HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-23, Page 3, 4./ <tt.. . • I1 •A Witching Witch. She -does net we A scarlet cloak, The flock owner who is PO situated 0 h a purnohin lantern's. glow' s unhchy weave. . This witch of Hallow Eve, that he can previtlehie el ck with Ssereheftstweinge'sfedings enfeeglhelsee 'Tune' „e e e eeason soien FALL TREATMENT OF ,NE $F4DINGg. OF GRASSES AND OLOVEleh, • muet, heavy pesturing be dope when the IAMT is Wet Certainly whet paes! tura may he available during 1:1 ,so*at • will not pay dor :zthe Tose of feed quate protection against adverse thine- • . Nevolack cat. perchee en her back; Otic conditione, will ,find mating' broomstick hope She ride, ' early leuriba •prefiteble. Lambs drops. No *goblins-gambot at' her ,heele, ped, during the late whet lese,„eoreeepersheeeer Ade • • • •-• • • • The.Sun„ .1, • n ayorableeeonhitiehe 'Navel gise%hheee .yenng Three „fair eine' elewyellepeed _ :',i.esPreeh4blYhMeeofe•thesgreatesttreasoes feu. bee hen.:154,44,170?,,,tt9:',.t.,11.,:PRY,i9m,9 'i.iciv,antage &Of getting 'eViehii `'.0thit /3314;i: Anh moee demure And meek, - coining :to market niaturitY early in, And has a es,,eshfui air belied • many prompepg etapde pp:we et " TT disappointment the foliowipg season. 'the fall, command 4 higher Price than B `dim les in her cheek. IF YOUR HORSE 'FOUNDERS. • , Y P Any Pasturing ,to be one the sante . year as sown must be dohe carefully held in place by five hundred or more The horny hex of the horse's hoof is ' ahl s dropped later 111 the seeeen. ' And though a linePid, baby -blue Ewes generallYlvill mate as soon as Are her expressive eye, and , eerie, so that ' sufficient growth ecinae old weather arrives:'Some breeds of ,will be left to protect the stand during sues 3' eavee;called sensitived- liY)rn - TheePr .fol‘ • instance, the Doreete•will., ,, porewarnapmesshe is wise, A. regiiish sparkle in their dePthe • the Winter. Late, clese pasturing or eaeh of which is hill. race- 7 tw. el nehtte' much 'earlier In the fall than , '• '.. . f,-,,, , : • ishothd never be practised either pasehring ' when the ground • is wet , with , cl:aolredY `1`efaeTuntie°rr"14tmeeihnnaiecallTvh/eamdit'snetiates•se I ,Pther breeds. However; the. ilock- own': I'She seorns. to melt the crypt'C lead , ..s. • e er,who evieeheseoeheve his lathhs deope' • • • ''' ' . I . - els-inflammation. of the sensitive ,Jr candle weird tee -light; . • • • en old or it. new seeding if maximum- i se, ,_. . lam ped eluting the months of rkJe • rh 1 ed A osee, a word,. e smile are each ' • results are, to be obtained the follow ' riae" walen hec'hule 'ehg°1;ged_ •-wit.dh. A- ptihwill-firideif his ewes :ere ire ge'ed ; 'With her O mystic eite. , inh year. Late, ',close pasturing, par -1 blood ' and/ ecc'ns,e,quenthlY, 'eniar_ge . breeding condition, little trouble, ill rl, feel ,my errant pules leap, . ,ticularly of new seedingse•lessens the I,Thete is no l'igivee, tohe ht, ef hernY latyil- mating. Feilure to breed at first that- 1.. My breast 'tumultuous heaee, . .s. . vitality of the plants by removing the•'•41ae:.a/id.Wa °f. •t es° ;•*heriee' e ting', I think' "iS largelY , du° t° the So much r fear het potent chaim-s- ' . .. .. Protection Whiele growth fu'rnieheee Ocererelatheg pain euffered h3',' the set- ewel not 'being 111 good co.ndition. • •I H 11 E gild So. exposes- the plants to more Win -I feeted horse.The forefeet are thrust: • For lambs t,o b,e dropped, during the ' M •Witeh of • 'e ow ve. ter killing than would be the case if efar forward to henlove' Weight, and months of Meech and April the ewes • -Minna Irving. some growth were left. Fall growth! the hind ones are correspondingly ad -1 sheuiet vended he Mated not later than the I also holds the pilaw which is itielf under the bode', • The, horse I first of •Deceinber. e The gestation I • • Valuable protection from extremely' •: low temperature Or sudden temper's' high, the• pulse is full''and bounding, on I tries. to stand on his heels. Fever rullei perlotl of ewes varies 'somewhat,: but' ature •changes. Not only will late, close pasturing ,eridatiger -the 'stand by • weakening the vitality, , but even though, the plents come through the appetite ceases,the horse breathes 'that 'are in good. flesh and guaYiseinar Ewes ei fast, sweats with pain, and scarcely 'more sure fOtake the ram an' dbecome! can he