite. tipsy.. • • • •' O 'I'here:Were about. 400 IneMbership tickets sold' this 'year, by: the Associa4 They onlY cost '25 cis; eacl3°.4e. wet°. n�t expensive. • • It ,was a 'ffit'r start, 'for the -new or- ganatipn • and atIgurs, well. for .192. aAdains,iwhhPecirl: cies .of President enthusiasticPresi entAllan A§sotiation•Wai regret- , ted. He had been on the sick Rat •and not; Ole 'to, ;attend... , , O 7 %Fiiday was a 'great'clity "iuld aequaintance" 'and inany e retrospect wie'',"ineOrder People from all °obits of the compass :Met' and ..ehat- ted over days, gone by. • O There: was 3.',g9od 'attendance ,of adies, who .enjoyedthe' afternoen. It was A , j.6113i good::: natured • cretwd. Automobiles were. there ,bY. the Prizes awarded is ,f011ows:- • in. sed-Aleirc-,AlVIrt- T<erch,„,' :WrOxeter; Dunbar's special in this eirent. Alex McDon- ald,• Morris, s )(1,,ifetal'• Purpose, , Wooden handled in •, sod -George :, C. McDOnald: .mr.' McDonald ; also the- Fred Minter special in thi§. Class: • 'P1owrng,' TOUnz: then •from 19 to '25 .y.eats• age="Vv.'itson .Brown, Grey; Grey; Chester'iintu1, Morris: Mr. Rintoul ettnii tt he this: „ . , Plowing .for 'bey: -niider-19 -sbd O --William' ,Mitehell, MOleeWetql. He also won 'the' J. Logan speeial in thi boys under 16, .in stubble -Jack Cameron ; ,:dranbreok; 'Walter W6od;Hotvick;' 0 •' Morris. -.Jeck ,Cameton won the, 11. L. Seek - Son special in this" class. • Single furrow tiding' plow, in and • . alio :won the George . Manners.,special in this .Traetbri-Sylye.ster 'Fox; Brussels,, • .• , „ Harr'McCuteheorr Morris•Mr. -Mc- Ilt6Ci44;°;inn:IYth6in-the Earl Cinniiigham'a case the speeial bein open" to far err. only. ---- , . ; illness: ',president • 'A 'Adams nable to attend , brit :the .other officer aftertheit , • num- erous first Class style and the.°PloWing'.-Match was a.fine start tintiation_of-this-Impert• ...Mt' work hi the:years to:come. It . is officered. as olloWs1.2 Tpreahlent, A. crana§';:' vie • Presidezyt, R. L. .Mc-, Donald; Els on •. Cardiff; Sec.-Treas.; supp'orted by a long list of Directors ' HOLYROOD • • gthened and better enforced than'. It ,has been, together with the unfavor- able repOrtS.7 from Mani toha , arid. British Columbia, no :doubt has ,in- duced Many, of these to Vote against gOveynnient Sale. ' • • • At the ,close of the: Catripaign ' it Considerattons-Such$ ae 'those :det forth, have Started a, strong current of 'opinion in favor of maintaining prohibition, but whether er,rietithisi.ivill,..be:,,snfficientl-to offset the wet vote of the Cities and Of the peeniel. hy-. Eurepeans. -and, their 'first generation decendantS, on - a 'count , bf the ballots' can tell. The value which, as ". a •:businesis enterprise; _the and others who 'hope to'make money out of the restored traffic, place; up- on a re -opened Ontario is ,siiggeet;. ed by Ole .faet::plat while revision of Abe, 'voter Lists was ander Way, the O M�dratioi League' had a lawyer' attend ach-Conit,:for, the: purpose, nting-the-placing--Of-possible- '`-dry" v terp on the