The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-16, Page 23 F7.-,', : I., ­ . . '' I - .;t, -W.. ­ — ", V117 7 7", r7 771, A :7.7. 77 wl THIE TRVE WQf F%.nt.,-0x&5.`N0 ay hoof,9 The *W -eii, bad' Of. C 0molgEW 9 ellit Bef T qUarl, 4= 54 Afived an receive, *oW *;Vt Y91W to messuro tem in' the, fan, t�, We. are. AcedAtOM04 1_2Q. G,014en'TeXt�-111�6 e# of the Solwer MZrk elts". W raan's,Huccess by the Pay hq� kA:14. to lie, ZV91 many 4" shou:d be- 'T�M FO -DOM J�ffWe 25 X it (Altober bps gOr.splring'; -Sower sqweth, the, wor&­7w a thing, j.tbi,.tin�e toget think'of,work as Y teridl re Its SAVE'� �x for �II6 Mal, 'cAuh �e� *bQft cep e,,we ,thin 4t r""'- in the ulioienlmi; *61" tar M, have- t iGgo *014 kinds- either', shj� :d x -be V ;s -;d, 'Oei* you, have two 1e Ae 9 JkVA UA au rter y 'e first of the floCk �ot tJ3a ie an to doe�X _Mg jo*i =,ne �r a 8imatel �On y Oon as V, . ft 6ftom 11W. �P F7 -7,!K ep into, Wr have, set CO=3=91 tk� iffi>eks be fi� I 'ants that gf. _ � 9L ' r f a 'ea _M rYUCT )ts d or our, .9 a It's. in, 03aw was! ��nd their ro< to _0 isr3ieW, in, A::ZV i",lts itj gjecte& F:V I tin t that'ti�ne �,Xcw§ p; like up A ' � I �_b leafage. to St=d;K upp�� � be 0.!.anL it Vfa PaT,., Mg, f r L= ore- it tandards Of t�,`ben ­ t o Ae ente= the pae�,h and ex little, , ff�t to ne ho pe h3t -on as aI ny. false Or' e:.=b, d, pose or. "Iv�s too. in case b;� ad& -4.0 d* of, sumnier, Of are bei� M�atl 'hin d the =�eEs4gge t�le spqrc .9 d 01-e L-ce � f , life, de We take an - pea _bme, goo ropt gr�ollth bef Pc� le- 't 9 r ,.r . per� In 004 Eheep are, t4t win, *,,period. 91 ve the f� P at life, 0 only a r ew ped be dr; ore?, _k they she=!d A10jay, aiU tb OQ one?d to' live 'N-, r has exPerIlm weth,�,. puts the bufhs to; An� j�y bo,_14 b 'risisL3 U'pon' vion to 'Of, the lAttler The,. true wor 133 qPener__`e th#." freezm mDnths ye eim,-A4 n hbWelf kee, first in iwith those drought. k =e4. --gli the _�ent an 'Com;nl, work, -that he .1i efi-,� are: wh��t eso to be dix_!]� bar!ey, and less finding.. ;inO Qieg� totb&.'*Q. ti gme'alre thy t Idp& of WAg t,07� Z�aiws ketiv in qaaft, b.Ab%i the * ttiot It, f or the JOY of accora g'" reare several differen lead th,Z were jsW4 -an sir Iniust b.e,,i 'a he-'win,tqr; of' his work' W.66 ep,. dip on the, Tarket.,,way.- ;Dne ofjhe esultson 5 on. Ve h VirticULLrly. sO the t e, ry, sea, plishment., T o;InAle penit z It to do it 1�ot:she -ctory� truP_.wqr good, and:Vtkes de roPeo b*hUe,he thus. and ripee, "'use he like, peren�ials,the Mo9t IM t are 'gral . Thete is a, rk is I OWn Rn22e_ A r . ' iric .1. ed �ha d' ight in doing . L04 ;ire. Mr it be meal—an. he 0,th b. of.' ne )e -il2ge. h 4e0p; is. 11-0ne too h not f ill, beot wQ e aeve, siL Mix it :we:l ti. redu The'&K­ tree- The oliVe, ie'PartiCila tag T! , tile hekingdpnt, it ", ncii er'a ideal" pipg �hmdd -that e mzt WIt a e rt Y Vize of ear, tx1re. tion, mrral. grO, . _W re�t d Atd: as 11 V 1ectiri A and t . It.. Pays:, reward. P0 the' *ith. tbie. sic. fijmd �Yjts root sytem and Its"Scm wth rn�re or less, b ad f sonal satisft, �itlty !to the' stirr, fod�e tuvides a hstanol'the, drougbt, T e. 1) 1.