madeetomove. • The att4ck maypregnant at the first service than' if' be caused by gorging with feed, .dhlrilt- I low in flesh' or Over -fat. It has been ' b HALLOWE'EN. , winter without killing they, will not - • in 'mu h Id 0 eingmy experience in han, , start as early nor make as higehens a! /Shien an aloes. purgative ball 'without eieerage farm, conditions dlingsheep underHallowe'ericomes in October, that to matej •• 's s growth as. where late ghowth had been preparation, or driving upon a hard the ew,es so .as to haye the Iambs come' TItoodles and oodles of f o un road. Until a • qu,aliheel veterinarian 'left as ',winter 'protection. . Where earl be employed' much 'relief can be some growth is left the previous sea- . , son it serves as • a mulch Iunder the given by removing the, shoes, pulling protection of which the new shootsthe horse down on a deep bed of :straw can make an early and a vigorous' Ma box stall, and keeping cold or hot. • 'spring growth. poultices or ,swabs upon the feet. Grasses hnd cloversPartieularlMedicinal treatment' consists in giving 'e, y saltpeter,s . the letter, are injured to a greatwo ounces of powdered t ex- one ounce of powdered alum in swater, or 'tent by heaving in the spring. This: is caused add teen half -ounce doses every three,. . by alternath 'cold, Weather four, or six hours to the end •thaws and 'a mulch of ie previous 'severity of. • the att'aaceording eh, Until -the 7:Vet- ermarian arrives. Bleeding' is .no longer done from the jugular vein, or cutting through the sole- of the hoof. U,se of saltpeter or alum reales that unnecessary. The, veterinarian has .also other drugs at his cominand which hasten recoverY.---W. S. Alex - .ander. dvonis season's ` growth tends. „te'leesen thie less by protecting the 'plants from rapid tempetature, . ehanges in '. the ' early, epiinge • ', If. beet. results; are, to'bej obtained .. from grass and clover, seehing6,par- ticularly new seehings, late, close pas - tiering must notebe practiced,..neither . think that plenty of new hard, corn in the fall ration of the, pullets I helps to pi -event ... fa 11 &Ade, el It helps I indirectly he fattening the pellets andl .. the 'fat eleme pellet seems. the most: :resistant to colds.. 'The birds: that , sneeec the quickest are apt to be -tithn,. late -hatched pullets that ;lack h pad of • hat to keep them warm .onthe chilly •daMpfall days. • •• One of the bad features of intensive peselteee, keeping is the Peet that .nee ture does not eeerit' to haveconetriteted e the nostrilsof fowls to live where Ahere i any ,dust, hitt 'or reeperate* germs. • The wild birde live in the, open where the. ventilation Is Wonderful and . they., do not 'catch . cold. The hen • catches Cold and her noetrils immedie 7 ately close: t•The 'accumplations of niucotre, begin i to gather arid the bird has: helereethe through Its mouth. This I inereasee, the. danger • from bronchi Is 'aed-pnetrinoniti.:' :The gathering • in -:I .flranmation soon closeS". One: or. S hOth 'eyes' And the hied -is usuahIy said tel have reel), e 'le yea give 'birds the ' • of at theyeseenr i thrive, hue the', %conseruction -of the nostrils eeenis . geve. them. a haniinp in keePhig :well treleee „the Ileirig conditions are right. litlereire'eeilures from latere flochs may be chre'to the constant inroads due to colds and .warious' respiratory infecs • Opethersunnyefalledevrereeethe boards. Maeh'heppers,arrel filling the nests, With :sten*. , Then. a day Or two of head 'weather will cause 110 trouble in theesienep;ement of ehe. flock. Thee poultry keepers heter neg- lect the ,leir'eleon eienny ..tiaes because the birds don't !leech the eere, are .epe he fails • They are, also the. 'seine ones who neglect f the birds in .bud weather 'because the week Is then every . pleasant.. • ' . • . Marl. Marl deposits are net uncomnien in the olher faiinetl ,sectiorts. of Ontario. While. disehssing 'seil probreme with many Visitors to the 0: A. 'Collegeex.„ ,hibit, :es the County.Fairs many farm-, ers mentioned that they knew of de- 'hosits. of Marl in. their Own districts that were lying unused. Many do nq, a few weeks before- time to turn the - flock to pasturenost- profitable. • Farmers' Investments Not long ego a Young fellow, drove up in e nice. car .and in„e very confi- dential manner began to ' tell me of a, Weneerful investment scheme. ..This glib -tongued viotker: was going to let .me and a few Other inyestore in on the ground floor, and the offer :would seen be closed. Fortunately for Me; I hid heard. of ,the trick before. , I know of , one man who lost e1,000.