lists. A Conser- • vative 0etnate of the 'cost of this .procedure: is '$5,000 iPer.day These:, laviYers,'•by takine• tAdvantage,"of -un- important • technitalities denbiless prevented the listing of many thou- aand electors, ,' • ! • ! ThisMay "h dcidiit Net& in the ,outeotrie; in •which event the financiers of the Moderation League will soon recoup themselves for the ottM otts- expenditure.' ''. its busirieSti 'with them,, , . • One trouble with the wOrld that. a ziaess .is never fntal. mot01## 4411 49 .11'4' factor 4-04 400 * .041. ' TrocIPetlflY Yoirniim for liber; aotY se ;WO As won '04 telq\ Wordi has' been received -Of the 3uOiten death in Vancouver of Ches- ter M. Elliott; a weli=known Goder- ,, • i Cr' boy, third ,son' Of Mr. and M. Elliott 'Afr.Elliett w'as Manager Of the Alberta wheat Pool. with head- quarters at Calgary and Was On a visit to the coast when 'stricken with a fatal: heart seizure. He was 33 :veers' old.' and is. 'survived- by, wi- O cloW,, formerly Miss Olive JOy Tald. -and an infant 'daughter at their home in Calgary. The funeral will nrob• ably be -held here:' , -Chester--Elliott-,was horn -in Goder- ich in '1891 and attended school: here: On graduating from the commereia department •of the• collegiate, hevt•res fer.sOme time employed in the Sterl= jng Bank at Gederich.° Later be went. ,to the Winnipeg office of the, West- ern Canada Flour ,IVIills doinpaity and af texwards was -in anager of.. the,. coMpany'S branch office 'at. Vancouv- er and. calgary.. He .went from :there , the 'Alberta • Fanners' di$Opera- tive.EleVatOtc-CoMpany as _Jcommis- sion Manager and when the' present heata•PaPsoulmfe6dthe r All); f?o taat v7tstri.e°nrftga neried he 7 :"The kite Mr. Elliot' is surVivel 'by his' Parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. k M t ott' and one sister, Ivy, of. Goder- Thh ("WillianCE:Ittill-Thintias- R., bro= thers; London„ and another bro- ther, G, R. ,Elliott, in LosAngeles. • —o o -o O U K. RON COUNTY PLOWING MATCH , _ • The. Huron. Counti-Plavv.inatil So!iatien,. organized .thi§ ,year;., held `te •Plovving match On -Harvey Bryan's ,BrUSiels,-ton 'Oetaber,10th. The day Was. fine,..itid the. ,everit toved a great, attraction the .creoWd • being estimated 'at 5,000. There.. Weye_itundtede= of a4ctiriebiles, iliat'.'ilie";::-6-Ciibit----tesoitiblee'•-••a- village fall fair, 'The untribet �f en-, i0ea --ink the . conteats.. were '..titthet disaPpOitiiing; • as • of 0. hlte ,years. young 1E0111(114 d� not take the Barrie' pride in 4gOod, plowing that young ten .ef Yoata ago did. The work; done, 'her(vnYet,' "W:at, regarded AS of MA order nd a greater riuniber. , of, entrtta is Omeeted teia Year, thate V 0, 1 Carpenter ,Lork is the order of the . . . ,. lay. We twonder why they ,are build- ing an addition to, the ,houie. at _the corner, ,„,Beware.Jackl This. ia.„ leap Miss: Frances. Moffat -,O1- Wingham -Srient the wee,k end with Mrs. .Almer Ackert. •, ,,•1 •, • -1 .." The :`Anniversary services ;held at „fiolytood li1 a Sunday Were, Veil at - ',ended. ,• .Rev.' 