The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-16, Page 6J0,
a 'doin
. .........
gbt _bp4r "r "t
th" tkum- q4or bold 1" X=
uj% riev
Aw. n the
TRYOWD J�R, -,Qb�. ISU 4s "aly meetS Priest ts�, N*sA*m.
i"44, sort 'eg liq
cowboy, --
a le
K)0'';anCb mid' raAway xiatela, "as hj* friendly and popq sW The 4%a
bar, Go b -1h- ap of *exit.
"s NeChLry
J& X .0 . . . .... .. W
The traveii at iuOk p" at, Acheivement,
waitilt., ; " - W_ �h I , "; � "43 , I . 1 1, ,
i'd W-, g e, s,,
"Jai, TbA to. havea. most. benefidal.m,
Sint drop t, axw" bt,
Oe ona no h
McClir ethye AwL
opeo- ofd
a r
M the, �;ery ft 1e,
yam. f, itese
ri. of much importance U
rum 14. vmw mWGR& ene
tbis ",Bonny Blue
'd at The election vFM be of irgte 4he a t
people'' of
R1j1Dj',fiMAQeP NOW 9RANCU." the
riatonly to ament to, �eOnsider.
but, 14
1": oFo#
th�*Wlessa"� Rampant - bei'llig
and 'Niciary, S
wiped out w M
will be wa.-a RE -
Rai RIla
LeOns, Gra*, a". Cam Madim inthe lAboir ToLy Tedder% y and the indications are that Liberals
between these In C-010141110
i�4. will hlar
e ppol e MW to persons h th, business of the re -
Plow% &am= and aarews;, the" molre liaAkal element joining A" S said 0 ot
FRWT' STJM. &'W1RH M- ndLaboAtes:.-arld tite'-mare consermtive wits, facts show klizit these -pernaits 1, sNo. !i� c'mi, vrn% 4 woven - M�e4itt the S016% On fi.em the �divelvsiqn of movey in�' 'repw
over to, the, '40ar ed.
aml StaplM a a �h ich should be
vatives. "is. meriely- Means; the. -','he bal* Of permit heU 'by a. W01 PA
endersements Show4b ent'le.gamately �to sdpply� food of a.. new- Libftal or si d en
ftrtY w tAin0d in omq wee, Pr and conakarts fav
Mae a.
"ai., other i�eS are simuzaraj 3ffect�d
hex -
'To iipp d@16 ihi, beAuty. of t1fis. are you
S -CKNOW boti�es cata'. -wires for Hqtuor� Thewipre�bv� w
how. e ppce is nottw'h' h
e -k b6ttles, Mail e, alithis Aiusi see it m, du'Vi��d'
Parties elsewhere are. n 6t& ihe
�aitd doe beer,, 2 battlei 2' bet es ridw 1th to offering Tir i�&11 F1
�aa if the7. 16 favale- ej thj. are,
��. I I We, 110 Z,
SrkkDING HAMS ean' and Fie Win- ts.11 ... � 41,15 beer 9 battles, -um
-fore the
amery'. dft I corApkie foi.. W.' Lc
S Mt �Irs
Seaforth tr' You
ister,.had� Made a. ast iM.,
-0n. N per -it 1 antat Pl b-
is, one
endinhabits P on at home t pait, to! Ike a e
=am Car Cem4i Hand
�TArON �va eaily,, date n the need be-ne-�grftt it hie was faftiAQ f6ir he�-: owir. s I�Qwb_ -
the k bi Fre�fi'
.............. aVan OfAhe SO* d Impa.
turnei -power.- but, tie outcome ise with.,
more an the Patti 60 iof.
t6 EA refewnce 4ate, changed UNDER an an GOVEIROIENT 0 bar-, xrA w"", 1104H ew� m4l 'by P-207
beforeAthe Canadiat. Club ixa.Tiaramta�, uck
all, oaae� -man L
rels', 6f.'b6er: th of the
P"`Mee , Phoiie 66
a" 0 -Tis" T 50 Per cent'.6f. the pre -
Pa �ft TmiaS4417. He noted that, pedestitl'
the PIUM Mg. TMS=thing
't it, an the caes that �wkeze eveifnmen� at �dafit
At. fitsi ova� a teiia
tultally one Vam'.the,d`
line., This �affe�ted the, timixemlaman-
,with $1,xAo waiih of
'Wis. t1k sub , witted tA Uftchaxers', - one of whom, lxiad Cam- a want -it' cp'm*', passably, rebe hat** a, re&6Se awach ipa 7 iter. ma
'llazaiaiea ithatt he ..ha to Obb .1 oWAUSe. teext
air 1hwiess, �Zener; k0Y-'"*N tMAKk,-
his haearn
Paz;, iL Mg VOW, down oat Q
"aaa �af tlie, biran�
'And labd f6a�,: iotii preference go*. 01is that in sob4iolis tbmi.ithis' eaves vere
of b6a�e J� IN,�1103
The 'AsswL-.