• In this, Way. • • tend we are witchee and ghosties shriek when we retake the. follsS hVe'll duck for -a tubfUl.,,of apples, . Our mother'll tell fortunes in tea, Big sieter will go downstairs back- T9e,see who her lover shall free • , Thel. telt. me 'All Sainte' Day was one time The name that they gave Hallow- , e'en, , • But • the saints all seem to have seat - •Since children appeared on the scene Grandma; she thinks it is, dreadful A moment s. reasenirig: will :bonylece To play I'm a witch, so :she'll .trin any one such an investment aleBut I'm wily pretending to seareher7- fake. If there :is such, a Attie/tad It's oodles and oodles of fun!" . investments, the smooth chance to make big interest on these • talkees are Three D2*.irv Barn Labor- . not going to have to peddle them out se , to the fernierse •Whenin doubabopt Savers. inveitments in " stocks and bonds e of: 'Most ''. daitemen • Welcome label-- , , any kind, consult hems. banker. ' Severs. ' One of the big labor-seyers One of the best pieces of adviee. 1.. is the inhividhahwateripg Cup for each know s of is for a -farther to hook about 'cow. • Besides •'-doing away with the • his' cievn farm, and see if there. ie nOt cheep of watering, theee eups ate sane.. = t e days of Jesus, Or plus cash iri improvementS that will somewhere that he can invest any sur- 'tary and enable. the cows ' to get wateiel stern. e He ie exhausted with the labor .*ere citiringle'; attempt the .future:: eereng on .the cushipn ett the' e a e. r.I any time thhe want it This ?ace no of healing and•teichipg, but hehnowe lahdicahe and imagine these hillsides! not ..ohler lighters the ,sialie,, chores pi, doubt, tends to. increase milk hrohpc- that the everlasting arms,' Which. len God drama] of agguressive governreent.mav : , 'LAS scientific c ltivatioh: and ' the •With- I n wohk; but will add to 'the cheerer and tieh. The; time it takes. to:water a hold creatioe, are underneath..h a:, comfort of the home. • e -, 1 jerge stable of Cows in the course of h Vet make them!' , That wile in. 19e2„ I ; Eleetric lights, a water siatem, mod -'I a. year Wouh.:k .I')ECY 'kr' the installation haeleOee-n..here tohhoe . igearith4 his upon •the extraordinarY present, Petri 1 7 rii"iir.aTen:forf,aPwilliiieT, Wel, lif,ther 'Buti'f m it all you are :drieen back. , ern, bathroom . eqtripmente . eltiubsei of this watering systein. •Tbosie, who diselple.s- are in an agony oh fear for rth upon whieh smite .spell has I 'fled. uncaney; epectrahesea paet oaf ftahe. [ t :OCTOBEFtn, gO, ool Lesson The Stilling of the Storni, Mark 4; 35-41. Golden Text— What,manner <of ,man ,is t his,rthateven the,wh4d end the ' -4'0,;!-VIIii#17,04eih' 4:: thscjPLEW Verreererry, 3548. In the minds of the disciples, a d I. THE erearrees orronTtINITY, hhehle •reVioua awe. INTIhehherreer-eThe purpose of the ' 40' 'kw° relitilCei..6ellseii) cheraeter, as alp Son of Gpd. As Oen eSks;' Gospel of Mark it.„te shim Jesus in hirs for -their Wept of faith • itiiipecl., "Hoev is It that y elurve of Gode or Messiah,he is Lord reieh faith? -Their fears .are t ireae,on 'Should they not h the human spirit, and aceerdinglY We raerlete4endwethrtehtYbod holds his pee* have seen ilinim,eyasstaisilff.torlitg dtehme,7118: ;the holloW of hls .hands and that, and in other • PremaeY of the spirit of God in hietnen 'thatter `whet 'haPPeas; they are el* 'a life. Mark alludes to thie supernature with him ?-- Irie the present- case, el or divine ...1.4ehoritee..oe Jesus over ehefhienee of Jesus is insleired 'shed the human spirit ae the most notable 1,,Y by hie conedoleariess, of a !nisei featureofecfhahniipsiema inaoisintray,aMesierek jle:aen7a.. from Gad 'Which ceneernse not .,° himselfethe Messiah, but also "his 'e as Lord over nature, -as well as over: trePwrsrrc.hq, are engaged With himi the mind of man. ' They experienced through him, A deliverance not only!. V. 41. ThelordshiPthoef ttIbeisduirlginiet itnr°onit htehre wO i* inwardds; :'f rteeMr r °trhse*Pfoweentacciiferis world of ri'ature fe gious impression left by the esepe but fione:the fear Of outward• things. enee in the minds of, the hiseiPles. Th 41Tohtiasbeelyatshrbortiegugheatexiitelelytoreitihgeiniouseeerxe. authority, this