- T*- ai, ctiye Age -n 'Wen foliage to it- These are Alie'.9reatest on'. re�agW.US - 2 Ito and ir ;%,our at the I iarthgod. The c;o nZljo�. �d �e all the 'Med rrah c 2:�A, ojerr; other 1:�.up an imp! 7e pooduetg nogan win., They orm' a ei thai it PM=Ats of bottom. The' -he9D sho?44 reMMIP Z.� m I'V tW gn d were "Corn'. relvards _o -fi-e it i - the dio f Ad frd!2 L -.Marly Were' a23q present, b 6a� Pn -"= or s tA)O -1rha,:minds of and' 'Stee. In _q�, Y� one IS= - ­jW OiL" .(See Ps' 105-15.) -the hig "tion Of a . nts be� oh -st tpv of Ind hou:d -p. f prev�nt. to apw 0 mentative r rocess, them ick!y,gind the Voe' =4 S;kin irp�rtant fact is that j "the true worke'le six. inch_— -y' r I I , . = 9 The othel they, come nlf oaid bnce' + to qu deep fr= o-. 'the lan9c Wa _25. _TMU Come thojOU#b' Iitn� dles- ds hav� plaiied,uponi' �y uniform Cd of the.Aral t1i Z'te& P--Ie--.i!ie- Is F I Wewhom the go 10n.TnjMt In the� jd�ng. If' Y S'at=' g. 'of Jesus re little or Ic9t hip :uoie ed Vd& ][octk pre, g 'Lhe, i�; a very lax- one apar -thc.preac ine is des- e, forin rl *zd have our. patence, t -rMs addition IZrtk Add; bdoii' being su I . ?. I Ba -sure thit,burtxs, of thi�s'aTne kind no fnIft M330ug them�. rc,gra�-O- t gerM wfn r be, MJUT­ build an ex- so e..farm- to tj�i sa Brt it on 6tfi,�r . 'to he c�n �,t be J;Me &Pth�, _.tbp 't ated land,—ba �'ar�.,:.The't�ur gp_ the the han&-lue see ban cul. q 'alittle. in these lat6t'ye the'Jime o �tempo 'th her fodder t ratum are all set at. the,' -e and. tiler di -p 99 if ly moors, lun the Eaase. that boe a o' le Ccintinued-to dood Culture penave , Puig t A !a t ot,,gra.d ea by,. ed- A. vacant room in, deT�_Xoptne_ valllev�- often the, oil not ha nr much' easily s ers ardiong'PS Itisfaction Mg f n ere g.sure'that r., d__ZI 0, ve� we, �0 1. air s mansweT, f fill f�w bilie4Kin' 116us five, . gi, d and. or ary so in-, . r thar�. liame, alId!, more 'thart, hal an inch cep t and' 2� I tisfac- in, pe spring, thns., aU 1:� stake s'�'ed com but an is 4 at o" dmo_!4 are dearer to, esl;;s -are ny, donkety� Se6lirng'a ivanti�y 'of ver, r helds growing be ll fiDwet bi-Adeving ones filled with id, fr6in ar creameryl. I plaw to e `11 Will sit the -same have. ev!