'Mr.' 'MaeVilliarns, of 'Kinlough, had charge of • both. ser- vices: His text for the evening dhristianify the World Over.", Both mpr.ls ive~e 'very ably delivered. The nuiSiC by: the Clark's . quartette !sae- vxy-- \ much, eyijOed ; - 1.1iintk. Iva- -Har-rison"sles,....were -)w.el Liendired. at both setts. , - I. • Miss Jeanet“,e Robertson ,ef Wing - _barn .;:Visited, MiS •Pearl .dongram,,oy-, er ' the . week -.'end. „ „ " ' :' • . j• , , Mrs. ,Charfie B ylding• of ,Regina Who was Called hOme, due . to'the iii O neaS; of ber father visited'. her., brother ....mr.;_trzite 'Aekert_on _Runstay. ' Mrs. Ernie. Ackert entertained a 1 ,nUmber of 0 her friends 'oyi, Monday; evening' , i •-; '' •'' - • - ' - - • ••.• °°! Miss Mary Eadie �f Glenannan h returnecl bonne, after' vislting her brother NItibill,,Fadie, ' • fvrrs3 . Rae eel Ctilbert Wiro flaw been with ito 4uillitst4. .Mri. ,1311.1 Eadisp, to, the peat‘ tWo. ‘vealci hal rsturnod homes • 1 . - immmi:15;mim'amasiw FRONT. 44DWAR WITH THE COOL onL;tiy EygNiNgs 'fit it E AND 0:N E 'YET. TPX A NEW :PER 4BefloN .'01VI; PRATER.' • PEZ• F'7-• FECTION•0114- 'HEATERS BUILT' 1,4) -GIVE • '11EAT Mir • THE rtiDomFuL.- 'THAT IN A WORD, Dsi.',Rivgs TgEnt •puTtpcF.E, amgy: CAN EN' USED IN ANY ROOM IN • THE O sious,E; LY.G-1.1T AND PORTABLE, ,EASY TO MOVE ABOUT. ' wg.nA.yg 'num, OUR PRIcg. IS RIGHT; • , •Stoves and Heaters ' IF YOIJ ARE-THIN,KING I:TROIA:SING A STOVE OR HEATER; .01‘SULT IIS BEFORE,11U1ANG, YOU WILL • FIND ,01.T.R. •STOCK COMPLETE AND/PRICE min! HAPPY THOUGHT STOVES AND . HEATERS WE frAvE INSTOCIC. HAVE YOU 'SEEN, THE HAPPY THOUGHT "C OS Y. HOME" QUEBEC, BURNS HARD COAL, SOFT COAL OR. A 21.:INCH STICK OF WOODA QUEBEC S'T 0 VIE 'VVITII . ALL THE FEATURES OF A RANGE= 'RIFLES- AND SHOT GUNS.. --WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK. , • AMMUNITION, A'LL CALIBRES. HAVE Y 0 U TRIED' THE 'WESTERN FIELD suPER N? • IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRY A FEW AND BE CONVINCED= • . LIMITED NUMBER OF YELLOW AND BLUE ,pu, LB •POTS, .AT 2.5c. EACH. ' Fresh Car of Cement justArrived O plione: Hardware Lucknow. I Plumbing insmithing /• imemm•tommiNW z;Ort. , A largenuinber from Zion were: at CreWe, Anniyersary Services, on day' evening. ladt: • •' John ' dhamniOn • of Kincardine spent Stinday With hiS'•,'•sister Mrs. M. L. Gardner: O With 'regret' we report'. Othe death , Of Mr Robert ;Reid of ' Goderich which occurred ori 'Friday last; the -late Mr Reid was a repident, and .old pioneer at Zion for many years be- .eere_ he moved to a farm near Au- burn and •Jater retired ' to • Goderich where he dwas .residing•at the time Of his. •eath. . • . .. . . • •.• , O '0 Mr; and „Mrs. J. Craig of.. Si.. Agustine-,• • ,alse Mr: and Mrs.• . Pick ',Gardner ,of- ZiOn, Spent, Sunday; with . _ Mrs. W. T. Gardner. Mr. , and Mrs.' John 'McKeith and Mr; and Mrs.. Cheater Hilton and ,•farnily of Oakville .spent the week :end' with Zinn • friends, , ° • Messrs Henry. Harold and Mark 'Gardner are: pz.L.:king apples for Harry McQUillian of • Lucicnow. at: Mr. Thos. 