sovereignty of Jesh 1 calla her further explanation. "Wh herierice which 'befell them ti the ,e -a the herittel of his .W/11 .oher the will? of ,ena di Galilean LpriagkueleAf tshieedielrelebsoe.aotrmathhileeet- Winds all'cl the sea obey him?" Wh elle instatitaneous faith in God, desert-. te rifYing foreeh ot the storm: made 'tt drreehependil:gelPuineecl'ericinta aboard, but Jesus, senunoning there schnuthess, by which even the phyhie eie.giees, him this • cOnfidence, this co I manner of "mail is tlitidshientghsatortfe' enter:tee:pet elemeUts are subordinated to his he them feel that they *ere safe hi' God's. the new exPerience' are °11. the way to .vielehee of the elements,. and made seri a'their Lord. haede, allayed their .fears, quelled the szA OF oAtar, r-' them feel as nether before, the sover-I. , , • Tx -..1.. ogn. greatness of his personality. The . "When we sailed' uPsen . the . lake, dieciplee as . a result are e driven back' Coasting' along the western shot uupoe . themselves her , still deeper eh- 'froth, ninth to south, we found oure- plieriatiOrie of the mystery of his mind selves far remoVed from Onything. w and will. . ; :: , .' ,... ,;." ' ', , -, a seen or sexPerienced :before, L elm hiseihme eeeegmheys 35_88. i wrote Dr.. Kelman ,aboht the Sea o r,...o.Nrsss.....t!5t'-h3Oe, eastern The tot osphociart is 4:;loff:jtheseuisocthe, Galilee. . He describes ' the utter an Village:13 here en abject deeolation and the hauptie was, occasioned deubtlese by the nedeed tehileeenee!e• °elf uthteWPhiaateee. !lieges? • with th of rest. • The work Made 'heavy am.treenntiteheinnfJehsitias'dieatarieoeigtea,h„anadndanoinituthd:: exception' of Tiberias they Were brow n Slabs of 'flat -reefed cubical , hovels .Ta e en and S 4 iUsiehterwere enteringibs °1 lit ewithir hliiir f oe si laorw3:-: i fore° eft truihn. itc'ilie. ; c naCneitinhserintnenevtalhershowediPronmf, tneanwdrelintilg ers on a religious "retreat."' .. the elepe• 9f the there or th. V. 37. Sudden arid dangerous stories end: were apparently of fregeent occur-coluainedi broken and tuenleled, but renee 0,11' '04e GaiiieAn Iailke; Wirde ' showing elaborate carved capitals felnensciroad .Wafiththgere;ite:i.fshoruhnedethingeonglis the' aqueducts and retaining wane:. frag- eeneys merits of all sorts. Foliage is scanty, and in a feseheecends' the quiet euefaee':Sava''f°r the thorn trees and hainh°° of ' te' lake is h. iheh into fury. - The "caves boas, , nyeying , -?sue and his compan- often half buried!',' • ., .. , in Which the: carved stones are ions. would be title' ekiffs, and wailer he eAll this impressed one in 'quite h In ••stich• circumstance, ' be exposed to unique way. You try .to.reeepetrtict extreme petil. , ' ' ' . Nh. 38. It indicates the habittial cern.: the POSt,--rebtilel ' the castles and sypagogues and palaces,. and Imagine pesure 'of . Jests that at this . monteet the life, that sent forth iti fleets teen dayTao is aareave illloywaeraininigpirelbtaaS fico;r othned110,0114e eel) j Iftele proper care be used, the leloom- ies Ing of the flowers' can be timed, with He it great deal of accuracy. Let us eon - no Oder the tulip, the hyacinth, the Jon- elvge ,qi 1 (and, and y thefiQwnearrac,ilsricuse eAm11) pie an bthesee grown for Christmas by the easy „ :111-eeTt4°o. 13thaberelishdestghrei.blen141.154, Plant them - al:: In pets filled with a good potting -IS -oil nol; leielixlat:;rea;;aaYndfrgelnet itihgehmt andawaway. in Ttlitiee darker the place,' the better. • and in mime' dampness is an advantage. A darkened .roOt-cellar is good. Do the potting early in October,for flowers re, for Chrietrnase, About once a Week or, e'en days see whether the pots need s, watee. Keeps the soil wholesomely he moist, but not soaked and eoggy. The time required for the 'proper at rooting, of these bulbs varies seme- n; what; certain'eecpertgrowers keep the al btilbe in soil in the dark for two fulIs ly, months;•olhers for six weeks; in any ease, they should have 'ett least Amt. Weeks. in the dark •for the eetablish- merit of good root-eyeterns. Keep` in eeind . that ,a, cool even .temperatiere, is total ,darkness; .and ae moderate am- -: punt of whileture are the requirements during this period. It:might he added that one bulb to a, pot is the general e arran.gernent; though some growers :.! like to group their jonquils and I