�-rywhere ther6_ sto from seeing 0; . if :bi build of Ordi'=rly _ir r �w I - � d.rour pastures tnte for' Isede Cdtulee tilated, -0t '51�rVie the 'y he king- pt-lh-a- Ain ful'crdp.S an The P=e. attle bDry tank.,;v_ y 'u anywh�re. n,:the up 'IS advisable to mu;F4, th� �beds with but toor,oft�en, t as been groovid atched zeco the 'hig h, 01 Used '=a Stra-w; =ay raber -ired you, 11 ton iture after' , I.fat cattle.;, L houses, I ma f� Palestine fij d .0e four ke-A thoi� palrabli ei, t isnoot I tbe., only: b plMnized now- is. ad&r and anaW" the ground I L Gut— -en ry. con V the g_ tg the' r *` - - P � ; ie� soinething fka for -the- aTerage. lilied wit I frost an 1pre-. h-p=-abldr of the sWe, there must, k mg� of # 'di 'Ir� -Strong f rexirig, oiad-'-th�,wing vb��`..Wei- ini EL 11rider. all three r-Ttils,4pan lie , :,.. - it�ed 7rm alon, 6=d 'ordina Tr �Z r terpret the teaebing of I i on Yow -SPriLYs- of the ejed 'abies': in this.,. I y leonst-Ta a, part is a natil 'Iriln, 11IM qmnt#y bbe tesW brice if Check UP ra Seed corn should, pos -vat, althovf& muses There Is no better time than during d6n,� here g;t a th� - the s�A:l to hea�ve,. thus injuring tbk �_nd he other van -the substanti, tam dev*TA tit le. in e, Ped 0 t h ton, '�tWeX bein *ddeir :164e test. ''.. 91 Thj�s ter t4 , f ugh ma3iy Jo get an iiccur4Xe; accompaniment of, work wsII,dQn to lbe_ ba�vest season if we be'per- gallon, fbr eaC use jr, 'be consci ilk if.. we moved early'in t1h* 'Pring the MZS�age, Jesus osof poss the rbots_ m h I be p 1he EPiiilg juA say -n a -wint;�r -and -1he other in OW .=,Aber heo-ters t2� ssful one has- 'OeSr into 413,,'This slim of hovr' succe We be- patien't're irnate -noug 0, -wi 'bat the message is; not di- jjw , 4:iiei test h �thi h ing. In e, iA mean hi.� r � _ . b e�X 1 before th ID gT ballbs­start, int OWU bee4 in spraying, ea,mpa ears, doing' OT& I se3a:t, op,4,kernel from �e= 'p. _Vrm. not hy g C1.40P. e Ariest, of through The Darwin t the kingdom M& you reich the top'Of your, trees continue Unke Indeed, 04'1 inaft It the prmg -hard work, slouching Iriels, �n Sprayi i0i of, PTO- geTm ng;, or d disco,ai.; -Bus kais oew 1Vme the otato "ge,� Br6eder and withoui' as the. 51'* ta The comer 'a_ Tes 9 the. about six r in- 'tg the, momen s. GO&S mOft-aciurate test, to -P., + types should'; plaa* there? The giv.ing,up -to gToWer, ShOU r Id. -Cater,' 2XrO,. be by y an y appl�g said and the' th�' agerft6nts that US' Nre' ceeds. from (fifferent rows f I v�ry'best w4s grow ve.- if we be tr;UO: M the.wis-he f_t, -del ect I 'ed app, 17, al eay�. f fewot .4 c Dutch hy ones -rooded'. tha to wbkh 1y tl?e� f Itually �rii .it the time -0 rminate, exact furn aC tops of the trees, t we e f differerit I*rtS,,OZr, eaeb He should inths a:re the v. p dB "Ples� AT i,c iri mm 4bq1togg -on- fairm, vre. leemels. ge ;mg, eu.-� J n y2enfr ..,-P. b tls.ithe th forlifi 9(nd, sh. aTe Sel6m lu� If''0a, - , ould- imlreftillY *MGY e c I U. 