abiles-, Mr. on +Ae wa.�
'llipow Brwcli vin�m. � - gv�vexwik�eizt - t4atzm� ,MV.'Luc ere there is liuyigelga*e, aleg ris even Prapert owiae�ts valliz :Many these- lialverbsements, te
d' ho led' A' m . kidniMtt-
ft oek it. Ontario. �ed, tho. tain
on Sol: lea- ph
aneals and' labels are ob 4. tam cited the fa "ng
t Vend,
air:, hShin, ;JiA syntheti 7 tAxft bad helm. a spi re6ently delivered deal 'with A6'boatleg pain :0 seps.. PITIPPOs-
emmen OM0
I ablk and Ait mLe 12",
alialm M -P-1 iroman. near
Sea with tie. e4, Qe: Q
turer. -He daiiii anre164, 16= '45! th h tbit reasans'. why thi. n ra per al am neQft, failed, to 314017, 74 wA th , sit the. Buirde boatjeg�,� 0." _ell th &tj(a5u 7r bjd:, 'd :gre
A:, -BoiaAkft 'PO I 1 1 :
erreased in the e. pe
alarthiS contatelat thelpi�t
I . .,-Fair the sbi 'months eaffing'Mara "The brewers of Rnti au� �f tie 1h d .11[onidthonUtWorks meriL A visitai h I sh*, ouse aim
gQVeraMa!j!nt That there: Was det
jb Dolt of. $2.345
t oth says'' -&I am s4es-in the are. poison=_- peope- I aa
ten' veaxs. Prior ip ewar Spending
at gh,tho r 1923 the
in tlae�' -it -put fti
*Ber ar�ziy �e
LW=G'*7 Qma, wMax", �coaitr" areland the r Qu 31' d to enter -her kanae whae aa,:
nelf and'
'Observed. incitease of 'Pft21P=- .-over That
eris vi� 4S verted in' non
the: is often b",br. .2,M city lots hadl re omz as sttuff.- Talzin
-su-s"VANA Jm** mlo*ft, PitaL I had the"Y bmr the pert twelve 4�
*i Names, or saving iod
timo+ it ez�. �tax-sales.-. vat
stwk,inAbe went beastWl
ted aan immotant. they deve the baqt1e-_*er.: The govern- Waite- xi* tb of taxes in Det -
This meazas� e
a aasemie and son T6t. h, im &T -and bg �,Matzhmaza.
ai6e ftem.'ii aeMy ziominaiL Today the Spirit ment, stijmn i*j
to. was z 4", eU they bill qj 9ver at year. air were g ethe
thaaut-of4aors �and. the bootlegg;ft,will adialteiiiate th 'D E
desire far
mavw seetC14 swe". wl it Tbie 1911' e -Per .4 the ed in my S7,stem and ipearli metaved tie the Of action
hisOver !119 Pei czipitajn,
zinr" perliaps _'bat e of mditriar;kar all Peo6le"s Probibition -Movement :Of
121 men, wiU bear, me bond Ifidliby 140 ing the
anSt. aS�
Malclm contended that theAffiree, thiaa�3 a, in 8A..
7�"t of one was. Only Zo O'er Jeapatio-, al Iffieze are-hund- Tke Q�d - M&n,- I)m
41LIL alit 'Wie Bill.