nar- cissi. ,Much dehends, of course, on e I the .sige of the pot and on the effect 3 desired. ' . . '...... '', • ,, e! : The. time hecerisare to bring Perth , , IfloWers.. after 'the Pots • are exposed to the light is from three to five- weeks, '' Or with modetate sunshine .and temper- j•ature; but. is 'the ethernet of heat can • ' I be increased or diminishei. by shiftiiig ' I the pots into. wanner '.or 'Cooler 'plaeee I to advance or retard growth, this mat- ter Of ''time' is under the grower's con- ' • ! trot Do not Put the Pots in the sun- light. for a, day or so after removing . '. horn theeeellaie . Let thein , have light,e, 1 but notStinshine. , Try to: avoid elide • dee and eictreenh change:3. After' or so, 'when. the plants' are "aee • , • elireated,h .glye; • and continue to eye'. there all the sunshine ,poshible b e posing them' In southern and eastern 7. Windows. In lath Nevelt-Aber and earlye December- the amount ",pf :sunshine 'is : et likely ,to -be overeabundant, If, rowth. seeing to ho 'going ,too. fast, , liffe the pleetepet ef the elipiikht for ' few% days... T: . Such 'flowers, as gifte, will delight... . he heart efeahnost any One.e, Smile . rowers decorate the pots elaborately; tate the male thing is . to have. fine, owehs, and they can be. had by the ' ethol deecribed. vines, fences, barn equipment, .euee- +aye tried the watering seeterne,•are their lives' and the sleep of 'sJeseteeeele heed Ileestocle-there ere *dozeris of plitees to . use' the•emoney .maY 'The' litter. carrier, 'which is riothipg their e • e Praiseh.' • • • ieterpreted. ;°8 seeing iediffereece to e , arid 'Ghee whieh :Fiona). ghastler in: g pay direst diVidends in caeli, linPhoyeel e nuence brohda, :silencing the daylight, lea health or "Cereditieneeehed erne - that seipperted on 'carriage that • : 0010 or less than large.. steel. box eh leseh esAseeiee eppeee'reNIT,r,..3,* • :•eti.Tdn' wthhiestitienirianhnnehthrise td,Ohrolewnees4"; the 'eenemerth:--4,' L. J. , I runs On in. overhead track,, another' ' v.. ,awakeried eirt„ ef sleep, 8ea was •surroMided by several epro es the ragine elements, and at taut eities with elite large popula- _sneer- • • Th •B W* _very handy device. This makes an the settle time th i f • e • pan c- eais of the tionse, and the fish ng industry. wee realize that marl is quite, equal to the To, show how keen 'smite of Our yvith the 71 ler the 'litter can be car- • y Jo o eajung. the etable, and best grades of crushed Milestone or, young farm boys: are, - we . observed 1. tied some; little distance:from the learn,. , ,., . , , , liedrateh lime 'as,.. a 'correctivelet soil the other day,•twe.with nags vile's. to ' to the manure :pit. ' • acidity. The use of Marl from e 'peal I and fro thiemehrelie'eorn field gatheed .4., feed carrier, can be operated on , , deposit if eueh- is sieehablei will, save ing esr's' hem a„ goad etand on. their , the same track, or one of the 'setae tation. costs on other .forms',Pfr, lime.: their hicrk,„',we - were • ieforined that i.js an exceedingly handy item ef 'equish. I the puechase 'price' and the ttieseor- father's ?arm. e,When 'asked about kind ete that of the:IMO. carrier. This October and •November are...uanally •they had ' been reading of the preb-e.m.ept and --few dairymen With large geed months. in which In eieeeete and- .ability , of. a teeil cetn:ehortage.. this ' herds haze:afford to be without it. • . ' prevent the luxutiant grOwth '• of hike' edvantage of thelteatiori ley •To freshe-------------- lias-biNn thammarl to the fields Where eon acids •.ftext spring•Arid Were getting ready te • . 'seee'--e-eh—•---,. - : • • '.' . ' 1 • clovers. • • ' • 'laying in a supply nOW. FirS1 they packed. or ecomrancid, place on When You Husk Corn: , Don't forget :to wear: gloves or nit - tens. Jf you don't your hands .**111 leek as if they hed,beenein eveseck, hih, good gloyeSeoh_mittens-andease lenty of hand lotion and your hapde ill call you blessed. to advantege in cleaning e d pp ,„ w A Town and Country Hallowe'en • • , • tt.,!ere setting aside sufficient to- .prod`StPve and 'Melt slowly niitil it iseoll• vide for .ehe home. farm'. needs,. and Drop slice' of lightly browneetoest ie gthaetnher,,, Navi Ihda t ec uv ie er N, v' , ;. ti si, de. ' 1.)ethfooyr :a.eleotitoid ,.1,,wittar*mreet in' sieithe .