'a 4LYr diseasied ifinean's, that maY where7ver they or# Confirdprice, th irbat fed, if the corn, Or, 0 +,is a B =an&bf the-riarkithe wisbes' Sfilglle� are gen 'd, conscien-, the :1 the di e Seed a W1 -r fod& air'd' =6ore' &-ksfac-' the t�ray didn't -re ch them. i I yi work, wi work is Mucli Id doubleL, yilds',mo 11 high-princip e or Rim o nd a, lot zo ?OTATO w6t jesu� tb�refo f injury'frolll. tic t�. the beit. PTic -than: VA ff dn6. tD Ito 'servo� es , - I bugh, tatoes unil017114 t714 tisly dir.ected f ' b The'' 9 'thes 1, table tFr� I types' "ich may e pArobles s�rlg eneri aAe6u the tubor� the, & bi- )f tj�e Idn. the'world about iis,''and not t�ven though I" lem dl�t- 'fe ra. cdling� moth? A res ther rneditim.: amd: b;e f. -!:,s re. nm to We V 9" suo:�eed, its th� vin d the the* with large, h if; one does, ne� or: -us to pay or tilto "as well -whether . selected by Dgffodfl emce�but all too, com po; I ­ * , S. 40-4-n in the, yellows, The- Seed i arid.th��'ha_-Vest WI too short over from year to,,year- . J3"- '-bort'tr pets, Wp be METWO11) OF, disea 'Uves u thorc an gh d -qe 'foe bag' not pray' g. (itiaree-sedtl0n. MY basket,. the bushel, t e' mansion �ro SED CORN Whe t1he T � CDMMe thesing es a adjoinin i'the %6& po he or. the cat:1064 enough iried. hb �y'to heart Arm the�e any apples with Son Jose,bu d PI, tato crop it, rk inoud to'. ee �co ter thanthe fine actory method Olitall tubers with The ur yGtith. MOLY ha foun - to kank a f. k6t,­but*r s and the Poetic C PoetaZ, The- mo. ho. mar , , r, _dA4,be:, n�hiri% Of the:dil '?,You can check lip, very dreims. of �O' areas on the stifftee P r � potatoeg, Qu _ut types. Mc�alties which "the : truly gi*at an h;ive� d the loca. when I*e-t Ecale on them piit. his he1� h;cb trid ';he '5pel; and f selecting 'bein gthered' bro�x�b �-:diseblorat on, Of �th` otype w u e IM,L.-t�"e..,wA_Y g*5 accuMtely indeed oil the pl6valeno:6 of e �Tvugh �, . I _S 'e" not� die rich. ebo.6se the �OTM, as it is 9. Sewt—Tbis'-furtg7a!� ty 7,,Paver�vvhite and ihe�Sba�e�es -e Christianizijag of'' the worid. . I Black a -ilabk, e �rcliatd �since it wili !h Eli& srla. t place the & mo�rket' pale in � the T 1' if there Is, any on anot anott?) owa 4&ff0ft4_ iboaa b L , THF�'��_ �A_N TEE bund 4 on Xhe app, 12�4; lack Orthe jre�ed hnd v6ii can detei "of: doiirs.-��E_' A-' keep�, not b asi6�iatiqn. It YOUR -.Ql0ART,OF,"., ;I box, on d. 0e The Cro �g op, the",, rinine wilich them parate, ft= thc;the tuber drc RM Con price p hird shou d' _'for: 5ee& times,'oecurs -that 'of 5217T-t�i Je--Ius t`,P�-e�ach h' .. POERRIES.. 0i I . � IL r I from P 'ch for'r T,�'. trees! or vr lch b166ks of is pUT.POZ-,e 11 . I .. _L r I . .1ri. I ' I I I., for' Pic 'a. bm 'The J,avn are eive,16,�ing on -lap= jiext winter, k ivi 'PO-; ider jn� choosing an ear' or: seed arei,-� Ste y e C0115111 r sip,, rkg T b . 4 4,My'.mot er,once sen' -Me yar � ou� on ue M End lot— Wh -e oi�, -Upp Y -prayed for reqaled of �bjf a Ted an su area. es abot' ci_-thir axe,% 'I b& Von tl�e preacc perfies,,',, i�a soun tato petite or , e sel= 3 gai quart of -he 'let f CC Zt of tra 'F.