hizat Saflans. spent last yeaT, battle of, Himpir �n he, gets tIrpm Tbis� however, ft anly..part of the' the C4 -Pouncil of V=c�uver,, and Th fids of f enter ag, aadi Andini, that the,
'fie c�aih nder, kidney disea�se in it di�
3jewmerft asid invAs Few 18SP-i United States for mtors;'*' I;y doill-o thir. -ex Peutv,
ultis. Posed a the 'dent
for amapement0; , the�'bi ' Bien tores, :and the riurcliaso is a,), i ise. An exam-� Ij- is quite evi. that er gir�- jell- along .91toe th(e,'AteT wiLl af�w V2irad I
Mali— nee. ! , . Poison. that bteweis
llth"Ine� liubdited bothei W'ittb, a *Mee. Qj[
On. tindy and pra
raPlied tor
ons :0111 witiA, the shei d Ai",
Nenw. caftiu* and ... I ! , M
open Seri
o. er 14� M- *hiere tliere� weft no, H One 'fi�� fmew,wikh 'the 001 a)t6ntatapt. 'ill bad �were 'not bece,
th .8 e alright, lana-vanziamv
cense fair
S16 Us bdWe Pkd0ZL
anthe United ..Stites expendittaite�'.'1'011 laider n11 :2 -and la�s d B_
ours plider ast and ba6ae: usch
-of ftcff- di-hund' arld,�seyealty� ve in alas, .!e is ftt'naaa parents. -ic co, present �Ak!t. came rx z
aVg,per fib'. _,reo alaS_ of e -
et h form t e Valid COniijej Sr.s-. sbmL th ur
:.Another vrW 99 �; � vi�.
Pr" Ar
e]DWS0 tent, wg:, di�stxqj%a aat� mg he�_mmu, - -a er that. (0?f
ads- �naft to 1�heboift arid mses,idf liqla 'ved tTo�l i6oze ftttaniias lbegm"
e. or have am anThet '01 t- app"ft'.. and e
'building triadii had, been, reftizi6d mine-, w, -fi6m: the -boo les;,S': -,than. five nill b6i�, 4f the:
.the ot.'rLe&r.�, Great, ernment! Palk
eg,_we'r;:'-or, in the lawless ar' rQUIRSIthalsaid were pitsimax . I 'I, �, � 1"�-
inpeep a
ty �Pei cent- !by' o ace Whe is p! yi�
he supp6s4',flae Ste. Tjhe (0)[r
anbanished began to, axiive,'iia. RdkiLT�h Ernest mag, INDH aaa�,
Control t 'had_legn I
4M meets b the, haiz-bOb- ciaminr ye
."COMM6 ,Cot .-'Mt ha
imed too. -that -Abe_.V_o..d meat the* lodn room, He
-bat 0- ten
Wm. clothing Man etairerS. alad MeMlaltalis Ufa '404, 1�e t to rmadi- -,to giaver"ent and. pull da'" wQ17 we*- H
W M H IL pa OF of n1r, lKolde, I the'.hM had -ar"j�ued,that:pepple, did, aftet, buy 11M
Le t he' oil ea�14, d'
Vre.a!�., so many clothes, for stme a �
7 be a,
ey calailt ve at xaa,(� a*�F �rem cobtral., The
ftiriamph 'a
mch greater extent' on the Dep�ft wilij barre), jkoft6ji. f'r'B, -d
foraneil.. An. of wh ht florihes *a: -a
othralp taiZ t
r an C'm rown Ihau" (env h Sk-h , the nig ft
w Mader than under" ins, at 0 f
naittained she iaang�d stannina, t
,smveigunent, ca tilt*o, I)_ the" B, Zleirence
pub an�'Ltter of, 00ibition as we, have it in Ontari d"",
arbe 'If the and A'e epr�aulr�, Pat, ed 14P my, azd, a t$
of thL Di anthe
Spe lig...
from'. jaituary., ist, IS=' to "tie nth Immami* i� 6n `1;ma I'm van- of had: been D R'
Ir. will
V W, . , tween
The relatio
am'. Po
did th
-imp e. colivee- but. viovea4 6 maz at s; k. e, atkundinn,
the, tak out.