(f.seawpanitaintehdtesmi tikenpprauftai: their lese'enterisilsieg•rielghbetee Thei red) and churn' tintir enthOth . (about husineseeaeuteneseeofethesertirdnliehilid'4en:sininth-eteHOtter Wallier freSli. • epl. only be..simolated-bYsothereeheys,1-:' :7-''. • • ' but by adult: fariners 'as- Well.- -IX S. ' l'ere is a Paint' re'rever en: the • , ___... .._ market" Which canethrapplied to ' o/d .•e . . . When you heti] corn front, the field paint or varnish , erecl ,within 'a short , . , and threw it into the.eeih, sprinkle O time this paint can be scraped eh'. 'A plateful of .salt over each 'lea& Do not huttykpife can be used for terhoYing •tise more, than a plateful. (not piled ' ' 'BY MARY GOW' •GRANT.:, up) aucceeeful in: itss plan. fonentertairritige 'Were- eekedhle'flirnieh-.meterial- foe die e paint, It is best to wash, the eur- ore each load, nor any, less., That :face with „alcohol or ‘perieind 'after the ections' your corn vvill be free feam the suifilee to dry • before putting On the. right :qhantity!.... If yohe Paint... hate- been, reinoheele wide Allay new paint. ..A 'town in Cepteal Iowa has been , Those Who lived Outlying disteictseie : the- young: people and keeping them the , decorations, epopecorn ;balls 'end . we „met of mischief On Hallowe'en. • 'The apples., The children from these chis- , t • he ..commuriitY club' were fairly suc-1 met Akiith eliertowh,Ohilereseeine,oile,;(4 ^ tinCPSSAll'i4104,3:their.:Arst;,,,,attonnik,ne' 'elle' school buildings where, Under the ' Ithth young and old had no end of ?uri ,guidande cif their'teachers they. forth- . and no prOperty; waS,,destroyed: '• ed .in line for the perade.e On the day ' Previops to the 'celebration, notice before Hallowe'en, there were htalks" had been inserted in the local 'papers in all theechoels; explaining the might , 'extending an invitetiori to tlp public of the celebration ' arid streesing the , in ,gen,cr,a1 to be present et . the ' "big differepee„...beeween erealefuneands:,oe , . Aciiigs-."--,,-Aithqq'their. 'pleasure and i destitiction . Of property, ' 7 „ , surpriSe theydelound'the twee filledi 'TOT coFFEE Fon EVERvnonv, , ' ;with cars an , the farmer folk for 1 .••Although the Weather on the day of Miles around joined in the evening's I ehe hast . eeleletation proved to be cold - Arne The 'following year the commit- and cloody, long before dark t e crowd ' 1 ' h tee in char ee visited the farm bureau began to assemble and paekihg, places schools Anil gave,,a., sPeclia- inyitettierr Older -001e' evere AIMS as much int Le - 1 end ' the eiitriet and consolidated were filled, Frem all appearericasethe to beepreeetet. e ', es • ' s eested at ''tlie- younger ones. While . . . e - • "And Wile e.gan we do to help?" Was seeing the funny sights,, listening to, the centime/ •question aiked, ' This, of the Music by the bands and the sing. ,, , , , c'otzr4,7, .rae,i,nt ,a larger end, a better I ers statiOned,,,at„thee street. votriersv no . . .. , .celebs-atiall. ' ' , - ,•';;.,:onettialized. how cold -arid -damp it was , Decoeeethe, ri,03 beemeree • ' I until •it was announced that, the wee l'he colorer:Woo was a big under- I man's elub was servinghot , ,e in taking for those in charge; ' streets! the Armory. • • ' . . . were decorated. with, corn -stalks' and This 'thweir and;deuntre celebration the elertheets' windows displayed( has been an anetitil affair for thee° ' Witches, 'Week cats and spooks againeti years and grows, In ,popularity. The I backgrounds of :lutenist leaves , ori added. interest, in Arm -clubs end the i' I orange aria "b:nek crepe ehipete and ri new •neenthere ad.cled to the„,ehaiebereefl .:4' grp to sq ii e 4.,tetrz',Were,,,, pain ted etnh t feeseotheritedeenfide the ' Went an'e club are i globes of the. etreet lights. The school i the direct results of better acquain- Childreh. Whe had been encohreiged thee:ince; and it is herd to detetitline who, ' Make their own ceattnnes, paraded the; reeeives the leteeter benefit, the town j ei etreees in feitteetie array, enjoying the, or the larinet folk, While all. the chil-, t mtisi .14nd- the teetite which rallied; di•',eh look forward to the celebration h • upon the crowds from the big and ap- ' With gleeful: entieipation. I don't, see:: ptopi lately de•cprated truck that inadei how wo could get tdeng without this h ita ieNt.lip end &Alen the. main' etreet, eVente committees in charge, appointed' by. tricts also appeared .in costume and ; NC,.: ILDREN - ,.. . . .the 'various • problems , levolved in !