-OM:t We r is" On to de ray conif imity to �tnw7' ai .:tbe stem e6d, of the ell, n. lt��,incr6sp it, madd. near, Lit a C" n -most P�_ts of, th,6 dountry,.. I is,. knoiM menOW. o ba&,to hi bd� It is�'thoughts 9 'OQ Tissas.�ng 'th�L ;and stern &st .on is: tbe E. 2r� AGUM oribirtjon�� and on; h, en r leift for' the t compar k rffLtined�. The vhoud end,a brdwrii=­ rm- grower tz,.�p4y'sp I ecial att tion to it t is nt to ple IWen , "I -did, no.t,Wa t even ;;B, J.the'c lu�try. t &-uhtedly. ong chi rken-7pox-. deentation, ti�i_ visible. ';Ould be� _�Uri of the sorehead. 6f di-�ihe orneil.. War ry--Care is of raSp ited, o.. b did, be, 'a condi ek for each. the ap, quart b tk ' lion p atiturrin. �:' ft;�dj�� for.. . Such " 1. - Of and 4itb VM -fea- find soot,y blotch 60. �ything bnt'th t. 'dragged UP bruising Ori Par j Still rait t­� o happen w en we,. pa, iiblp lii�id Pe 15; a v '--the var� t6e M'b -Should be' bei;t �r - gi7e co s the tubers is a�t t do rth. .pounil of -su'phtll' O-Mugh;' jllr,�S �Of r&M 6, dy,' moist �mall. as handled, g reasy brea we w"Id,the berT.X.YaEqh xed of �h The� le�n in weather 'in" *illi�; feet to lid, ree I: the the have uch 10 whruck J�us niGeSage Of% "Then a ha Tile -e Ver,., - vs � :, . I I .: 11 . �py thought st ha7i a, big�h percent tl6e' lirh� i6a see bv� Y. 1-4 that eifter thAt I gi aia had fty-some settlOnsi from -1;V111ch, 'as we _ea the tL_ ja�g&M IZ two quarts of raz, id'one feels 66-ollskusted, age the, man* wi�haut, a. sBoi'.ha= surtI, of Epsov� Salt& seiison;. or family! That oiharig�' It cTualized' &e �cf.tq'e I-injtdora is this the �zj r e _1,,Ccnc��e& 2330 the p Eke a Jesus thathe did notput. on one nore spray, Sort to, �n t6, coops a "�igk to and'surprise _h, a g00d Ll' re ree, Pr6cee- -ha�d jur C Mg I her days '21 n. t.,eati.'Maliffi� he who this ti�eatmen to the nL-ssage_'and stopi,it. of this d -'J: so ht be-exten e er be2T=- are n d' -ihe list mig J . I I an.-ur,-,, �ofl adapted, '�d��edevrything. I : 'Weat" n rt tha licking. those- two qua s t Fvery chicken re d -xn'-moatb_.vdth the h --n&- It IS sittIa-1 have forgotten it En- -an _kjake a thorda'��' can�ass 61l'the WA -chang the. I 4�_9;� 1&�, atiori by mo�ke a recc 11_1 3tE d' ner attitud primaiii y, be- V. 4. There, are heart$: which aJre. rMr o better e.. Or he 0oc- fig-. he i Eact ,one-oL le and mak-'e , �7 U ,6 he ea of,wha� you find desirable situ 'in tbe.� the 'T ND THk S* -mo gOD4,0Ver 4 the hens 164e�tid Shadis scrlp"n -us-. It his. Ition-is it Its. nex 'to pick,. s for t 7 Ut year.,. 2*e a. riumj�,= of, d 'prod like of fields- "Seed s-6vvri there is rg that .'we hould -be there., ok a, e= . ge� f iaspberT s For 0,nr ftfta thin ]BY LUCY picke-0. up birds are. Ying L -E If 'a diti6its, in out:.