unilly na;lde point thatili*iff of
aquoyr. mug quar Mai SO
I ` CO2 ia; and wauaera,,� were adcould' as"kh
tera, am or eir :pr an Seake� at bawd ed
the laaaasft� au& eith Amprtsen
believe that as .4 a' I be:. bried by Ma ke lf��Nab On
One Anag it-diffieult to, h wil
ab ai-�: June 27
Be ft, (M erat
not alt�r.'these be" B iad" 4A the
spen ing
t -so t jjS c6n;ia�a
oVer - e '"meat ��Te aibli th b-' 'made amuch rilaice d the Fu #W4: W ay�'-ah e. aQ
adallod' Poor 6.7 in'4923'81i' Would' it be :1 908 e io'dAiak to the fa� 111
d aawkittl f(Nr, e c-104§ of, the action, Whick am
to ab- thinQ open public drinking plaea-_ alcoh
e pr" ouses.. rt
te the� did., aim
e. an .:,�Vays vhkb ked� to,
ill A . would.1have, its, b�rze �d.iai the Senate m the th&t.� we iaw 7, del
gmig iii, ''. ill it stak
BED, atprince Rot It", ieint SL07V "#A -1 choose to authority everieral, Maaa� d
peep et Xttarzey- de and Oar"
gm V06
it is now,filegal for bbiezi, of sodal.� i0toires that the younk
At sea P
others, to'V�se Slat ts'least we aulast &niklkido� Aluch
ameadm" 'erlmal' code., 'AS THEY Do, IN'DETROIT st eggeft Flour;iA, jonver today a$. more -wide bic'm th
n o�t to the was' by greq, on
the - hiiSt sesi D 9_1 tienti' effect sei lai.wbieh+ i��
eas ra e
minion, Parlia ent to Aake wm�, addrpss,,
Prank. Aockeilr' 'a former, 'Wakr-_ 0apers of, the',04stern 04ti oct'i " U , 4 - -wNev be sold jell
mao-bines are now and u 'P i6e, , 1 1 � I t ht' feftiov�ing staftiment., et'in saldo
Slot a ma�ed, wha e, ran., was Ian, t h e,,, t
of,ith�n M ton, mason'' b ildei, W14 he *It' t 'a per cent Of,
What the oym bate to
te _As w
regarded li� mardine about, a year age frani i 'tie comparable in.maiibibid 'bets, ar 'a Pub- For
e w piece. of the iet cart WIF H and intoxioitiatt.,. Dance, Mime
Ofetreit- "Was 1po ec o`Iogis ation wilt have will be to tk on good effect; ill' f wav
hill, were Ho
ther astonishing. rei I
ttack in e. lhVq-VW are , I I mee hall' tio-the, back al- 56 tbM6
..... wmen, �wft. tbhn 3
6 Un pitty, two, aumna jlaetr4polts,n the, erming, 0 , Re., quoted caso of/ one w er�. ta taie UMqPkflW S2dgkdon. The�r,2re
stead. of, the sinali boyiiit iopper goino dm&, who,, hie heso, ' TeW � iei
'6rreh" n
ch,iivo d "W'd Frui got 96 vMhderful ea;4 to
for,* k i of, bL one it drawn hi. yand,hik4 61holif ammq.,, t6- kop d
Saine �Jwn an
t and' affaiir': weighing Woman 'e' tAM&I
TOU$ In a in in Aaz�eli. thtt,
tmn#eft, at an. 1.1totel ear 'his', battle, Pon 0
: a skvbg. atmichments that
llee 110 ta� Et* �:,�
Of a 8 rom. iter' the A oer i ther'' th; Slat, the in, the bmil".9,1149 i -rot 44fikim'r aftbaxf4s; 4v
knovii ;1 0aft e
tion: we t 'and v W -10t
ond i
pre an
ea Orr. ISI: ape" e es" th of 11ridsh ta- am la�,
Von a -Pat
'the 'are,, Mvl Ite, to,
the too" him far j itidtk' n" the p M, df 'a t as comp e-7 .
en ry a en oSprung UP h
th;we Slot nitichines iit� tibn one' is; ain vpn�(�Mver` where *Ai&
in their mirl.0h arriving at a, e e26 t, one Of tent co, t� listen %at the rq7. "si.
0-4 Ntiiu�thio &eat
1�� peep,, fiel6t ' *' "
tied hint ,, i I "eat
109. S, ot - �' I � A 1. - these, beej 'clubs ex -Mayor �ot aasi&r c�emselvift- av
Eiight see, -tordeth, e§PQjaalk10_ who, do
atiornin n, deil'ded'
$oiil dozeL-Port Elkin Times lal i an hey0
about olikk Sold
ban an o Or p ace on�
ganc, to ib AN
w1ko do AePlorable., "We ohwgalal watch n. t
off - v ",6 evel Me .6f, a Oat,
nin a
Abu* beAr Jjj' m1bd' t6t t�6 g6t te. bave I att letters from wivft Coal- In' 1h4tiA 0010"ii, ala I= bill" PA
e�kse, no olile to the identity f the. PI rl�6 no sm* coo a four I "I"
with Bi'u� Mra&in