'Wood's .o.. Dungannon'• • Miss' Clara Ritchie . sperit-TITUrs- day last with Mrs. John: Helm. , of , Mr.; Fred". Andersen.... delivered a Connie of: fine, horses at Clinton last , Mr, John Gibson '.ef Gunton. .called on Zionfriends .last ,Sunday. • Messrs,' Henry and, Richard ard- ner and C.. W.. Ritchie motored to .Goderich Saturday'. We extend. Congratulations to Mr.• and Mrs:Thes. Hacke.tt, en the arriv- al... of a ata -a. MrS.: Henry Gardner spent • a few, °days last;.Week •with Mrs; Rebt. Of Lanes. 4rho 'executiVe°,'ef. L.O.L. .1044 an'Ir •nounc a -special •;ineeting''''On af evening,, Oct. 24th. Visiting 1Brethnl Welcome.' t;O:mt A./Ir. 'Wellington Ni.:zon ,of •'Donny- brook. is :assistini lur, Richard Gard.: , ner with his, fall work: 0-- , HIJRRY?' O At a meeting:t�. diSotns.: the. ,attke7 ty»of•pedestrians,, a' witnees,.'teinerk- edi •"In the old 'days if 'anybody missed a stage coach, he :was con- tented' to. Waitt‘vo ;Or 'three ilaysfor, ' ° the next: ..1Vely the *lets ourta..'squawk O if •he •misses one 'section, of. a revol, ving (leer." IV.s, the truth.,.We. are. ins .sizely. •harry that half". the. tine vve .• den't :know where we are 'going. We woUld-ratliet stub,- out .toes than take the time to piek nn Our- feet. • We , . 'dodge i•through traffic in the. middle of 0.• block rather than. spend thirty. Seconds in reaChing• a: Street :erossing. MOn go froin. Toronto:. to. Vancouver, and write baCk'•that they anade, the. trip in threC'houre.....less. than last .time.' 'We jump ori and 'Off moVing, train's,• We, eat fast; tide .fast; talk . i• . • • . ,fast,1 walk , fait, 'xianee fast,. :sleep fast- "and die fast.' : What'Sthe hurry.?..• There are till 'tVitentPoirr • • hours int.a, &AY, :even with*' ' savingA s,traight line is the short..., est-. diet:ante', between. two:. -points,. . according`,•to the . mathematicians, . ,butoshY confuselife with •geornetry ?' Wait a. thiriute-Ex, 'Somet• hing, new in the way of '‘ "Stunts" was 'staged• , at Montreal 'on' 4th by the publicity asso- ciation of that city. as -a send-off to,• Canadian and • United +States, delegates goingtoithe, annual con- vention of ' the' Absociated Advettis- irg • 'Clubs of •the. World, which opened on July 12 at London, Eng- land. The 250 ,men. of 'the party rolled a huge ball made of wood and canvas', through the principal • -streets' •from • `11 olocal- -hotel •to the decks occupiedAy= the, Canadian Pa- cific steamship ."Montcalm," upon ;Which they subsequently sailed. ' BE comfprtable-Nyhen Winter cOnies,. We -Want ,0 to show . you why HappY.Thougl# Furnaces - ;are the,finest beating system. at a0. price TbeY•fzIL ' • burn all fuels equally well.' , O rfilltai°k•tieisisofilt.haerafnatttV1.9::bliYarlPhY,..' ' ThOught Ratige.s:togiveldealileatAl O Aribution attruntinquel cost. -Decide O rioW.to be comfortable next•winter. 'Send direct to factory for interesting' O free ilet1- 70 years fsatiscaCion'idesu1(edift14e:urease:0,more4n,30000Hp7Thouh: 0.0 , • *RAE & PORTEOUS: LucknOw • ry4,v