-. We$ that we,5hauld,�q thie I t h or, -,. __ in- glad, to, get. o -be tbe.ptir-Jetween ;;w, -u �, lil� e and n Bloo rid farmer First f A%, ft. but4 0 mc : I Nardisus. f itV.-i ter it js'a,mere or- : nlay,4 be pot- ever' found 'circumstances . Y ".1 of, S.,eptem1wr I pnig th�_t ',for t_toz,;- whtcmpss 16 PSP 6thee lnr�on m im h, ero - _N 11 suen a. So Li -v-,: thujhl�s� ai:d, -The narcissus an k sete k, is �not V 9. - I rn- are. for worl( "con as 'the., his liking. hySiMET. fiZ;, In Ql�� th�j *ii- v, To bu Z are on, _a M=d SIX or. ective, lainp _'H from -of tl,-- Kingddrn� ted forr iwinter !ooril',," Bure, jhaj,.tb� " . . ght s:, s __WWr to retty attro b It ying har �i ua- T 's to find 'b to- �a �dee Setember 6rl,, words6 b2- 61 ­*­ I.. ]�-e-vertheleg�,-almosi a.n.y. n s: pelvIr eggs a have a fe�v . Lias not a t' e-bird'per rnon. - , -a creamy � uff p tar ce of taking root - Bul ate obtained. in ad_ Ther' he- h ed -for -the 1 S . f i"'g:�HeAred''t A 'tion can are, L n __aT*"T We faeae ol� back cd CtOlnr�._T� _­ r - I 2s rease�m fieven all It 'h f­th�_­o er;",� h 'no;;" CQ1 I -e. t be grown in the.hoirry here9,, o. ta e Ott lat,of. e. . it is- advisAble to, -use .6 th6r_ ro layers- and breeder& h handicap. ed a I A groue T 3,t'C #1 61 h3 '�hg 't is -1 . .1 . ' I .to r .3 to ttl S Ilow one's quinine pi 'th a c -or eight- sb&qld --be- exV, . used WX s hea -o ng wa 'I thai� �ic d eo� 9 ring, tigh gree as 'flb*ef th-_ Ak-irab kin ting good to us ilit g4anips �b _t first six .Y, of wor n gi�t fully Ali he" Iaht hi I cv4 them; No one 'i3 e q very H lore in the ch five to te 9 a6ccirdir4 to 'he throat schebsi of po ty war. e reeswts, lig t ft' foi Tfie' t =d twant from desired - until he oluf6. OP g, li�- 6'r 'Js' assured, h that over- all -13 4=Mined f,6,r gvi eTL add -the' t, it W ne -st--oalA bei J Ing the size of the stock. If iti cec lxi out r ftwOme, t;� D-lored sh?-&-s 'a oOf M015MM here ipap� a ot ��r, fo ex nt ' d itinA2ti6r_-d,- �btlt to grow the. bulb ' bloorn r� In heA neral fesblng� a supplkm�en is to hi�of enthu�_ri�tic an BE 'a '3k4M - good,06d.making the sour' The ge y So ir.'te, t*n cut flowers in vases, �a liBould be -z bf�'cialor -which tha "Shad'. w fhear�:r5 vrbo elcciul�. and.use the sweet'in expqrience 'work to se-_ tttat ceived from ew,,. littie, spt o are 21 -<gneon p1 V hol(Hrig tip doing 11-3. b- lIghl his first animb-a3i: , �w ltb-a bAlba* in. bc&,6s-, of any asthe' birlds t J, Dam a� n_re�, 27e, a�d ee -9 Ou de r 0 nch.e.2 ic, amw w#4 Him* he g60 d_'tben brjgb��ing 119 n-to'hi y 8'jog t44 in. 'taseivl tnexe are 5 Pt p�q PME Dx-tweti-ti-foutJ -ty Of' the vent Sh trd� Come M Foirtu d,.trimminjg%, which v. y r1la wit aThere.:Fre to the bert pittein df'ther World ar ehen T�p -V"7e nches byrl'thr6e�inches "i,s -very in 'free''A I twel 1 1 �Sae tb= t and ro.Q=," seil. enoukh, but full bf'ha dyr he soiI should be rich gar- 6od cheeir -to pikk two �qua'rts., 3eto, Th n 9 cen Beo of the it t- add oil -of b one -I ar- hid the, m ova, -CBS-' 5, to o the ri _d� and It I At�isiakotv. ; .