•)13''clen . .e t.° - r 4...,• ' :,.- ..e..patiaeheoledates-liketlioseevoteeneetiree ' Nh 'e Dr hien • — • e vember 18th, 19th and 20th. fere prpgrams. 811 'Id h. .'' ? Sile-"I I of, ..Agricultuie, they study thgether I - i el, s el• . 'G 1-le---:"ljetween Xntony ‘and . Cleo.'„ Lcleta.r les, as ilflifjoeivel : : portant, dete'en• history." , eehieyjng„beitestehomelerendenebet,ter s.' le e eel e. : e_ • • r eeeemenie3,e. . oi:.the Bay eoeveetioneemrs. DJ,: „iII:,. ;I: Th• 0.',Jtt.'elt'..,7e,..leainntger-4:111-41,1iliorti,gn?lock, d' ..o.nv,'n . •,0.eo oueeonee of .ehiseseeeg c: ee giving Nixon, Sault ;Ste, Marie. • ' ' i ''• , of • hrizes, to eseiet•• the SchoolChil.-...:..... Ottawa •Cenveetieri----Mre. ; q,. : 'Li cll 52 Third 4.' ' Ott' Upen -the treetops of the etteWn, ' • ..Another . was, the eseSistatiee to 4 'Vermeil Hyde Perk. , ' el Of hhao,,riaier, and !dancing. bears end ., ' miller and her lfiee ehildren given '• ;Central Ohtarze econVentioe,--.e Mrs, .1 Th•oe elm. 'isi 00.2.zedegehieseitip.eareceee;reer..see. disciples are allayed. elegem' weeds of extensive and famous. As a result of rebuke to the stormi are similar to the height of the mountain's surround - those . which , he Addressed to _the. de- .ing the lake, sudden changes of tem- Mented spirit of the dernonitic in Mark perature give else to enexpecteci and! 1:25; and the attitude of his mind is violent storms. •To , this day, such similar. As in the former, case; Jesus 'squalls :frequently occur. . ahserted the control •of •God's Spirit .......___o_______ •'• 'over the mind. so here he asserts it ' pretsion ;,,,, When e , clfarneleon is blindfolded it over the PhYsical elements. - ef .the swondereui Aanrie‘ce-"nh. loses the power of clianging its color, - delice and majesty of Jesus in the and its' entire „body remains of a ,teni- feceof 'Texture is produced, and creates , 'form tint. - Dame \Nature's Shawl. A ,walk along the retedside, These cool' crisp days of fall Is much enhanced by Mother, Eearth In her gorgeous Paisley shawl. ' The lustrous greens of closeecut lawns The shawl's bright centre forms; The many hues of fallen leaves The border Well adorns. • The fashjon-inakers lag behind , n setting 'styles 'for fall; , Dame Nature is -already out In her lovely Paisley shawle . • ----e-Virginia Couch. HOME AND CO They Got .a . Present of a Kitchen: • Easteen...Ontierhe evoreerie-especially-Couesees- and sometimes leetures, So these elong,l'etheelerorits" aresbegeteithi impiested Ave, the 'Doininiort -Govern- • - - _ • More and More. alive Lo the peseibilsj -nent by the good use being. made of. [e. ities of heauty,progress, And the eight he placethatthey donated a kitchen ' kind .ef. sociability. in their own locel ANNUAL coNy'ENTIorts,, 'centres.• Preleminary :plans for the Annual I Conventions of the Women's Institutes I hroughout the •Provirice are now , The 'Wortieh'sf• Institute at Farreihe Point, ,pretty village On the bank. of ;The dates suggested are 6thiterry4htt.he:LLitoww.nretniicii,leier,.,:pnreiehee'i-pClvoronfwall'., tilsn,4f°40. .; ws operation to .sorrie very effecti c n t7loheriZttoot8rrntr:iit,DD2119v10.;ilioenn,.aEtatt.LoOt.ntadr6W:,, olueions. .community as, Well as. In Individual • homesniaking, • At the ,monthly • meetiegs' Airogea,rns ,W1-delt;.-are Planned and for; the Most part carried out be the, nietehere them- selves or in co-OperatiOn 'with the ru-: stitute Beancli of the .,Ontetrie: Dept „hethherlth, ;int +and hth. d - 1. Central Division, at Totozeto,-Nee Th "Old Weman•'i". Discipline• itecommepdAtiOn and suggestiense • .• HEL N L e • e "There was an, old woman who live in a shoe, •' She had so many chilhrere,Shesclidn't reeknow what to do; • She gave them some broth without ane • • s breed,' And " whipped them all soundly, and sent them/ to bed." , Can you picture the poor bistraeted „mother'''. She eleseett.eeehssiteathy,„.„., no, doubt; bet hitrye-u\ ever stop apelecon- -sidet the children ?\, I Often wonder , what they thought about it, Did they unclerstend why they were put to bed? „I? ',•yeu were •to. ask, -thorn, why they were sent to -bed they -would eitllte ' ly , say, "Mother couldn't stand the noise." IVIother couldn't or wohldn't, , , oh • e sent to the • . e1" remember' every en- d 'three. email, healthy, growing children .. , the children., When the noise reaches f I can her "plitiely, seatedine allele .