� tb6yr-s frl6fil gray proves� Mo_ --t. c e-thlid efo'r� "thit picking of ften rown, or, Ort den loam �to whIch 0 e -word in. but its growt is M"Mth of low. o'-' b b Isib lei for, thus girmg, starIL 0 an oftyin ' q 1. - oraemwbich I You ma -f leaf. ould and.4lifficiefit seernk.d an ntoleiriible�task�, fed egg, duetion, but bi gh PtV_-es a� of o�ir 0, inegg day up=vwthl' heFked, b- jbj: laying of' irupeT jug. y_ u aVe elleCtejCl 1: U Pf, sand to.,ke'ep the- -dil rom clinging. ,.when 2 g _e nag birds Over h -Tb e sW: *bf a &ztkirs are uitgble ri" e, pr' . Wd by' ineani Ve 'P�ttery or p 'a 5se t Th= the 'd ay 'd a I -of Do fail, full id � ov Stock ex�� ly nurF�;its..and am- coarse cindeft . brokenpot, ory tte d lo,= or tride; lo6ki4g pqt rY an 9 eir 9hi rig tli� ourpciFe_ is, o try' ce�seq,-ured that has th ppin n� to 6e4 Same bowl 9 a, breeding stlin po; litte'glass lai MUMeY 'er. of. incom.-e.' Thou iriotth td make a gener'Ous- lid fl�.. M - MP biti0r, 5hot in,.A6 bottom' of tht eiss to gn I . . . ."hldeig h; o tr�uly &CY Pose bam. 7,Mg. make- them i ' f h ouih treti..tinetit of market 'sioli:4' tst b4' tk4�bigl -rvotr 1 and 41i be con -1. fresh,ging: wh. ,the pots' or -boxes and t en� the �re- egg j_�roa, Eized tese bedroorij�, g k.o. or OSe.' or, as: squn n rAMS, yet if -burning, laoin Pazed, Bell' In, qufhcie"t tc� lwheih-�r it, be P-; qu, on mat 9 areL, pem. d yery bree&ng de- Oj the bjik wor n' -1,9, ihe, of- 6rd 6f Ca ada. a Atubs And otmr Theu, them in t�io cotita, the. -farm: -ar I d wi ewreach- ' 'thin cine-fialf'Aneh fro Vie_buyers, -'ex 8-, B t tb. and good � ail lid T hese bow,15 ifie Ihi f in, 1ects. cin, to tbr�- -ange d tali, tro 4 re -are tote of; box ;pf �06t.,A ter,!fir vt:nety 0 ea57 j I f rid, -agors 'tO 14 T oo�v for ­ UM dred extm �'Viirletg h�- In'be3t resit "'d '.sofl. wbellv bulbs -'should be pressedAnio the pect,16as',fi6in,this cause.' d'al -ee them in, Octob�er. i, a.�d ,some It ikb an We �brown�'.- to=. rt , gLare leaVIngl, 1yurc asing the ahimp' S., Mwt a tha' Zy imarkL o0 -,e it -wh6n h Pr I &ect , in the' ats . I nas JW T60m- oit * bk�hter Y -=v e?_uine fgith and, covered firm y, just birds tne qw greem; ge L 25 tne be s n, d ab� wh�' a hiirvett of be EVery mark Ioft Vbet, 'They. alee h Ot,-. of fashion: Tr 9�' the tip 11 rithe ho�, ev6h make. a rescAution to aU go6d,, pro-,ided has' g6he 'When' all'the,boxmi vant, 4f, I 'Id, be p At the time of. GMP� -P tu�tion es and. r�ds.,: ght,, ils litiggy whi arother!.year, h I - I sess, d 11 ne pts ou is and the get oh ­e le in Oa4,er th,�Mr so: that tw Da. d' and on tht� side po-sible iti'i-olld frame orAill pinig-, shows itsc;lf moSt Or 'ih the rest zharpnegg supvlieml-ri Our m0 k`e�-gg shadde hartinize b,' try ho� jelil weil sind tfienil Frorn, vvhl��ing, kkk oDened V. -hp ' e it 1,1 tlint al, yhi:ririg, the ocul; some schern�, 'j�r fird.a� the basdinent, a the'; -b' t�e -an (if 8.1111 !or, this -r d bro'wn or Ing, ef ih the 1lea is nothing: of,wbich are 5:�Pez-Zr better cinders. 