• one eye,onlietebPek...tind -the.Othet on a certain point down goes the book up rises MOtheie.enelthree•ehlky 'little people atesent to bed. ' • , ' .. . Children will herierelly obey because they understand thet it is expected of , etliem brit they eftendoesoLshith:ereterite 'rihenteaett_aregeres,,They "Atop7Iieeituee .-7.Mhtheir said they. must stop, and, .in , the.Wods of tho. children, they will .hceech et" if they don't. .,,,,,•frh-e,paretit*,ho:.ttealsrwith.--the 'elitl, ' dretiAnethis4oy is #6 concerned 'OVer the peace and deenfOrt of the household for ehe time being that he for' eta to 'consideri tile Oftect of his tome pd ac- tion e: 'Oen threeChileleen."' He orhets . , . that it 16 charaC'ter that is 'hou ly. be- ing, built up,' and, that upon' character eelependesteedect. -'' -• . e et/s- ' . The teetilt eefestieh'edetype f :disci, Pliehini. diseStiefies. Iris ' ad of the children acquiring heleits of cOneideras tion and truth they will tiehelop:habitg of ,iiieliffeeenhe:•ded •elynees, Habits, good Or bad, are very easily,;:lettlied. 'Every parent ehotrid strive ,teXtuidat- Stand And .guide his child and should refuse absolutely to , have ''''netves." t. aiinneSt" ie siteengthe eiscitemeet iii , . . . , . .dren'e' hturimer Fete ,4' London COnventjon_M(ss .7,aerta 1 in. At) beerichat there ere shapes] Until • they cotilet.:. he , plaeade on, .tho see seseeeeheriter:G.hinieletet.es..„.eese I Plunisteie Man with hrookedleese /Others'. Pensien. •Liste .,,ess • . ee'' - • , , , Still another was peighborhood re- I Getting november Ekgs. H° lifts his cup but never drenks . . creation. The Dominion Government ,IProperly inetered pellets are the frhe grinffitig PeePs d°wn and ' Such is often ehe, state of affairs in our present day hen*. Fatheiecomes home from week' tired and, nervous, Bobby and Jensi aro busily engaged in ,eireus. eelneclue time, (and a, very short eime‘'at that) father ae7 niands angrily that the noise cease; he informs mother that the place is 'Ike a boiler factory, and the result is hat two small children, give •up ; their 'Lune. , 'Father is not always the one to put wet blanket bn the game have in mind a friend of mine, a Mother of weakness: , " own . a ehartiting ,strip of live.e.bank •eeele...heehueere in NeVeleibees -.The . •,' WUUII • s Above ,the,lohles..' Th( -was bee ehWher,of -,that stYPeeare:the' resit/ Th9 'g°/)1111 '41. the °Id' Pear' tree good-sized payilione whith' be They are net produced in a tow weeks, WI ' the instittite at 'a nor -Meal rcnn ent arid She Or eight Months 'of steady work.'a! Stioke out his twisted tengee at .mte eioseti., or .open...eecordingqo the AtiKA.. •If your pullets are not ready for pre-; to. keep., gerenieine, beef ' weeseres thee, breathe/ there, The:Daughters Of duction, noW,VOIV MT prodt b tb ,the Empire centributed a'coeered We ,i, I• - ' ' ' ' --Kat erthe Morse. „ ,0 ex take the • silents. up',"shaito the. freni Pqlonce nrn next spring ,Reember lhAt, the roots 'and hang them , in, „a, cool, ore, parties for tho. young peep el. eatl„Y',4te,hillk nOCI 111tY "er ,foed ,. ate hreeplace,..e,..If efirde they - Were.held eeeh WedeesdaYeaed Sate I esherifeel for Novembereegges---R., be urday eveninreslt f guothe, huthf in a pleee wherethetern- ee K pasteof'•one part of baritimireratlire labs' below zero' ' e -tUdyofrecreatlon for hon nd ii . Ofl(I In'ochiaititbloon1111:16hateki ag6nrdsNil opuaist:.d,eln 011, xso reatIrsiotisuu,;tpit; leen. oarinise leas:nicitnhgovinpii;Itit: y etenstairee-later. than 11 '`and er I tleee.e.erees, out, Weter • theni and keep „te1,11 Ways Chaperoned by inembere .of the • Iestitute. Naturally they are poets - let, This year the Inetifuth Perk wee made available ete a motor damping site .in• the pavilion too are held„ tho Disteict Annual CoriVentiOne 'oh th ' •e" insiist Po not keep them sook ehl it QU ...„,e,.....___ Before, hewing down for firowood water, it, the plant is top tell and kas, the live trees in your woodlot tee all toe maay scrtithsh. liethes, , it infv, ke Ithe dead-iyood t.114t. is there, tilts im, trimmed to the, desired six9',4 011 at% Previiiir the woodlot, coneerviti . • . You will be eurprieed 111,1 . Wealth; arid •rnalnittinitig • 71 `liotne for hoine-Aiakers, the, 'College Exteesiort' your friends, the birds. nembet of f1ow,1raitel