'Thn; coterihg will' hundre ntbeT ha*t e tan rcam t i nod pnc�e 0.,l 7M eit er vithle: each yeiir, before i Sft aM4 P.2, '1 0., 11 the ­necessnr,�-, %!cof­ o�tidition _Ure to -1.7 Spec -t, -m.. IniA -)iigbi_�-r thl�- h- -=Ak, t1w Tb' nt. drying' oiit. ' Su'h treat. i)i1o!kIllW Ph"It 1Y ng, be 'F er -e I m��:ritel I i - 7,, L� _-Pch e and peeve C, very -g- in -ca- thp S-azde 'In perchrri�nt� clOzh�� 1 4 ' � I I ., _. e. . -a, 11), r� r a0 upvk a ew ds" 6; of .4H for which the'f' 6lie' _'t will deveolli$p n good vi it ?- -!at aidavenPort_ 't pro�-- prod", r a'pol banofed. orr thmr uld lie PM7 ht, that mor 0 y the­�- lch'�muuti to Pay. M cjjar� whi-ch detigr.atr, armeril 6t jig o k) -4tiritual ght F11 coT�ditioii wll� to tIlle m3es, even re, fo_�t jo ti-ent bv system, a Would p6�', nsjonty C, P rh1_Woj2,_ a dedthe Eight our, -YA riy- ate, he -1 vont�'(Vlf red ba� rr-ay b - bens, 'of ;",:that dsed are still,a p 11 1 1 recede, the� blooin t the vidol.*, himi4elf with. Prober Ictiding 49 neatb, the s.and is u 'ho, So" Ition gVA of corr--por, ng red', PrP- -n witb 'zree. may Mn. t lir". most of # -1, - i-_ I - 11 ­` -_ weli C)6,6r:-: S re ort joti�d- t be. full root -q A it n. 5gn- -'rom � Ill' .9 whi a -del; of, arrang-ament kieis ths t,(,�, the light and hent. I 'Co- tf 911. L%rV- 'a6c'3 7'.atiOtS Of r eyet. *hen -�T -is -free all obrull Mqg F��titg� '_ .. � + flat 't I 1DU b- at, ed quir o rinig ittirei. ejj�*j, he1_-_S4_a 'the nuthiloelty of 0 b g WC1rX=Z1 itq� flowpr,� Von in lsted, Varieties 41 jy g I &Udt Omfa t"t 50�t � � �ti, Sir Wi t Ver,+Ar rig, ror Sion; Gjaryr Of Tjode al In, Trumpet Major, EniVeror, froin' ey, n uPhoemir, Re'! bo. provehted on, ContpiCua'.. Ma ejj�.JStiC pr a d. .1i �Vitll prea Tr,-- Stelln; Cyn(�.Auroi, �4, calvola hy :�!ot frirg-,� and diAt the. lie rvinove tPocto�bq Vnndi6rit And 0' P, � t117, Sbe -.76AW6. , �,Ite,�h anfhu fr6n.1 At % A'b'und, Only n ftw (6110o ilrol riluoh 110t6r, to t1le Se� P 9', hisIn' for inor Put of it kirid Mgother, rol -Y? Oir 110W long I t tit), r e" 'Sprl�ng thlr� any _�lip' a rubber round It. Tho work of to'blotwh witili Why, not Take� glVip 0*.,tbirgt *hicl 9 tb fin(I any I h, ty to put ihom III IIIIIA0#rAIIII h�,#y 9 oil 41 Jill bd hit -ILP. dispeiiMC*ith ilod the I -ne 5 oItho Nvork.: jecetitly. a4ded to the 4V� cirefta studii�x thqw,th*t 10A, thaA hob tit Sun but 2 pet oent-'Of th� gi,45 who wit boea , Oups olawn rqu;t&d. ounteAs itan mAke, 96-A P i